Quote# 63711

[About Lyndie England and other Abu Ghraib sadists]

I still rather share a beer with a inmature American having sport with some loathsome animals than spend a minute in a elevator with a goat loving muslim

CaptainBFox , AOL News 39 Comments [7/2/2009 9:22:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63683

Jesus died on the cross and died a very terrible death. I did a search on Crucifixion and it describes moment by moment how a person suffered, was the worse way to die. I guess I can give my head in a basket for my LORD. So be it . I know my GOD is real, read the newspaper and read the BIBLE you can see things told thousands of years coming true. WATCH ISRAEL that is the PROPHETIC CLOCK. All those that want to steal our threads and mock us REMEMBER THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those that are with Jesus will judge the sinners as well as GOD will judge you and we will be in 100% agreement with the outcome. I pray you see the truth because we don't have much time left here. In a few days will do a search on my name to see my thread robbed and dissected from you who are lost.

ron4jesus, Rapture Ready 64 Comments [7/2/2009 9:13:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 63668

Christianity isn't violent at all.

You have to rewrite history to make it out to be anything but the peace-loving, self-sacrificing religion that it is.

For example, people lie about the Crusades all the time and try to pretend that imperialistic Muslim rulers had absolutely nothing to do with it. The thing Christian haters are pissed off about the most is that history is immutable. No matter how badly you want it to be different to prop up your stupidity, no one can change events of the past, not even God.

Liberal *sskicker, Y!A 54 Comments [7/2/2009 9:12:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 50

Quote# 63653

Lucy Pevensie's character and Mr. Tumnus' character (played by James McAvoy), and their subtle interactions, give the impression of a pedophile trying to lure a little girl into his house. The whole scene is creepy and the spirit of pedophilia is definitely at work in this movie. Tumnus (Pan, a faun) represents the Devil, trying to seduce a young girl. The FACT that Tumnus is modeled after Pan, one of the most sexually perverted gods in witchcraft, doesn't bode well for Walt Disney's intentions. If you doubt what I am saying, you won't by the end of this article. In fact, you are going to be sickened. Furthermore, Tumnus' and his flute have magical powers, just like the Devil. Tumnus puts the little girl to sleep with his music. The next scene shows the little girl waking up and Tumnus crying, claiming that he has done something very bad. The subtle implication is that he sexually molested her.

David J. Stewart, www.jesus-is-savior.com 84 Comments [7/2/2009 9:10:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 63593

[People at FSTDT] don't make me mad. When I was unsaved I could probably out-evil them without breaking a sweat, if God can save me He can save them.
I love the way they claim Christianity is intolerant because they can't go to heaven without accepting Jesus, yet they claim not to believe in heaven or Jesus, so why do THEY care? It makes THEM sound pretty intolerant.
The thing is, they know, deep down, that's it's true, if it weren't they wouldn't waste their energy on it, the truth is they are lazy and spoiled and want to go to heaven without making a commitment to Jesus, they fear changing their lives because they can't imagine how to live without their hate and fear, and this is their way of sulking about it.

Tygerkittn, Rapture Ready 78 Comments [7/2/2009 9:05:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63744

[Thread: A muslim at my work....]

Does your hospital have metal detectors? Maybe bomb detectors? Man you never know what someone like that will do. If I was you, I'd find out what department he's working in, and I that someone at your hospital is keeping a good eye on him. How can a Muslim be a doctor if they can't even shake a hand?
Again, for the umpteenth time I wonder why our country is letting those that actively preach and plot against us, live here? Based on their track records, locations like hospitals and schools is not where I'd want them relocate

LisaJo, Rapture Ready 70 Comments [7/2/2009 6:52:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 66
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 63669

I guess the bottom line is GOD IS IN CONTROL. There is not one baby that comes into the world that God did not give to us. Whether or not we have the resources is not the point. If we seek God's will for our lives, He will take care of us, PERIOD. Doesn't matter if we have one or twenty kids. He will provide. I don't worry about the world anymore because it's out of my control. Even conceiving children is out of my control. Thank the Lord I'm not in control of these things. Praise God.

Take me away!, RR 82 Comments [7/1/2009 7:52:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 70

Quote# 63652

Just to appease the so called GAYS, no marriage laws should be changed. It is,what it is. Nobody wants to hear the rants and whining.
Their deviate lifestyle is their personal choice. They damn sure are not going to force their beliefs on my family or anyone I know. Take your alternative sex education and all the books you wish to teach little children out of, and go to hell.

The Outlaw Josie Wales, Topix 54 Comments [7/1/2009 7:50:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 63647

Other religions, which are all run by demons, will fake "miracles" and "exorcisms" to keep people believing it.

Chris, Y! answers 54 Comments [7/1/2009 7:50:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 63704

Scots Pakistani cafe owner forced to wear bulletproof vest after getting death threats from extremists for selling booze

A PAKISTANI cafe boss yesterday claimed death threats from religious extremists had forced him to wear a bulletproof vest.

Jimshaed Sharif, 50, says he has become a target for fanatical Muslims because he plays music and serves alcohol.

Unidentified, Daily Record 53 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 50

Quote# 63700

The interesting thing is that at the Creation Museum, people actually learn about both creation and evolution. However, I don’t see secular museums teaching people about both. Also, science curricula we publish teaches children about both creation and evolution. Public schools won’t even let students hear about the problems with evolution, let alone teach them about creation. So who is really doing the brainwashing?

