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Quote# 105694

I believe I've found a surefire way to secure peace in the region.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are strategic regional allies of the west and even though we aren't propping up a dictator in Egypt any more, there's a half-decent chance of a regime there that we can deal with...eventually.

The rest of the region...not so much.

So, a big lead wall from the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, the Saudi/Kuwaiti border and Turkey's borders with Iran/Iraq and Syria.

And we glass the rest. Jerusalem is a holy site for your bronze age fucknuttery? Tough Shit, it's a radioactive deadland now. Grow up and get a life.

Who the fuck is going to want to fight over it then?

And don't start whinging about the death toll, your pathetic "picking sides" nonsense has been contributing to that since 1948, my way is just more direct.

TheContrarian, Frequently Questioned Answers 33 Comments [1/8/2015 4:31:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 105691

KUWAIT CITY (AP) — A member of Kuwait's parliament says he is facing charges of insulting the nation after saying he supports legalizing the sale of alcohol in the predominantly Muslim country.

Nabil al-Fadhl told The Associated Press late Sunday that controversy was sparked after he first proposed repealing a law that bans dancing at public music concerts and festivals. Kuwaiti law bans people from dancing at concerts, though they are allowed to clap their hands and sway.

After his proposal, al-Fadhl said he was asked in parliament by an Islamist lawmaker if that means he would also support legalizing the sale of alcohol during concerts.

"Why not? Historically, many people in Kuwait drank alcohol on many occasions," he said he replied to the query.

The Kuwait Times later reported that several lawmakers swiftly condemned al-Fadhl "for saying that liquor was part of Kuwait's history and ancestors were tolerant toward allowing its consumption in the past."

Kuwait's first parliament banned the sale of alcohol in 1964. It is a sin in Islam to consume alcohol, though it is sold legally with some restrictions in the Gulf countries of United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.

One lawmaker, Saud al-Huraiji, was quoted in the Kuwait Times as saying that al-Fadhl had "clearly undermined the image of Kuwaitis and the country's history." Lawmaker Humoud al-Hamdan said "the ancestors of Kuwaitis were well known for their fight against moral corruption, including the use of liquor."

Al-Fadhl said an Islamist lawyer filed charges against him for his remarks, accusing him of insulting the honor of Kuwaiti society.

Fadhl said he was only mentioning "facts about alcohol in Kuwait's history." On the black market, he said, people can buy a bottle of whiskey for 120 dinars ($408).

"It's available in ample amounts, but only affordable to the rich," he told the AP. "A good start would be to allow people to bring in their own alcohol from abroad instead of confiscating it."

Al-Fadhl, who is an independent lawmaker, said that despite his personal views, he is not planning to propose a bill to legalize the sale of alcohol.

Kuwait, Yahoo News 18 Comments [1/8/2015 4:28:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Naturalistic Worldview

Quote# 105690

Robertson received an email from a woman who claimed that her grandson disrespects their Christian faith when they visit their daughter on Christmas and chose not to visit this past year.

“We declined going to our daughter’s house on Christmas this year because there is always an argument, hard feelings etc.,” viewer Karen wrote.

“One grandchild comes high on marijuana, cursing and challenging our faith. I correct him and have told my daughter to ask him to respect our beliefs, but he keeps it up. Our daughter say she is a Christian but will drink too much and offend her daughter and her husband. Were we wrong to not to attend another Christmas that leaves us upset or someone angry? I have shared my beliefs many times with them and am ridiculed by this grandson and son-in-law.”

Robertson’s immediate solution? Beat the child until he respects Christianity.

“Somebody take that kid to the woodshed and let him understand the blessings of discipline,” Robertson advised before predicting that the kid would end up in prison if a strong male figure didn’t start beating him right away.

Pat Robertson, addicting info 35 Comments [1/8/2015 4:28:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 105689

Druidism in Britannia had much in common with the diabolical Canaanite religion. When Joshua the son of Nun drove the Canaanite giants from the Promised Land, many of them escaped to Britannia. They were the builders of Stonehenge and the progenitors of Druidism.

