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Quote# 92679

I know that God has given me a heart for girls and women caught in sex trafficking. What I'm not sure about how to handle is labor slaves who are forced to do labor jobs (farming for example) for little or no pay and can't leave their often cruel masters. Don't get me wrong and please listen to my question- it's not that I don't care about these people or don't wish they had better lives. But, looking at it from a biblical perspective, it confuses me if/what we are supposed to do about it. When Paul encountered a runaway slave (in the book of Philemon), he didn't set him free. He sent him back to his master. Paul has specifically written about "slaves obey your masters, whether they are nice or cruel to you" and how if they can be set free in an honest way they should, but if not they should remain a slave as they are. I know a lot of people say "things were different back then"...but in God's eyes, nothing about humans has changed since the day that Jesus rose again and saved us...and these verses about slaves happened long after that. So, my question is, how are we supposed to handle modern day labor slavery? I hope this makes sense and doesn't sound cruel. Again, it's not like I don't want to help...and I'm going to help those caught in sex slavery regardless...but how does the bible say we should handle labor slavery? Because nothing that I read talks about setting them free...yet every Christian I meet agrees that we should. Help please?

Genesis22, RaptureReady 51 Comments [2/15/2013 4:01:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 92664

The weak, effeminate evolutionist bear has been caught by the creationist bear trap! If only he had the teeth of truth and claws of logic that creationists bears have!

Evolution is a Liberal Lie, Tea Party Community 90 Comments [2/14/2013 4:32:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 85

Quote# 92662

[Are you suggesting that atheists don't care for the children or something like that? How grotesque of you.]

Well, I don't know of any that atheists have built, so maybe they don't care about others! OTOH, atheists believe in evolution and survival of the fittest, so it seems to me that a true atheist would like to only see healthy folks continue living to help purify the human gene pool! And if God doesn't exist and there's no afterlife, as Hillary so eloquently said, "What difference....does it make?" if a few folks die prematurely?

dajoga, Where Liberty Dwells 41 Comments [2/14/2013 4:31:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: BigPharmaShell

Quote# 92658

Every society follows the feminine imperative, to different degrees. The patriarchy is a matriarchy in disguise. The XX century saw the change from a kind of matriarchy to another kind of matriarchy.


once modern (satanic) western cultures sold The People the idea that a “patriarchy” existed that “constantly oppresses females” it was all over except the Last War

our gynarchies insist that the 20th century shifted from patriarchy (evil oppressors) to an equalist society (fairness, no more oppression of women)

in truth, all empires have been matriarchal, tho the extremity of female supremacism only becomes fully visible in the last-stages of these empires (as it did in , say, rome and babylon uno)

the Bible affirms that a “woman” called the “great whore” (i.e. a fallen angel, but also females collectively) “sits over” the nations of this planet, and rules secretly

the trick was re-framing to the Boomers that this gyno-planet was instead an Evil Patriarchy, because duh, cant you see that Evil Males are the presidents and senators and corp execs? etc etc, “men have all the power” which was the First Lie, from which all others flowed

once that re-frame was hammered into the culture, and eventually accepted as truth, then the flood-gates to the gynogulag were wide open — because then, any malevolence done to any boy or man by any female — or any extension of the female, ie. the State and Church — is not only excusable and acceptable, it’s a GOOD thing! . . . because it “puts the male in his place” and “liberates women from their historical oppression”

even at this moment, the western nations are viewed as patriarchal, although every authentic masculine element of those cultures was already extinguished , fifteen or twenty years ago

perfect slavery is accomplished by convincing the slave that not only is he “free” but that in fact he is the slaveholder, then keeping him in an ongoing state of abject guilt, remorse, and constant recompense for crimes that he didnt commit — and, in fact, were committed against him, and against his brothers

financial, sexual, psychological, and other inducements are then offered to “good males” to keep the lie functioning, and to keep other males shamed, impoverished, and scapegoated

ray, Dalrock 36 Comments [2/14/2013 4:30:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Balthazar The Wise

Quote# 92656

He looks old. Maybe he's in the early stages of dementia.

Looks full blown to me.

The 2nd amendment was put in as a failsafe against repressive government, not to put down slave revolts, of which there was exactly one in US history.

Unfortunetly for Mr Glover, black slaves were quite docile, and did not need armed men watching them at all times, he's simply asshamed of true black history, the fact that enslaved blacks did not fight back humiliates him so he invents things to make it seem that slave owners had problems controling blacks.

Surpressing blacks didn't even register of the framers or the writers of the 2nd amendment.

