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Quote# 94990

Cindy Jacobs describes herself as "a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but to heads of nations." She appears regularly on Christian TV, including on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and the 700 Club. But it's one of her recent 10 Minute Prayer School segments during her "unique prophetic" God Knows God TV show that's shocking Indian country. She also turns the screw on Mexicans while she's at it.

Last week, Jacobs warned people of Indigenous heritage that they should “repent for their ancestors’ animism” because they are particularly vulnerable to evil spirits.

After invoking Job 41, Abrams began her lecture to Natives. "If you have in your bloodline any animus [sic], any Native American blood, for instance — not all Native Americans worshipped the serpent or crocodile, many did — but you might want to renounce that and repent for the generational iniquity,” she explained. “If you are — perhaps you’re Mexican and you might have indigenous blood in you or Mayan blood, those who have Aztec blood in any way, you need to repent for the sin of animism before you begin to deal with this spirit.”

It's worth noting, as RawStory.com does, that "prophet" Abrams earlier this year averred that durable, long-lasting shoes are proof of "supernatural" miracles from God.

Jacobs previously outraged Indian country by claiming that the "Response," an August 2011 prayer rally in Houston led by Texas Governor Rick Perry, broke the curse of Native American cannibalism over the North American lands.

Cindy Jacobs, Indian Country Today Media Network 42 Comments [6/17/2013 3:19:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: BigD1987

Quote# 94986

(Last paragraph of an article on the fabled "War on Religion" in the U.S.")

Still, the number of bans on public displays of Christianity continue to grow. And while those symbols may have little value alone, many Christians fear that taken as a whole, that kind of intolerance will wind up creating not freedom of religion but freedom from religion in this country.

William La Jeunesse., Fox News 35 Comments [6/16/2013 4:34:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 94985

[Among millennials] 78% of moms are working outside of the home. 17% dad is the primary breadwinner. 61% the mom is the primary breadwinner. 29% are single moms. Okay, there it is. That’s it. 17% of dads, 61% of moms. Friends, it’s over. It’s over, it’s done. That’s it. That’s the end of it. It’s the end of manhood, it’s the end of men, it’s the end of fatherhood, it’s done, we’ve gone over the cliff. 61% of moms are primary breadwinners, 17% of dads among the millenialls, and 78% of moms are working outside of the home. It’s over. There will be no more mothers and of course there are no more fathers. It’s over. And that’s the way that the average Christian, Christian homeschooler, Christian public schooler, that’s the way they’re raising their kids. They’re raising their kids such that 61% of their daughters will be the primary breadwinners and 17% of their sons will be primary breadwinners. Those are the numbers and that’s the numbers that came out from the Pew Research last week. And this is not going to last another generation friends. This is the last generation. You all understand, this is the last. Our society, our social systems are not going to last for another generation. This is the end of it. When there are no more dads, no more fathers, it’s over.

Kevin Swanson, Right Wing Watch 49 Comments [6/16/2013 4:34:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94984

Because there are so many women in the work force, the women’s hearts are not home. There are far more men who say it would be better if moms could stay home because apparently the dads still care about the kids. The moms, it’s a lower percentage Dave, 45% say it’d be better if moms were home, 67% of men say it would be better if moms were home, meaning there are far far more women- or far far more men- who say that it’d be better if moms were home because women care less about their children and about the influence they could have on their children because Dave I think they’re already in the work force and they certainly don’t want to say it’d be better if I were home. That’s the issue.
They’ve been the recipient of a culture, a Margaret Sanger culture, Dave, that has told them ‘You do not love your children, you kill your children. You do not love your children, you kill your children. You do not love your children.’ The Betty Friedans have said, ‘You do not love your children. You get out of that house, you do not raise your children. You do not love your children.’ They have been under that nonstop for the last 50 to 60 to 70 to 80 years. The feminist zeitgeist has been incredibly powerful in working in the hearts and minds of so many tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of women in the Western world. Friends, women do not love their children as they used to.

Kevin Swanson, Right Wing Watch 27 Comments [6/16/2013 4:33:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94982

Star Trek has drawn over a billion followers worldwide over the past 40 years since it began. The film series is highly New Age in doctrinal teachings and has a core of fanatic adherents, a science-fiction cult. Star Trek shows promotes the sinful occult ideas of atheism, telekinesis, psychic phenomena, life without God, mental telepathy, channeling and mental transference, spirit possession, et cetera.

