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Quote# 102658

The liberal façade is all of a piece. It cannot be punctured only in a few safe and convenient spots. That is why its guardians plug every chink with such bloodthirsty zeal. To accept what dissidents call human biodiversity would open the door to everything the regime most piously hates: immigration control, inequality, self-segregation, nationalism, mono-culturalism. Whether he knows it or not, and no matter how hard he denies it, Mr. Wade has taken a match to the entire liberal/modern world view. The next thing you know, someone might say the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be repealed or that women have no business on submarines.

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance 14 Comments [8/12/2014 3:21:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 102654

First people were asking Allah to aid the Peshmerga, some even labeling it a defensive jihad...and now some are crying about the treatment of the Yezidis.

Islam, jizya or fight to death - 3 options that the Sahaba gave every kafir village, town or city they came to. ISIS does the same and there's an uproar from MUSLIMS?

If the Yezidis are fleeing, what's the problem? They don't want to become Muslim, don't want to pay jizya (difference in opinion has been mentioned earlier) and those who chose to stay and fight were killed. Again, where's the problem?

Seriously, ISIS have plenty of faults for people to legitimately criticize but when their hate drives them to take stupid positions, such as we've seen in this thread, you know there's a problem.

As for the Peshmerga, why are the local Kurdish people feeling the need to 'defend their homes and land' such that they need to join a secular, kafir army such as the Peshmerga? It's not like ISIS will kick them out of their homes, go house to house and slaughter them etc. Did they do so in Mosul? Fallujah? Tikrit? Nope. What's wrong with simply locking your door and staying home?

Abdul Hasan, Islamic Awakening 16 Comments [8/12/2014 3:11:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 102532

+ Posted to: "Women want to be raped by a high value man"

I was hoping someone would make a post about this. I agree on everything, and this applies to LTRs (*long term relationships) too, heck, I think that it's when it mostly applies! We know that we are Always the same woman and it's unlikely that our man will have to do this to hve sex.

And here is another truth I feel inside I am ashamed of - if I ever found out my SO raped someone my first reaction wouldn't be horror but anger and jealousy because fuck, did you really want her that much to push yourself onto her?

DianaDewAsmr, Reddit /r/ TheRedPill 32 Comments [8/12/2014 3:10:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 102471

As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions, feminism has merely shifted women’s need to be provided for away from the family and onto the state. The nanny state provides women with resources that enable them to rise in society without merit. Some of these resources are (but not limited to): affirmative action, preferential treatment in education (Universities), and various non profit initiatives like “Women Entrepreneurs of…(whatever).

Feminism fails in the third world precisely because third world nations are lacking in resources and effective governments.

In India for example, the state lacks the resources to arrest and prosecute rapists, let alone spare any officers to respond to domestic disturbance calls made by women who wish to eject their husbands from their property following a minor domestic spat. For rural women, divorce is an omen of doom as the state has no means of enforcing alimony and child support on non compliant husbands. The infamous Shah Bano case illustrates a scenario where an effete state backed down under societal pressure. Many third world nations lack the resources to to protect their women from physical harm, let alone consider and debate the gender bending lunacy of Western gender feminism.

Schopenhauer referred to female Independence as an “unnatural state” and perhaps now we may begin to appreciate why. In our species, women were never meant to be the independent sex. Note that by “independent” I am not referring to a woman’s ability to work and earn a living outside the home, but rather, the erroneous feminist belief that women MUST pursue work outside the home to truly self actualize. Female independence comes at a cost which must ultimately be borne by society. When women outsource motherhood to daycares while they chase their corporate fantasies, their offspring develop lower IQs and emotional stability as demonstrated by studies. The cost of lower IQ citizens is borne by society. Similarly, children raised in single mother households are statistically more likely to take to crime than those raised in traditional households. Who bears the cost for bad decisions made by “strong and independent” single moms? Society does.

