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Quote# 105261

Mormons are widely known for their sexualized religious beliefs. The two are inseparable. Remove the sexual perversion and the Mormon religion ceases to exist. But a much lesser known, but far more spiritually dangerous false religion, is Judaism. The sexualized Jewish false religion is far more dangerous because it's been influencing American society through television for 75 years. As with Mormonism (and the two religions are closely associated, along with Freemasonry), Judaism and the Talmud cannot exist without sexual perversion (as I'll prove to you in some shocking quotes from the Jewish Talmud later in this article).

One of the most sicko and sexually perverted programs on television since 2007 is called "THE BIG BANG THEORY." The evil show is co-produced by Jewish TV executive Chuck Lorre (his 2011 yearly salary was $35,000,000); and the star of the show, Mayim Bialik (who plays Amy ) is a devout follower of the Talmud.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 37 Comments [12/15/2014 4:33:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105259

Bob Solo asked Ray Comfort: How do you know your relationship with God is real?

Ray Comfort's answer: First, I know He is real because the alternative is to believe the impossibility that nothing created everything. Creation (nature) tells us that there is a Maker. I then know that my relationship with Him is real because He transformed my life in an instant. In a moment I was “born again,” with a deep love for my Creator, when I didn’t give Him one second’s serious thought in the entire 22 years of my godless life. That fact blew me away and 40 years later it still leaves me with my mouth open.

There are many other ways to know that my relationship with Him is real (the dead and dry Bible coming alive, its prophecies substantiating its inspiration, a love for other Christians I didn’t have before, an all-consuming desire to do what pleases God, a hatred for the sin I once loved, etc.) But it all comes down to trust rather than subjectivity, and that childlike trust rests on this immutable biblical foundation: “It is impossible for God to lie.” He is faithful. Start with that premise and you won’t go wrong.

Ray Comfort, Facebook 37 Comments [12/15/2014 4:07:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 105246

You can change a woman’s environment, you can offer incentives and you can encourage women to adopt this or that custom. But none of these efforts will work if you don’t first take her intrinsic female nature into account. There is no greater amount of good or evil in male or female; there is just nature. When we take nature’s path, we take the “good” way. This is what Christians call “God’s will.” When we fight nature, we err, and conscious error is sin.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 22 Comments [12/14/2014 7:49:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 105243

(On a talk show discussing the Senate Torture Report scandal)
Out Numbered host Andrea Tantaros agreed that she didn’t need transparency at the CIA either.

“The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome,” she said. “But we’ve had this discussion. We’ve closed the book on it, and we’ve stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we’re not awesome.”

Andrea Tantaros , The Raw Story 42 Comments [12/14/2014 7:42:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 105240

In her farewell speech on the House floor, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said that the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is “under the authority” of the ancient biblical figure Moses.

“We have so much to be thankful for, so much to be grateful for,” she said Tuesday. “For many people who have never had the privilege of being in this House chamber before, this is the room where the laws of our nation are formulated. Our founders meant that the House of Representatives would be the most powerful form of government. Why? Because it would be these 435 members that we eventually became, we would hold the power of the purse, we would hold the nation’s credit card, and it would be up to us to decide what we spent money on, and what we didn’t.”

“We are the lawgivers, because the people of this country have given us the privilege of the election certificate to make the laws. We must never forget that it is by the consent of the governed that we rule and we decide our laws.”

“And as I look about this chamber, we are ringed with the silhouettes of lawgivers throughout history,” Bachmann continued, referencing the 23 marble relief portraits in the House Chamber that were installed between 1949 and 1950.

“And yet only one lawgiver has the distinction of not having a silhouette, but having the full face be revealed by the artist. That lawgiver is Moses. Moses is directly above the double doors that lead into the centermost part of this chamber, and in the face of Moses, his eyes look straight upon not only our nation’s motto, ‘In God We Trust,’ but Moses’ face looks full on into the face of the Speaker of the House. Daily, the Speaker of the House as he stands up in his authority and in his podium recognizes that he is a man under authority, just as Moses was a man under authority.”

