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Quote# 92591

Those of us who value REAL science have been exposed to the B-movie "science" of ETBs for decades. Your pseudoscientific religion cannot withstand objective analysis.

• Of what possible worth is a "science" that survives only by using the legislatures and the courts to enforce its exclusivity?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that employs censorship to silence its critics?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that seeks to destroy the reputations, the careers and the lives of scientists who dare to question it?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that dares not encounter its critics in an academic setting?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is assumptions heaped on conjectures piled on suppositions overlaid with wild-ass guesses?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is untestable and unfalsifiable?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that has exactly zero evidence to support it, and that considers "scientific" the premise that because something must have happened, it therefore happened?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that attacks its opponents for using "outdated" arguments, but that has as it foundation a book published in 1859, when knowledge of the awesome complexity of life did not exist?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" based on a "theory" that must explain everything and that allows no exceptions?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that defines what is scientific and that uses that definition to discredit anything that does not agree with it?
• Of what possible worth is a "science" that is intractably hostile to REAL science?

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 63 Comments [2/10/2013 6:55:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 78
Submitted By: David

Quote# 92589

Like black Klansmen and male sorority sisters, “gay marriage” simply doesn’t exist. Oh, we have monogamous homosexual couples playing house, and certain states issuing marriage licenses to them, but there’s no marriage there. This is because marriage is not a civil union; it’s an ordained one.

I continue to find this amusing, despite the clear and present danger it represents to our culture. Here we have the opponents of this farcical instrument of societal destruction actually engaging in the debate over whether or not to “allow” something that simply doesn’t exist.

In the case of the Boy Scouts of America, they have simply bought into – or very nearly bought into – the aforementioned pro-homosexual propaganda. Here, we have the fact that homosexuals do not account for the percentages that activists tout; in reality, 1 to 3 percent of the overall population is probably fairly accurate. The entertainment media and the press would have us believe that it is closer to 10 percent, and if you watch television, you’re likely to surmise that every third person you set eyes on is homosexual.

There’s much more, of course: The widespread myth that homosexuality is normal rather than aberrant, that it is hard-wired into individuals rather than being a persuasion or choice, that it is not harmful to society, and that it is not harmful to children. One particularly dangerous fallacy advanced by homosexual activists is that pedophiles (such as those who have been charged with molesting Boy Scouts over the years) are not homosexuals.

These submissions against better judgment are analogous to capitulating to a developmentally disabled child who wants to play with matches simply because they have been persistent in their requests to do so. Obviously, the child does not know better; as the developmentally sound individual present, it is that person’s responsibility to refuse his or her requests, not defer to them.

Erik Rush, WND 45 Comments [2/10/2013 6:54:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 92583

A Clarksville [Tenn.] man said that he quit his job last week in order to save his soul.

Walter Slonopas, 52, resigned as a maintenance worker at Contech Casting LLC in Clarksville after his W-2 tax form was stamped with the number 666.

The Bible calls 666 the “number of the beast,” and it’s often used as a symbol of the devil. Slonopas said that after getting the W-2, he could either go to work or go to hell.

“If you accept that number, you sell your soul to the devil,” he said.

Bob LaCourciere, vice president of sales and marketing for the Revstone Corp., which owns Contech Casting, said that Slonopas’ W-2 was labeled with 666 by the company that handles Contech’s payroll. It refers to the order in which the forms were mailed out, he said....

Slonopas, though, said he has no interest in suing anyone. All he wants is for his former employer to give him a new W-2 without a Satanic number on it. Otherwise, he said, he can’t file his taxes.

He shakes his head when asked if he’d go back to work for Contech, even if the company gives him a new W-2. That would send the message that he sold out his faith for money.

“God is worth more than money,” he said.

His wife, Anna, said the couple will be fine. She said God will take care of them.

Walter Slonopas, The Tennessean 51 Comments [2/10/2013 6:52:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 80
Submitted By: dfmfundies

Quote# 92578

Pushback appears to be working once again. Due to public outrage, plans by the Boy Scouts to sell out to militant homosexual bullies and their moonbat allies have at least been delayed. From the NY Slimes[...]

New ways to connect with young people? At least the pedophile enablers at the Slimes have a sense of humor.

Why would anyone who isn’t flat out evil consider sending scoutmasters who are not only homosexual but who insist on everyone knowing that they are homosexual out in the woods with little boys? Because the hard left has learned how to play cowardly corporate donors like a Stradivarius[...]

The point is not merely to express reverence toward disease-spreading homosexual depravity, nor to sexually corrupt children — although both of these are worthy goals from the point of view of a moonbat. For generations, the BSA has served as a bastion of decency and morality against the rising tide of cultural decay that is both the cause and the result of liberalism. Forcing the BSA to betray its own values, then looting it out of existence with lawsuits when the inevitable molestations come to light as they did after homosexuals infiltrated the Catholic priesthood, will remove this obstacle on the path to progressive utopia.

Dave Blount, Moonbattery 23 Comments [2/10/2013 5:25:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 92576

The Unity, the Creator of the Universes, Earth and all in between, God of Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, the God the Father, Adonai, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Dao, Narayan, Bhagavan, Vishnu, the Existence as a whole, the Unified string filed of consciousness that rules the 11 dimensions of the known space-time in this Universe and limitless unknown material and non-material other Universes, (All are ONE). It decided. It is written. It is done.

Justice will be enforced on the Earth as follows. Two miracles and one global execution.

1- 19 June 2018 all butchers all over the world, 12 noon (Greenwich) will die painless quick.

2- 57 days after that, all hunters who have not been Vegan for the past 42 days, will die as above.

3- 114 days after that, all humans who have not been Vegan for the past 42 days will die, as above.

Present estimation 5 billion.

4- Surviving Vegans will have some tough time dealing with emotional traumas, the dead, economical, production, workforce and chaos. Free large scale global expert psychological counseling will be provided. They will survive, pro-create and fill the earth again.

A VEGAN EARTH. kindness is the rule

An Earth with one law above all other laws, enforced in all governments that Vegans will establish themselves.

Global Equal Legal Rights for all human and non-human animals.
Court, Evidence, death penalty. We ensure its enforcement for one human generation
then we will leave the Earth.

Behold the miracles. Learn. Become Vegan. Become kind. Survive.

Else, you will be dead in those dates and as a gift of the God will get the chance to be reborn again and again. . . in a Vegan kind world.

It is decided. It is done.

Wish you happiness
the Moses

the Moses, God Justice Vegan Earth 2019 95 Comments [2/10/2013 5:25:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 179
Submitted By: Count Zapolai

Quote# 92572

Obama shouldn't have killed OBL

It was pure red meat for the testosterone poisoned. It had no other significance; OBL was not a threat.

This is why the patriarchal state cannot be allowed to have "secrets". It will always use them to commit crimes and atrocities.

atana, Daily Kos 32 Comments [2/10/2013 5:24:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 92565

America has gone to ruin. What has happened? I'll tell you what has happened... We kicked God's Word out of our schools in 1963. The Bible makes people smart. Without the Bible you're going to turn out a fool. People are idiots today. The Bible gives us wisdom from God, because it is God's Word. The Bible elevates those who believe it, love it, obey it and stand upon it! We've got a society of dummies today who don't care about anything because they've been educated since childhood without HEARING THE WORD OF GOD! They have no faith. People have no faith in God these days. They don't fear God. Romans 3:18

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 64 Comments [2/9/2013 4:17:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 56

Quote# 92563

If you know anything about this you know that gay men love youth. They may not all like prepubescent boys but they like youth, most of them like young men, that’s why they go into professions and work with boys, that’s why they become teacher and coaches and shall we say Jerry Sandusky priests? They go places where they can be around boys, that seems to be a favorite thing and if you think that’s not true you know it is true.

Sandy Rios, Right Wing Watch 46 Comments [2/9/2013 4:16:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 92561

[on the Hitman: Absolution nun trailer]

Come on, all this fancy shmancy words and you trying to apply your reasoning to this isn't going to change what's right and what is not.
Seriously, I mean it. Just go and watch it again, and think.

I mean, these kinds of dumbass discussion just indicate the sad state of our world. I mean, because other than whites and heterosexuals were oppressed once in the past means that now it's okay to oppress white heterosexuals, just so that they can have their payback. And now even a woman can't look pretty. Sigh.

(Nobody is oppressing white heterosexuals, That is complete and utter nonsense.

That is like Bill O'Riely complaining about Christians being persecuted in politics.]

But that's basically what it is like. Look around you; atheists are leading the war against regular, good christians. You are not allowed to even believe in God anymore, or even pray in schools! This world is slowly turning to a godless, hopeless place where all faith is being persecuted. I'm sick of our schools, insulting our children with all that monkey talk without them even explaining the other side of the argument.