Ken Ham, Ken's AiG Blog 69 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Paidblow

Quote# 63699

Can we be sure a verse from the Quran wasn't written by satan himself?
We stick to God's true Word - the revealed scriptures of the Holy Bible
they are sharp with true salvation and will never pass away

Buzzardhut, RR 52 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 63684

Satin will always make things seem greener as long as you renounce god you effin idiot

Superfly?Caroline, Yahoo Answers 72 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Chester

Quote# 63680

I can't beleive this.the quaran can be given out but boy if we Christians tried to pass out Bibles we would probably be tared and feathered.Iam so tired of thisWhat will be next.Will they be coming into our homes to confiscate our precious Bibles.

laney, RR 52 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 63674

[In response to the Humanist statue in Olympia, Washington]

11. The backing for this is from the homosexuals and baby killers of the tolerant, diverse left.

May they all rot in Hell, just as scripture says they all will.

Independent Voter, Sound Politics 40 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: SaxMachine

Quote# 63673

Nazi Forces Bow to Jesus!
June 10th, 2009

Some of the demons we are encountering include Nazi demons, Illuminati spirits, and high level mind control spirits. In fact, one lady who has met with us has decided to stay at the safe house as she is in extreme danger from the Illuminati and a group of them are in the process of locating her at this very moment. But God is protecting and delivering as seen in a recent exorcism with this lady:

“I’m a spirit from Josef Mengele,” the demon angrily spoke to me as I commanded to know his identity in Jesus name.

“I entered her ancestor in Europe as she was abused by him,” the evil spirit revealed to me.”

The demon within this Josef Mengele passed onto the this lady’s ancestor thereby traveling through the family bloodline. With the demon came a series of some very complex programming. This demon was driven out in Jesus name!

Jay, Deliverance Ministry Blog 52 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 64
Submitted By: The WHHAAAMMMM Burglar

Quote# 63659

I strongly suggest that all Atheists leave this site. Why? It is clear that they are not here to inform or educate. Their only purpose is to intimidate by name calling, appeals to emotion and insistence. As self-appointed defenders of all science, they persist daily to indoctrinate. To repeat the same tired phrases that are used and reused all over the internet. This is not a search or defense of scientific facts but a campaign of attempted indoctrination.

Atheists: Is any current scientific research affected by the beliefs of Creationists? If your theory is incontrovertibly correct, why assail Creationists? What do you have to be concerned about? For you, evolution is a fact and no one can say different.

God bless,

Al650, Evolution Fairytale Forum 43 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 63656

Obama isn't going anywhere. He fanbase eschews logic in favor of religious fervor, he is their savior. His performance has been terrible since taking office, yet his approval rating is stupidly high. It doesn't matter how bad things get, his fans will cling to the false hope that he can save them.

(emphasis added)

Tres Wright, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [7/1/2009 2:35:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Eor

Quote# 63643

[Have you ever met a happy, polite atheist?]

Not at all. They are miserable because they have no explanation for life or their existence.

Stephen T, Y! answers 67 Comments [7/1/2009 2:34:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 63610

In the beginning man was made in GOD's image, which means we we God like. Man didn't take on human form until Adam was created from dus, and Eve from 1 of his ribs, That's why men have 1 less ribs than women..I hope that clears it up for you.

Irram, Y! answers 51 Comments [7/1/2009 2:34:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 63691

I love my sister and all... but stuff like this makes me wanna slap the lesbianism right out of her... pride, indeed.

Halls_Keep, RR 62 Comments [7/1/2009 8:34:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 52
Submitted By: Secular Skeptic

Quote# 63640

One tentative suggestion I've read is that we tend to become like that which we worship. Those who continue in idolatory in any form and refuse to turn ultimately to God become more and more like that which they idolise, and less and less like God, until they are no longer in any sense "in the image of God". At that point they are, quite literally, no longer human.

Ebia, Christian Forums 54 Comments [7/1/2009 8:31:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Marc

Quote# 63635

Modern society has often painted Jesus as a very "soft," even effeminate persona. It is certainly true that Jesus teaches us to be followers of peace and to turn the other cheek when we are reviled or insulted (Matthew 5:9, 38-39). However, being a peacemaker is not necessarily the same as being a pacifist. Keep in mind that this is the same Jesus who specifically instructed His followers to buy a sword ( Luke 22:36). In one of His parables, He portrays Himself as a landowner who imposes the death penalty on an unjust servant ( Luke 19:12-27). When He encountered a Roman military leader (Matthew 8:5-10), Jesus did not rebuke him in the least for his military occupation. Instead, He commends the soldier for his great faith, a faith so strong and pure that it put all of Israel to shame. In all of these areas, Jesus' teachings would be considered quite conservative by modern terms.
Jesus would have Armed his followers with guns.

Enochs fire, Topix 57 Comments [7/1/2009 8:31:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 63629

God understands all languages but He prefers Elizabethan English. Surely you know that.

Zenas, Baptist Board 55 Comments [7/1/2009 8:31:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 63666

Christians know they are 100% right.
Muslims think they are 100% right.

Matthew, Y! answers 59 Comments [7/1/2009 2:46:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
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