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Quote# 99862

[Rick Scarborough Is Upset He Can't Talk About Anal Sex In Church]

I spoke in a church the last four days – I don’t recall the name of the church, so maybe somebody on the line listening from that church, if they are, they’re going to be very familiar with what I’m about to say – but in the second service out of five, I mentioned the word ‘anal sex’ illustrating what homosexuality actually is. And I know that that’s a repulsive expression, I know that nobody likes to think about it, but Christians need to understand what we’re talking about. This is not a gay activity, it’s a perversion. And it does carry consequences because of the nature of the act.

The one thing that the homosexual community doesn’t want us to talk about is what they actually do. They love to disguise their activities with euphemisms. And the presentation they always give is some handsome, erudite young man that’s a gift to society, when in fact he’s committing indecent acts with consequences.

But the firestorm that one, two-word expression caused among the Christians in the church was just palpable, and consequently a segment of the church didn’t come to another service of revival and just basically boycotted because they found what I said to be reprehensible. In other words, the church families don’t find what they’re doing reprehensible, but they put such pressure on the preachers not to even mention it that a lot of preachers have gone silent.

So, it’s not just the fear of the left, it’s the fear of the right, because Christians are more concerned about what their sensitive ears have to listen to than what’s taking place at the high school that may be perverting their own children.

Rick Scarborough, Right Wing Watch 40 Comments [3/9/2014 5:04:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 99860

I asked one of the boys in this picture if he would marry only a Jewish girl. He answered that it did not matter. I asked him if his mother was Jewish. He answered that she was a convert. I said, “If it was a kosher, orthodox, conversion, then she was Jewish, and if he didn’t marry a Jewish girl she would break both his legs.

He answered very sincerely, “My mother would never break both my legs.”

I said, “Then, it probably wasn’t a kosher conversion.”

Reb Gutman Locks, Mystical Paths 26 Comments [3/9/2014 4:46:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 99857

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but religion of some sort will always be apart of it. You people are are downright mentally ill. You dont want the church to have anything to say about it but yet you have already proven that you will do whatever you have to to silence the church and yet you want a “church” wedding. Oh, and there is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in our constitution. The constitution does say it cannot form a state religion. Religion will ALWAYS have a say in government whether you and the rest of the mentally ill queers like it or not. Maybe thats why you people are trying so hard to have your perversion legislated (shoved down our throats) every chance you get. You people are simply ridiculous.

Millard, Victims of Gay Bullying 30 Comments [3/8/2014 9:06:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: Firestarox

Quote# 99854

What a sick group of people. I believe (I could be wrong) that they are first testing this out with the Catholic Church (I keep talking about how the Jews have been infiltrating the RCC to destroy Christianity), who is in the wrong, and Benedict XVI resigned while he was in the middle of defrocking more than 400 priests over this issue.

I have been wrong before, but it sounds fishy to me why a Pope, who was the same age as John XXIII was and finished his papacy to his death, would resign while ousting out criminals that were inside the Catholic Church walls.

As we all know, the act of pedophilia for a girl younger than the age of 3 and a boy under the age of 8 is extremely traumatic for the child, but the Jews actually think that this behavior is normal. There is more than that: cannibalism, human sacrifice rituals, etc.

Mary, Real Jew News 22 Comments [3/8/2014 8:58:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99853

Sir, you are correct; the missing puzzle piece that continues to plague God’s Plan for the sanctity of the family is no doubt feminism. From there, this modern societal disease has metastasized into more hideous forms.

All one needs to do, is look around your neighborhood/workplace/schools. These new debauchery forms even threaten humanity’s very existence; and without any moral framework in place, ‘consensual’ anything is now in ‘play’. Even murder..

Women now are not only competing with men, but in most cases are in open warfare with God through their often brazen hostile opposition/rebellion against men. In almost every facet of life.

Once again, women have been duped by Satan though these times by his regular accomplices/disciples: the Jews. Just witness Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and Madonna before them. All made the Faustian pact.

