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Quote# 98389

Here is where the definition of the word religion becomes absolutely critical. If by ‘religion’ the founders meant Christianity, then you can ban a monument to Satan, because that is not Christianity. But if by ‘religion’ you mean anything, any system of belief, whether it’s Christian or not, then you have no way, you have no way to tell the Satanists, ‘You can’t have your monument.

Bryan Fischer, Patheos 46 Comments [12/22/2013 4:25:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 98385

Do I condemn "genocide" of any given "part" of the human race? No, absolutely not!!! I do not "condemn" anything because it is not my position to judge (Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 6:37, James 4:11-12, etc.) and consequently condemn anyone/anything (not by my own standards anyways); God is the judge of all and I absolutely/completely trust him to judge everyone and everything justly (so I need not grasp at the "right" to judge). That being said, I do believe that God condemns any destruction of any individual or group of HIS creatures that has not been "ordained" by him; the debate regarding who (if anyone) received this divine order is worthy of another discussion entirely (but biblically speaking it basically "boils down to" whether or not you believe the biblical account to be accurate).

mosesgodson, Dwindling in Unbelief 28 Comments [12/21/2013 9:10:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 98383

In primeval times (pre-flood) vicious and perverse angels came down and sinned with women and spawned a race of fierce and mighty men of old. I believe that this is where we get the myth of the demigods. Homer and Hesiod use the term, hemitheoi, meaning the person had one parent who was a 'god' and one who was a mortal. I personally believe that the secular/mythological cultural memory of these half-breeds, such as the mighty men of old mentioned in Genesis 6, were men like Hercules and Aeneas, and were the product of such matings. They really overstepped, and these particular unholy angels who did the deeds were locked up in Tartarus,

Elizabeth Prata, The end time 35 Comments [12/21/2013 9:09:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 98380

Hey, I am actually on gay people's side here. I know some. Many of them are crazy like you, but then again others are very nice people.

The surest way to increase hatred against gays is to do what happens now in USA. Big Gay mafia pushing that propaganda and brainwashing normal people's children to think that being gay is normal, ok or even more cool than being normal hetero. It is not. Face the truth. Homosexualism is mental disorder. Has always been and always will be.

Northfront, NationStates 37 Comments [12/21/2013 9:07:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: RD

Quote# 98379

Bestiality, homosexualism and incest between adult people all happen. It is still not something that normal people do or wishes that their kids would ever end up doing. You don't need any religion to see that those are all decadent things to do and not wanted in society.

Those lifestyles should not be promoted at all. And Russia did the right thing when they banned gay propaganda.

Northfront, NationStates 17 Comments [12/21/2013 8:20:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: RD

Quote# 98378

Some people and organisations, such as Stop the War, have been bamboozled by the non-stop and ubiquitous Goebbelsian propaganda that has spewed forth from the imperialist media ever since Gaddafi's regime was put in place into believing that he is some kind of a monster who must be overthrown at all costs. In view of his record in defending the interests of the Libyan people, such an approach is absurd.

Stop the War, dominated as it is by organisations that devote themselves to spreading illusions in social democracy (ie, futile hopes that solutions for the working class and oppressed people are to be found within capitalism), still finds itself cheerleading for Gaddafi's opponents: their only reason for opposing imperialist military intervention is that it may be harmful to the cause of imperialism's local agents in Libya!

Down with social-democratic treachery; down with imperialism!


CPGB-ML, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) 31 Comments [12/21/2013 7:15:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 98373

If our scientists had been around a few million years longer and had discovered why evil abounds and cured us of it, giving all those who would follow their laws everlasting life...things might now be very much different and we would have a little better understanding of what universal wonders surround us...as it is we must rely on an authority that already has all this knowledge.

If I wanted to move a planet I would now know that electrical/gravitational forces could be adopted though I wouldn't have a clue where to start...well...that's not entirely true...the evidence suggests that by interfering with the magnetic field that surrounds the planet we could submerge it into a gravity free zone...and every report of every ufo substantiates this claim.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 29 Comments [12/21/2013 7:14:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 98360

Isn't it amazing to see the gay movement in action? They commit violent sexual assaults, spit on those who are doing nothing at all to them, yet they claim that THEY are the victims here!

