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Quote# 69591

[Uganda introduces a law giving gays the death penalty]

I’d like to get a copy of the bill and introduce it here...

Maddog55, Free Republic 49 Comments [1/19/2010 2:35:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 50

Quote# 69581

Folks, it is this my belief that a nuclear strike will take place very soon in the USA. Much in the same way that the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 were, at first, thought to be accidents and were totally unconventional, I believe that a nuclear terrorist attack will also, at first, be viewed as an accident, and will take place in an unconventional manner. I believe that it will be in more than one city, and it will, for lack of a better word, finish the USA for good as a superpower. Many people may scoff at this, as scoffers have come and gone in the past. However, the bottom line here is that God is not limitless in his patience, and the United States of America has gotten away with moral depravity, abominable practices, and gross immorality for far too long. Greater societies have fallen for lesser offences towards God; what makes us, the USA, think that we are any different than they? Though many Americans claim to be Christians, it is shocking not to hear President Obama state that we are not a Christian Nation, but to know that such, in fact, is the truth! Christ has been dismissed from public school for nearly fifty years. The name of Jesus Christ has been mocked, taken in vain, and used as a curse in the media for nearly as long. Sin has been upheld by US Society as good and right since the 1960s. Yes, while we have a large percentage of the population claiming Christ, and while cities and towns and villages all across the land still have churches in them, the fact that we have slidden so far makes it a glaring truth when the President comes out and states it in public: we may claim Christ, but we are not actively living him out in our lives. As such, God will not hold out his hand of blessing for much longer. Nuclear 9-11 is coming, and I believe that it will be upon us very, very soon….perhaps, even, before President Obama is finished with his first term, and certainly before the end of his second should he be elected to one, especially if he makes FOCA and the rest of his agenda the law of the land.

Jason Lovelace, Rapture Ready 60 Comments [1/19/2010 2:32:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69561

If we know the creation has a beginning, we are faced with another logical question--was the creation caused or was it not caused? The Bible states, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Not only does the Bible maintain that there was a cause (a creation) but it also tells us what the cause was. It was God. The atheist tells us that "matter is self-existing and not created." If matter had a beginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something would have had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, no matter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent. Even if this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, there is a logical problem.

In order for matter to come out of nothing, all of our scientific laws dealing with the conservation of matter/energy would have to be wrong, invalidating all of chemistry. All of our laws of conservation of angular momentum would have to be wrong, invalidating all of physics. All of our laws of conservation of electric charge would have to be wrong, invalidating all of electronics and demanding that your TV set not work! Your television set may not work, but that is not the reason! In order to believe matter is uncaused, one has to discard known laws and principles of science. No reasonable person is going to do this simply to maintain a personal atheistic position.

The atheist's assertion that matter is eternal is wrong. The atheist's assertion that the universe is uncaused and selfexisting is also incorrect. The Bible's assertion that there was a beginning which was caused is supported strongly by the available scientific evidence.

John N. Clayton, Does God Exist? 39 Comments [1/19/2010 2:31:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Mudak

Quote# 69535

Harold Camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world

"That date has not one stitch of biblical authority," Camping says from the Oakland office where he runs Family Radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world. "It's like a fairy tale."

The real date for the end of times, he says, is in 2011.

This is not the first time Camping has made a bold prediction about Judgment Day.

On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's believers gathered inside Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. Followers dressed children in their Sunday best and held Bibles open-faced toward heaven.

But the world did not end. Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error.

The number 5, Camping concluded, equals "atonement." Ten is "completeness." Seventeen means "heaven." Camping patiently explained how he reached his conclusion for May 21, 2011.

"Christ hung on the cross April 1, 33 A.D.," he began. "Now go to April 1 of 2011 A.D., and that's 1,978 years."

Camping then multiplied 1,978 by 365.2422 days - the number of days in each solar year, not to be confused with a calendar year.

Next, Camping noted that April 1 to May 21 encompasses 51 days. Add 51 to the sum of previous multiplication total, and it equals 722,500.

Camping realized that (5 x 10 x 17) x (5 x 10 x 17) = 722,500.

Or put into words: (Atonement x Completeness x Heaven), squared.

"Five times 10 times 17 is telling you a story," Camping said. "It's the story from the time Christ made payment for your sins until you're completely saved.

"I tell ya, I just about fell off my chair when I realized that," Camping said.

Harold Camping, News article 60 Comments [1/19/2010 2:29:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 60
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 69578

They claim to be more intelligent than we are,the truth is about 95% of scientists belive in that "evolution theory" and about the same percent is atheist or agnostic.That doesnt mean atheist are more intelligent than us.Anybody that is willing to spend eternity in hell, just for some theory is not that intelligent.I just wish it was like back in the old days where we could just scream infidel and they would be hung or burnt alive, specially those scientists.

The founding fathers messed everything up, with that freedom of religion, and the whole discrimination by creed.The reason they came up with it was because they were scared, being themselves non believers.

> What about those of us who are scientists, believe in evolution, and are Christian?

> Should we be hung or burnt alive or both?

If you believe in evolution you are not a true Christian.Evolution talks about natural selection and mutation by luck,it says God didnt create earth or maybe you are one of those who says God created everything and left it to its luck. And a scientist dont give me that you cant be a scientist and a Christian because scientists dont believe in faith and thats the only way to be a Christian believe everything in the Bible as it is, "nothing taken nothing added"

pensoquindi, theologyweb 46 Comments [1/18/2010 11:00:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 69576

When the serpent told Eve that she and Adam would be as gods if they disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, he meant that they would be able to decide for themselves what was good and what was evil. They would, in Justice Kennedy’s words, acquire “the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning,” etc.

One wonders whether it ever occurred to the Supreme Court justice that he was talking just like Satan. The judge made his remarks in the course of finding a long-lost right to sodomy buried in the Constitution. But because Satan’s arguments still seem persuasive to fallen man, we find ourselves engaged, nationally, in ridiculous arguments over same-sex “marriage.”

Lee Duigon, The Chalcedon Foundation 30 Comments [1/18/2010 10:41:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69625

["Why don't we just use the dictionary definition of liberal...?"]

I don't use that definition because it is false. Liberals are people who favor taxpayer-funded abortion, censorship of classroom prayer, and just about anything that is anti-Christian

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia 78 Comments [1/18/2010 7:41:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 72
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 69565

Modern American liberalism, Mussolini's Fascism, and Hitler's Nazism all have their roots in Wilsonian Progressivism.

Naturalized-Texan, Free Conservatives 49 Comments [1/18/2010 10:36:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69550

"Obama appoints transgender activist as advisor"

What was the purpose of informing everyone that this freak is a "trans-gender" appointee? Wasn't IT'S credentials enough to merit the appointment?

No, the REASON for pointing out the sexual preference was to throw it in the face of Americans. It was to say "Look, we know the majority of the population still thinks this to be wrong, and the majority of the population still does not agree or condone this type of "sexual deviation from the norm" so we're appointing this person just to FORCE you to accept it.

I can bet there are at least 10 other people, STRAIGHT PEOPLE, that worked in the same building as this fugly, porcine looking freak, yet none of them were likely even CONSIDERED because they don't run around in public screaming at the top of their lungs about their sexual deviations.

This isn't about not wanting this freak to have any job. This is about not wanting this freaks PRIVATE LIFE shoved down my fuking throat.

Or maybe, you're interested in knowing who I screw, when I screw them, and what kind of sick shit we do in private?

is that it? Is that what you liberals are after? If so, then why is it you only seem to be interested in the male pole smokers, the female carpet munchers, and every Tom, Dick and Harry freak with a sexual identity crisis? Something you liberals want to tell us?

If you don't want your private life ridiculed, KEEP IT FUKING PRIVATE ASSHOLES!

Gonzo67, Free Conservatives 72 Comments [1/17/2010 4:03:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 73
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69548

There's nothing ungodly about a death penalty for the crime of homosexual activity, per se, as God Himself once instituted it for His covenant people in their civil code. To condemn the punishment would be to attack the righteous character of God. This bears out also in the eternal sentence of fiery damnation for those unrepentant of this sin-- Physical death pales in comparison to the eternal death that awaits the unrepentant guilty.

However, a legal code that condemns the crime with death does not a Christian society make. Uganda needs the gospel first and foremost-- without a people and rulers that know the Lord and His ways this just penalty will be used for unjust ends.

TR3, Fighting Fundamental Forums 54 Comments [1/17/2010 3:55:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 69540

Why do people say muslims were behind 9/11... when in fact Jews were?
Jews were behind 9/11, if only you would shut off CNN news and did your research. Private elitist bankers (aka Jews; see Bilderbergs & Rockefellers (they are not Christian, it's a facade. The Rockelfeller family in America passed themselves off as Christians, but ancestrally in Europe they were originally a Jewish family.) orchestrated 9/11, they're orchestrating this economic collapse, etc... all in preparation for a one-world-government. 9/11 was a pretext for invading Muslim territory for oil, Al-Qaeda was created by the CIA, the US needed an "enemy" after the Cold War, so they constructed Bin Laden to instill fear in people's mind (much like the Boogey man)... and with this they're able to implement extremely invasive security measures that the average American is asleep at the wheel to.... slowly but surely all our freedoms will be gone... save the "tin foil hat" jokes for later, this is real and it's an open conspiracy...