OniaPL, The Escapist 34 Comments [2/9/2013 4:15:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 52
Submitted By: OhJohnNo

Quote# 92556

More cultural jihad.

Teach your daughters and granddaughters to run if one of those [Muslim] animals approaches them. They want to multiply in our land like rats, and they need American wombs to do it.

kryptonite, The Blaze 31 Comments [2/9/2013 4:14:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 92552

I am sick of hearing Gays wanting the same rights as hetrosexuals. Hetrosexuals are a mix of a man and a woman and can produce chidren. Gays are not a mix, they are the same sex and can't produce children within their union and commitment to their partner. Surely a civil union is all they need, after all the bible says 'Man should not lie with man' so churches should not marry them.

Maggie, Daily Mail 66 Comments [2/8/2013 4:46:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 46
Submitted By: Bleep

Quote# 92548

I describe feminism and equalitarianism as being unsustainable because they are ideologies that cannot be sustained for more than a short period of time once they become tangible policy measures. Once equalitarianism attains a certain amount of influence in a civilized society, that society is doomed, although the collapse is not necessarily instantaneous and the particular form it takes will vary. The speed with which the society collapses entirely depends upon the circumstances. It only took 15 years for Germany to go from democratic suffrage to totalitarian rule, whereas it took 72 years for process to run its course in the Soviet Union.

The average process appears to take about 50 years, which is the length of the time it took for the post-WWII European quasi-democracies to go from regaining their freedom from occupation to the loss of national sovereignty. In the USA, the process has taken considerably more time due to its size and founding traditions that are intrinsically hostile to the equalitarian ideals, so hostile that large-scale immigration from nations more amenable to them was necessary to overcome them.

In other words, I don't expect the genie to go back in the bottle, I anticipate the shattering of the bottle. I am pointing out the process as it happens, in the hopes that in the future, others will be able to learn from the consequences of our massive ideological mistakes.

Vox Day, Vox Populi 46 Comments [2/8/2013 4:41:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 92537

Technology has made the end times possible. As a result of the Enlightenment, followed by the Industrial Revolution, followed by our current progress in information/communication we have surpassed all previous gains historical or otherwise. That technology has ushered in the last days.

E.g., the "mark of the beast" (Rev 13:16-18, 14:9-11) would have been impossible even as late as the mid-20th. However, the exponential growth of computer technology in the last few decades has rendered it not only doable but inevitable. It makes a cashless economy possible, and once all transactions are carried by the computer networks, it is ridiculously simple to require "that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev 13:17). Ever try to use a credit card that has been rejected for insufficient funds? The merchant swipes the card, his terminal talks to a computer perhaps thousands of miles away, and immediately the merchant is informed that the card can't be used.

And how long will it be before cards are obsolete, replaced by implanted microchips that serve as unfalsifiable personal IDs? Given the plague of identity theft, an alternative that eliminates it will be an easy sell. It's unique to the individual. It can't be forgotten, lost or stolen. There's no fumbling through a wallet full of plastic for the right card. Wave the chip past the reader and everything else is done by the computers. What citizen of the 21st century wouldn't welcome that convenience and security?

Once that's in place, the mark can be implemented. Anyone not accepting the chip or the authority of the AC will out of the loop. There will be no cash. No one will be able to buy without the chip. No merchant will be able to sell to someone without it. And if the person does accept the chip prior to the mark, but refuses to worship the AC, it becomes a lo-jack device that pinpoints the person's location for the authorities every time an attempt is made to use it, or it is in the proximity of a scanner.

The technology for the mark exists right now. All that's left is good, old fashioned salesmanship.

DoctorDoom, Where Liberty Dwells 48 Comments [2/8/2013 4:32:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 42

Quote# 92528

Over the past 50 years, the left in America has successfully transformed American society. Among the long list of liberal victories is the growth of the welfare state, sexual liberation, removing God from the public square, abortion, affirmative action, redistribution of wealth, more government control of business, radical environmentalism and the transformation of the family.

One must tip their hat at the breath and scale of change that the left has accomplished, but such radical disruption of society over a relatively short time has had consequences. One that has received relatively little attention is what Christina Hoff Sommers called the “War on Boys.” In her book she describes how public schools have made little boys try to compete in a system designed for little girls and how they are failing. Drop-out rates for boys have increased, and more girls now go to college than boys. The impact of this and the increasing absence of fathers and male role models in the lives of boys from lower- and middle-income families have led to increased joblessness, violence and incarceration, inability to climb the economic ladder and a perpetuation of the cycle of fatherless families.

