Quote# 90858
The ACLU has filed a lawsuit to force a Utah school district to keep a lesbian advocacy book on elementary school library shelves.
ACLU = The American Communist Lovers Union.
In the Davis School District in Utah, children as young as kindergarten age can check out a homosexual propaganda book called In My Mothers’ House, about three adopted kids and their lesbian “mothers,”
Can they check out Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Rielly, Sean Hannity or David Limbaugh's books?
In Our Mothers’ House was added to libraries in five of the district’s 50 elementary schools after administrators learned that a Windridge Elementary student was being raised by lesbians.
My Condolences to the kid!!
A seven-member parent-teacher committee decided that the book would remain in library collections, but should be kept behind the counter instead of on the shelves.
Behind the counter like all ADULT BOOKS should be.
The legal director for the ACLU’s Utah chapter told Reuters that Weber read the story together with her 6-year-old daughter.
Warning, Ms Weber is raising her daughter (or is it her gf daughter?) to become a LESBIAN
Tina Weber said in a statement that, while other parents have the right to limit what their children read, they should not have any influence over what library books are available to others.
hey, DUMBA$$, a 6 y/o doesn't need to know about your IMMORAL LIFESTYLE!!!
“I don’t believe it’s for anybody else to tell me how to raise my family,” Weber said. “I would just hope to see the book get back on the shelf so all children have access to it.”
Translation: 'I don't care if I live IMMORALLY and I want all public school kindergarteners to have access to this WONDERFUL IMMORAL LIFESTYLE without their parents -- who needs a male anyway -- permission!!'
Davis School District spokesperson Chris Williams told Reuters that the district stands behind its decision to require students to have parental permission to check out the book.
Chris Williams, you are an ENABLER to the IMMORAL HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY!! You should tell that IMMORAL PERSON that the book will be sent to the dump.
What is happening to UTAH??
Free Republic 47 Comments [11/20/2012 4:39:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 68
Submitted By: finnugold