Quote# 113572

Time to Knock the Supremes Down a Peg or Three

Besides doing something about certain lawless decisions made by our black-robed masters, something must also be done about how we came to such a place where they can cast their gaze across the fruited plain and whatever catches their fancy becomes the law of the land, indeed higher than the Constitution.

Roe was bad enough, a joke of a decision made out of whole cloth after Justice Blackmun consulted with phony history and the opinion of his young daughter. But Obergefell is much worse, coming as it does after twenty years of everyday Americans making their views abundantly and overwhelmingly known that they reject faux marriage of the same-sex.

Sitting in their august temple they did what they had wanted to do for some time, and to hell with the democratic process so faithfully adhered to by regular folks. They imposed faux marriage on the whole country with the majority opinion written by Justice Kennedy getting snickers from left, right, and center though not from gay guys who are using some of it in their faux wedding ceremonies.

What got us here is an extravagant and despotic notion called judicial supremacy, the case against which is getting a nice airing out by noted legal scholars. One of them gave an important lecture recently at the Washington DC campus of Hillsdale College, what may eventually be one of the last bastions and protectors of the founding vision.

Matthew Franck has taught constitutional law and runs the Center on Religion and the Constitution at the Witherspoon Institute. He begins his lecture (to be published in full in a future issue of the quarterly National Affairs) with his own view that “Obergefell presents us with judicial aggrandizement on a truly grand scale—and not just because its impact on the institution of marriage is so devastating, nor because of its fallout for the family, for religious liberty, or for the foundations of a free society. What was stunning about the decision was its peculiar brazenness. The sheer boldness of the pretense that the Constitution guarantees a right of same-sex marriage was breathtaking. And the blundering incompetence of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion, which almost defies analysis because it answered to no legal norms or categories, was infuriating.”

Franck says in their dissents the four justices in the minority have issued a “call to arms,” a call to resist the decision. He says, “The dissenters directly attack the legitimacy of the majority’s decision, and should be read as inviting their fellow citizens to resist it.”


The sense of the Court’s self-importance can begin to be checked by the congressional reinstitution of some aspects of the Judges’ Bill. Such changes “could do a world of good by doing a world of mischief to the dogma of judicial supremacy.” Specifically, Franck proposes the reinstitution of the “state’s traditional right of appeal with mandatory review by the Supreme Court in cases where a state law was declared contrary to the federal constitution by a federal court”: the Court would not be allowed to summarily dismiss such cases. Every such case would have to be placed on the docket, receive briefs, hear oral arguments, and publish decisions.

At the same time, “any such adverse judgment of lower federal courts, holding a state law unconstitutional, could be automatically stayed in any class of cases Congress chooses to define…”

Franck says under such a regime “none of the federal court judgments against state marriage laws would have gone into effect” until the Supreme Court heard and decided each of the cases separately. What that would mean is the Court could not take one case and decide all of them based on that single one.

Franck says such changes could be enacted today, “and would effectively restore the marriage laws of any state not explicitly governed by the order in Obergefell—which technically affects only the four states of the Sixth Circuit—if public officials in the other states have the courage to act on their oath to the Constitution without confusing it with an oath to follow the latest pronouncements of the Supreme Court.”

Such changes would require creative, heroic and inspired congressional and presidential leadership. Both branches have been content for decades to shuffle off their most controversial issues to the courts. After all, controversial issues get you sent home. Such leadership is hard to imagine in the clown show we so frequently see on Capitol Hill.

But I do know this. I relish the thought of our black-robed masters having to slave away in their august chambers on 200, 300, or 400 cases a year. Taking away their time and forcing them to work on legal issues of less than “national significance” might deservedly knock them down a peg or two: in the process, they might not stay quite so long on the court, and our system of checks and balances might end this despotic system of judicial supremacy.

One of our hopes is the creative thinking of people like Matt Franck. More please.

Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine  31 Comments [10/14/2015 2:48:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 113571

We’d be much better off peppering cemeteries with statues of people screaming in anguish and demons snarling with glee instead of a bunch of kind faced angels standing about on guard. Angels have nothing to do with where we spend eternity. They can’t prevent human souls from going to Hell, nor would they try to, for angels are loyal to God and they agree with Him that those who defy Him deserve eternal torment.

According to Jesus, most souls go to Hell. We could really use to be reminded of this when we go to visit the graves of the dead. If we could look about and see images of pain and anguish, then we’d be reminded of where most souls end up, and we’d be more motivated to think about the future of our own souls. But instead Satan makes sure we’re surrounded with stonework that promotes a very deceiving view what eternity will be like.

