Quote# 114202

I was told by a checkout clerk at Target that someone grabbed a Black Series Slave Leia action figure off the shelf and complained to her about it. I think it had something to do with it not being "empowering" to girls. The main problem seems to be that this was an unpopular, overproduced figure which sat on the shelves for a year or more, giving the wrong people enough time to see it.

Good point on the name for the costume. I always insisted in the '90s it should be called Palace Dancer Leia, not Slave Leia. But I don't think that's the main issue. This is driven by the fresh wave of politically correct, censor-happy liberal feminism that's in vogue now. Going by their logic, all women should be covered up in burkas because then we could appreciate them for their minds only and not their bodies. This is one of the few times where the most liberal feminists and the most conservative religious people are in total agreement on an issue. Then you can add into the coalition the ugly and out-of-shape women who simply want to remove the beauty contest from the social competition entirely for purely self-serving reasons.

Nevertheless, like most liberalism, this is all based on the denial of basic human nature. We live and prosper as a species because we have very positive feelings about our bodies and our sexuality. If we censored and suppressed all of that like puritans, we would become a dead species. It's utterly ridiculous to be ashamed of a large part of who we are. It's shameful to cover up and deny that which we naturally find beautiful. Once again, the culture suffers because men are not active in defending their interests and their rights. Men as a group are not organized as a political force. We as men, along with all reasonable women, need to stick together and hold our ground against this irrational insanity.

Eric Sansoni, Making Star Wars 25 Comments [11/6/2015 4:24:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114200

I believe that feminism has its roots in an improper child/parent relationship. Fathers spoil their daughters, so that when they grow up and get married, they expect their husbands to spoil them too. No wonder there's so much divorce and remarriage! Daughters should be trained to wait on their father, fetch his slippers, get him a drink, and brag on him. This is what wives are supposed to do, but if daughters don't see their mother respecting the husband as such, then what do you expect?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 36 Comments [11/6/2015 4:06:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 114199

tl;dr: Legalize rape. Ban fornication. Old Testament got it right.

It is often said, and it is largely true, that women cannot get pregnant by rape. Of course they can get pregnant as a result of someone having sex with them while holding a knife to their throat while they scream and weep and struggle and protest, but unlikely to get pregnant unless they rather enjoyed the knife and the screaming and the weeping and the struggling and the protest.

To get a woman pregnant, the sperm has to swim from the vagina to the womb, which is a mighty marathon race for something the size of a sperm. And between the vagina and the womb, there is the cervix, which is a pair of lips.

What are lips for?

Lips are for opening and closing entrance to an orifice. They are to keep out some things, and allow entrance to other things.

So that sperm is not going anywhere unless those lips open.

If you touch a woman’s cervix and it is not her fertile period, the lips feel hard closed, like the lips of a woman’s mouth when you go for the kiss too soon, and do not permit her to turn her head away, so she purses her lips against the kiss.

If you touch a woman’s cervix in her fertile period, it is like touching the lips of a woman’s mouth when she is ready to be kissed. They feel like they are about to open, and if you keep on diddling her pussy, they do indeed open.

It seems likely that if a nice guy were to touch those lips, he would feel them hard, as if the girl was not in her fertile period, but being an asshole, I have not been able to do that experiment.

So from the point of view of natural selection rape is not a problem for women. Women have control of who can impregnate them. She has lips where it counts.

Rape is however a huge problem for husbands, who get cucked, and moderate problem for fathers, who find that they, rather than their son in law, is supporting their grandchild.

Observing female behavior, many of them do not seem to be trying very hard to avoid rape. One does not see businessmen wandering in dark and sketchy places with two bulging wallets half falling out of their top pockets.

If you see a woman in a laundromat late at night, and there is no one around, it is always a single woman. A husband will usually put his foot down and forbid the risky behavior that women so easily engage in.

Emancipating women means treating female consent as more meaningful than it actually is. Women want what they do not want, and do not want what they do want. Their sexual choices are erratic, incompetent, inconsistent, incoherent, and frequently self harming. They lack agency.

