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Quote# 61543

anyone give up a house - or car or family for CHRIST...

the tihings of this world are passing away- i gave up my wife who is not saved for the LORD to be free from her sin- to be accounted worthy to the LORD..... I PRAY FOR HER for JESUS to save her- but i will not be brought down by her any more- i gave her up to JESUS....

i gave up the house and forty ackers of butiful land- it hert yes!~ though through great sorrow i now stand in the LORD- GOD saved me and is perrifying my soule for redemption...

casting all of my cares on the kingdom of GOD the new jerusalem- a mansion in the kingdom...

when i leave everything i have i will be prefect and in GODS hands...

maby you will see the least in this world shall be the greatest in the kingdom of CHRIST as i have found- life

what have you given up to be closer to JESUS???


stephen, Rapture Ready 111 Comments [4/20/2009 9:19:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 67
Submitted By: Telamon

Quote# 61547

So far the only Deity that science can now prove knows the germ theory is the God Yahweh. This fact will lead to proving His existence.

the chosen one, Y! answers 69 Comments [4/20/2009 1:45:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 65

Quote# 61546

as of 2001, the book of mormon has undergone nearly 4000 substantive changes. I can understand how one would have a hard time keeping up with what is actually true about the mormon faith.

In contrast, the Bible is God -breathed, Holy inspired and wholly true, without change. Perfect in its origin and intent. My prayers are for the people of the LDS religion to research their founder, Joseph Smith, a true prophet is known by his predictions and if they are wrong, time and again, then they are false predictions and he is a false prophet. (Apr. 23rd, 1824, 1832, 1844). You don’t need to follow a man who could never become his own god…only GOD is GOD!

Dana P., writetools (comments) 48 Comments [4/20/2009 1:45:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 61537

Is there a possibility that Criss Angel, David Copperfield, et.al., have real magical powers? I know they said the tricks they do are just illusions and sleigh of hands... but there are some tricks they did that are just impossible for humans to do. Could they have made a pact with the Devil in exchange for great wealth, fame, and glory?

In the Bible we read there were sorcerers and magicians in the court of the Pharaoh who duplicated the miraculous feats performed by Moses... such as turning his staff into a live snake. That gives us something to think about. You can go to the Library and find many fictional novels regarding people who sold their souls to the Devil by making a pact with him for worldly fame and glory...hmmm... Could there may be some truth to it?

wilvan, City-Data 90 Comments [4/19/2009 2:18:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Roxolan

Quote# 61532

Can You Come Tonight Lord Jesus ?

Will You Come Tonight Lord Jesus ?

Won't You Come Tonight Lord Jesus ?

Please Come Tonight Lord Jesus !

I Will Cry In My Pillow Again Tonight , Lord Please Come Back.

If Not Tonight , Tomorrow Will Do ?

I Can't Take Another Day Without You.

jetway777, Rapture Ready 122 Comments [4/19/2009 2:07:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 57
Submitted By: DaMentalFunism

Quote# 61530

The Molech worshipers of ancient times used to put their children for sacrifice into a red-hot statue of Molech that was heated by fire. While the children died they beat drums to drown out their cries. These women having abortions today might as well take drummers along to their abortions and at the time sing a few joyful songs. Its no wonder that Yahweh tells us in Scripture He's angry at this wicked generation.

MattithYah, Reproductive Health Reality Check 45 Comments [4/19/2009 12:23:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Sayna

Quote# 61519

A new Afghan law that has drawn Western condemnation for restricting women's rights does not allow marital rape as its critics claim, but lets men refuse to feed wives who deny them sex, the cleric behind it says.

Ayatollah Mohammed Asef Mohseni's Shi'ite personal status law sparked controversy abroad because of a provision that 'a wife is obliged to fulfil the sexual desires of her husband'.

Ayatollah Mohammed Asef Mohseni , Daily Mail 56 Comments [4/18/2009 5:21:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 73

Quote# 61511

This country needs to fall flat on its face.
If for no other reason than to put an end to the haughty arrogance of the feminist woman in this society.
They have gotten to the point to where they have no need of God or man.
and that is bad.

Turtle, Rapture Ready 78 Comments [4/18/2009 5:21:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 86
Submitted By: Achilles

Quote# 61516

I was thinking about this a little while ago. Dh and I were able to go on a much needed vacation on a cruise. It all came together so smoothly and I couldn't help but to feel it was a little gift from God. All through out the trip we just had such a nice time, enjoying ourselves and just felt blessed.

One day we sat down to eat lunch and DH decided that he was going to get a hamburger. As I sat waiting for him I thought to myself a hamburger really did sound nice.

At the table through the window we could see the ocean and vivid blue sky with wispy clouds hanging here and there. Well as I was thinking about having a hamburger, I kid you not, all of the sudden this little cloud came floating by that looked EXACTLY like a hamburger!!!!

There were the two buns, the sesame seeds, and where the meat should have been was a straight empty space. It was perfectly formed with the top bun just slightly bigger than the bottom one.

