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Quote# 94376

[Bastardization? Really? How am I corrupting these texts? Please feel free to explain because frankly its quite simple. God says babies are innocents. God says killing innocents is murder. God killed innocents. Fact fact fact based on your texts, all three. It looks like rather you are dissatisfied with my conclusion that your god committed murder.]

Dissatisfied sums it up, yeah. Can you not see how you cherry picked two unrelated sentences and forced them together to prove your point? The logic is clear... God has the capacity to know and judge fairly where you do not. Given the whole concept of fallibility as accepted by Christians and Jews, your idea that children are innocents is unfounded and unbiblical. Simple as that.

fr0d0, Atheist Forums 41 Comments [5/18/2013 4:19:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 94375

This is what I feel should be done about the homosexuality problem:

1. Repeal all gay "marriage" laws. They make no sense from a logical, legal, semantic, or philosophical standpoint. You can't have male hens and you can't have gay marriage.

2. Eliminate "civil unions" - see above.

3. Draft a Constitutional amendment preventing either of the above 2 points from ever being issues anywhere in the country.

4. Nullify all existing gay "marriages" and "civil unions". To allow them to continue to exist undermines the entire agenda.

5. Work to eliminate the arbitrary stigma toward reparative therapy.

6. Make said therapy mandatory for first-time offenses of displaying homosexual behavior in public.

7. Train all school counselors - from pre-K to college - in said therapy.

8. Make any public displays of homosexual misconduct a misdemeanor after the first.

I think this would really eliminate a lot of the problems homosexuals are causing. If you have any other ideas, let me know.

Vlad III, FSTDT Comments 71 Comments [5/18/2013 4:19:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 82

Quote# 94374

A feminist in the strict and proper sense may be defined as a woman who envies the male role.

By the male role I mean, in the first place, providing, protecting, and guiding rather than nurturing and assisting. This in turn involves relative independence, action, and competition in the larger impersonal society outside the family, the use of language for communication and analysis (rather than expressiveness or emotional manipulation), and deliberate behavior aiming at objective achievement (rather than the attainment of pleasant subjective states) and guided by practical reasoning (rather than emotional impulse).

Both feminist and nonfeminist women sense that these characteristically male attributes have a natural primacy over their own. I prefer to speak of "primacy" rather than superiority in this context since both sets of traits are necessary to propagate the race. One sign of male primacy is that envy of the female role by men is virtually nonexistent — even, so far as I know, among homosexuals.

Normal women are attracted to male traits and wish to partner with a man who possesses them. Healthy societies are marked by a cooperative reciprocity between the sexes, but an unequal one in the sense that it involves male leadership of the female, somewhat as in ballroom dancing.

The feminists' response to the primacy of male traits, on the other hand, is a feeling of inadequacy in regard to men — a feeling ill-disguised by defensive assertions of her "equality." She desires to possess masculinity directly, in her own person, rather than partnering with a man. That is what leads her into the spiritual cul de sac of envy.

And perhaps even more than she envies the male role itself, the feminist covets the external rewards attached to its successful performance: social status, recognition, power, wealth, and the chance to control wealth directly (rather than be supported). She tends not to give much thought to the great mass of men who struggle to fulfill the demands of their role without ever attaining the rewards of superior performance.

F. Roger Devlin, Thornwalker 41 Comments [5/18/2013 4:18:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 94372

I've heard stories about abortionists playing with the bodies of dead babies (like holding them up like dolls and making them "talk") and all kinds of other crazy crap that goes on in your regular run of the mill abortion clinic.