Can you imagine how offended people would be if we decorated cemeteries with some more accurate depictions of the afterlife? Can you imagine the uproar if we carved flames of torment onto gravestones in place of “RIP”? We won’t ever do it, of course, because Satan has taught us to beautify death as much as possible, decorating the memory of a soul’s wasted life with flowers and cards instead of learning from their mistakes. To die in rebellion against God—there is no more horrible end. Such souls are lost forever and any good they did on earth is completely discounted. We should be horrified by the thought of where these souls ended up—instead we put flowers on their graves and fantasize that their souls are resting in peace. “R.I.P.” has certainly proven to be one of Satan’s most effective deceptions.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 33 Comments [10/14/2015 2:48:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 113570

Four common types of hilarious fallacies liberal lunatics use to attack me

Posted on October 11, 2015 by caamib

Insane accusations against me, especially those made by immensely stubborn and mentally challenged haters, amount to roughly four things

1. Insane lies that have nothing to do with reality, like that I wanted the government to force women into sleeping when men with my former program was basically a dating service where everybody had the right to refuse everybody and this was plainly written (even by feminists). Or a lie I don’t believe mental illnesses exist or that I don’t believe in psychiatry at all. In fact, those acting like they don’t are the myriad of liberal lunatics who want to diagnose online despite them not being doctors and this, um, not being possible online in any  case, something any shrink would tell them. Ironically, these tools also claim therapy is a solution to any problem).

2.Claims I still have some problem because posts from said I did years ago. Like “He has penile insesitivity!” Umm, yeah, I had some when I just started having sex, jesus. Time goes by. Things change.

3. Claims that I am bad for having common sense ideas on things like consent. Ummm, you’re the bad ones here, willing to traumatize consenting kids with cops, lawyers and other vermin, while still believing you’re helping the poor child you’re traumatizing with your hostility towards sexuality of absolutely anybody but retarded sluts and sacred liberal groups like Muslims or blacks. Of course, a black or a Muslim raping a 2 month year-old is A-ok but a white guy sleeping with a willing 17 year-old girl is a criminal. Another example of this would be me considered bad for refusing to acknowledge that awful feminist trap of standing up for “victims of female-on-male rape”, when something like that can’t exist due to basic biology, namely sex being a female resource. Nonsense like the belief that women can rape men can only be created by over-socialization and indoctrination. It doesn’t exist in nature.

4. Interpretation of events that actually happened in light of liberal lunacy. A most common example of this is the claim I raped some women in 2012-2013 thought this never happened. In the first case it is a woman whose pic I posted on this blog in 2012 and who offered to have sex with me to take it down. Another is a woman who I told that I’ll call her in her home if she doesn’t have sex with me. This woman accepted only after asking to be given things. None of this is rape in my country or any country in the world. It is rape only in the demented minds of feminists, which would also mean some demented US/Canadian colleges or a portion of insane feminist prosecutors/judges. Nowhere else. One of these girls is laughing at my accusers, calling them mentally ill and calling me “her rapist” from time to time to mock these freaks. Insanity of this claim is even greater when we know women love to be beaten and raped and hate respect and consent. In patriarchy women want kisses. In feminism women want bullets. 

Hilarious. But so are the liberals. Mental patients wanting to put sane people in hospitals.

caamib, CoAlphaAntiModernistIncelBlogger 79 Comments [10/14/2015 2:40:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: FundieVision Inc

Quote# 113567

The Jews certainly are my misfortune.

Thanks to Jew censors, I am unable to post comments anywhere on the Internet. It is frightening how the Jews have a stranglehold on Internet information. And I never said anything threatening about jews; my comments ranged on Jews’ role in starting WW2 to Jewish usury.

So listen up guys, do it for Bro Nat–go to these various sites (like Huffington) and post the truth–and join the honorable ranks of those banned for life by Jewish censors.

abinico warez, Real Jew News 22 Comments [10/13/2015 1:47:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 113566

HILLARY NOW PROMISES that homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgender perversion will be the central pillar of her administration.

Speaking before hundreds of Jews and sexual perverts at the Jewish-funded Human Rights Campaign on Saturday, Hillary told the cheering perverts what her campaign was all about:

"I'm running for president to stand up for the fundamental rights of LGBT Americans."

That's the best reason for running for president this country has ever heard!