I just started laughing.....I couldn't help but to strongly wonder if a little supernatural fun joke was being played on me.

I Believe!!!, Rapture Ready 100 Comments [4/18/2009 4:38:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 61512

The Baptists are the only denomination that can trace their beginning back to the life of Christ. Therefore, we must conclude that Baptists are not Protestants. Baptist were never under the heirarcy of Romanism or any other church governing body. Baptists had their beginning during the days of Christ and his disciples, and even though they were practically driven underground during the Dark Ages, a remnant was preserved through every generation who have taught and practiced the Baptist doctrines and principles to this day.

Josh A, Y! answers 57 Comments [4/18/2009 4:36:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 61506

I'm sad for you people that your lives are so dull that you have to get your thrills by cyber-stalking Christians, taking what they say out of context, and then mocking it behind their backs without letting them have the opportunity to defend their position.

If you honestly want to know what I meant, it is that we are all born into sin as enemies of God, and we all deserve hell (spiritual death) and the physical death derived from Adam and Eve.

But even though we are complete enemies of God, Christ makes us pure and holy through his death. I merely pointed out he can and does do this with babies also. I was trying to combat a common misconception that babies are somehow exempt from the biblical verse "there are none that do good, not even one."

I'm not a baby hater, and frankly this doctrine is hard for me to grasp too. But it's the Truth.

BreadAlone, FSTDT Comments 59 Comments [4/18/2009 4:32:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 40

Quote# 61517

No need to watch the news, I've got a bible.

Hypothetical conversation between a friend and I:

Hey, did you hear the news, asks the friend. Yeah, we talked about it yesterday in church, I reply. But, that's impossible, this just happened today! How could you have talked about this yesterday if it happened today, he exclaims. Well you see, it's all written right here in this bible, I answer with a smile.

Fair and balanced

brownbear, Rapture Ready 97 Comments [4/18/2009 4:11:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 116

Quote# 61492

Atheists the voice or feeling that tells you not to do something, what is that called?
How many times have you decided to go do something and you hear the little voice in your mind that said don't do that? Then you go and do the opposite and something negative come from it.
How many times have you felt that you shouldn't have done something and you went and did what you felt that you shouldn't have done and something negative happened after you done it? It happens all the time and it has happened with atheists as well as religion people.
What do you think that feeling is?
What is that little voice in your head that have told you time and time again, hey don't do that and you wind up doing it anyway, only to regret doing it later on?
Let me just say, IT'S NOT YOU.
Now this is where I have to be harsh. If you have a feeling and a voice tells you not to do something and you go off and do the opposite, and you believe deep down in heart, this is a part of you speaking or feeling. Than you are fighting against yourself which shows that you aren't too bright. Because anyone in their right mind will listen to their inner voice and feeling and not do the complete opposite.
When you do that you are fighting/disagreeing with self. Those warnings are the voice and the hands of God. Not something that some idiot science had told you about your so call brain activities. You want proof that God exist, try giving him the credit when you are warned about things you shouldn't be doing instead of giving yourself the credit. In all fairness if you are doing the opposite of what your inner voice is saying, than something isn't right with you anyway.

follower_of_christ42, YA: R&S 88 Comments [4/17/2009 10:09:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 52
Submitted By: sha_lyn68

Quote# 61507

[Thread: Did God give us a hint with these foods??]

I got the coolest email about these foods. Take a look.

A sliced Tomato ---looks like 4 chambers of the heart and this veg is
excellent for heart health

Wal-nut----looks like a little brain, left and right side. We know that
there are 3 dozen neuron transmitters that walnuts help
in the brain.

Celery----looks like our bone. Celery has 23% sodium (or might have been
calcium) and so does our bone.

sliced carrot----looks like the human eye....carrots are great for eye health.

olives-------like ovaries-----olives help ovary function

kidney beans-----like our kidneys--help in kidney function with their nutriction.

Avacado, eggplants, pears------Uterus (avacado even has a "baby" seed
inside. These help target uterus function

figs--------male---they are full of seeds and hang in twos. Figs can
help with male fertility.

Oranges---sliced--like female breast for nursing. Oranges help function
of mammary glands

pedxing, Rapture Ready 104 Comments [4/17/2009 8:48:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 61503

[What goes through a lost person's mind when he hits the flames of hell?]

Is it wrong to find great amusement in pondering this? As all the atheists, scientists, and philosophers burn in hell for dissing God just like in Dante's Inferno, I kinda laugh. But to answer you question: OH MY GOD literally lol, as the devil a s s rapes them for all eternity.

Jacob, Y! answers 91 Comments [4/17/2009 1:57:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 77

Quote# 61495

[Fischer was the woman who ran the camp in the docu Jesus Camp]

Countless people have been born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and encouraged as a result of this movie and probably the single most outstanding testimony that came from a family that watched it in Mexico, was their 12 year old son prayed for a dead baby and it came back to life again! That's a pretty amazing result from a movie! So let the criticisms come. I'll take results like this any day.