Mustang, Www.libertycaucus.net 29 Comments [2/14/2013 4:30:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 92654

The quest for autonomy has reached such a macabre level in the Netherlands that last year the Royal Dutch Medical Association expanded the list of conditions legalizing euthanasia to include “loneliness.”

In the state of Washington, a debate is currently raging over whether to expand the list of conditions legalizing euthanasia to include those who are not terminally ill, as well as those who are mentally disabled.

By contrast, this week in Tennessee a dog was rescued from being euthanized (one news outlet said he was being spared “the Gas Chamber”) because the condition driving the dog’s death was his alleged homosexuality (the owner was ticked when he saw his Fido hunch another male dog). For reasons that appear entirely reasonable, the gal who rescued the dog named him Elton [click here to read the story].

The place where Elton was dropped, Euthanasia Jackson TN, encourages dog adoption, but it also promotes dog euthanasia. Not, however, in Elton’s case: the shelter has no stomach for putting dogs down on the basis of sexual orientation. It must be said, though, that the shelter is not exactly inclusive in its policies. To wit: Had poor Elton not been identified as a homosexual, his heterosexuality would not have been enough to save his hide.

The moral of the story is: Being gay is not only a bonus for humans these days, it is a definite plus for dogs as well. As for straights, the lonely and the disabled, that’s another story altogether.

Bill Donohue, CatholicLeague.org 59 Comments [2/13/2013 4:36:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 92650

[About a gay police officer.]

Would you let him do to you what he is doing to other males? Personally, I would not want him working for me and just looking at him, I’m not certain he can live up to the “protecting our lives’. I know women who look more the part of law enforcement than he does. But then again, I guess I shouldn’t judge his manliness – or girlyness – or whatever, should I? Lastly, even animals don’t do unto others as he does unto his fellow guy (strike that) gay friends. Remember: “If a man also lie with mankind – as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: They shall surely be put to death”. Leviticus 20:13

Praise Be To Obama. Psalm 109:8

The U.N. Out Of The U.S.
The U.S. Out Of The U.N.

garbagecanlogic, The Blaze 48 Comments [2/13/2013 4:35:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 49

Quote# 92646

Firstly, many women who enjoy their careers would still rather be home raising children if they have the option. This is their primary goal and desire. Sometimes they don’t even it realize it themselves. But it’s certainly not deceptive or manipulative. It’s very basic and primal. We call it the maternal instinct.

The second issue – her dependence on you – is also universal. It is in the established nature of male-female relationships that the woman is emotionally dependent on her husband. His love and approval are like oxygen to her. This metaphor is not an exaggeration. If deprived of this support, women feel as if they can’t breathe. And it doesn’t seem to matter how “independent” they were ahead of time.

Emuna Braverman, aish.com 55 Comments [2/13/2013 4:22:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 92643

This came up in the thread about solar theory, but I figured I'd bring it up here because I don't know how many people are reading it five pages in. Does anyone else here reject the idea that the Earth orbits the sun? The Bible is pretty clear that the Earth is fixed and immobile, and it's the sun that moves, and I'm surprised how many Christians are willing to reject the Bible for science.

InternetApostle, Christian Forums 42 Comments [2/13/2013 4:21:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 55
Submitted By: David

Quote# 92635

This is just opening the door for pedophiles to gain contact with children. Shame on the BSA for even considering allowing gays into their organization. I would never allow a child of mine to be involved in anything where there'd be close contact with homosexuals. You can look at the shameful history of the Catholic church to see what happens when you allow children to be overseen and have close contact with homosexuals. If the BSA does go the way of the world and open its arms to gays, just watch, in a few years you'll start hearing stories of sexual abuse coming out of the BSA. It's a disaster in the making, but the PC crowd who have no moral compass and those in the BSA who are greedy for gain don't care about the consequences of this terrible decision. It's the children who will pay the price like they did in the Catholic church and all the money in the world can't erase the horrors these boys endured at the hands of perverts. And homosexuality is a perversion no matter what this disgusting evil world says.

TimeWarpWife, RR 42 Comments [2/12/2013 3:08:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 45
Submitted By: Fenric

Quote# 92632

As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.


I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.


No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

Marion Knox, whale.to 69 Comments [2/12/2013 4:35:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 113
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 92631

President Obama Inaugurated in Private Ceremony
January 20 (Day 20, External Gates): President Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term as President in a private ceremony in the White House Blue Room. The ceremony was presided over by Chief Justice John Roberts and attended by the President's family and a few others. The President swore on a Bible held by Mrs. Obama to faithfully execute the office of President of the US and to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution." Mrs. Obama was wearing a blue dress.