To stand up for men to have anal sex with one another's feces... for women to insert plastic penises into one another's vaginas...and for me to impersonate women, (Bruce Jenner), is truly a patriotic pursuit that our Founding Fathers would be proud of.

That's why this country is going to hell. And Hillary will put the finishing touches to bring down God's judgment on this Jew-ruined nation.

For it was the Jews who struck down the definition of marriage at the Supreme Court.

And it was the Jews who legislated sodomite marriages as the law of the land in opposition to God's creational order.

To stand up for the RIGHTS OF JEWS to wreck the morality of America is what Hillary's campaign is really all about.

For with Jewish donors like George Soros lining up to throw their billions behind Hillary, campaigning for homosexuality guarantees big Jewish bucks.

For nothing pleases Jews (like George Soros) than to see Christian teaching toppled and all kinds of sexual deviancy holding sway.

AND WHAT MORE 'rights' do the Jews want for homosexuals?

The 'right' to have sex with minors? The 'right' to engage in bestiality? The 'right' to demand that Christian ministers join them in 'holy matrimony?'

What was once hidden is now out in the open. What was considered a shame is now a political platform.

A philosophizing man once said, "The Jews are our misfortune."

And Hillary is about to bring that "misfortune" down on us all.

Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Jew News 26 Comments [10/13/2015 1:46:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 113563

I consider rape to be compelling someone to have sex through the use or the threat of force. The dictionary definition of rape.

I don't consider obtaining sex through drugging someone, or taking advantage of a drunk person, or through deception to be rape. Those things are wrong, and they're crimes, but they're not rape. They're different crimes.

molten_dragon, Debate Politics 26 Comments [10/13/2015 1:46:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 113562

We're weeding out our geniuses. We're killing off our prophets. We're drugging our messiahs.

Were she alive today, Sylvia Plath would be on anti-depressants. Salvador Dali would be on anti-psychotics. Beethoven would be on Lithium. Newton would likely be committed as well as heavily drugged for his multiple, pervasive mental illness symptoms.

Don't even get me started on Jesus Christ.

Heroin addiction is as much a symptom of spiritual malaise as it is a cure.


If you're thinking that medications would have decreased these people's suffering while allowing their gifts and talents to be explored, I'd suggest reading Ken's book for a sobering look at the effects of Lithium. Then, go on Google and look up some common mental illness medications, their symptoms, and their side effects.

Perhaps the drugs would have prevented some suicides, though even that is questionable (as you'll find on your search - many medications have been linked to suicide). But suppose they had. Then we'd have artificially extended their lifespans allowing them to fade into obscurity, known by few, admired by fewer.

Vironika Tugaleva, High Existence 23 Comments [10/13/2015 1:46:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 113557

book has been written by Patricia Sexton called The Feminized Male. Half of America’s guns are owned by women. Long Island has a firegirl in their fire department. The military academy is now co-educational. There are now girls in the Boy Scouts. On the board of the Y.M.C.A. there are four women. One social expert has said, “By the year 2,000, Father will do the dishes and wash the diapers while Mom washes the car and mows the lawn.”

Along with this trend is the trend of naming boys and girls the same names. Now I don’t mean to be unkind, but if you are going to name a girl “Jack,” put an “i-e” on it and make it “Jackie” or add an “a-l-y-n” and make it “Jacalyn.”

When a little boy is born, we let him grow long hair and look like a girl, (now I’m going to make someone mad here) we name him Francis, (and one of the best friends I have in this world is named Francis) we curl his hair and put him in what we call a diaper shirt, (which is no more than a dress) and then we wonder why he turns out to be a sissy! Brother, when a boy gets home from the hospital, put him in blue jeans and cut his hair! If you don’t, he’s going to grow up and look like some of you Samsons sitting here in this room tonight!

jack hyles, JESUS IS SAVIOR 49 Comments [10/13/2015 3:37:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 113556

One of the great signs of the end time is the fact that the unisex movement is sweeping this country. Dr. Joyce Brothers said, “The melting together of the sexes is upon us.” Dr. Ralph Greenson, of the Gender Identity Clinics, called it the “sexual thinness.” Vance Packard calls it a “sexual wilderness in our country.” Herbert Marcuse calls it “sexual desublimation.” In the Barton County Community College in Kansas, enrollment cards were filled out. The question was asked on the enrollment card, “Are you male or female?” Two percent wrote “undecided.” Last year at Northeastern University, a 140-pound football player was named the “Winter Carnival Queen.” Judith Anderson is playing Hamlet. Mia Farrow plays Peter Fonda’s brother in “Some Like It Hot.” Olivia Hussey has played Romeo. (A lot of other hussies have been playing those parts, too!) There’s a TV show called, “My Brother, the Bride.” If you haven’t got enough decency to turn that thing off, sell your television set! Better still, break it in pieces! Some of you watch that kind of garbage! Some of you even let your children watch it! You turn homosexuality and pagan unisex programs on in your living room or den and say to your children, “Watch it!” You’re asking for heartbreak as sure as I’m behind this pulpit!