The feminist enterprise has a massive financial upkeep that third world nations are clearly unable to bear. If feminist “equality” were truly natural to our species there would be no need for an upkeep. Some would blame entrenched patriarchy and culture but lets not forget that these are shaped by environment. When resources grow scarce, women lose their petulant rebelliousness and support patriarchy, not out of selfless love for men, but out of self interest as the mechanism of patriarchy deems them a protected class entitled to sustenance and protection.

During the roaring 1920s, the thriving Flapper subculture of women flouted societal conventions pertaining to modesty and propriety as they pursued a lifestyle of hedonism. There is a great volume of online feminist literature that glorifies these rebellious heroines as models to be emulated but little is said about their downfall. How did the Flapper subculture fall? It declined with the onset of the Great Depression when resources became scarce and female survival instincts jettisoned “independence” in favour of patriarchy’s protective embrace.

Dota, Occident Invicta 13 Comments [8/12/2014 3:09:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 102459

Every guy I know would tell you that they would TOTALLY have sex with an underage girl if they could. Why? Because they’re hot.

Look, I think a lot of the people that are all up in arms about this topic are so because they have no EXPERIENCE with being sexually active with girls. No no no…I’m not banging a 13 year old here…I promise. However, what I can say is that I HAVE banged 13 year old’s when it was legal for me to do so.

What have I learned from this?

Well for starters, 13 year old girls have awesome EVERYTHING. They have great perky breasts, beautiful flawless skin, nice tight asses…pretty much tight and perky everything. Also, they have GREAT…uhhh…”sexual organs”. Still slightly underdeveloped. Small, fresh, tidy.

NOW…granted…they aren’t as mature or experienced as older women but let’s face it, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to ride the D or bend over.

I say all this to prove my point. I can look at a 13 year old and find her attractive or even sexy NOT because it’s natural (which is part of it and I totally think is a “thing”…it’s evolution, baby!) but because I KNOW what they have to offer me sexually. I know that her vag would feel amazing. I know that you could bounce a cinder block off her breasts.

It doesn’t help either that I just am naturally attractive to petite women in general.

So yeah…point of the story is that if you’ve HAD it, there’s NO WAY you wouldn’t still WANT it. I just don’t believe it.

But in the end I have grown. I’ve seen and done many a thing and have learned how fragile the mind is…especially at a younger age (I do a lot of religious studying and…those poor children…). So therefor, I can say that IF given the chance I probably wouldn’t do it. In the end though I can definitely say that I love to look!

andriodvageta, Just Another Student, Discovering The Truth About Feminism 56 Comments [8/12/2014 3:09:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 38

Quote# 102652

True atheism knows no moral code except to do whatever thy will desires at any one time whenever one so desires it. It can change on a whim, and, as you say, it is hard for you because you are in a constant state of jouvenalia, in a state of chronic flux, always having to modify, reform and resubmit to new ideas, trends or notions.

For me, it is rigid, embedded in stone for I submit by faith to Something outside of myself, the Origin, who by faith, I believe and submit to, knows better than I.

Please, no further plagiarism. A little honesty. You do not get to steal our virtues. They are not yours. You did not invent nor create them. Loving thy neighbor is unnatural. It does not belong to you. If you'd like to claim it, fine. Go to church though and claim it's Author, but don't pretend you are the author.

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 38 Comments [8/12/2014 3:08:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 102650

[Can people be "moral" yet still be atheists?]

They are not atheists. There is no moral reality to atheism's strictly molecular adherence. Moral atheists are either idiots or not atheists or 'atheists' with a superstitious iron in the fire of Christianity's glow. Although they will not admit that last one, so I will for them because they are that unaware of both themselves and what it is they think they believe.

Wyatt Junker, Where Liberty Dwells 38 Comments [8/12/2014 3:08:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 102649

Julie Atwood was standing at her son's casket when the phone rang. The church where her son's funeral was scheduled to be held the next day decided to abruptly cancel the service, after the pastor learned the deceased was gay and his obituary listed a surviving "husband."