In the sky overhead, the talons of the image of an eagle reached down toward Washington, DC. The similar pointed projection of the beginning of a weather elephant in the Atlantic stretched across Florida. An eagle symbolizes a Throne Angel, which brings national judgment, and an elephant symbolizes Baal.
Inauguration Chart
Inauguration Chart, 1-20-13At the time of the inauguration, which began at 11:55 AM EST and ended within a minute, the Chart contained a Skull, a Plow, and a Yod. A Skull is a morbid sign of death at the hands of Satan, who has the power of death. A Plow is a sign of intensive suffering, like being plowed under. The Plow pointed to the Red Planet in Capricornus, for suffering from sin or evil. A Yod symbolizes critical timing and the ability to seize the moment and strike at precisely the right time. The Yod pointed to the Almighty God Planet in Taurus, for a world ruler. Satan is currently the ruler of the world. The Yod corresponded to the necessity of having the inauguration on Sunday before the public ceremony tomorrow.

The Sun was near Midheaven in Capricornus, for the glory of the world. And the Sun was in conjunction with the Savior Planet, for a rescuer. The Red Planet was also in Capricornus. The three planets in Capricornus meant strong influence from that sign in the Chart. Capricornus corresponds to Texas.

The Moon was nearing the Ascendant in Aries, for Jezebel, the Prostitute of Babylon who usurps authority. And the God of the Covenants Planet was setting near the Descendant in Libra, for the law, which required the inauguration today. The God of the Covenants in Libra also symbolizes business and the economy, which is failing.

Two planets paired together were in Sagittarius. The Morning Star in Sagittarius symbolized the Commander-in-Chief, corresponding to the President. And the Last Adam in Sagittarius symbolized an enemy or Satanic attack.
The signs accompanying the inauguration of the President did not bode well. The weather angels pointed the talons of an eagle at Washington, DC. The eagle symbolizes a Throne Angel sent to discipline the Client Nation, and the pointed talons were the sign of an attack. The same pointed symbol was over Florida from a weather elephant, the symbol of Baal. Florida should have been a symbol of good news, but instead this symbolized an attack on good news.

The sign of the Skull was a morbid symbol of death at the hands of Satan. Satan was probably on hand for the inauguration, since he rules the world. The Skull was pierced by a Plow. Although the Plow was barely within tolerance, it symbolized intensive suffering, like being plowed under. It pointed to the Red Planet in Capricornus, which was a sign of more suffering from sin or evil.

President Obama is the 44th President of the US, where 44 is for suffering. The nation has suffered badly, especially from the economy, during the last four years, but the signs overhead today were morbid signs of suffering from Satan.

Larry Wood, Bible Doctrine News 70 Comments [2/12/2013 4:34:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 66

Quote# 92630

(Fundie wants to rename the planets of the solar system)

Scientist have identified nine planets. But if we stick with our viewpoint, "the heavens and the earth," then there are eight planets and the Earth. There are two planets near the Sun; the Earth; asteroid belt; and six planets. Thus, from the vantage point of Earth, there are the Sunward planets and the heavenward planets. The planets have no light of their own but reflect the light of the Sun. So, as the Sun shines on the planets they reflect its glory and each one reveals a different aspect of the person and work of Christ. Through the planets we have monuments to the Lord Jesus Christ that glorify the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

The Sunward planets represent the two advents of Christ. He came the first time, born of a virgin, and went to the cross. This advent represents the incarnation of Christ, the Savior. He will return at the a second time for the Church (also called the Rapture) and a second time to deliver Israel at the end of the Tribulation (Second Advent) to set up the Millennial Kingdom. In Numbers 24:17 the "star of Jacob" represents Jesus Christ in the First Advent; and the "scepter of Israel" represents Jesus Christ in the Second Advent (the King of the Millennium).

A star shall come forth from Jacob,
And a scepter shall rise from Israel, (Numbers 24:17)

Then there is the Earth. We can't see the Earth as a planet while standing on it. We have to go into outer space and pretend we are God in order to view it as a planet. The Earth is the focus of the Angelic Conflict. This is where it is all happening. As Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage, and we are players on it."

