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Quote# 100877

In beach destination places that attract tourists, like Florida, California and Hawaii, or any hotel that has a swimming pool, you're going to see nudity. The skimpy two-piece bathing suits that immodest women wear these days are totally useless, being paper-like. Some women even wear flesh colored bathing suits to make it look as though they're completely nude. Women wear white panties (bathing suits) that are completely see through, showing the separation in the buttocks. I mean, you can see through the underwear. These women are standing in line at the front desk and you're standing in line behind them, trying to maintain a clean mind. The only answer is PRAYER (Luke 22:40). Evil women enjoy seeing decent and godly man sweat, get nervous, have a hard time emotionally in the presence of a lewd woman without discretion; but their day of judgment is coming, they're damnation slumbereth not, they are already condemned by God for taking their clothes off in public.

Most women laugh and scorn at the teaching of modesty and appropriate clothing for women, but these are the same wicked fools who fornicate and end up in an abortion clinic, blaming God for their problems. Public nudity is a horrible sin, which causes lasciviousness. Whereas Adam and Eve respected God enough to run and hide in their public nakedness, idolatrous women today revel in it as a sport. Women take off their bras at the beach, deliberately wear transparent clothing, having no regard for morality. One of the most wicked businesses ever opened is HOOTER'S restaurant chain, featuring big-busted women in skin-tight, skimpy, t-shirts to seduce the customers. It is so evil. God curse America!!! Some men chuckle and act like it's good clean fun. God is not humored. Hooter's is wicked, far from God. I heard a man say that he only goes to Hooters for the spicy chicken-wings. I'll die before you find me in a HOOTERS.

It's a sport to them to cause lust and lasciviousness. Those business owners and women ought to be arrested for public indecency and put in prison. Americas have gotten so bad that women are without any discretion. Proverb 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.” You may not care, but God still does. Strippers, nudists and whorishly clothed women will be sorry on Judgment Day (Hebrews 9:27).

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 51 Comments [5/10/2014 4:06:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 100875

When police yell at people, it is considered necessary; but when a husband yells at his wife or children, he is considered abusive. The reason is that America is a Godless nation, which does not recognize a man's authority over his wife in the marriage, and increasingly neither over his children in the home. Genesis 3:16 says...

"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

Husbands are not allowed anymore in today's heathen American society to Biblically “rule over” their own wives. Women in America have to a large extent become sassy, arrogant and rebellious against masculine authority, particularly in the home. This is the Devil's work of feminism. This is why divorce is so commonplace. This is why women have entered church pulpits all across America teaching false doctrines. This is why American society is saturated today with whorishly dressed women with imprudent character and lewd conduct.

The way most American women dress is a disgrace. Even professed Christian women dress and act shamefully. I recently visited a Baptist church in my area. Most of the women in the church were wearing pants, swinging their hips to the contemporary music while clapping their hands. It was a sad sight. And they call this “worship.” The woman in front of me was moving her hips forward and backward, and every time she went forward the slacks she was wearing revealed the outline of her buttocks. The woman next to her was wearing pants and kept swinging her hip from one side to the other while clapping. This is sinful worldliness in the church. I won't go back. Do you know what the problem is? Apostate pastors who don't teach their congregation holy living and are afraid to preach against the sin of immodestly dressed women. As with everything else in this sin-cursed world, the love of money is the root of all evil. You can't even go to church anymore to escape the pollutions of the sinful world. The love of money is the reason why pulpits are silent today.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 55 Comments [5/9/2014 3:51:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 100868

At the risk of sounding homophobic, a word conjured up like anti- semitism, to allow certain privileged groups to get away with murder , our own growing mountain of evidence shows clearly that gay 'marriage ' has lead to gay 'adoption' allowing homosexuals access to children as an alternative to lowering the age of consent. Something the extreme gay lobby had been pushing for many years but could not get into 'LAW'.

Despite homopaedo rings being rounded up regularly after endless reports on abuse of young boys the political and legal fraternities are still pushing forward legislation giving ever more rights to a group whose ultimate goal is having easy access to young boys almost with state approval. It also looks like Tony Blair who aided and abetted the European Court of Human Rights structure which defends the homosexual agenda, has forgotten that children more than gays need the protection of the law and that people have every right to openly state concern that gay rights has led to a proliferation of homopaedophilia.

Even the gay leaning press fail to report are that homosexuals are attacking young 'boys' and not as they report 'children'. This to have us believe the widespread increase in attacks are from the mass of the heterosexual population when in fact there is grave under reporting of homopaedophilia and female paedophilia that ensures the NWO agenda undermines heterosexual males while giving precedence to radical feminist and homosexual ideologies that tramp on the rights of the adult male population who are the ultimate protectors of children and whose rights are also being set aside to assist a creepy satanic system of power and control via freemasonry.

The media, as ever, have played a major part in cajoling the SHEEPLE into this mindset and were large sections of the media are now run and controlled by gays with an agenda that increasingly sidelines the heterosexual male / child bond that is the only assurance of child protection, as homosexuals have taken over the running of social services sanctioned by a state hell bent on allowing homopaedophilia to rapidly increase and with people scared to raise their voices for fear of being branded homophobic. It is time for men to stop this nonsense and take control back from the scum,vermin and weirdo's that masquerade in fancy dress to dictate policy that is placing ever more children in danger thanks to their very warped perspective of what is morally correct.

From the decriminalization of homosexuality ever more laws are being produced to allow them to get preference in society and you have to ask how many of those legislators hide behind a mask of respectability but who are in fact closet gays with a similar appetite for our young boys and men? TIME TO STOP AT A STROKE THE RISE OF THE PERVERTS IN OUR MIDST.

International Mens Organization, Intmensorg.info 23 Comments [5/9/2014 3:40:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 100867

[Comment on article about clashes between government and pro-Russian forces in Odessa]

The West WANTS not just civil war but world war - just as it did in 1914 and 1939. It is the only way out of capitalist crisis which despite all the nonsensical boasting about "recovery" is in catastrophic failure. As soon as the fraudulent conjuring trick of Quantitative Easing implodes things will be even more disastrous than 2008 (the worst collapse in all history - Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England). We need a revolution

DonH, The Guardian 22 Comments [5/9/2014 3:38:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 100866

[Comment on article describing daily life in North Korea]

To be honest ... apart from the food shortages, I'm not sure how it's any worse than life in the UK. Where are the slums and the ghettos? Judging by those photos, I'd guess that working class people in the UK have it worse. At least the North Koreans have solidarity and they all feel part of society. Over here, some people are just left to fend for themselves. They're sufficiently embittered by being spat on and treated like dirt that they take out their anger on even their own families. And that leads the one the highest rates of family breakdown in the whole world. Most people would rather have friends, family and community than a few fancy gadgets which probably take the richness out of life anyway.

Eclipso, The Guardian 34 Comments [5/9/2014 3:38:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 100865

"Gun shop owner faces death threats for planning to sell ‘smart gun’ in Maryland"

Gun rights activists contend the smart gun violates their right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Raymond said he received death threats among the hundreds of phone calls protesting his decision to sell smart guns.

“You’re going to get what’s coming to you,” was among the messages he received, Raymond said.

“They told my business partner they would burn down the shop. I try to be reasonable with people but I guess I made a mistake.”

The Oak Tree Gun Club near Los Angeles said it would sell the “smart guns” this year but the weapons were removed from shelves after protests and threats from gun advocates. The club owners later denied they ever planned to sell them.

Raymond said he planned to sell the German-made guns initially “on principle” because he believed in the right of gun ownership.

“You have freedom,” he said. “It shouldn’t be compromised.”

Gun Rights Terrorists, Raw Story 35 Comments [5/9/2014 3:33:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 100862

If you consume breast milk, regardless of the species, you’re an overgrown baby.
And now I know why they cry and throw tantrums when they come across a vegans blog.
Carnists are just overgrown babies.

sassysullycat, Tumblr 26 Comments [5/9/2014 3:32:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 31

Quote# 100861

Vegan:why would you eat an egg?
Meat-head:because it's my opinion to like eggs or not!
Vegan:what about the chickens opinion?

someveganbitch, Tumblr 41 Comments [5/9/2014 3:32:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 38

Quote# 100856

OK, those of you who claim to be raised by Single Mothers & are be "perfectly normal" --the very fact that you are reacting with such hostility & vile towards the Universal truth that a child needs both a psychologically healthy mom & dad -- goes to show that you're not as normal as you claim to be. And yes Gays don't produce animals, and if homosexual behavior exists in animals it's because of lack of availibility of the opposite sex.
So Sorry -- whether you like it or not, homosexuality is A WHITE WESTERN INVENTION & it's being used as the lasest weapon of Western Imperialism on the rest of the world.

Charlie Wilson, RT 31 Comments [5/9/2014 3:29:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 43

Quote# 100855

(referring to TV show Dance Moms)

You are not right with God if you watch this trash and allow your kids to watch this trash. This is soft pornography. The girls are called “pint sized divas” in the video. They're little hussies in training, preparing for the strip clubs. That's where most dancers end up to start their career, hugging a strip pole til wee hours of the morning. It's a sad day in the United States!

Instead of playing with dolls and baking cookies at that age, these poor girls are gyrating their crotch for the world to see. American society has deteriorated to something much worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. The average aerobics class these days is a whore show. Women dress whorishly and let it all hang out, bending over for every man to lust upon. We've lost respect the sacredness of the human body in America. Women have become nude, lewd, rude and crude.

David J. Stewart, Jesus-is-Savior.com 35 Comments [5/9/2014 3:15:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 100854

For 23 years I wanted to be in the Soviet Union,” said a 35-year-old miner who gave his name only as Sergey. Asked why, he said: “I don’t want to live with gays.” Later, Sergey, who came to the demonstration with his wife and son, stood among the crowd with a rock in his hand.

Sergey, Washington Post 21 Comments [5/9/2014 3:15:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 100852

Now I don’t think that cancer is definitely a judgement from God. But it does show a lot of judgement signs. Most of the people out there hate God, they will not serve him and let him reign over them, would not God heal and clean them?! Yes, but they don’t want him, they want no part of it! So they use their chemo therapy to middle finger God, and his judgements. Thus they may be increasing Gods judgement, like I said I’m not fully convinced but I’m pretty sure.

Dean Saxton, Open Air Preaching with Brother Dean 41 Comments [5/8/2014 3:23:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 38
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100848

[I can't serve a God out of fear. Jesus is about love, and this music shows kids that.]

There's nothing wrong with a good holy fear of God. Those who truly love God WILL fear Him. The awesome, knee-shaking fear of God is a theme conspicuously absent from C-Rock music. (See Daniel 10:7-10, Isaiah 6:1-5, Ezekiel 1:28, 3:23, Hebrews 12:18-21, & Revelation 1:12-17). The C-Rock crowd is a perfect picture of what happens to people when there is no fear of God before their eyes.

Psalm 40:3 says our conversion will put a NEW song in our mouth that will cause those who hear it to FEAR! (Does C-Rock do that? They're too busy dancing!)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, (Psalm 111:10). Only by fearing God can we know what true godly love is.

Jeff Godwin, Dial-the-Truth Ministries 47 Comments [5/8/2014 3:22:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

The "some effing stupid opinions" Award.

Clearly there are some flaws in the implementation.

Quote# 100846

This is a rather harsh statement! But I have come to realize a few things that have caused me to conclude that atheists in general (not all) have some effing stupid opinions.

Our Earth, the only one known so far to harbor real life forms like us human beings, is also the only one to harbor gravity. Without gravity we would be floating all around space. I do not think this is an accident. We were meant to habitate this earth, and also meant to stay put on this earth, which I think is the reason God implemented the use of Gravity.

All planets are in essence, suspended, in mid air. There is nothing technically holding us up. This is probably caused by magnetic poles. I do not think this is an accident. We also rotate around the sun which provides us with most of our basic needs we have become used to today.