jack hyles, JESUS IS SAVIOR 30 Comments [10/13/2015 3:36:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 113555

You say, "I have my rights too!

No, you don't. Not yet! A woman does not have any right in this world until she's done this.

jack hyles, JESUS IS SAVIOR 25 Comments [10/13/2015 3:35:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 113554

Do you object that I call it a myth? It is a myth. It is not science, it is not even scientific to believe in spontaneous creation of life from non life. Science is based on rational deduction from observations and predictions to confirm the deductions. Here, no observer saw or even has seen life emerge from non life. It cannot even be done deliberately, much less blindly by an natural process. If it were a natural process, we would see it going on around us at all times.

John C. Wright, John C. Wright's Journal 24 Comments [10/13/2015 3:29:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: David

Quote# 113552

If the Big Bang is true then why did the Nukes dropped on Japan not produce a completely new city in both instances. Bangs don't create.

Rev. David Williams, Twitter 43 Comments [10/13/2015 3:27:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 40
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 113551

From God’s perspective, all the souls in this world can be divided into two camps: white as snow, and covered in filth. Every Christian is seen as white as snow, no matter what kind of evil they are currently up to. Every unbeliever is equally filthy, from the nice moral man to the serial killer. There are no degrees of sin to God in either camp. Sin is a black and white issue with absolutely no grey area.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 26 Comments [10/13/2015 3:27:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 113550

So let’s consider what we have here. Jesus is using theatrics with a donkey to make everyone think He’s going to be the political savior of Israel. Yahweh has made the epic deception of this moment possible by putting out a bunch of empty promises centuries before. And now as Jesus looks upon Jerusalem, He suddenly bursts into tears and prophesies what is actually going to happen in her future—and it’s a message which totally counters what Yahweh has said.

But as He came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, He began to weep. “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side. They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not recognize it when God visited you.” (Lk. 19:41-44)

Where was the conditional language in Zechariah 9? When did Yahweh say, “But all these great things will only happen to you Jews if you pass a spiritual test I’m going to throw at you centuries from now”? He doesn’t say anything like this. When Yahweh prophesied about Israel’s golden age, He made it sound so final—so written in stone. Now Jesus shows up and says, “Nope, forget it. You people could have had a great life, but you refused to listen to Me, so now you’re going to get trampled.” This new prophecy about Jerusalem totally counters what Yahweh says. Hello, since when do our Gods contradict Each Other? Hey, They’re Gods. They will lie, contradict, and cancel any promise They want to any time They want.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 19 Comments [10/13/2015 3:27:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 113549

Matthew’s grasp of the Old Testament isn’t all that sharp, and he tends to see Messianic prophecies where none exist, so you can’t just believe him whenever he claims Jesus is fulfilling some ancient promise. But in this case, Matthew is correct: there is a portion of Zechariah 9 that does apply to Jesus. The problem is that the language in that passage is very misleading.

“Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey—riding on a donkey’s colt.

I will remove the battle chariots from Israel and the warhorses from Jerusalem. I will destroy all the weapons used in battle, and your king will bring peace to the nations. His realm will stretch from sea to sea and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.” (Zech. 9:9-10)

Is Jesus really humble? No, He loves to exalt Himself. This donkey stunt is not at all His way of saying “I’m nobody special.” On the contrary, He knows that this passage from Zechariah is considered a Messianic prophecy, and He’s intentionally using it to ignite a bunch of fanfare in which He will be showered with praise, cheers, and applause. It’s highly ironic that while Zechariah 9 paints a picture of a king meekly riding into Jerusalem on a young donkey, Jesus is going to find a way to fulfill the technical actions while turning the whole moment into a glory fest. And what about this bit where Yahweh promises to remove all threats of war from Israel and Jerusalem? Is this really going to happen? Not hardly. And is Jesus going to bring peace to the nations? Not the kind of peace Yahweh is talking about in this passage. Yahweh is describing a king who ends up taking over the whole world and abolishing all war. Now there’s a laugh.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 14 Comments [10/13/2015 3:27:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 113547

I love the illustration of standing on a chair to change a lightbulb. Even if I am 99% sure that the chair is too shaky and won't be able to support my entire weight, it is still nothing less than 100% faith if I stand upon the chair. Of course, in reality no one in their right mind would stand upon a shaky looking chair that they were convinced wouldn't support them. Albeit, it would still be 100% faith if I did choose to stand upon the chair unaided by a helper, rope or something to cling to in case I fall.

