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Quote# 64035

It is amazing isn't it! I saw a car with a bumper sticker on it that read "Pagan and Proud" The other bumper sticker was far worse! It says "Want a tase of Religion........" (can't post the remainder because it is way to awful! The second one, I couldn't believe something like that would be allowed, not only to sell, but to actually stick on your car! If they have chilren, can you imagine? Disgusting doesn't even describe it. Thankfully we Christians are still (at this time anyway) allowed to use bumper stickers as a tesitment to our faith. Wonder when that will be outlawed! Sure, the atheists, and muslims, etc will be allowed to display their testements to faith, but it will come to a point where we will be

No matter, let them have their secular world, I want no part of it!

Rhon, Rapture Ready 90 Comments [7/14/2009 2:01:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 63963

Man's need to conform things to is own understandng is endless! The bible is the oldest and most accurate text in existence. There are no flaws or any need for so called "revisions." It was a gift given to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, handed down un-spoiled through time. Why is it that man needs to pick and pluck at it, and only then is it more "valid" or trusted? Where is their faith?!

Not Pefect, But Forgiven, Rapture Ready 51 Comments [7/14/2009 1:52:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Ouabache

Quote# 63962

The irony is that W did such a good job dismembering Al Qaeda that ObaMugabe will benefit.

If terrorists ever do manage a domestic attack, I hope they execute it in October just before an election to maximize the political damage to Obamachev. Ya know, like how the Democrats instigated bank panic last September.

Also, it would be good if the attack is on the west coast. I can't stand the smugness of Seattle or Portland left wingers.

paul, Topix 52 Comments [7/14/2009 1:52:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 63959

you're sliding in mud at woodstock on acid and wondering what the name of man you're kissing is.

you forgot to add youre doing this while braless cause some idiot said it'd be cool to burn them. Cheesy

My grandfather who was more like a dad to me said one time that the worst thing that every happened was that women got the vote. That theyd make decisions based on this feminist ideology and on emotional basis. I fought with him over this for a long time... then that dumb woman got on the news and said she voted for Clinton cause he was "good looking"... LOL! Maybe grandpa had a point! Cheesy Cheesy

codemonkey70, PrisonPlanet 50 Comments [7/14/2009 1:52:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 63936

I had a 3 hour conversation with someone today who considers herself to be a pagan. As usual, she had all of the half-formed/preconceived notions of what a true Christian is. She kept it respectful (as did I) but in the end she flat out rejected the notions of: We are all sinners and Christ was more than a historical figure. She even said the God "notion" of my Judeo-Christian values is an inherently flawed concept.

Several times she tried to turn the conversation into, "everyone thinks their religion is the right way, what makes yours any different?". An oldie but a goodie to those who refuse to believe.

In the end, all I could say was that I respected her opinions and that I was not forcing my beliefs on her. She is free to make her own decision. She said her heart simply does not get why my Christian "cult" (her words) insists that they are the only way to "our form of salvation".

Sometimes, I wonder why I even try to get through to people like this. I can't even stand on the words of scripture because they reject the very notion of the scripture I quote to them.

To them, I am nothing but a religious nut.

Mark777, RaptureReady 65 Comments [7/14/2009 1:50:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 63913

[Commenting on an article critcal of the Creation Museum]

"...monument to ignorance and irrationality"? Creation, which is proven with every birth, is ignorant and irrational? Evolution has never been proven once and the amount of faith it takes to believe in it is staggering. The final statement appears to apply only to the author of those words.

Bryan Potteiger, EvolutionBlog 33 Comments [7/14/2009 1:48:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: PagingDrDino

Quote# 64011

I've noticed some of you have said a clone wouldn't have a human soul, or even really be human for that matter. I have to agree. We can try and copy human life all we want, but even if we were able to pull it off, I don't believe there would be a soul. The soul comes from God and God only. That's something I'm sure we could NEVER duplicate. These clones would be nothing more than empty shells, like robots. There would be no human soul, but I believe with no human soul these shells could very well be prime pickings for demon posession.

6stringedsignseeker, Rapture Ready 79 Comments [7/13/2009 5:06:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 63903

The homofascists in American society don't want it to be known that, dissociating with someone because of their behavior and oppressing someone because of the color of their skin are two vastly different things. Vastly different.