“Rape” is not in itself a bad thing, and it is difficult to say what is rape and what is not rape. Rape is a bad thing to the extent that, like female adultery, it undermines the family. Rape is not in itself harmful to women. It is harmful to husbands as a particular case of cuckoldry. We are very severe against rape because we wish we could be severe against cuckoldry, but forbidding cuckoldry is a thought crime, so we displace our rage against cuckoldry to rage against rape.

Similarly, college girls get chewed up and spat out by the cock carousel, so we fetishize ever higher standards of consent for college, when the problem is not lack of consent, but a superabundance of foolish and self destructive consent. The problem is not lecherous college males, but lecherous college females.

Women are of course more precious than men, for women can create life while men can only to destroy life. So harming a woman, or threatening a woman with harm, should be more severely punished than harming a man or threatening to harm a man. Men are the expendable sex. Women are the precious sex.

However, safe forms of corporal punishment, such as whipping a woman on the buttocks or the upper back, should not be considered harm when done by proper authority, such as husband or father, for proper reason.

Nor should sex without the consent of the woman be considered harm of the woman in itself, since female consent is erratic and mysterious even to the woman herself, but rather, sex with a married or betrothed women should be considered harm against the husband or fiance, and sex without the permission of the father should be considered harm against the father – illicit sex should be a crime against the man who has proper authority over the woman.

And whether the woman herself consented to that illicit sex should be a matter for the man that has proper authority over that woman, and should be not a matter of interest for the law or the courts.

Jim, Jim's Blog 54 Comments [11/6/2015 4:06:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 69

Quote# 114198

I’m not sure. I think there are cultural factors unleashed in the 1960s that have been working their way out over the past 40 or 50 years in a way that I’m not sure what would have made things different.

I think having an explanation of our theology from the very beginning, in rich, robust terms, would have been the right way to go. Many people are just ignorant of what Christians and Mormons and Orthodox Jews and Muslims believe about marriage. So for instance, when someone would say 'Well, Christians are just going to have to get over this' -- Christians can’t get over this. It was the same argument used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries about miracles. 'Well, in order to reach contemporary people, Christians will just have to get over virgin births and empty tombs.' But Christians can’t just get rid of the miraculous without getting rid of Christianity. And the same thing is true of sexual ethics.

Russell Moore, Huffington Post 16 Comments [11/6/2015 4:05:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 114187

I feel bad for atheists but I can't change their attitude
Cuz cuz, like they don't get it . Me I have more answers because guess what I'm one of those different folk who sense the future and it happens... I'm telepathic everyday.

I know telepathy is real, and there's too many signs. I'm lucky to be this different that I get it and researched, Prophets the ones sent from God didn't lie like me they're telepathic but on a Messengers level. We are ordinary people with a choice. Believers will be rewarded.

Now the reason it's don't feel bad for atheists is because they choose ignorance. First atheists the ones who care lots and are great people but still blame God. If you didn't do your life homework you should now while you have your last chances.

We all sin, we all are seeking righteousness, the difference between a believer and atheist is that one isn't on the wrong path.

There will be a Judgement day and I know more.. you guys won't believe. Blind heart me was a skeptic till I realized I do know my future, I got proof then was 100 with God. You guys need to realize you will meet the Creator and feel something else God has waiting for mankind in that Hour.

If you can't accept religion you already contradicted yourself, tell me if that's not foolish. Please don't judge God because it's his job to judge humans. We actually judging others is by far the dumbest mistake of people.
Read the Quran and look up Ahmadiyya it's the truth. God brought Christianity that failed then he brought Islam and God is planning out the time line.

Read what Prophets said about nonbelievers and the future it's the reality we are in.

There's a reason Muslims pray 5 times a day and fast for a month. There's a reason for Christians and why they deny Islam. Still all religions and Believers care but not atheism. Be CAREFUL, really.