Rubystars, JTF.org 59 Comments [5/18/2013 4:18:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 57
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 94371

(On Minnesota's state senate passing a law to legalize gay marriage)

I love seeing the comments restarted...somebody must have had a good argument why SSM shouldn't be legalized. Something like incurring more to the states Debt to cover SSM benefits, lawsuits against churches for discrimination, that a small percent of Minnesotans get to redefine a term for the majority, that were passing laws just so we don't hurt someone's feelings, that the majority of MN's don't want SSM (which is a completely different argument than putting it in our constitution), It violates DOMA. If it does pass, I wonder what's next from the bullies and incompetent legislature?

justusecnn, startribune.com 31 Comments [5/18/2013 4:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Jason_the_Cripple

Quote# 94370

I have a theory. First, I'll mention that there exists a theory (posed by 2 mathematicians who analyzed statistical data) that suggests that homosexuality is caused by a virus, to which a fetus is exposed in the mother's body. My theory is that liberalism is also caused by a virus, and the two viruses are linked. I am saying this because liberalism is suicidal. A group of biologically healthy organisms would not espouse an ideology that leads to their demise. It is unnatural and sick, in a literal sense. I have also noticed that there are very few liberal Jews among those who came from the former USSR. This would be consistent with the virus theory, becauses viruses are spread geographically.

Masha, JTF.org 51 Comments [5/18/2013 3:29:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 94368

Thoughts on Weekend events
For the past few years since the arab springs I have been keeping my eyes glued to the news and events that has been happening around he world and United States. I noticed when something happens... like natural disaster, shootings, failing economies, etc.... all those stuff seems to happen during the week not the weekend. I also notice there are absolute no update or interesting news starting from Thursday til Sunday. All this makes me wonder when Jesus comes to get his bride before God's wrath would probably occur on a weekend since we are not to know the day or hour of his return. No one would expect anything to happen on a weekend.

Has anyone noticed this??

Shannon9602 , RR 56 Comments [5/17/2013 3:28:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 43
Submitted By: lisa

Quote# 94366

Signed, sealed and delivered, the death of the "Re-PUNK-licans" but much worse is the death of America and the birth of AMERIKA! We , as we desrve will be feeling the wrath of God! I personally believe that he is using this Muslim-Marxist jihadist to punish this nation, as he had done to Israel in the past, for turning away from Him! Button up your seat belts as the ride is about to get really horrific - this I guarantee you!

David Veselenak, Political Outcast 48 Comments [5/17/2013 3:28:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 94365

Y'all illiberal make me laugh when you point out the moral failings of some republicans! You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members. But wait! You said "sin is a personal belief!" So by your own words you can't be judging what is sin in another person, yet you delight in doing so because you are an illiberal hypocrite creature who feels free to judge others, even while defending the most immoral acts of your political gods in your party of death!. Oh well, being blind to reality has always been a trait of the illiberal left.

Juan Motie, Political Outcast 37 Comments [5/17/2013 3:27:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94363

(response to the question of when he chose to be straight}

AT BIRTH..i will answer that GOD thru nature made me a male with all the bodily characteristics of a man...with that comes the compatability to the female gender to unite and procreate...its a wonderful gift...to goe AGAINST that natural process and wonderful gift is when YOU make that desicision... its going against the instruction book that innate to our species...

nofanofobama, The Augusta Chronicle 41 Comments [5/17/2013 3:27:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Aspergus

Quote# 94351

So if the "Greeks" hadn't labeled belief as "theism", then the "anti-God" group wouldn't have a label? They would be called "anti-God", "against God", "Doubters of truth"?

So "theism" is a term "accepted by believers in God? How come those so called "believers" cut me off? I resemble no connection with man made words such as "theism" and "atheism" accussed of the Greek. Who accepts such garbage and demands others accept it?

astein, Christian Forums 58 Comments [5/17/2013 3:23:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 39

Quote# 94342

Quantum~learning is holographic image fledging of holographic~flux mind.

"Doug, what do you mean by 'image~fledging?'" Simply, quantum~imaginationings.

Doug assumes quantum~reality issi quantum~holographic. What we colloquially refer 'The Matrix,' is actually a (many, any) hologram(s) of holograms. Our best clue to this is conjecture by David Bohm and Karl Pribram. Another clue is sentient sensing qua. Our eyes sense photons. Photons are quantum~packetized holograms. Our hearing of phonons is similar. Our olfactory smell omnistinguishes effervescent holographic packetized molecules. And so on...