When are we going to wake up and stop coddling the left and worrying that they won't like conservatives? These people revel in evil acts and will never stop until they stamp out all who would dare to think differently from them. Constantly we hear the liberal press talk about the "violence" of the Tea Party, yet they glorify the very real violence of Occupy Wall Street. Murder, rape, destruction of private and public property, assault of police officers, foulmouthed punks spewing vile hatred on anyone who would listen, public sexual acts and defecation...the list goes on and on and on. And as they commit these acts, they cry to anyone who will listen that they are "victims".

Something that characterizes the left the world over is the unmistakable mark of "the end ALWAYS justifies ANY means".

slkgej6, Patriot Update 32 Comments [12/21/2013 6:49:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 98358

Our Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but 400 times closer. Thus the Sun and Moon appear the same size, allowing solar eclipses.

The chances of this happening by mere chance - as the Darwinianists claim - is 578.3 trillion to one. Would you bet on such odds? I mean, if you were a betting person, which I'm not, obviously.

Furthermore, if the Moon was formed - as the Darwinianists claim - by a chunk being knocked off the Earth in some kind of cosmic collision, you would expect it to have a full complement of stuff knocked off the Earth (e.g. oceans, an atmosphere, living creatures, volcanoes, burritos etc) whereas in fact a search with even a large telescope reveals nothing but grey rock and dust.

Is it not then obvious that the Moon was created in its present form 6,000 years ago, to be the Moon and nothing else?

Jack B, Yahoo Answers 42 Comments [12/21/2013 6:43:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 98313

There is nothing wrong with women voting as long as they don't vote with men. In other words, separate but equal is fine where women vote on laws and government for women and men do the same for men. But when the sexes are combined, women will vote for unlimited license and to enslave men, and men who naturally suck up to women will support them, and this coalition destroys society.

As Thomas Jefferson said:

"Were our State a pure democracy, . . . there would yet be excluded from their deliberations, women, who, to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, could not mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men."

Fschmidt, Christian Forums 21 Comments [12/21/2013 6:43:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 98295

[On Mandela and Apartheid SA]

It would have been better for the entire nation to be saved yet live under the apartheid regime, than be freed from it & die in their sin.

so-blessed, RR 23 Comments [12/21/2013 5:57:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 98253

*Luxembourg has sworn in its first openly gay PM*

And next they'll swear in an openly pedophilic PM. This human rights campaign needs to go international!

The Shia Califate, NationStates 20 Comments [12/21/2013 5:56:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: RD

Quote# 98376

Unsung Heroism

In a sense, the Torah scholar is faced with a more difficult challenge than the soldier. Soldiers are lionized. They are given honorable mentions in the newspaper, awarded with marks of distinction, and their exploits and victories are publicly recounted and rhapsodized. They are national heroes.

But far away from the action of the battlefield, the Torah scholar sits and learns without fanfare. His efforts to protect the Jewish people (studying Torah all day is very difficult, as anyone who has done so, or attempted to do so, can testify) confer upon him no elevated status and glory; he goes unknown.

If anything, he is punished for his choice, subjected to constant insults and condemnation by his less religious brethren, who scream at him in self-righteous indignation: “Will your brothers go to war while you sit here?” And not only doesn’t his vital contribution earn him an honorable mention in the media, but the media regularly spews vitriol against the full-time Torah scholar and incites the populace to despise him, branding him a leech and a drain upon society, one who selfishly refuses to “share the burden.”

Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver, A Chassidishe farbrengen 28 Comments [12/21/2013 5:55:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 98371

A friend of mine was at a conference where some Satanists and witches were in the room. And they let out the power of evil in that room, and invariably, the most shaken people were the materialists and the atheists who sensed this incredible, tangible evil that they could not deal with. And I think that there is something very real and genuine that we’re dealing with here.

John Weldon, The John Ankerberg Show 51 Comments [12/20/2013 6:23:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 98369

(The topic is someone running a bakery loses a lawsuit after refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple)

I expect the shop owners will want to take extra-judicial retaliation now... seeing as how unjust the law is...

Winning a lawsuit doesn't always mean winning the big game at the very end.

I bet the shop owners know some people who owe them small favors...

If I were making a movie this would be how it proceeds...

The gays walk up to the store owners in the middle of a business hour and in front of every single customer gloatingly demands their cake. Expecting the shop owners to be extremely pissed off and humiliated, they are shocked instead to find the shop owners smiling calmly.

