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Quote# 64547

Sorry, I haven't swallowed the antismokerists' cult dogma.

Please note that a "carcinogen" is NOT an agent which "causes"
cancer!!! It is only an agent that makes cancer more likely. Hence
smoking does NOT "cause" cancer. Smoking only makes it more likely
that you may get it.

I know some are laughing, but truth is that mental attitude is a HUGE
factor in curing cancer (and contracting it, I presume) There are so
many cases of "spontaneous remission" that are clearly related to
mental attitude (like the Placebo effect) that mental attitude clearly
qualifies as both a "carcinogen" as well as a "cure" for cancer.

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian, Sci-Tech Archive 69 Comments [8/5/2009 10:29:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 64672

On Capitalism
The true Capitalist allows business owners to do whatever they please to gain maximum profit.

I have heard that in mine collapses, mine owners would refuse to rescue workers, letting them die and hire others. It's a perfectly practical way to operate; rescuing is expensive and often, what workers can be rescued are unable to work, and said expense of rescuing them is wasted.

I have read articles of rivers catching fire, and land becoming too poisoned to work afterwards. The proper answer to that is "so?" Look at what happened to the coal companies of England when the government decided to whine about the smogs: Capitalism was interfered with and many companies were ruined. Waste treatment is likewise expensive; a river catching fire may cause some expense, but the installation of waste treatment facilities and proper sewers are likely even more so, and therefore not practical.

There has also been some argument about the Truck System, wherein a company would issue its own currency, forcing employees to buy food from company-owned stores and pay rent to the company, making it impossible to save money to move on. The simple fact is, this is a perfect means of keeping employees loyal, making sure they will go nowhere else.

Demanding companies concern themselves with workplace safety, clean up after themselves, or pay their employees a "fair wage" dilutes and destroys capitalism. Is this a moral way to act? A ridiculous question: morality has nothing to do with Capitalism, and those that believe that's a bad thing are deluded.

Von Davidicus, RHJunior Forums 83 Comments [8/5/2009 6:41:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 52

Quote# 64668

[Discussing the "Up Your Alley (Gay Pride) Fair" in San Francisco.]

This just goes to show you that gay people are sick fucks pure and simple. I saw some of the pictures and I had to close the tab.

I think gay men for the most part were pussified when they were younger and grew up gay or molested as young men. No one is born gay, that entire logic is bullshit. No one in their right mind would have that type of sex in public. This shows you what a Sodom and Gomorrah that flea bitten city is.

And don't get me started on lesbians. I think lesbian women for the most (and most dykes don't look like the porn chicks) are women who have had bad experiences with men and have given up. Haven't you noticed that most dykes are fat and ugly? Seriously no man would tap that unless he'd been in solitary confinement for years.

This is a freak show pure and simple. Any parent who brought their kid to this fair should rot in hell and have their parental rights revoked permanently.

Anonymous, Moonbattery 70 Comments [8/5/2009 6:41:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 94
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 64675

In its typical modern form, deism is anti-Christian, as it denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, rejects the Bible (and all other texts) as God's scripture, and denies his signs and miracles to men. It lacks any coherent morality, and an excuse to claim to be religious while engaging in immoral liberal activity. Thus it is a favorite of liberals who do not want to be branded with atheism.

Deism is also only a short step away from atheism, and deistic beliefs often create a slippery slope to atheism. This is a common tactic of atheist evangelists: first convince a Christian that God has left the world alone, and then deny the necessity of God. They are morally equivalent, given God's presumed inaction.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 74 Comments [8/4/2009 4:03:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: M.M.

Quote# 64670

Same sex marriage boths me because it is just as foolish as a man wanting to marry his dog because they like sleeping together and both enjoy hunting... Same sex marriage bothers me because there are enough problems surrounding traditional marriage. Same sex marrige bothers me because I firmly believe GOD will punish the nations and the people who seek to mock that which GOD HIMSELF established. I firmly believe that satan himself is involved in this conspiracy to reframe, defame, and redefine marriage.

LittleNipper, Christian Forums 59 Comments [8/4/2009 4:02:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 59
Submitted By: LightHorseman

Quote# 64565

[Keep YOUR 10 commandments in YOUR house, in YOUR church, tattooed on YOUR butt! But keep them out of MY courthouse!]