And modern women think they’re better off? Please…

Nico, Real Jew News 21 Comments [3/8/2014 8:58:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99851

The most disturbing thing is that these same followers of Miley Cyrus are going to become adults and then join the Gloria Steinem feminist movement.

I am appalled to witness in USA and Canada the excess amount of females in high management positions who are either the Miley Cyrus white or the “white” female whose last name ends in -berg, witz, etc.

No wonder males under 35 have the highest unemployment ratio in the USA!

I believe that these depraved females have no saving in Christ because the first thing that the Canadian and American schools teach to students is to reject God.

The Zionists have infiltrated Canada and USA and look at how smart they are — they corrupt the females and then gave these females power and they are taking away jobs.

Maybe that is why in ancient democracies females were excluded from the affairs of the country?

Reminds me of when Eve ate the forbidden fruit because Saten the snake told her to.

Am I attaching the missing pieces of the puzzle?

MGTOW, Real Jew News 37 Comments [3/8/2014 6:58:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99850

Nothing pure and clean about Jewry’s Sadist virus.

These pathological bacterium, will get punished for pushing vile culture. As anti-Christs they only care for their material life on earth and have no regard for judgement after death.

America is beyond Weimar’s disgusting cabaret homo backwaters. The Jews, in addition to deviant agendas, also insist on the legality of bestiality and mass porn distribution.

How dare they even meddle with pure Christian values. Now Obama, a Homo and Jew puppet himself wants to install the Kosher run FCC into already corrupt Media outlets.

What? MR. Obgono and his Orwell Jew Masters want make sure no nuance of info that goes against their narrative gets out. Expect more Jew bought Whores like Cyrus and others, to further sully our women, country and once clean churches.

NOT ME! This is what I say to them, “If you ever try to stifle my noble Christian values and rights as an American, you can go to hell and enjoy depravity and homosexual filth from Satan.”

Griff, Real Jew News 24 Comments [3/8/2014 6:43:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 99847

Open letter to House speaker John Boehner and all US Congressmen,

HOLD FIRM! NO TAX INCREASE FOR ANYONE! NO increase in the Debt ceiling! The government needs more money “from the rich” like a drug addict needs “one more fix” before he decides to quit or an alcoholic needs “one more beer” before he starts to sober up! STOP RIGHT NOW!

It should be obvious to anyone with one eye and half a brain that the REAL goal in all this political posturing by Barak Obama and many Democrats is simply the advancement of Communism in America. I don’t understand how ANYONE- Republican, Democratic or Independent can want to increase “revenues” even one more dime! There is a spending problem not a revenue problem but it goes even deeper than that!

The entire idea of “take from the rich and ‘redistribute’ to the poor” is pure Communism 101. Go to ANY communist country to see how they got there and the end result. They always follow Karl Marx’s thinking and the idea that you take two steps forward and one step back. Everyone thinks they backed up but they are actually one step closer to the goal! That is all Barak is doing. Don’t “compromise” ONE INCH!

Everyone in Congress, the Senate and the Executive branch (and judicial branch!) took an oath to follow and defend the U. S. Constitution. I would suggest they ALL get it off the shelf, dust it off and read it. It’s only a few pages long. It gives the clear limits of government. I can solve the financial crisis in 10 minutes! Follow the Constitution! Why are “The Feds” involved in: education? a war on drugs? foreign wars that don’t involve us? welfare of any kind? medical decisions of any kind?

You should follow the Constitution and “coin money” and shut down the mis-named “Federal Reserve” and put us on a real money basis. Why do you let private bankers print our “money?” Shut down about 95% of all government programs and lay off about 95% of the government workers and release all federal prisoners who did commit a crime on federal property like Post Offices and Military bases and scale the Fed WAY back to what the founders envisioned. Stop calling ANYTHING an “entitlement.” There are NO entitlements. No one is “entitled” to welfare, Social Security, Obama Care, Medicare, education or 1,000 other programs at the federal level. If ANY program cannot be found in the Constitution you swore to uphold, shut it down. Stop funding it! That is your job. That would “balance the budget” in 10 minutes!

There you have it. Everyone else seems to be giving their ideas on the fiscal cliff so I’d throw in my 2 cent’s worth. We went over the cliff MANY years ago. The ONLY solution to America’s SERIOUS problems is found in II Chronicles 7:14. Our problem is spiritual and the solution is spiritual not political. We need to return to our godly heritage. God would have spared Sodom if He could have found 10 righteous people. Are there 10 in Congress? The Senate? In the Executive branch? Judicial? I pray so!

The founders knew that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They also knew the power to tax is the power to destroy. They gave CLEAR instructions in the Constitution about taxes and what the federal government could and could not do. Go to www.wallbuilders.com and read what the founders said. They gave great advice for times like these!

Speaker Boehner, you folks in Congress are supposed to control the purse strings. Well, DO YOUR JOB PLEASE! Don’t vote for ANY spending outside the limits of the very document you swore to uphold. If the president wants to go over the cliff, let him. DON’T have your fingerprints ANYPLACE ON IT PLEASE! We need Statesmen NOT politicians! Ignore the polls, the Senate, the media, the critics and follow the Constitution please. For all of us!

Kent Hovind – POW in America

Kent Hovind, Dr. Kent Hovind's Blog 70 Comments [3/8/2014 5:55:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 99846

About a week before Christmas as a man walked down the street, he noticed a sign in a store window that said, “Merry Xmas!” Being an algebra teacher, he walked in, found the store owner and said, “Excuse me, sir. Is there some sort of prize for the one who can solve the equation?”

With knitted eyebrows, the owner gave the teacher a puzzled look and asked, “What equation are you talking about, sir?”

The teacher replied, “Why, the one in 12-inch letters in your front window.”

The store owner looked at the window like a calf lookin’ at a new gate.

The teacher continued, “Your sign says, ‘Merry Xmas.’ I teach algebra. I can solve the X for you. It’s Jesus! Andrew told his brother Peter about Jesus when he said, ‘We have found the Messiah which is, being interpreted, the Christ.’ It’s pretty simple, sir. Jesus Christ is what is missing on your window. Is He missing from your heart, too?”

Eyes wide open, the store keeper looked like he had seen a ghost. Finally, he lowered his head and softly said, “Yes, I’m afraid he is. I wish I could find him.”

The teacher reached in his pocket and pulled out a New Testament. In a matter of minutes the algebra teacher led the man to Jesus.

The store owner said, “I think I’ll get some soap and water and fix that sign right now! Thanks for helping me find the answer to the equation. It is easy to solve now that I think about it. Jesus has been missing from my life for a long time. Thanks for stopping.”

How about you? Is Jesus missing from your life? Is He missing from the life of someone in your family or your neighbor? Have you led ANYONE to Jesus this year? We are about out-a-year, ya know. Let’s find somebody soon. If ya can’t get a big one, then get a little one. Somebody is HOPING that somebody will care enough to tell them.

Psalm 142:4 “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.”

Merry CHRISTmas!

Kent Hovind, Dr. Kent Hovind's Blog 58 Comments [3/8/2014 5:50:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 35

Quote# 99845

“Evolution deniers?” Do ya see any prejudice in THAT statement? Before we can decide if we “deny” evolution, we need to understand the terms. Bill [Nye] needs to define the word evolution first in order for folks to know if they want to “deny” it or not! I have been through this important define-the-terms step in all 100 debates I did with evolutionists at various universities as well as thousands of Q&A sessions. I encourage students and teachers everywhere to carefully define the word evolution BEFORE they enter into a discussion on evolution, so everyone knows what they are discussing. It is futile to proceed until the terms are defined. The problem (intentional?) is that the word “evolution” actually has six meanings or levels or stages:

Cosmic evolution: the origin of time/space/matter from nothing in the supposed “Big Bang”
Chemical evolution: all the elements “evolved” from hydrogen
Stellar evolution: stars formed from dust clouds
Organic evolution: life formed from non-living matter
Macro-evolution: plants and animals produce offspring different than their ‘kind’
Micro-evolution: variations develop within the kind such as big dogs and little dogs; bacteria becoming resistant to drugs; etc.

Only ONE of these definitions for evolution is true SCIENCE—Number 6. The first five are part of a RELIGION that adherents must “believe” in since they have NEVER been observed or demonstrated. Bill is guilty of mixing these definitions indiscriminately. He (along with many science books) sees and shows lots of evidence for definition #6 with which I agree, but then ASSUMES that this is evidence for the first five. That is NOT good science, Bill! The variations we all observe and that every farmer on planet earth understands and uses does NOT offer ANY evidence for the first five definitions of evolution.

Of course, Bill is welcome to BELIEVE the first five definitions, but he should be honest and stop trying to deceive people into thinking they are also part of science. Only #6, micro-evolution can be observed and demonstrated, the criteria for provable science. Creationists do NOT “deny” that there is evidence for evolution definition #6, but we DO deny there is any “scientific” evidence for the first five. Bill should plainly and honestly admit his use of the word evolution is religious. He is free to promulgate his religious views on his own dime, but he should not be allowed to use tax payer money to teach his mixed definitions of evolution as science in tax funded programs. Bill is the one who is “damaging children” and “harming the scientific process” when he confuses the terms and evidence!

Kent Hovind, Dr. Kent Hovind's Blog 36 Comments [3/8/2014 5:50:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 25

Quote# 99844

I stopped supporting Disney when they started having a "family" day celebrating the sodomites and other assorted perverts. I no longer support the Boy Scouts because they now allow sodomite members and I'm sure it won't be long until they allow the leaders to also be open sodomites. I stopped supporting the Girl Scouts awhile ago because they allow lesbians as members and leaders and I also heard the Girl Scouts organization now has ties with Planned Parenthood. I don't have a horse in this race because I've washed my hands of Disney, the Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts.

TimeWarpWife, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [3/8/2014 5:50:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Cindy

Quote# 99833

In regards to a quiz about religious liberty

Corrections to this article Part I

A) I can’t really be married to a same sex person, for the same reason that I can’t flap my arms and fly. Nature makes some things have certain functions, and calls them birds. They are different than humans. No amount of saying you are a bird will make you one. Nature makes male and female animals function in certain ways. Those ways don’t work right unless one animal is female and one is male. No amount of saying that 2 animals of the same gender are the same as a male and female pair will make it so, even if the government says it is so. Governments can’t make 2 + 2 = 5 by saying so.

B). It is not about a religious belief. It is a fact of life like the birds and the bees. That’s just the way it works. Make up a new name for your clearly different thing, and we can all get along.

Timothy C, Huffington Post 42 Comments [3/7/2014 4:23:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: The Mocking Bard

Quote# 99828

The gay community including Obama and his bath-house buddies already have or will have blood diseases that will make them sick. Their mental status has already made them feel inferior that is why they have exalted themselves, and have brought down traditional marriage. On the inside, they know they are not accepted in the mainstream of social life, that is why they feel the need to push their sick agenda on normal thinking people.
The worm of their conscious will gnaw at them and their shame will cause them cruel misery, and the name of our Blessed Lord Jesus will increase their pain, and His voice will say to them, arise you dead souls, and come to judgment, or be damned to be tortured eternally.
The Truth will make them ashamed, and they will not be shown mercy, for every work, good or bad is done by the body, and those who choose evil will be rendered eternal pain due to their perversion. Then the pain and confusion of the darkened one's soul, on seeing so great a dignity of God which they are deprived will increase, and they will hear that terrible speech, "Go, cursed ones, to the Eternal Fire,' the soul and the body will go to be with the Devil without hope or remedy, each one according to the filth of the world which he loved dis-ordinately....
The Devil is the father of lies, and those who follow him based on their free will and pride will know that the Devil, their lord, is an instrument of God's justice, His jailer and His prison warden.

GrtGrandpa-Tom, WND 34 Comments [3/7/2014 4:22:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 99827

The vast majority of gay men (99.9%) cleverly conceal themselves in marriages to the opposite sex, usually bisexual women, and attend church in order to better blend in with their intended victims. These so called 'Hetero Child Sex Offenders' are in ALWAYS homosexuals. I have been to many churches in my effort to find one with a majority Hetero congregation and alas cannot find one. So there.

Juvie Record, WND 51 Comments [3/7/2014 4:22:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 41

Quote# 99825

One of the most serious but least discussed consequences of choosing a homosexual lifestyle is the loss of critical-thinking skills. What is worse, this malady seems to spread fairly easily to non-homosexuals who closely associate with people in the LGBT community (though this observation is by definition unscientific since there exists no objective standard for determining if someone is “gay,” thus a person’s self-declaration is the only measure).

From the inability to distinguish disagreement from “hate” or tolerance from approval, to conflating sex and love, homosexualists (i.e. anyone “gay” or straight who advocates for the mainstreaming of homosexuality) just can’t think straight.

For example, any clear-thinking person can see that basing a right to marry solely on romantic attraction opens the marriage door to many other deviant relationships: polygamy, polyandry, incest, pederasty and even pedophilia. Somehow homosexualists can’t see it.

It is also self-evident that all human beings are heterosexual by design. It is simply unarguable that all sexuality, even the awareness of having a sexual nature, derives from this obvious physiological reality. Yet homosexualists (without a shred of proof after decades of scientific efforts) not only insist that “homosexual orientation” is normal and innate, but that it is impossible for a self-declared “gay” or lesbian to ever reorient to heterosexuality in conformity with the design of his or her body … even when their illogic is being challenged by former homosexuals!

Then there is the narrative implicit in all LGBT rhetoric and policy goals, to wit “all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and even murder of homosexuals” (which is why, for example, “gay” anti-bulling policies require all schoolchildren to be brainwashed that homosexuality is good and normal instead of simply teaching them to respect others despite their differences). This narrative does not reflect reality. It is a mutually reinforced paranoid delusion, yet it drives the homosexualists with such desperate urgency that every person who dares even to whisper that marriage is for one man and one woman is targeted for personal destruction, from Anita Bryant in the 1970s to Phil Robertson just recently. Few have survived the attacks unscathed.

In fact, so desperate are LGBT activists to prove their false narrative that they regularly commit “hate crimes” against themselves as evidence! Google “gay hoaxes” to see just how common is this bizarre phenomenon. Even the story of their ultimate “hate crime” poster child, Matthew Shepard, was a hoax. An uncharacteristically forthright “gay” journalist spilled the beans last September (after 10 years of intensive propaganda to millions of schoolchildren and passage of a federal “hate crimes” law bearing his name) that Shepard was tortured and murdered by “gay” sex partners in a drug deal gone bad.

In 1973, after an intensive campaign of pressure and harassment by LGBT activists, the board of the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality as a mental illness from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the “bible” of mental health professionals. It was as if they opened Pandora’s Box and unleashed an invisible plague that attacks the reasoning centers in the brain. Now 40 years later the evidence is overwhelming that the DSM should never have been modified. The only problem is that most of the people with the power to change it back are now homosexualists themselves, infected with the same disorder. God help us.

Scott Lively, WND 37 Comments [3/7/2014 4:21:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 99822

The left and the homosexual lobby in America went into overdrive to kill this bill. Conservatives rallied for this bill and Governor Brewer opted for cowardice instead of courage.

Why is this bill so important and what did it mean for not only Arizona but America? The issue can be boiled down to one word: Freedom.

A free man or woman controls their labor. A slave has no control over their labor. A free man or woman decides who they will work for and under what conditions. The slave cannot.

The left and the homosexual lobby are both pushing slavery using the Orwellian concepts of “tolerance” and “inclusiveness.”

Immediately the left and the homosexual lobby went into high dudgeon. Arizona’s SB1062 must be defeated because Americans really are no longer free and must be forced to serve the great liberal state, regardless of their beliefs.

The storm rose against Arizona and Jan Brewer proved she was no Ronald Reagan. She has an honored place in the ranks of the French Republicans.

The left loves to come up with absurd hypotheticals to scream that there must be compliance with their fascism, so how about a couple from our side.

Should a devote baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia [sic]? Or should a photographer be required to photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior? Would they force a Jewish photographer to work a Klan or Nazi event? How about forcing a Muslim caterer to work a pork barbeque dinner?

SB1062 is a bigger story than simply the story of a cowardly governor who has no core beliefs. SB1062 is the story of liberalism at work in America. Liberalism is the paranoid belief that leftists have that somewhere, someone may be thinking for themselves. It is the tyrannical belief that no deviation in belief is allowed from the decreed orthodoxy.

It is the antithesis of liberty. It is tyranny on the march.

Judson Phillips, Right Wing Watch 25 Comments [3/7/2014 4:13:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Shockna

Quote# 99821

You may wonder why Leftist are so absurdly shameless in the naked evil of their demands, and so inane in their pretensions to be our moral and mental superiors. Their only claim to moral superiority is that they favor immorality and perversion wherever it appears. Their only claim to mental superiority is their inability to think critically, and their desire to destroy all institutions of higher learning, including the institution of academic freedom.

Asking why Leftists are shameless is like asking why water is wet. Leftism is not a political philosophy, nor any kind or philosophy, nor a disciplined system of thought, nor any kind of thought. Leftism is a set of verbal tricks and tactics which allow the speaker to excuse evil in the name of some undefined higher purpose, usually a phrase that is coined on the spot and has no meaning. Miss Korn coins “Academic Justice” to excuse mob tactics threatening a teacher for teaching.

In other words, the reason why Leftists are shameless is because Leftism is a mental disease, deliberately imposed on oneself, to quell the faculty of self reflection hence of shame. Shamelessness is Leftism; Leftism is shamelessness.

John C. Wright, John C. Wright's Journal 28 Comments [3/7/2014 4:13:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: David

Quote# 99811

The Romans of the 4th century were pagans who either knew very little or nothing at all of Christ. They had the Natural Law as their only guide. We, in the starkest of contrasts, have Christ Himself, physically present in the Eucharist, with our culture *allegedly* built on Him, and yet we have utterly denied and rejected Him and have reverted and descended all the way back to the worst pagan cultures, and in some ways have plumbed even greater depths of depravity. The only revolt that is worse in enormity and scope than ours against God is the revolt of Lucifer. Even the Jews of the Old Testament in all of their many episodes of falling away from God, didn’t have the knowledge of Christ (obviously, because the Incarnation had not yet happened) and did not have the Physical Presence of God Himself to be taken into their own bodies, in the Eucharist.

We have nailed Christ to the Cross, and when He looks at us and asks us why, we have the unmitigated gall to say, “It’s not my fault. I didn’t see You there. You should have spoken up.”

WE are going to burn like no other culture has burned before, including Rome, because we have, by far, the most guilt. Ignorance due to laziness in the face of unprecedented freedom and license, wealth and leisure time, potential education, technology and availability of information, and the knowledge of and physical presence of Christ Himself is why we must and we WILL burn. No one has ever, ever deserved it more.

Ann Barnhardt, Barnhardt.biz 29 Comments [3/7/2014 4:10:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 99585

You're not understanding, when you say God lacks humanity, God portrays , for fool humans. God explained what would happen if mankind sinned against Him! But because of freewill mankind had that option. When man sinned God cursed the whole creation, included man, animals, plantlife, weather, the sky, the heavens, everything. Told man he would now be on his own. Man choose that when he sinned. God didn't want that. Wonder why God lets bad things happen to good people? Because He cannot interfere with our freewill! Sometimes God does interfere, when asked to, it's called a miracle! But God told us we'd be on our own if we sinned. It's our fault! But because God does show humanity compassion, He sent Jesus to die for us so we could have a second chance! God can not break His own laws, so somebody had to pay the price for us, so Jesus paid the price to justify God giving us a second chance! Freewill, God can't break His own laws. That's why we need Jesus. He saved us, yes from hell (A real place). God DID NOT humans on the same level as Himself. He created us in His own immage. That means We also are spirits! Guess what, I'm about to blow your mind! Your spirit IS YOUR MIND! YES what your thinking with is your spirit! Science has looked in the brain but they

CANNOT FIND YOUR MIND! That's because your mind IS YOUR SPIRIT, and SOUL. Your spirit looks just like your body. My spirit will recognize other spirits, if I know them, because our spirits look just like us. So when we die, our spirits leave these bodies, the body dies, the spirit lives forever, somewhere, heaven or hell! Everything living that God created lives forever! That includes our pets! Animals have spirits too! Animals do not have souls. Animals do not need souls because they do not sin! So that means anything living, lives forever. Dying is not something that God created or creates. See man and satan sinned, and death is what we created by sinning. How 'bout that!

bcats, MIT Technology Review 22 Comments [3/7/2014 4:09:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 99467

Google’s recent “doodle” announces to the world that Google is gaga over homosexuality-affirming propaganda for minors. Google’s doodle pokes a virtual rainbow-colored flag in the eye of Russian president Vladimir Putin for signing into law a bill that protects minors from homosexuality-affirming propaganda. A financial blockbuster of a company with roots in the country founded to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty” pro-actively endorses the propagandizing of children while a corrupt totalitarian cockalorum opposes it. Curiouser and curiouser.

The fanciful notion that having “two mommies” is ontologically and morally indistinguishable from having a mother and a father is not a fact. Presenting that non-fact to, for example, five-year-olds in government schools is propaganda. And presenting this non-fact to children is not a loving act even if it “feels” good to “educators” who don’t think about or discuss the issue deeply.


Physical assaults on homosexuals, like physical assaults on any human being, are reprehensible and should be punished in accordance with laws prohibiting assault. But there is no evidence—to my knowledge, at least—that the legal prohibition of propagandizing to minors causes violence.

And here in the United States, there is no evidence to substantiate the related “progressive” claim that orthodox Christian doctrine and those who love Christ cause violence. The fact that hateful people may quote and misapply Scripture in defense of violent physical assaults or ugly verbal assaults on homosexuals no more means they’re Christians than the fact that someone quotes and misapplies Scripture in defense of same-sex “marriage” means they’re Christians. Humans have for hundreds of years abused Scripture for their own sinful ends.

Exposing minors to homosexuality-affirming propaganda is nowhere more troubling than in our public schools where neither children nor teachers are encouraged to study in depth all sides of issues related to homosexuality. Quite the contrary. Curricula and supplementary resources and activities are controlled by “progressive” dogma, the kind of dogma promulgated by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). (Privately, “progressive” teachers actually scoff at the suggestion that there are sides other than theirs worthy of study.)


Ask any conservative public school teachers if their colleagues or administrators ever present resources that challenge “progressive” ideas about homosexuality in professional development meetings. And ask them if they feel as free to express their moral and political beliefs in faculty meetings (or in the classroom) as their “progressive” colleagues do.

“Agents of change,” secure in their tenured positions in public schools, share a certain esprit de corps with totalitarian regimes. They all hatch plans sub rosa to control the beliefs of others. Unfortunately, those victims—I mean, students—happen to be other people’s minor children.

Until our publicly subsidized educators relinquish their white-knuckled grip on curricula with their de facto enforcement of censorship, perhaps we need an anti-propagandizing-to-minors law.

Laurie Higgins, Barb Wire 15 Comments [3/7/2014 3:42:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 99305

[A FtM transgender Jew asks what (Orthodox) Judaism says about his gender dysphoria.]

