Quote# 71669
Atheists & burden of truth?
You atheists claim that believe in NO GOD is the logical position and that the burden of proof is on the religious person to prove otherwise.
But that is not really logical.
It's true that for me to walk around saying that Mohamed or Christ or whoever is divinely inspired, there is a burden for me to prove it.
But LIKEWISE, you go around claiming the no god and no afterlife exists, and for you to claim that with certainty that puts another burden of proof on you.
I could, never having explored space, say that no other planets exist because you can't prove it.
But that is not really the logical position. It is more logical to say that I can't say what exists in areas I haven't explored.
Your not dead so you have not explored. To make any claims about what you know, when you have no evidence, is just your own giant ego talking.
Yahoo! Answers 43 Comments [3/23/2010 4:39:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Kisare