You what skidtrek why the hell should I have to put up with idiots like you. If you don't like the ideals that this country was founded on then get the hell out and takr all your gay friends with you. I am sick and tired of the ACLU and all these other radical organizations telling me what I can't read or look at and who I have to tolerate. When we don't even give time to respect the young people that are dying every day for people like you to have the freedom to talk the stupidity that you do then we have reaqched a sad day. If you don't like the way this country works go to Iran or Iraq and see how long your gay a** last.

kytony, Kentucky.com 65 Comments [8/4/2009 1:22:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 70

Quote# 64560

i heard the bible believed demons can appear as humans even as humans that actually exhist and pretend to be someone close

like your grandmother might be at her home sleeping but you get a knock on your door at 2am and a woman is outside who appears to be your grandmother but its not the real her
like a duplicate.. a demon who disguises themself to gain the trust of people

but what i read from the bible is that something will be off, they cant perfectly replicate a person, physically or intellectuall

so the person might have a slightly different eye color, or large pupils, talk strange, act different..

tissy, Unexplained Mysteries 79 Comments [8/4/2009 12:23:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 64557

From where did this strange man named Barack Hussein Obama come, and how did he rise from obscurity? Twelve years ago, in the year 1997, while Barack Obama was being groomed and prepped for his position as President of the United States, three amazing things happened. In that year of 1997, Tony Blair, the occultist, was elected Prime Minister of Britain; Diana, Princess of Wales, died when the car she was in crashed into the thirteenth pillar of the roadway she was traveling on; and a new children’s book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published. That book by Janet K. Rowling and all her subsequent books became a part of an occult blueprint that would shape the hearts and minds of an entire generation to receive the Antichrist. Witchcraft was glorified in Rowling’s books as having a good side. It was a progressive brainwashing of good witchcraft triumphing over evil witchcraft. But it was all witchcraft, and it was all of Satan! Ministers of mainstream “Christianity” also jumped on that bandwagon, and thus, they touted “good” witchcraft.

Now we are going into our thirteenth year since the first Harry Potter book was published. The latest and most recent book in the series was made into a movie also, and it is scheduled to open in theaters everywhere on July 15th, 2009. The movie takes its title from the latest Harry Potter book and is entitled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It is more than strange and ominous that the United States of America for the first time in its history as a nation has a President that is a half-blood prince! (This is being academically stated and is not intended as a racial remark.) In the year 2010, President Obama is planning to be presented as the saviour of the planet. This is scheduled to coincide with the thirteenth year of the Harry Potter mania that has swept our world.

David J. Meyer, Last Trumpet Ministries 116 Comments [8/3/2009 11:16:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 164
Submitted By: Grigori Yefimovich

Quote# 64540

Idiots. I wish someone would just go and take out all these religous nutjobs. I would pay my right and very best arm that I have to see every single X-tian fall on their knees and beg to be killed quickly. Hmm you all are idiots my friend. Whom else here feels the same as I do?

Cthuluman, FSTDT 73 Comments [8/3/2009 10:44:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: The Watcher

Quote# 64503

At the close of the creation week, the first chapter of Genesis records that “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”1 But some aspects of today’s world—for example, certain aggressive behaviors—are negative, dangerous, or destructive. How could that be, if everything God created was good? New research has suggested a solution to this particular dilemma.

Investigating the effects of certain genes on fruit flies, a research team led by Trudy MacKay of North Carolina State University discovered specific mutations that caused aggressive behavior. They found “59 mutations in 57 genes” that had an effect on such behavior, and “32 of the mutations studied resulted in increased aggression while 27 caused flies to become more placid.”2 Before the study, none of the 57 genes had been suspected to have an effect on aggressiveness.

Moreover, one of the conclusions of their study, published in the open access journal BMC Biology, is that “given the conservation of aggressive behavior among different animal species, these are novel candidate genes for future study in other animals, including humans.”3

What if some aggressive behavior is rooted in Genesis 3, not in Genesis 1? The third chapter introduces the universal tragedy of the Fall, in which mankind disobeyed God and brought corruption, disease, and death to the world.4 It may be that some aggressive animal behavior is not a reflection of God’s originally perfect creation, but instead results from the sin-caused curse under which the whole creation presently suffers.