Please understand that optimism (a positive outlook) is NOT faith. I could stand there all day proclaiming how much I believe the chair will hold me up if I were to stand upon it. I can say loud and confidently, “I believe! Boy, brother, you've just got to believe! I believe that this chair can hold me up!” But that is NOT faith at all, not even in the least, because I am not standing upon the chair. So even in the presence of great optimism, I can have no faith at all. That's what Modernists and Roman Catholics have, that is, they really think they're going to Heaven, but they've never trusted Christ. Catholics instead trust their church and the seven sacraments to save them. Modernists trust their humanism, self-righteous works and new age spiritism.

In sharp contrast, the Biblical Christian rests completely in the finished redemptive work of Jesus Christ, standing upon the chair (which pictures Christ in our example). Saying you believe that Christ can save you is not faith, anymore than saying you think the chair can support your weight is trust in the chair. Even if you have 99% doubt in the Bible, God will save you if you'll believe the gospel. That is, if you'll personally receive Christ's death upon the cross, His burial and bodily resurrection from the dead as payment for your sins, you will be saved.

All mankind are sinners. As such we are all under the condemnation of God's law. There is a price for sin that we all owe to God. That price is spending eternity burning in the Lake of Fire! Consequently, we need to find someone who doesn't owe that price, someone who is not condemned, someone who can pay that price for us. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Jesus is the Christ Who paid the price for our sins with His own blood! Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin, lived a totally sinless life, and was accepted by God the Father as a well-pleasing sacrifice for the sins of the world. JESUS PAID THE PRICE!

Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.” Notice that we just read a man's “faith is counted for righteousness.” That is so important to understand. It means that all the heretics requiring intent to reform as part of salvation are liars, wrong and false prophets! This includes Aiden Tozer, John MacArthur, Jack Chick, David Cloud, William Lane Craig, Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Benny Hinn, Eric Hovind, Paul Taylor and thousands more. Jesus is Lord, you don't make Him Lord! You simply trust Jesus to be saved.

David J. Stewart, God Loves People 31 Comments [10/13/2015 3:26:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 113542

The Government is Paying for 10 Year Olds to Get Implanted Birth Control?!?!

Do you remember what it was like to be a 10 year old? I remember being an unabashed tomboy concerned with playing outside and acing 5th grade.

But life isn’t so innocent and carefree for some 10 years old in Washington State. This summer a report came out claiming that some schools in Washington were giving free birth control implants to children as young as 10 years old! These birth control devices are implanted in a girl’s uterus, and all of this can be done without a parent’s consent!

And now a public records request by Judicial Watch has confirmed the details of what is happening in Washington.

Judicial Watch reports:

JW filed a public records request with the Washington Health Care Authority after reading a disturbing article in a pro-life news site over the summer about a Seattle high school that offers different forms of birth control without parental knowledge or consent. This includes implanting an intrauterine device (IUD) in a girl’s uterus free of cost. It’s part of an initiative offered by Medicaid, the joint federal and state insurance program for the poor. The article points out the irony that a teen in Seattle can’t get a sugary soft drink in high school but can have a device implanted into her uterus.

The data obtained by JW reflect increasing numbers of kids in all age groups receiving these birth control implants from 2013 to 2014. Figures can’t be compared for 2015 because the full year’s data is not yet available, but the records show that in 2014 and at least part of 2015, girls as young as 10 received the implants. The largest group of minors that got the birth control implants was 17 years old, according to the data, but girls much younger also received them. Four 11-year-olds got birth control from the state during the 2 ½- year period and so did more than 100 girls between the ages of 12 and 13. The numbers go up as the girls get older with 364 girls age 14 getting the implants and 744 15-year-olds. The records show that 2,336 girls ages 16 to 17 were given implants during this period.

It is crazy that the government is offering a controversial form of birth control that can have serious life-long side effects to 10-year-old CHILDREN, but then to do all of this behind a parent’s back is simply outrageous!