“Because you see, Mr. Speaker, Moses is given for the full honor of the greatest lawgiver in this chamber, because he was chosen by the God that we trust to be entrusted with the basis of all law. The ‘basis of all law’ as was written by Blackstone, the famous English jurist, was the Ten Commandments, that were given by none other than the God we trust on Mount Sinai,” the congresswoman said.

“We know those laws, those laws are the fundamental laws of mankind, and here in the United States, the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses is the very foundation of the law that has given happiness and the rise of the greatest prosperity that any nation has known before.”

“Mr. Speaker, it could be no coincidence that this nation, knowing and enjoying the heights of such great happiness and such great prosperity, that it could be built upon that foundation of the Ten Commandments and of the law given by the God in whom we trust.”

Michelle Bachmann, Raw Story 32 Comments [12/14/2014 5:43:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 105239

Tony, morality is about “what should be,” not “what is.” You are trying to explain why people do behave in a particular way (because it benefited their survival in the past). But that doesn’t explain why we should continue to behave that way today. First, you are arguing that “right” is what achieves a particular end – in this case, the survival of the most people. But that presupposes that such an end is itself morally commendable. In a Christian worldview, yes, people have innate value to God and are worth saving. But in an evolutionary worldview, how would maximizing the survival of a bunch of chemical accidents be morally commendable? Is it also morally commendable to maximize the chemical reactions taking place in a car engine? Should we try and create as many internal combustion engines as possible since this is morally right? So you are stealing from the Christian worldview when you presume that people have innate value.]

[Second, even if I grant that people have intrinsic worth (which makes no sense on your system), it would still lead to absurd results. If maximizing the survival of people is what determines morally right, then we should outlaw all extreme sports (sky-diving, car-racing, etc.) since these sometimes result in fatalities. In fact, if you really believed that maximizing human survival was what determines “right” then you would want to restrict as much human freedom as possible in order to accomplish this, e.g. along the lines of the robots in “I Robot.” It would be against the law to not have children. etc.]

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's blog 19 Comments [12/14/2014 5:42:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105236

[Re. Leviticus 26:21-29]

That is Old Testament and they were some of the meanest people and hard heart of stone, they tried their people bad'
God said, he would discipline, well some people now if the realized what these people really did, would want to do worse to them. God is far in what he does, he knows what he is doing and has done. He know their hearts and minds plus what they would or would not do in the future.

You think you can judge God, I don't think so, he even know what the devils is doing, how is you father by the way!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 26 Comments [12/14/2014 5:41:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 105235

By very definition, there is an ongoing genocide in America against Christianity today. Systematically the Bible has been removed from our nation's schools. Christ has been removed from Christmas, now displayed by all the corporations and government as Xmas. Recently An Arizona man was sentenced to 60-days in prison for having a Bible study in his home.[1] Another couple in California was fined $300 for having a Bible study in their living room.[2] What is going on in America?

I'll tell you. The same demonic hatred that the Turks harbor against the Christian Armenians throughout the 19th century eventually came to a boil during World War I, and over one million Armenian families were butchered (many brutally tortured for the pleasure of the Turkish solders). Women and young girls were raped and some of the prettiest kept as sex-slaves in lifetime servitude. Others were stripped naked and nailed to crosses for their Christian faith. The world is a wicked place 1st John 5:19 declares, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.”

David J. Stewart, God Loves People 34 Comments [12/14/2014 5:38:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 105232

A pastor at a California-based evangelical church offered up a bizarre suggestion for same-sex marriage supporters in a recent broadcast.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Skyline Church Pastor Jim Garlow suggested that same-sex marriage supporters should relocate to homes with improper plumbing in a "Point Of View" radio program discussion, in which he also spoke about his participation in a recent Vatican summit.

"All the people who advocate for so-called same-sex marriage ought to have to live in homes in which the plumbers who built them, or the electricians who built them, didn't understand the difference between the male and female end of piping or plumbing or of electrical as well, and see how that works for them," he said.

He then added, "It doesn't work."

The comments are perhaps less surprising given Garlow's history. In 2013, he told the Christian Broadcasting Network that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples don't actually have "much interest in marriage."