Atwood said she was told it would be "blasphemous" to hold the services at the church because her son, Julion Evans, 42, was gay.

"It was devastating," she said. "I did feel like he was being denied the dignity of death."

Evans' husband, Kendall Capers, says the pair were partners for 17 years and married last year in Maryland. Evans died at home after a 4-year battle with a rare illness called Amyloidosis, which destroys organs in the body.

He says the obituary named him as "husband," and that their marriage was no secret.

"Everyone who knew us knew about our relationship," he said. "We didn't keep secrets."

The family asked for Evans' funeral to be held at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Tampa.

Atwood, Evans' mother, says she was baptized at the church as a child and several of her family members still attend. Atwood's current pastor agreed to preach the funeral, but they needed a large church, like New Hope, to accommodate hundreds of mourners from across the country. New Hope agreed and the service was scheduled for July 26.

But when the obituary published in the local newspaper, everything changed.

T.W. Jenkins, pastor at New Hope says was not aware of that Evans had a husband or was gay until members of his congregation saw the obit and called to complain. They did not think it was right to have the funeral at their church.

Jenkins said his church preaches against gay marriage.

"Based on our preaching of the scripture, we would have been in error to allow the service in our church," Jenkins said. "I'm not trying to condemn anyone's lifestyle, but at the same time, I am a man of God, and I have to stand up for my principles."

T.W Jenkins of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, WFLA-TV 22 Comments [8/12/2014 3:07:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Scourge

Quote# 102648

Because - like good little liberals they are - they believe that being beautiful, like being rich, is unfair, materialistic, and it leads to discrimination and objectification of women. Why do you think that People magazine's list of Most Beautiful People get more and more laughable every year? EVERYbody must be beautiful. So they go pretend to see beauty everywhere. Even where it does not exist. Otherwise it's discriminating and, of course, racist.

IOW, it's the old 'envy' thing again. Ugly women are jealous of pretty ones, so they demonize beauty just because they don't have it. Exactly the same as with wealth. Typical and characteristic of liberals.

Also, feminazis believe that pretty women, and/or those who wear makeup and perfume, are shallow, vain and dumb (yes, I know; can't you just feel the sisterly love?), who want to improve their appearance just to please men.

That's why 99% of ugly women are liberals. Because they can get away with showering only occasionally, and generally looking like something out of the garbage bin. For feminazis that is equivalent to "taking women seriously."

Atty Tude, Where Liberty Dwells 24 Comments [8/12/2014 3:07:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 102646

Joan Rivers faced a furious backlash tonight after an astonishing rant in which she said innocent ­Palestinian civilians “deserved to die”.

The American comedian defended Israel’s bombing of Gaza that has left thousands dead and wounded, including children. Rivers was asked, by a celebrity website, about the rising death toll in Gaza.

The 81-year-old replied: “The dead? You deserve to be dead. You started it.

“Don’t you dare make me feel sad about that.”

When told that almost 2,000 civilians had been killed, she said dismissively: “Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima.

“Good. Good. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it.” Asked what she felt about the Hamas government, she added: “They are terrorists. They were re-elected by a lot of very stupid people.

“They were told to get out. They didn’t get out. You don’t get out, you are an idiot. At least the ones that were killed were the ones with low IQs.”

Joan Rivers, The Mirror 61 Comments [8/12/2014 3:06:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 102644

I know I am the "Water Bearer" because I was taken up to Heaven and stood before a throne with Jesus sitting on it. There was a Human-Headed Bull with the wings of a bird that told us our "missions" if you will. There was others, I don't know how many exactly, but I do know the man to the left of me was Saint Paul.

When the creature came to me, he said, "You generation is the Age of Man. In this age, man with glorify God by helping his fellow man. In this age, man will truly understand Christ's teachings and live the way he wanted us to. You will pour out the water, that is wisdom, on the world and will embody peace, love, and righteousness of this age"

I am happy that you are questioning, because through questioning comes understanding.

In the Age of Man, everyone has a say. It is not just "I" who is the "World Teacher" of the age, rather it is "us" who is. All my mission to do is to start the ball rolling, and let others keep it going.

What Jesus is the anointed one by God. He is the incarnation of the Word of God. See, in the beginning of time, God created the world by speaking it into existence. He used his Breath (Holy Spirit) and his Word.

Abrahamic religions have done nothing themselves except want peace, love and happiness for all mankind. It is the selfish people who do not understand that does the harm which the world attributes to Abrahamic religions.

Water Bearer , Astrology Weekly 37 Comments [8/11/2014 2:31:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 102643

On Sunday, Rick Joyner presented new proof that the theory of evolution is “not only ridiculous, it’s impossible.” He claimed that there is no evidence of an entire species evolving: “You can mix a donkey and a horse and get a mule, but mules cannot reproduce. They can only reproduce after their own kind. We have no species change.” “Why would a whole theory, everything taught in our schools, be based on something that is something that is so outrageously not only ridiculous, it’s impossible,” he said.

Rick Joyner, Right Wing Watch 32 Comments [8/11/2014 2:28:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 102642

On his “Wallbuilders Live” program yesterday, David Barton offered a handy guide to voters who are concerned about whether their elected officials respect “natural law”: ask them if they support abortion rights, and if they do, know that they will also take away your “property” and your “self-defense.” “One of the easiest way to tell about natural law is to ask them where they are on abortion, because if they don’t respect the inalienable right to life, they do not respect any other inalienable right,” he advised. “If you don’t respect the right to life,” he said, “you won’t respect property, you won’t respect protecting income, you’ll think you ought to tax people more rather than protect their income, you’ll take it from them, you won’t protect their property, you won’t protect their religious liberties, you won’t protect their right of self-defense, you’ll try to take their self-defense away from them.” He added that even if the candidate is running for an office that has nothing to do with abortion policy, such as a school board, abortion should still be the litmus test.

David Barton, Right Wing Watch 13 Comments [8/11/2014 2:28:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 102636

[On the New York patient being tested for Ebola, and worries about an outbreal]

This is all about population control imo. The u.s. has been granting homosexuals the freedom to be married why not add the deadly plague to the mix.

Shannon9602, Rapture Ready 23 Comments [8/11/2014 2:26:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 102635

The sun's diameter is shrinking at the rate of five feet per hour. At this rate, life could not have existed on the earth 100,000 years ago.

Kevin Martin, Jesus is Savior 30 Comments [8/11/2014 2:26:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 34

Quote# 102629

By the way, Allah is a mythic character who doesn't exist in reality. There is no living, breathing, conscious God called Allah. Allah is nothing more than the fictitious imagination of a lone, ludicrous, brute, nutcase named Muhammad in the 7th century AD.

In Islam, if you study their religion closely, you must sacrifice... you must pray... you must give... you must follow strict cleansing laws in the Hadith (one of Islam's so-called holy books). If you embrace the religion of Islam, you are expected to follow its teachings. The main requirement is to reject Jesus as the Christ, and to despise Jews and Christians. Some Muslims may argue the point, but read the Quran for yourself and you'll feel the hateful demonic spirit against Jews and Christians. I've read the Quran, and let me tell you, it is one of the most biased and hateful pieces of literature on the planet. I even read where one of Noah's sons refused to get on the ark and drowned. Yeah, right! Read the Quran, it's in there! But I warn you, the Quran is BORING!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 72 Comments [8/11/2014 3:52:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 102628

Women age like milk. A woman loses all her sexual value after age 25 or so. Whereas MEN GAIN sexual and economic value starting around age 30 and it keeps going up.

So we men age like wine.

So we men, we can get hot young girls even when we are 50 or older. Whereas old women would be lucky to even get an old man as a partner, and getting a young male as a partner is out of the question.

John Rambo, MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues  42 Comments [8/11/2014 3:52:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 26

Quote# 102627

(Coulter writes about how Dr. Kent Brantly is an idiot for daring to care for others besides Americans.)