Before I get called anything, I am not a muslim. I am an American who loves her country and wants it restored to its past glory.

Just a Black Eyed Girl, YA 82 Comments [1/17/2010 3:33:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: sha_lyn68

Quote# 69674

I believe in creation and evolution, obviously changes have occured over time, but evolution does not explain how the moon got there

edzo4, freerepublic 105 Comments [1/16/2010 8:47:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 117

Quote# 69669

If you are able to read and understand what the Bible says then it should be fairly obvious that the end times are near. Most people today are unable to read or understand simple concepts, they just accept whatever they are told over and over again. When something is repeated enough it becomes the truth.

Jsmythe, RR 59 Comments [1/16/2010 8:41:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 72

Quote# 69589

As far as the schools go, they should stick to the anatomy and physiology of normal reproduction. No reason for perverse acts to be discussed at all; and if a question arises from a student, it should be clearly and briefly pointed out that many such acts (e.g. anal penetration) are illegal and inherently abusive.

Mrs. Don-O, Free Republic 73 Comments [1/16/2010 12:55:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 77

Quote# 69584

I hold homeschoolers in admiration. I did not homeschool, and my sons show it. I was far too worldly. One is so entranced by the educational system that he is pursuing a master's. In and of itself, this should be a good thing. But it has made him so extremely progressive and angry I don't know him anymore. He seeks out philosopher's and holds their thoughts as gospel. Very sad situation. The other? Complete opposite. Neither wants anything to do with God, for which I am to blame.

Crowned One, Revelation Now Forum 76 Comments [1/16/2010 12:53:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Grigori Yefimovich

Quote# 69573

Janet Porter says it is "time to fight for your lives!" and lays out five ways to do so, with numbers 4 and 5 being prayer and fasting, which are necessary because America "made the choice of death last November" and is therefore cursed for electing Barack Obama:

4. Fast. That's right. High octane prayer – a weapon they don't have. Have one more Christmas cookie, and then let God know we're serious about our desperate need for Him to intervene and rescue us from the consequences of our actions. America made the choice of death last November, and as Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us, there are some consequences for such action. They're called curses. The good news is there is a way to break a curse. It's called repentance, which leads me to my next point.

5. Reserve your calendar for May 1, 2010. We're going to meet at the Lincoln Memorial at sunrise for "May Day – A cry to God for a nation in distress." We're not gathering to do cartwheels for the media in hopes that they'll give us a 20-second sound bite. Our goal isn't to impress the Washington elite. We are gathering at our nation's capitol to ask for an audience with the Creator of the universe. As we step out in obedience, following the checklist God gave us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble ourselves, repent and pray, to seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways, it is our hope that God will look down and see enough of a remnant to hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

Janet Porter, Right Wing Watch 61 Comments [1/16/2010 12:50:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 69571

Yes, slavery was a repugnant activity that is morally indefensible, the holocaust was an act of genocide perpetrated by some of the most vile racists in history ...

... and abortion is worse than both.

Stripe, Pharyngula 48 Comments [1/16/2010 12:50:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 64
Submitted By: Microraptor

Quote# 69580

I personally believe that Satan and his evil angels have limited control of weather patterns. The Scripture is clear that Satan and his host have made the world like a wilderness, which would clearly include the atmospheric heavens that connect directly to earth.

Joseph Chambers, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [1/16/2010 1:22:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69572

(why christianity is the correct religion)

1. Time itself is based on Jesus Christ. What does the year 2009 AD mean?
2. The Christian Bible is the most widely translated and widely distributed book ever to exist.
3. Some of the predictions in the Bible have already come to pass. It is apparent that others also will.
4. The Bible has several different authors from different areas and times, yet it blends perfectly.
5. Although is has been attempted, the primary truths within any version of the Bible have not changed.
6. More and more historical accounts in the Bible have been proven to be correct.
7. Christianity is the only religion where the ONLY requirement is to accept what God has already done.
8. Because acceptance is the ONLY requirement, no one has any greater access than anyone else.

goodboy, Rapture Ready 84 Comments [1/16/2010 1:20:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 72

Quote# 69567

When it comes to the matter of schools and evolution, the primary motive for teaching evolution in schools is to attract students to atheism and/or a naturalistic worldview at a early age and in a way that is not easily challenged by many parents. In other words, teaching evolution puts youngsters on a path towards atheism. The better the student, the more positive the reinforcement, and the more likely this approach will attain its desired effect.