Now we can choose, via being students of quantonics, to view all those sensory packets as holographic images which our quantum~holographic minds 'store' and learn in a mental hologram of holograms. This quantum~process we may choose to call "quantum~cognitive imagination." Once cognized any holographic imagination's potentia for quantum~recognition becomes stochastically significant.

Doug will provide more omniscussion here on many relevant topics, including:

*energy wells (a la Jeffrey Satinover in his Quantum Brain)
Doug is working on novel graphics of H5W energy wells may be modeled.
*quantum~waves as packetized sensory energy holograms,
*Doug's novel hermeneutics of peaqlos to describe 'content of energy wells,'
*Autiot's fractal~recursive~energy descriptionings of a 'real learning' lesson as shee'oor. In Autiot, right to left: Raysh~Vav~Ayin~Yod~Sheen. There is much to write here.

As you can see, there is much to omniscuss here.

Doug Renselle, Quantonics 109 Comments [5/16/2013 3:28:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 104
Submitted By: aebars

Quote# 94334

So, now we know that the water in the Moon rocks came from Earth. And we already knew that the Moon rocks came from Earth. At what point is it going to become sufficiently obvious that the "Moon landings" were filmed on Earth?

What more is required, signed confessions from Stanley Kubrick and Neil Armstrong?

There is no scientific evidence that Man landed on the Moon, after all. Since the scientific evidence points quite clearly to the various "lunar" objects having a terrestrial origin, then must we not, as good rational scientific materialists, conclude that Man never landed on the Moon?

Vox Day, Vox Populi 57 Comments [5/16/2013 3:09:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 55

Quote# 94332

Dear Leader Emperor Barack Hussein Louie Benito Hugo Issuzu Obama's songbun system: The population of Dear Leader Barack Obama's developing Democratik People’s Republik of Amerika can be roughly divided into three tiers, and ones place in these tiers is called Obama songbun (based on North Korea's songbun system). An individual's Obama songbun is based on ones position at the time of Obama's ascendancy from questionable circumstances of birth to presidential occupation. Kenyan Obama himself, his Klingon wife and ruling party members, largely comprised of the capos of Rahm, Axelrod, Reid, Pelosi and the Kennedy family and their sub-capos, are the main elite. People who helped to bankrupt the nation while lining their own pockets are at the next level in the songbun hierarchy and often have high committee positions in congress or are appointed to cabinet and czar positions and other high offices. The lowest Obama songbun group is comprised of an as yet to be determined number of distinct classes, each with lower Obama songbun then the next. Tea Party members, conservative blog writers, conservative talk show hosts, Christians, and people who still believe in Ayn Rand's philosophy of individual rights and free enterprise or in the soon to be completely outdated U.S. Constitution and it's guarantee of the right of free speech and assembly have the lowest Obama songbun, and consequentially will occupy a role analogous to India's untouchables.

FeralCat, American Thinker 52 Comments [5/16/2013 3:09:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 48
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94331

Adherents to the House of Obama are fundamentally and unalterably opposed to the survival of the Constitution of the United States, and most particularly it's Bill of Rights. The House of Obama is based on the teachings of Karl Marx, Benito Mussolini, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, the Queen of Hearts and Joe Isuzu. The House of Obama commands that democrats carry out mendacity, calumny and psychosis indefinitely against all opponents until the House of the Constitution, which is alien to The House of Obama, is not tolerated, and all Americans are brought under the complete domination of the House of Obama, where Obamariah is strictly enforced.