Bristol Palin, Patheos 30 Comments [10/12/2015 2:59:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 113536

To fear God means that we obey Him, because we know what will happen if we don't. When I was growing up, I dared not sass my father or disobey him, because I knew I would get spanked with a belt if I did (or I would be laying on the floor from a swipe of my father's hand before I knew what hit me). Call that what you want, but I respected my father and it kept me out of a lot of trouble as a teenager. My parents were both Christians. I feared my father, and that fear carried over into my adult life with the Lord God. I know that my mother and father also loved me very much, and cared about me. My parents weren't perfect (none are), but they were Christians and that made all the difference in the world.

Notice what Proverbs says... UNTO HIM THAT OUGHT TO BE FEARED!!!

Psalms 76:11, “Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God: let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.”

God ought to be feared. If you don't fear God, then you don't know God. 2nd Corinthians 5:11 speaks of, “KNOWING THE TERROR OF THE LORD.” God is not a tyrant, but He is God. As God, He makes the rules. Our duty is to obey God's commandments. If men disobey God, then we are the sinners, not God. From the beginning of time God has been good to mankind. Man always ruins things, conniving in his own sinful ways to outsmart God, which always leads to his own destruction. I wrote this article to draw attention to the Biblical truth that we should all FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. We don't hear enough preaching these days about FEARING GOD. If people feared God, they wouldn't cheat each other (1st Thessalonians 4:6). If people feared God, they wouldn't commit adultery (Proverbs 6:29). If people feared God, they wouldn't gossip and backbite one another (James 4:12).

No doubt many Christians would argue that a believer ought to serve God out of a heart of love and loyalty, in gratitude for all that the Lord is and does for us. I wholeheartedly agree. But before young people can grow to that place in their spiritual walk with God, they must be taught to obey or else face the grave consequences. The fear of God is the training wheels. The fear of God will follow and guide us throughout life. Hopefully, at some point, we will want to do right and preach the Gospel out of a deep sense of love, and commitment, for our God and Savior. If our ungodly U.S. Supreme Court feared God, then they never would have legalized abortion in 1973 and same-sex marriage in 2015. There is no rule of law anymore, only perversion of justice. Woe unto our nation!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 43 Comments [10/12/2015 2:55:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 113534

"No one should tell someone else what to do with their body."

Great! Then you support not telling men what to do with their body when they want to rape women. Let them rape! Bodily autonomy for all - black and white and men and women! :-)

WorldGoneCrazy, Christian News Network 46 Comments [10/12/2015 3:13:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 30

Quote# 113533

Theodore Shoebat posted a video yesterday calling for the institution of a "Christian collectivist society" in America in which collective punishment is imposed and where those who refuse to submit to Christianity are put to death.

As Shoebat explained, the problem with America is that it is too individualistic, only punishing criminals for the crimes they have committed instead of imposing collective punishments in an effort to root out the beliefs or behaviors that led to the crime in the first place.

For instance, he said, the correct response to the crimes of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer would have been to punish him for his transgressions, but then to also outlaw homosexuality because "it leads to serial killers, it leads to cannibalism, it leads to murder" and is a danger to the collective Christian society.

Non-Christians would be allowed to live in this society, Shoebat magnanimously stated, provided that they "respect and honor the Christian faith." Those who refuse to do so and seek to promote any sort of "diabolical belief system or an explicitly anti-Christian sentiment" would be put to death.

Theodore Shoebat, Right Wing Watch 41 Comments [10/12/2015 3:13:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 29
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 113532

Well folks.... Its friday morning at 6:51 am
Guess what???

Flagstaff AZ
At least 3 dead, plus the shooter
Sound familiar...

These pricks are not going to let up. I am going to say right now, after reading one article on it....... FALSE FLAG BULL.....
We must be getting really close to the main event folks.... Really close.
If I was anyone, who was not stocked up on weapons and ammo...... DO IT NOW...... RIGHT NOW....... TODAY

Undertaker, All Pipeline News 30 Comments [10/12/2015 3:12:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Wolverine

Quote# 113530

First of all, our God is holy, and He said that the definition of beauty is something that is holy. No young lady, no matter how beautiful she may be thought of in her face, is beautiful if she is not holy. No thing that man ever created, no matter how skillfully it was crafted, is a beautiful work of art if it wasn't made to be holy. Beauty and holiness go together.

