Quote# 114259

Recently too, I have become aware of spells being placed on certain objects made in foreign countries like say China. For instance if they are making the statue of Liberty for tourists in New York, they may put a spell on it to help bring down this country one person at a time. That also floored me when I heard that. It makes sense but its just so evil that my mind does not work that way!

Sharon Natsarim, Dreams of Dunamis 26 Comments [11/8/2015 5:39:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 114258

Yes. C.S.Lewis greatly surprised me as well. As a home schooling mother, I had assigned his “Mere Christianity” book as well as “The Screw Tape Letters” to my kids to read for school. But when my kids went to open up the book to read it, all they could see was blank pages. To them, the whole book was a blank. One of my kids said there was black smoke coming from the pages. My kids asked me to get a non-defective book to use instead, one that had words printed on it to read. But when I looked at the book, I could clearly see the writing there, just like any other printed book. When I went to the Lord in prayer over this, He told me to look into who C.S.Lewis really was. I checked several different places, and what I found was scary for me. I had no idea that he really was not a true Christian. Because it was one of the books on the Christian home school ‘recommended to read’ list, I assumed he was o.k.. After that, I was much more careful to look into the backgrounds of those writings that I assigned for our school.

At one point, our family was watching “The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe’ movie, right at the exact moment that the witch draws a circle on the floor and then slams her wand right smack in the middle of it, while speaking forth her incantations, one of my kids gave a loud gasp, stopped breathing, and clutched his heart. He acted as if he was in a daze, unable to respond to us. So we stopped the show and cast out any demons trying to attack him. He then, a few moments later, was able to tell us that at that precise moment in the movie, when the witch slammed her wand into the center of the circle, a demon had entered into our home and attacked him. We realized afterwards, (researching such spells,) that the spell this movie star person was saying on screen, was indeed the real thing.

It is good to hear of others feedback of demonbuster.com. I wonder if they have any idea just how many people they have helped free from satan’s clutches!

Dreams of Dunamis, Dreams of Dunamis 38 Comments [11/8/2015 5:39:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 114257

Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

For those wanting to know about the dangers of Chi or Xi or Qi or Xi Gong, the following website will be very useful:

It covers also other forms of ancient practises involving jinns, but nowadays packaged under pseudo-scientific labels to appear more modern and more convincing:

The website has been a started by a Muslim brother who un-knowingly took up Xi Gong when he became a student of Chinese Kung Fu. As a result of that, he became possessed and..., (you can read the story in there ....)


Later in the tread:
Re: Understanding the dangers of Chi or Xi Gong

Wow intresting i never knew this, i always though of xi as an imaginary energy force flowing through your body. I didnt know jinns were involved.

I just read it and the stuff about the micro orbs is crazy, ive never heard or such things.


No such thing as Chi. Its just wacky Chinese pseudoscience. No need to worry about it

simply logical, ummah.com 11 Comments [11/8/2015 5:38:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 114253

My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain. Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big if you stop and think about it. And I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time to store that much grain.

Ben Carson, Talking Points Memo 52 Comments [11/8/2015 5:36:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 114252

[Regarding a decision to force a school to let a transgender student change in the girls' locker room]

The student is not female. But never mind that: the subjective opinion of a mentally ill person now governs a student body of some 12,000.

So here, in a nutshell, is the government’s new policy with regard to sex and sexuality among youngsters:

If you’re a boy who shows a picture of your penis to a girl in your class, you have likely violated both federal child pornography laws as well as local sexual harassment laws. If this happens consistently in your school, the school has violated Title IX.
If you’re a boy who says he’s a girl, the girl must be placed in position to see your penis and testicles. If the school does not allow this, the school has violated Title IX.
If you’re an adult who sexually touches a child with the consent of the child, you have committed a crime, since children are incapable of consent.
If you’re an adult who gives a child hormone therapy or surgery to prevent normal development of the genitals, with the consent of the child, you are a hero.

If this all makes sense to you, you should be working for the federal Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Education.

This is what happens when a society loses its moral moorings. In its quest to destroy God, the left unhitched its wagon from eternal truths and, instead, decided to substitute its own idea of utopia. To reach that utopia – freedom from social expectations and standards – objectivity itself had to be destroyed, so as to avoid blame. Objective truth lost all meaning; only subjectivity mattered. Science became the enemy, since it establishes provable truths; it had to be quashed and quelled. Language became the enemy, since definitions exclude people and things not covered by those definitions; it had to be perverted and hijacked.