Then the Asteroid Belt gives us a clue of the natural division of the Solar System - i.e. the heavenward planets are separated from the Sunward planets. Beyond the Asteroids are the planets that reveal the person of Christ. I have renamed them to glorify their Creator and to reveal their true meaning. The names after the gods are Satanic. I refuse to use them for anything other than reference for the mad scientists. There true identify is:

The Red Planet - the cross, Christ our Sacrifice
The Almighty God - Sovereign authority over all Creation, Victory of the Cross
The Ringed Planet - God of the Covenants
The Mediator - Mediator of the Covenants between God and Man
The Redeemer - Redeemer from the Slavery of Sin
The Last Adam - Perfect Humanity of Christ

Larry Wood, Bible Doctrine News 55 Comments [2/12/2013 4:33:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 80

Quote# 92628

(Fundie Christian visits atheist church)

Every human is created in the image of a triune God (community) who designed us to worship. That doesn’t go away simply because you don’t believe in Him.

Deep down in every human being, we yearn to be in community and fellowship, just like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have enjoyed for eternity.

Deep down in every human being, we are compelled to worship, because it’s what we were created to do.

Just because you’re an atheist doesn’t mean that all goes away. And today only drove that point home for me. It’s doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in God, every human being still desires community and wants to worship. Where we find our community and what we worship, however, is what will eventually define our joy, lives, and destinies.

Everyone at The Sunday Assembly seemed to believe that by adding community once a month and singing random songs, they will fill that nagging void in their life.

The more I though about this, the more I wanted to stand on my chair and yell “You’re missing the point! It’s not enough!” But, perhaps the unusually large amount of cameras and journalists stopped me in my tracks. After all, I didn’t want to be that guy.

It doesn’t matter how many songs you sing or how many people you hang out with – if it’s not centered around Jesus (the true reason for church in the first place) it’s never going to be enough.

The Sunday Assembly was gathered today in celebration of life, but not the life.

The Sunday Assembly attempted to instill wonder, but without the God of Wonder behind it.

The Sunday Assembly tried to experience a spirit in singing, but without the Holy Spirit of a good, perfect, and loving God.

They are missing the point entirely.

Church isn’t about music, it isn’t about making people feel happy, and it isn’t about instilling wonder. Church isn’t even about getting together in community to get your felt needs met.

Church is about Jesus.

Because we were designed to worship and to live in community, we do get some felt needs met at church, but it’s not the entire focus or purpose of church. The entire focus and purpose of church should be Jesus.

Until the good people of The Sunday Assembly understand this simple truth, they will never fill that missing void of worshipping Jesus in the community of imperfect yet redeemed people, no matter how many songs they sing, guest speakers they have, or good works they promote.

Kyle Beshears, The Christian Post 44 Comments [2/12/2013 4:33:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 92625

Though feminism has been touted as “all about protecting women”, feminism has killed more women than the holocaust and all other wars put together.

Kelly Crawford , GenerationCedar 26 Comments [2/12/2013 4:07:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 65

Quote# 92623

(On climate change.)

Very well then, apparently i am an idiot because i refuse to support vile theories based on pure hatred for the human species which have a high probability of ending in human rights abuses at the hands of ideological zealots.

(The next post of theirs.)

Forcing people to recycle under threat, restricting the right to free circulation, attempts to allow late-term aborting, attempts to legalize the "euthanasia" of non-consenting individuals, attempts to restrict food production, attempts to restrict people's diets, ridicule of those who present alternative theories.

That's only a small number of the human rights abuses/attempted human rights abuses which have occurred in my country, Belgium, in the name of "environmental protection" and "the mitigation of C02 emissions".

Iseran, NationStates 34 Comments [2/12/2013 4:06:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 92618

World Jewry declared war on Germany on 24th March 1933, only one day after the installment of Adolf Hitler in the German Reichstag following his election by democratically means. In reality the foremost reason for the declaration of war was the resurrection of the feared and hated Aryan symbol: "The appearance of the Swastika symbol of a new Germany has called forth the Lion of Judah, the old battle symbol of Jewish defiance."

Jews fear that the Swastika is [as deadly] to Yaweh as the cross is to a vampire. A vampire turns to dust at the sight of a cross, a similar thing happens to Yaweh when a swastika suddenly towers before him.

National Journal, National Journal 44 Comments [2/12/2013 3:52:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 113
Submitted By: LightHorseman

Quote# 92617

A young mother was burned alive in Papua New Guinea this week after townspeople accused her of being a witch.

According to multiple reports, Kepari Leniata, 20, was tortured and killed in front of a mob of hundreds in the town of Mount Hagen. The woman, stripped naked and covered in gasoline, was burned alive on a pile of trash by relatives of a young boy who had died earlier in the week. The relatives had accused Leniata of killing him with sorcery.

Police and firefighters who tried to save Leniata were chased away by an overwhelming crowd. Agence France-Press writes that the woman "admitted to killing the boy, who died after being [hospitalized] with stomach and chest pains on Tuesday."

