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Quote# 98170

When science can explain an apple seed...
Have you ever cut open an apple seed? Inside it has an off white color. It's moist, but yet when placed in the soil that seed knows to grow an apple tree. How does it know?

When science can explain this, then, and only then, will I listen to their nonsense on evolution.

You see if they can't tell me how an apple seed works then they have a lot of audacity to tell me how I came into being....

Setyoufree, christianforums 54 Comments [12/11/2013 4:09:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 53

Quote# 98169

Arguing with those who know no better; who drown in the pit of ignorance on this issue; and who believe that this "gay marriage" is the rightful institution for society to implement. One hundred years from now, they will be allowed to marry; they will spread their ideas throughout the world; and everyone will see that the sacred institution of marriage is destroyed....crumbling, laid to dust. Liriena, Blasveck, Fascist Russian Empire..I pity you three. You did not have a choice as to how you were born..I didn't have a choice as to how I was born...nor has anyone else living on God's earth. But, what you three and your supporters are proposing is something which could disrupt the whole structure of human civilization. This century, this century of progress, of technology, of constant turmoil in the world, will be marred by the adoption of the idea of gay marriage, and we will see, when the year 2101 arrives, that the institution is legal throughout the whole Western World; when that day comes, it will truly be a shame for this world, a curse under God; a shame, for it to pass. For the homosexuals will have that right, and their right will lead to absurdities; within the next five hundred years, or even less, a man will want to marry his dog, or his cat, or his daughter; a no-count fool will be able to attach himself to a animal; and polygamy will take root. The day when a traditional married couple is joined by a gay couple, and eventually, by a bestial couple, will be the day to rue. To rue...In the science fiction projects I have been working on, something like this will never come to pass: in this world, it should not come to pass.

Caldaria, Nationstates 37 Comments [12/11/2013 4:09:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 98167

Insecurity is the natural state of woman. How could it be anything else? Given their lack of physical strength, a woman on her own should be frightened as hell without men to protect her. If society were to collapse, all the Strong, Independent Women™ who read Jezebel and xoJane would last about five minutes before they either found a man to cling onto or got raped and killed. In the bellum omnium contra omnes that is mankind’s default existence, a woman who is alone is a woman who is already dead.

One of the most commonly repeated tropes of feminists and manboobs goes something like this:

“You should be happy that women nowadays are independent, because it means that they’re with you because they WANT to be with you, not because they’re dependent on you.”

This is a fundamental violation of the relationship between men and women. Part of our identity as men based in women needing us, if not necessarily in a material sense, then in an emotional one, though material and emotional vulnerability often go hand in hand. That female insecurity is a crucial ingredient for unlocking our inner masculine instincts. If a girl needs me, feels that her life would end if she were to lose me, I’m doubly inspired to be there for her, to shield her from the cruelty of the world. Frankly, it’s pretty hot. If she just wants me, could take me or leave me, my gut response is one of apathy. “Yeah, whatever babe.”

Confidence doesn’t give men erections; vulnerability does.

In order to love someone else, you need to be emotionally vulnerable, more so women than men (as girls are attracted to confident men). You need to be willing to open yourself up, to give yourself over to their judgment, to risk being hurt and rejected. Without this emotional openness, any relationship you have will never go beyond the infatuation stage. But girls today are told to erect gigantic walls around their hearts, cutting them off from an crucial part of their humanity. The emotional dissonance from this feminist social engineering is why antidepressant usage and mental illness are skyrocketing among young women. Ordinarily a depressed or insecure girl would seek solace in the loving embrace of a man, but daily hits from her good friend Saint Xanax short-circuit her feminine instincts.

In squelching her inborn insecurity with you-go-grrlisms and drugs, the modern woman has become an emotional cripple. Like a fat slob eating Big Macs instead of a juicy steak from the supermarket, she substitutes having a dominant and confident man in her life with lotsa cocka and dating where she considers herself an “equal.” She views men as a life support system for a penis, an accoutrement, no different than her Manolo Blahniks or snazzy new iPhone. When she gets bored of her boy-toy, she tosses him in the trash and moves on to a newer, shinier model, and if she can get cash and prizes for trading in her old clunker, that’s just the icing on the cake.

Essentially, “confident” women are incapable of viewing men as human beings.