And so we now live through the looking glass, waiting for the next philosophically incoherent ruling from our masters of time and space. Or mistresses. Or whatever.

Ben Shapiro, Breitbart 21 Comments [11/8/2015 4:50:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pikachukid

Quote# 114251

In the end, Esau did receive a much lesser blessing. However, the birthright continued to remain with Jacob, including the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth, while Esau was to live by the sword and with one major caveat. At a given point, Esau was to gain the dominion and break Jacob’s yoke of oppression. This is now occurring as the Edomites (descended from Esau) are in charge of the large banking cartels, entertainment, cinema, television, and financial strongholds in the lands settled by Jacob’s offspring.


The failure of men to rule and lead their wives, the home, and other venues can be followed throughout the Bible in the examples of Jacob and Rachel, Ahab and Jezebel, Nabal and Abigail, Herod and Herodias, Ananias and Sapphira, and many others. The failure of men to rule and lead is clearly marked in the history of our people. Remnant Christians live in a culture pulsating with feminization. Today women dominate the world. Who must bear the blame? Not the women! They have become the head and men the tail because the men for far too long have simply failed to rule and lead.

Pastor Dan Gayman, Church of Israel 18 Comments [11/8/2015 4:50:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114250

What Is a Homosexual?

A homosexual is someone who is suffering an acute spiritual affliction that permeates the mind, creating a physical compulsion for sexual relations with someone of the same gender. A compulsion is an irresistible impulse formed from repeated bad decisions of the past. Homosexuality is not really a mental illness, it is certainly not a genetically predestined condition, and, of course, it is not normal. At its root, it is a spiritual void; thus, only to the degree that a homosexual's relationship with God is restored is the measure to which this condition can be permanently remedied.

That is why formerly Christian nations that disconnect from their spiritual roots always experience a powerful upsurge in homosexuality, as we have witnessed in the United States.

Of course, definitions can change and be manipulated, but for our purposes there are two distinct categories of homosexuals: First, a homosexual is a person who has feelings of sexual attraction for someone of the same gender but does not act upon them. Such people do exist. In some cases they are ashamed of their homosexual impulses, wish they were not present, and would eagerly leave them behind if they knew how to do so. Others are proud of their same gender attraction, but for one reason or another still choose not to act upon their inclinations, referring to themselves as celibate homosexuals.

Second, a homosexual is a person who engages in sexual activity with someone of the same gender. Virtually all homosexuals do eventually slip into the second category unless they choose to get treatment that helps them overcome and leave behind their same-gender sexual attraction. Although homosexuality often involves free-will choices, leaving the homosexual lifestyle is difficult and infrequent because it is more than a choice, more than a habit. It is a compulsion—a psychological addiction that has tentacles rooted in a person’s spiritual core.

Reed Benson, Church of Israel 16 Comments [11/8/2015 4:49:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114248

Pope covers the Cross & bows to a Jew

On September 3, 2015, Pope Francis received at the Vatican Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel, accompanied by his personal secretary Rivkah Ravitz. When the moment came to present the latter to Francis, Ravitz affirmed that, for religious reasons, she could not shake his hand or bow to him since he was wearing a Cross.

In reply, Francis covered his pectoral Cross and bowed to her, as a way of saying that he did not care as much about his own religion as she did about Judaism.

So, the Vicar of Christ, instead of giving public testimony of Christ, hides Him and pays homage to Judaism, which is a religion built upon the denial that Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and the true Messiah, who fulfilled all the promises of the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament.

In a single gesture, thus, the entire apostasy of the Popes of Vatican II is expressed.

Atila Sinke Guimarães, Tradition in Action 17 Comments [11/8/2015 4:48:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114247

And if the soul is not restricted by deterministic rules of science, it may do whatever is needed to enact a free will choice, even if it means going back in time to set the brain cells in motion.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 18 Comments [11/8/2015 4:42:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 114242

...I am finally realizing why I did not become a lawyer...and a constitutional lawyer at that though I know the US Constitution pretty good...I still haven't found in the constitution where it...forbids prayer in school...allows the killing of humans in the womb through abortions...enables companies to declare emanate domain on US Citizens private property...or allow perversion through same sex marriage...