Women appeared in immodest sensual miniskirts from the beginning, blaspheming the holy Bible. As with everything in society, the human mind often cannot tell reality from fiction. Many people believe Star Trek to be true. There is no Biblical teaching of life on other planets. There are no human beings anywhere else. Jesus came to the earth, born of a virgin by a miraculous birth, lived a sinless life and paid on the cross with His precious blood for our sins. Jesus said that only a FOOL is slow to believe all that Moses and the prophets have spoken in the Bible concerning Jesus, our Messiah!!!

Roddenberry died in his sins as an unbeliever in 1991, and is now tragically burning for all eternity in Hell.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior 72 Comments [6/16/2013 4:00:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 58

Quote# 94979

Mark my words, it will not be long before we see girls and women forced to purchase Plan B for their abuser to keep them and others enslaved. This is a pimp, predator, and pedophile’s dream – unlimited access to Plan B.

Janice Crouse, Life News 31 Comments [6/16/2013 4:00:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 41
Submitted By: Zagen30

Quote# 94976

It’s amazes me the words you can and can not use in a freedom of speech representative republic we live in. I refuse to stop using the term faggot. It literally draws scorn looks and forum post deletes, yet not one person can explain why the the term should not be used. Homo = not acceptable, homosexual = acceptable, faggot = not acceptable, gay (a word of coarse that means something else entirely and was high-jacked) = acceptable. WHY?? In this one clear example of NEWSPEAK you have 4 examples of words that mean the same thing, yet we are to be programmed that some are to never to be used because………..? Oh that’s right we are not supposed to ask. Faggots are the Fox in Aesop’s Fable “The fox with no tail”, in that the only way the fox (or faggots) can overcome their own depravity is to attempt to deceive society into thinking that it is the society that is deprived for not accepting and joining the fox’s or the faggots’ depravity.

Wyld_Goose, Moonbattery 41 Comments [6/16/2013 3:59:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 94975

[There is simply too much from this post to quote all of it. Please see the full thing.]

The anti-GOD antichrists atheists on this forum are probably too blind to 'acts of GOD' to recognize GOD's intervention with me - His Christ - yesterday. Therefore, I ask for volunteers for a sci-religious experiment to prove GOD/nature and I - their Christ - can produce a natural disaster for your neighborhood. Are there any?

Brad Watson, Amazon Athiest Forums 23 Comments [6/16/2013 3:50:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Strelok

Quote# 94970

the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that Islamist rebels in Aleppo had executed a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents as punishment for what they regarded as a blasphemous comment.

The UK-based activist group said Mohammed Qataa was shot in the face and neck a day after being seized by the rebels, who allegedly overheard the teenager tell someone: "Even if the Prophet Muhammad comes down [from heaven], I will not become a believer."

Before executing the boy, one of the rebels reportedly told onlookers: "Disbelieving in God is polytheism and cursing the Prophet is polytheism. Whoever curses even once will be punished like this."

[Admin note:
Story has been reported differently previously. The original account, he was alleged to have refused to give free coffee to a third party. He was reported to have said "“Even if [Prophet] Mohammed comes back to life, I won’t [give coffee away]”

Thanks to John_in_Oz

Further, the translation isn't the greatest:
The Arab word for Polytheism (širk), also carries conotations of "idolatry" and "heresy". This has historic roots, or in other words, whoever translated the quote sucks at Arabic.

Thanks to UHM

Never say you didn't learn anything from here]

Syrian Islamic rebels, BBC News 43 Comments [6/16/2013 3:07:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: emau99

Quote# 94969

[Someone suggested the site is satire]

You have perfectly epitomized the limited female mental capacity. In layman's terms, you're an idiot.

Like most idiot women, the most you can muster is butthurt self-righteous indignation. The truth is so shocking and offensive to your tiny female brain that your only response is one of horrified indignation.