The cross and crescent moon were the revered symbols of the Druid sorcerers....Along with Belenus and Teutates, one of the three chief false gods of these sons of darkness was named Esus.

The Druid priests were the most powerful sorcerers in the ancient world.

They were notorious for bloody human sacrifices to their tree god Esus . . . and for their secrecy.

Cannibalism and eating the SACRED HEART was a vital part of their diabolical religion.

The Druids were the original terrorists and their big night was October 31—the eve of Samhain—which was the beginning of the Druid's New Year. Human sacrifices were made to their demon god Esus by hanging the victims on trees.

The cross and crescent moon were the revered symbols of the deadly Druid priesthood.

Sacrifices were made to Esus by hanging the victims on trees!

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 33 Comments [1/8/2015 4:27:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 105688

#5: *~there is no anger or any desire for vengeance in this thought~* I'd really like to witness once or twice, the reaction/response of those who committed their lives to removing God and anything that related to Him from our society.

Those who fought to remove God from: the Pledge of Allegiance- our American currency-showing the Ten Commandments on/in buildings-the pledge our military take when being sworn into the service-History books-saying the term "Christmas"-all prayer spoken aloud-and all the other millions of examples made public through our news media.
*~I would be interested in their reaction when~ the reality, the truth, the power and the eternal magnitude of FACT that GOD does indeed exist in glory and triumph over all HIS Creation, now and for all eternity...as it sinks into their minds, that they were totally, fully and completely WRONG.

#4: I long to gaze upon God's perfect Kingdom; to absorb all that He created for His children and know true peace that will last forever!

#3 1/2: Being reunited with all my family and friends (pets, too!!!) who have gone to our Lord before me. We truly serve an awesome God! HOW could we ever thank God for all He has done for us? Oh, how I love God and yearn for the day He calls me home to be with Him forever!! What joy that brings to me in 'this' life!

#3: I long to be reunited with my Daddy; he died during my junior year at university ('86) and I still feel the loss of him within my heart. And I anxiously await meeting the baby I lost (4 months within me); and I could never again become pregnant after that miscarriage.

#2: Too finally experience the perfect new body God has in store for each of us. To forever be free from chronic pain, fatigue and health issues; how fabulous it will be to run and not grow weary, to join the chorus in praising God, to be free from sin and the impact it had during our life on earth! The wonders of heaven will never end and to spend eternity with our Lord and Savior is the most glorious gift imaginable!

#1: My strongest desire is to curl-up on God's lap; soak in His peace that passes all understanding, His amazing love...and somehow express my complete and total gratitude/thanks/appreciation for giving me the gift of eternal life with Him! I just want to snuggle in, rest and absorb everything that is our Lord and Savior! Ahh~I so look forward to that indescribable day!!

Mish, Rapture Ready 41 Comments [1/8/2015 4:27:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 105687

[Regarding Egypt's persecution of homosexuals]

Egyptians aren't stupid and have witnessed the totalitarian fascist crusade of gays in America. They have seen that first it's :

"Please I don't want to be beaten up" 

Then " I have my Rights" 

Then " You must allow me into your schools to teach Billy how to a condom on Kenny". 

Then " You criticize me teaching Kenny and I will picket your employer and you will lose your job" 

Then eventually it will come down to Sodom and Gomorrah type stuff ...."Criticize us and we will drag you , your family and visitors out of that house and rape and murder you all " . 
homosexuality has not changed really since Sodom .

Anony, Yahoo News 25 Comments [1/8/2015 4:26:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 105683

Though most of the time I refer to her as “my wife,” I sometimes introduce her to others as “my bride.” I married her just shy of her 18th birthday, so she is in fact the “bride of my youth.” It would be ridiculous to refer to her as my “bride” if she were in her twenties, or especially her thirties, when we married. She has been Godly, submissive, and has given me 4 children. She is MY bride, and no one else’s. In no way do I do it to pedestalize her. It is simply recognition of her obedience to God by being obedient and submissive to me, her husband. Just as we should be quick to shame women who have ridden the cock carousel before settling for a Beta, we should also be quick to give credit to those women who married young and take on the traditional role of a helpmeet. On the rare occasions that she acts up, she gets a stern “woman” from me, or “you ignorant slut” when she says something ridiculous. I call her all sorts of things, but most of those are reserved for the bedroom.