YeahRightOkay, WND 31 Comments [11/8/2015 4:41:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 114241

The States need governors and attorneys general with spine and backbone who will DECLARE NULLITY to such SCOTUS decisions as Roe vs. Wade and the sodomite marriage ruling (and Obamacare). We need Ten Million Men Of Honor with Guns to go march on Washington and perform a revolution like the Founding Fathers would expect.

william@gillesq, WND 26 Comments [11/8/2015 4:40:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 114240

I can not and will not judge Justice Robert Kennedy for his legislative and moral lawlessness. But I assure you all that Justice Kennedy and his four renegade conspirators shall certainly be judged. Their judge will not turn from the right nor to the left. He shall judge rightly and His judgement is irrevocable. I would suggest that they all waste no time at all in buying 100,000 degree proof sun tan oil.

Jordan48, WND 14 Comments [11/8/2015 4:40:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 114239

Kennedy is a good example of why we need to redress the lifetime appointments of federal and supreme court judges. The courts have been politicized with the fascist left philosophy from the pits of hell. The original intent was to isolate our judges from politics with these lifetime appointments. Now the left has guarenteed the fascism to permeate from our highest court. We also have a man in the white house who is holding congress and the country hostage with the threat of violence if he is removed from office. His is priming his black minions to civil unrest at any provication. Obama should have been impeached and convicted years ago. The secret service who knows him best is having the lowest morale problems in it's history. My heart goes out to the secret service. It must be intolerable to be that close to evil.

Kantorek, WND 13 Comments [11/8/2015 4:39:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 114238

The Kansas City Royals rallied to win the World Series on Sunday, and many in Kansas City and beyond are shouting for joy—even if they are not hardcore baseball fans. That's because they are believing the prophets and hoping to prosper.

Indeed, the win was not only significant because it was the first time in 30 years the Royals took home the championship; it's significant because it fulfills a string of prophecies and stirs hope in the hearts of many contending for revival in Kansas City and America.

Mike Bickle, director of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC), shares a Bob Jones prophecy in the ministry's prophetic history. He explains that Jones prophesied during the 1985 World Series:

"God, the Holy Spirit is going to create worldwide attention to be focused on Kansas City ... That's the good news. Here's the bad news. The Lord is going to do it through the baseball game.

"It looks like Kansas City is down and out and will never make it and suddenly at 5 till 12 the Lord brings the victory in. That's the spiritual message over this movement breaking forth in this city. When it looks like it is five till twelve and Kansas City is counted out. Suddenly at 5 till 12 the Lord's breaking in victory."


Bob Hartley, founder of Hartley Institute/Deeper Waters Ministry in Kansas City, had six dreams about the drama of the Kansas City Royals. Here's the bottom line of those prophetic encounters:

"Watch the Royals, because after many years of disappointment, the Royal ones are entering into a time of Numbers 27:18-23, where they are being commissioned to enter into the promises. Watch them, as they will win and bring a shift from hopelessness to hope ... This is going to be like 1985. Do you remember what brought them home? ... Hope unseen will get them to first base. Then they will become unburdened and light on their feet. This carefree hope will get them to second base. They will be filled with joy and happily steal third base with childlike hope ... but salvation will come from an unlikely place and 'hope against hope' will bring them home."

And then it happened. The Royals won the World Series in 2015 after a heartbreaking Game 7 loss to San Francisco last year. As the Associated Press put it, "For these resilient Royals, no deficit is too large, no time in the game too late."

At a time when hopeless is striking the heart of America and men's hearts threaten to fail them for fear of economic meltdowns, plagues, earthquakes and other evil prophetic forebodings, the words of Jones and Hartley are ringing in the ears of believers around the nation believing for a Third Great Awakening.

Could God be speaking words of life and hope—and revival—through a baseball game?

Jennifer LeClaire, Charisma News 15 Comments [11/8/2015 4:39:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 114233

I'm left with the impression that LGBT+ (am I the only one who thought this was a way you got the Internet and a phone call out of the same wall socket?) people are a lot more miserable and disenchanted these days after having "come out" than they ever were when they lived in closets.

Phil, ABC 28 Comments [11/7/2015 5:15:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 114227

As witnessed in the Bible in Genesis 19:1-11, homosexuals are predatory, continually on the search for their next sexual experience. Homosexuals are characterized by morbid, unhealthy, sexual desire (which the Bible calls lasciviousness). Homosexuals are prone to multiple sex partners, because homosexuality is rooted in sex-addiction. I heard a homosexual say that “sex is sex, whether male or female.” May I say, sex with the same sex is a horrible sin, and a form of mental illness caused by spiritual rebellion against God and His holy Word. Romans 1:28 teaches that homosexuality is a form of sex addiction, whereas God gives a person over to their wicked fleshly lusts which war against men's souls (1st Peter 2:11). All of the empty homosexual closets across America are as vampires who've come from the dead to seduce the living.

The Bible says that those who live in pleasure are DEAD while their ALIVE (1st Timothy 5:6). Galatians 2:20 wonderfully teaches that Christians are ALIVE in Christ, or better said, Christ is alive in us. Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” The spirit of lust and Satan is at work in homosexuals, seeking their next victim. Many are pederasts!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 33 Comments [11/7/2015 5:13:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 114225

A homosexual "married" couple is featured prominently with a young boy (their son) in the new Campbell's Soup advertisement. Campbell's #RealRealLife campaign aims to change the face of the American family. It starts off with the first man feeding soup to the little boy and in a "Star Wars" Darth Vader voice says, "Luke, I am your father." Then the other man enters the scene and says, "No, Luke, I am your father." How confusing for this little boy and for all children viewing this commercial. Obviously, Campbell's is sending the message that homosexual men are raising children, whom they wouldn't have if a woman wasn't involved, and they are ok with it.

Campbell's Soup is glorifying this unnatural marriage. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin. 1MM does not agree with the need for Campbell's to support same sex marriages or couples.

Companies should advertise the quality of their products. It is no longer about the product but about their cause. They should not be highlighting who is attracted to whom or who sleeps with whom. This is a marketing decision Campbell's will regret.

This gay-inclusive commercial is attempting to desensitize viewers. There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are attempting to redefine "family" and "real marriage."

One Million Moms, One Million Moms 42 Comments [11/6/2015 7:48:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: DChan87

Quote# 114224

Rebbitzin Tzviya Eliyahu is the the widow of the late Sefardi Chief Rabbi of Israel Mordechai Eliyahu and the mother of the Chief Rabbi of Sefat Shmuel Eliyahu.

Her son Shmuel is a noted racist.

Her late husband Mordechai was a terrorist who was convicted and jailed as a young man for trying to overthrow the elected Government of Israel by force and replace it with a theocracy. He was eventually pardoned, released years early from prison, and later rose to become Chief Rabbi of Israel –all despite being completely unrepentant.

Recently, Tzviya Eliyahu said publicly that she believes any store or restaurant that has Arab employees should not be given hashgacha (a kosher supervision seal), Yeshiva World reported. She reportedly said that in part because of this issue, she only eats home cooked food, and will not eat at events or on planes.

“We took fruit and crackers along when we traveled” she said of her travels with her late husband.

They did that because her late husband was extremely stringent and did not eat anywhere [but their home]. He would only eat pita bread baked by the Nehama Bakery because the it did not employ Arabs, who he considered dirty.

“[My husband saw how Arab workers] would wipe their noses and this too was in the [pita] dough. He ran home immediately and never returned [to an unnamed bakery] and told me ‘Rabbanit, you are never to buy from this bakery again, simple as that,’” she said.

On another occasion, a woman who worked in a famous bakery came to her and said she saw Arabs make dough and then drag it along the floor of the kitchen.

“I was the only one there who saw this. I told you not to eat a thing from this bakery for this is what the Arabs do. Look at the evil, look at the hate. They do this out of hate,” the woman allegedly said.

Tzviya Eliyahu insisted Jews should only buy food from God-fearing Jews. There is no trusting a goy [an often derogatory term for a non-Jew], “even in his grave,” she said, because all goyyim all hate Jews and a goy “cannot maintain kosher standards for me. Don’t ask me why the [state] Rabbinate gives hashgacha [kosher supervision] to these stores [that employ Arabs]. On the days the rabbis come around to check [the bakeries and restaurants] they [the Arab workers] do not do such things [and instead act] as if they care [about their jobs and keeping the food kosher and safe to eat].”

Of course, when buying fish or meat, Jews must be even more stringent, Mrs. Eliyahu said.

“Certainly one must only buy from a trustworthy Jew. The rav [her late husband] only ate poultry that was kosher slaughtered here at home in my kitchen. The rav checked the chicken [himself] to make sure it was okay as well as checking the knife before shechita. We did the salting and soaking here too. The children and grandchildren saw the chickens running around before shechita. One explained he no longer wanted to eat poultry. It was a real nuthouse in the kitchen once, when we [did not have] chicken for three months. Our shochet [kosher slaughterer; the only kosher slaughterer Mordechai Eliyahu trusted] traveled abroad every few months and we had just run out of chicken [when he left]. So we did without. Either a person lives by his principles or not. Either one has fear of God or not…”

Even so, when Eliyahu was Chief Rabbi of Israel, the Chief Rabbinate put its seal on hundreds of kosher products, including chicken, that the chief rabbi himself would not eat or allow his family to eat.