When manboobs and feminists say you should be happy that women today are “independent,” this is what they’re arguing for; a world in which romantic relationships are impossible. Where men are nothing more than fashion items to help women show how cool or sophisticated they are. Sorry, but homie don’t play that game. If I’m not the center of a girl’s world, I’m not going to be in her world period.


Real life fails the Bechdel test.

Feminists can claim that women don’t need men, but their actions put the lie to that; they need us far more than we need them. Girls will all but die without masculine attention. Hell, I’m even starting to think that the feminist agita about “rape culture” is part of this as well. Pushing lies like the claim that one in three women will be raped during her lifetime and their constantly expanding the definition of rape are ways for feminists to indulge their desire for vulnerability in a way that doesn’t conflict with their view of themselves as “strong” and “empowered.”

At the end of the day, there are no Strong, Independent Women™. There are only shrews pleading for a taming. All the posturing, the pill-popping, the whining and demands for “equality”; they’re a cry for help. Girls don’t want the six-figure cubicle job, the shiny Brooklyn 2BR, the master’s degree, the sexual liberation, none of it. They want to be collectively led back to the kitchen, told to make a nice big tuna sandwich with extra mayo and lettuce, then swatted on the ass as we walk out the door.

I say we give them what they want.

Matt Forney, Matt Forney 65 Comments [12/11/2013 4:03:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 37

Quote# 98161

Saudi is looking for new allies as the US is considered undependable. Russia is taken sides with Iran, Syria and Egypt. Whose left? Try Europe 300 plus million people. Shift the petro dollar to the Euro . That would collapse us economically and elevate Europe. This could be the impetus for the AC.
God will work this out his way but it is revealing how you can see the rise and positioning of the end time senario. Have a great thanksgiving everyone.

ronbo477, RR 41 Comments [12/10/2013 4:20:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Amadan

Quote# 98153

This was on the local news this morning.


The link is to an article about a lesbian couple who will likely marry in Illinois this week. One is suffering from terminal breast cancer and they were able to obtain a court ruling allowing them to marry well before the date of June 1st when the new law goes into affect. I felt incredible sadness watching this on the news. This poor woman thinks she is receiving a great gift and a right, but instead she is sinking deeper into sin, and in a few months, will inherit the whirlwind. . How hard it is to show people the light when the political leaders who pass the laws are lovers of the darkness.

Versimilitude, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [12/10/2013 4:19:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98152

[Fundies are reacting to the news that Illinois is allowing same-sex marriages.]

With respect and compassion, if someone wishes to take legal responsibility for the health and welfare of another for the rest of their life,

there should be a means of doing it, eg: civil union ...

But to deface God, deliberately offend millions who regard Marriage as sacred - ordained by its Creator,
is an act of pure cynical depravity.

Yet who are we to complain having allowed the same Institution to become so debased by easy divorce.

So weak has the notion of commitment become, that many mock Marriage by pursuing relationships while still betrothed.

Marriage is difficult as it is, overcoming self for the benefit of one's covenant life-mate.

And now to rejoice as it is trampled in the mud of worldliness...

Perhaps this is the real harbinger of the end of God's patience with men.

We have become like the harlot sisters of Ezekiel, or the harlot wife Gomer.

Wally, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [12/10/2013 4:14:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98151

[Long story short: Fundies have been discussing how America could get anymore "depraved", and one fundie has said that at least no one has been raping angels. Yup.]

I guess that is God's call but I remember Jeffery Dalhmer from Milwaukee WI kidnapped men, rapped them, killed them and then ate them. I think our generation is certainly just as depraved.

WVBORN56, Rapture Ready 26 Comments [12/10/2013 4:14:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98150

[Fundie is ranting about seeing gay men and "crossdressers" in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.]

Wow, the tentacles of depravity have even reached one of the most family friendly annual events ever....the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Crossdressing men, men in business suit on top and red glitter boots on the bottom? Richard Simmons wiggling like a fool riding a turtle float? Sesame Street is now culturally relevant with rapping characters? The parade isn't over yet and, {Mod Snip}, I wonder what we'll see next? Perversion has made it's way into EVERY aspect of American life!!! Pathetic!!! Apparently, nothing now says Happy Thanksgiving like in your face homosexuality and transgenderism! How far has the liberal media gone to help spread the message of perversion to all peoples in America? All the way!! How much longer, Lord!!!

vbf, Rapture Ready 38 Comments [12/10/2013 4:12:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 98149

Male bastard children should be sterilized by age nine and the mother sterilized at the birth of her first bastard child.