Brian Thomas, Institute for Creation Research 55 Comments [8/3/2009 10:37:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 64597

Yes, I believe that the modern scientific community is heavily biased against creation and the only reason they refuse to debate creationists is because they're afraid of what they might learn - what they already know - that their theory is bankrupt. Every time I've seen a debate between an evolutionist and a creationist, the evolutionist always loses. At the beginning of the debate, the evolutionist has almost 100% support of the audience, but by the end of the debate, the creationist has a standing ovation, and there are about 2 people clapping for the evolutionist. THAT'S why evolutionists are afraid to debate us.

Queen Kira, Y! answers 66 Comments [8/3/2009 12:36:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 67

Quote# 64582

But it does not change the idea: If I disproved the evolution, I proved creation. Because there is no third option.

juvenissun, Christian Forums 68 Comments [8/3/2009 12:33:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 74
Submitted By: LightHorseman

Quote# 64549

I'm reading this thread and am squirming in my seat. I say loudly, don't bury it, don't burn it. It's God's HOLY word!! Save it all cost!! Rebind it!! Burying it only reminds me of Jesus' parable on the talents. The servant that buried the talent was condemned. That may be a poor analogy, but putting this in a dark place underground seems like stifling His Word. It needs to be OUT, it's God's message!

And I won't even go there on burning it! (I'm sorry I don't want to anger anyone here, but I want to cry thinking about doing something like that...)

I apologize if I sound harsh, but I just can't see doing these things. Some may say, oh, it's just a book. No, it's not!!! I'm adamant that His Holy Word is what it is, Holy. It's a precious precious gift beyond all words.

Please, have it rebound!! I'm begging!

Joyb0218, RR 57 Comments [8/3/2009 12:26:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: night

Quote# 64529

However, due to the fall, there are a lot of things that were unnatural that has become natural. I can think of no better example than that of eating meat. We were created as vegetarians. Eating meat was a direct consequense of the fall. Now, eating meat has become so natural to humans, that we even have developed nutritional needs that are best fulfilled by eating meat. Eating meat is an unnatural thing that has become natural.

Handy, ChristianForums.net 51 Comments [8/3/2009 12:21:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 64519

(Regarding Brad Pitt's comment about being 20% atheist and 80% agnostic)

"One more time:
Well I thought about it, I’m an atheist and agnostic when it comes to you Brad Pitt, BECAUSE I DON’T BELIEVE AND DEFINITELY DOUBT I WILL EVER SEE ONE OF YOUR MOVIES AGAIN.

My final say for the moment: Your last name Pitt seems to be appropriate because you are going to one. The “Pits of Hell” if you don’t change your ways. God have mercy on your soul."

Dee McMillan, Proud Atheists 52 Comments [8/3/2009 12:20:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 57
Submitted By: Mark

Quote# 64622

StarGirl - First of all you need to research a bit more about the development of a child in the womb, the heart is beating 10 days after conception, etc. The baby is alive, just living in the womb & not out side yet. If your parents would have aborted u then u wouldn't be here to make such uninformed dumb statements. I believe FOX has made to right decision, it's true that almost everything now shown on TV is full of violence, sex, hate, etc. no wonder we have people killing / eating / abusing their own children!!!

TripinTrish, AOL Forums 57 Comments [8/2/2009 5:14:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Chi

Quote# 64611

I respect other peoples beliefs, as a mature adult should. Ror example, if an Orthodox Jew believes that he can do no work on the Sabbath, including flipping a light switch, I respect his decision and his belief even though I do not share it.

I don't call him STUPID for believing what he believes, because only an immature, socially retarded, total dick would do such a thing.

[20 minutes later]

Why are you all such emotionally autistic, socially retarded, bitter and nasty misfits? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Were you all nerds who got towels snapped at them in gym class and are still pissed off about it? Granted it's hard to believe in a kind and loving God when bullies take your lunch money and girls (there doesn't seem to be many female atheists - except for some lesbian Goths) tell you they just want to be friends.

Does atheism lie somewhere on the autistic scale next to Aspergers? If not why are you incapable of simple polite social interaction? Autism is a mostly male thing and so is atheism, perhaps there is a connection?

Are you mostly gays who are really just pissed off at the Abrahamic religions for condemning homosexuality? That would explain Gore Vidal, Arthur C CLarke, etc.