Ps. I swear on everything I know the truth. Believe it or not your opinions doesn't change facts of life. So I will believe always cause I know it all counts. Duh. My emotions won't reflect my purpose time faith wisdom as a person.

Islam makes sense when you research and use logic!

theotherone, Social Anxiety Support - Agnostic and Atheist Support 19 Comments [11/6/2015 4:05:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 114185

[On an article mocking some Christian's belief that God chooses the outcome of sports games]

Really? And you believe this? Or, are you just another liberal christianophobe trying to convince 98% of the country that the sexual antics of 2% are normal. I know 40% of tv shows promote it. But trying to tie it to a sporting event? Reaching for the moon are you?

dcaudle6, Outsports 35 Comments [11/5/2015 4:58:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 114183

Two thousand years ago, a prophet had a vision of the future. The time he saw appears to be in our very near future. Pharmaceutical drugs would be prevalent. Homosexuality and violence would be widespread. There would be earthquakes, wars, and famines throughout the globe.
He warned of a huge, powerful government with global influence. It would be tied in with major corporations. The government would be very wicked at its core. The leader would be evil and narcissistic. He would be idolized by the people, and would demand their worship. A powerful, false, religious system would endorse him, and aid him in his endeavors.
This government would have the technology to be able to control all the people on Earth. In order to be able to buy or sell things, the people would have to take a mark in their forehead or in their hand. All who wouldn’t would be shut out of the system.
It would be a time of great tyranny, and a time of much bloodshed. The mark would require a pledge of loyalty. This pledge would be a rejection of the true and living God–Jesus Christ. All who took the mark would be forever damned.
This day is fast approaching. Look around you. Look at your culture. Look at what the idols of music, movies, and sports are promoting. How much of this prophecy has not yet been fulfilled?
How could a man have made all this up 2,000 years ago? Technology did not even exist in that day. People did not have indoor toilets. Water had to be carried from wells. People grew their own food . . . raised their own animals. Only shamans and witch doctors employed drugs. Earthquakes were exceedingly rare. There were no corporations.
Two thousand years ago he saw it. Today things are falling into place. I urge you to read the last book of the Bible: Revelation.

Dontbefooled666, Dontbefooled666's Blog 24 Comments [11/5/2015 4:57:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114182

Why should God require us to worship him?

Is worship degrading?

Some people object that worship is degrading and therefore God shouldn't require it. Yet what is worship? Worship is not groveling before God, nor is it performing meaningless rituals. God hates hypocrisy and insincere worship (Hos 6:6, Is 1:11-17). What God does tell us to do is to love him (Mt 22:35-40). Loving God includes praising him, thanking him and obeying him (1 Jn 5:3). If God is perfect, then he deserves praise, and his commands are good commands that should be obeyed. Worshiping God is not degrading to us, but actually benefits us:

Worshiping God fulfills us and makes us happy. We like to see that a person's goodness is acknowledged and rewarded; praising God gives his followers the same satisfaction.
Worshiping God puts us into the proper relationship with him, in the sense that we are acknowledging that he is God and deserves worship, and doing what he wants us to do. (Being completely right with God requires more than worship - see The Four Spiritual Laws.) This allows us to have a closer and more fulfilling relationship with God (see Do people need God? for more on the benefits of knowing God).
By worshiping God, we acknowledge his perfection, which is the first step in learning from him: we realize he's a perfect teacher, and then we are willing for him to teach us and increase our wisdom and morality.
Publicly expressed worship is one way that people find out who God is. When they come to know God, they too will find fulfillment and grow into better people, which benefits not only them but society at large.

Is God vain?

Some people object that God doesn't merely accept worship, he demands it. They picture God as an egotistical or even insecure tyrant who insists that everyone tell him how great he is. This is not an accurate portrayal, for God's command to us is, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Dt 6:5), not "Tell me five times a day how wonderful I am." Worship is included as part of God's command to love him, for it's a proper expression of our love for someone who is perfect and so much above us in every way. If it's fitting for us to praise our friends and family when they do well, how much more appropriate it is for us to praise a perfect God! When we love God and realize how awesome he is, worship and praise are natural results.