I honestly do not understand how an atheist or non believer can believe that our existence is by chance. We are complex beings living in a compex world. A complex world that has only been explained to us by geinus scientists who have attempted to understand this complexity that surrounds us. Scientists cannot disprove God or any theory pertaining to him. They seek out to determine simple ways of how our existence came to be. EVOLUTION: A ****in flop..Sorry to who believes in this and the science mumbo jumbo that comes along with it.. we did not evolce from a single cell that developed into a million other complex cells that evenutally led us to evolve from apes. If so, I would surely expect apes to be continually evolving.
The Big Bang theory: this is an idiotic opinion and explanation of our existence. How on earth could our existence come to be from some big cosmic belch in the universe that somehow created all of this order? And besides that WHO created the first molecular cell that could cause such a belch? In our society we are generally used to the concept of architecht and constructor. We have nothing in existence that was not built. Why do people insist that our entire existence and universe is based upon a principle of no designer? That is completely idiotic, and this is why I think most atheists are effing idiots!!

expectingmom7, What to Expect 69 Comments [5/8/2014 3:22:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 78
Submitted By: StealthOctopus

Quote# 100843

[From a year-old post about the anti-gay comments made by ESPN's Chris Broussard, who still works for ESPN as of May 1, 2014; bolding mine.]

An ESPN the Magazine Senior Writer said that homosexuals aren't Christians and that they're living in open rebellion against God (he's right, of course).

Incredible. You can tell that he doesn't care that he's going to lose his job over this. He just committed career suicide to affirm what the Bible says. Amazing courage.

And make no mistake, dear reader: he will be fired. There's no way ESPN will allow him to keep his job after this. If they fired Anthony Federico for what was obviously an honest mistake ("chink in the armor" is a very common idiom), they'll definitely fire Broussard.

Based on what I've seen so far, I would expect that he will rejoice to have been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name (Acts 5:41). This sort of moment is going to come for every Christian in America. Here's hoping that we all have the courage stand up the way that Chris Broussard did.

Tim Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 11 Comments [5/8/2014 3:20:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 100841

What causes mental illness and its various types? The answer lies in demon possession. When a person has mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, psychosis, multiple personality disorder, or has suicidal thoughts, the individual has quite literally "lost their mind" to invading demon spirits.
Demon spirits pray on those who are weak mentally, physically and emotionally. When a person suffers a trauma in their life and they are unable to cope with the trauma mentally and emotionally, a part of their soul chooses not to have that experience and splits off causing "soul fragmentation". This leaves a vacuum or space for demon spirits to reside within the soul and influence the mind and feelings of the person involved.

These demon spirits enter through holes in the aura when the person is emotionally vulnerable and seeks to "escape" their own life. Take for example, marijuana usage in teenagers who are often emotionally troubled and seek to escape the reality of their troubled lives. Taking drugs such as marijuana causes holes to appear in the aura. It is also a form of "escapism" that fragments the soul, leaving the individual open and vulnerable to demon possession. And this is why schizophrenia has been linked to marijuana usage. It is not the marijuana itself that is causing the schizophrenia, it is the invasion of the demon spirit that hi-jacks the soul and mind of the troubled teenager, after they have used marijuana.

This is why we see ordinary young adults stay healthy all their lives - free of schizophrenia - and then all of a sudden have schizophrenia after taking marijuana. It is because they have lost control of their mind due to demon possession.

Severe or more extreme types of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, psychosis are caused by a large number of demon and earthbound spirits entering the soul of the person involved. The person has literally lost control of their soul and mind to malevolent or negative spirits. Major depression, suicide and suicidal thoughts are also caused by demon or earthbound spirits influencing the mind and the emotions of the person's soul they inhabit.

Most people on earth have one or more earthbound or demon spirits within their soul, that has gained entry into their soul either during this lifetime or been carried over from a past life. Yet because demon spirits can only possess a soul according to the degree to which it has chosen to give away control of its soul, most demon possession is only partial in nature and the demon spirit expresses itself through the identity of the human ego. Most people cannot distinguish between what is of their own human ego, which is negative and fear-based in nature, and what is of a demon spirit that has infiltrated their soul under the guise of the ego.

The website mentioned below will give you important tools and information on this subject, information that has been channeled from Jesus Christ and other spiritual beings of Light, to help free you of the clutches of this demonic scurvy that has raged the souls of the people on earth. It is time to take back control of your soul.

Glen Russell, Spiritualist Resources 26 Comments [5/8/2014 3:19:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100840

Oral Roberts, the renown healing evangelists, says that oftentimes he can smell the demon in a person. Perhaps no one else can smell it at the time, but he can

Tom Brown, Tom Brown Ministries 20 Comments [5/8/2014 3:19:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100839

ALL sickness is related to satan. Our sinful nature has lead to death, which brings in sickness, disease, and all sorts of deformities among mankind.

Before sin entered the world, we had none of this.

So, is Epilepsy COULD be considered a form of demonic activity, but basically, it's the result of sin in the world....

NOT THE SIN OF THE INDIVIDULE, just mankind altogether.

PastorScott, Watchman's Cry 17 Comments [5/8/2014 3:01:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100838

The American Family Association has claimed that by pledging not to discriminate against their customers, Mississippi businesses are ‘bullying’ Christians.

The campaign was born after the state’s Governor, Phil Bryant, signed a ‘religious freedom’ law, protecting businesses who discriminate against gay customers.
The bill prevents authorities from placing a “burden on a person’s right to the exercise of religion”.

Equality Mississippi says in two weeks it has distributed over 500 of the stickers, which state: “We don’t discriminate – If you’re buying, we’re selling!”

AFA spokesman Buddy Smith said: “If you do that, you are agreeing with these businesses that Christians no longer have the freedom to live out the dictates of their Christian faith and conscience.

“It’s not really a buying campaign, but it’s a bully campaign, and it’s being carried out by radical homosexual activists who intend to trample the freedom of Christians to live according to the dictates of scripture.

“They don’t want to hear that homosexuality is sinful behaviour – and they wish to silence Christians and the church who dare to believe this truth.

Benson Hill, president of the Equality Mississippi Foundation, said at their launch: “Through this program, customers will know which companies are dedicated to providing their goods and services to all, without discrimination of any kind.”

American Family Association, Pink News 40 Comments [5/7/2014 3:42:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 37
Submitted By: quinky

Quote# 100837

Seizures may also be a result of demonic activity. Please read Mark 9:16-29. When I was in seminary studies, the common explanation for demonic activity was epilepsy. This explanation appeals to the intellectual mind. This explanation was an attempt to rationalize away evil spirits. We must keep a balance here! All seizures are not demonic in origin. However, many seizures are the manifestations of evil spirits. In counseling, I have seen both. Spiritual discernment is definitely needed at this point (I Corinthians 12:10). When evil spirits are involved, God also gives us some answers. Evil spirits can be bound in the name of Jesus and cast out. "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19). "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17). However, it is extremely important to discover how the evil spirits entered the soul of the individual, cast down the stronghold (II Corinthians 10:5), and shut the door (John 5:14).

Basil Frasure, Whole Person Counseling 25 Comments [5/7/2014 3:41:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 100835

That’s all we knew. A little boy, who was born dumb, who couldn’t speak, Hermanito opened up his throat, pulled out a hairy rock, materialized—I mean, you don’t walk around with hairy rocks in your throat, right? The spirits materialized this, removed it, and that little boy said his first words, ever! My father was assisting in that operation. The doctor himself that I was telling you about, the surgeon with his practice there, he had a hernia operation. My father was there for this one, too. And he was describing in medical terminology, “Yes, I can feel, now, Hermanito. You’ve cut through this layer and that layer. And, yes, you’ve reached it; that’s where the pain was.” I gave him the needle and thread which Hermanito had threaded previously, sewed it up and two hours later the doctor drove himself home, perfectly healed of his hernia. An accountant, who has given me a notarized certificate of his operation, who said, “Yes, I had this huge lump there.” And I had seen it before and he is a personal friend of my family’s. After the operation, the lump was gone.

Johanna Michaelsen, John Ankerberg Wiki 34 Comments [5/7/2014 3:36:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 31
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 100834

the woman was stretched out on a cot on a sheet that she had brought. The spirit took the pair of scissors, raised them in a salute to whatever force he was raising it, plunged them into the woman’s body, cut deeply into the flesh, had me part the cavity to one side. And I could feel the blood pulsing over my hands. Then, Pachita/Hermanito—so you don’t get confused, the spirit—brought out a dirty red handkerchief with a piece of lung. Sometimes we got the parts from cadavers. She had friends in the morgue in town. Sometimes it was animal parts. Frankly, psychic surgeons will tell you, “It doesn’t matter what piece you’re using. It really doesn’t.” But doctors have taken blood samples and verified them to be that of the patients. Something was taking place there. She took this lung, dirty red rag and all, John, and slipped it into the woman’s chest cavity, then passed the hand, his hand, over the woman’s chest and it closed instantly. Not many people knew that that’s what happened. We bound the woman up in a bandage that she had brought, with cotton underneath, gave her instructions for three days, and the woman was healed.

Johanna Michaelsen, John Ankerberg Wiki 24 Comments [5/7/2014 3:36:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 100831

In my opinion, I believe that Obama Care is setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast. Thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I've always been able to see through this man's deception. Before I was saved, I was heavily into studying WWII history and more specifically - I was always interested in the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler. I have seen many similarities between Hitler and Obama. Keep in mind that many Germans viewed Hitler as the coming Messiah to save Germany and they viewed him as a man of peace. There are many red flags for Obama including the Nobel Peace Prize early in his term for doing nothing to deserve it. Some of the American people have called Obama their "Lord" and "Savior", their "Messiah", the "One" etc. The fact that Obama proudly accepts the worship is further proof in my mind that this man is very dangerous. I think Obama is more dangerous than Hitler. It just takes a few minutes of Nuclear War to have a greater death toll than Hitler's 50 million in WWII. A few years ago, I had a strong feeling that when you start to see formerly separate Health care institutions and Police institutions working together to become unified - it's being done for the Mark of the Beast. Whether Obama is THE actual ANTICHRIST as described in the Bible still remains to be seen. I have my suspicions but that's all they are - my suspicions.

Glen, Aliens Revealed 35 Comments [5/7/2014 3:35:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 100829

Over the last number of months, I continue to see a vision of a dark cloud moving over the entire Earth and covering it. I've received this vision so many times that I'm finally writing it out because I'm not sure if it's God giving me this vision or if it's just from me. I repeatedly see a dark cloud coming moving over the whole Earth and turning light into darkness. The cloud casts a shadow as it moves over the Earth. I wasn't going to mention this until I just viewed a video where a fellow sister in Christ described the same thing! This was confirmation for me that I should at least share it. I don't know when the Rapture by Jesus is going to happen but there are increasingly many signs. Things seem to being moving very quickly. The world continues to be on the brink of WW3, there is the real possibility of Economic Collapse, the ObamaCare, the bizarre weather patterns and natural disasters, strange sounds being heard in the sky around the world (i.e. trumphet sounds), fish and animals dying for no apparent reason, increasingly paranormal events that make it seem like the evil forces are being given more freedom than before, etc. Again, I don't know the timing of the Rapture but I will tell you for certain it is going to happen. Furthermore, the signs around us are pointing to any moment. There is absolutely no other event that is necessary for the Rapture to occur. Jesus himself said that He will come "like a thief in the night." First, receive Jesus as your Savior and put all your trust in Him. Second, keep watch for Jesus and pray that we will be accounted worthy to meet Him in the air when He calls us. God bless you all

Glen, Aliens Revealed 26 Comments [5/7/2014 3:35:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 100827

The modern version of Halloween stems from a group of devil worshippers known as Druids. Druids did not invent Halloween, they just helped continue to serve the “lord of the dead” (Samhain) and have done so for over 2,000 years.

I know many Druids and even though there is a small host of these misled souls who rant to the world how they worship the “forces of nature,” that is a lie. True Druid worship involves the conjuring of demonic dark beings like (Samhain) along with the worship of trees, animals and other mythologies and more.

The worse part of their pagan practices and dark rites involves ritual abuse crimes and satanic rites in which they STILL carry out on very real human beings, animals, and Earth in the 21st century.

True practicing Druids, and many practicing occultists in every occult group (which consists of countless predators, globally), are the reason why torture, sexually assault, murder and other vile acts happen during this season of Halloween against humanity.

Many victims of ritual abuse are continuously abused by these vile occultists to constantly remind us that if we “talk” or “expose” what happens in secret, we all will suffer such heinous deaths in ritual manners to their dark, demonic gods like Samhain.

Many ritual abuse victims were murdered; my own twin sister Annette who was too beautiful for this world was murdered in such a ritual. It’s for her and all true Ritual Abuse survivors I continue to speak and expose the hidden side of such occult practices, like Halloween, in spite of the continuous life-threatening ritual abuse I continue to experience by the hands of many practicing Druids and other secret Satanists

Brenda Rivera, Freedom Run Ministries 32 Comments [5/7/2014 3:34:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 28
Submitted By: Tony
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