That being said, anyone who refers to their wife as “my best friend” should have his testicles removed from her purse and shoved through a meat grinder.

ThirdMonkey, Alpha Game Plan 68 Comments [1/7/2015 4:30:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 54

Quote# 105681

Over the years, in occasional conversations with certain friends, I have disclosed that I feel certain that I perished in the Holocaust. Every single time the friend’s response was an admission that she too felt that she had been in the Holocaust. The testimonies below are all from American women who today are religious Jews living in Israel.

Jackie Warshall was born in Brooklyn in 1950 to American-born parents. When she was four years old, at night after her mother tucked her in and left her to go to sleep, little Jackie would stare into her pillow as if it were a TV set, and see a vision. She saw herself inside the back of a truck filled with women. Some of them were collapsing to the floor. Then she saw herself fly out of the truck. There, above the truck, she would feel a sense of liberation, and say, “I got out. I’m free now.”


Anna B. was born in 1957 in St. Louis to a traditional Jewish family with no direct link to the Holocaust. When Anna was five years old, she began to have a recurring dream that she was being tortured in a laboratory setting. Her torturers were a doctor wearing a white coat and, incongruously, a man in a military uniform. She had this recurring dream until she was ten years old.


Beth D. was born on Long Island in 1962 to assimilated, American-born parents. As a child, the game of “hide-n-seek” was much more than a game to her. Little Beth felt that it was vital to sequester herself in a hiding place where her playmates could not find her. She would wedge herself into the narrow space between the wall and the furnace, or on the uppermost wooden shelf in the closet under the basement stairs. At other times, she would squish herself above the thick cement heating pipes, which gave her an excellent lookout position, where she could watch her siblings searching for her without being detected. To Beth a good hiding place meant safety, which meant life.

She also felt that strength and endurance were crucial for survival. She had to be the fastest runner. “If I could run fast,” she remembers, “I could outrun my enemies, and that meant life.”

Beth also had a recurrent nightmare throughout her childhood. She dreamed she was using a latrine where the door had been removed and she was abashedly exposed. There was a guard who stood at the entrance. When she was 28 years old and pregnant with her first daughter, a new set of dreams beset her. She saw herself and her daughter running, escaping from Nazi pursuers. In these dreams, she and the others were speaking Rumanian.

Although most of my friends reported recurring dreams, Tzirel’s Holocaust nightmare occurred only once. Born in 1950 in Englewood, California, Tzirel was ten years old when she dreamed that she was lying next to her mother in a huge hole or pit. She looked up and saw a bulldozer at the edge of the pit, dumping dirt on them to cover them up.
Tzirel never forgot that nightmare. “It felt so real,” she insists, “as if I was reliving it.”

Rabbi Z. once told me about an American secular Jewish woman who was taking her first steps toward Jewish observance. She encountered a formidable problem: Whenever she attended a synagogue service and heard the congregants saying, “Shema,” she would feel like she was choking and would have to flee the synagogue. She turned for help to a psychiatrist, who recommended instead that she talk to Rabbi Z. Rabbi Z. asked her, “When you hear Shema, where are you?”

“You tell me,” she countered, surly.

“Okay,” replied Rabbi Z. “You’re in the gas chambers.”

“How did you know?” was her whispered response.

Sara Yoheved Rigler, Sara Yoheved Rigler 31 Comments [1/7/2015 4:29:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 105680

Rabbi Efim Svirsky is a Jerusalem-based psychotherapist who utilizes a unique psycho-spiritual method he created to help people suffering from phobias and emotional blockages. He employs Deep Relaxation, an altered state of mind in which the patient’s free will is never suspended; the patient is completely aware throughout the process and remembers everything upon returning to day-to-day function.

A Rosh Yeshiva came to Rabbi Svirsky with a strange phobia. He was afraid of showers. He explained that he was not afraid of water; he swam in the sea and in swimming pools, and took baths without fear. But any time he went to take a shower, he was gripped with fear.