God's instruction to worship him is only a demand in the sense that God's other moral laws are demands. God doesn't command us not to murder because he's a dictator, but because it's morally right (and therefore ultimately in our best interests). Similarly, God tells us to worship him because it's the proper way for us to relate to him and because it's to our benefit to do so (see above).

Something else to consider: If God were vain, one would think that he would want pictures and statues of him everywhere, yet he commanded that no one make images of him. Instead, he told the Israelites to keep copies of his commands everywhere (Dt 6:6-9), so that they would remember them and obey them and receive blessings as a result (Dt 6:18).

Why does God insist we worship only him?

Another objection is that it's unreasonable for God to demand that we worship him alone and no one else. Yet this too is for our benefit:

They pour out drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger. But am I the one they are provoking? declares the LORD. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame? (Jer 7:18-19)

If Christianity is true, then the Christian God really is the only God, and praying to another god is praying to someone who doesn't exist. Not only is that counterproductive, it's harmful: the person who does so is ignoring the help and advice that God is willing to give him, and is instead seeking help from a nonexistent deity. At best, he will receive no benefit from the false god, and will have damaged his relationship with the true God (for praying to a false god is really saying to God, "I don't trust you to answer me or help me, so I'm going to seek help from another source," and also, "I don't believe you when you say you're the only God; your words aren't trustworthy"). At worst, praying to a false god allows him to be deceived - for instance, he may fool himself into thinking that the false god has given him permission to do something evil.

On the other hand, if we worship the true God, we receive all the benefits of a relationship with God, including his love, forgiveness and guidance. It follows that a trustworthy God who wants the best for us would instruct us to worship him and be upset if we didn't.

India Fultz, Rational Christianity 19 Comments [11/5/2015 4:56:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 114181

Why is the Pope pushing the hoax and total fraud of global climate change, which used to be global warming until 14 of the last 15 years witnessed a DECLINE in average global temperatures? Because the approach of the brown dwarf star Nibiru, a.k.a. Wormwood, is quite near and the globalists need a cover to justify their poisoning humanity with the chemical soup of aluminum, barium and strontium in their wicked geo-engineering aerosol spraying of those portions of the world where Caucasians (whites) are concentrated.

This author, Geoffrey Grinder, has properly identified the Roman Catholic Church as Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth of Revelation 17 & 18. Likewise, he is right in quoting Revelation 18:4 and pointing to the fraud of the RCC pushing for an end to man-made carbon dioxide emissions (equaling an insignificant 0.116% of the earth’s atmosphere), as THE reason that all who are of God’s elect inside the RCC and the harlot church children of the Protestant religions ought to flee all forms of organized religion today. Every last one of these fallen away forms of organized religion teach lies which materially deviate from the teachings of the Bible in its entirety. The two events which must precede the second coming of Christ, identified in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 have now been fulfilled with hair-splitting accuracy. The churches have fallen away from the one true faith of the Bible and the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition, symbolizing the Khazar impostors posing as Jews who have hijacked our world in their demonic cult of death, are the synagogue of Satan of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, a.k.a. the Antichrist of these end times and the first beast of Revelation 13.

Is the Pope the False Prophet? No, I don’t believe he is, though he may be. I believe it quite a bit more likely that the mainstream media, owned and controlled by the Khazar “jewish” Illuminati Freemason Zionist global elites, which has been brain-washing Americans for decades, is symbolized by the False Prophet and second beast of Revelation 13 instead.

Let the wise (the elect) understand. The wicked (everyone else) never will. Daniel 12:10 assures us of this.

Watchman_on_the_Wall, Now The End Begins 20 Comments [11/5/2015 4:56:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 114177

fact, a lot of the strange ‘beings’ you see today on TV, and in movies, are actual types of demonic beings that are only visible in the spirit realm. We are being allowed to ‘see’ them, to desensitize us to them–and to change our attitudes towards them. (I suspect a day may even come when they will be able to manifest in the physical realm.) Movies today are even teaching kids that they can ‘train their [own] dragon’!

Dontbefooled666, Dontbefooled666's Blog 21 Comments [11/5/2015 4:56:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114176

The repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is just one more phase of Obama’s invitation to the rest of the world to ‘please decimate America’.
It may also be a clever ploy to recruit outcasts, with the goal of building an army that will be intensely loyal to him.

Others have speculated that it may be for very dark reasons that Obama would want a military comprised of people who already–according to the Bible–have had their consciences seared.

Gay S & M Group
(It brings to mind the number of Obama appointees that were discovered to have not been paying their taxes–enough of them to make one wonder if that were a prerequisite to serving in his administration, the same administration that has brought much darkness to America in the past two years.)
Whatever the case, I believe it is one more action that is going to invite God’s judgment on America.
Or, perhaps it IS God’s judgment on America!


Dontbefooled666, Dontbefooled666's Blog 13 Comments [11/5/2015 4:55:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114171

sensed from the Lord that I was to get on line and ask my friends to pray for us, so I did. It is something I do not like doing, for I hate to bother others with my needs. I figure they have their own problems to deal with, and do not need mine to add to their burdens. But then He reminds me of how I am blessed when I pray for others and then get to see the answered prayers. So I went ahead and sent out my prayer requests.

The parents of my son’s friend set up an air mattress in the middle of their living room for us to sleep on, and one of my other boys slept in the friend’s room.

That first night I slept there, satan kept trying to attack me, by whispering in my ear, that our house was gone. And every time he did so, I refuted it. He kept asking me, “How can you even think that your home is still there? Even the firemen told you it was gone!” But I kept claiming the Word out loud, (of which he hated,) and claimed yet again that it would still be there. Then he kept trying to hit me with those ‘what if’ questions, but I refused to give in to those thoughts either. After a few hours of these kinds of attacks, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to find my husband gone. He had driven back home to see if we still had one.

I realized then, that the battle for my home was much more serious than I had first thought. It felt as if everything was resting on that one piece of scripture. I had felt Him tell me that I could claim it, and my children had felt the same from the Lord concerning our home. Wishful thinking or not, it still came down to that passage in the bible. Was God’s Word true or not? It says “If you live in Me…” well, I knew that I lived in Him, for I went to Him, asking Him what it is that He wants me to do, and when that is done, I go back and ask Him what I should do next. If that isn’t living in Him, then I don’t know what is. And then it said “And My Words live in you…” well, this got me hung up for a few moments, for I am not one of those people who have a hundred pieces of scripture memorized and can just whip them out as needed. But then I felt the Lord Jesus remind me, that I still use His Word on a daily basis, as I cast out demons and heal the sick, so I would still qualify for His promises. If I lost my home, that was one thing, for we could get another, but if I lost my faith, that was completely something else, for my God is irreplaceable! I felt as if this was actually a battle for my faith in Christ. If my home remained, then God’s Word was true. If it did not…

Well, you can see how this all affected me. Satan was relentless in his attacks. They physically tired me out.

The mother in the home, (the dad had gone off to work,) was also tiring me out, for she seemed to take for granted that we had lost our home. But I refused to talk with her about rebuilding it, and told her that I firmly believed that God would save it.


dunamis, dream of dunamis 29 Comments [11/5/2015 4:25:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114170

Don't celebrate Halloween. It's evil. Remember and celebrate the Protestant Reformation, the Truth's triumph and the greatest incident in the entire Western civilization thus of the enture world, only next to the Christianization of Europe.
You are wrong. People everywhere converted into Christianity freely because Christianity was outstanding good and excellent. Many of us got killed by becoming Christian because the leaders were evil but we never gave up on Christianity. God helped us. The Christian workers provided literacy to all peoples; they created written languages. You guys had been just child-killing savage barbarians before the Church educated you and taught you God's Word and how to read and write. Today's Westerners and full-stomached youth don't become Christian because you prefer immorality. You need to repent of your barbarism.

Grace Kim Kwon, The Christian Post 31 Comments [11/5/2015 4:20:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 114168

Get ready to see perverts, addicts, abusers, and murderers receiving the highest honors in Heaven, because many of them are inwardly treating Christ with ten times the reverence and honor that we spiritual know-it-alls are.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 34 Comments [11/5/2015 4:19:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 114164

On his "Pray In Jesus Name" program recently, Colorado Republican state Rep. Gordon Kilngenschmitt offered up a scientific test that can prove the existence of God once and for all.

Responding to a recent interview in which atheist Richard Dawkins said that he would change his mind about the existence of God as soon as someone shows him some evidence, Klingenschmitt eagerly took up the challenge.

"You want evidence of God?," he asked. "I can give you evidence of God. In fact, I'll show you God; all you've got to do is repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and invite him to come into your heart. Now this is a scientific method. I'm giving you step A: you repent; step B: you believe; step C: you invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart as Lord and Savior. Follow that scientific method and I guarantee you will see Jesus Christ."

Those who refuse to follow this "scientific method," Klingenschmitt explained, will never discover the proof of God's existence because they have have not "followed the method that works."

"You want evidence? I'll give you evidence," he said, "but you've got to do what Christ commands."

Gordon Klingenschmitt, Right Wing Watch 37 Comments [11/5/2015 4:06:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 114163

Claims Surrounding Ark Encounter

The influence of evolutionary thinking in people is often seen in social media comments that are made after we post articles or videos about the on-going construction of our Ark Encounter project. When some people see us using cranes, trucks, and power tools to build the Ark, they complain that Noah could never have built the Ark without all these things because he didn’t have them. They automatically assume that Noah had to build the Ark with just his bare hands or used a few simple tools. This is evidence of evolutionary thinking which assumes that pre-Flood man was unintelligent and uncivilized. But we don’t know for sure what kind of technology Noah and those maybe working for him could have used. After all, they had over 1,600 years to develop technology, and with people living to be vast ages. Imagine how much more technology we would have if past and present geniuses lived to be hundreds of years old!

Before anyone makes a claim regarding our construction of the life-size Ark in Northern Kentucky, I encourage that person to read my article “Answering Claims About the Ark Project” below.

Ken Ham, Facebook 41 Comments [11/5/2015 4:04:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 114161

New Zealand activist Ray Comfort joined Jerry Newcombe this week to discuss his new movie, “Audacity,” which “delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality” by focusing on a young character who struggles to “defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage.” Comfort explained to Newcombe that he was initially reluctant to make a movie about homosexuality, but decided he had to do so after he sat next to a gay man on an airplane and didn’t know how to handle the situation. “I was flying from Germany to London, sat next to a middle-aged gentleman,” he recalled. “I said, ‘How’re you doing,’ he says, ‘Good,’ I says, ‘You got a family?,’ he says, ‘I have a husband.’ It was like, ‘Oh. Where do I go from here?’ Do I say, ‘Oh that’s nice, tell me about him’ or what? And it was awkward.”

“Imagine what it would be like for the average Christian who isn’t kind of confrontational,” he said. “And I realized there’s a real need to show Christians how to relate to homosexuality.”

Ray Comfort, Right Wing Watch 36 Comments [11/5/2015 4:02:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 114158

Prophecies speak in a mystical language at times. It is clear that there will be some enemies of the Faith who survive "the 3 Days", as the Great Monarch will successfully (have to) wage war against them.

What the Church must do when it becomes possible is to:

1. Sequester the Jews into the Ghettos as in the past, using the most advanced surveillance/GPS technologies (to protect Catholics and Christendom).

2. Make the Inquisition Stronger than ever to capture and punish heretics and infiltrators.

I shared these two points with a true Bishop, with canonical mission from Gregory XVIII, about a week ago, and he thoroughly liked them.

Despina, Catholic Action Chatboard 36 Comments [11/4/2015 4:23:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 22
Submitted By: Mary

Quote# 114143

Obama to Create God’s Kingdom on Earth.

Apostolic (pentecostal) church in Greenville, SC – Oct, 2007. (Minister, Ron Carpenter)

Obama says to the church congregation, “I am confident that we can create a kingdom right here on earth!”

In the Black Liberation Theology of Obama’s church the millennial kingdom will be a real physical theocracy and comes after the black messiah leads the destruction of white society, America and the traditional Christian church.


Obama Implies that he is The Black Savior.

Obama states that his salvation depends on collective salvation of the black community. The doctrine (Black Liberation Theology) holds that collective salvation of the black community is achieved by confronting white society as the Antichrist in the End Times and destroying it, bringing on a new age and transforming earthly society into an utopian millennial kingdom, which will be a physical and historical event, not a spiritual event.

Deborah Du Randt, discerning the world 25 Comments [11/4/2015 4:01:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114142

[Formatting in original]

At first glance these passages tend to confirm that foreigners will become one with Israel as one people, that YEHOVAH's blessing upon Israel will overflow to other races. While it is true that foreigners are blessed in their being joined to Israel, it is the manner in which they will be blessed that most churches fail to understand. They will be blessed as becoming "servants and handmaids"! This we clearly see in Isaiah 14:


Mercy is “on Jacob” and this excludes all the other races. The meaning of foreigners being “joined” to Israel says nothing about mercy to foreigners; “joined” having a different meaning. So, as we read on, many passages confirm that those joining themselves to Israel become “servants and handmaids” to Israelites. “Possess”, as in “shall possess them”, has the meaning of “take possession”. Israel takes “possession” of the foreigners.

The “people”, as a congregation is one unit, comprising of masters and servants, just as the “church in the wilderness” under Moses was, where the “congregation of the LORD” (edah) was comprised of Israelites, together with the “mixed multitude”. In the wilderness the two groups, within the one unit, were treated the same in regard to Law, but were treated differently in temple service, with only the cahal (Israelites) being able to attend the tabernacle.

Although the Messiah was talking with Israelites when he said that the rain falls upon the good and the bad, it is obvious that the laws of science apply equally to all races, regardless of racial origins or racial mixtures. These laws of science are “laws of God” and therefore anyone of any race has the physical and mental benefit of obeying them. We are told clearly in Romans 3:19 "now we know that whatsoever things the law saith is said to them that are under the Law"; that is they are said only to Israel as those who were given the Law.

But there is more to this than meets the eye. The words of YEHOVAH God can be misapplied and misdirected when they are known. Would teaching the Word of YEHOVAH God assist in providing a right direction? But, to what degree could the Word be heard? We are told that the Edomites cannot “hear” and that the Canaanite races are to be exterminated or separated completely. If we are told nothing specific about the non-Israelite races as a total group, how then can anyone presume anything? One thing we are told is that the good seed can “hear” YEHOVAH's Word.

We do hear stories of missionary activity where there are great deliverances among non-Israel races after telling them about the miracles the Messiah did. On appeal to emotions alone, we are told about persons being healed and delivered from oppression, but who have no change in conscience and who have no shame for their past misdeeds. It seems that something is not written on their hearts. They seem to continue on as long as the missionary or the helper is with them; but if they are no longer assisted, then they either revert to paganism or go into a Catholic type of belief which is compromised with paganism or superstition.

The missionary activity of the churches is based upon their need to “witness” their religion. But there is NO SUCH requirement in the Bible! For example, YEHOVAH God said that Israel will ALWAYS be a nation before Him. The people of the nation are not required to do anything to “witness” what YEHOVAH God said -- the very fact that they continue to live and die is witness enough. The revelation of Israel at the end of this age will be witness to the veracity of YEHOVAH’s word. To spend time, money and effort in missionary activity to other races is an exercise in stupidity from the Biblical point of view and one for which no reward will be tendered.

