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Quote# 92104

In fact, it wasn’t only the Germanic women who exulted in the barbarian lifestyle, but some Roman women as well. Although the invaders may have laid waste to the greatest civilization the world had yet known, slaughtered tens of thousands, burned and destroyed centers of learning and thoroughly wrecked the economy, leaving millions destitute, they ushered in an era of women’s empowerment and equality. Amidst the smoking ruins of once-great cities and estates, Roman ladies cavorted and feasted with unkempt, tattooed Gothic warriors.


Indeed, this seems to indicate that women’s relative power is stronger in more primitive, anarchic and despotic environments, whether they are our contemporary urban ghettoes or early medieval barbarian kingdoms. Many other examples, such as 12th century Mongolia and early colonial era Iroquois tribes point to this phenomenon. In fact, as far as I know, in barbaric, warlike societies, as opposed to civilized or hunter gatherer societies, women have the most power and freedom of all. In example after example, one can see the relative status of women decline as societies become more orderly, literate and settled. Contrast Homeric Greece to Athenian civilization. Pre-imperial to Confucian China. Jahiliyyah to the Caliphate — the list goes on.

The question, then, is whether feminists, when presented with the opportunity, would deliberately create the conditions of barbarism. That feminists romanticize a golden past of female empowerment, even going so far as to suggest that ape society is superior to our own, seems to suggest that they will. Perhaps, then, it isn’t so much that feminists want to change civilization, but rather – consciously or not – they aim to dismantle it.

If so, that may be exactly where we’re headed.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 34 Comments [1/16/2013 4:36:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 92087

Brennan: "Isn’t the demand for freedom from all morality and a license to do whatever one’s carnal desires crave the real reason why most atheists deny the existence of a divine lawgiver?"

D'Souza: "I think it is the main reason, the desire to escape not just sexual rules but also to escape from ultimate moral judgment. Marx once said that religion is the opiate of the masses. He implied that religion was a kind of refuge. I turn this around and note that atheism is the opiate of the morally corrupt. Atheists try and escape the idea of judgment by getting rid of the judge."

Dinesh D'Souza and Phil Brennan, Newsmax 41 Comments [1/16/2013 4:33:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 92086

As a philosophy, evolutionism has had proven evil influences on human happiness and welfare.

It is the root cause of such political philosophies as Atheism, Naturalism, Marxism, Statism, Socialism, and Nazism.

The 20th Century alone has spawned conflicts that have led to the loss of millions of lives. Darwin's theories are the root justification for such practices as racism, eugenics, abortion and euthanasia, practiced by Hitler, Stalin and Mao - all "intellectually fulfilled atheists" themselves.

Rev. Greg Haslam, BBC Religion & Ethics 51 Comments [1/15/2013 3:05:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 68
Submitted By: Atheissimo

Quote# 92081

And speaking of gimmicks, how is it more of a gimmick for women to run around looking sexy than it is for them to play at a man’s game? I thought that’s what women did naturally when given the opportunity. Who’s more of a freak: a female beauty pageant contestant or a female boxer?

I wonder why these guys can’t accept the simple fact that there just aren’t enough lesbians out there to sustain this kind of thing.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 32 Comments [1/15/2013 4:46:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 63

Quote# 92077

Friends, distorting American history is a deliberate lie, and lying is not permissible by law.

Is the atheist of today under a different set of rules and laws than the American people, namely a law unto themselves?



These atheist, secularist communists, and communists they are, are willing to play the minions to help constitute foreign government (the Koran, etc.) over that of American government (the Bible).

Not only are they enemies to God, but to America as well.


The American people, atheists, and secularists included, would do well to remember that those who serve “We the People” also swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

In conclusion, America must take note that atheism was unknown in our nation during its foundation.

Bradlee Dean , Freedom Outpost 59 Comments [1/15/2013 4:44:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 92074

["West New York assemblywoman's bill would require psychological tests for all gun buyers"]

That is the big Joke! Psychologists/psychiatrists are trained by the government—and certified by the government.

They can block certification of all Right thinking people like they are doing today—when students refuse to say “Sodomizing people is normal” and as Rush stated—now the “experts” are saying that sodomizing little boys is good for them.

Yes—the government “backed” Homosexual mafia is out to return us to the ideology of all the ancient cultures where sodomy was a higher form of behavior than heterosexuality and pederasty was the recreation of most of the men.

It is why our government backs muslims because they endorse sodomy , bestiality and pedophilia.