"There isn’t that much interest in commitment and monogamy," Garlow, who was reportedly instrumental in organizing conservative religious groups to support California's Proposition 8, declared. "It isn’t there ... It’s attempting to force us to affirm a lifestyle."

Previously, he attacked President Barack Obama's policies on healthcare and marriage equality, and predicted that abortion clinics will become "killing center" museums that people will tour in a fashion similar to modern-day tours of Nazi concentration camps, reports Raw Story.

Earlier this year, he suggested that comedian Joan Rivers, who died in September, would go to hell because of her "potty mouth."

Pastor Jim Garlow, Huffington Post 22 Comments [12/14/2014 5:36:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: KittyKaboom

Quote# 105231

PAN'S LABYRINTH is rated-R due to graphic violence and foul language. Here's their website. Anyone who is familiar with Satanism and the occult knows that “Pan” is the pagan god of sexual fertility, immorality, lust, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.

Tragically, ChristianityToday recommend this filth and gives it their highest rating of 4-stars.1 It shouldn't come as a surprise that the apostate minister, Billy Graham, is the founder of ChristianityToday, which ought to be renamed to ApostasyToday.

As a Bible-believing Christian who has studied the workings of Satanism and the occult, I have learned over the years that sexual sins are inseparably inherent to them both. The infamous Aleister Crowley, a renowned Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason, was a known drug-addict and bisexual. He spoke in his writings of child sacrifices to Lucifer. Ritualized child abuse is a known, documented and widespread evil throughout the world today, as it has been throughout history.

Satan is unmistakably presented in Pan's Labyrinth. The movie creators even name him “Pan.” The following quote is from the website, Movieweb.com...

"In this fairy tale, a small family in Spain moves into an old house in 1943 after the rise of Fascism. Their eldest daughter, at age 12, falls in love with a fawn that lives in the old ruined labyrinth which resides behind their new decrepit home." —SOURCE

The very notion of an innocent child falling in loving with a sexual predator like Pan is nauseating to any God-fearing person. Lest you think I'm grasping for straws, the movie's producer, Guillermo Del Toro, has openly stated that one of the works which largely influenced the making of Pan's Labyrinth is the THE GREAT GOD PAN, a novella (shorter than a novel) written by Arthur Machen in 1890. The work was so demonic and despicable that the public was outraged . . .


Why would anyone be infatuated with such a sick character as Pan? The producer of Pan's Labyrinth finds the figure of the god Pan compelling . . .

Some of my favorite writers (Borges, Blackwood, Machen, Dunsany) have explored the figure of the god Pan and the symbol of the labyrinth. These are things that I find very compelling and I am trying to mix them and play with them. (Del Toro message board, Answers Archive, Nov. 24, 2004)

Pan's Labyrinth producer, Guillermo Del Toro, admits the dark nature of the film . . .

There are differing ideas about the film's religious influences. Del Toro himself has said that he considers Pan's Labyrinth “a truly profane film, a layman's riff on Catholic dogma.”

Yes, it is a profane (morally corrupt) movie. For anyone who understands who Pan is, what he does and the evil he embodies, it is unthinkable that someone would actually place an innocent little girl into such a setting, in a movie, portraying her as falling in love with Pan.

This is how sicko the Hollywood elite really are!


Walt Disney has also featured Pan with a little girl, in the movie NARNIA. The little girl ends up alone in the fawn's home. His name in the movie is Tumnus. The girl falls asleep. When she awakes, Tumnus says he has done something horrible, and there is undeniably a spirit of pedophilia in the movie. One look at the fawn in NARNIA identifies him as Pan, with hoofed feet and horns on his head. The plain and simple truth is that anyone who know anything about Pan knows what he represents... sexual seduction and immorality. To make a movie that features an innocent little girl in Pan's Labyrinth (a system of paths and tunnels) is sickening. The entire spirit of the movie couldn't be anything but sexual, since it's main character is the biggest sexual predator in history, Pan. And to think, ChristianityToday recommends it? God help us!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Saviour 40 Comments [12/14/2014 5:35:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 105227

There must be some other standard by which we judge human behavior as good or bad besides its convenience, usefulness, personal benefit, or its benefit to society. Theists rightly recognize this standard as the knowledge of God’s nature that He placed in us. It’s so much a part of our nature that we never consciously realize that when we make a comparison between two behaviors, we are really determining how far removed from God’s nature is each behavior. The one that is closest to God’s nature is the winner.

I have heard many atheists invoke the words of Jesus when discussing this topic. They say that the standard for good and bad lies in the Golden Rule — do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but there are innumerable instances where this rule fails as the ultimate standard of right and wrong.

If a man kills an armed intruder to protect his wife and children, we would not call this an immoral act despite the fact that he did not treat the intruder as he, himself, would like to be treated. No sane person wants to be killed by anyone. Yet, we praise this man’s actions because he placed his own life in danger to save the lives of others.

The conclusion to all of this is that it is impossible for human beings to adequately judge any behavior as good or bad without consciously or unconsciously invoking the nature of God as the standard by which to compare. All other criteria fall pathetically short. Furthermore, it would be utterly impossible for human beings to adequately define right and wrong without those concepts already existing.

Jeremy N. Choate, Sufficient Reason 27 Comments [12/13/2014 4:32:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ace

Quote# 105226

[Conservative of the Year 2014 nomination]


Continues to reject same-sex marriage and, with a conservative spirit at home and abroad, emerged victorious over same-sex marriage nations in the World Cup.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, Conservative of the Year 2014 63 Comments [12/13/2014 4:32:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 105220

I just don’t care what other people think as far as whether it is my ‘lifestyle’ imposed on my dog, so what? It is MY dog. MY lifestyle is one that promotes nonviolence and veganism, why would I go againist my morals and feed her tortured chickens?
No, I purchase my dog’s food and it is vegan. She loves it! I tried many different brands before she picked Van Patten’s Natural Balance and she has been a vegan ever since. It has been many years ago and she is an ageing old lady now and is pretty healthy.
Hats off to anyone who stands by their convictions!

Fineartmarcella, PETA 49 Comments [12/13/2014 4:28:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 105219

Tis that time of year. It’s that wondrous occasion where Christians ‘round the world gather together in their homes to worship the birth of a child. The child is believed to be the Savior, the very Son of God. It’s also that time of year where we lie to our children about a fat-man who romps around the arctic in a big, red coat, plotting and planning on how to give out presents to well behaved children around the world.

Then there is the dark-side of the holiday season. It’s also that time of year where atheists take off the masks and issue a full-scale assault on beliefs that differ from their own. All in the name of diversity and being open minded, of course.

Something has, not so recently, occurred to me. That is the hypocrisy of the atheist cause to de-thrown God and “entice” folks away from their beliefs. That hypocrisy is in the assault against people’s religion all the while never recognizing that atheism is itself a religion. It is the religion of self-righteousness and utter laziness, and whether they will admit it or not, atheists need religion. First, what spawned this conversation? This billboard from the very friendly and informative, American Atheists.

What I am going to do is show you just how full of holes atheism truly is. Since it routinely accuses religion of falsehoods and insists on dismantling the faith of others, it’s time that they had a taste of their own medicine. And when I say “they”, I am not throwing all atheists under the bus, but all the many atheist organizations that make a living off of mocking the beliefs of other people.

Atheism needs God. What’s more, it needs religion. Otherwise it would rot and decay, probably into a set of established values, principles and concepts on the creation of mankind and the Earth – like a religion or something.

What makes me say that?

Atheism is a moral leach. Because it does not possess a set of core values and principles it has to syphon them from other organizations – like religion. I personally believe that we are born with a basic understanding of right and wrong. We instinctively know that killing and hurting people is wrong, but after about age three things start to become a bit murky, and we become subjects to societal norms. Our societal norms, or at least historically, have been those pesky Ten Commandments that were once found in courthouses ‘round the country.

Bretton Ferraro, Journal of a Madman 33 Comments [12/13/2014 4:27:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Meeeh

Quote# 105217

I like what pastor Steven Anderson said, if we want an aid's free Christmas, all we have to do is put Leviticus 20:13 in action and have our government start putting sodomites to death.


As for our Government killing sodomites, yes, this is the right way to go. Sodomites are predators and pedophiles who destroy society and harm innocent people. This is what Romans 1 says about them. "Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


I am not going to kill anyone, nor am I urging other Christians to kill anyone. I am saying our GOVERNMENT should kill sodomites because they are evil. And yes, they are all pedophiles.


I am aware that not everyone who has aids is a sodomite. I am not saying our government should kill everyone who has aids, I am saying our government should kill all sodomites, which would largely reduce the amount of people with aids, and would stop aids from spreading.


Pedophiles are not heterosexual, they are bi sexual, which is included in the word "sodomite", The basic fact is that getting ride of sodomites will reduce the amount of aids in the World and will stop them from spreading. I am actually going to leave this conversation up, because I think people can learn from it, but I am not going to allow anymore comments. If you want to talk more you can message us.


Oh yea a big difference, that why most pedophiles pray on females right? You also need to realize that just because someone is married and has children does not rule out the fact that they are a sodomite, most sodomites are bi anyway.

Creation Science, Facebook/Creation Science 32 Comments [12/13/2014 4:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Avery Hilditch

Quote# 105214

The Canaanite nation was reestablished in 1948!!

It is almost beyond belief that the wicked Canaanite diaspora has survived for almost 3500 years. Nations like India and China are older, but they were never dispersed over the face of the earth. Under their master Satan, the great ambition of the Canaanites was always to reclaim the Promised Land.

The Samaritans who occupied Samaria for centuries were just Canaanites in disguise. The reborn or "resurrected" Canaanite nation is largely the work of the British Empire and the Vatican with untold cost in human lives.

On May 14, 1948, the ancient Canaanite nation was reborn under the name "Israel."

Satan never changes, and he never accepted the expulsion of his Canaanites by Joshua the son of Nun!!

It took him 3500 years to reestablish his Canaanites in Emmanuel's Land!!

It is indeed fitting that the Canaanites chose as their new flag the HEXAGRAM. The 6 pointed star or hexagram comes from ancient Canaan....It is a good luck charm and is also used in sorcery. This is where the expression putting a HEX or curse on somebody comes from.

The hexagram or 2 pyramids is frequently used in witchcraft to put curses on people.

It was chosen by the Canaanites as their national symbol.

It is indeed appropriate that the hexagram should be their national symbol because Noah put a curse on Canaan because of his incest:

So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him. Then he said: “cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his brethren” (Genesis (9:24-25).
It is incredible how Satan was able to preserve his Canaanites as a separate nationality for such a long time but Scripture calls him "that old Serpent, the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world" (Revelation 12:9).

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 20 Comments [12/13/2014 3:46:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 105212

There is a reason aliens and UFO's are in the media forefront and on the minds of people.

Satan wants to lead as many people as possible to their eternal destruction in hell. With so many diverse races, cultures, and religions, how will Satan be able to unite them all and appeal to as many people as possible? He will do something huge, something never seen before, something so unique, something so groundbreaking that people’s deeply engrained dogma's and paradigms will be forced to come crashing down.

Satan will use "aliens" (demons) and UFO's for his deceptive purposes.

Watch for the Antichrist, dead Pope John Paul II arriving in a UFO.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 29 Comments [12/13/2014 3:45:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 105207

[On the subject of Objective Morality]

Let’s imagine that at the dawn of history there was no such thing as “Good”. Using some unknown criteria, human beings manufactured this perfect standard of “Good” and began using it (and its antithesis, Bad) to judge between acts, behaviors, and circumstances. If that’s true, then as much more advanced creatures, we should certainly be able to devise heretofore nonexistent standards of our own, right? I came up with one of my own. I call it “Yerg”.

Observe the following two items:
[Here he presents two photos: a bike and a Lamborghini]

Now, can anyone tell me which of these two items is the most “yerg”? Think about it — it’s not that difficult. If I asked you which item was the most blue, you wouldn’t hesitate. Obviously, the bicycle is the most blue. If I asked you which item was the fastest, naturally you would tell me that the Lamborghini is the fastest. Why can’t anyone tell me which one is the most “yerg”?

Oh, I’m sorry…you’re wanting to know what the definition of “yerg” is. To be honest with you, I don’t have any idea what “yerg” means. All I know is that it is a perfect standard by which we judge the above two items on their “yerg-ness”. Perhaps you could take a few minutes to look at those two items and divine a relationship between them that has never been conceived, before. Whatever relationship you come up with, we’ll call “yerg”.

Come up with anything yet? It’s a lot more difficult than it seems, right? That’s probably because it is impossible for us to manufacture a standard of comparison out of thin air that doesn’t already exist. I can’t say that “yerg” relates to the speed of the two objects. That standard already exists. I can’t say that “yerg” relates to the size of the two objects. That standard already exists, as well.


Do you see the dilemma? Human beings cannot simply weave nonexistent concepts out of thin air. We cannot even conceive of colors that we have never observed, much less manufacture a complex philosophical notion like moral goodness.

Like the man living in a dark universe who cannot possibly conceive of the idea of light or like the fish who cannot possibly conceive of something like dry land, Good and Bad would be utterly incomprehensible to us if the knowledge of them had not been placed in us by our Creator.

If you still don’t believe it, let me know how you’re making out with that whole “yerg” thing.

Jeremy N. Choate, Sufficient Reason 48 Comments [12/12/2014 7:03:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Ace

Quote# 105206

The fact is (and this will anger the tender-hearted and tender-minded among you), homosexuality is a natural aberration. It is a deviation from healthy, natural sexual attraction just as much as pedophilia and zoophilia. In decades past, it was labeled as a psychological pathology and was only declassified as such under pressure from the forces of political correctness.

This does not give us justification for persecuting homosexuals or judging them as bad people, as the vast majority of them (except Dan Savage) are most assuredly wonderful human beings. However, just because we have been able to successfully separate those who practice homosexuality from their behavior and love them in spite of it doesn’t give us license to sweep the truth about the behavior under the rug.

Jeremy N. Choate, Sufficient Reason 39 Comments [12/12/2014 7:03:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ace

Quote# 105205

You all do realize in this titillating debate of there being no God, and hence no heaven. It also means there's no "the devil made me do it" since there's no Devil and hence no Hell. So anyone pretty much can murder millions of Russians, Jews, and Cambodians (for starters), and pretty much get away with it, with human justice being what it is and all.

Ostracus, Ars Technica 37 Comments [12/12/2014 7:02:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Zyr

Quote# 105203

The Hebrew word for semen is zera, which means seed. This seed contains not only the physical and spiritual blueprints of life, but also the life force itself. Each discharge of semen contains hundreds of thousands, even millions, of souls.

Each microscopic drop is more than a potential life. It is already a living soul. For this reason, the sin of spilling semen in vain is considered like the spilling of blood - like taking the life of a person. Not just the life of any person, but the life of the child who commits the sin (Niddah 13A; Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer, 23:2).

Every drop of semen is your child.

Kabbalistic sources explain that with each drop of semen, a soul is brought into the world. When this occurs in a manner forbidden by Jewish Law, the soul is taken captive by the forces of impurity - the kelipot, or husks, of the Sitra Achra, the "Other Side." Thus the holy life force contained in these souls is captured by the realm of evil, strengthening the power of evil in the world. In their anguish at being taken captive amongst the husks, these kidnapped souls return to haunt the man who gave birth to them, inevitably causing him a gamut of troubles, sometimes sickness, sometimes depression, sometimes poverty, marital strife, problems with children, and a long list of other tragedies.

Tzvi Fishman, Shmirat Habrit 37 Comments [12/12/2014 7:02:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 105202


It is important to note that all unmarried women are considered to be in a state of menstrual impurity. The impurity of "niddah" (menstrual impurity) is one of the severest forms of spiritual uncleanness. The punishment for having relations with a woman considered niddah is "karet," dying before one's time. Because of the great strength of niddah impurity, a man does not only become impure through having sexual relations with her, but also through intimacies like hugging and kissing.

