Quote# 75796
Even the British can see how much of an insult the Victory Mosque is. Can you really be so obtuse as to miss so much deliberate symbolism? What will it take for you to understand their intentions, the builders renaming it that "Death to America Community Center?" Hell, you'd probably STILL defend it in the name of "tolerance". Probably because you DO know what it means, and you LOVE it. This isn't just any Mosque, though the "Religion of Peace (tm)" has such a horrible track record that if it didn't hide behind prayers it would have been eradicated long ago like the tyrannical cancer it was. This mosque is:
*Named after the Muslim conquest of Cordova.
*Situated as close to Ground Zero as they could possibly get, you will even be able to see the hole in the ground from the windows, and you sure as hell will be able to hear the call to prayer from the site.
*Opening on the anniversary of 9/11.
What more do you need, a giant sign saying "FUCK YOU"?
I've got an analogy for you, let's say some far-right Christian group theoretically blew up some really important muslim place, nuked Mecca or something, and (very uncharacteristically I might add, as in this would never happen) Christians around the world danced in the streets and fired AK-47s into the air when they heard the news. Then, they came over to the crater, and said that they were going to build a big, multi-million dollar Catholic cathedral, with huge stained glass windows, a ridiculously tall bell tower, the works, within viewing distance, and close enough that anyone attending the memorial would hear church bells ringing every Sunday. To top it all off, they set the grand opening on the anniversary of the the Mecca's destruction, so they'll be singing hymns and ringing the bell all day. What do you think of that? If you find my example horribly insensitive, then why do you defend the Victory Mosque?
Moonbattery 67 Comments [9/4/2010 9:46:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain