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Quote# 100690

I cannot believe anyone would say the following: The fact that none of these asteroid impacts shown in the video was detected in advance is proof that the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a 'city-killer' sized asteroid is blind luck.

Read more at: http://phys.org/n...html#jCp

To say "is proof that..." is totally idiotic. The only reason it was written that way was to deny the God of the bible. It was a way to say hey everyone, I want you to think there is no God and no hope. Headline news like this around Easter time, its not science, at all. Its a religious, or actually an anti-bible or anti-Jesus message and nothing more.

Having the other extreme try to control science and say you can think this but not that? is perhaps as bad; but then those pretending to be PRO or FOR science saying such anti-religion nonsense, doing so in the name OF science is disgusting and fights the very foundation of science and freedom.

bradley_rogers_engineer, PHYS.org 11 Comments [4/26/2014 5:11:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Creedence Leonore Gielgud

Quote# 100689

[David writes about his "journey to straightness."]

Facing the Truth

To solve a problem you must admit it exists.

You can deny it - but then you must keep on denying, as reality mounts around you. From the first kink of self-serving untruth, you can, like a snail, build a crooked little world of your own.


In our generation those who struggle with homosexuality have the option of wrapping themselves in the gay liberation narrative. The mantle of chic victimhood quiets a lot of the inner distress - for a while. The haunting sense of otherness folds in on itself to become a virtue. It feels wonderful to finally renounce that sense of being less than a normal man by declaring you are something else entirely.

But it's a false identity. As I saw up close, brave statements do not end the compulsive search for masculinity. There is no resolution, no revelation of true self.

David, Aish.com 26 Comments [4/25/2014 3:31:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 100687

[This is in response to Sandi DuBowski's film Trembling Before G-d.]

Change is possible

As someone who struggled with homosexuality, as well as someone who is an orthodox Jew, as well as someone who is somewhat politically involved, this movie pained me. It pained me because of the intolerance towards people like me. I am someone who changed my "sexual orientation". I took it upon myself to go through therapy for my own personal beliefs in the Torah and am now happily married to a lovely lady with a second child on the way. I have no agenda of trying to get other people to go through what I went, but Sandi Dubowski, don't for a second claim to be showing the whole story of homosexuality in the Orthodox community. There are many people like me and we are deemed homophobic and intollerable by the gay rights activists as well as you. Again, I have no interest in trying to change anyone and I respect everyone's decision in life. But Sandi where is the recognition for what I did, and what many other men are struggling to do?

Standing Straight Before God, Aish.com 15 Comments [4/25/2014 3:29:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 100686

Africa: The Cursed Continent

Did you know that the continent of Africa, and its people, bear the curse of its historical past? The Africa of today is a colonial wasteland, covered by poor black people killing poor black people in a post-slavery world. If God loves us, then why are so many Africans starving or victims of violence? The answer is a simple one. Africa is cursed.

Do not forget that Egypt is located in Africa. What happened in Egypt? Pharoah enslaved GOD’s people. God’s people were kept in bondage in Egypt against their and God’s will, and the plagues of Egypt have since expanded to cover the entire continent. 10 plagues and a historical curse.

Slavery in Africa was God’s punishment for the Egyptian enslavement of the Hebrew people. Want to enslave God’s people? Fine. Just expect your people to be enslaved as compensation at a later historical date. I would guess that many of the money handlers surrounding the African slave trade were, in fact, Jews. This suggests a form of reparation divinely instituted by God. And isn’t it funny that African slaves were brought to America, a nation built on Biblical beliefs? The system itself reflects God’s benevolent way.

What about blackness? Why are Africans black? Simple. The curse of Ham. Don’t know what the curse of Ham is? Then you’re not a true Christian. Read the Bible more closely, and pay special attention to the story of Noah and his family. THings will soon make sense to you.

So why is Africa destitute? The answer is simple: because God wants it to be. Ever notice that the areas in the world (Africa, Indonesia, Iran, etc) with the fewest civil rights are all MUSLIM in faith? Islam is also an affront to God, and God is justly punishing its practitioners by taking away their rights. God is all powerful and all knowing, but He is also all-loving. He loves us all, and must punish us when necessary to lead us back to Him.

So do not pray for Africans to be fed. Pray for them to open their hearts to God. Once they accept Jesus as their true Savior, then their problems will be solved.

Jim, Creation Science Study 57 Comments [4/25/2014 3:29:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 59

Quote# 100685

[I recommend checking out the rest of the site. It's a goldmine of lulz!]

Additionally, Paradox Brown describes one possible scenario this way,

“Beyond this, there is also the “Beast from the Sea”, with 7 heads and 10 horns, which while having a symbolic meaning, is also the fallen angel Abaddon who is released from the Abyss…
It seems likely that this fallen angel Abaddon will take the form of a human man, and not assume a strange “alien” form like other angels seem to do in Revelation. However, this does not preclude people believing that he is an alien. In fact, as the whole world is said to worship him as “god”, it stands to reason that he may claim to be “god” or “creator” of mankind. A human-looking “alien” who claims he himself created humanity in ages past, seems a lie that the world might believe. In fact many “abductees” already believe this. One type of “alien” seen in abduction False Visions is the Nordic. “Nordic aliens” look like beautiful humans, and some people describe them to seem angelic, and they also claim creation of humanity…

“Many people already have gotten the idea into their heads that the Earth may have been visited by aliens in the past, or that aliens might have built the pyramids, etc., have been visiting us for a long time, or even that aliens seeded life here on earth. This theory is known as “panspermia” or “exogenesis”. And some abductees already believe that humanity was genetically engineered by aliens that were here in Earth’s past. The foundation of these ideas is the Theory of Evolution. If people are deceived into thinking Abaddon is an “alien”, who was here in the past, this may be the grand finale of the Theory of Evolution, which has grown beyond a science theory, to be a faith-based religious system. In fact, it seems to be the best candidate out there for the “Strong Delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians.

“As much as believing in evolution is a matter of faith… Exogenesis is also a matter of faith. What if someday people were told by reliable sources, such as the government or mainstream media, that “aliens” were real, here, and from another planet in another solar system? What if someday people were told by reliable sources that the “aliens” had said they guided the evolution of mankind through genetic engineering, or were the ones who originally brought life to the Earth from outerspace? If this were the case, many people would believe it, especially those who already believe in evolution. Because if a person believes that life evolved here on earth, it leads them to think life could have evolved in space as well, and “aliens” could exist… the Theory of Evolution has been very effective in prepping the world to be deceived by Abaddon, should he claim to be an “alien” who was here in Earth’s past.”

Guy Malone, Alien Resistance 23 Comments [4/25/2014 3:29:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Alex

Quote# 100681

["If u were truly pro-life wouldn't u be against the death penalty, since being pro-life means to oppose the taking of life?"]

Being pro-life and pro-death penalty are no where near the same thing. [...] Abortion is the killing of an innocent life, whereas the death penalty is the ending of a life of a convicted killer who is guilty of a crime. An unborn baby has not committed any such crime.

["U r pro-white and like sushi and chinese food, hypocrite much?"]

What does being pro-white have to do with liking or not liking sushi or Chinese food? You clearly don not know what "pro-white" means. Let me explain it for you. Pro-white means that I am proud of my race, that I refuse to date outside my face or have children with someone who isn't white. What does this have to do with the kind of foods I eat?

["U r an "anti-feminist"? So are you ok being treated below men, being payed significantly less or just not being hired b/c u r a woman?"]

Women and men are equal but different. Period. As a woman, no - I am not equal to my husband. I am submissive to him as he is the head of the household. Women get away with a lot more things in today's society than men do, contrary to popular feminist belief.

unapologetically-indie, Indie's Thoughts 25 Comments [4/25/2014 3:28:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100680

is the only argument against people who are pro-life "what if you get raped"
what if I'm smart enough to know how to protect myself
what if I'm smart enough to know that life begins at contraception
what if I just have a huge heart and love children and believe the ALL deserve a chance at life and that they ALL have a voice no matter what age they are

littleprincessaubrey, Princess Aubrey 31 Comments [4/25/2014 3:28:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100679

What kind of Rocky Mountain Horror Show has been perpetrated on us? A gay president and fag transvestite "First Lady"? WTF???????
How is this possible? How has America gone down this far so quickly? I can't believe this. What kind of stupidity has allowed these perverts to be elected?

and re-elected?

I hope God uses this to bring Americans to their senses.

PapaNew, Free Republic 34 Comments [4/25/2014 3:27:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 100678

[The lawyer who defended Prop 8 at the Supreme Court is now planning his daughter's same-sex wedding.]

seems the fix was in and the case was intended as a loss with all sides wanting the same outcome.

He should have disowned her. It is no different than if she was dead.

longtermmemmory, Free Republic 17 Comments [4/25/2014 3:26:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 100676

As a heterosexual white male who is attempting to decolonize my mind as well as erase years of conditioning by the dominant patriarchal culture of abuse; reading this makes me feel very sick and quite disturbed. My female partner who have been involved with for some time (who i truly love) has assured me that despite the stated perspective, that she will never stop enjoying “piv sex”… While of course i enjoy this type of sex, I now cannot help but feel overwhelming guilt. Is it impossible to be a true advocate of smashing patriarchy if I still engage in piv sex?? Props to the author for a thought provoking piece.

This isn’t about ‘smashing the patriarchy.’ Do you love your partner? If you do, why would you want your sex to put her at risk of death?

As i implied, I would give it up if she wanted. I never have seen my penis as a weapon….She identifies with radical feminism. After consideration I believe this anti piv sex stance de- humynizes the experience of womyn. Are there no womyn who can make a rational choice? People are affected by abuse and patriarchy in different ways. It is soley my partners choice and there are womyn who KNOW piv sex feels good to them and is worth the perceived risk. In closing men should be encouraged to take Neem leaf if they do not want children. Great choice for male contraception.

Please do not ever comment on my blog again.

Ann Tagonist, Ann Tagonist 18 Comments [4/25/2014 3:26:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: What?

Quote# 100667

If God does in fact exist and created/maintains our reality then there should also be observations which cannot be explained by natural mechanisms. Quantum randomness is such an observation.

Now keep in mind, quantum randomness isn't something that hasn't been explained by natural mechanisms. It is an observation that has been scientifically shown that it cannot be explained by natural mechanisms.

Heywood, AtheistForums.org 40 Comments [4/24/2014 3:25:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 100666

For all the true Christians reading this article, here is something you can do to help our country:

We all know that gays and their supporters are being controlled by Satan. God can overcome Satan. Just as Jesus was able to save us all by His sacrifice of death on the cross, we can accomplish the same thing on a smaller scale. Take every single hardship, suffering, annoyance (especially all of the name-calling by the liberals) that you have to endure and offer it up as a sacrifice to God to open the eyes and hearts of the atheists and indoctrinated. You have to go through it anyway. Why not get more bang for your buck?

Satan especially hates this tactic, because it's like you're taking his ammunition and turning it back on him. Once he realizes what you're doing, how long do you think he'll keep up his attacks? Satan is a lot of things, but he's not stupid.

Marie L., Yahoo 37 Comments [4/24/2014 3:24:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100664

"The modern atheist mind wants to use modern their definition of rape as an absolute, such that a woman both before and after marriage is an autonomous being who has rights to resist any man including the man she married, and if he insists on sex, then that is rape and the male is legally guilty of a crime. One atheist University student we discussed this with was shocked to find such a definition did not exist even 20 years ago. Before that in most a western cultures, a married woman could not be raped by her husband since they were one flesh – a very biblical concept. Since the Biblical concept of love makes love not a feeling, but a choice which benefits another, then the Godly man has already figured out if she has a headache coming on, and such compassion means that she never needs to use sex as a weapon, or a legal threat, because a Godly woman is wise enough to never deny her husband to the point where she is forcing him to go elsewhere. "

John Mackay, Ask John Mackay "The Creation Guy" 69 Comments [4/23/2014 3:08:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: the_ignored

Quote# 100663

This kind of attitude leaves us vulnerable to Big Brother. Just because what I'm doing is considered okay by Big Brother NOW does not mean that it will always be this way. As a Christian I am deeply concerned about the erosion of religious liberty in the U.S. over recent years, and am not hopeful for the future. I pray that I will never see Christianity outlawed during my lifetime, but it wouldn't surprise me if that happened eventually.

Crimson Wife, The Well-Trained Mind 35 Comments [4/23/2014 3:07:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 100659

actually I don’t hate anyone ,what I do hate is muslims of any description coming here telling us how to live our lives or calling us infidels whatever , I despise jews full stop ,the muslim jews are responsible for the massive amount of radical muslims coming to oz with this bill shit sharia will rule Australia ,when clearly this will never happen ,what is wrong with these people , they get a new shot at life then they want to rule us ,your kidding . the truth is coming my friend people are waking up left right and centre , we will I believe kick out all the criminal jews for the 127th time world wide and that’s that , .what sort of people stone their own daughters to death for meeting a Christian boy how dare they be so subhuman it’s just not on >

Bob McDonald, theantibogan.wordpress.com 45 Comments [4/23/2014 3:03:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 54
Submitted By: Hairtoucher

Quote# 100658

Phyllis Schlafly, perhaps the original anti-feminist of the second wave era, recently argued that the (mythical) “pay gap” would promote marriage if it actually existed, citing women’s hypergamous instincts[.]


We could hold her opposition to the ERA against her, but let’s be realistic: it never would have been used to level the playing field. Instead, it would have been used as a cudgel against the “patriarchy,” resulting in interminable lawsuits and an even more powerful feminist legal regime than we have today (if such is possible). Because men and women are not equal, no human law can make them so; it can only make life worse for most of us.

More legislation purporting to equalize men and women will have the same effect this legislation always has had: it will grow and enrich legal professionals and bureaucracies and introduce more expense and complexity into the lives of the common people. Schlafly is right to oppose it, and it’s good to see she’s taking some cues from the manosphere as well.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 15 Comments [4/23/2014 3:03:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 100656


From sea to shitty sea.

We have said this for decades…but who is listening???

The corporation (CUNTry) of CANADA – inclusive of its “SHITizens” – is only getting worse and worse.


Feminists, manginas, maggots, faggots and their assorted filthy enablers are taking over and don’t want to stop, despite all warnings and judgments to the contrary. The Canada’s Shame Flag is indicative of the fruit of FEMINISM, WITCHCRAFT and REBELLION. Shit-Souls possessed by these Function Demons love death.

The reason we have chosen – at present – to make this the first Post you see/read on the front page of our site is to expose the vagocracy, the Feminist Fiefdom, the wicked world of witchcraft that Canada is. Let’s not leave out the HAVEN-FOR-HATEFUL-HOMOS that Communist Canada also is.

Lawful Warrior, Trust Christ or Go To Hell! 63 Comments [4/22/2014 3:18:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 61
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 100655


Be aware that prolonged exposure to this site may cause the following reactions in your soul/mind/body:
•NAUSEA/VOMITING – this would be the result of DEMONS in your soul/body being dislodged/leaving you as Truth enters in, meaning that you are accepting the Truth rather than the LIES/LYING SPIRITS that you currently have infesting and corrupting your mind/soul/body. Conversely, if you are righteous, you might just want to puke – as Jesus will spue out the lukewarm pukes from His mouth – because of all the Satanic shit that oppresses this world (especially the righteous souls left in it)…cuz it just makes ya wanna PUKE!! (Most of us have accepted and believed LIES for far too long…)
•ANGER – depending on which way you respond to this Truth Zone, you will definitely display anger, however, there are two types of anger. If you are a PROUD, STUBBORN, REBELLIOUS Shit Soul, you will give in to DEMONIC ANGER and act accordingly. Don’t think that your demons will just manifest and not want more to join them: your REBELLION will open spiritual doors to invite even more to infest your soul and pollute the world. On the other hand, if you are a righteous soul, you will display Righteous Anger, the type that Jesus and His Servants displayed/display. Amen.
•HATRED – like anger, hatred comes in two forms: DEMONIC HATE (an actual Function Demon) and HOLY HATE. Again, if you are a Shit-Soul and willingly-infested with devils, your demon(s) of HATE will rise to the surface and manifest. However, if you are a True Bible Christian, this site will invoke and provoke you to HOLY HATRED: hating the evil as God commands. Amen. (Hate the evil and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate, saith the prophet Amos.)
•DISCOMFORT – if you are “uncomfortable” whilst reading this site – GOOD! That is exactly what we aim to do: dislodge you from your Communist Comfort Zone which is antiChrist and full of shit ab initio! This feeling is obviously the weakest of reactions you should experience if you endure our Truth Zone. If you are a True Bible Christian, we pray that you are urged to action as opposed to inaction: we pray that you take the Battle to the gates and become the VINDICATOR OF YAH that you are called to be oh Man of God! (For women that love God’s Law, seek for ways to be an HELP to Men of God, for that is your purpose.)
•EXHORTATION – obviously this reaction will only occur in a soul that is on FIRE for God (or that once was and needs rekindling!).
•SCORNING, SCOFFING & MOCKING – only FOOLS will do this.
•CURSING – if you are righteous, you will curse Satan & his wicked Shit-Souls. If you are a Shit-Soul, you will curse God and His People…and we will break them & return your filthy curses back upon your all-too-deserving heads!
•CONFUSION & COGNITIVE DISSONANCE – while the ultimate aim of any Truth Zone is to provide Light and the Way Out of the Matrix, if you are currently under a strong delusion (because of your refusal to accept the Truth – who is Christ Jesus of Nazareth) or similar swamp in your mind/soul you will experience CONFUSION/COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. You will start to question all that you have been taught and programmed by the Powers That Be (parents, teachers, “authority figures”, politicians, media “talking heads”, etc.) You will begin to wonder: “Can this be true? How can one site contain so much Truth and the world I have been born into contain so much DECEIT, LYING & SHIT???!!! Just who should I trust now to tell me the Truth??”
•FALSE ACCUSATIONS - may spontaneously erupt from your Shit Soul as you seek to justify yourself and your worldlings. The more you FALSELY ACCUSE us (and similar righteous souls), the worse your Hell shall be. Amen.
•PRIDE – Satan was lifted up in PRIDE. PRIDE goes before DESTRUCTION, but humility goes before honour. Your choice.
•SATANIC DESIRE TO BE SATAN’S ADVOCATE – we have seen this all too often. When Truth is presented in a bold and ‘in-your-face’ Way, most souls show their true colours, defending and promoting Satanic Shit from the Pit.
•THREATENING VIOLENCE & ATTEMPTING TO INTIMIDATE – obviously Shit Souls who refuse to repent from their wicked works and devils will try to stop those that shed Light on them and their intentions. God damn such souls. Amen.
•RETALIATION – this is actually a Function Demon and if you give in to it you will open a massive door to invite even more devils of Hell to further possess you.
•PROVOKING TO LOVE & GOOD WORKS – Christians are commanded to do this. Positively provoking one another to LOVE & GOOD WORKS. If you are a True Christian you will be thusly provoked. (I know, these days the word ‘provoke’ is normally used in the pejorative context. Let’s turn the tables and use it righteously for once, eh?:)
•WORLDLY VS. GODLY SORROW – If you are a worldling (not born again by the Spirit of God) you may experience some worldly sorrow…but that only works DEATH. If you a sincere child of God (or a soul that desires to be one) you may experience some godly sorrow for your own sins; this type of sorrow “worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented of”! May you experience Godly Sorrow. (Remember that Jesus Himself was called a Man of Sorrows.)

For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. 2Corinthians 7:10
•INTENSE LOVE COUPLED WITH STRONG CRYING - if you have a humble, decent heart, you will receive and ultimately share the Love of God and help heal the brokenhearted as our Lord commands. (Jesus wept. Shortest verse in the Holy Bible. Jesus was/is God in the flesh and fully Man/Son of Man/Son of God. Don’t let others hinder you – like Satan does – from crying unto the Lord. Amen.) May God lead us to – and bring – His needy children to wholeness in Him. HalleluYah!

VINDICATOR OF YAH , Trust Christ or Go To Hell 56 Comments [4/22/2014 3:18:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 53
Submitted By: skybison

Quote# 100652

PM David Cameron is right to refute the Al Campbell 'we do not do God' vote buying arrogance of totalitarian smug smearing neo-Left selfies who strut in not being accountable, and control by smear and innuendo BBC style as they milk taxpayers and others.

There is right and wrong. Not everything is relative to what someone claims to sincerely believe that suits themselves. People are sick of the Dawkins style self asserting self seeking bland smear assertions pretending to be argument about sky fairies from a stance of moral equivalence and dumb relativist opinion as if proof. Physics shows Dawkins' claims are primitive Dan Brown style novelistic rubbish.

The truth is no one knows how the universe or humans began. The true probability of a protein being formed by random chance is so close to nil as to be unseeable. The chance of life creation and evolution as random is like a tornado going through a scrap yard and producing a Massserati. Nil.

So there is a deity as the the world's leading and most notorious atheist Anthony Flew wrote 'There is a God'. After he changed his mind, the shrill self assuring atheistic relativists could only comment 'he was old'! Similar dumb socialistic atheists supported the USSR, and failed completely to notice it collapsed with tragic loss of life and social chaos. Has atheism every had anything except a disaster?

'The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but through every human heart'. Solzhenitzyn wrote after being an atheistic communist Red Army officer and converting to be a Christian.

The pathetic glib claims that wrongs happen and were done by people calling themselves christian, therefore Christians are bad, is like claiming bad actions by lawyers mean the law and lawyers are bad! There is bad, evil exists and people are created free to choose to do it, or struggle against it. Christianity is for each individual heart. Man made institutions, churches and organisations are fallible human efforts. They fail sometimes and face man made law. Individuals are accountable to God, and through Jesus can seek some redemption.

responsible, Daily Telegraph comments 26 Comments [4/22/2014 3:05:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 100649

JEWS FEAR CHRISTIANITY more than any other thing. Here's Why:

1) Christianity tells Jews that their leaders committed Deicide against Jesus Christ. (Jews always blame others for their crimes.)

2) Christianity tells Jews that they must repent of their sins. (Jews consider "repentance" repulsive.)

3) Christianity tells Jews that all men can become "one in Christ." (Jews wish to be an elite group.)

4) Christianity tells Jews that they must value Spiritual things above wordly things. (Jews are crass materialists.)

5) Christianity tells Jews that they are not to be trusted in spheres of influence because of their hatred of Jesus Christ. (Jews quake and tremble before such a reproof!)


A CHRISTIAN NATION would make the Jews second-class citizens.

This is something that the Jews fear. Jews want to be on top of the ladder and be the leaders.

But this is a bad idea. Why? Because Jews hate Jesus Christ and who wants Christ-haters telling us what to do?

Jesus Christ was so beautiful. He taught us wonderful things like "love your enemies and do good to those who hate you." But the Jews don't like this teaching. Jews see all men as their enemies and wish to bomb them into annihilation.

Do we really want these Christ-hating Jews to lead us? Or do we wish to put the fear of God into the Jews' minds and hearts by telling them:

"Hey Jews. We are Christians. You are haters of Jesus Christ. And you MUST repent! (And oh! - how the Jews will quake and tremble!)

Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Jew News 37 Comments [4/22/2014 3:04:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100646

Whether one looks at the impossibly vague Tao and the deedless wu-wei of Taoism, or at the naïve altruism and formalistic categorical imperative of Confucianism, or at the escapism and ethical simple-mindedness of much of Buddhist thought (the Eightfold Path, for example, has a compelling force roughly equivalent to that of the Boy Scout Law), one is not surprised at the inability of these viewpoints to present any meaningful case for human rights or against a leadership that would slaughter unarmed student protesters.

John Warwick Montgomery, A Critique of Chinese Religious Options 27 Comments [4/22/2014 3:03:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 100640


I went to Planned Parenthood a week ago and spoke to a young girl named Shannon. She had just found out she was pregnant a week and a half prior to coming in. I talked to her about how the father would have felt about the abortion she planned to have, whether her parents were supportive, and why she felt like abortion was the best option. She said she was an honor student and had big plans for her future. She had already picked out what college she would be attending this fall. I shared my story with her as well, and explained to her how similar our circumstances were. She even got to feel my daughter kick and said it was a wonderful experience. After talking to her for about an hour and a half, she agreed to go home and think about her decision harder and talk to her family and the father.