Becky Fischer, Kids in ministry international 69 Comments [4/17/2009 1:27:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 78

Quote# 61494

I have noticed the absolute hatred that comes out of people's mouth about the pre-trib rapture, and can only conclude that pre-trib must be right. Why else would it be attacked so vehemently? Usually, people who are wrong attack people and spew violent hatred against (and some things I have read from post and mid tribbers are very violent and hateful) people who are right, and people who are right are usually more peaceful when talking to people who are wrong. That's just what I've noticed.

josh1313 , RaptureReady 57 Comments [4/17/2009 1:26:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 61484

So you don't believe in God and the Bible. But I believe God is more powerful than your Mohamed Obama and Allah. The prediction in the Bible has to do with the end of the world as we know it. Ezekiel talked about jets in his time. You really should read the Bible more you might learn. God and his angels will overthrow report that to your Petty homeland security and give GOD a laugh.

Vet, Topix 66 Comments [4/16/2009 6:55:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 61479

Man has broken God's commands and has fallen into a sinful state. He is deserving of death already so God can punish them through death any time he pleases.

If you are going to claim the God is immoral for "murdering" you do not accept that they bible teaches that man is deserving of death b/c if you have accepted that this is the case you will realize God is absolutely justified in killing everyone.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God is just in killing whom Hi desires b/c His own if His law is broken then the punishment is death. For you to call God evil for punishing man for breaking His law is you calling into question whether His law is just.

PSK6565, Beliefnet 65 Comments [4/16/2009 1:59:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: WMDKitty

Quote# 61465

Meghan McCain, the Senator’s daughter, seems to make much of the fact that she’s 24, as if that alone somehow validates her opinions, even on timeless moral truths like the sanctity of marriage. So I posted these questions to Meghan McCain on my Facebook page:

What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?

Later we’ll discuss why Meghan is not a good role model for young people insofar as her brand of “open-minded Christianity” has no basis in Scripture and jettisons the wisdom of the past. Here’s a theoretical pondering of Meghan on God’s created ordering of the sexes: “OK, God, I know you … like… created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like … so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking … ya know … we think if two people love each other … it’s like — what’s-the-big-deal … I mean — why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”

Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality 74 Comments [4/16/2009 8:47:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 57
Submitted By: GreenEyedLilo

Quote# 61474

[Yucatan penninsula impact site. Chixulub crater. Positively identified in the mid 1990s

Not "believed" so much as "accepted"


The Bible says it only took a week, so I'm not arguing.

That must be some crater over Yucatan way. Wonder why it doesn't cover half of Mexico. Apart from the fact that all the dinosaurs didn't live in Mexico.

drkildare, CARM 52 Comments [4/16/2009 12:22:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 58

Quote# 61469

A Catholic German bishop has come under fire for his remarks condemning atheists. In a sermon given on Easter Sunday, the bishop of Augsburg, Walter Mixa, warned of rising atheism in Germany. "Wherever God is denied or fought against, there people and their dignity will soon be denied and held in disregard," he said in the sermon. He also said that "a society without God is hell on earth" and quoted the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "If God does not exist, everything is permitted."

Most controversially, he linked the Nazi and Communist crimes to atheism. "In the last century, the godless regimes of Nazism and Communism, with their penal camps, their secret police and their mass murder, proved in a terrible way the inhumanity of atheism in practice." Christians and the Church were always the subject of "special persecution" under these systems, he said.

Walter Mixa, Spiegel Online 61 Comments [4/16/2009 12:21:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 62
Submitted By: poomermon

Quote# 61473

Suppose: The earth is 4600 million years old.
Suppose: 4600 million years ago the earth was a fireball. Burning from the center outwards.

Fact: That fire is still burning on the inside, and the surface of the earth is only occasionally affected by sporadic volcanic activity.

Question: If that fire started 4600 million years ago, why is it not already extinguished? I mean 4600 million years is an awful long time. Would the earth have a sufficient amount of combustion potential after that amount of time?

If it doesn't then this goes some of the way in answering the challenge made to me - to prove a young earth by scientific means.

Let's go for it on this one.

drkildare, CARM 66 Comments [4/15/2009 8:52:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 85

Quote# 61452

Within the next few years, a man will appear on TV worldwide performing miracles, even the most delusional atheist will know this man is supernatural and will understand God is real. You will be told that his the return of Christ and because you don't read the Bible, you'll believe it, just warning you in advance, this man won't be Jesus but Satan. That is why Satan is trying to "destroy the Bible without burning it": so that when is posing as Christ he can deceive as many as possible.

gymguy25, YouTube 60 Comments [4/15/2009 8:42:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: Bryan65

Quote# 61463

hind sight is always 20/20. I tend to believe the earlier stories about the Christian young adults and their Faith in God.
But we still have not learnt anything. Why didn't God prevent the murders? Simply because God is not allowed in out schools. We fail to remember that our entire public school system was started based on God. Our great universities were founded as Seminaries to prepare men and women to spread the Love of God. Yale, Harvard, Trinity, Columbia were started as Seminaries.

allknowingone2, USA Today 50 Comments [4/15/2009 8:40:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: shlax12
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