FeralCat, American Thinker 45 Comments [5/16/2013 3:08:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 32
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94329

It's not our products or materials that make America great. I'm not throwing in the towel with those who have made a choice to disown their heritage and have chosen to forget the ideals that make up the great country we live in. hussein obama is hitler, a disaster, a toxic substance dredged up from the pits of hell made to look like every grifter's, revenge artist's and loser's savior and friend. America didn't forget itself----hussein obama spoke to the basest, most self centered desires of human beings. He plays and dotes on corrupting all that is good and decent. Those who chose him and chose to cheat for him have their reward. Most Americans are still good people who love this country. I don't believe that we are "done" or have forgotten who we are. I just don't buy it. And I don't buy the last "And it did." I've become very suspect of posters who at the end of their diatribe seem to be saying, It's all over, Give up!" Perhaps that's not what you intended, but it seems that way to me.

amerigal1, American Thinker 63 Comments [5/15/2013 6:22:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94327

“I had a teacher who was talking about abstinence, [Elizabeth Smart, a rape victim] said, ‘Imagine you’re a stick of gum and when you engage in sex, that’s like getting chewed, and if you do that lots of times, you’re going to become an old piece of gum, and who’s going to want you after that?”

Unnamed teacher, The Raw Story 87 Comments [5/15/2013 3:31:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 50
Submitted By: Hertzyscowicz

Quote# 94325

Your defense of homosexuality is without merit because it has destroyed every civilization it has touched and that is shameful.

Ken Hutcherson, Chrisitan Post 89 Comments [5/15/2013 3:31:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94324

Actually, I think that 2015 is the deadline by which anyone who could become red pill, will.

More and more of our content is out there, and more mainstream people are talking about it (James Taranto, Dr. Helen’s book, Walter Russell Mead). It will no longer be possible for any man under, say, 60 to still be on the fence. He either has to become a red-piller or a mangina/whiteknight.

Andrew Johnston is an example of what I have said for a long time, that a single man practicing Game deprives 10 or more manginas of what little scraps they were getting. Game is highly asymmetrical, and hence Andrew Johnston represents the effect a mangina experiences when more men learn Game.

However, a mangina only knows how to react in one way : doubling down. Manginas will soon be paying $1000 on a first date with a 5….. as they should, since it is the natural order for manginas to bear the costs (that is why nature created them). Our job is to make sure the costs get transferred to manginas.

TFH, The Spearhead 115 Comments [5/15/2013 3:25:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 70

Quote# 94322

*On the "Gang of Ocho's" attacks against Jason Richwine*

A conservative scholar is being pilloried by the left propoganda machine? Well, raise my rent! Richwine certainly should have known that any published paper that deviates even slightly from the liberal hegemony will cause the author to be excoriated. I don't know about Ms Malkin, but I'd be more shocked if the left ever responds with rational arguement instead of going for the jugular, then the family jewels. The bottom line is that the only way the left knows how to play is dirty, so we should expect nothing else from them.

Moonbat Exterminator, Townhall.com comments 33 Comments [5/15/2013 3:25:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Dynamic Dragon

Quote# 94318

1.? "Dembski and Wells argue calmly and convincingly that intelligent design theory is empirically testable (in spite of Darwinists' shrill protests to the contrary) by indicating precisely what it would take to refute the theory, namely a clear demonstration that systems exhibiting irreducible complexity with specified complexity can in fact arise spontaneously by purely material processes"

Conservapedia, intelligent design 75 Comments [5/15/2013 3:09:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Mr. Ea

Quote# 94312

[Steven] Hawking is hawking the moonbattery…

Don’t forget the guy buys into evolution too:

which says people like him should be just left on the side of the road and die because he’s diseased, I mean if there were only atheist “morals” people like himself would just be left out in the woods or harvested to be objects to be used in scientific experiments. He is alive because of the Bible.

Antisocialist, Moonbattery 41 Comments [5/15/2013 3:08:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 57

Quote# 94310

The director of issues analysis of the fundamentalist anti-LGBT American Family Association (AFA) on Wednesday refused to answer a “simple yes or no question” about whether he had ever had a “gay impulse.”

Liberal radio host Alan Colmes pointed out that AFA’s Bryan Fischer could set an example for gay men and lesbians by explaining when he had chosen to be straight.

“Have you ever had a gay impulse?” Colmes asked.

“Alan, I am not going to talk about that,” Fischer laughed. “Alan, I’m not going to go there! Give it a rest!”

“It’s a simple yes or no question,” Colmes observed.

“We’re not going to talk about that,” Fischer insisted.