You are a perfect example of why women are too stupid to govern others. Imagine if we let a dumb bitch like you into government. You can't write a bill with few sentences and just end it with "OMG! LOL!" People expect much more from their leaders. The only thing you could lead is gangbang or a blowjob. What use are you to society besides a sexual favor and a giggle?

Unfortunately, this is exactly what feminism does to tiny female brains like yours. It completely ruins your ability to put together a rational, coherent thought and replaces it with professional victimhood.

The truth will ALWAYS shock morons. Get used to it.

Prof. Plum, Manhood Academy 59 Comments [6/16/2013 3:06:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 94968

The chickens are coming home to roost..
My prediction is, in the future, women will finally succeed in creating the ‘utopia’ that they have been trying to build for themselves.

They will be nothing more than prey, or perhaps slaves. The only protection they will have will be whomever considers them property.

Why bother protecting a woman when you will get vilified and have your life destroyed?

Why bother having a relationship with a woman when it leads to nothing but either imprisonment for claimed ‘rape’ or slavery for the rest of your life to pay her bills?

why bother seeking a prostitute to have your needs met when it leads inexorably to a prison sentence?

Why bother asking a woman when it is much easier and safer to simply have your way with her and then sink her body in the bay?

Brigadon, Spearhead 45 Comments [6/16/2013 3:06:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 62
Submitted By: AtroposHeart

Quote# 94966

But Athesism IS a religion, isn't it? By definition, it means you believe there ISN'T a God, which has about the same weight of evidence as any religion. Maher's talking about agnosticism with the same righteousness as a fundamentalist atheist.

birdmocker, Gawker 34 Comments [6/16/2013 3:06:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: ADJones76

Quote# 94962

i dont believe in the pope. Your info is wrong there. Pope didnt write any of the books in the bible. Im baptist not catholic. So get the str8. Ok you say 1000's of scientist came up with the same findings with there tests and methods. Well, creationist and i meaning 1000's of other scientist have tried and tested methods and came up with our findings that evolutionist thinking is crap. We can go back and forth with this. Not all scientists came up with what your saying. I have scientist who have proven your scientist wrong. So now what......science doesnt prove everything. Not everything can be explained with human thinking.

And i dont believe the earth is 600 years old.

FITNESSKY, Bodybuilding.com 91 Comments [6/15/2013 6:20:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 44

Quote# 94960

I just don't think that the idea of homosexuals being able to adopt and raise children should be seen as any sort of progress in human rights or equality. That's preposterous, and the notion that such a thing is labeled as discriminatory if protested against illustrates a society with a distorted view(sorry for being blunt). It is one thing for homosexuals to marry, but they shouldn't be able to adopt in my opinion. Same sex preference is normal in the sense that it is a real phenomenon, but in itself it is not normal to be attracted to the same sex. It is an abnormal preference. This has nothing to do with a hatred or homophobia that one would accuse me of having, because I honestly have no beef against men who like men or women who like women, but since we are bringing a child into the equation it has everything to do with him/her. When I see a man kissing another man I honestly cringe and cant stand what I see, and that is a NATURAL reaction within me. I cant help it, but some would accuse me of being bigoted for a natural reaction I have no control over. This reaction is detatched from any sort of conditioning. I don't think we should start raising our children to believe that its normal for same sex couples to raise kids. There is no conditioning present here, because my natural reaction to a homosexual couple being intimate together is one of uneasiness. I use to feel that if homosexuals wanted to get married it was no big deal, and that is one thing, but to claim that objection for them raising children derives from conditioning is a faulty assumption.

sPEktrall, Vigilant Forums 38 Comments [6/15/2013 6:20:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Alice in Fundieland

Quote# 94898

1) This group hates America. Is it the Taliban or the American Left?
2) The group hates capitalism. Is the Taliban or the American Left?
3) This group is for an all-powerful authoritarian government. Is it the Taliban or the American Left?
4) This group wants the destruction of Israel. is it the Taliban or the American Left?
5) This group wants to destroy life in the womb. Is it the Taliban or the American left?
6) This group degrades and debases women. Is the the Taliban or the American left.
7) This group keeps blacks in bondage. Is it the Taliban or the American Left.
8.) This group talks virtue while they commit the vilest of evils. Is it the Taliban or the American Left?
9) This group hates freedom. liberty, and individualism. Is it the Taliban or the American left?
10) This group practices violence and deceit to further its political aims over the will of the citizenry. Is it the Taliban or the American Let?