Society does not need bastards making more bastards, or even birthing more legitimate children.

Most bastards have a propensity to become social criminals and hate God's do's and don't laws.

Occasionally a bastard will break loose from the hell-bound plunge its mother has sent him on and will choose to serve God in mind, soul and body.

If this happens God expects the saved bastard to lead others of illegitimate birth into holiness living for Jesus.

R. Michael Hands, Profitable Doctrines from an Endtime Prophet 55 Comments [12/10/2013 4:06:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 62

Quote# 98148

On the news today, I saw angry Muslims rioting, smashing out windows, and completely destroying a new Playboy office in Indonesia. It made my day! I couldn't help but wonder what America would be like today, if Christians had reacted the same way back in 1953 when pervert, Hugh Hefner, first opened the doors of Playboy. It is tragic that unsaved Muslims, who don't know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, actually have more morality than most born again Christians in the world. I don't agree with Muslim abuses; BUT, the Muslims come closer to being right than most Christians do in our American culture concerning morality. America's rebellious, feminist, and immodestly dressed women are a cancer in our society. I admire Muslim women who wear head coverings, and obey their husbands. I wish every Playboy office and magazine were gone forever. One day the Lord is going to clean this mess up. What a day that will be!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 35 Comments [12/10/2013 4:06:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 98147

There are no circumstances listed in the Bible in which it is morally licit for a woman to divorce her husband. I have looked very carefully; there are none. Consider that in light of this verse:

For I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “and him who covers his garment with wrong,” says the Lord of hosts. “So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.” (Malachi 2:16)

The God Who says He hates divorce has made no allowance in His Holy Scriptures for wifely divorce. Those who are Catholic perhaps can seek an annulment, but for those of us who are Protestant, there is no exit door from marriage for women. The most we are permitted is to separate from our husbands and stay single and chaste until such a time as we might be reunited:

10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:10-11)

Did you get that? A wife must not separate from her husband, let alone divorce him, but if things are so bad that she must separate, she must remain alone or she is an adulteress:

Sunshine Mary, Sunshine Mary and the Dragon 27 Comments [12/10/2013 4:06:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 98146

The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie.

David J Stewart, Jesus-is-savior.com 44 Comments [12/10/2013 4:05:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 98145

There is not reason that Creation cannot be taught in public school as an alternative theory. Evolution is still a theory as it cannot be retested in a lab, nor are their any "missing links" as stated by many renowned anthropologists. If Darwin knew about heredity, he would have never came up with the theory of evolution.

JessicaMCln, Huffington Post 54 Comments [12/9/2013 4:12:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 52

Quote# 98139

Right. Yeah, there are a lot of hot buttons out there. One of them is Darwin. All I have to do is say Darwin, I don't care what follows, I get loads of e-mail from people ripping me. You wouldn't believe it, Snerdley. My e-mail this week has been overflowing with people shocked, "I was shocked! I thought you were reasonably intelligent man. I'm a subscriber to your website and I have been listening to you for 20 years, but I can't believe how uninformed and embarrassing you are on Darwin." And all I said was Charles Darwin and Karl Marx are responsible for more deaths than even global warming. And, man, survival of the fittest, maybe Darwin didn't say it, you know, frankly, I don't care about Darwin, either. As far as I'm concerned Darwin is corrupt and everybody that believes in Darwinism is corrupt and they present a problem. Well, somebody thinks he said survival of the fittest and so they're running around saying so. So all I said was we know that liberals love Darwin.

Liberals love anything that allows them to say there's no God. Liberals will go anywhere and support anything if they can use it to say there's no God. Okay, fine. Then they come up and they say survival of the fittest, fine and dandy. Well, then why don't they let survival of the fittest rule in American society? They love Darwin, and they love survival of the fittest except when it comes to America. Now they want equality of outcomes. They don't want survival of the fittest. They want survival of the incompetents. In fact, they want the incompetents to triumph over the competent. They want the incompetent, the incapable, the stupid, to triumph over the genuine creators of wealth and the entrepreneurs, and that's what's wrong with these people. And if Darwin helps them get there, then they'll use it. And man, I'm telling you, a guy called and asked me about Darwin, evolution or whatever, I told him what I think and my e-mail was just overflowing. I almost had to get a satellite account to handle the overflow, Snerdley, and every one of them was arrogant and condescending: "I can't believe how stupid you are. I had so much invested in your intelligence, you really need to reexamine what you think about Darwinism." These people that believe in Darwin are no different than people who have faith in Jesus Christ or Mohammed or what have you. It's fascinating.

Rush Limbaugh, The Rush Limbaugh Show 57 Comments [12/9/2013 4:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: David

Quote# 98136

Humanism sucks. Humans are assholes, by definition. Most of them are lost, lazy, selfish sheep. Humanism has nothing to speak for itself other than what most God-minus societies eventually evolve into as history shows.

But logic is easy enough to see where this all goes. If there is no god, there are no laws. If there are no rules, might makes right. When might makes right, bodies start to pile up like cord wood. Communism, the epitome of a God subtraction society, has the most social lethality of all -isms, so thank a humanist for that.

I've said it before, but people should be thankful for churches, which propagate life hereafter messaging. Take me, for instance. If I didn't believe in life after death, I mean if I really didn't believe it, then, as logic says, if I go to total memory wipe out of the hard drive, a black absence, then in this life I become a rapist and murderer first thing Monday morning. Its that easy. If there is no 'lid' on my behavior, I become the biggest humanist asshole on the planet. King of the Fking Mountain, get out of my way or I'll run over your ass.

Humanists just don't really believe their schtick. Poor souls. They have doubts. They should embrace their beliefs. If they really believed in total God absence, then get on with it already. Show me your faith.

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 48 Comments [12/9/2013 3:59:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 98125

The schism has been declared. Very well. And likewise, Christians who actually follow the Word of God need to do the same.

If you have members that insist women preach or hold positions of ecclesial authority, you need to expel them from that church.
If you run a ministry that does not affirm women in ecclesiastical leadership and you have employees or volunteers who do, you need to expel them from that ministry.
If you run a publishing house that prints books by “non-complementarians,” you need to drop those authors.
If you speak at conferences, you need to speak against the affirmation of women as speakers, teachers, and leaders.

As for me, I stopped attending all churches that feature female preachers or teachers or pastors or priests years ago. Based on the declining numbers of equalitarian church congregations around the world, I'm far from the only one.

The Spirit to which Tony Jones is listening to is not the Holy Spirit. It is the sweetly whispering voice of the Prince of This World.


Vox Day, Vox Popoli 70 Comments [12/8/2013 2:41:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 53

Quote# 98116


Seriously. Stop fucking assuming you have to. It’s not a fucking requirement. You do NOT need it to talk to your gods. You do NOT need it to talk to spirits. It’s NOT fucking necessary. You aren’t part of a super special fucking club if you do it. You’re just a fucking practitioner who uses astral travel.

I’m seeing a HUGE increase of people wanting to travel but they have no BASIC FUCKING UNDERSTANDING of how to do SUPER FUCKING BASIC THINGS like PROTECT THEMSELVES. Let me fucking tell you. If you can’t protect yourself and your home and/or cleanse and/or exorcise it then maybe you shouldn’t be fucking traveling. Because something is MORE THAN LIKELY going to follow you back. Gods might follow you back. Goblins might follow you back.Creatures that create nightmares and PHYSICALLY ATTACK you might follow you back. What the fuck will you do then? 

thiscroockedcrown.tumblr.com, tumblr.com 63 Comments [12/8/2013 2:36:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: Snarker of Hippies

Quote# 98115

[This was written in defense of Ronald E. Willams' Hephzibah House, a fundamentalist Christian boarding school for girls, many of whom claim to have been beaten and otherwise abused there.]

