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Quote# 101924

Even though Rick Santorum came under fire during his presidential campaign for appearing on Bryan Fischer’s radio program, the former senator stopped by Fischer’s show again today to promote his film studio’s new movie, “One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty.” The movie, which was made in conjunction with Fischer’s American Family Association, draws heavily from the right-wing narrative about supposed anti-Christian persecution in America.

Santorum told Fischer that business owners who refuse service to gay customers have been sent to “reeducation camps” and that pastors in the U.S. may soon be thrown into jail or martyred.

The former senator said that conservatives should emulate the intensity of liberal activists and refuse to throw in the towel on gay marriage: “We haven’t even lost yet and the majority of Americans still believe in marriage, and yet our side is willing to fold our tent and go away. We have to understand that this is a war and if we don’t engage in this war we will lose this war.”

Rick Santorum, Right Wing Watch 23 Comments [7/7/2014 3:16:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 101919

Womens’ “liberation” celebrated the bucking of the traditional female sex role paradigm. Instead of creating a new role for themselves, they largely simply tried to adopt the male role instead. To nobody’s surprise, this has resulted in increased female unhappiness, decreased interest from men in traditional relationships and marriage, and the dissolution of the basic family unit on which most of human society has thrived.

Just for a moment, let’s all do a thought experiment together. Before we begin, I hope we can all agree (based on all available science and rational thinking) that sexual dimorphism serves every species of which it is a trait. Each sex has a role to fulfill, which supports and complements the role of the other. This is clearly obvious, yes?

Good. Now let’s imagine for a moment, that all of a sudden, one or both sexes in all sexually dimorphic species decided that their natural role was actually “oppression,” resulting in the complete overthrowing of the system which was fundamental to the survival of the species as a whole. I want you to imagine all kinds of animals doing that…monkeys, horses, birds, dogs, cats…I want you to imagine that all of them suddenly have no idea what to do because they accidentally disengaged from the one thing holding their species together. Imagine some of them are so confused they no longer even know which sex they are, a pattern we are seeing with humans right now.

Now I want you to ask yourself, what would the world look like a day after this transition happened? A week? A month? A year? A decade, century or millennia? Really think about this, close your eyes and imagine the effect this would have on the ecology of the Earth as a whole. Just let your imagination take you wherever it leads and see a world full of confused animals that couldn’t even stay together anymore long enough to support the species in a healthy way.

This, unfortunately, would be the result of a world in which all animals took on a feminist ideology. If you were able to imagine the destruction I hinted at earlier, you might find yourself asking why this wasn’t more obvious to the people who allowed such poison to take hold in our culture to begin with.

That’s a great question, and the answer is that they knew exactly what would happen and specifically injected feminist ideology into our culture in order to speed its decay. If that sounds crazy–which it should–consider that this is exactly what the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion mentioned as a strategy for helping a society destroy itself. Liberal ideology is a very well-crafted mental virus and it is not an accident that it is currently undoing everything that once made our society thrive.

If we don’t stop this nonsense, we are going to “equal” ourselves right into extinction as a species.

themaskandrose, The Mask And Rose 25 Comments [7/6/2014 2:52:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 101914

Should the number 1 be illegal? the number 1e10000? infinity? What about all the numbers in between? If you answered no, congratulations, you just agreed child porn should be legal. An image is nothing but a number, to make a set of images illegal is to make a number illegal.

throwaway147923, Reddit 47 Comments [7/6/2014 2:50:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 101913

Is collëcting knivës usëd in murdërs a crimë?
By dëfinition somëonë had to commit a murdër in ordër for thë collëctor to havë his prizëd possëssion. Howëvër thë collëctor did not commit thë murdër, nor is thërë any rëason to bëliëvë hë wantëd it to bë committëd.
This is an ëvën strongër casë bëcausë knivës typically cost monëy, whilë porn typically doës not. A përson who buys knivës usëd in murdërs is crëating a dirëct ëconomic incëntivë that doësn't ëxist in thë porn scënario. Yët no onë would takë sëriously thë claim that simply having a knifë is ëquivalënt or ëvën analogous to committing a murdër.
What's thë diffërëncë? Simply that child porn is a knëë-jërk moralistic issuë whilë knivës arë somëthing wë approach with rationality and intëllëctual consistëncy.

deleted, Reddit 33 Comments [7/6/2014 2:50:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 101912

Trinity Works, an evangelical group planning an mass “ex-gay” conversion outreach at Twin Cities Pride, recently told a church congregation that it’s outreach workers will cure HIV during Pride.

Trinity Works, in coalition with what it says are 30 Twin Cities churches, is planning “Humility 2014,” an infiltration of Twin Cities Pride by outreach workers hoping to convince members of the LGBT community to leave the “lifestyle” as well as their partners, family, and friends, and become heterosexual born-again Christians. The group even had a failed plan to rent out the Gay 90s as a church during Pride.

The group says it has about 300 outreach workers scheduled for Pride, and those workers will be based at First Baptist Church on Hennepin Avenue along the Pride parade route.

Its leader Steven Uggen told a group gathered in April at The Well, A Living Church in Robbinsdale, that people will be cured of “HIV or AIDS” at the Pride festivities. Uggen says that by healing those with HIV, it will prove to the LGBT community that they should find Jesus and leave “the lifestyle.”

Steven Uggen, The Column 27 Comments [7/6/2014 2:42:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 101911

They didn't come to my bedroom, but I saw them back in 2010. It was in the middle of the woods. I saw a light fly overhead and followed it. I saw it land on top of a hill, and as I made my way up to it, a fear overtook me. I was paralyzed for a moment as I heard the footsteps draw closer. Two beings came to me from either side. They had gray skin and big black eyes that pierced into my soul. I stared into those eyes and I lost consciousness. My next memory is picking myself off the ground. The light was gone and I was alone or so I thought.

I heard a whisper in my ear. The voice spoke about the new age to come. It told me the human race was about to experience a change. It told me the new world order was going to bring peace and understanding to all mankind. I was happy because they told me the aliens would soon come and show us a new way to live. However, I felt fear return. They kept speaking to me.

The voice changed to something dark. It told me such terrible things. It was raspy and full of hatred. It told me my soul would belong to them. It told me to kill myself and join them in another dimension, but I resisted. I laid down in the fetal position as this voice continued to speak. It told me there was no hope and I would burn in everlasting flames. I was so scared and I became hopeless. Time seemed to stand still and I knew there was no escape.

Finally, an idea came to me. I decided to pray to Jesus and I begged him to protect me from this voice. As soon as I did this, the voice changed to something beautiful and angelic. It told me all I had to do was accept Jesus as my lord and savior and he would protect me. I did just that and finally time started moving again. I became a christian that night and gave my life over to Jesus.

I know many won't believe me, but these grays are EVIL. They hate us and want to drag us to the pits of hell. This new world order is the kingdom of Satan manifested on the earth. My advice is to not invite evil into your life, but set your eyes on Jesus Christ, the only one who has power over all the darkness of this world and the one beneath us.

Don't be deceived. The grays are here and they are aligned with Satan. They are the enemy of God and of mankind. They are nothing more than demons and fallen angels. They want to convince us they are aliens who are here to help, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 30 Comments [7/6/2014 2:42:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 101910

I am not anti-Semite in any way. However, I am 100% against the false doctrine of religious Zionism. America does not belong to the Jews, it belongs to the citizens of the United States. Tragically, prominent Jews have usurped control over America's newsmedia, Hollywood, The White House, Congress, the Central Bank, and just about everything else too. It's because certain occult Jews in key positions of power and influence control the money and government. Anyone who has followed Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their campaign trail, has witnessed them both worship the Jewish elite and Israel in an effort to get elected. It's disgusting. God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11).

There's not a more immoral group in America than the creeps who own and operate Hollywood (or should we call it... Holly-WEIRD)? There's something very suspicious going on when the names of hundreds of Hollywood actors are changed to HIDE THEIR TRUE IDENTITY. Even a brief sincere study of Freemasonry will quickly reveal it's roots in the Jewish Kaballah and ancient occult mysticism. This group is commonly referred to informally as "The Illuminati" today.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 36 Comments [7/6/2014 2:41:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 101810

Do you ever want to look at another human being and just say, “Stop it!” Except, before the words leave your mouth, you realize that what you really want the person to do is to stop being himself? Asking a complete ass to stop annoying you is like asking a bird not to chirp or a fish not to swim. No matter how much you try to wish it away, it’s just what he’s chosen to be.

1) The Male Feminist: Maybe no one has informed you of this, but you are a dude. A man is not supposed to be a neutered, pansy-ass, emasculated weenie who trashes his own sex and spouts off lines Gloria Steinem didn’t even really believe when she first said them. Are guys like this trying to impress chicks? Were they brainwashed in a women’s studies class in college? Are they just uncomfortable with the fact that they have a penis? Whatever the case may be, these losers are so irritating that you get the feeling that even most liberal feminists have to choke back the intrinsic revulsion that they feel for these Nancy Boys.

2) Bronies: Grown-ass men do not watch My Little Pony or worse yet, dress like characters from the show and say things like, “Friendship is magic.” Not only is it weird and effeminate, it’s creepy. It’s hard to tell whether these losers are closet pedophiles or have decided to rave about a cartoon show for little girls as part of some sort of psychic rejection of adulthood and manliness. On behalf of everyone who knows you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, let me say, “Being a Bronie is a desperate psychic cry for help from some deep part of your subconscious. Answer it and go see a psychologist, weirdo!”

John Hawkins, Right Wing News 41 Comments [7/6/2014 2:36:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 101264

[Rand Paul visited a yeshiva.]

I think the U.S. is finished.

Jews have won. Did they use their occult powers on him as well as on others?

I hope some Goyim wake up to the national danger — or is it destined?

Irene Bonney, Real Jew News 14 Comments [7/6/2014 2:35:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101904

You are a PUA? I thought you detested the PUAs. I’m an Incel and an Aspie. What do you think of this combination? Have you ever met any incel/aspie combination type people? I’m not extremely socially awkward and not the least bit nerdy but I’m not great with body language and talking to people and so I’ve become an incel. I also get annoyed and irritated when people make inaccurate/ignorant statements about many topics. I don’t have noticeably poor social skills in general and I don’t make visible fuck ups but I tend to avoid eye contact and feel nervous about social contact and avoid all social gatherings.

I really have no opinion of PUAs and don’t detest them because the women they are picking up are mostly sluts anyways, the good girls don’t usually fall for the PUAs. Maybe some do, but that’s inevitable anyways. About living in an oppressive communist regime with less choice, yes I agree. I’ve never considered dating an American girl because I know that 1. An American woman would not want me, as I am not exciting enough to be around and I have no money, and I do not use any social media whatsoever which is seen as weird by American women. I don’t drink alcohol casually or play sports and I don’t like going to parties or clubs but I’m not going to sit in the basement and play Dungeons and Dragons either. I prefer to spend my time reading educational material.
2. I would not like an American/westernized woman. I’m not a male rights advocate but I do believe women should at least be in the kitchen and make some food for their man. I’m not saying they should stay in the kitchen all day, just 3 times a day at minimum for breakfast lunch and dinner. Also they should keep the house clean. For this I prefer Asian women from impoverished countries.
3. She must be a virgin and cannot have had previous boyfriends. No exceptions on this, and I’m not a virgin myself.
4. I’m not a narcissist and I don’t think I deserve a stunning blonde girl straight from the Playboy magazines. I prefer an East Asian/Southeast Asian girl with non-primitive features and a slim figure, although not too slim.

Does this seem over the top?

John, Beyond Highbrow 37 Comments [7/6/2014 2:33:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 101903

I am advocating for Traditional Women’s Rights or patriarchy, unconditional Chivalry by men on behalf of women, and belief in and obedience to a Superior Power. I can be found at the Why I Am Not A Feminist site. I am no longer affiliated with the TWRAs.

Men are the natural leaders of society; they are the natural leaders in marriage, in family life, in religious settings, in work settings, and at all levels of government. Leadership and authority is a fundamental part of the masculine role; it is a fundamental attribute of the man. Masculine leadership’s purpose is to serve the country, to serve the company, to serve the congregation, to serve the man’s wife, to serve women in general as a class, to serve the man’s children, and ultimately to serve God. In short masculine leadership is meant to serve those the man has authority over in accordance with the will of that which has authority over him, that ultimate authority being God.

Masculine leadership is effective in all spheres of life but of particular importance is the sphere of the man’s relationship to woman. Man’s relationship to woman is governed by the ethic of Chivalry; Chivalry is all male behaviors directed towards women meant to provide for and protect women that are based on the man reacting to the woman as a woman. This Chivalrous duty is imposed upon men by God; as such it is a duty owed to all women simply on the basis of the nature of the masculine gender role. There are three general categories of Chivalry; romantic Chivalry which is primary in marriage or in courtship behaviors, community Chivalry which is the man’s relationship to women he is part of the same community with, and public policy Chivalry where a law has a Chivalrous intent. All of these categories of Chivalry are necessary for a society to function well and all represent duties that men owe to women.

Chivalry must always be under the man’s control. This is a basic principle because it is the man who bears the cost of Chivalry and the woman who gains the benefit of Chivalry. As such the man must be the one who decides what his Chivalrous duty entails so that the person who bears the cost of Chivalry is also the one whose purpose or mission is achieved through Chivalry. There needs to be an alignment between bearing the cost of Chivalry and accomplishing the goal of Chivalry so that the provider of the Chivalrous benefit receives the reward they are entitled to for their effort and their noble intent. When Chivalry is under male control, this alignment of reward and effort is in place, leading to a stable flow of resources from men to women. When control of Chivalry is hijacked by women, the Chivalrous effort by the man only leads to the man’s exploitation and victimization. Under such conditions the man’s commitment to Chivalry weakens and the flow of resources from men to women declines. It is this reduction in the flow of resources from men to women which then leads to societal and familial breakdown.

The man is always in a position of authority in relation to women; this is due to the very nature of being a man. The man is always to treat women with a generous and protective spirit since again this is a fundamental part of the man’s relation to woman. In a marriage this means that the man is always the head of his household; he is always the head of his wife. The question is not, is the man the head? He is the head! The question is only how is he leading; is he a competent and responsible and involved head or is he an irresponsible and detached and lazy head. The man’s status within his marriage is fixed; the only question is to what extent he is living up to the duties of his masculine role. The man is responsible for the well being of his family; he is responsible for the well being of his wife and the well being of his children because he has authority over his wife and authority over his children. If the man’s wife or the man’s children are not prospering, it is the man’s responsibility to address the problem and seek to resolve it. Masculinity is taking responsibility; the man asserts authority and then uses his authority to provide for those he has authority over.

The husband has a covenantal relationship to his wife, not a contractual relationship. The marriage relationship is covenantal, not contractual. The husband is the covenantal head of the marriage; he has the leadership duty for the marital unit to be exercised through unconditional commitment to his wife and his children. As Mark Driscoll puts it, “Covenantal thinking says God wants me to become what you need, God wants me to love you as you need, God wants me to serve you as you need, God wants me to invest in you as you need.”

This is the man’s role in society, the man’s duty to women, and the nature of the husband’s role within marriage. All of these roles and duties are fixed; they are derivative of God’s design and they are immutable. They are constant and unchanging regardless of culture or law. They are the inherited status and nature of the man.

Jesse Powell, Sunshine Mary and the Dragon 17 Comments [7/6/2014 2:17:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 101902

i’m a misandrist. that means i hate men. i’m not a cute misandrist. i don’t have a fridge magnet that says, “boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.” my loathing cannot be contained by a fridge magnet.

i am not an equality feminist. i don’t believe that an asymmetrical world will be cured by polite obsequence to male-dominated systems. i am not a liberal humanist. i don’t believe that i need to stand up for men when they’ve been standing on top of everyone else.

misandry is not a political program; it’s a stance. i don’t care whether hating men is a good or bad feminist strategy (and i care even less what men think about misandry). i don’t think i have a responsibility to change the world. i think i have a responsibility to survive.

imagine being born into a world where your experiences are not represented, where your work is undervalued, where your body is always open for comment, where your friends are routinely harassed and abused, and where this situation will literally be your reality for your entire life. if you’re a woman, you don’t have to imagine that world because you already live in it.

if you’re a man, you never have and never will live in that world. but try to imagine what it feels like. i’ll tell you: when i think about the kind of world we live in, i feel simultaneously hopeless and infuriated and i oscillate so quickly between those two emotional extremes that i literally start to get dizzy.

being a woman in this world feels like getting buried alive. think about that. think about feeling that every day.

why do i have to answer the question “why do i hate men?” when men don’t even stop to ask why they have always hated women. i have to answer the question because men can’t tolerate for one second the sort of contempt they’ve had for women for thousands of years.

why do i hate men? because life is short. my life is getting shorter by the day and i want to fill it with women. in this sinking ship of a world, i just want to enjoy a tiny little space, a room, if you will, of my own. i want that room to be full of women and free from ego, hierarchy, sexual advances, and violence. i hate men because i can’t even have that fucking room without them knocking on the walls. you have the entire fucking house. go play in it. find something else to do.

i hate men because it’s not my job to fix masculinity; it’s my job to heal from it and to be together with my sisters as we try to make it through a hostile world. and yet i am expected to patiently educate men on how not to be an asshole. here’s my only tip: stop spending so much time around men. they’re assholes.

i hate men because men hate me and the burden to take the high road should not fall on my shoulders.

i am friends with some men, yes. usually these are men who have some experience of marginalization (whether via their race, class, gender identity, sexual identity, what have you) or who have gone through the self-interrogation and relational deprogramming necessary to build meaningful community with women. you don’t just get to read a book and you’re golden. you have to get fucking baptized in menstrual blood as far as i’m concerned.

i hate men doesn’t mean i hate you. it means i hate your position in this world. it means i’m not obligated to like you. it means i don’t have to talk to you if i don’t want to. it means i get to have my space and i don’t have to dance for you, smile at you, or soothe you. and you can put up with me being wary of you, can’t you, because the world has a fucking red carpet waiting for you wherever you go.

Samantha Allen, Tumblr 54 Comments [7/6/2014 2:17:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: SupremeLady

Quote# 101900

My wife and I went to see Maleficent last month when it came out expecting it to fall in line with the Sleeping Beauty we knew and loved growing up. Almost immediately we sensed that something was not quite right when the movie made King Stephan look like a madman and the villain as abused. Long story short Maleficent gets her wings clipped by King Stephan and is forced to walk the earth as other mortals. Poor Maleficent! Maleficent who puts a curse on Aurora out of jealousy and revenge actually falls in love with Aurora as she grows up in the forest and develops a loving relationship with her. Unable to stop the curse she finds the prince charming who can hopefully give her "true loves first kiss" thus breaking the spell. When the kiss does not work she tells herself that she knew there was no such thing as true love and weeps over Aurora. Bending over she gives Aurora a kiss then turns to walk away. Lo and behold, Aurora awakes! Wow! I guess there is true love!!

What is the meaning of all this?

I believe part of the end time deception may be that Satan will make people believe that he is the one that really cares about the human race all along and that God is the madman who does not really care about us and who is impossible to please. Some people I have talked to say that this fits in with the Luciferian Doctrine.

The world is being primed for this right now through Hollywood.

Forgiven, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [7/6/2014 2:16:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 101899

In the drive to achieve gender equality as dictated by Marxist-Leninist doctrine, extra burdens were placed on the family, and eventually these began to take a demographic toll. Women found themselves increasingly responsible for both work AND family, and men eventually drifted off into irrelevance, drinking and whoring their time away rather than being productive citizens. This goes a good way toward explaining the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent mess Russia is still dealing with.

From observing the trajectory of the Soviet Union, one might come to the conclusion that the United States is facing a similar collapse in a relatively short time that will result in significant economic and political decline.

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 11 Comments [7/6/2014 2:15:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 101898

According to an article in the NYTimes, the East German Communist regime crafted a new, better kind of woman, and today’s unified Germany should learn lessons from the totalitarian police state that was finally toppled along with the Berlin Wall at the end of the Cold War.

Today, women who grew up in Communist East Germany are supposedly more confident, mobile and happier with themselves than those from the West. Additionally, they make almost as much money as men on average, and are far more likely to be working mothers.

According to one working woman quoted in the article, the East was wrong to do such things as chain people to radiators in solitary confinement and force students to spy on each other, but it was better for women all the same. She says that the position of women was far better before the Communist state failed, but now Germany in general is headed in the “right direction” (i.e. becoming more like the Communist regime)[.]

W. F. Price, The Spearhead 10 Comments [7/6/2014 2:15:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 101895

Sex is Not Enjoyable

It is often suggested that the act of sex is enjoyable. This is a great mistake committed by those already initiated into this painful and strip-mining ritual.

Sex like any of the great sins was on its first occurence the cause of nausea and traumatic surprise. Like a boy gulping down his first beer, he doesn't know whether to vomit or to pretend harder that his dizzy head is happy. Smokers will often tell you that their first cigarette was nauseating, and that only with persistence did they eventually like the act. What happens is that when we first try a great sin, it sends all kinds of warning messages to our bodies. We react with reversion. All the pain and suffering associated with that sin can be felt at first. But after several tries, the negative effects of the sin are clouded by the addictive effects of it. Eventually addictive desire drowns out our "blue balls," our nausea, our headache, our feeling of shame and guilt, and the desire to try, try, try again takes over.

boyOur parents or family may have tried to have us sip a beer or cocktail when we were kids. You could remember the feeling if it happened to you. You wanted to vomit it up - you hated it. I remember when I found out that beef was dead cow, and my grandmother scolded me, and I cried and cried. I remember in school how the boys wanted their own area and felt the girls might pass some disease along to them. In kindergarten we had a blue side and a red side, and the students themselves worked to keep themselves separate. I remember our parents wishing we'd watch TV with them, but we were unwilling because there were kissing scenes which nauseated us.

Why is it we could feel so averse then, but willingly corrupt ourselves later?

Just remember, brothers, that if you didn't like something as a kid - if a kid wouldn't do something for fun, then you shouldn't do it for fun now. How else, then would we regain our childhood innocence, purity, and capacity for unbridled joy?

*****The KBH*****

Knights of Banjo Hollow, Knights of Banjo Hollow 38 Comments [7/6/2014 2:14:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 101894

Sorry folks, I do not believe that the majority of women in this country will back Ms. Clinton. She is not very popular with intelligent married women. With the young women, they need to be educated about the Democratic party in reference to the war on women. It just so happens that the Democratic party has declared war on women but their hard left supporters do an exceptional job of convincing the young their party is the savior of all women by promoting the right to abortion at any cost. The truth is Conservatives maintain that Abortions should only be used to save the life of the mother and rape. I think most women would agree with that unless those people have no respect for human life. I contend that to abort a human being born or unborn is considered murder no matter how you look at it. The liberal socialists promote sex anytime, anywhere and with whomever they wish to have sex with. When an accident occurs, have an abortion. This is the Democratic war on women . You young ladies would do well to consider and remember who truly loves women. It's the conservative men who do not put women at risk and in the position that they need to have an abortion That's my take on the war on women issue !!!

Loujr2, Washington Post 16 Comments [7/6/2014 2:13:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 101891

Rabbi Shalom Cohen, Shas’ new spiritual leader, recently came out against higher education for ultra-Orthodox women, a belated reaction to a 15-year-old education revolution in the community he represents.

Rabbi Cohen wrote in an official letter Shas party letter: “women students should not even think of enrolling in academic studies in any setting whatsoever, since that is not the way of the Torah.” According to the Hebrew-language Haredi website Kikar Hashabbat, which published the letter on Monday, it is the first official letter Rabbi Cohen has written since he took office about two months ago.

Though the letter specifically addresses the issue of female students, his objections apparently apply equally to men.

In the letter, Rabbi Cohen wrote, “We are witness to the fact that women students, graduates of religious seminaries, wish to enroll in academic studies. Our rabbis, the sages of Israel (may their merit protect us), were absolutely opposed to academic studies, even in Haredi colleges, since many of the lecturers are university graduates and do not have the purely Torah-based outlook in which we were brought up,” He added, “The material studied in the colleges is based on scientific research and methods that fly in the face of Torah-based views! Therefore, women students should not even think of enrolling in academic studies in any setting whatsoever, since that is not the way of Torah.”

Rabbi Shalom Cohen , Kikar Hashabbat 19 Comments [7/6/2014 2:13:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 101886

I am glad that Allan Wall has decided to write about the new Miss America. I wanted to see the supposed racism Nina Davuluri has experienced would be tackled by VDARE.com.

Anybody with half a brain can see that she won thanks to the multicultural icon she represents. Liberals will do anything to push the multicultural and diversity agenda, to set aside the true founders of American civilization, the regular Americans who, by the way, started the Miss America contest and even the Ms. World and Ms. Universe contests.

Miss Kansas (National Guard Sergeant Theresa Vail )even though she did represent a true Miss America, did spoil her chances by showing off her tattoos. She could have worn a full swimsuit to hide her tattoos, instead of a bikini. So I do agree with commentson how her tattoos ruined her chances.

However, those tattoo comments about her were used to stereotype all Americans as rednecks—and no one is making headlines about someone who wrote in a comment box “I hope this lowlife redneck does not win,” the way they did at the first sign of an anti-Nina tweet.

John Tyler, VDARE 20 Comments [7/5/2014 6:07:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 101885

It's so easy to know what homosexuals will and will not, in general, support.
If it's liberal or requires the state forcing people to do something, or offends tradition or religion, homo-fascists support it. Homosexuals tend to support things that tear society apart and that involve sex, with which they are obsessed.
The Homo-Imperialists even want to be able to dictate what happens in Africa.
I wonder if homosexuals are even real Americans. I think in some ways they hate America and are nihilists.

Michex , BarbWire.com 31 Comments [7/5/2014 6:05:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Persephone 66

Quote# 101882

[Tim responds to a satirical article titled "When Suits Become a Stumbling Block: A Plea to My Brothers in Christ" that ridicules the idea that women are responsible for men lusting after them when they wear "immodest" clothing.]

As it says at the bottom, the article is satire. So right away, we know that suits don't even have to be reconsidered. But I have to wonder: has the author of that article read Luke 17? How can any follower of Christ trivialize something that Jesus says is "millstone around your neck" level of seriousness? If something is a big deal to Jesus, shouldn't it be a big deal to us? But let's talk about how we would respond if this was a serious article:

1. We find out if any other girls have this problem (I haven't heard of any)
2. If it is a common problem, then we ditch the suits (this is why I swim with a shirt on).
3. If it is not a common problem. then we counsel this woman since her lust is completely out of control. We teach her a biblical theology of sexuality, put her on an intense bible reading plan so that her mind can be renewed, and suggest major lifestyle changes to get her out of bondage (such as not watching TV and movies for a while).

The article's snide conceit is derived from the (relatively common) belief that no one would ever stop wearing (commonly accepted article of clothing) because it is a stumbling block to others. They're wrong. Millions of Christians do that very thing on a daily basis. And why wouldn't we (hypothetically) give up suits?

Does not holiness (being set apart) mean that we have to actually be different from the world?
Does caring for our brothers and sisters (for whom Christ died) not demand that we make sacrifices on their behalf?
Does a biblical worldview leave any room for unfettered individual autonomy as the highest good? (as opposed to submission to God)
Does "take up your cross" not require us to live differently on a day-to-day basis because God's Word demands it?

The answer to all of these questions is of course. Articles like this one are only written in America, because Americans are so pampered that we've lost any sense of proportion. We are so free and so wealthy that we treat the smallest inconveniences as major hardships.

Timothy Dukeman, Deeper than Sound-Bites 18 Comments [7/5/2014 6:04:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 101879

[On the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby]

I was looking over on Facebook on my Congressman's FB page, they certainly have been slamming him over this because he supported the Supreme Court decision.

The logic that this is a "war on women" is completely unfounded. An employer should not have to facilitate the need to support the sexual misconduct of employees (whether male or female) outside of the workplace, in the area of either contraceptives or abortion pills.

If an employee wants to fool around, they should have to pay for that fooling around. In the end.....they will pay for that fooling around.....

macrohard, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [7/5/2014 4:37:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 101877

Concerns over how some of [Birmingham]'s 430 schools were being run first emerged when an anonymous letter known as Operation Trojan Horse was leaked to councils and teaching unions, claiming that a small but radical group of Muslims were pursuing their own agenda in the classrooms, with non-compliant headteachers and governors forced out.

The document, which is unsigned and undated, claimed to have caused "a great amount of organised disruption" in the city, crediting the plan with forcing a change of leadership at four schools.

Since the letter came to light, anonymous whistleblowers, including former staff, have come forward, making claims that boys and girls were segregated in classrooms and assemblies, sex education was banned, and non-Muslim staff were bullied. In one case it was alleged that the teachings of a firebrand al Qaida-linked Muslim preacher were praised to pupils.

Unnamed Islamists from Birmingham, The Guardian 25 Comments [7/5/2014 4:35:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 101876

(How receptive/antagonistic are the students at UNCW of Christianity/Christians, i.e. are they open to discussing and considering it when engaged by a fellow student?)

There is a small but growing Gaystapo on our campus. There are also some very militant feminist students. Two ways to avoid trouble are 1) to live off campus with like-minded roommates (the Resident Assistants, who are themselves students, sometimes facilitate censorship of religious opinions) and 2) avoid taking classes ending with the word "studies." These two measures alone will help avoid many of the more militant students.

Mike Adams, American Family Association  21 Comments [7/5/2014 4:34:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 101874

Murray ran against Frank Lucas for congress and lost.

"Rep. Frank Lucas, and a few other Oklahoma and other States’ Congressional Members were depicted as being executed by The World Court on or about Jan. 11, 2011 in Southern Ukraine. On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses. Other now current Members of Congress have shared those facts on television also. We know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements, however Rep. Lucas was not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time."

Timothy Ray Murray, Murray for congress website 19 Comments [7/5/2014 4:33:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
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