If Dr. Brantly had practiced at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles and turned one single Hollywood power-broker to Christ, he would have done more good for the entire world than anything he could accomplish in a century spent in Liberia. Ebola kills only the body; the virus of spiritual bankruptcy and moral decadence spread by so many Hollywood movies infects the world.

Ann Coulter, WND 27 Comments [8/11/2014 3:52:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: PhillipaFry

Quote# 102624

Regarding a Satanist group holding a black mass at Oklahoma City's Civic Center Music Hall

“Even though tickets are being sold for this event as if it were merely some sort of dark entertainment, this satanic ritual is deadly serious,” Coakley wrote.

“I am especially concerned about the dark powers that this satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly,” the archbishop said in his letter.

“Since it seems this event will not be canceled,” he said, “I am calling on all Catholics of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City to counteract this challenge to faith and decency through prayer and penance.”

Archbishop Paul Coakley, Patheos.com 31 Comments [8/11/2014 3:47:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 102622

(A fundie reviews a documentary about flowers on Amazon.)

Wow! I'm only a few minutes into the film and I had to stop and give it a review! I am suprised no one has reviewed in the one star area the ridiculous evolutionary propaganda in this film. Not to mention the incongruity of calling mating in insects "love". (Isn't reproduction just a force pushing along the evolutionary process?)
Is it really possible that some plant, somewhere, a few million years ago randomly sprouted a flower (smart little plant!) and it was such a good idea that flowers started making it harder to get to their own pollen by lengthening their tubes to make the process of pollination even more efficient? And plants even gained enough smarts to seduce bees into a waxy tunnel of their flower, drop them into a sickening sticky substance, supply only a single escape route where the bee struggles as the pollen is deposited on their backs, grips the bee until the pollen glue has dried and then allows it to fly off and go deposit the pollen in another orchid. Why didn't those smart little bees say, "No way! I'll go find an easier way to get my orchid cologne! Or I'll find some lady bee that loves me for who I am and not what I smell like!"
Can it be possible that the ideas in this film are presented as fact? Can it be possible that the highly specialized process of pollination and codependence of the animals that live off the products of the flower was a random accident that developed over millions of years and made the world what it is today? Just look at the complex beauty, intricacies, functions, and dependencies of life. And the silly flower in this film thinks it developed these complexities all on its own. Prideful plant! Foolish flower!
Turn off the commentary and enjoy the beauty and wonder of God's creation!

luv great kids books, Amazon 25 Comments [8/11/2014 3:46:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: ScrappyB

Quote# 102620

Mongolia's False Religious Systems

Mongols are Buddhists with a little Shamanism on the side. Shamanism involves worshipping the “Big, Mighty, Eternal Heaven.” Yes, you heard right, these freaks worship the sky, the same sky from which God poured out fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and from whence the rain overthrew the antediluvian world of Noah’s day. From Mongoluls.net.

Buddhism of course involves the beliefs and blah, blah, barf! of Siddhartha Guatama. His words don’t conform to the Bible, talking about “nirvana” and other nonsense. And so, we say to you, Anathema Maranatha – that is, Let him be accursed for lying to you, and Our Lord, come quickly!

1 Cor 16:22- If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Gal 1:8- But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Westboro Baptist Church, God hates the World 27 Comments [8/11/2014 3:45:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: ConcernedCultist

Quote# 102618

(FOAD= Fuck off and die)

What of it, Owly?

For years I was the dutiful and respectful son-in-law. I was also a dutiful father.

When my daughter was 25, she 'came out': she was a gay artiste. She wasn't going to school to study sciences, she was going to study "fine arts". She and her ugly girl friend would be my moral and intellectual superiors, they would tell me what jokes were funny and which weren't, they would tell me what I could say or think - and if I had any problems with that I could just FOAD.