The Hephzibah House ministry seeks to salvage and rebuild these girls’ lives by giving them Christian instruction and a character-building lifestyle

An example of this that I’ve written about before, but which I think serves to perfectly illustrate this glaring flaw on the face of the American public square, is the story surrounding the ongoing saga of Hephzibah House, in Warsaw, Indiana. Briefly, Hephzibah House is a fundamental Christian ministry in which teenage girls from Christian homes are enrolled when they prove to be too much for their parents and home churches to handle – often these are girls who’ve gotten involved with drugs, alcoholism, even violence. The Hephzibah House ministry seeks to salvage and rebuild these girls’ lives by giving them Christian instruction and a character-building lifestyle in an environment separate from the bad influences that were often leading them down destructive paths. As you can imagine, this sort of ministry is not popular with the types of people who are already inclined to hate conservative Christianity anywise and who would relish the opportunity to corrupt the innocence of Christian young women, and therefore have an agenda diametrically opposed to that of Hephzibah House. Further, many of the girls who have been sent there over the past four decades resented their time there, as one might also imagine – after all, their enrollment is not usually voluntary.

For the past five years or so, Hephzibah House has been the target of an ongoing campaign of internet slander and public defamation perpetrated by a small circle of former residents and their vocal supporters. These opponents, whom I will refer to as the “Hephzibah Haters” or merely “Haters,” have repeatedly made a number of very serious and attention-grabbing accusations against the ministry involving allegations of abuse: supposedly girls at Hephzibah House have been starved, force-fed, beaten severely, forced to soil themselves and stay in it for long periods of time, have had “hormones” added to their milk to prevent menstruation, and on and on. As a result of these attacks, launched all over the internet on blogs, discussion forums, and so forth, Hephzibah House has been cast as a harrowing den of abuse that would be instantly shut down and punished in any decent society. In our analogy here, these accusations are a lot like the initial reporting of the Trayvon Martin killing – sensational, scandalous, lurid, and designed to provoke a particular sort of reaction from the otherwise unknowing reader who happens across them.

There’s just one problem with all of this – the accusations are not true, and have been refuted a number of times and in a number of ways, whenever the opportunity to put them to the test has been provided.


If you read some of the rather shrill and hyperventilating responses to my previous article in the comments section, you can see just how averse to actual facts these Haters are. For them, emotion and accusation ought to be enough to convict Hephzibah House. Indeed, one woman even came right out and said that she didn’t care about the facts, because she “knew” that Hephzibah House was guilty. Never mind all those things like “proof” and “logic” that just get in the way of a good, passionate outburst of emotionalism. Indeed, when dealing with the Hephzibah Haters, it quickly becomes apparent what tack the conversation will take:

Hater – “How can you support ABUSE?????”

TD – “I don’t.”

Hater – “Yes you do! Hephzibah House has been accused of abuse, and you’re DEFENDING them!!!”

TD – “An accusation does not constitute guilt. Before you can rightly claim that Hephzibah House abused any of these girls, you first have to provide some evidence to that claim.”

Hater – “No I don’t, I just KNOW they’re guilty!!!!”

TD – “Okay…so what about the eyewitness evidences against the accusers’ stories, and the other evidences that exonerate Hephzibah House?”

Hater – “Those don’t count, because they are on Hephzibah House’s side!!!”

TD – “So, let me get this straight – you can’t actually prove that the accusations you make against Hephzibah House are true, and you expect us to simply take them as true on the basis of emotion and ‘righteous indignation,’ but the evidences that work in Hephzibah House’s favor, we’re supposed to ignore, *because* they work in Hephzibah House’s favor?”

Hater – “How can you support ABUSE?????”

And so on.

With the Hephzibah Haters, you essentially have a group that wants to tenaciously hang onto their narrative’s version of events, despite the evidences against it. They also know that 90% of people will believe the first thing they read about a matter, so rather than simply admitting that maybe their story has problems and walking back the things they’ve previously said that were not true, they double down on their narrative, because their goal is to get as many people as they can to support them in their agenda, instead of simply letting the truth be known. In this, they’ve largely been successful. To their shame, even pastors and churches have believed the one-sided attacks against Hephzibah House that they initially read on these blogs and forums, and refuse to consider evidences and arguments that contradict the narrative – choosing purposefully to believe lies, just as many Americans continue to believe the lies about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, despite the debunking of the original story.