Rabbi Svirsky assumed that the Rosh Yeshiva had experienced a trauma involving a shower as a child. So, he led him into a state of Deep Relaxation and asked him to imagine himself in a shower and to feel the fear. “Let’s go back to where this fear started,” Rabbi Svirsky suggested. The Rosh Yeshiva immediately went into a past gilgul and saw himself in a gas chamber constructed like a shower. Rabbi Svirksy then took him through his death, gently coaxing, “As you die, go with the soul.” He saw himself going out of the body into the spiritual realm.

When the session was over, the fear was gone. Notably, this Litvish Rosh Yeshiva was surprised when he came back to the present, because he had never believed that the concept of gilgulei neshamot could have applied to him.

During twenty-five years of treating thousands of patients, Rabbi Svirsky has witnessed scores of patients unexpectedly discover the root of their problem in a Holocaust gilgul. “Because I’m not a researcher,” maintains Rabbi Svirsky, “it doesn’t matter to me where the patient goes under Deep Relaxation. I have no theories to prove. I have no investment in where the patient goes. But many times it has been back to a Holocaust experience.”

One young woman who came to Rabbi Svirsky for help had an extreme sensitivity around her throat. Even her husband could not touch her there. Under Deep Relaxation, she saw herself as a young girl, and relived an experience where a Nazi officer killed her by choking her to death with his bare hands. Rabbi Svirsky led her through her death to her soul entering the spiritual realm. Afterwards, her neck sensitivity disappeared.

Rabbi Efim Svirsky, Sara Yoheved Rigler 12 Comments [1/7/2015 4:28:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 105678

Political "liberalism" is simply immoral and the antethesis of Torah and G-d ordained purity. the Left supports (and abuses others who don't) homosexuality, abortion on DEMAND, radical socialism aka dictatorship and its host of evils, militant feminism which has severly damaged the family, men, children AND women and promiscuity of all forms that are condemned in BOTH Torah and Talmud not to mention most of our traditions. The emphasis on the "poor" and justice is what ALL dictatorships (which are false messiah's) have used to force their oppressive systems on humanity...historically-foremost on us Jews. Also your rationalization that somehow abortion on demand is wise due to "back alley abortion" is a long disproven myth. Such exaggeration and morbid rationalization aka lying to one's self ruins the mind needed to study Torah and HaShem's logic on the universe he invented. You don't dump your children "cause you feel like it and get His approval. as for rape, incest, etc..this is NOT part of the abortion issue. They're separate issues like war as opposed to murder. Like every evil they did exist but it's wishful hype to believe it was even close the obsession that the Marxists blathered about since the 60's. To be "observant" is also to be morally sound and intellectually honest. Not only going through the rituals. The beginning of honest worship is honesty itself, to want good love G-d and people. Political liberalism is simply a cover and semantic smokescreen for the very mentality that created Shoah and the gulags...Pesach was/is HaShems condemnation of Totalitarian government and its abuse of all Mankind. His salvation of us should be a warning to those that support a "pharaoh-ish" type political systems and those currently under it. Know your enemies and you'll save your friends...be merciful to the cruel and you're being cruel to the merciful

moshe, Aish.com 17 Comments [1/7/2015 4:28:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 105677

[On a video against legalizing marijuana:]

About 55 years ago I heard a Chinese man say on a documentary TV news program. "We will overtake and ruin America. And we will subdue and ruin her from the inside using your own people". I didn't know what he meant but I do now.

SusanE, Aish.com 26 Comments [1/7/2015 4:28:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 105663

The children who died in Norway almost definitely deserved to die , being a part of a corrupt and deceived dialogue that does not have a proper perspective on sacred matters. In the same way I as a left wing student probably deserved the same but God was merciful in my case.

mindlight, Christain Forums 44 Comments [1/7/2015 4:08:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 33
Submitted By: Jesus

Quote# 105662

(Well, you identify as a Christian. Does that mean you endorse the Westboro Baptist Church and the many paedophile priests in the Catholic Church? Whose actions are far, far worse than a couple of internet feminists pulling faces.)