If schoolchildren were permitted to believe (and say) that evolution is less likely than intelligent design, it would contradict the philosophical underpinnings of unguided evolution. This would lead students to question, even to reject, such materialist philosophies as atheism and secular humanism.

A more honest way of teaching about evolution would not be to present it as an unquestionable dogma, but simply to tell pupils what it is, how many scientists of various types believe in it; then to present all the scientific evidence for and against it.

For students who are mature enough to understand the philosophical implications, say, beginning with the upper three grades of high school, educators could explain the ideological links between evolution and various philosophical and political schools of thought: materialism, atheism, eugenics, Nietzsche, etc.

Similar links could be explored for ideas which criticize evolution, such as intelligent design which accepts some aspects of evolution while denying the lack of guidance, and creationism, which begins with the premise that God created everything.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 51 Comments [1/16/2010 1:19:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 69562

[Creating a whole bunch of stereotypes and falsehoods about homosexuals]

they are lustful
they are against GOD.
they badly influence children by this
they aren't discreet in public with relationships
they act camp
they act like women rather than macho
they like expensive things and materialistic personalities.
if they want children that probably means they secretly want to be straight and with a woman.
they hire cleaners because they don't have a woman in their life to tidy their house
they sometimes don't know how to do house things like laundry because there is no woman there to show them how
they say it was genetic but if it was genetic then they'd be able to pinpoint the exact gene for it and do scientific testing for it before birth
they deny the clear factors that have an influence on sexuality like absent father figure and overbearing mother
they choose to sin and try to blame it on GOD
they say animals are homosexual which gives them a right to be but animals aren't aware of sin and can't choose not to sin. And animals also murder their young but that doesn't make it right for humans to do it.
they insult you just because you are a moral Christian who wants everyone to avoid sin and get to heaven
they are too involved with what they want to wear and look like.

Christian purity, Y!A 63 Comments [1/16/2010 1:18:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 63
Submitted By: Shane

Quote# 69538

(re: rape victims and abortion)

The state will not force her to have a child conceived in rape. It will only outlaw the execution of the innocent party.

Outlawing abortion is right because it protects innocent people. That some would seek to break the law is no reason to disestablish the law. We do not regulate theft because without legal theft some people might get hurt doing it against the law. Neither is the argument from consequence a rational one in this case.

Stripe, Pharyngula 31 Comments [1/16/2010 1:12:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 69553

Gradual evolution expressed the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism. Thats what has been passed off in our school systems for 100+ yrs as the “fact of evolution” – the cultural and political biases of 19th century liberalism/satanism/atheism. Basically just demons spewing lies to deceive the masses in oppression towards the Creator.

Our knowledge of DNA and protein in living cells, biochemistry, and mathematical probability suggests that life is the result of design and creation(not time and chance acting on the inherent properties of matter.

Also….The evidence simply confirms that people have always been people, and apes always apes, as far back as the evidence goes. Thats how pathetic the fraud called evolution is.

ERIKTHERED9, Prison Planet 32 Comments [1/16/2010 1:07:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 69480

(guard your irony meters)

So much false teaching, so few calling it out!
We had a few threads here of late that seek to dismiss the soft sell gospel types. One particular poster fixated on one passage of the Bible with tunnel vision. No amount of passages that would help clarify the truth would help. If a church just mentions Jesus and is busy with social gospel things, they are OK and anyone calling them into question is just divisive and mean.

This mentality is similar to a group of people known as "Red Letter Christians". They too fixate on the red letter portions of the social, non confrontational parts of Jesus' words. The danger in this is obvious. One comes to the Word with a presupposition and then finds passages to agree with those suppositions.

By taking a pick and choose method of Biblical understanding entire portions of the Bible will by necessity be ignored. By not having a serious view of the entirety of Scripture no objective standard is needed, only what makes someone happy and comfortable is needed.

This is why so many people wind up watching joel osteen, rick warren, the whole TBN crowd or the preacher du jour we see on Sunday morning television They never seem to discern the folly and perversion of the Gospel these people peddle. This comes as no small surprise given that in many churches discernment is a dirty word.

The disease of the Red Letter Christian is something with which Bible Believing Christians need to become familiar.

OnceWasLost, Rapture Ready 80 Comments [1/16/2010 1:02:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 69558

[On the new tallest building in the world, Burj Dubai]

Knocking it down would be excellent payback for 911.

Daniel1210, RR 83 Comments [1/15/2010 10:25:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 112
Submitted By: Rich
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