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Quote# 93500

Not sure if it will destroy a marriage, but it sure is making mine miserable.
The wife has finally told me, (after many scriptures), that her support of gay marriage, is between her and God. And she will be attending one in April, 'cause they are her friends, and she has to support her friends. Now, I'll not be driving her, which is gonna cause all the more issues. I'm sorta wondering if she's gonna find a "friend" to drive her...Bah...not much longer....

gradywhite, Rapture Ready 39 Comments [4/2/2013 3:08:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 93497

The testimony of a Jerusalemite mother who claims she subjected her children to abuse bordering on torture due to orders she received from a self-ordained rabbi was cleared for publication Sunday.

The testimony describes the behavior of some of "Rabbi" Elior Chen's followers and the mother's feelings regarding the abuse, which often included sadistic acts of violence.


She recounted an episode in which Chen's followers had given her 3-year old toddler liquor. "I remember he threw up a lot and I changed his clothes. I have never seen such a small child so drunk, and I just remember telling myself, 'Be strong, he's just trying to help him to be a good boy'," she said.

The followers, three men who have also been indicted, were said to have deprived the children of sleep, forcing them to stand all night, and of food, in addition to the liquor they made the children drink.


Allusions to the Holocaust are prevalent in the testimony, as in the mother's account of one of Chen's followers beating her child.

"He punched him and slapped him and pushed him," she said. "My child was just standing next to me and I started to think that this was how the Nazis behaved. I had never been in such a situation and didn't know how to react."

The mother said one of the indicted men, Avraham Kugman, would force feed her son. "It was like an educational lesson – you'll eat as much as I tell you to," she said.

Additional forms of torture inflicted upon the children included the searing of skin and confinement in a suitcase. "They tied (my child's) hands and feet together like a chicken, and stuffed a yarmulke in his mouth so he couldn't scream," she said.

Elior Chen and his followers, ynet 35 Comments [4/1/2013 3:19:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 93496

Here’s another good reason for us to create a, “National Atheist Hunt Day”. People would be paid a bounty of $50. for every atheist head they brought in. Additional parts, other than their heads, would get you a bonus. It would be great for our national moral, help people who are out of work, be really good for “the children”, and also great for the environment and global warming.

BoJangles, Moonbattery 70 Comments [4/1/2013 3:19:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 90

The "Ow" Award

Quote# 93493

The CDC just released that there are over 110 million venereal infection cases in the USA. People are trying to fill the God-sized holes inside them with everything but God.

God'sGraceInMe, Rapture Ready 56 Comments [4/1/2013 3:41:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 78
Submitted By: MrsBeez

Quote# 93492

God has given us a blueprint for how to have success in the earthly realm. He’s given us an architectural plan of how to heal the barren places in urban America. He says that marriage between a man and a woman will heal the desert places in urban America. Ghettos will be revitalized if one man, one woman families are the order of the day. When a man and a woman are in the house, poverty is lessened. When a man and a woman are in the house, kids don’t go to prison. When a man and a woman are in the house, there’s less domestic violence. When a man and a woman are in the house, sexual abuse does not happen.

Bishop Harry Jackson, Think Progress 54 Comments [4/1/2013 3:41:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 83

Quote# 93490

Your ancestors may have evolved but I identify with the sons of God whom Adam was. Adam was mixed with the other human like people whom your gene pool still identifies with because you do not carry the Adamic divine soul.

Shama Ahad, Y! answers 38 Comments [4/1/2013 3:41:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 56
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