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Quote# 100941

Jesus wasn't a Jew. He was a Hebrew prophet who was totally opposed to the satanic cult that took over the Holy land. Jesus called them the "synagogue of Satan".

What are Jews? Anyone who is attached to the satanic cult with the spirit of the devil within just like a black hole sucking in energy. Many people who call themselves "Christians" are actually Jews in spirit and support the satanic cult.

There are nice Jews on the surface like "Jews for Jesus" but they are still a part of the satanic cult, the religion of the devil and the anti Christ. The ones at the apex of the pyramid like the Rothschilds are totally dedicated to evil and the spirit of Satan.

Seek The Truth, Real Jew News 32 Comments [5/13/2014 3:26:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100939

Look what is happening all over the world, since the USA (read: animals such as the bankers Schiff, Berman, Warburg, Rothschild, and others) are on the forefront, SO killing, murder, corruption, pedo/homo sexuality and all satanist expression is exploding in society we live in.

Is there no one who can (or will) say, "Stop it!"

This must come to an violent end in which the sons and daughters of Jacob will bear the brunt.

In the end, there will be a new Jerusalem with people form all nations and tribes, but almost no Israelites from the 12 tribes, as our God said: Get people form the junctions and from the fields and bring them in MY home and throw them OUT.

Jean, Real Jew News 24 Comments [5/13/2014 3:26:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100935

I knew a gal that was possessed. We thought she was saved but apparently not. She got into Ouija board with her sister and her behavior began to slowly change. She went from not feeling like attending church anymore to outright hating God and Christians over the course of about a year. My brother went to pray for her and she fell on the floor and started howling these eery sounds - it did not sound like her voice at all. It sounded like a man's voice. Her hands turned into the hands of a 100 year old woman, gnarled and her fingers twisted around but she was only 40 at the time - those were not her hands and that was not her voice. I worked in healthcare for about 15 years and was around lots of mentally ill people. Their physical appearance and voices did not change in that manner. People with the gift of discernment can usually easily tell the difference between mental illness and evil.

HisVessel, raptureready 34 Comments [5/13/2014 3:23:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 100934

Trans-Neptunian objects may have formed from water, rock and mud ejected into space at the beginning of the Global Flood on earth, a creation scientist announced yesterday.

Walter T. Brown, of the Center for Scientific Creation in Phoenix, Ariz., contacted the Creationism Examiner yesterday (May 3) to inform him of his new hypothesis. He had begun to suspect an earthly origin for trans-Neptunian objects years ago. But he hesitated to declare this on account of the implications for the likely mass of the earth before the Global Flood broke out.

“I cringed even to consider an earthly origin for trans-Neptunian objects,” he said. “Even now I hesitate, because it means the subcrustal ocean, that broke open at the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, was even deeper than I thought. I had guessed it was ten miles deep to the ground. Now I must consider that it was deeper still.”

Brown refers here to his Hydroplate Theory. According to it, the earth once had a subcrustal ocean, ten miles below ground and three quarters of a mile deep. The crust ruptured, and the subcrustal water, under pressure and critically hot, rushed out. This caused the Flood, and the seam where the breakout occurred persists as the Mid-Oceanic Ridge system on the ocean floor.

Walter T. Brown, Conservative News and Views 38 Comments [5/13/2014 3:18:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 100933

Is anybody aware June is Gay and Lesbian Pride Month?
....I wasn't until I googled it after reading that the library where I work is setting up a display for that very subject. Bill Clinton named the month of June to be Lesbian Gay Pride back in June 2000. The library where people bring their children in and where the elderly population go to hope to escape from everyday life by reading a good book. But don't dare say "Merry Christmas" or set up a display of the Manger. Simply disgusting!!! . Lord Jesus, please come now and get us! We, Your Children, do not belong in this world.

sherrid, Rapture Ready 28 Comments [5/13/2014 3:18:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 100932

Separation of church and state is a myth made up by our government to control the people. Why don't you find where it talks about separation of church and state is in the U.S. Constitution. It's not there. Find out where it came from then you'll understand that it's a false law. Until you know you really shouldn't comment on the topic of separation of church and state.

OrlandoStrongman, SodaHead 23 Comments [5/13/2014 2:52:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: PansexualPanther

Quote# 100931

1) Science and technology are two dead things that can be given life when
the consciousness reach a high degree of evolution so it is not due to the
physical aspect that we evolve.
Our far ancestors had the same elements to develop technology but they
could not just because the degree of consciousness was very low.
2) Gregor Mendel spend over 10 years of his life just on one experiment.
To know a little bit about genes you got to study for years and years at the uni.
In both cases one very important thing is missed and that is the fact that
genes are a reflection of the degree of consciousness that we have.
You can be an expert in causes or and expert in effects.
I choose the first.

Riketto, AtheistForums.org 26 Comments [5/13/2014 2:52:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 100928

“She is a beauty pageant contestant and there’s a lot of provocative, you know, seductive pictures of her that she has put out of herself,” he said. “I believe that if she was at home, and if she had kept to her Orthodox Jewishness, that rape would really probably would not have happened.”

During the protest, Saxton held a sign reading, “You Deserve Rape.” And he shouted at women to “give up your immodest clothing” and “yoga pants are sin.”

“One street preacher said, you know, if you dress like it, you act like it, different things like that, you’re asking for it,” he opined to Vice. “Therefore, you deserve rape. And his last three words I felt like were nice, and I decided to put them on a sign, and go to the event.”

“I believe there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape,” the street preacher added. “If a woman dresses proactively, gets blackout drunk, and is wearing really revealing clothing, then I would say that she is partially responsible for the rape.”

While Vice was filming Saxton, he also preached street sermons lashing out at LGBT people, pornography and evolution.

“The cost that you will have to pay and that anyone else who wants to do this will have to pay is that you won’t have very many friends at all,” he pointed out.

Dean Saxton, Vice 25 Comments [5/13/2014 2:51:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 100925

["post-abortive syndrome doesn't exist ... the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association do not recognize PAS as an actual diagnosis or condition, and it is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR or in the ICD-10 list of psychiatric conditions."]

It's not there for the same reason the Gosnell slaughterhouse went 17 years without an inspection. The acknowledgement of Post Abortive Stress Syndrome (PASS) by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association would impact a mother's 'right' to kill her unborn son or daughter. Political concerns within these associations often result in the real impacts of human abortion being swept quietly under the rug. [...] Remember, these mothers have come to the realization that they have KILLED their once living children. Don't delude yourself into believing that it's 'just regret' and has no lasting mental health impacts. At least face the reality of what you advocate for.

Abortion kills one and wounds another.

cultureshift, In Defense of the Defenseless 28 Comments [5/12/2014 3:18:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100924

["Pro-Choicers don't bomb maternity wards. And we don't stand outside of OBGYN pleading with women to have abortions."]

Instead, they lie back and spread their legs in front of their children's abortionist who plucks their arms and legs from their tiny bodies while still alive. Or perhaps they expose their unborn children to poisons that cut their supply of oxygen rich blood, suffocating them to death. And they do this thousands of times a day. And they believe that this somehow makes them better than those who protest these depraved acts.

cultureshift, In Defense of the Defenseless 27 Comments [5/12/2014 3:18:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 100921

["Thoughts on pro choicers who become midwives/OBs? Do you think that they can do the job as well as someone who actually values the baby's life?"]

Consider this: would you want someone to babysit your toddler who had killed thousands of other toddlers and planned to kill thousands more in the years to come? For the same reason, I would never want a pro-choice OB/GYN to touch my unborn child. If you are pregnant and Pro-Life, you should never go near a pro-choice OB/GYN.

["What if the pro choice OB or midwife doesn't perform abortions? Are they still trustworthy to deliver babies?"]

Knowing that they believe that an unborn child should be killed ‘on demand and without apology’, how can you know that they would do everything possible to save an unborn child’s life if everything possible needed to be done? How do you know that they wouldn’t simply tell the mother of that child that she should abort because it’s the easier and less expensive option?

You can’t know. That’s why I would never let a pro-choice OB/GYN near my unborn child. Never.

cultureshift, In Defense of the Defenseless 24 Comments [5/12/2014 3:17:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 100920

["People have the right to decide what happens to their bodies."]

Then why are you taking the choice away from the unborn baby?

in-the-right, In the Right 23 Comments [5/12/2014 3:17:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100914

After 9/11, Bush squandered a good opportunity on what HAD to happen: namely, bombing Mecca and Medina, securing the Saudi oil fields, and annexing Saudi Arabia and disemboweling Islam head to toe. Basically removing the entire religion from the face of the earth. He failed.

Wyatt Junker, WhereLibertyDwells 53 Comments [5/12/2014 3:13:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Elie

Quote# 100913

Abubakar Shekau, militant leader of Boko Haram in a video about young girls he abducted:

In a video, he states that the girls should not have been in school in the first place, but rather should get married

"God instructed me to sell them, they are his properties and I will carry out his instructions," he said.

Abubakar Shekau, BBC article 38 Comments [5/12/2014 3:11:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Old Crow

Quote# 100909

[Mrs. Braverman defends a junior high school's sexist dress code that bans certain kinds of girls' pants that are "too tight."]

"Why should we have to dress differently just because the boys are distracted?" runs the tired yet familiar line from parents and teens. "Let them just control themselves."


Yes, everyone needs to learn self-control. But basic human nature can't be changed. It boils down to a simple idea that can't be repeated often enough. "If you don't want to be treated like an object, don't dress like one." It's not sexism; it's reality.


When they get married, our daughters won't want their husbands staring at another woman in those pants. And their husbands won't want another man staring at their wife.

Junior High isn't too early to teach this lesson and to encourage a sense of self among males and females that reflects character and not physicality. Let's get the "too tight" pants, "too short" skirts, "too provocative" blouses out of the way so that their true beauty can shine through and the serious learning can occur.

Emuna Braverman, Aish.com 40 Comments [5/12/2014 3:04:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 100905

[This person wrote this letter in response to an invitation to their sister Rebecca's wedding to the non-Jewish Mike.]

I was recently thinking about the fact that the only reason either of us is Jewish today is thanks to the courage and determination of our ancestors who, for 3700 years, withstood persecution, abuse, and threats of death so that one day they would have a Jewish great-great-great granddaughter named Rebecca. Your very existence is a testament to their sacrifices, to their devotion to the Torah, to their intense prayers that their descendants would stay loyal to Judaism.

You, Rebecca, are the fulfillment of all their dreams. A Jewish descendant! A Jewish descendant with a strong Jewish identity, no less! You, Rebecca, are the link in the chain between your ancestors and your descendants. You are the link in the chain between our family's past and our family's future.

According to statistics, if you marry mike, there is only a one in ten chance that your children will even identify as Jews. If you marry Mike, there is almost no chance that your grandchildren will be Jewish.

If you marry Mike, the dreams of thousands of our ancestors will die on your wedding day.


I love you. I admire and am very fond of Mike. But if you marry Mike, as difficult as it will be for me as well as for you, I will not be able to attend your wedding. I could not attend your wedding because, as Jews, what would happen on your wedding day would not be a happy event. It would be a tragedy of historic proportions.

Anonymous, Chabad 39 Comments [5/11/2014 4:38:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 100887

[This is from an article on how to "witness" in front of abortion clinics.]

There are two schools of thought regarding the use of signs outside abortion clinics. Some believe using graphic images of aborted babies, focusing on the death of the child, is a good visual deterrent for those who are entering abortion clinics. Others believe high quality images of living, preborn children are a more effective and less offensive visual deterrent.

Both schools of thought have merit. The decision whether or not to use signs, and what kind of signs to use, is a matter of conscience and therefore up to the individual.

A third option for those who wish to carry signs outside abortion clinics is to produce signs that have text, with no images. Appropriate pithy sayings or Bible verses can make for very effective signage.

Signs can be very effective tools in both pleading with people not to kill their unborn children and communicating truth in a limited amount of time.


In addition to citing Scripture, here are some short phrases one can quickly communicate to those walking into abortion clinics:

- "There are alternatives to killing your baby."
- "Give me your baby. Allow your baby to live and I will help you find a family to adopt your child."
- "You know this is wrong, for God has given you a conscience."
- "God hates murder. Please don't kill your baby."
- "God knows your child. He knit your child together in the womb."
- "Please do not kill your baby. He or she has been created in the image of God."
- "Please don't sin against God this way. You will stand before Him to give an account for what you are about to do."
- "You are making a choice. You are ending a life. You are killing your baby."
- "You do not stop being a mother after you kill your baby. You will always be a mother."


Most abortions are selfish acts of convenience. Abortion is an act of self-love in which mothers and fathers put the love of self before their love for God and other people -- especially their unborn children.

Tony Miano, CARM 40 Comments [5/11/2014 3:23:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 100884

[Gianna Jessen claims to be the survivor of a failed saline abortion that her teenage single mother got when she was 7 months pregnant.]

She [Jessen] also remembers a tremendous fear of fire. "I think that was the result of what had happened," she says. "A saline injection abortion effectively burns you in your mother's womb."


"My mother made a decision that she thought affected only her, and yet every day I bear the result of that decision through my cerebral palsy," she says. "I'm not saying that in condemnation, but in truth.

"It's more comfortable for people to think of abortion as a political decision, or a right. But I am not a right. I am a human being. I am the reality. Gently I put the question, if abortion is about women's rights, then where were mine? There was no radical feminist screaming for my rights on that day."

Gianna Jessen, The Telegraph 28 Comments [5/11/2014 3:22:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 100857

Pat Robertson told a 700 Club viewer today that he has “grounds for divorce” because his wife is not having sex with him regularly, speculating that she was “molested as a child” and needs serious psychological counseling.

The viewer told Robertson that he has “only been intimate with my wife a handful of times” and that “she has no interest in the bedroom,” adding: “I believe the Bible says withholding sex is wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex and wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.

Pat Robertson, Right Wing Watch 33 Comments [5/10/2014 4:15:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 44
Submitted By: michael3ov

Quote# 100720

Someone says to Ralph: "don't try to tell me that Atheism is the influence of Satan"

Ralph's response: "You told me not to try to tell you that Atheism is influenced by Satan. I will tell you exactly that. Let me ask you something, where do those atheist get their morals from? If there is no God, then we are just animals, why would we have morals? Why not let the powerful do what they want, no one could stop them anyway, let the weak die. Why tell the truth unless it serves your purposes? Do you see my point, what are morals?"

Ralph, Behind the Badge 39 Comments [5/10/2014 4:14:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 30
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 100315

1st - Theists think that they can impose their ways of life on others because of a belief that is completely un-provable to the rest of us.

2nd - Do you show respect for racists and misogynists? No, you show contempt and ridicule. This is the only response appropriate for theists. You have a history of fascism (see any part of history), genocide (see almost any part of history) , and the opposite of human progress (see middle east for very clear reference). You stand behind this view because we can't disprove fairies, unicorns, and other transcendent beings? Come on. Theists will never garner respect unless they can convey to other groups why others must suffer at their stupidity. The correct answer is not "well, I have faith and you can't disprove it".

Atheists never hurt in the name of atheism. We just wish the rest of you would grow out of your imaginary friends.

soulsearching, reasonable faith  50 Comments [5/10/2014 4:14:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 100881

Speaking at the Pastor for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored by Pro-Life Mississippi, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court declared that the First Amendment only applies to Christians because “Buddha didn’t create us, Mohammed didn’t create us, it was the God of the Holy Scriptures” who created us.

“They didn’t bring the Koran over on the pilgrim ship,” he continued. “Let’s get real, let’s go back and learn our history. Let’s stop playing games.”

He then noted that he loves talking to lawyers, because he is a lawyer who went to “a secular law school,” so he knows that “in the law, [talking about God] just isn’t politically correct.” He claimed that this is why America has “lost its way,” and that he would be publishing a pamphlet “this week, maybe next” that contained copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, thereby proving that all the people “who found this nation — black, white, all people, all religions, all faiths” knew that America was “about God.”

Chief Justice Moore later defined “life” via Blackstone’s Law — a book that American lawyers have “sadly forgotten” — as beginning when “the baby kicks.” “Today,” he said, “our courts say it’s not alive ’til the head comes out.”