So when I saw that the Boy Scouts of America executive board is convening on Wednesday to discuss abandoning the organization’s founding moral principles that nurture boys into men, I was saddened, but not surprised. It makes sense that men at the top of the food chain whose boys are insulated, although not immune, from the harmful effects of societal change are behind this effort. Board members James Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young, and Randall Stephenson, CEO of AT&T, are advocating for gay scoutmasters and scouts. They are joined by two big funders, UPS and Merck, that have signaled change or money will disappear.

Rick Santorum, World Net Daily 43 Comments [2/8/2013 4:01:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 92526

This is totally incorrect. When the gates of universal suffrage are opened, the results become entirely predictable and deleterious. This is both logically obvious and empirically demonstrable, since the consequences we are currently experiencing were correctly anticipated by a wide variety of men and women who opposed suffrage.

Considering that I'm on record as expecting the collapse of the USA in the 2033 timeframe, I don't think I can be reasonably said to have overlooked the point. I understand that female participation in our society is firmly established; that is precisely why I expect our society to collapse and shatter. This will not be the first time this has happened, and human nature being what it is, I tend to doubt that it will be the last.

Third, it is no concern of mine if people are offended or not. The truth often offends people. It is no surprise to me that women dislike the historical fact that their collective involvement in governance has historically led to the rapid loss of national sovereignty, to economic contraction, and other consequences generally deemed undesirable. But history is as it is. The facts are as they are. Simply wishing things were otherwise is neither realistic nor a rational approach to the issue.

No one who is capable of grasping the concept that permitting children to choose their meals is not always and necessarily in their long-term best interest should have trouble understanding that permitting an increased influence in governance to any particular group is not always and necessarily in the best interest of that group or anyone else. Nor is it necessary for a society to collapse entirely before the positive or negative effects of a specific group's increased involvement in government to be ascertained.

Vox Day, Vox Populi 57 Comments [2/7/2013 4:41:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 57

Quote# 92525

[Discussing Super Bowl commercial]

I am so opposed to this commercial and I honestly do not understand why others are not appalled by Dodge frrely adding to the Word of God! The commercial starts out by saying that on the 8th day (presumably they are referring to creation), God needed someone to be a caretaker for his paradise. We all know that there was no 8th day of creation and Adam was the caretaker of the earth initiallly.

The commercial adds to creation in order to tug at heartstrings to sell vehicles. Yes farmers are wonderful people and I come from a long line of farmers. But, God also created many, many other occupations and farmers should not be placed on a pedestal and given their own day of creation!!

How is this commercial not an abomination? How is it not wrong for adding to the Word of God? How is it not wrong for altering the Word of God? Everyone I know is giving the commercial two thumbs up and absolutely no one can tell me why it is okay for Dodge to take the liberties that did with the Word of the Almighty.

Grace, Rapture Ready 58 Comments [2/7/2013 4:41:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: Cindy

Quote# 92520

[Wyatt Junker deconstructs the scientific mind]

If I have 20/20 vision and you have real shitty vision does that mean that your interpretation of the alphabet wall at the optometrist's office is right when in fact its only half right? Because your vision sucks, you can make up as many of the letters you want to, or the probability of what they might be at any one time using 26 divided by the number of chances you have to guess. I don't have to do that. I'm not limited like you and the stupid scientists who are hamstrung with poor vision. I can see the letters clearly and know what they are. So instead, you make a decision to invent 'the wave' which is really just the after effect of the particle but its the only thing you can measure since your eyes suck. And then, worse, the idiots confuse the wave with the new reality because they can't see the particle. So, since the wave is the only thing they can lay claim to, its all they decide to hang their hat on, in the end. And they can still use the wave and even base observable principles on it due to probability, but in the end, its not the particle. Its just the human trying really hard to remain relevant, when they're eyes suck.

Emphasis added

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 39 Comments [2/7/2013 4:39:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 92516

The Tibetans who protest Chinese occupation in their homeland of Tibet also hope to make a positive change in a way that displays just as much frustration but in a non-violent way. Yet in all cases, the self-immolates woke up in hell. How horrible to have performed an ultimate act of self-sacrifice on behalf of your fellow countrymen only to find out to your eternal horror that your benevolent act landed you in hell, enduring God's wrath forever. Whether Muslim or Buddhist, nice guy or evil one, upon your death it means that you will go to hell.