The difference is that most Christians speak out against the lunatic fringe like Westboro Baptist but feminists don’t seem to do this. I can only conclude it is because the lunatic fringe of feminism is considered acceptable to most feminists.

(The manosphere, on the other hand, is specifically an internet phenomenon that functions largely like a cult group (e.g. pseudoscientific thinking). Its members are wackos pretty much by definition.)

It didn’t use to be so much like that. I’m not quite sure what happened there, but it used to be a place you could have a really interesting conversation. Of course, there are still a handful of manosphere bloggers whose sites I read (Dalrock, Vox Day). That doesn’t mean I agree with them on everything – I very much don’t agree with them on a few issues, the morality of “game” being one of them – but I think they have interesting and worthwhile things to say. But I don’t read the comment threads anymore. Still, I wouldn’t call Dalrock or Vox “wackos”.

(Also, maybe it’s because I’m a hardened feminazi, but what you’re calling threats of violence and hysteria – training cats to attack, or standing on one’s head and kicking – I read as attempts at humour. Do you REALLY believe these ‘threats’ are equivalent to threats of rape and punching?)

The reason I don’t believe their threats are equal is because women run their mouths endlessly but do very little, whereas a threat from a man often is more serious because he’s less like to spout threats he doesn’t intend to back up. Regarding “ass-kicking”, women talk big but do little, and that’s no credit to them. Better they should hold their peace or speak more seriously.

A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. – Proverbs 18:6

Sunshine Thiry, Sunshine Thiry 27 Comments [1/7/2015 4:07:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 105661

Do I believe hypergamy is a real thing? Sure I do. And within reasonable limits (i.e. within the limits of traditional biblical sexual morality), it is even a good thing. It mostly just means a woman wants to marry the very best man she possibly can, preferably a man whom she can really look up to because she sees him as even better than herself. There really is nothing wrong with that. The problem comes in when this natural desire in women gets short-circuited by the casual sex hookup culture.
The carousel? I guess I’d need to know exactly what it is you are asking me here. Are you asking me if I believe casual sex is detrimental to women, damaging them physically, spiritually, and emotionally? The answer to that is a resounding yes. There’s a fair amount of research on this topic now to back that up, including the increased risk of divorce a woman has as her partner count increases.

Do I believe women who’ve had many partners are unredeemable? No, of course not. But a wise man is careful as he picks the future mother of his children, given how traumatic divorce is for children, and this is something he must take into account.

Now, having said all that, do I agree that the manosphere is cult-like? Well, I think the cultishness comes mostly from one blogger. That particular blogger tolerates no dissent from his particular agenda and uses very cultish tactics to make sure discussions he doesn’t like are shut down. That so many manospherians seem to both idolize and fear him is rather strange. But take someone like Donal Graeme or Deep Strength- I don’t find such men cultish, do you? I may not always agree with them, but I think they are seeking wisdom and understanding and there is no harm in that.

Sunshine Thiry, Sunshine Thiry 12 Comments [1/7/2015 4:07:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 105660

[On an article about Amy Chua:]

The sad part of the whole article is the Jewish man who so pathetically married a Chinese woman. [...] This Tiger mother should really check her numbers before she makes a claim to fame- there are a billion Chinese and a tiny population of Jews. Who can show proportionately a higher success rate? She sadly misses one element to her story, her kids also inhereted their father's Jewish successful genes, too bad they were wasted on a goy.

Jessica, Aish.com 15 Comments [1/7/2015 4:06:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 105655

If we really understood God’s priorities, we wouldn’t think there is anything sad about souls ending up in Hell for an eternity. Hell is not a bummer to God, it’s a glorious thing. God will not be mocked. He delights in justice. He delights in revenge (see Why God Loves Hell). But while God thoroughly enjoys thrashing His enemies, He is also extremely gracious, kind, patient, and merciful. Before condemning us to Hell, God gives us plenty of chances to come to Him. He educates us about who He is and what He wants. He makes sure we have the internal resources we need to meet His demands for reverential submission (see The Salvation Process: Understanding the Fairness of God). If we really saw how incredibly gracious God is towards every soul and if we were really loving God first, then we would feel furious at seeing souls continue to spit in His face for their entire lives and we would celebrate their demise. Being aligned with God means caring about HIS feelings more than we care about the comfort of created things. Being loyal to God means wanting Him to be revered and honored by every human soul.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 44 Comments [1/6/2015 4:27:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 105654

When the idea of a loved one ending up in Hell makes us feel burdened, sad, and miserable, what we’re often trying to do is one of two things: either we’re trying to share grief that we think God is feeling, or we are mourning for ourselves because we think the loss of our loved one will permanently cripple us. Neither of these things is true. God is not mourning when souls end up in Hell, and we aren’t going to spend eternity pining for the people who didn’t make it to Heaven. We were designed to be fully satisfied by our Creators in eternity. Relating with other created beings is going to be a nice extra, but relating to our Gods will be what really makes our souls feel complete. God has designed Heaven in such a way that you will not miss anyone who isn’t there. In the worst case scenario, if you ended up in Heaven but your child did not, you would not miss him at all. You would not be sad, you would not feel incomplete, you would not be haunted by memories from earth. God has taken care of all of these issues and He promises that for those who submit to Him on earth, Heaven will be a place of eternal joy. Your peace today will come from focusing on the fact that all is well between you and God. If your son is choosing to defy God, that’s something he needs to work out with the Holy Spirit.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 32 Comments [1/6/2015 4:27:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 105653

How pathetic is it to end up in Hell because you refused to acknowledge reality? God is greater than you. God calls all the shots in His own Creation. Why do people act like submitting to Jesus as their God and Savior is such an outrageous demand? It’s not like God is asking us to scale Mt. Everest or swim across the ocean before He will accept us. The only thing He is asking from us is an acknowledgement of reality—He’s God and we’re dots. He’s awesome, we’re pathetic. He defines us, He controls us, and His opinion is the only One that counts. What is so offensive about acknowledging these super obvious truths? Well, if we acknowledge the way things actually are, then we are forced to conclude that we are dependent dots who are utterly unimpressive. Where is the glory in being a dot? There isn’t any. Our joy and satisfaction in life comes from delighting in the magnificence of our Creators and living for Their approval.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 26 Comments [1/6/2015 4:27:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105652

There are many things God says and does which would be sins if we did them. If you shoot someone you’re mad at it, it’s called murder, and murder is a sin. But if God kills someone that He’s mad at, it’s called justice. As the Creator and Owner of all things, God gets to do whatever He wants. He does not abide by any moral code. He is above all laws and rules. So when you hear people accusing God of being evil, they are really saying that if they were to do what He is doing, they would be judged as evil by Him. Many people accuse God of living by a double standard and then they feel justified in resenting Him for it. This is utter nonsense. When a human being manages to uncreate the God who created them, then they can stand in judgment over Him. Until then, we all need to take a big bite of reality pie: we are the dots, He is the King. He does whatever He wants to do and He is held accountable by no one. Towards those who know their place and sincerely care about pleasing Him, God is glad to discuss how frustrating and upsetting His methods can be. He knows He can be confusing and overwhelming, and He has great empathy for our distress. But towards those who are just jealous and bitter because they are eternally outranked by a God who knows how great He is, God has communicated His concern for their miffed pride by creating a nice little place called Hell.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 24 Comments [1/6/2015 4:27:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105649

When I talk to unsaved people about the rapture and world events, 90% of them agree with the validity of Bible prophecy. Most of them even admit that we are headed towards the tribulation hour. If I try to tell them we might be getting near to the end, that's when I get strong opposition from them. "Not in our lifetime," is the average reply I receive. I always try to reason with them by saying, "You agree Jesus is coming back, and the likelihood of His return only increases each year. Because there is nothing to prevent Him from returning, why not at least be open to the possibility?"
A large portion of the population strongly refuses to consider the prospect of prophecy being fulfilled in our generation. In all honesty, many of these people probably have a good reason for not wanting to see the end times: the start of the tribulation would signal their doom.