When I went to give this happy news to my father in law he laughed at me and called me a red neck and an idiot for having qualms. He is a liberal beta male, his wife is a fat old grey haired liberal lady with a bad hair cut, and ever since I married their daughter they treated me with thinly veiled derision and contempt. I was told to accept and celebrate my daughters' sexuality, politics and values... or I was out of the family and out of the will.

I still remember the day I took the red pill. My daughter was stunned when I told HER to FOAD. I will resume relations if and when she grows up. My out laws? I told them that I was just peachy with not being a part of their tribe any more, and that I would not be coming over to visit again. I asked them to be kind enough to reciprocate.

My family was kind of shocked by the suddenness and finality of my decision too. For years they believed this crap and expected me to as well. But today? Well - I don't have to worry about my daughter but I still do. I hope Darwin and Murphy are kind to her but if they aren't - I am ready for it. Christmas is actually nice now, without my idiot in laws and my moron of a brother in law. I don't care what they think, I don't care what they say about me, and if a tree falls in their forest - I won't hear it.

There are actually a lot of other people like us that are getting sick and tired of being told how to think and live by the kind of people that should have been culled at birth. Doing what's right is seldom easy.

Glenfilthie, Taki's Magazine 40 Comments [8/11/2014 3:32:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 102617

I've got news for you: We are born into, and inhabit, a very political world. I have four little ones. Am I talking to them about politics? No. But they have got to be taught about this world, in an age-appropriate way. None of mine are in school yet. I know that the propagandization begins, in government schools, from the get-go. Back during 2009 we had a foster child - a girl who entered the second grade with us. She had a "social studies" textbook that was completely about blacks, slavery, white guilt, Mexicans. And this is in South Carolina, a supposedly conservative state. At whatever age the lies start to be fed to them, they must be inoculated against them.

The white race will not survive if it is absorbed into other races, as Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard warned.

I have had my children, first and foremost for their sakes - to give them life. But, having been born ethnically Anglo-Germanic, they are, in my opinion, blessed with the finest patrimony in the world, and they ought to be taught to protect it and pass it on.

You make a huge assumption. While the whites of today are as listless as a floppy wet dish rag, you expect that somehow, in the future, the whites will have an epiphany, make a 180-degree turn, and become militant. Your faith that they will be so unlike presently-living whites is a curiosity to me. Do you not think that perhaps we ought to be setting the stage for them to be that way and create their own homeland? And maybe to do this we create more of them, and teach them the necessary and true racial values? Do you not think that we ought to begin now with the militancy that will be required of them to accomplish the Herculean task that you believe they will accomplish?

rls976, Taki's Magazine 21 Comments [8/11/2014 3:31:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 102616

I think women are equal but different. Giving them the vote isn't equality at all, since women can't feel any empathy towards men so men and women voting in the same elections makes men 2nd class citizens. You can't be for equality and women's suffrage.

In the end, this creates the kind of idiots like the one I'm replying to now.

Anonymous, DC Urban Moms and Dads 30 Comments [8/11/2014 3:31:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 36

Quote# 102610

The Left juggernaut that police the halls of our universities cannot seem to fathom the Darwinian concept of the survival of the least self-destructive ( Dysgenics )

We are the persecuted and demonised Darwins, the Galileos and the Cassandras of our age

As one of our WN's pointed out , ( Sam Dickson I believe )--our race, the White race, has a mind and a body, The mind is our culture and our body is our race. The mind cannot live without the body and the body cannot live without the mind .
The mind of the White race has been seduced by hyper moralisms, over-sentimentalised utopianism and intellectual abstractions that reject the notion that there are timeless and universal natural laws and rules that are seperate from and outside of man and beyond his power to change them .
The Blank Slate notion that sees man as perfectible and infinitely pliable.

The mind of the West is pulling one way and the body of the West , if its healthy self-correct mechanisms were in order and not short circuited and disarmed should be screaming "no, you fool --this way , before you destroy us all "

Dan O'Connor, Alternative Right 13 Comments [8/11/2014 3:29:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
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