Quote# 57864
Individual Rights?
Where do "individual rights" come from?
Answer: Individual rights are based on morality. Morality comes from God.
When individuals define their own "rights" or "morality" we get anarchy, immorality, chaos, and moral relativism (whatever I want is good as long as I don't (seemingly or immediately) "hurt" anyone else).
For example, "individual rights":
1) Redefine real heterosexual marriage to mean a union of same-sex couples; then what follows are other deviant marriages - polygamy, bestiality, male and female harems, child-adult marriages, and any combinations that the deviant and debased mind can imagine.
2) The "right" to murder babies in the womb; the "right" to chose who lives or dies- the weak , the sick, the old, the handicapped.
3) The "right" to suicide.
4) The "rights" to produce, sell, and watch pornography.
5) The “right” to special rights; affirmative action, quotas, hate crimes, hate speech (calling someone who disagrees with the Homosexual agenda a “homophobe”), and some people are more equal than others.
Fabius Cunctator,
Townhall.com 63 Comments [2/7/2009 4:59:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain