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Quote# 99456

A proposition for homosexuals


We want the word gay returned to us. It's a perfectly fine word but it can no longer be used as intended, because of you. Our children cannot enjoy singing along with the theme to The Flintstones, as we used to do, without mumbling in shame or laughing out loud at that part of the lyrics. In American History classes, teachers can never discuss "The Gay Nineties" without adding an awkward, distracting caveat.

In exchange, we offer you the full, free and exclusive use of festive. Even though we know it doesn't really fit you any better than gay, we never use it so it's just sitting around gathering dust. As a bonus, we'll throw in flamboyant and fabulous, which you've already annexed anyway.

Please consider this offer. Thanks.


At least 98% of the world's population

musterion, TheologyOnline 55 Comments [2/19/2014 4:17:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Persephone 66

Quote# 99454


There's no mistaking biology. Womanly bodies are wonderfully made, and purposefully created with an empty space of a womb carried under her heart.

A woman's womb, her uterus, signals that she is made for something and someone more than herself. This reality touches a woman at her very core - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The womb's raison d'etre illuminates this gift that welcomes and receives the life of a child, sheltering and nurturing it, until finally, a woman gives birth. We even use the expression - giving birth - denoting the gift that it is. The maternal gift ought to be honored and celebrated.

What's more, a pregnant mother is entrusted with carrying an immortal soul besides her own - a soul that is destined for eternity. That's why a woman really needs to be aware of the dignity of her feminine creation, and the sublime gift of her maternity, so she can confer that dignity on her child, and upon others through her love of life.

The gift of maternity is inherent in all women. They are predisposed to motherhood by their design. Yet, as we know, not all women bear children. Even if a woman never gives birth, a woman's life is still inclined toward mothering. All women are entrusted with the call to care for the people within their sphere of influence. This broadens our ideas of maternity beyond gestation and lactation.

A woman's relationships with others, even though they may not be fruitful biologically, can be fruitful spiritually. Therefore a woman's life-her feminine genius-is characterized by physical and/or spiritual motherhood.

When the gift of a woman's fertility and maternity are devalued, they are misinterpreted as liabilities or threats to a woman's potential happiness, or earning power, or freedom.

Both women and men are crippled when disrespect for any of the gifts of the other are ignored, stifled, abused, or rejected. But women are demeaned when this precious part of them is reduced to a faculty to be managed, rather than a capability to be treasured.

Our beautiful maternity, and the lives and loves that issue forth from it, is why the church continues to stand in defense of chastity and marriage, along with its opposition to the use of contraception, abortion of the unborn and any other threat to human life.

Pat Gohn, Faith Street 32 Comments [2/19/2014 4:15:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99453

["Fetuses don't have feelings or memories during the first trimester (which is when most abortions are performed). Where are you getting your information about fetal development from? And why is it so wrong of me to be dismissive of the non-existent 'experiences' of a fetus?"]

You are welcome to be dismissive over whatever you like, but if you dismiss the experiences of a fetus without also dismissing the experience of a slave, you are being inconsistent.

Remember: a human fetus to an abortionist is the exact same thing as a slave to a slave master. Neither are humans. If they pose a nuisance, they are done away with.

I do not condone human slavery. Neither do I condone abortion. You are free to say that I am wrong, but you cannot say that I am logically inconsistent.

To answer your question: the Law of Biogenesis (a law of natural biology) states that all life must come from life, and that life can only create like life. Cows produce cows. Spiders produce spiders. Humans produce humans, et cetera. Cows cannot produce sheep. Dogs cannot produce cats, and owls cannot produce elephants, et cetera. From this, you must conclude that human fetuses are humans, and will never cease to be human at any point during their development.

Even a human embryo is still a human. That is why I am not wrong in calling it a human embryo, because Biogenesis will tell you that it will always match its parents.

I'm not making an argument for or against the ethics of abortion. I'm making an argument for the consistency of supporting abortion.

tehredblur, tehredblur 43 Comments [2/19/2014 4:14:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99452

Since antichrist is around, there is no need for disputes. Run for the hills! Buy a shovel to bury the dead. Go hide with Orthodox Christians before it's too late. Mandatory mark of the beast will begin when any of these four happens depending on where you live: 1)Cash will be taken out, 2) Prisoners will be released, 3)Electricity, gas, and water will be turned off. 4)Under-aged will not be able to buy food. Please, go hide. Don't take any electronics with you because antichrist's minions can make contact then. So, please, no electronics. Pack one bag in case they take you to a concentration camp, mostly old warm clothes so that nobody will steal them when you're taking a shower in the concentration camp. Also, get dried bread to last you ten days per person during famine. Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons.

Statue of Liberty March 8 False Flag, Y! answers 31 Comments [2/19/2014 4:13:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 99451

Law of first male says that woman will always give birth from her first man even if she's impregnated with another one later. That's why the rapist have to marry the one he raped.

Statue of Liberty March 8 False Flag, Y! answers 27 Comments [2/19/2014 4:12:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 99446

"Subjective" means it depends on the individual person, and so is different for different people. In contrast, "Objective" means independent of the individual person, and so it's the same for all people. When a person comes up with opinions of how things "should be" there is no reason for it to be morally binding on others. After all, other people can come up with different systems. It's subjective. If God were merely a very powerful individual as you've suggested, the situation wouldn't change much. But God is actually the Creator of all that is. He is sovereign. And He is the Judge. All people will answer ultimately to God, and hence His rules are necessarily objective. They are the same for everyone, and binding on everyone because we all owe our existence to God and will answer to Him. Clear?

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's blog 21 Comments [2/19/2014 4:12:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 99445

In your worldview, pain and suffering are simply chemical reactions taking place in a bag of chemicals. Why would that be wrong? When baking soda reacts with vinegar do you get upset? Do you say that it is morally wrong? Your view of morality does not comport with your view on origins. In my worldview, people have intrinsic and objective value, since they are made in the image of God. It is because the Bible is true that we can call pain and suffering "bad." In the evolutionary view, they can never be more than chemistry.]

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's blog 18 Comments [2/19/2014 4:11:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 99444

Holder and his racist gay boyfriend Obama are communists and they have genocide planned for the white people of this nation this came from the world communist convention in Moscow in 1928 where Stalin was in attendance the communists have driven the race issue through their control of the press in this nation and used that issue to revile and slander everything they can about the white race, king was used by the communists to establish a black soviet state in the south and Atlanta is the black supremacist capital, king was bisexual racist and incited violence and hate crimes against white people every where he went. he was heavily involved with the gay and lesbian alliance and nambla and the whole reason was to give them minority status , once granted that status the federal government will step in and enforce their agenda at the point of a gun, the civil rights act was a veiled declaration of war and genocide against white people, the communists finance the operation to do nothing more than to destroy white people...why? because white people are the descendants of Shem from whom Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Israel were born, blacks have always hated white people because the Ethiopians, Canaanites, Egyptians and Philistines were the black race , Ham's children, have enslaved and murdered and committed more sex crimes than all other races combined. Their entire government is based upon black supremacy, they built Babylon and the tower, and Egypt, and as a matter of fact the Egyptians used white slave labor to build the treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses, and also the pyramids, the Blacks then passed genocide laws to exterminate the white race, from which Jesus delivered Moses, Ramses is the city where Moses was sent to visit divine vengeance upon them for what they had done not just to white people but the brown skinned people as well , the children of Japheth, Holder and Obama come from a long line of devil worshipers and they have provoked Jesus to vengeance and now His wrath is soon to be poured out upon this nation and millions are going to die, those same Angels who destroyed Obama and Holders ancestors who inhabited Sodom and Gomorrah and tried to gang rape Angels, were sent down to this planet by Jesus and specifically this nation and they are here to execute the sentence passed against these gays and lesbians and adulterers whom these black communist dictators are leading on to their destruction

Mark, Yahoo! News 31 Comments [2/19/2014 4:11:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 99443

“The media is THRILLED that someone who practices sodomy is going to be on the gridiron. Aren’t you?”

No, no I’m not — I love football and the thought of some pickle kisser sucking all the oxygen out of the room disgusts me.

There are ONLY four teams in my opinion that can suffer this non-sense - They are the Jets, Giants, Seahawks, and 49ers. The four markets that have embraced this BS.

I remember being a kid in the 70’s and we used to play a game called smear the queer on the playground...huh, who knew.

areyoukiddingme1, Free Republic 29 Comments [2/19/2014 4:01:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 99442

That’s what the Fascist party doesn’t seem to understand: The majority of the population is not interested in how people they do not know, have no interest in knowing, get off under the sheets. It’s like forcing people to watch someone take a dump in the morning, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in how someone cuts a loaf and wipes themselves, yet the Fascist party constantly constantly constantly demands I look. Like the gay pride parades..What is the purpose of this? Is there a heterosexual parade they are competing with? Are they trying to recruit new members? There is no purpose whatsoever to a gay pride parade other than the Fascists once again demanding the people take an interest in what they do under the sheets even though the people have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. I use to live in New York city and knew a lot of gays, and that was fine I told them, just don’t shove your sexuality in my face because I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever.

GrandJediMasterYoda, Free Republic 27 Comments [2/19/2014 4:01:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 99440

I hope that the football heath and life insurance folks are taking a look at the potential liabilities and costs of increased risk of AIDs, STDs, mental health issues, due to the likely exchange of blood on the football field, and dealing with a violent homosexual.

They just have to increase the cost of tickets to cover the increased liability costs, and eventually, the actual costs of lawsuits, and related damages, not to mention to account for the possible loss of revenue and patronage.

olezip, Free Republic 17 Comments [2/19/2014 3:55:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 99439

[Re: Michael Sam, an openly gay NFL prospect]
Let’s say you run a hotdog vending business. Somebody whose major agenda is preaching communism or religion approaches you for a job selling hotdogs. Do you hire somebody who is going to practice his other agenda while selling your hotdogs and representing you on the street?

Gen.Blather, Free Republic 28 Comments [2/19/2014 3:53:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 99438

What is keeping America's fertility rate up are immigrants - both legal and illegal.

There are those in America who are continuously attacking the family, bent on redefining marriage and have established anti-family government programs. This has led to downward pressure on our national total fertility rate. All of these actions are done in the name of various causes such as: reducing unwanted pregnancies, delaying child bearing to further career goals and even promoting childlessness and promoting adoption as a better option.

Child bearing has become something distasteful to many women, an unwanted and painful experience to be avoided rather than embraced.

All of these programs, ideals and ideologies are doing one thing and one thing only - reducing America core TFR to the point of no return. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) population in America is headed for extinction and with it our economy, well-being and survival as a uniquely America culture.

This county is dying not because it is aging, it is dying because of infertility as public policy.

Tea Party Nation, Right Wing Watch 19 Comments [2/19/2014 3:53:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: dionysus

Quote# 99434

"... a free press without a government, I would prefer ... said Thomas Jefferson ... The only gateway for the press in a free republic must be that of stand-alone fact. ..." -- By Wallace Henley -- The Loss of the Fourth Estate and the Threat to American Liberty

For as long as I can remember, the Left has seemed to have owned the greatest enemies of the Free Press. Today, with Obama flexing his muscles atop of the left's criminal 'food chain', where is the balance of powers? It has been left to the Fourth Estate - to the last soldier standing - which is now under attack!

This usurpation. This Gestapo like, anti-American, anti-Western, criminal and tyrannical suppression of the Free Press, is being championed from the highest levels of our government? Wake up America! Don't lose sight of your hard fought for liberties and freedoms! May God help us.

Flashlight, WND 17 Comments [2/19/2014 3:51:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 99432

*During a discussion about refugees from poor countries*

Is it our problem ? This is why I think that bleeding hearts should pay an additional 10 percent taxes. Hell they should even be mandated (on top of that) to pay for the accommodation, healthcare and anything else "refugees" may need and they should also personally share their house with these "refugees" who just happen to have "lost" their passports so their actual origins cannot be validated. We get a lot of that here - unfortunately.

Free Tristania, Nationstates 17 Comments [2/19/2014 3:45:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 99431

Yes because if there are other planets out there with intelligent life forms and God created them then they would not have had the chance to see and hear of Christ saving grace through his birth, death and resurrection. There would have to be another Adam and Eve as well as all the events leading up to christs coming such as with Abraham and Moses and the Israelites. Besides it says in the bible that Christ died for all mankind and it doesn't mention alien life.

stevevw, Christianforums 19 Comments [2/19/2014 3:45:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 99430

My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.

How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred, which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries, by ordinary people, will spread. They will betray their own nations. Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime will be saved by my Son.

The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.

Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.

Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.

Mother of Salvation, The Warnings of the Second Coming 20 Comments [2/19/2014 3:44:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 99429

It was a republican president who set the slaves free. The democrat in office now is a pro-slavery agent of the Illuminati or the Rockefeller family. Shit's pretty obvious, it's out in broad daylight for one.

BallsDeepHero, Reddit 28 Comments [2/19/2014 3:43:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 99426

: Whether people want to consciously consider epistemological questions, whether they profess that knowledge is possible or not, they nonetheless have knowledge. And this is because they are made in God’s image, and God has revealed some things to them. However, it is true that no philosophical system besides Christianity has been able to account for knowledge – to provide rational justification for the preconditions of intelligibility. One of these preconditions is induction – something that David Hume recognized that he could not account for in his secular worldview. No one else has fared any better. Now, if people don’t want to play the game (e.g. “I don’t care if my beliefs are rational”) that’s fine. But then they cannot complain when others point out that they are being irrational

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle's blog 53 Comments [2/18/2014 4:13:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 99420

A new candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee wants gays "purged" from the GOP and claims homosexuality is a "perversion" created by Satan himself.

Mary Helen Sears of Houghton County in the state's Upper Peninsula, elected vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party's 1st District last year, posted a rant in April on the Schoolcraft County GOP website -- preceded by a warning asking readers to "please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog."

In the post, Sears claimed that homosexuals prey on children, argued that "Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the Holy Spirit" and advocated that Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent."


Sears, in her post on the Schoolcraft County GOP website, wrote that Communist college professors were indoctrinating young people and claimed that Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory "gave rise to Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s Italy and Stalin’s Russia."

"If the GOP continues down this trend and stand for perversions and the daily social fad ... The GOP will be truly dead and Satan will have had his day," Sears wrote.

Mary Helen Sears, Huffington Post 55 Comments [2/17/2014 4:35:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 45

Quote# 99417

-Daoists believe that the Dao flows through all things and unites the universe. Why should I live in accordance to the Dao? If you don’t then you’ll be judged, but how can you be judged according to an impersonal principle? Where is the notion of moral obligation in Daoism? None.

Greg Bahnsen, trueforms 36 Comments [2/17/2014 4:25:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Tony Jiang

Quote# 99414

[In the comments for a poll on whether the "faith healer" exemption for criminal charges resulting from a child's death in Idaho should be lifted.]

Two families, the Romeikes and the Wunderliches, fled Germany for the United States because the government was to take away their children because they were homeschooling. That is illegal in Germany. The government knows better than parents what is best for children.
California has a similar law saying parents of children in public (government) schools have no control over what is taught their children. Parents have no ability to opt their children out of teaching they believe is wrong.
That is the problem with passing this law. Parents love their children and take the best care of them they know. If we say the government knows better, we are opening the door to further encroachments on parental rights.
I heard from one person who said our attorney general told him parents have no rights. Legally that is true. That is why many of us want a parental rights amend- ment in our Constitution. The point is, if you let the camel's nose into the tent, eventually the entire camel will be in. Another expression is if you give an inch they will take a mile. That has happened in the homosexual area. Let's not let that happen to parental rights.

verityman, Idaho Press-Tribune 44 Comments [2/17/2014 3:59:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: doomcup

Quote# 99412

John McTernan wrote an excellent post yesterday outlining the time frame for when the ridge of high pressure (4 miles high, 2000 miles long) set up off the coast of California, in December 2012, that is now signficantly contributing to California's worsening drought, and when the Supreme Court agreed to hear California's gay marriage cases. The ridge has been in place for an incredible 13 months!

God's Final Warning to California/America

I would add one other note: John Kerry was nominated on December 21, 2012, to take Hilary Clinton's position as Secretary of State. Again, the same month the critical factors to produce California's drought began to set up offshore of California.

And an extra note before moving on: As John McTernan notes above he thinks there is a correlation between the time the high pressure ridge set up off California's coast and the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the gay marriage cases in California. As we all know, the Supreme Court, in June 2013, agreed that same-sex marriages cannot be banned because to do so violates the rights of those who advocate to be, as President Obama often says, "free to love who they want."

GardenGirl, Running From Babylon 34 Comments [2/17/2014 3:56:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 99411

will it unfold?

If Americans are not paying attention to the efforts by President Obama and John Kerry to force Israel to give up land "in the name of peace," a group of rabbis in Israel are. In a truly serious move that Obama and Kerry will most likely brush aside in annoyance as the delusional breathings of some religious nuts, several rabbis have pronounced what is called a "death curse" upon John Kerry.

Again, I cannot emphasize how serious this is. Time will tell if I am overly alarmed.

This same group of rabbis pronounced this same death curse upon Ariel Sharon for his role in the Gaza pullout of 2005, a pullout that I have mentioned quite often on this blog as an example of serious judgment upon those who attempt to divide God's land of Israel.

Two months later, Ariel Sharon, suffered a stroke that left him in a coma for 7 years. He died just last month as John Kerry was leaving Israel, after once again, attempting to manipulate the Israelis into giving up the Jordan (Rift) Valley.

GardenGirl, Running From Babylon 45 Comments [2/17/2014 3:48:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 99408

This is black genocide. Let me put it bluntly. If you are for the legalization of homosexuality, you are for the acceptability of homosexuality, you are for the normalization of homosexuality, you do not care about black males. You have no compassion in your black heart for black males because they're being decimated by HIV/AIDS. So why am I opposed to the normalization of homosexual behavior? Because I love black males. I want black males to live long, prosperous, healthy, disease-free lives

Bryan Fischer, Joe. My. God. 55 Comments [2/16/2014 5:13:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 47
Submitted By: Aspergus
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