Tzvi Fishman, Shmirat Habrit 32 Comments [12/12/2014 7:02:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 105201

On a national level, our ability to conquer and settle all of the Biblical borders of the Land of Israel, depends on the holiness with which we lead our lives, both for soldiers in the Israeli army, and civilians in their private lives. This is the key to victory. By guarding our holiness, the Shechinah (Divine Presence) stays with us, fighting our battles alongside our soldiers and tanks.

To ensure the day-to-day holiness of the Jewish People, the Torah and its Sages set forth guidelines to prevent a man from succuming to the temptations that can easily cause him to err. In addition to the prohibition of gazing at erotic images, Jewish Law demands that a man exert special care to distance himself from interaction with women (Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer, 21:1).

Tzvi Fishman, Shmirat Habrit 24 Comments [12/12/2014 7:02:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 105199

Wow. I have 4 little kids running/crawling around right now - and I only had time to skim through the first page... It seems (maybe others have weighed in since) that this 'conversation' is very one-sided. A lot of anti-Christian, former-Christian, loosely-Christian input...

I'm not angry here...just going to speak my mind. :)

I agree with creekland's first comment. I am a conservative Christian. I'm not reformed (I don't believe that the Church fulfills God's promises to Israel and so we need to establish a Christian nation, etc.)... Most Christians in my circle vote against homosexuality because

1) We believe it's a bad thing for our country - the breakdown of the traditional family has huge implications for our society. Okay, I know I'm getting attacked for that one, but it is what I firmly believe. I don't hate homosexuals or divorcees or adulterers or any sinners. I'm a sinner, too.

2) Homosexuals are some of the most hateful, bigoted, militantly anti-Christian people in this country. I don't get why I am supposed to tolerate people who are intolerant themselves? Look at Chick Fil A. We're not voting one way because we don't like you, or we want to control your lives. We know what's coming next.

Has anyone mentioned yet... The mayor of Houston recently demanded the SERMONS of PASTORS who spoke out against homosexuality. In Canada, pastors are being JAILED for SPEAKING against homosexuality. (Once again, not angry here, just trying to be heard in what I feel is a largely one-sided conversation.) Why is it "hate speech" for me to say that homosexuality is sin against God, but "free speech" for gays to kiss at Chick-Fil-A?

I think there is a lot of fear in the conservative Christian circles that giving more "freedom" and "power" to homosexuals means having our freedom taken from us.

Momof3, The Well-Trained MInd 27 Comments [12/12/2014 7:01:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105197

The Palin family is in the news again for a dustup at a Wasilla house party, embarrassing themselves and Alaska yet again. This time, the fight was over a remark about Willow Palin, which triggered a brawl that involved young single mother Bristol throwing punches at a young man. The entire clan got into the fight, which ended with two of the Palin men injured (not seriously).


I know this type of feminist all too well. In fact, if anyone is responsible for my strong opposition to feminism, it is exactly these kinds of people, with whom I very unfortunately have had a lot of experience. Not so much the enfeebled, overeducated, passive aggressive East Coast types, but rather the real, Western shoot-to-kill and take no prisoners feminist archetype; the kind of women who “go to war” during divorce by using methods calculated to have at least a chance of killing their opponent. I mean real killing, like, dead.

Given Palin’s continued influence in the Tea Party, I have to conclude that the Tea Party is not in the least anti-Feminist, and in fact may be somewhat inclined to support the lawless, family-wrecking type of feminism practiced by the Palin clan. Unfortunately, the mainstream Republicans are not anti-feminist either, although they may be a bit more moderate than the Palinites. What this means is that there is no one party that supports men’s interests; only less bad parties and candidates.


In the meanwhile, if you’re a young man or have a young son, keep a close lookout for anti-male patterns of behavior in families regardless of political affiliation.

Here are a few important warning signs:

1. Any allegations against previous boyfriends, husbands, or even in some cases brothers and fathers, even if they didn’t result in any litigation or arrests.

2. Look at families’ divorced friends. If they are mainly women, that’s a problem. It means they chose sides. If there is bad blood between them and the ex-husbands of their friends, stay away.

3. They have lesbian friends. This one is self-explanatory.

4. The women display a sense of entitlement to men and men’s income yet feel no reciprocal sense of family duty or loyalty.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 12 Comments [12/12/2014 7:00:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: JeanP
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