In most wars in which two main forces are at odds, it's historically common for fighters to realize they're on the losing side and then defect to the side that's winning. This is particularly true in tribal conflicts. If you're not in Jesus' camp, you're on the losing team. For the time being, sinners still have the opportunity to abandon their loyalty to Satan and to realign themselves as soldiers in God's army. Once Jesus returns to earth, it will become too late for someone to change his or her allegiance

Todd Strandberg, Rapture Ready 35 Comments [1/6/2015 4:25:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Arnie

Quote# 105648

Freemasons are an infiltration group, particularly aimed at corrupting the churches. Don't take my word for it, listen to occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) who openly taught that Freemasons would infiltrate the church (false church)...

“There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church [false church] and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One [Antichrist] comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: "President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order"; Dennis L. Cuddy, RESEARCH MANUAL: AMERICA 2000/GOALS 2000, MOVING THE NATION EDUCATIONALLY TO A "NEW WORLD ORDER" Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48.

Wowza, wowza, wowza! Did you get that? Alice Bailey said that the public needs to be familiarized with the ancient mysteries. AND THE CHURCHES ARE THEIR VEHICLE OF SUBVERSION!!!!!!!

Take a look on the back of any U.S. one dollar bill (see picture to left)! We are seeing the All Seeing Eye and The Great Pyramid (both displayed) everywhere these days! Now you know why! You are being familiarized with Satan's plot for world government, which began in the ancient religions. Why familiarize the public? It is because occultists are the custodians of world government and they now recognize that it is time to PREPARE THE WORLD to receive the soon coming man of sin, THE ANTICHRIST!!!

By “outer expression” she means literally that woefully ignorant churches will unknowingly help promote the New World Order. If you think it's not happening, consider that every Baptist church using the modern corrupt Bibles are pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Famous author Mark Twain rightly said, “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” One of the most difficult things to do in churches today is to wake people up to the reality that Satan has corrupted the Bible. It breaks my heart.

The average Christian sees that the new Bibles are much easier to understand compared to the King James Bible (so they think), and so they love the new versions; but they do not have enough spiritual perception to recognize that Satan has butchered the Bible doctrinally, weakening it, removing the word godhead completely, ruthlessly attacking the deity of Christ and rendering the Word of God without the authoritativeness that is maintained in the majestic King James Bible.

What many older Christians fail to understand is that baby believers are at the greatest risk. This is true of human life as well. Adults are aware and able to protect themselves, but little babies and small children are completely vulnerable. It's the same spiritually. For those Christians who grew up using the King James Bible and have been born-again for over 30 years like me, we can read the newer versions and it doesn't adversely affect us much because we have already learned the King James Bible.

However, for a new believer who gets saved today, and has never seen a King James Bible (and likely never will), they will never learn the following list of words, because they've ALL BEEN REMOVED from the NIV series. All of these words have been completely REMOVED (and this is only a partial list) from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. If you use the NIV series of corrupt Bibles, you will never read the word “Calvary,” and the classic hymn “At Calvary” won't make any sense anymore.

All these words are missing in the NIV and NIRV versions...

...Sodomite, regeneration, mercyseat, Calvary, remission, Jehovah, immutable, omnipotent, Comforter, Holy Ghost, Messiah, quickened, infallible, fornication, trucebreakers, winebibbers, carnal, slothful, unthankful, effeminate, backbiting, vanity, lasciviousness, whoredom, devils, Lucifer, damnation, brimstone, and the bottomless pit.

Should it be surprising in this sexually immoral generation of pleasure-seekers, that the following convicting words have been stricken from God's word: sodomite, fornication, whoredom, effeminate and lasciviousness. Should it be surprising in this generation of reprobates who will no longer endure sound doctrine (truth), that they've removed the words: devils, Lucifer, damnation, brimstone and the bottomless pit? The Holy Spirit is no longer the believer's Comforter. In the updated gender-neutral 2011 NIV (you don't want to offend those feminists and lesbians), the Holy Spirit is no longer masculine. Folks, what will it take to wake you up?