[He goes on for 5 more paragraphs]

andyet, Pharyngula 72 Comments [8/2/2009 4:56:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 103
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 64609

Did anyone notice the inverted pentagram on the back of Obama's head?
At 30:17 of the video you can CLEARLY see the inverted pentagram on back of Obama's head!


A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.

Sara, Y! answers 58 Comments [8/2/2009 4:53:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 64602

So, how is petroleum made anyway? Lots of pressure and heat over time? How much time? Your average, run of the mill encyclopedia says millions of years. We know that's false, so just how long does it take to produce? I wonder if we could reproduce flood-like conditions in a lab that would, say, turn some vegetable scraps and an animal carcass into petroleum?

What are the moral implications of this? If people would realize that the flood of the Bible is true, then they'd realize that part of what they put in their gas tank is people. Or am I way off here? If not, I could be like Charlton Heston, and shout "Gasoline is PEOPLE!" as they cart me away. Exxon would have to change their tag line to "Put a person in your tank!" or, maybe "Put a tiger in your tank!" isn't so far from the truth.

fracturedInfinity, RR 45 Comments [8/2/2009 4:50:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: Grigori Yefimovich

Quote# 64570

NO religion can co-exist. Unless you accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus for your sins, you are doomed to hell. Religions 'co-existing' is part of the "interfaith" movement (moving towards the one world religion). Watch out for that.

Phillip_19, RR 48 Comments [8/2/2009 4:40:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 64558

Just found out my son is gay?
Ok, first of all, my son is 17 years old. He came up to me and informed me that he was gay. Well, needless to say i was very upset. I yelled at him to get out of my house and said i never wanted to see him again. I used to love my son but honestly don't think i could after this. I just don't know how i could forgive him for this. We are very religious people and i thought i had raised him better then this. Can anyone help me?

Beefsist.., y! answers 76 Comments [8/2/2009 4:31:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 104
Submitted By: tommytheawesome

Quote# 64532

It is of course important to concentrate on those who carried out the Jokela and Columbine massacres and the ideas that led them to do so, but we also need to go a little deeper and consider another factor behind those events. That factor is the Darwinist education still being provided in schools. Students in the USA and Europe are taught the nonsense that life on Earth began spontaneously and that human beings are an advanced form of ape that emerged by way of natural selection, as if these things were scientific fact. The Jokela and Columbine killers were people who had received this Darwinist education provided in Western society. Therefore, although the attackers were school students, in effect the schools were themselves responsible.

Harun Yahya, Darwinism Watch 48 Comments [8/2/2009 4:21:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 64522

Perhaps a better question is "Why should God have prevented the holocaust?"

Are we not his creations over which he has ultimate control? We need to remember that God has a much better view of the bigger picture than any of us could ever hope to have while still on this earth.

Asking "Why did God allow the holocaust?" can presuppose that he shouldn't have allowed it. It also begs a human centered view of the past, rather than a God centered view of it.

Just some thoughts...

fracturedInfinity, RaptureReady 49 Comments [8/2/2009 4:08:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 64516

PATNA, India (Reuters) – Farmers in an eastern Indian state have asked their unmarried daughters to plow parched fields naked in a bid to embarrass the weather gods to bring some badly needed monsoon rain, officials said on Thursday.

Witnesses said the naked girls in Bihar state plowed the fields and chanted ancient hymns after sunset to invoke the gods. They said elderly village women helped the girls drag the plows.

"They (villagers) believe their acts would get the weather gods badly embarrassed, who in turn would ensure bumper crops by sending rains," Upendra Kumar, a village council official, said from Bihar's remote Banke Bazaar town.

"This is the most trusted social custom in the area and the villagers have vowed to continue this practice until it rains very heavily."

India this year suffered its worst start to the vital monsoon rains in eight decades, causing drought in some states.

Indian Farmers, Reuters 72 Comments [8/2/2009 4:06:59 PM]
Fundie Index: -11
Submitted By: Dave

Quote# 64511

I am sure you have noticed how terrible the news is. I get on-line to see the daily news and it is terrible. I have some old newspapers from the 60's and the news was very very calm compared to what it is now. I wonder how bad it will get before Jesus comes and rescues us from all of this?

IMSAVED, RaptureReady 49 Comments [8/2/2009 4:06:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 30
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