They have the “correct” belief system-—just like Stalin’s “health” officials.

savagesusie, Free Republic 56 Comments [1/14/2013 5:48:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 68

Quote# 92072

There is no Natural Right to Vice since ALL Rights in the US Constitution come from God and have to promote the General Welfare. Justice is a Virtue-—and to promote a Just society means to promote Virtue and demonize Vice.

The convoluted Marxists’ irrational “thinking” has got to be cleaned out of our courts. “Right Reason according to Nature”——is Common Sense and the basis of a Just Law.

Again—there is NO right to sodomize others——and there is Right Reason to make sodomy illegal, since it is destructive to the health and body and is not natural and always a Vice.

savagesusie, Free Republic 57 Comments [1/14/2013 4:45:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 92071

On his program last night, Beck revealed that his intention to "go Galt" is quite literal, unveiling grandiose plans to create an entirely self-sustaining community called Independence Park that will provide its own food and energy, produce television and film content, host research and development, serve as a marketplace for products and ideas, while also housing a theme park and serving as a residential community.

At the center - in the middle of the lake that is itself larger than all of Disney Land - Beck (with the help of David Barton) will create a massive "national archive"/learning center where people can send their children to be "deprogrammed" and elected officials can come to learn "the truth."

Glenn Beck, Right Wing Watch 71 Comments [1/14/2013 4:44:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 68
Submitted By: michael3ov

Quote# 92069

(A note given to a lesbian couple who dined at a NC restaurant owned by Ed McGovern):

God said in the last days that man and wom[a]n would be lover of self, more [than] the lover of God.

That man and woman would have unnatural [affection] for one another. Then, the coming of the Son of Man, who is Jesus. So please, look at your life. See how it hurt[s] everyone around you. And ask the Lord to open your eye[s] before it [is] to[o] late.

The Love of Christ

P.S. my daughter also was gay. It destroy[ed] her life and my grandson.

Ed McGovern, HRC Blog 42 Comments [1/14/2013 4:44:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: JSS

Quote# 92068

When Christians dogmatically insist that Jesus is our only hope, it is a blow to people’s pride. The lost does not want to be told that they don’t measure up, they are bad people, and that none of us are worthy. It attacks our independence. It attacks our pride.

Those without Jesus want to determine what is right and wrong for themselves, and especially do not want someone saying that this is the way it is, and there is no other way. The following verse says it all.

Grant Phillps, rapture ready 28 Comments [1/14/2013 4:44:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 92058

When one sits back and contemplates the great truths contained in God’s plan for history as revealed in the Bible, it is truly amazing to contemplate such reality. A partial list would include the following: God’s creation out of nothing; God’s creation of angels and their role in history; man’s fall into sin; Noah’s Ark and the Flood; the tower of Babel; the call of Abraham; the Exodus and foundation of the nation of Israel; the up-and-down history of Israel, Christ’s first coming; His death, resurrection, and ascension; the founding of the church; and Christ’s promise to return to take His bride to heaven with Him at the rapture. These real, historical events are greater than any fictional account that the most creative moviemaker could conceive.

Thomas Ice, bible prophecy blog 46 Comments [1/13/2013 12:36:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 92054

Ridiculous reform

Sadly and tragically, reform and other movements think its fine to re create the laws, calling a child a Jew if they ha e a father who is a Jew. This is purely to serve the self cent redness of the parties who have no knowledge whatsover, of any Torah. The simple law is, from a Jewish mother, because she houses the baby and her blood food oxygen is the definition then the child is a Jew. End of. Why bother having reform, it's an excuse to just hang onto something Jewish, why not just dump it all, ? Because being a Jew is something g No Jew can forget, get rid of or leave. For all those married to Gentiles, my heart aches for you, try reading a good Jewish book from a proper Jewish source, reform amd conservative liberal etc, all are country clubs. Please save your poor children from the craziness of being screwed up. A Jew is a Jew. There are no halfs. I a an observant Jewish worn with lovely kids who respect all people, no matter what faith, sadly other Jews do not think their brethren deserve respect. Save your children from the confusion. Don't tell them they are Jewish if their. Other is a catholic, a Protestant or anything else. Very very sad. If you. Arry a gentile, that is the end result, gentile children, and you cannot change this fact. I know it's a hard pill, but, if you want Jewish, Marry a jew

Anonymous, aish.com 43 Comments [1/13/2013 10:39:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 92038

