Quote# 71870
If their dating and their DNA test are accurate or near accurate, they must be up to the DNA of some superior human race: one who has not yet degenerated to what the humans are like now. That is before humans became so inferior not only morally but physically as they are right now,
We read in the only account of man's origin that human beings were created by his Creator to last endlessly or eternally without aging, but that was interrupted by man's disobedience to his Creator, However a default system was set in place that would restore humans to that original purpose of the Creator..
But the moral, intellectual and physical degradation of mankind was not sudden. Human's first parents live nine centuries according to biblical record. Then six centuries, then four, until Abraham who lived 175 years, until the time of king David who lived 70. Since then man's life expectancy remained 70 until now. This disprove Darwin's evolutionary theory.
If we will need biblical faith to believe biblical account of man's origin, we likewise need faith, a darwinian faith, in order to believe Darwin's evolutionary theory. But I would rather believe biblical account using biblical faith rather than darwinian faith to believe darwinian theory of evolution.
If scientists will only make objective studies rather than do studies influenced by biased subjective instinct to exclude their Creator from their investigation, it will not be long and their mind will come in contact the Great Creator.
Yahoo! News-Possible new human ancestor found in Siberia 49 Comments [4/2/2010 11:07:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: Neserit