The definition of a bigot used to be a person who thought that he/she was superior to a person of color. This definition has been changed in an attempt to silence those who acknowledge the truth about sexual behavior. When a gay person calls a straight person a "bigot," they are stealing the nobility of the African-American civil-rights movement.

When were homosexuals taken from their homeland and sold into slavery? When were homosexuals forbidden to learn to read or forbidden to vote? When were members of the GLBT community denied the right to own property or relegated to the back of the bus? When were gays systematically and legally denied service in hotels and restaurants. When where there water fountains with signs reading "Straight people only?" Isn't equating race with behavior the epitome of racism?

How can I support people that define themselves by their sexual activities when such activities should remain private? How can I interface with a mind that sees homosexuality and heterosexuality as the same when billions of human beings, including "gay" people, walk the Earth as a result of heterosexuality and not one human being has been born as the result of a same-sex union? How can I get along with someone who rejects their own genitals? How can I remain silent when men who have sex with other men insult me?

Carl Morris, heteroseparatist.com 64 Comments [7/13/2009 12:31:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 63980

Atheists claim ignorance is not proof of God, but we have to ask WHY we are ignorant. We have to ask WHY we cannot understand these things. The answer is it is impossible for there to be no God.

There has to be a God because if there was no God this would violate the laws of science because entropy would not let the universe be in the state that it is.

If there is no God, then how do we explain the things we don't understand? Why are there so many mysteries?

Naomi, Y! answers 69 Comments [7/13/2009 6:09:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 63950

From the time the Apostles first began to evangelize the nations, the Catholic Church has had one great, fierce, and enduring enemy. That enemy is the jews - the people who rejected their King and their God, who crucified Him, and who prophesied the stain that should forever mark them, in their defiant shout: "HIS BLOOD BE UPON US AND UPON OUR CHILDREN!"

holywar.com, http://holywar.org/indexholy.html 47 Comments [7/13/2009 6:07:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 63940

Are you #!%+@#@ shitting me?????

If some middle aged F'n pervert hetero was recruiting teenage girls to engage in those types of horrific sex acts at the Rockland High School Junior prom, any parent worth a shitt would have him arrested or drive them away with a stick to protect their teen daughters. But since it is just gay boys they are after you allow them to be feed to the wolves!!!

You my dear are a brainwashed, amoral, liberal puppet if you have no problem with the way these children are being exploited for sex by perverts dressed up as leaders. This is the same thing those creepy Boy Scout leaders and the pervert priests were doing to kids behind close doors. Now that it in the name of gay rights right out in the open you think it is enrichment instead of molestation.


These are the days when good is evil and evil is good! I never thought I'd live to see people defending the sexual molestation and exploitation of confused teenagers with tax payer money. Not to mention calling anyone who objects every name in the book!

Rush Lowe, rocklandnews.com 37 Comments [7/13/2009 6:05:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 64002

Since they want to call us terrorists, perhaps we need to give them something to fear...

Being a terrorist to evil is an honor.

WarriorX, Rapture Ready 55 Comments [7/13/2009 5:45:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 63982

They want your children. Bottom line. This is a generational acquisition.

For those who haven't caught on, they are slowly indoctrinating each generation to gain more minds of those who will acquiesce to the warming doctrine and gay acceptance.

This allows across-the-board control and moral decline.

Why moral decline? So that you'll cash in your personal desires for government oversight.

This is YOUR government and taskmaster.

antitox, RR 53 Comments [7/12/2009 8:36:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 63973

Question (by forever for Him) :Would you vote for me for president ?

Here are the things I would do ...

1.First thing I do is bring back prohibition...the wine the beer the alcohol all made by satan...this thing called wine beer alcohol have done bad things to make bad people .... i will make sure no one makes drinks one drop of beer wine and alcohol for it is very dangerous... in fact did you know that the bible speaks out against drink it ? have you notice it is the libs who want to make bad things like this legal ?

2.The second thing i would do is ban evolution from being teached anywhere,, from private schools to homeschools (no public schools when i become president..)thinking you are a monkey will send you to hell. have you notice its always the libs who think they come from monkys ?

3.The third thing i would do is keep on doing the death penalty... a lot more in fact... it is always the libs who want to protect the criminals...

4,the next thing i would do is ban abortion and give the prison to and death penalty for those who try to kill their babies by have abortion.more people have been killed by abortion then by war in fact... did you know that ?