Well, I was walking around with a Bible in my hand when all of a sudden Atheists began make death threats towards me.
I didn't understand why until one yelled, ''We're Bible Burners. Us Atheists no better then to surrender.''
Being that I was in shock, I started to run away.
I am a kind person and I try to avoid conflict at all times.
However, as I began to run away, one started cahsing me and then his group followed behind about a minute later.
There were exactly 6 guys and they all grabbed my Bible and begin to throw it around, tehn they started to tear pages out of it and lit it on fire.
Then after that, they all began to beat me and one person kicked me so hard that my side tooth is chipped now.
They all kept screaming ''This is what us Atheists are all about. We'll beat the religion out of all of you. We are mean tough people who don't surrender.''

I know where all of them live as of now.

What should I do about it?

?, Yahoo Answers 106 Comments [1/13/2013 10:35:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 73
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 92037

I know that I said that I left WLD, but I have to comment on the school shooting.

The callous disregard for human life from America's ruling class, the president, the Congress, the Judiciary, that sanctions the slaughter of 24 babies EVERY 10 minutes has to be a huge contributing factor to the carnage at the Sandy Hook School.

Where did I get that number 24?

In 40 years since Roe v. Wade, more than 50 million unborn babies have been slaughtered. That amounts 1,250,000 every year, 3,425 every day, 143 every hour.

That means that 24 babies are slaughtered EVERY 10 minutes, more than the number of children killed in that school shooting.

Naturalized-Texan, Where Liberty Dwells 39 Comments [1/13/2013 10:35:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 92033

I didn't say I was qualified. I said what my atheistic professor said and I believe he was qualified.
No my life is built on the scripture and on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
I am just pleased to know that REAL science confirms the Bible. I do have a bachelors and taught Biology - though that doesn't qualify me either except that I know ther scientific method and know that evolution is impossible.

ded2daworld, Christian Chat 28 Comments [1/13/2013 5:51:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: kilgore

Quote# 92032

You know, buying sperm on Craigslist should be abolished. Buying sperm at all should be abolished. And furthermore, these people should be in jail, I’m afraid. I mean, you know, honestly, I just can’t even imagine where people think this is going to lead. You know, because the child is no longer a gift from God and a fruit of human love participating in God’s love. The child is now a product, manufactured by adults, and therefore the child cannot be fully the equal of its parent.

Jennifer Roback Morse, Human Rights Campaign 39 Comments [1/13/2013 5:51:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 92031

I'm still up in the air on young vs. old earth, but believe that whenever science and scripture collide, scripture wins out 100% of the time. If nothing else because it never changes, and remains a solid foundation, but building a life or world view on science is like building a skyscraper on quicksand. The ground is alway shifting beneath, and it ends up sucking you down to the pits of hell.

Kingfisher, Christian Chat 42 Comments [1/13/2013 5:51:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: kilgore

Quote# 92029

If Darwinism was true: there is, never was or never will be any true moral standard. The only reason we made it this far is because of the God of the Bible and His moral law, throw it out and personal immorality will soon lead to self-centered/interested calamity.

Secular humanism and liberal Christianity is hurting this countries vitality. Two of the biggest factors are deceptive/mythical state-church separation and evolution. Those two demonic movements have deeply wounded Christianity’s influence on the culture and we are worse off as a result!

Anthony Castellio, Stand up for the truth 33 Comments [1/13/2013 5:51:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 92026

(OP asks for proof that the Bible is true.)


You don't like those verses to back up how I treat my wife and others?

Did you know that the Bible has never been proven to be in error or false HISTORICALLY, GEOGRAPHICALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY, or ARCHAEOLOGICALLY?
I challenge YOU to do so. I've laid out that challenge many times in many venues on line and not ONCE has the challenge been taken up.

PROOF in the Bible....The Nile River, the Tigris & Euphrates (do you even know where they are?) , Ethiopia, Syria, Jerusalem, Thessalonica. Manna....exists today. Picking up birds from the ground (like our phesants/quail)...on the Sinai peninsula..they migrate in our time, just as they did in Moses' time.. It can be done in our time, still. TEMPLE OF BAAL....discovered in the 1920s. Babylon....extinct as was prophesied...and no one lives in that area as was prophesied. Many of the countries near Israel have, in their history, people, places, happenings that are in the Bible. E.G. wars, kings, famines....etc.

Are you a biblical scholar? Or are you just a loud mouth looking for attention?