As in the case of the Martin shooting, the government itself has looked into the matter and found nothing to substantiate the arguments for guilt. The police and various pertinent regulatory agencies in Indiana have investigated accusations against Hephzibah House a number of times, and found them to be baseless. And as with the Martin case in which protestors accuse the police of not arresting Zimmerman because of institutionalized racism and so forth, so also the Hephzibah Haters excuse the fact that the police and State of Indiana haven’t found anything to back up the accusations as being due to some “influence” that Pastor Ron Williams (the founder of the ministry) and Hephzibah House supposedly have over Indiana’s regulatory bureaucracy. It’s almost as if Ron Williams has some sort of psychic mind-control power that he exerts to keep the authorities from looking too closely, if you were to listen to the ravings of some of the Haters.

The Haters have a very real interest in stoking hatred and suspicion against fundamental Christians

Another point of similarity with the Martin case is that the Hephzibah Haters act as they do because they have a very specific agenda that they want to push. As alluded above, and as noted in my previous article, the majority of the “drivers” in the anti-Hephzibah House protests and internet campaign are people who, to be frank, hate conservative, fundamental Christianity and have a vested interest in doing anything they can to defame, accuse, attack, and slander it. We’re talking about people who are pornographers, self-proclaimed witches, atheists, and lesbians. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who have both practical and ideological interests in stoking racial hatred as a result of Martin’s death, the Haters have a very real interest in stoking hatred and suspicion against fundamental Christians – and use the Hephzibah House accusations as a vehicle for this. Indeed, it’s not unusual for those such as myself who defend Hephzibah House and who demand that actual evidence be brought forward before accusations are to be believed to be accused of “ignoring the abuse because they’re Fundamental Baptists.” In other words, the accusers are projecting the fact of their own religious bias into the discussion, assuming that those who disagree with them are biased as well. Quite the opposite is true, however. If Hephzibah House really and truly were proven by evidence to have engaged in the abuses of which they are accused, then I would agree that they should be shut down.

Tim Dunkin, Canada Free Press 37 Comments [12/8/2013 2:35:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 98110

[Neopagan fun die saying that Christianity stole from heathenism]

As for why our later ancestors converted was by thieving, our own native beliefs and celebrations, lies, and the obvious threat of violence, and fire and brimstone, a mix of all those things, plus the use of the All-Father Woden, as the image of their God, all seeing, wisdom and power, otherwise, they wouldn't have a God.. Also the use of their term..............."In my Father's House there are many Mansions."

Which looking at it was stolen from the Heathen view of Asgurd and the upper and lower realms, where every God as his/her own Hall, at least this is my view, what ever it took to convert our Forefather's, the wondering Monks used it, to Convert our People, much as Islam has and is trying to do, the Desert Religions are much like leaches, latching onto a Tribe and bleeding it dry of all that is good and true...

As for the above view that Elves and such creatures are simply stories, you've never heard of Nature Spirits then? Everything of Nature, is alive, and as such has its Spirit, its guardians, that protect the life force of what ever Natural creature and thing it might be, even Rocks, Stones, Rivers, streams and such natural things vibrate on their own spiritual levels, and as such Nature Spirits, Elves and such live in these places and objects of Nature..

What might be in the Jewish History and story book otherwise known as the Bible, may be fictional Myths or legends, but the idea of Nature Spirits being such, is untrue, take a good close look at Nature around you next time your out, and listen, it is alive it breaths, it vibrates on its own level of Spirituality, only man made modern brick and tower blocks are dead, a City is teaming with life, but its Spiritually Dead....

Would you say for instance all the treasures of the Germanic/Norse Sagas are Fictional Stories? Myths, Legends are simply Kids stories? No smoke without fire..

Teutoburg Weald, Anglo-Saxon Foundation 39 Comments [12/8/2013 2:34:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 98101

Afghan government officials have proposed reintroducing public stoning as a punishment for adultery, Human Rights Watch said, even though the practice has been denounced both inside and outside the country as one of the most repugnant symbols of the Taliban regime.

The sentence for married adulterers, along with flogging for unmarried offenders, appears in a draft revision of the country's penal code being managed by the ministry of justice.

There are several references to stoning in a translated section of the draft seen by the Guardian, including detailed notes on judicial requirements for handing down the sentence.

"Men and women who commit adultery shall be punished based on the circumstances to one of the following punishments: lashing, stoning [to death]," article 21 states. The draft goes on to specify that the stoning should be public, in article 23.