Now this is true when it comes to music and the playing of instruments. Every instrument was made to be played beautifully. God gave the Jews music. God gave King David the ability to make instruments, and the Jewish community today, though they are the enemies of the Gospel, still have a shred of what King David had. Many of the classical musicians are Jewish. If you want to hear how a violin should be played, listen to a Jewish man play it. If you want to hear what an oboe should sound like, listen to a Jewish man play that oboe.

Alan Ives, Mom of 9's Place 24 Comments [10/12/2015 3:11:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 113529

The holy relationship between the Christian and Christ cannot be depicted with the world's sensual love music. Today they are trying to put the sixties sex music into "All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus," and it doesn't work! Somebody is painting a different picture underneath that beautiful picture of the Lord who only can cheer the soul of a man. They are thereby making light of it.

Let's face it. The things that those sixties bands sang about was having girlfriends that usually didn't last for more than a couple of weeks or months. (There is nothing in the Bible about having a girlfriend, or dating, or going steady; that's just an American fad.) By using sixties music with that grand old hymn, they put all that fickle, sensual,love-sicky, puppy-dog, worldly stuff underneath "All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus." His love is not fickle; His love is not sensual; it's not that way! And those rhythms, as harmless as some people seem to think they are, are not harmless.

Consider the boogie, and the blues, which is just the boogie slowed down. These are very similar rhythms; only the speed is different. The blues rhythm is found in the old ballads. Hundreds of songs have been written to this "eight to the bar" rhythm. Have you ever heard "I Am Weak But Thou Art Strong" played with a boogie beat? It is the jazzy, Southern gospel style. It is the boogie. It is a dance rhythm. Southern gospel musicians have destroyed a lot of the hymns of the faith by using that jazzy rhythm.

When you put the accent on the wrong beat, it is dance music, and it appeals to your flesh; and somebody can sell more records to you because your flesh likes it! The rhythms appeal to your flesh, and the people that make the records know that. They don't want to appeal to the spiritual Christians who are walking with the Lord; they want to appeal to people that don't walk with the Lord; because they know that more people don't than do, and they want to sell more records. They make their living studying what people are doing, and if there is one thing they know, it is that most Christians are not walking with the Lord.

Sooner or later Christians must get rid of the wrong kind of music, or it will take them the wrong way. There are good Christians who listen to the wrong music sometimes; but after they are instructed, if they keep on listening to that and liking it, I know something is not right. It's one way of finding out where they are at. You cannot feed yourself on carnal music, and take it into yourself, without getting carnal.

Those who try to witness to folk understand the power of rock and roll music, or the television blaring, or something else going on in the background that draws you away from that spirit of being concerned for someone's soul. It's because the appeal is to the flesh, to get you out of the Spirit and into the flesh. The Bible says, "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16). If you don't walk in the Spirit, you will fulfill the lusts of the flesh; and the Bible says that "when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).

I wouldn't care about any of these things if it didn't cause harm to me and to you, but it does. It does. It always does. It's just that it appears to be harmless when the sensual rhythms are disguised somewhat. It leads you on to desiring more sensual rhythms, just like anything else. It creates sensual appetites.

It's in every area of life. If you take one sip of beer, you will take two, three. You start drinking the wines, then the hard liquors. In the drug scene you go from the marijuana and the hash to the hard drugs. It's a progression. "Earthly, sensual, devilish." A little bit of evil to a lot more evil. The Bible warns the Christian to stay away from vain babblings because "they will increase unto more ungodliness" (2 Timothy 2:16). They increase. It's the snowball effect. You put a little snowball at the top of the hill and roll it awhile, and soon it will gather more snow and more snow, and pretty soon you have a whole snowman, or an avalanche, or something else much bigger than the snowball you started with. It's a snowball effect when it comes to your body liking certain rhythms that are meant to stir up your passions.

The devil uses a progression to draw people away from God and holiness. There was almost nobody from my sixties generation that would sing a song about devil worship. As a matter of fact, at the end of my rock and roll years, even though I was not saved, it was a difficult thing for me to even sing about songs that mentioned the devil. I could not understand what the Rolling Stones were doing singing about the devil. I thought, "What does that have to do with hamburgers and French fries and girls and beaches and Coca Cola and surfing and Woodies?" It did not compute, until after I got saved and read the Bible and found that the devil has been trying to get everybody to worship him. And he takes every generation as far as he can.

When you change the rhythm, you tend to change the style that a person sings in. If you play "I Was Sinking Deep In Sin" with a boogie blues background, you feel like singing with an Elvis Presley style. It is hard to play carnal rhythms and sing spiritually.