5.next thing i would do is make california a place where all the homosexness go.... first i would take all of the NORMAL people out of california then place every bad people there like the homosexuals. put a 30 foot wall all around california.... in fact most of the homo people come from california anyway !

6.the sixth thing i would do is remove the liberal media... abc stands for already been condemned (by God). nbc stands for never been converted(to christian).the rest you can figure out !

7.number seven... i would make intolerance of christianity a hate crimem, anyone, who speaks hate against christians will be put in to prison... people like darwin, dawkins, christopher hitchens... just like libs make speaking out against homosex a hate crime i will make being against us christians a hate crime...

Answer(by jazzie):would you put prayer back in school?
put all atheist on a island and let them fellowship among themselves
serial killers on a different island

if you say yes you have my vote

forever for Him &jazzie, Yahoo Answers 155 Comments [7/12/2009 8:36:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 143
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 63953

[in response to the oldest Biblical codex found missing Jesus' resurrection]

This is another indicator that we are in the last days. I'm sure we'll see more and more attacks on God's word, Christ and Christians. They'll probably get more and more vicious as well. Satan is going to go all out and we should just have on our whole armor of God so that we may withstand the wiles of the devil.

Please make it soon Lord!!!

josh1313, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [7/12/2009 8:26:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 63879

The intolerance of liberalism allows for no competition. Liberals are the first to clamp down on free speech that does not agree with them. The free exercise of religion is tolerated only when liberals control everything that is said. Conservative Christians, Fundamentalists (Christians who believe that the Bible is the Word of God) are feared and despised by the left. Liberals believe in so much that goes against the grain of the church that the two doctrines cannot coexist.

As a consequence, the liberal church must exalt the liberal agenda in place of the Word of God. The murder of babies, the gay agenda, sexual perversions and immorality, every darkness that liberals embrace must take precedence over the Word of God.

MrMann, Rapture Ready 44 Comments [7/12/2009 6:18:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Tiger

Quote# 63806

There is NO PROOF that Global Warming is CAUSED BY MAN! You people have exploded this issue! All these people who preach that it's us doing it are flying around in jets and driving cars to conferences where they cry when they can't agree on a solution! The Earth's temperature and climate is constantly changing! In the 1970's the liberal hippies were screaming that the Earth was cooling! In the 1800's it was warming! This influx of temperature is a normal, natural occurrence! In fact recently, the polar ice caps are re-freezing at an amazing rate! And you people have force feed this scare through the media, terrifying everyone into buying hybrid cars and doing all kinds of crazy things for A LIE! It's ludicrous! And you want to shut down the American economy because businesses are destroying the environment with their air pollution yet you don't say anything about CHINA! For pete's sake man, China is the worst emiiter! But no, let's blame the U.S. because we don't like Capitalism! I USED TO BE ATHEIST! When you are saved, you never leave God for anything else, further proof that it is the truth! Christianity is the largest religion in the world and still growing, most of the sciences we use today were created by CHRISTIANS! The only way you'd ever believe me is to quit thinking that objective thinking is THE ONLY real and tangible thing and that the spirit is a reality, just as tangible as ANYTHING! We can feel our spirit in our hearts and minds! Quick scientific fact: Upon death, the body loses 21 grams of weight. This is true of different people, and SCIENCE CANNOT EXPLAIN IT! They've tested theories again and again and the only answer they can come up with is that it is the spirit leaving the body!

The Baron, Amazon 55 Comments [7/12/2009 6:17:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 63786

Is Hillary Clinton against homeschooling ?

Answer: Against. 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is a pure unadulterated Far Left Liberal Secular Progressive that want's Secular Progressive values inculcated into kids as early as possible!

And public schools have become the platform for promoting "Homosexuality", the use of Condoms encouraging sex at an early age, and Lesbianism as a normal healthy lifestyle i.e. in some Second Grade Readers discovered being used in California there are stories like, "Billy has two Mommies" and "Tommy has has two Dads"!

Home-schooling for the Far Left Wing ACLU Adoring Ultra Liberals is a ... NO NO !!

They are against Family values and are out to promote pure secularism and remove any vestiges of traditionalism from America, from saying "Merry Christmas" to "One Nation Under God".