Suzie, The Roanoke Times (roanoke.com) 57 Comments [6/14/2013 6:22:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94878

***poster is comparing homosexuality to murder***

So, based on Bryans explanation, let's board the train again. You're sitting there minding your own business and a guy comes in dragging someone by the neck and sits down across from you and puts a knife to their throat and pulls it across their throat and blood splashes out all over you and the seats and nearby passengers as his victim grabs their throat and bleeds to death. What's your response? What do you say to him about God? Do you pat his hand and tell him that it's all ok and you just keep doing what you're doing. Hey God loves everybody and especially those who are living in sin.

Why do you think the response should be particularly different if the couple sitting across from you are the same sex and share with you about their sexual relations and love for one another and how can the church condemn them?

I absolutely agree that we must share the gospel and the truth of God in love, but there's a line that can't be crossed in saying that and watching a sinner kill, steal, fornicate or practice any other immoral sexual practice before your very eyes. And, as a born again believer, I would never support, encourage or approve of the idea that anyone is born that way. Committing sin before God is a choice. It is always a choice.

miamited, christianforums 69 Comments [6/14/2013 3:19:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 51

Quote# 94864

Taka No Mi:To whom are we morally responsible? In moral systems that lack a divine component, we are accountable to those around us

Dr. Lisle: Why? There is no rational basis for such an assumption, and it leads to absurd results. If one man were to kill all other humans, then by your definition he is not morally responsible to anyone. Thus, the action cannot be rationally condemned

Tony:No it doesn’t it just seems like you don’t understand the argument if he kills everyone else he himself cannot survive, and again i believe that you wont understand the full crux of the argument

Dr.Lisle:Dr. Lisle: Certainly he can survive. Since he has killed everyone else, he helps himself to their possessions and resources. He has enough food, shelter, clothing, and other resources to last the rest of his life with plenty more. So, why in your worldview would his actions be morally wrong? Or would they?]

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's Blog 67 Comments [6/13/2013 3:31:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 42
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 94863

The biblical model of slavery is another very misunderstood principle. Perhaps some of the confusion comes from the history of slavery as it occurred in the United States; that type of slavery was not biblical. The Bible never condones racial or brutal slavery—the kind that was experienced in our nation. However, the Bible does indeed endorse a type of “slavery.” And when we read the relevant Scriptures in context, we see that it is quite different from what many people think. Biblical slavery was designed to help a financially irresponsible Israelite get out of debt and become a responsible worker. Here is how it was designed to work:

Those people who were very financially irresponsible, and had accumulated so much debt that they could not possibly pay it off, could request to become the slave of a wealthy individual (Leviticus 25:39; Genesis 47:19). If the wealthy individual agreed, he would pay off all the person’s debts and provide for him, and then the servant would work for the individual for some period of time apparently proportional to the amount of debt (Leviticus 25:50) but not to exceed seven years (Exodus 21:2; Deuteronomy 15:12). When the period of time had expired, the servant was set free, and the wealthy person was required to give him enough start up supplies so that he could begin his own business (Deuteronomy 15:13-14). The Israelite slave was to be treated respectfully (Leviticus 25:43) and was immediately granted freedom if mistreated (Exodus 21:26–27).

It’s really a very generous system. Help a financially irresponsible person to become responsible by (1) paying off his debts and providing for him, (2) training him by having him work for a period of time, (3) giving him sufficient startup capital to start his own business. It’s not quite what most people think, is it? I would suggest that the biblical system is far superior to our modern welfare system.

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's Blog 63 Comments [6/13/2013 3:31:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 38

Quote# 94860

Because gendered roles did develop, and continue to do so, the natural roles they were based on must necessarily exist. Something does not derive from nothing. That feminists can look over the span of history – not to mention contemporary society – and maintain that none of these results are based on nature discredits all of their subsequent conclusions. In other words, the cornerstone of Western feminist thought is based on flawed reasoning, and all of the evils of feminism derive from this fundamental flaw.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 40 Comments [6/13/2013 3:30:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 94853

The only way we can know anything at all is to either be omniscient, or to have revelation from someone who is omniscient. Either the Christian worldview is true, or it is impossible to know that anything is true.]