Of the three aspects of music, it is the rhythm that should be the least important. It is the spirit which is the most important. Dance music is primarily for the body. It's not something that appeals to the thoughts and spirit. It's not something, really, that appeals to the feelings.

Alan Ives, Mom of 9's Place 32 Comments [10/12/2015 3:11:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 113528

Another type of rhythm is syncopation. This is Rumba-type music with the accent just off the beat, so it swings. And when the music constantly swings and puts the accent off the beat, it is sensual. Elvis Presley used to do this in all his songs. Peter, Paul, and Mary also used the Rumba, but they played it slower and quieter. It is the same syncopated, eight-to-the- bar, boogie rhythm. It appeals to people because it is sensual. The west- coast surfing groups in the sixties used the same rhythms, only they played them louder and faster. It was the same type of syncopated dance music, and it enhanced the sexual appeal of the music. As the years have passed, the music has gotten louder, faster, and more complex in some instances; but it is the same basic type of beat.

If one has ever listened to an African drum group play, he will understand that American rock musicians are just catching up to the African rhythms.

In Africa, the heathen are able to play "poly rhythms." Poly, of course, means many. They have all these drums and other percussion instruments, rhythm instruments, that all make different sounds, and they can hear them. They can make one rhythm with their feet, another with their torso, some more with their arms, and some more with their fingers and wrists, some more in their heads; and they can dance six or seven different rhythms at one time. It is an amazing thing; however, it is all sensual; it's all for the body; and it's all created by their ability to hear and put into their bodies those dance rhythms that were created specifically to make their bodies move in ways that are not polite. They make the body move to draw attention to parts of the body in a way that is improper.

That is all that is happening in the rock scene today. They are catching up to some of these African rhythms. And, of course, the Satan worshipers have just turned the amplifiers up to the fullest degree, and many of them do not know, musically, what they are doing anymore. They are just making a lot of noise. Some of them are not even really playing chords; there is not even any harmony or melody there, just a lot of noise. There is nothing for the spirit, nothing for the soul; it is all for the body. Now we have Rap music. What happened to the melody? It is gone. What you don't know is that they have been doing this type of thing in Africa for thousands of years, and there are recordings of that. They will go on sometimes for hours. You talk about dance marathons! They dance until they drop over and are possessed by devils, and then they get back up and they dance again.

What we have in America is a bunch of young people that are so controlled by the devil that when you try to talk with them about the Lord, they can't hear or understand you because of the music which is raging within them. They are so controlled by an evil music that they can't think about their soul and their spirit.

The gospel rock groups today are not all noisy. There are variations because the devil knows what kind of music you like and he attempts to reach you with your type of music. There is some really noisy music for those who like that kind, and there is some not so noisy music for those who like it quieter.

Think of it like this: On one side you have God, and on the extreme opposite side you have the devil. The devil is opposed to everything that has to do with God and wants to draw people away from God and holiness. How does he do this? He works by degrees, by a progression. Here's what happens. Ideally, everybody would be over on God's side, singing and praising Him, seeking Him, fearing Him, finding favor with Him, pleasing and serving Him. That's where everybody ought to be. On this side we have music which is holy and pure, music which deals with man's spiritual nature.

Now let's say we add just a little bit of sensual rhythm to a song. We make it just one degree away from truly spiritual, holy music. It will appeal to a lot of Christians. Then we have some other music that really is boogie, but we call it Southern gospel; and that will appeal to a lot of Christians. They excuse it by saying it is just "down home" music. No, it isn't. It's boogie woogie, but some Christians still think it is O.K. Then there is the Contemporary Christian Music, which sounds like it is being sung in a nightclub. Of course it is big business today, and it is farther still away from painting a proper picture of our Lord.

Alan Ives, Mom of 9's Place 34 Comments [10/12/2015 3:10:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 113526

Ethical behavior never produces righteousness. There is none righteous, no not one. All your righteousness is as Isaiah said, bloody cotex before Him. Therein is the righteousness of God revealed. The imputed righteousness that comes by faith. And whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Not doing something doesn't make you good, (I don't do this or I don't do that) it makes you nothing. You have to do the good, and the good is already predefined. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. What you are trying to assert is the same logic as saying, "a man has two legs, ipso facto, if it has two legs it's a man"... Sounds real great until you understand birds have 2 legs, and birds aren't a man. It's rhetorical nonsense.

DeltaBravo, The Christian Post 27 Comments [10/11/2015 6:18:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
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