According to the BBC, police chief Supt Kaiglo Ambane told local media that those responsible for Leniata's murder would be brought to justice.

The U.S. Embassy and Australia's high commissioner have condemned the murder. In a statement featured in a report by the Australian Associated Press, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill said that "no one commits such a despicable act."

"Barbaric killings connected with alleged sorcery. Violence against women because of this belief that sorcery kills," O'Neill said, according to the AAP. "These are becoming all too common in certain parts of the country. It is reprehensible that women, the old and the weak in our society should be targeted for alleged sorcery or wrongs that they actually have nothing to do with."

AFP notes that many people in the island nation believe in sorcery rather than accept natural causes of death. While the 1971 Sorcery Act technically outlaws the burning of alleged witches, the practice persists. In 2009, another woman was burned alive for alleged sorcery, the news outlet points out.

Mount Hagen mob, Huffington Post 31 Comments [2/11/2013 2:43:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 76
Submitted By: SZD

Quote# 92611

[If life started spontaneously by chance on this planet, how come death exists?]

Especially if energy/matter is eternal.

One would think that the ability of "stuff" to never "wear out" would be passed on to life that just happened to arise from said "stuff".

Timberwolf, Where Liberty Dwells 25 Comments [2/11/2013 2:42:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: David

Quote# 92610

If life started spontaneously by chance on this planet, how come death exists?

dajoga, Where Liberty Dwells 34 Comments [2/11/2013 2:42:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 59
Submitted By: David

Quote# 92604

3-24-13 Palm Sunday
3-29-13 Good Friday
3-31-13 Easter/Resurrection Day(That's not some weird Illuminati number is it?)
3-26-13 thru 4-2-13 Passover(Easter syncing with Passover, how often does that happen?)
3-20-13 President Obama set to arrive in Israel(Not definite,leaked from an Israeli media source)
3-15-13 Ides of March (Julius Ceasar assassinated)
3-20-13 Vernal Equinox/Spring
3-27-13 Full Moon
3-31-13 thru 4-2-13 Earthquake Cycle(Haven't the quakes in the spring been higher on the Richter?)
3-23-13 H.R. Bill 3200 RFID

I'm going to keep my day job, but wow. Just saying. Maranatha!

Imminent, Rapture Ready 50 Comments [2/11/2013 4:47:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: Atavist

Quote# 92600

Struggling for your next meal makes the world go round, and drives us to excellence. Every animal on the face of the Earth faces this struggle. It is the Natural Order.

And what, your solution to eliminating this "struggle" is enslaving everyone around you? Telling them they have to pay others enough for people to live comfortably, whatever that means, or go to jail?

What is "harsh" is you telling someone else what to be paid and what to pay others. Not only harsh, but also tyrannical, unjust, and evil. So if you ask your government to do that for you, you are making a huge mistake.

If you don't like your circumstances, change them. If you can't change them, endure them. But never seek to circumvent them by victimizing others. That can never be right.

Marc Paolella, City-Data 53 Comments [2/11/2013 4:38:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 92599

There is no gap between the haves and the have-nots. There are no haves and have-nots. This is not an intelligent concept. There is you. And there is what you have. If what you have is not enough for you, it is YOUR PROBLEM and will require YOUR SOLUTION, depending upon your talent, energy, and drive.

Keep it simple. Keep it free. Poverty is a personal problem. Society should do NOTHING for the poor. Being poor is a personal choice. It should be easily remedied by making intelligent personal decisions to make oneself more valuable to other people. By being more valuable, you will have more stuff. By being less valuable, you should have less stuff. It's a simple, rational, and moral equation. Without victims, and without compulsion.

Marc Paolella, City-Data 69 Comments [2/11/2013 4:37:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 79

Quote# 92598

The thing is that some people believe that the windows of heaven is an astronomical repulsive force and as the windows open the force increases.
They reckon the force changes time so that in the time of the flood the windows of heaven caused time to pass faster so as they opened up to billions of years passed by in 5 months.

If it happens whilst God opening the window then how come the flood on cleared when he stopped them? Why are people looking for ways to explain the flood?
It seems pretty obvious to me that God has a channel where an abundance of anything can be passed to earth.

Sassy, Religion and Ethics Forum 36 Comments [2/11/2013 4:37:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 92592

As for eating meat, you cannot be an environmentalist and eat meat. It takes 12,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. Look it up.

You are not entitled to say a word about resource management if you eat meat.

expatjourno, Daily Kos 55 Comments [2/10/2013 6:55:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
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