Rebbitzin Tzviya Eliyahu, Failed Messiah 14 Comments [11/6/2015 7:48:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 114223

Armistead: "So, how is it that God’s truth can be turned on its head as the debate now rages in Alabama regarding the meaning of marriage? The answer is that we, as a society, have become our own god. We have made God in our image. But, God will not be mocked. The State of Alabama and the United States of America will reap God’s wrath if we embrace and condone things that are abhorrent to God, such as redefining marriage as anything other than a union between one man and one woman."

Ainsworth: "If the choice is between being on the wrong side of a distorted, immoral, liberal perception of history, or violating God's laws, teachings, and biblical admonitions, I will happily disappoint the liberals every time," Ainsworth said. "During the campaign, my signs carried the slogan 'Fight Obama,' and, make no mistake, the gay rights agenda is the bedrock of Obama's agenda. I will use the upcoming session to look for every legislative remedy and tool that can be used to protect our traditional, conservative Alabama values, and I will continue the fight even after others have surrendered."

Bill Armistead and Rep. Will Ainsworth, Right Wing Watch 17 Comments [11/6/2015 7:48:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 114222

I have great compassion for genuine cases but I think it's just become a fad for people rebellious to God. It's New Age stuff where they aim to control the world with computer transgender robots

Malvina, Christian Forums 48 Comments [11/6/2015 7:47:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: LightHorseman

Quote# 114221

Televangelist Pat Robertson recently repeated his prediction that LGBT rights will provoke God to destroy America’s financial markets, warning “The 700 Club” viewers that God’s wrath is on its way. He claimed that the U.S. is turning into Sodom now that it has “enshrined sodomy into the United States Constitution” and cities like Houston are trying to “force women to go into men’s bathrooms and men to go into women’s bathrooms.”

“Now it’s a constitutional right for sodomites to marry each other,” he lamented, warning that “the wrath of God is revealed against this stuff.” He explained: “I don’t want the wrath of God to hit this country, it’s a great country, I’d like to see America continue strong, but this is one way of weakening it. First of all, we’re going to have this financial collapse. We’re setting up for a massive financial collapse and I think if God is going to hurt this country that’s probably the way he’d do it.”

At that point, a viewer called in and inquired Robertson whether his grim predictions of such a crisis can somehow be averted, to which Robertson gave a somewhat confusing answer: “I believe so, yes, but we need to stop spreading lesbianism and homosexuality in order to achieve that. And the only way to stop the spread of these diseases that are plaguing the country is to make some sort of obvious distinction between gay people and normal, straight people.”

“I personally believe that we must impose a rule on the gay population that would require them to wear specially-colored clothes, for example. I’m thinking we need to go through the Senate with this and we need to make it official. That way, regular people would know that the person wearing the said color is a deviant sodomite and that they need to stay away from them at all cost, as well as keep their children away from their reach,” Robertson opined.

The viewer then interrupted “The 700 Club” host to state that “that sounds awfully like what Nazis did to Jews in the events leading up to World War II,” referring to the fact that Jews in pre-WWII Poland and Germany were made to wear Jewish badges, or yellow badges, which were cloth patches that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments to mark them as Jews in public. It served as a badge of shame.

“I don’t believe that,” Robertson quickly became defensive. “I am simply talking about protecting regular people in America, not setting out gays and lesbians as members of the population that should be tortured and slaughtered in concentration camps. Do you understand my point of view here?” the host asked the caller.

“I do,” the caller replied. “But I also understand that you’re trying to do to gay people what the Nazis did to my people more than half a century ago. And I am appalled by it.”

Pat Robertson, Newslo 31 Comments [11/6/2015 7:47:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 114220

Looks like another racist running to zamii to defend her because she couldnt keep from being an intolerant BIGOT with her rampant RACISM ABLEISM AND SEXISM and got consequences for her actions. I took no part in anything to do with her but i heard about it and she got what she deserved. She should have just kept her mouth shut unless she knew what she was saying and doing was acceptable to say/do. There should be NO TOLERANCE FOR INTOLERANCE LIKE HERS. Despite how you are attempting to OPPRESS people who believe in equality(the ones you call social justice “warriors”) by making fun of them, social justice is not going to go away anytime soon. We will have an equal society without oppression at some point all thanks to THESE people! Everyone except for the steven universe fandom agrees. At this point i think that the steven universe fandom must just be some kind of racist group. I hope your group is banned from this site because it will save many people from having to be exposed to your INTENTIONAL BIGOTRY.

nerdyflowerpowergirl, Tumblr 38 Comments [11/6/2015 4:02:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 114213

Laura McIntyre began educating her nine children more than a decade ago inside a vacant office at an El Paso motorcycle dealership she ran with her husband and other relatives.