Elizabeth Prata, end times 60 Comments [2/7/2013 4:37:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 92513

No Muslim should be allowed to enter the US.

It is not possible for a devout Muslim to live in accordance with the principles of the Constitution and it violates our own 1stA to require them to do so.

The simplest solution for all concerned is for them to stay out.

Thomas Bogan, Tea Party Community 39 Comments [2/7/2013 4:16:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 92501

I have no problem with “authoritarian” behavior. I just want it to be me exerting it, over my own home and family.

domestic discipline democrat, The Spearhead 45 Comments [2/6/2013 4:17:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 61

Quote# 92500

Dr. Schweitzer CAN'T come to any other conclusion because she is trapped. The possibility that the bones are not millions of years old can not be entertained, NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE IS - even if it's screaming in her, or any other believers in long ages of evolution's, face. The Priests of Evolution will not allow it. Dr. Schweitzer needs grant money, and anyone who goes against the grain will lose their funding also.

The obvious conclusion, if one has no bias, is that the bones can not possibly be anywhere near 68 million years old. The only reason to claim that the bones are that old is by faith in the religion of evolution, not by scientific observation.

So how old are the bones? No one can know for sure, but OBSERVATIONAL SCIENCE says they are not millions of years old. Any other suggestion would be one of faith, not science.

So when scientists claim to know that dinos died out 68 million years ago, I know they are wrong. They should know they are wrong, but they refuse to entertain the idea, they are in denial. They can't let science take them where it leads, they have blinders on.

Franko, Where Liberty Dwells 54 Comments [2/6/2013 4:17:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: David

Quote# 92496

This Same Sex Marriage Bill is not aimed at changing the legislation regarding what marriage is per se, yet it is most definitely aimed at changing a universal Divine law that has been established since the creation of mankind.
The gay lobby has invested much time, effort and money in changing the public’s perception of homosexuality and has effectively created a public fear of criticism against this unnatural act with the label of ‘homophobia’. In fact, along with the help of morally degenerate people in society they have terrorised others not to speak out or show any form of objection to their agenda. It is shocking to see a Conservative government, which on one hand is seemingly adamant to “preserve British Values” and morality, then acting cowardly and accepting this fundamental change to the oldest institution known to man: the stability of the society; a stable and natural family unit.

Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad, Islam21C 48 Comments [2/6/2013 4:14:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 92495

Japan is loaded with earthquakes. More than California. When I lived there we had them frequently, but not big ones. Japan has big ones. Do you think that the Lord may be using them to shake up the people from Shinto and Bhuddism?

Bible Babe, rapture ready 66 Comments [2/6/2013 4:14:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 60

Quote# 92485

Liam Neeson is certainly not stupid. He is, unfortunately, a dhimmicrat. A dhimmicrat is one who uses his social, cultural, or political position to smooth the path of sharia, the law they have in Saudi Arabia. Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury are prime examples of dhimmicrats. The Prince of Wales has argued publicly for Westerners to embrace Islam's values in order to save the planet from global warming. The Archbishop of Canterbury thinks Britain should permit sharia in ever wider areas to accommodate Islam's strictures on family life. That means polygamy. That means arranged marriages. That means the legal subordination of women.

Ken Blackwell, http://patriotpost.us/ 31 Comments [2/6/2013 4:13:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Thomas R. Kilburn

Quote# 92477

It is quite clear to Christians that we are in the midst of a plan by the Devil's people to drive the Lord out of the Negroe areas in the same manner that they have removed the Word of God from the schools. Ever since the forces of Satan succeeded in installing a colored man as the President, more and more Negroes have drifted away from the love of Jesus, seduced by the Devil and his silky promises. Now that they have all they can get through guile, they seek to intimidate the remaining Christians and drive them away. Christians must launch a counter attack and soon. I believe that if the Texas Rangers and the deputies of the new sheriff were to join forces and arrest everyone in the vicinity who is drinking what is referred to as a "foetey" and close up the beer joints where the unsaved (which are many) are drinking, smoking and playing dominoes, we might very well reverse this disaster. If we do not take care of this business, the Devil may well wind up with all or most of the colored people in his camp, whether they want to go or not. It is God's will that we fight the Devil. We must not let Him down.

Pastor Bob, WOAI 66 Comments [2/5/2013 4:39:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 79
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