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's Blog 49 Comments [6/13/2013 3:28:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 47

Quote# 94852

An email sent to Mikey Weinstein of the MRFF:

Michael Weinstein. You and the mfrr have nothing better to do than bully and fight the Christian soldiers who built this nation. From the wreckage of the indian savages? And made it the only shining light of the world? Have you forgotten history? Our soldiers are made strong because of their faith in Jesus Christ and Christianity. When America’s soldiers are strong America is strong. I am such a soldier. Proud of my Savior and the USA. One among many in my unit who know you for what you truely are. A bunch of us at chapel watched some of the speeches you gave. On you tube. We all noticed how much you resemeble the devil. Seriously you do. And you have the devils slippery powers of false persuasion too. You and the devil both hate Christ. You and the devil are the losers. You will both have hell as your home for all ages to come. Your life is totally a waste. Mr. Weinstein give it up and surrender to the Word of Christ. Our fighting forces fight with Jesus as our Lord and leader in all things. Deal with it. You try to mess with that and you totally deserve to suffer. Your fallen childrens deserve to suffer. Your fallen wife deserves to suffer. Your fallen parents deserve to suffer. All your fallen friends of the mfrr deserve to suffer too. And they will.

[No name given], Dispatches from the Culture Wars 44 Comments [6/13/2013 3:19:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: emau99

Quote# 94850

Imagine being told that the love between you and your partner is less legitimate than a dog wedding. Or having your commitment to one another compared to pedophilia.

Stephanie Schmalz and her partner, Jeanine, wanted to order some cupcakes to celebrate their commitment ceremony. They contacted Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, Colorado, but the store refused to take their order, informing the couple that they have a strict policy against selling cakes for same-sex weddings and ceremonies.

Then Stephanie tried a little experiment. She called the bakery and told the owner, Jack Phillips, that she was planning to host a wedding celebration for two dogs. She told him that the dog wedding cake would need to feed 20 people and should be decorated with the names "Roscoe" and "Buffy." Without hesitation, Phillips quoted her a price and asked how soon she needed it.

When another couple tried to place an order with Phillips, he told them he would not provide a cake for same-sex weddings, the same way he would not provide cakes for pedophiles.

Masterpiece Cake Shop, ACLU 40 Comments [6/13/2013 3:19:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 46

Quote# 94849

In France, we have seen massive demonstrations (manifestations) for marriage. Hundreds of thousands have turned out in Paris for the fourth time in the past year. Even the French media, even more liberal than our own, have been astonished at the growing movement there. They interviewed a little boy among the thousands of children who marched. He was probably no more than ten years old, but he said: "Every childneeds the love of a mother and father." Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. So the French Left promptly blocked the YouTube video that showed this boy's moving response.

But take heart, friends, even E.T. knows the truth about mankind. Back in 1972, NASA launched Pioneer 10. This spacecraft was sent to the farthest reaches of the Solar System and beyond. It boldly went where no man has gone before. It bore a message, an indelible truth about humanity. That deep space probe contained aGolden Stele. That plaque was engraved with symbols showing extra-terrestrials where Earth was located in the Cosmos, something of our level of scientific sophistication, and figures of a man and a woman.

Those two humans were intentionally drawn to show no race, no religion, no national or ethnic identity. But that man and woman told the truth: human beings are male or female.

Now, the standard liberal line is that such a bifurcation of humanity is old hat, patriarchal, retrograde. As a candidate, Barack Obama said that marriage was between a man and a woman, "and God is in the mix." As president, however, this most liberal of our leaders proclaimed that he has "evolved." The rest of us, those who support true marriage, or who still think God is in the mix, are therefore left behind his ever forward-looking progressive ranks. To him, we are bitter, clinging Believers.

But there's the problem of the Golden Stele. It was fashioned by PBS's most famous atheist, Carl Sagan. Dr. Sagan sagely intoned that the cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be. No religious fanaticism there, right? And his taxpayer-financed messages were broadcast not only around the world, but sent out on Pioneer 10 out beyond the farthest planets.