(Christian since 1964, Bible teacher since 1988...what are YOUR qualifications?)

Shadow, Yahoo! answers 66 Comments [1/12/2013 4:37:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: Al (Not Bundy)

Quote# 92025

We need to remember that in the time leading up to the Flood what the rabbis teach about the last straw for God before He brought the Flood was when they started writing wedding songs to homosexual marriage and Jesus said that you’ll know the End Times because it will be like the days of Noah. There’s never been a time in the history of the world since before the Flood when homosexual marriage has been open and celebrated, and that’s another sign that I believe that we’re close to the end.

Scott Lively, Right Wing Watch 36 Comments [1/12/2013 4:37:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 92021

Christian conservative leader Tony Perkins is upset — this time, about yoga classes being offered to military members.

Why? Because the “goofy” style of exercise has been used as a “wacky” substitute for a “personal relationship with God,” effectively driving religion out of the military.

At the beginning of his radio address this morning, the Family Research Council head declared: “In the military, it’s out with God–and in with the goofy!”

“As part some new training, Marines are being asked to join weekly yoga and meditation classes,” he explained. “Sergeant Nathan Hampton said the idea took some getting used to. ‘Why are we sitting around a classroom doing weird meditating stuff?’ he wondered.”

Perkins neglected to mention that in the very same Washington Post article, Sgt. Hampton continued on to explain that he warmed up to yoga and now enjoys the practice: “Over time, I felt more relaxed. I slept better. Physically, I noticed that I wasn’t tense all the time. It helps you think more clearly and decisively in stressful situations. There was a benefit,” he’s quoted as saying.

Nevertheless, Perkins continued on: “Former Army Captain Elizabeth Stanley says it’s to relieve stress. She’s the one behind M-Fit, or Mind Fitness Training. She insists the New Age approach ‘creates a sense of calmness, reduces drug and alcohol use, increases productivity, and improves working relationships.’

“What a coincidence–so does faith! Unfortunately, the military seems intent on driving religion out and replacing it with wacky substitutes,” he continued. “They’ve added atheist chaplains, Wiccan worship centers, and now, meditation classes. But none of them are as effective or as constructive as a personal relationship with God. Unfortunately, though, it’s mind over what matters–and that’s faith.”

Tony Perkins, Mediaite 48 Comments [1/12/2013 5:48:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 53

Quote# 92018

It is unimportant whether people are attracted to men, women, children, animals or blow-up dolls. Nor does it matter if these perversions are innate or not. What matters is how they ACT. The Torah calls the ACT of homosexuality an abomination. Those who claim to be "gay" are welcome to their twisted attractions. However, once they ACT on those attractions, there is a crime and there is a punishment, no different from rapists or child molesters. A Jewish State should investigate and punish the ACT of homosexuality, lest we all suffer divine retribution fro the actions of a few deviants.

It is 100% true that the gay movement is a complete fraud. Every person has the ability to change. It is not easy for some but that does not mean it is impossible. We are all born with certain inclinations and character issues that we have to work on over our lives. Changing ones attraction is certainly possible Unfortunatly the media has glamourized this lifestyle and many people who could avoid this temptation see no reason to try anymore. That is a real crime. The whole thing is a fraud. We must do everything in our power to stop it.

I believe that just as no one is born a murderer or a theif, but they become one from their own decision to act out, so with homosexuality. The Torah would not forbid doing something which a person is powerless to refrain from doing. G-d created humans and He gave us urges which are evil so that we can come to understand and choose what is good. The power of suggestion and wide media coverage of every abberant behavior has made the forbidden seem permissible.

I too was once challenged in my sexuality, not yet having the chance to mature into the man I am today. When I was younger, several homosexual men made a serious play for me. I was still maturing, still growing in my 'who-I-am' thing, and was tempted by their strong advances. I knew I wasn't homosexual, but their constant advances made me think twice. They preyed upon me at a very impressionable age. I was attractive to both them, and women, though because I was also shy at that time, I did not have any luck with women. But I recognized this as a spiritual attack. This should not be missed.

If you believe that HaShem looked into the Torah and created the world -using the Torah as a blueprint, then you cannot say that it is normal to be gay. The Torah strictly forbids it. From a religious perspective Homosexuality should be dealt with as one deals with adultery, pedophelia, and incest. Those who suffer from these desires surely suffer greatly and need concerned individuals and organizations to help them.

