Quote# 114367
Looney Tunes is an American animated series of comedy short films produced by Warner Bros. from 1930 to 1969. Looney Tunes initially showcased Warner-owned musical compositions through the adventures of cartoon characters.
Since its success during the short film era of cartoons, Looney Tunes has become a worldwide media franchise.
What are cartoons?
1. a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humourously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper of magazine.
2. a motion picture using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
(see What are graven images?, Mickey Mouse programming and Movies and Magic)
Now let us examine the origin of the word ‘cartoon’:
A car, the prefix of cartoon (car + toon) by definition is:
1. a vehicle moving on wheels: as
a) archaic: a carriage, chariot
b) a vehicle designed to move on rails (as of a railroad)
c) automobile
2. the passenger compartment of an elevator
3. the part of an airship or balloon that carries the passengers or cargo
A car is in summation something that has motion (animation) and carries a person, a living soul, an animal, an inanimate object, an idea and/or an energy.
The etymology of the word toon, as the suffix to cartoon:
A toon, as a suffix phonetically sounds to be a derivative of the Punjabi word tuna, which means: witchcraft; unfavourable; unfavourably; unfortunate; miserable; necromancy; magic; inexcusable; hocus pocus (see Wake Up! It’s 1984).
Witches and witchcraft is a recurring theme in animated films. Arguably, a car + toon = cartoon is a vehicle, is a vessel that uses sights and sounds (tunes); to harness and carry witchcraft, magic. Thus, a cartoon is a form of witchcraft, magic, which often uses sounds (tunes = frequencies) to reinforce the spells. It casts; misdirecting and locking the conscious and subconscious mind.
It is little to no wonder that children raised on inordinate amounts of fantasy and fiction have a very difficult time dealing in logic and reality, as adults.
The intent to programming a child with Looney Tunes is to make the child tune into fantasy and tune out of reality, so that when he/she becomes an adult, he/she will mentally malfunction as a mental incompetent (see Age of the TV slaves and The Sound of Music).
Many of us are mind controlled puppets and do not know it.
The Talking Pot 45 Comments [11/12/2015 11:52:07 AM]
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