Dr. Sagan was the one who conceived the engraving on that Golden Stele. Male and female created He them. Verily, Dr. Sagan did. And if Science proclaimed this simple truth in 1972, we have a right to ask what scientific evidence has President Obama or any of his wise men, er, wise persons, divined since that year that would disprove the learned Carl Sagan?

Americans have been voting on marriage for 20 years. In that state-by-state rolling referendum, tens of millions of voters in 32 states voted for true marriage. Last November, it is true, voters in four liberal states voted not to defend true marriage. That seems to be our opponents' idea of "inevitability." In their progressive view, four is greater than 32.

They now look to the U.S. Supreme Court to administer the final blow to marriage. The high court, after all, struck down bans on interracial marriage in a unanimous ruling in 1967. Speaking for the high court in Loving v. Virginia, Chief Justice Earl Warren said "Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

Our existence and survival depend on marriage - true marriage. The collapse of marriage brings the collapse of nations. The French resistance understands this.

President Obama has placed radicals on the courts and radicals in his administration who are relentlessly pursuing the end of marriage. They believe in any number of consenting adults having legal custody of any number of children (www.beyondmarriage.org). They want to force all of us to support that destructive idea.

E.T. now knows better. The Golden Stele on board Pioneer 10 cannot be overtaken by another missile. It cannot be blown up. The truth engraved on that golden panel is the truth that the progressives are trying to erase. But it's too late: The Word is out.

Bob Morrison, Family Research Council 46 Comments [6/13/2013 3:18:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94847

My readers will in the main be familiar with the concept of Adolf Hitler being possessed by the Wotan archetype, a subject that was first brought to the world`s attention by the father of Analytical Psychology, Karl Gustav Jung in his essay Wotan[1936]. He elaborated further on the issue in his later essays After the Catastrophe[1945] and The Fight with the Shadow[1946].
The presence of the archetype in Hitler was so pronounced that we now consider Him to be not merely possessed by the archetype but an Avatar in His own right. This idea forms the basis of Esoteric National Socialism, first pioneered by Savitri Devi[The Lightning and the Sun, 1958] and then later in the writings of Miguel Serrano[The Ultimate Avatar, 1984] . Esoteric National Socialism is not to be confused with the American fashion of dressing up as Hollywood Nazis as is prevalent in some quarters.


I know of several instances where Woden initiates have experienced periods of either temporary or permament blindness, one of whom is a notable personality in the Germanic heathen revival. I myself experienced a period of temporary blindness some time ago in which I received a vision of a circle of fiery runes. From that point onwards I have felt a greater degree of inspiration than ever before and this may be measured in the increase in output for instance on my blogs. Guido von List after a cataract operation in 1902 received a vision of the Armanen Runes during an 11 month period. Interestingly I was of a similar age, in my 50s when I had my experience. I was told by my doctor that further episodes may result in permament blindness.

Hitler finished WWI in a hospital bed, suffering blindness following a mustard gas attack, enduring the melancholy of knowing that Austria and Germany had lost the war, betrayed from within by traitors, bolshevists and non-German elements. One can only imagine what distress He felt. It was this event that marked a turning point in Hitler`s life and within 5 years He was a national political figure. I do not believe this to be an accident.


The Third Reich is now dead, a part of history but Wotan in the guise of His son Wid-Ar lives and He will avenge His father. At the moment He is silent and will remain so until He appears in the form of the avenger, the Kalki Avatar who will bring an end to this degenerate modern world where all values have been turned on their heads and the underman rules.

Wotans Krieger, Aryan Myth and Metahistory 45 Comments [6/13/2013 3:13:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 94846

Keep in mind that the whole cosmos has been made imperfect — wounded — by sin. It is the principle of sin, rebellion against God and His truth which has brought about birth defects and other destructive natural occurrences. Leaving aside that for a moment, recent discoveries about the genetic code of each human being are a fulfillment of scripture. Your genetic code is the handwriting of God, written before you or the world existed. Our genetic blueprint is proof of the existence of the Living God and His infinite intelligence, purpose and design. Sadly, many will ignore the deeper spiritual truth which underlies the advance of this scientific knowledge.

E.W. Jackson, Buzz Feed 30 Comments [6/13/2013 3:12:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Aspergus
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