“Because maybe if you’ve been able to overcome your gay impulses and you’ve been successful in doing it, you could be a model for other people you’d like to see act the same way,” Colmes pressed.

“The focus here, Alan, is that everybody experiences sexual impulses that if they acted on those impulses, it would destroy them,” the anti-LGBT crusader declared.

“Well, can you give me an example from your own life? What would be some of yours?” the liberal host wondered.

“You’ve experienced them, I’ve experienced them. Every man, every woman has experienced certain sexual impulses that, if they acted on them, if they conducted themselves by yielding to those impulses, it would destroy them,” Fischer replied. “Ask Tiger Woods about that.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever had sexual impulses that would destroy the society or the culture or make me a deviant in some way,” Colmes quipped. “I wonder what impulses you’re talking about. If you’ve had them, I’d love to know what they are.”

“Well the focus Alan is on sexual conduct, sexual behavior, not on sexual impulse,” Fischer explained.

“So you won’t tell me whether you yourself have been able to overcome a gay impulse?” Colmes tried again.

“Alan, give it a rest,” Fischer snapped.

Bryan Fischer, The Raw Story 59 Comments [5/15/2013 3:07:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 94305

Evodelusionism is the religion of atheists, sex addicts, murderers, Monsanto, big pharma, socialists, communists, liberals, whores, and perverts...basically all those who are destroying all life on earth like evolution.

You think you are a scientist, but you are just the spokesperson for the most disgusting religion that has ever plagued humanity.

There are three absolutes in the DNA RNA process that cannot be overcome by evolution. Therefore evolution is a myth.

1/ RNA cannot make DNA without DNA to produce the original coding. They are simultaneously needed to produce eukaryotic life. There is no physical evidence of any RNA only creature making DNA.

2/ It is impossible for the human immune system to evolve when the pathogens that destroy digest human cells already existed before the first "human" cell.
It is impossible for any of the original life forms to exist based on this. The creatures needed to be built having an integrated immune system to deal with all pathogens and even radiation from sunlight that causes cancer cells that need to be destroyed.
Cancer is an immune deficiency disease.
Here is a video of how cancer cells are supposed to be destroyed by the immune system.

3/ DNA only shows genetic degradation and nothing else. Science does not operate differently in the past than now. Science has no magic in it.

Every year 30.4 million people die from Evodelusionism and immorality.

James Arjuna, Amazon Atheist Forum 122 Comments [5/14/2013 3:36:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 59

Quote# 94304

What I see here is simply an overly used anger driven "list" of reasons that are supposed to make followers of Christ feel like fools for believing what they believe. And if they feel foolish, or as the author's say many times "stupid", then they will end their foolish system of belief.

If that were the case, Christianity would end as he says. Unfortunately, he is missing one vital point, Christians do not just believe in an idea, or even a collection of ideas. They believe in a personal God, one that they communicate with. And yes, to make the foolishness even more foolish, He talks back to them! Debating the legitimacy of the idea with people who already "know" God will fall on deaf ears. True Christians do not "choose" Christianity out of a list of viable options based on how logical it is, but realize that God has chosen all. The very basis of faith in Christ is based on the understanding that man's logic is already flawed. Unlike what the author thinks, most Christians are very aware of 1 Corinthians 2:12-14:

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

If there is anything that upsets an atheist, it is this understanding. You cannot argue or reason against it. A list of "logical" reasons will not move a true Christian away from His faith. The only thing that will move a Christian away from His faith is if Gods (Spirit) no longer speaks to his heart in the depths of his soul. Those that are convinced of these arguments and moved away from their faith do not know God personally and have placed their faith in the "ideas" of Christianity, not in Christ, so they are easily drawn away by "natural reasoning".

The authors also fail to realize that conversion comes when God speaks to the heart first, then a "change of heart" occurs, and everything radically becomes different. Christianity no longer looks foolish, but becomes their very own salvation. Hence 1 Corinthians 1:18:

[ The Wisdom of God ] For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Nice try, but not dead yet...

crbrown, Amazon reviews 41 Comments [5/14/2013 3:36:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
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