Quote# 64250
[Responding to a poster who is planning to have an abortion]
Jeez woman it's called USING A CONDOM
if you can't handle the responsibility of taking care of a kid there is adoption
you are the sickest person i have ever heard of
you don't deserve to be cheered up you deserve to become infertile and then sent to jail murderer!
I'm 14 and i guess i know more about birth control and condoms than you do
keep your legs closed and no more babies will get killed
your a murderer and you should go to hell
i wouldn't even cheer you up if you had one abortion
if you don't want a kid then
1)use a condom and/or birth control
2)keep your legs closed aka abstinence
3)get your fallopian tubes tied
I hate people who get abortions
they should be ILLEGAL
Yahoo Answers 79 Comments [7/23/2009 4:47:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 39