This morning she texted me and said she decided to eliminate abortion as an option. It was one of the best feelings in the world to get that news. She's now leaning toward adoption but she's doing what she can to see if she can keep her child. This is one of the reasons I am proud to be prolife. Not everyone has their hearts set on abortion; they just feel trapped and no one has explained to them the actual process of abortion. No one told her about the adverse effects of abortion. No one told her about how her baby already had a beating heart. This is why I am prolife; because prochoice people aren't going to tell you the reality of abortion. Someone has to give these young women the facts of what they are doing.

voices-for-the-helpless, Fight For Life 37 Comments [4/22/2014 2:59:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100638

Ken Ham of Answers-In-Genesis (which rakes in about $20,000,000 each year) is now undertaking a much bigger cash cow project in Kentucky, aka, a Noah's Ark Theme Park (priced at $73,000,000 to construct). The plan is to built a life-size replica of the ark. The project is being privately funded and is for the intended purpose of PROFIT!!!

To me, it is incredibly ironic in these End Times of the Last Days that a life-size ark is being built amidst one of the most wicked cultures in human history. What irony! Genesis 6:5, “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” The world has always been a wicked place (1st John 5:19), but technology is allowing mankind to go into the depths of Satan, resurrecting the days of Noah!

Hollywood megastar celebrity, Charlie Sheen, stars in one of the most sexually-perverted shows ever to crawl on screen titled, “Anger Management.” “Anger Management” broke a ratings record with 5.74 million viewers on its series debut night, which ranks as the most-watched sitcom premiere in cable history. The shameful sitcom is morally filthy, a continuous flesh pot of dirty-mindedness, sleaze, sexually suggestive talk and lasciviousness. In real life, Sheen has publicly boasted of fornicating with over 5,000 women! No one should ever brag about committing sin, but it shows why the Anger Management sitcom is so lewd, filthy and ungodly, that is, Charlie Sheen DOESN'T fear God. Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.” If men don't fear God today, THEY WILL THE SECOND THAT THEY PASS INTO ETERNITY AT PHYSICAL DEATH. If you don't fear God now, you will, YOU WILL!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 49 Comments [4/21/2014 3:18:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 100637

The Democrat Hillary Clinton majorly flinches when a woman threw a shoe at her. The Republican George W. Bush didn't flinch when a shoe was thrown at him! Hillary is not fit to be in the Oval Office in 2017!

Conservative, Conservapedia 45 Comments [4/21/2014 3:18:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 100636

[The "Editor's Note" is in the original, as are all the italics and such]

Editor's Note: If you are unfamiliar with the terminology, "egalitarian" refers to people who reject the idea that husbands are to lead and wives are to submit. They also affirm female pastors.

I have yet to meet a (staunch) egalitarian who cares in the slightest what Scripture actually says. (there are a few egalitarians who simply need to be informed, but they aren't staunch about it).

What I have encountered is a lot of egalitarians who care deeply what Scripture is supposed to say.

Specifically, Scripture is supposed to say (and mean) exactly what Feminism teaches. How else will they maintain their precious cultural respectability? Not surprisingly, egalitarians are (frequently) the same folks who have suddenly discovered that Paul wasn't talking about loving, caring homosexual relationships in Romans 1, and just in time. It was about temple prostitutes, you see. When Paul said that God gave them up to "dishonorable passions," and they in turn "gave up natural relations," that was just rhetorical flair. Sometimes the Holy Spirit gets carried away.

Do all egalitarians embrace the abomination of homosexuality? Of course not. By the grace of God, some of them are inconsistent.

But the underlying way of reading Scripture is the same. If you embrace the trajectory of liberating oppressed groups, then there are all sorts of arguments for both homosexuals and women fitting that criteria. The real story is that the apostles were trying to move us to a place where men and women, homosexuals and heterosexuals can all live in acceptance and tolerance. Perhaps there could be some Kum by Ya in there somewhere.

And, as we've already discussed, the fact that Scripture says the opposite (I Timothy 2 & 3, I Peter 3, Eph 5, etc.) isn't a problem for these folks because, again, there don't seem to be any staunch egalitarians who care what Scripture actually says. They only care what Scripture is supposed to say. But who knows? Maybe they're out there. Maybe there are staunch egalitarians who care what Scripture actually says. Maybe they're at 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

Let me know if you find one.

Tim Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 22 Comments [4/21/2014 3:18:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
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