“Now,” he continued, “if technology’s supposed to increase our knowledge, how did we become so stupid?” Discussing Thomas Jefferson’s use of “life” in the Declaration of Independence, he said that “when [Jefferson] put ‘life’ in there, it was in the womb — we know it begins at conception. Why aren’t we going the right way instead of the wrong way?”

He later said that “you can’t be happy unless you follow God’s law, and if you follow God’s law, you can’t help but be happy.”

“It’s all about God,” he continued. “We’ve made ‘life’ a decision taken by man,” he said, and “taken ‘liberty,’ and converted it to ‘licentiousness. We’ve taken ‘pursuit of happiness,’ and reduced it to materialism.”

AL Chief Justice Roy Moore, Raw Story 32 Comments [5/10/2014 4:13:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 49
Submitted By: Aspergus

Quote# 100880

The sultan of oil-rich Brunei has announced the introduction of tough Islamic criminal punishments, pushing ahead with plans that have sparked international condemnation and rare domestic criticism of the fabulously wealthy ruler.


But 67-year-old Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah – one of the world's wealthiest men – said in his decree that the move was "a must" under Islam, dismissing "never-ending theories" that sharia punishments were cruel in comments clearly aimed at detractors.

"Theory states that Allah's law is cruel and unfair but Allah himself has said that his law is indeed fair," he said.

The initial phase beginning on Thursday introduces fines or jail terms for offences ranging from indecent behaviour, failure to attend Friday prayers, and out-of-wedlock pregnancies.

A second phase covering crimes such as theft and robbery is to be implemented later this year, involving more stringent penalties such as severing of limbs and flogging.

Late next year, punishments such as death by stoning for offences including sodomy and adultery will be introduced.

[Bolding mine]

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, The Guardian 27 Comments [5/10/2014 4:13:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 100879

Cops should patrol the streets night after night, blowing the brains out of any drunks they encounter. After all, they want oblivion. They want not to think, not to feel, not to care about their fellow human beings. Give 'em what they want: oblivion.

SpectralTime, MGU 23 Comments [5/10/2014 4:07:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: Captain Lhurgoyf

Quote# 100878

Are You Taking God's Name in Vain?

You say, "Well, my word! I wouldn't take God's name in vain!" You just did! John 1:1 says that "the Word" was GOD! Satan tricked you, didn't he? You need to CONFESS to God that you've been taking His name in vain, and you need to REPENT of this sin!

"Well, my goodness!", you say. If you are saved then your "goodness" is none other than God Himself (Psalm 144:2). You just took His name in vain again. You have no goodness of your own (Isa. 64:6; Rom. 3:23; Psa. 39:5), so "my goodness" is a reference to God!

"Good grief! I had no idea!" There you go again! Jesus Christ was a man of sorrows and acquainted with GRIEF (Isa. 53:3). His grief was "good" grief because He bore your sins. You should show more reverence and respect for your Saviour and quit throwing God's word around too loosely.

"For crying out loud! Can't I say anything?" How about reading your Bible for a change?! Matthew 27:46 says that when your Saviour was suffering on the cross He "cried with a loud voice." What's your logic in using such speech? Could it be that Satan is just having a good laugh at your ignorance and disrespect of God's word?

"Well, geeeeeeee!" Did you say "G", as in "GOD"? Yes, you certainly did! You've also said "Gosh" and "Good Golly"! You've also said "Jeepers Creepers" when you really wanted to say "Jesus Christ" (JC!). You've also played around with the letters "G" and "D" together. You said "dad gum" and "dog gone" when you really wanted to say "God" and then follow with the word "damn". Think about it, Christian! Is God pleased with this kind of speech?

Those Four-Letter Words!

You probably wouldn't think of using the word "damn" too loosely, but what about "darn" and "dang"? Do they not serve the same purpose? Is Satan not pleased to fill your mouth with such speech?

"Why, heck!" Look out there! God knows your heart, and he knows you really wanted to say "hell".

Down south folks say, "Ah, shoot!" This is nothing more than a cheap way of saying "s " Again I ask, is God pleased with this sort of speech? Is this "sound speech, that cannot be condemned"? I think not!

James L. Melton, BIBLEBELIEVERS.COM 65 Comments [5/10/2014 4:07:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 39
Submitted By: Chris
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