Afghan government , The Guardian 58 Comments [12/7/2013 10:46:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 98098

In a word, Harris and Dawkins, by turning their backs and scorning subjectivity, have fallen into traps of their own devising. Militant skepticism builds upon their mistakes, amplifies them, and employs scurrilous personal attacks to cover over their own intellectual flaws. In the end, the militant movement will collapse, not because the people who like God outnumber the people who dislike fear, and are suspicious of God. Skepticism's agenda is doomed because its thinking is basically unsound.

Deepak Chopra, SFGate 44 Comments [12/6/2013 4:31:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 46

Quote# 98096

Listen well, you inferior being:
This is, OUR LAND. You see Hebron, look at it, ALL OURS. You see your al aksa, we will destroy it and will make the Temple.
You see Bethlehem, ours.
The fucking USSR gave you tons of weapons, yet you lost to a tiny unorginized army, such a shame.

Now listen well you Islamonazi, you have luck I'm not in favour of slaughtering you, apparently you Arabs obviously deserve it.

Yehuddah, NationStates 58 Comments [12/6/2013 4:30:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: RD

Quote# 98093

Don't know if any of you have seen the commercial by Cisco, but it starts out with a young man being thrown from his motorcycle, and apparently there is some sort of sensor in his helmet, and the audio says that the helmet sends a message to the nearest EMS unit, a signal is sent to the nearest hospital to best treat his injuries (while showing the picture of a geo-stationary satellite), the EMS unit is able to change all the traffic signals so they have green lights all the way to the hospital, and at the end says all this is possible because of Cisco. Sounds like a system that the AC could utilize as apparently the sensor in the man's helmet gave his GPS position and that something had happened to him.

AnnOdom44, Rapture Ready 47 Comments [12/6/2013 4:28:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Agrippina

Quote# 98087

God set up a soceity that allowed for slavery, and condemned homosexuality. Therefore slavery is not as bad as homosexuality. The fact that soceity says that your intolerance should be reversed only speaks to declining 'morality' in soceity.

Whether that makes me a slave, slave owner or none of the above if we were forced to pick one of the two societies I will pick slavery.


Slavery is not intrinsically bad. It is what man does with slavery that makes it evil..

Drich, Atheist Forums 50 Comments [12/6/2013 4:26:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 52
Submitted By: Rev. Rye

Quote# 98085

You’ll be pleased to find out that your Aryan bloodline is actually Israelite. Yep, a Trojan line of kings conquered ALL of Europe long before the Romans ever existed. Who were those kings? The offspring of Tros, the great-great-grandson of Judah, the same Tros who founded Troy. And those Spartans? In 1 Maccabees, the king of Lacedemonia (Sparta) writes to Jerusalem granting trade priveleges because they had found in writing that the Spartans and the Jews were related by blood.
That’s right, the Greeks were actially JEWS. Then when the 10 tribes of Israel passed through Europe on their way northward, they also MISCEGENATED with the already half-breed Aryan people there. Anglo-Saxons? Angels-Sons of Isaac! The English Union Jack? Union de Jacques — Union of Jacob! Denmark? Mark of Dan! Same goes with the Dan-ube River! Ireland? Tuatha de Danaan — Tribe of Dan! You can’t escape it, you bigoted ignoramus! You hate yourself, because in all your Aryan arrogance, YOU ARE JEWISH! The Jews you despise are actually the mutant offspring of pure blooded mixed with Babylonians. They’re the ones who stayed behind in Babylon when Cyrus the Great freed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. It was a perfect match made in hell — the financially minded children of Judah, who convinced his brothers to sell Joseph instead of killing him; intermarrying with the Babylonians, the greatest merchants in the world. The result was a literal facial feature change, distinguishing the mutant Jews from the often blond-haired, blue-eyed pureblood Judahites. Of course, the women became the most beautiful, sexually overt women of the world because of the genetic superiority of the Judahites, mixed with Babylonians, creating women who were literally bred to be pleasure machines. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about things, because the Judahite Jesus Christ will set everything right when He returns. Just have a little faith.

1uvaKind, The Seductive Jewess 33 Comments [12/6/2013 4:25:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
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