Quote# 86780
As expected, 8 of the 10 most religious states are located in the Bible Belt of the South and are Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia with Mississippi ranking as the ‘most religious state’ in the Union. The other 2 states in this category are Oklahoma and Utah, the majority of whose residents are Mormon. They were awarded the honor of being ‘the most religious group in America today.’ Oh yay. A twisted, mishmash of bizarre beliefs and blasphemous statements about Jesus Christ represents the most religious group in this country. No wonder the USA is going to hell in a hand- basket!
There are 12 ‘least religious states’ and 6 are in New England. These are New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island with Vermont nabbing the ‘most heathen’ award for the whole country. I guess those folks in Vermont are too busy sucking syrup out of Maple trees to give God much thought.
Other states in the ‘least religious’ category are, Alaska (next door to Russia, what can you expect?), Oregon (The Wicca State), Nevada and Washington (The let's worship a tree State). The last 2 are the District of Columbia (completely Godless!) and, surprise, surprise, New York.
So what does all this mean? According to Gallup, America remains a generally religious nation, with more than 2/3 of the residents classified as very or moderately religious. These statistics bring up some interesting questions.
What does Gallup even mean when they use the term ‘religious?’ I suppose that would encompass all Christian beliefs which would include the many Protestant denominations and ‘non-denominational’ congregations. Apparently they consider Mormonism to be a religion. What about Scientology and their mother ship? Are they including Muslims? What about Buddhists or Hindus? The Wiccans? The luciferians and plain ‘ol satanists?
And, of course, we can’t forget the Catholics, because NO one can put on some religion like the Catholics! The robes. The ceremonies. The metal thingy’s with incense and smoke being waved about. Genuflecting to a graven image of Christ on the cross. Sprinkling holy water on the faithful. Sitting in a little wooden hut, confessing your sins to some unseen voice who thinks he has the ability to forgive you, along with the seemingly endless hour and a half of men with funny hats, mumbling Latin which no one in the building can understand. Mmmm, Lord knows I love me some Catholics! Now THAT’S what I call a good show of religion!
I don’t know who this Gallup guy is or why he’s never asked me any questions, but I have to wholeheartedly agree with his poll. America used to be a Godly country, which is much different than being a ‘religious’ people. A good definition of ‘religion’ is mankind’s arrogant, worthless attempt to make himself acceptable to a Holy God by his own efforts or works. Religion is one of the greatest and most destructive lies satan ever hatched in that putrid little brain of his. It is anything but Godly.
No, America has fallen from being Godly to being religious. We have a plethora of gods to worship, command and control. The gods of our religions don’t tell us how to live and don’t expect anything from us so we can toddle off to our churches every Sunday and feel good about ourselves because we’re ‘a good person.’ Somehow, I don’t think America’s gods will be able to save us from the approaching and well deserved wrath of the one true God. You know; the one we used to have before we became religious.
Donna Wasson,
Rapture Ready 93 Comments [4/4/2012 3:27:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 97
Submitted By: Brendan Rizzo