Hillarty Clinton is an avowed Secular Progessive and champion of the Far Left .. and the "Closet Muslim" Osama Obama is even further Left of Hillary !!!

You need to read "Culture Warrior", there's the proof and the answer to your question in "Spades"!

Good luck!
Culture Warrior
Bill O'Reilly

NeptunesSon, Yahoo Answers 53 Comments [7/12/2009 6:17:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: J Arcenas

Quote# 63990

Tolerance is a one way street headed straight away from God.

Eco, Rapture Forums 49 Comments [7/11/2009 11:22:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 55
Submitted By: Grigori Yefimovich

Quote# 63988

1 People would be able to fly
2 Animals would be able to talk
3 People? would have radar like bats
4 People would have fur and not have to wear clothes
5 People would be able to see in the dark
6 People would be able to hear like dogs
7 People would be able to smell like dogs
8 People would be able to eat their food without cooking it
9 Animals would be able to think
10 Animals would be able to recognize beauty

MaximusArurealius, YouTube 93 Comments [7/11/2009 11:22:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 76

Quote# 63981

Google is an evil organization bent on furthering the cause of secular humanism and enabling the destruction of Christianity.

Anonymous Commenter, OneNewsNow 47 Comments [7/11/2009 11:19:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: The Watcher

Quote# 63975

Things you will never hear an unbeliever say...
"Once I was an addict, but Natural Selection has set me free!!!"

"Once I was a selfish jerk, but the Big Bang has made me a generous person!"

"Once I was full of fear, and afraid, but Random Chance has given me peace!"

"I've been given the power to live a better life, a great life, because I don't believe in God! My life without God is full of meaning and purpose!"

I can't take credit for these, these were offered by Jack Graham in his sermon which aired today, you can listen to it here:

http://www.jackgraham.org/ (click on "radio", then "07-07-2009")

Feel free to add your own versions

In a more serious moment, Pastor Graham described the true story of a man who had committed murder and was on death row for it. While in jail he was visited by some Christians who brought him the hope of salvation, and he was saved. He eventually received a reduced sentence and is now an evangelist himself. Graham asks the pertinent question- "What does an atheist have to offer to the person on death row? What hope can he give? And by the way, we're all on death row."

Tres Wright, RaptureReady 83 Comments [7/11/2009 11:19:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 63974

Yep, exactly. They will come for your Bibles and charge you with treason if you don't comply. They will do this, at the same time they will demand your guns, as well.

May as well change our name to the Islamic States of Amerikka, and get on with it...

Trance , RR 46 Comments [7/11/2009 11:19:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 63968

Now . .. . . replace the word energy with “information”. In this universe, in this closed system, the total amount of information MUST REMAIN THE SAME SINCE INFORMATION IS MADE OF MATTER AND ENERGY. Whats more important still is that TRANSFER OF INFORMATION . . . . . . REQUIRES ENERGY. Whats this means folks, is that D N A, since it is information that makes us who we are . . . MUST ABIDE BY THESE PSYCHICAL LAWS. This means it must always be the same amount of DNA information because we are in a closed system. It can be moved, it be be destributed BUT IT CANNOT BE CREATED OR DESTROYED. . . . . . . . . .. now for the devistating blow WARING THIS MY DISTURB YOUR ATHEIST FAITH. . . .


mike00000000001, Welcome to My Blog 54 Comments [7/11/2009 11:16:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Robert

Quote# 63952

So what is evolutionists explanation for things they cannot explain? Make jokes about it, like the comic below:

Science 101 at it's best. For when they do not have an answer, make a joke about what they know was created, and who created it. It makes real good evidence for their theory. Putting God into the picture above is an actual admission that there is a God. And also goes along with this verse:

rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

So they waste their time puttting up websites to make even more jokes. The search engines searches below prove that the battle for so called truth has nothing with truth. But the removal of God. For you will find that the same people who call creationist stupid to make their theories look better. Also say the same about anyone who believes in God. So the arguments are not of a scientific nature, they are of a bias racist nature that seeks to force, and control the thoughts of everyone through the peer pressure of being categorized with a group they deem as stupid, ignorant, uneducated, weak, fundies (fundamentalists), etc... Which by the way is a Hitler tactic.

Issac, Y.E.C. Headquarters 55 Comments [7/11/2009 11:11:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: M.M.
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