Now the family is embroiled in a legal battle the Texas Supreme Court hears next week that could have broad implications on the nation's booming home-school ranks. The McIntyres are accused of failing to teach their children educational basics because they were waiting to be transported to heaven with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

At issue: Where do religious liberty and parental rights to educate one's own children stop and obligations to ensure home-schooled students ever actually learn something begin?

"Parents should be allowed to decide how to educate their children, not whether to educate their children," said Rachel Coleman, executive director of the Massachusetts-based Coalition for Responsible Home Education.

Like other Texas home-school families, Laura and her husband Michael McIntyre weren't required to register with state or local educational officials. They also didn't have to teach state-approved curriculums or give standardized tests.

But problems began when the dealership's co-owner and Michael's twin brother, Tracy, reported never seeing the children reading, working on math, using computers or doing much of anything educational except singing and playing instruments. He said he heard one of them say learning was unnecessary since "they were going to be raptured."

Laura and Michael McIntyre, CBS News 22 Comments [11/6/2015 3:49:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 114207

Islam and Catholics to Team-Up Against America

When the Church created Islam, they made this religion to parrallel Catholicism.

I don't remember the year right off hand, but the Church used (and STILL uses) Muslim armies, and gave these armies three "orders", to kill all Jews and Christians, to take over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and to NOT kill any Catholics that they came across in battle. Hmmmm. Let's look at how this relates to today's news.

America is being inundated with people from Mexico and South America, ALL of them are Catholic. There are no fences to keep them out, nor do "they" want any kind of hinderences to these illegal aliens coming to America.

You see, going back to the days when Islam was created, and made to look upon Catholics as their "brothers and sisters", the plans were laid for the take-over of every country that was in the "cross-hairs" of the Church (every Christian Nation). And while the Muslims will be made to look like the "bad guy", the truth is, when the SHTF in America, the Catholics from these countries will step up and fight next to their Muslim "brothers".

And that's why there are millions and millions of Catholics being allowed into America to this very day.

wild bill hick-up, Give Me Gossip 24 Comments [11/6/2015 3:46:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 114204

Soon we started getting information on others who have been affected by the fire. One of my son’s friends lost their home. This boy was the one who had called my son and told him about the fire headed our way in the first place. My son had called him back, and told him that his family was in danger, and that they had to start evacuating now. My son then tried to tell him about claiming, and that he should do this for his home. “What’s claiming?” he asked, and then the phone went dead, so he could not tell him more.

I had asked my son, why he did not just claim that his friend’s home would be saved too. He told me that the Lord told him that as believers themselves, they must speak for their own house, and that he was not to do it for them.

When my son had given them the warning, they had first laughed it off. But an hour later, they were busy packing up their stuff. They had over six hours to remove most of their belongings, and move them to his grandmother’s house just a short distance away. They were able to clear out their home fairly well; not much was left in it when the fire finally took it. His grandmother had died a few months before, and they had been reluctant to put the house on the market. Now her house would be theirs to live in from now on.

I found out that they had said quite often, that if there was ever a fire near their property, their home would surely go up in flames. Their grandfather firmly believed that this would happen to his family one day, and his children believed him, and ended up claiming this for themselves.


We then found out more about the homes that were destroyed near our house. The elderly Catholic lady and her husband, (a real sweet couple,) were the first to lose their home in our area. My husband then remembered that they had said at the last neighborhood party, that if there was ever a fire coming towards them, that their home would be the first to go up in flames.


I spoke to a sister in Christ who is also my neighbor, and she told me that their house is still standing.


They had a fireman call them up and tell then that he had personally witnessed their house going up in flames. Can you imagine it? Making the same claim upon God and then being told that? Oi! How she must have suffered! This woman must be incredibly strong spiritually. It wasn’t until a neighbor sandwiched between her home and mine called her and asked her for any diesel that they might have, that they found out the truth. The fire had circled back around one night, and took out the home directly next to them, and this is the home the fireman had assumed was theirs.



That means the witch’s home, the new age’s home, the agnostic’s homes and the atheist’s homes were all DESTROYED.

Dreams of Dunamis, Dreams of Dunamis 28 Comments [11/6/2015 4:25:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
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