Shmuel Nagid, Guard Your Eyes 38 Comments [1/12/2013 4:32:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 92015

Scared elephants in the Jewish circus of the macabre

One can not be a Christian and get a tattoo. One can not be a Christian and engage in certain sexual practices like rectal sodomy. One can not be a Christian and use treachery to advance himself. One can not be a pathological liar, sociopath or psychopath and be a Christian.

A tat is a blatant sign saying one worships evil and has turned away from God. The human body (especially the healthy female form) is God’s greatest and most beautiful piece of artwork. A tattoo is a desecration of God’s gift and a top 5 sadistic ritual.

All tats on human beings are ugly. Zionists/sadists glorify the ugly. Ever wonder why most Jews use scatological references when they speak? That is what they have been taught through thousands of years. That is a glorification of the vulgar that is Zionism/sadism.

Do you notice how ugly Hollyweird is now? Short tatted up White females and black thug rap stars make up Hollyweird today. The Jews have brainwashed Whites so much that Whites willingly pay for ugly. When one turns away from God one glorifies the ugly. When one turns away from God one promotes Zionism.


White police will mass execute and rape other Whites in broad daylight. That will be the norm. That is the future. White men have failed in the USA.


The Zionists are mice. We are elephants. I will repeat this over and over. Quit being scared elephants in the Jewish circus of the macabre.

Call women with tats ugly if you are a male. That is called social pressure and it is more effective then any law. Rebuke certain sexual practices if your girlfriend or wife asks and divorce or leave her if she asks more then twice.

Ghost, The Ghost Nation 52 Comments [1/12/2013 4:31:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 92011

[Emphasis mine.]

I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made, was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should have never turned that over to women. Her eyebrows went like this (Peterson raises his eyebrows in a mocking gesture). It was a big mistake and I will get your agreements and disagreements in just a minute. Right now 50% of the voting population are women. Did you know that? There are more women voting out there than men, because there are more women than men and these women are voting in the wrong people. They're voting in people who are evil, who agree with them, who are going to take us down this pathway of destruction. This was probably the reason why they didn't allow women to vote when men where men, because men in the good ole days, understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it and they understood that if you let them take over, this is what will happen. I remember when my grandmother would do stupid stuff, and I would talk to my granddad about it he would say, "yeah, your grandma is crazy, that ole woman is just crazy" He would straighten the situation out for us, but you can't go to dad and tell him about mom anymore, 'cause dad is afraid of mama. He won't deal with it. It's so unfortunate but this is how evil is coming in. It's coming through the woman. I know y'all don't want to hear it, but it's the truth so help me. If you doubt me, all you have to do is open up your eyes and look around yourself and see it for yourself. It's not hard to see anymore. Look at every place where a woman is in control, now maybe not all, not all, but most, you will see nothing but confusion. There's not good in it all. This is how homosexuality came to the forefront, now they have this gay marriage thing coming to the forefront and it just blows my mind to see how evil is just working it's way through. I want you to wake up because I think somewhere in the Bible it says that we are going to end up hiding behind rocks. That's absolutely true. We're losing our rights to bear arms, freedom of speech - they shut you down from freedom of speech and freedom of speech only means freedom to speak truth. If you're speaking the truth, they're going to shut you down, but if you go along and lie about it, speaking lies, then your freedom is fine - don't worry about your freedom. If you disagree, your freedom of speech, truth speech is being shut down. It's just happening, it looks like it can't be stopped. It's just happening because women are in positions of power. You can look at the homes, you can look at the businesses, you can look at the community, wherever there's women, schools, wherever women are taking over, evil reigns, it's there.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Womanist Musings 49 Comments [1/12/2013 4:17:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 67
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92010

Recently we have seen numerous cases of mass murder committed throughout the United States.
Some leftists have claimed that guns are the culprit. However this is obviously not the case, because murder exists even in nations with strict gun control and all gun control does is make the government all powerful and not answerable to rebellion.
Gun control takes away our right to rebellion against a tyranny.

Thus I think the real issue is related to faith. Godlessness has taken root in Christian America and has spread like a curse. If we want to reduce violence in this country we need to purge the Atheist elements that promote slaughter and supremacy of the strong as the natural course of evolution.

Intelligent design should be taught in the place of evolution in our public school system. Church attendance should become mandatory and abortion and homosexuality should be illegal.

This will do far more to combat social violence then an assault weapons ban ever would.

High Nalograd , NationStates 55 Comments [1/11/2013 4:18:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 68
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