God created men and women. He wants there to be a clear boundary between the sexes. From the fact that there is such a commandment, it means that some people have a desire to do just what the Torah forbids. It means there are men who would like to be women, and women who would like to be men.

God does not make mistakes. If He gave you a female body, it means that he wants you to live your life as a Jewish woman, not as a Jewish man.

If you were to undergo an operation to try to change your sex, you would be trying to escape from the responsibilities that God has entrusted with you. If you underwent an operation, you may look more like the way you feel, but in God's eyes you would still be a Jewish woman and be expected to act that way. No amount of operations or name changes (a name change, by the way, is not advisable) can alter the metaphysical reality, nor it's implications, that was imposed on you by your Creator, along with it's incumbent responsibilities.

Consider the person who was born with an unusual ability to perform on the violin. God has given him this talent to bring peace, tranquility, and joy to his fellow humans.

Now let us say that this person has no desire to give other people pleasure. In his heart he does not feel like playing. However, the obligation to give others pleasure is still incumbent upon him. Even if he were to cut off all his fingers, it would not change the obligations that he has, he would simply be unable to fulfill them.

Aish Rabbi, Aish.com 19 Comments [3/7/2014 3:39:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 99092

well, I have faith, and you can not convince me to believe that "A MAGICAL EXPLOSION CREATED LIFE ON EARTH" is just incredible how if someone just because he says that a magical explosion created life, all those morons believe it, remember the big bang is a THEORY, needs facts to be proven, which NO ONE has ever supplied proof.

kabutokouji, GameFAQs. 28 Comments [3/6/2014 5:50:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 99817

This is despotism at its very worst. Our first amendment guarantees religious freedom; it does not guarantee the right of people who choose to engage in immoral conduct to force business owners to lend support to their lifestyle by providing services for ceremonies that directly violate the religious convictions of the business owner. Christian business owners should never be compelled to provide services for a ceremony which, from a biblical perspective, is an overtly pagan ceremony, aimed at destroying religious liberty and eradicating Christian values from the culture. That may not be what the homosexual couples intend by their actions, but it is the effect of their actions, and it is clearly what the devil himself intends by their actions. They have been taken captive by him to do his will. Why should a business owner be forced to support a ceremony of any sort that he regards as demonic in origin? That's what these anti-religious leftists don't understand. They don't understand or appreciate the depth of conviction in the heart of Christians regarding this issue. They disrespect religious faith, and think nothing about trampling on first amendment rights.

Martin Rizley, WorldNetDaily 32 Comments [3/6/2014 4:52:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 99816

Well Governor, just remember, a child has a right to be moral, to possess, keep and maintain a biblical, Christian conscience. Indoctrinating them in school with perverted, unnatural and immoral lifestyles and calling it normal, is intellectual-spiritual child molestation. Justifying the molestation in the name of family is just sociopathic. Who is sicker, those doing it, those enabling them or those not stopping it when they could.

byronmullet, WorldNetDaily 24 Comments [3/6/2014 4:52:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 99815

[If I am a devout Catholic and a divorced woman came into my restuarant could I refuse her service?]

Your analogy doesn't apply, for no business owner is seeking to avoid serving certain PEOPLE, but rather, to avoid providing certain SERVICES. Christian bakers and photographers are not seeking to avoid serving homosexuals; rather, they want to avoid providing services for flagrantly anti-Christian, pagan ceremonies that purport to be "wedding ceremonies," but which no Christian can ever recognize biblically as being in any way, shape, or form an authentic wedding ceremony. Although it may sound harsh to say this, Christians actually view these ceremonies as demonic in nature, since they represent a flagrant rejection of God's law regarding marriage and are based on satanically-inspired teachings of the last days that the apostle Paul refers to as "doctrines of demons" (1 Tim. 4:1). How can any business owner, contrary to his religious convictions, be compelled by the government to provide services for a ceremony which he regards as demonic?

Martin Rizley, OneNewsNow 46 Comments [3/6/2014 4:51:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
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