The cake is brought before them but it turns out to be a cake of the very worst quality imaginable. The gays are annoyed and leave, threatening to launch yet another lawsuit over this. Shop owners say nothing but just keep on smiling calmly.

The gays talk to their lawyer again.

Here's the catch though... they never make it to launch the next lawsuit...

God Kefka, Nationstates 60 Comments [12/20/2013 6:22:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 98368

Complicated?? The only complication concerning Mandela is trying to make sense of how this promoter of abortion, sodomy and terrorism can be adulated by so many spiritually blind people.

John, LifeSiteNews 19 Comments [12/20/2013 6:21:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 98366

[As a comment on a blog post about how feminism is destructive to women]

Who are the traditional class being eroded? Nice looking pleasant fertile young women who are finding men much less willing to give them the level of commitment they should get, because there’s so much free sex going around. Their incentive to hold out for sex is gone. Put out or the only guy who will commit to you is a pussy-whipped chump. If you want to start having kids in your most fertile years you are considered weird and probably Mormon.

Thank you for saying this. Not everyone agree that there have been any females who have suffered under feminism, but these girls have. Average looking girls who try to keep themselves feminine-looking but aren’t super hot, who don’t want to be sluts, who are interested in family formation, have suffered – not as badly as men have suffered, of course, but still.

Sunshine Mary, LaidNYC 22 Comments [12/20/2013 6:20:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Butterfly Girl

Quote# 98364

You can't HAVE a lithified sand dune for pete's sake. Every sand dune on the face of this earth is NOT lithified. What you are seeing in the rocks is the grains of sand that form sand dunes all collected in one place which causes them to lie the way they do in dunes because of how the grains got shaped, but there is no such thing as a LITHIFIED SAND DUNE. It is an impossibility. The only lithified beach you could possibly see is one that was rapidly filled in by new sediments to preserve its form. There is no such thing as a lithified beach on the surface of the earth. The footprints are of course footprints, rapidly filled in and preserved between tides during the Flood.

Faith, EvC Forum 22 Comments [12/20/2013 6:10:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 98362

You don't have to teach both sides of the debate when one side is a pile of crap. But that's exactly what evolution is.

They should take out evolution and teach Creation Science. They should teach children the Holy Bible starting in Kindergarten on up. All school studies should be based upon the Bible's foundation of truth.

Nathan H, Yahoo Answers 34 Comments [12/20/2013 6:08:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 98361

Most women hate men, because God put them in authority of women, and they can't handle that. The Jezebel spirit of control is satan's most intelligent demon and is in full swing even in America. I choose to stay single from experiences and trials I went through. Where a woman rules the home, there is not a man around. Look how are kids are turning out without the man in the picture. All they need from a man is child support, and don't care if he ends up living in a garage. They would even take your bed if they could. No love or feelings in these modern liberal feminists.

John H. Kohlenberg, Patriot Update 27 Comments [12/20/2013 6:08:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 98357

As anyone with a high-school knowledge of biology knows, flowering plants are pollinated by insects - notably bees - who flit from flower to flower collecting nectar and at the same time spreading pollen from plant to plant to ensure the avoidance of incest (is it merely coincidence that 'insect' and 'incest' are anagrams of each other, and vice versa?).

The process is analogous to a human being moving from burrito-stand to burrito-stand in search of food; the human being gets food, while the Mexican gains honest money. Both are winners! Yet this, of course, is a directed process arising from human intelligence.

How could such a complex process possibly have come about through 'evilution'? If - as Darwinianists claim - brightly-coloured flowers providing nectar would be selected for through their success at attracting insects, there must already have been insects capable of drinking nectar and pollinating flowers. Yet such insects would have previously died out through lack of flowers!

Once again, the Darwinianist position collapses owing to its own inherent contradictions.

Johnny, Yahoo Answers 44 Comments [12/19/2013 5:55:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 98354

The Cruz to the Future™ book is a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow. Cruz has openly identifies with the Tea Party and garners support from the Republican Liberty Caucus and many independents including democrats. The Washington Post calls Cruz’s Texas senate election victory “the biggest upset … a true grassroots victory against very long odds.” Texas Sen. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz has become a rejuvenation for the Tea Party movement in the U.S. His 21-hour speech on the Senate floor in September 2013 propelled Cruz into the national spotlight. Cruz’s beliefs and actions stir much emotion in those following the political realm, he is a modern "superhero" to many and looked upon in adoration and abomination by some.