Every preacher and evangelist ought to be standing for the integrity of the Bible! I could name a hundred pastors who don't stand, amongst tens-of-thousands who won't! Wake up! Satan knows that if he can corrupt the Bible, then he can change our doctrines! I wouldn't give you a dime for a preacher who has been informed of the problem and then shirks it aside. I can respect a pastor who is ignorant of the matter, but I cannot respect any so-called man of God who has been shown what is wrong with the modern Bible versions and still chooses to keep using them. It is wickedness!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 27 Comments [1/6/2015 4:06:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 105643

This stealth war on heterosexuals (disguised as woman's and gay rights) is designed to destabilize society in advance of the New World Order. The destruction of the nuclear family has long been the Illuminati Communist goal. They wish to make arrested development (homosexuality) the new norm. Lesbianism is the hidden agenda of feminism. Marriage and family are essential to our natural development. But, despite the deceitful propaganda, most male homosexuals don't want marriage or children. They want sex.

See this 1969 document from Rockefeller-funded "Planned Parenthood" which plots to promote homosexuality and feminism so as to decrease US fertility. (Berelson-Jaffe Chart)

Because promoting homosexuality is the elite Agenda, the research on same-sex parenting is highly politicized. Thus, we have numerous nonsensical claims that homosexual parenting is as good for the child or better than a stable heterosexual marriage.

Here is a study that actually claims that more than half of gay men want to have children! It says that in 2007, an estimated two million GLB people were interested in adopting. An estimated 65,500 adopted children were living with a lesbian or gay parent. More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states. Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States. 

The most common type of same sex parenting is by two lesbians. Dr. Dean Byrd, a psychiatrist testified that the "research clearly demonstrated that lesbian mothers had a feminizing effect on their sons and a masculinizing effect on their daughters. Boys raised by lesbian mothers behaved in less traditionally masculine ways, and girls, particularly adolescent and young girls raised by lesbian mothers, appear to have been more sexually adventurous and less chaste."

Dr. Byrd continued, "Children learn about male and female differences through parental modeling. The parental, mother-father relationship provides children with a model of marriage--the most meaningful, enduring relationship that the vast majority of individuals will have during their lives."

Girls need their father's approval to affirm their femininity and to eventually establish a bond with a man. Boys also need their father's example to grow into strong independent men capable of leading families. All of this, the Bolshevik Masonic globalists are out to sabotage. There is well documented evidence of the spiritual bond between Mother and Child, that when broken, shortly after birth, it greatly effects the child's spiritual development

Coke, Yahoo News 23 Comments [1/6/2015 4:05:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 105641

RU486,the pill, abortion, and the gay agenda these are all part of the progressive depopulation agenda. Looks like they are winning Kill the babies, kill the babies kill the babies.

But Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.

"For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.

gee this sounds like what the progressive are saying now

bremmer, Yahoo News 24 Comments [1/6/2015 4:05:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 105640

LGBT Propagandist: "Hey Jimmy, I hear you like boys."

Jimmy: "Yeah, but I really wish I didn't. It feels wrong"

Propagandist: "That's just close-minded bigots infecting you. Being gay is a beautiful thing and super-duper normal! Here's a box of free Trojans. Go explore your sexuality!"

Jimmy: "No, I'd rather not and never. It feels wrong and I don't want to do something like that."

Propagandist: "Jimmy, don't deny your desires. And if you're worried about how you and another man can have sex-"

Jimmy: "No, shut up and go away. I don't want to be gay."

Propagandist: "Okay, you're still in the closet. I understand. Don't worry, we'll help you come out and be proud of your sexuality."

*this kind of thing goes on for several months until...*

Jimmy: "I give up, I guess I might as well embrace my homosexuality."

Propagandist: "That's the spirit! And from what I hear, hunky Jack Williams is single and also just came out of the closet. Why don't we set you two up?"

Despicable, ain't it?

WonderAndAwe, Catholic Answers 38 Comments [1/5/2015 4:28:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Mary

Quote# 105633

This is part of the homosexual agenda.

In every nation that a accepts gay marriage, the next to fall is age of consent.

In Europe, you will see age of consent at 13 to 15. This as pushed by the homosexual liberals.

The same is happening here. Look at the AG race in Virginia for proof.

The land of human sacrifice, taking the souls of little girls.

moonshiner_09, Free Republic 38 Comments [1/5/2015 4:27:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Manure Inspector
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