"The Cruz to the Future™ coloring book is suitable for any student desk in America, as millions of people across the country admire, respect and portray Mr. Cruz as a positive role model for children, stated publisher Wayne Bell. Parents have told our company they enjoy modern day heroes and positive role models in children's literature and Mr. Cruz as a sitting U.S. Senator certainly meets the criteria," continued Bell.

RBCB created this comic coloring and activity book not as an endorsement of Sen. Ted Cruz but rather as an educational tool to be used in schools and perhaps as a handout for groups, clubs and organizations. Information to contact Cruz, through both direct mail and social media, is presented at the end of the book. He is a positive role model worthy of study in any school. All information is fact-based, evidenced in truth and is made available to the public. The book is designed for children of all ages as well as parents, teachers and educators and may be used in the classroom as a tool to promote discussion on issues relevant to the subject matter.

[Sample images available in the link]

Ted Cruz to the Future Comic Coloring Activity Book, ColoringBook.com 42 Comments [12/19/2013 5:52:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Kevin Klawitter

Quote# 98352

Let me brag on Obama! HE IS THE BIGGEST WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING THAT I HAVE KNOWN IN MY LIFETIME! So kudos for the biggest and most ruthless deceiver of all time, except for Satan. He does it with a smile while lying, and underneath there is a demon possessed individual who laughs at us!! With all the ammo that he has stored he is capable of mass destruction of those who oppose him! There is no other reason to have gotten that much unless he has devious plans. So what can we do now? It is late in America so get your hearts right with God! He can not touch our souls! Make sure yours is safe with Jesus! Just be prepared.

Linda, WND 38 Comments [12/19/2013 5:48:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 98349

Define religious document. The constitution may not declare God to be 'x' nor does it say one has to worship god a certain way, but it does allow for state sponsered church, or so thought men like Jefferson Adams and the other founding fathers.

Drich, Atheist Forums 38 Comments [12/19/2013 5:46:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 98348

We are ruled by someone who is in effect the pharaoh and at the least a Muslim at heart who disdains the Judeo-Christian heritage and foundations upon which our nation was forged and who has rung up extreme national debt and loathes capitalism, instead seeing it his “duty” to redistribute wealth to “his” people for years of their slavery. President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised if not corrupt enablers in Congress and in the judiciary, like a time warp, have thrust We the People back to 1776 and provoked our Second American Revolution. And, the current revolutionary climate is even more severe, since unlike the colonies, contemporary America is on the steep decline. Our resources, wealth, ethics, spirituality and liberties are being stifled by a socialistic choke hold on our economy and lives, where our “Muslim” president and the government, not God, is to be worshiped and obeyed – else authoritarian henchmen and thugs at the NSA and IRS will destroy you.

To seek redress for our grievances, as our forefathers attempted leading up to independence day on July 4, 1776, the Reclaim America Now Coalition gave notice in front of the White House on Nov.19 of this year that if the people’s freedoms were not restored by the day after Thanksgiving, the Second American Revolution would begin in earnest. True to the predictions of anyone living in our times, our grievances went unanswered by our illegitimate government usurpers, and now we must make good on our threats of non-violent, civil disobedience to attempt redress.

In this regard, as we mourn the death this week of Nelson Mandela, a great man who, like his American counterpart Martin Luther King, used civil disobedience successfully to bring freedom to his people and by definition all people (who are created equal with certain unalienable rights, as Jefferson put it), let us take Mandela’s achievement in liberating South Africa from bondage as a further example of what we can accomplish in freeing our own nation from the choking despotic governmental slavery of Obama and his pliant Democratic and Republican minions in Congress and the judiciary.

We will soon be announcing the date to convene the Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia early next year where, taking a page from the Founding Fathers, we will meet to plan the next steps of our Second American Revolution, with delegates from all 50 states.

We will also use the occasion to appoint committees to coordinate the revolution and to elect a government in waiting to take over on the day when our current corrupt leaders are forced by the citizenry to leave their thrones and freedom is restored to our shores.

Like our Founding Fathers in 1776, the time is now to risk all we have to save the nation from government tyrants before all is lost.

Larry Klayman, WND 33 Comments [12/19/2013 5:46:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina
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