We know there are some people whom the Bible says will NEVER be resurrected:

[Jeremiah 51:57 and Hebrews 4:3]

The first reference covers all who are under the heading of Babylon, which in connection with Revelation, we see is all who are opposed to Israel. The second reference covers all those Israelites that YEHOVAH God sent into the wilderness to perish forever because of their refusal to believe Him.

We also know from Biblical statement that no one can enter the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God unless they are of Israel. Therefore, it means that people of other races have no eternal life in the Kingdom and if there is no eternal life in the Kingdom, there is no eternal life of any kind available to them. It is not a case of them being “condemned”; it is simply a matter of them having no eternal life. Unworthy Israelites will die, be resurrected, condemned and have their spirit taken from them (this is the message of the parable of the Ten Talents). Their lifeless bodies will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire. This should be a matter of concern to every individual Israelite. But if someone of another race is to die and never to be resurrected, what does it matter to them once they are dead? There is no awareness in the grave, only corruption of the body. If you go to sleep and do not wake up until lunchtime tomorrow, you will not know what time the sun rose. If you die in your sleep, you will not know you are dead.

Life after death is a mystical vision for most races and involves speculation about a fabulous harem for Arabs on the one hand, through to re-incarnation for the Hindus, on the other. The Bible tells us nothing about the resurrected life other than that we cannot even begin to imagine it. If we care about it, as Israelites, we will strive to attain it and will receive it. If we care not, we will see it momentarily and know absolute remorse, panic and terror as we face oblivion in the Lake of Fire. But once that occurs, we will know nothing and will be the same as any non-Israelite who dies. There is no such thing as Hell and eternal punishment -- only life and oblivion.

These things are not spelt out in black and white in the Bible, but they are the corollaries of what is spelt out for Israel and Israel only.

Arnold Kennedy, Hope of Israel Ministries 19 Comments [11/4/2015 4:01:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 114141

A document recently released in Argentina gives evidence that Card. Jorge Bergoglio was a member of the Rotary Club in Buenos Aires.

As it is known, the Rotary Club, like the Lions Club, are para-Masonic institutions used by Freemasonry to recruit members and spread its ideas. Both clubs pratice religious indifferentism, profess a vague Deism and oppose the Catholic Church in her affirmation that she is the only true religion.

Before Council Vatican II, the Church strongly advised her faithful not to enter the mentioned clubs. Today, with the Masonic-friendly Conciliar Church, many Prelates enter those clubs, as did Card. Jorge Bergoglio.

Below is a photocopy of the letter by Card. Bergoglio thanking the Rotary Club directors for confirming him as an Honoray Member. This document is preceded by our translation from the Spanish in blue.

Atila Sinke Guimarães, Tradition in Action 20 Comments [11/4/2015 4:01:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114140

For more than a half century, a powerful revolution has been taking shape. A revolution with no political party, no election speeches and even without an ideological platform to state the aims and objectives of the new revolutionaries.

For the first time in history, a profound social, economic, moral and cultural revolution chose to proclaim its radicalism through the music, lyrics and stars of rock music. At first, none of these rock starts was taken seriously, because everyone just thought it was a fad that would eventually pass, like the Charleston, the boogie-woogie and the twist.

The socio-cultural phenomenon of rock that appeared in the early ‘50s, however, would spread throughout the world like a under wave mixed with mud, slag, blood and human sacrifice. Today, rock music has developed to become the most powerful destroyer of bodies, spirits and hearts that ever emerged from the bowels of Hell.

As early as 1950, however, the world received a serious warning during an exorcism performed in Western Canada by a priest of Long Beach in California. Before leaving the possessed young woman, the evil spirit revealed who he was: “I’m a prince and I have arrived. I came to possess a whole race, the youth of America.” (2)

Another important detail imposes itself. The study of 18 cases of sudden suicides in less than a year among youths age 15 to 21 in the Montreal-Granby-Québec region showed only one constant factor: all were fans of rock ‘n roll.

Is anything more needed to propel me into an in-depth exploration of these human tragedies caused by the devilish and satanic rhythms of this infernal music?

The purpose of this series of articles is to offer the most accurate information possible about the global phenomenon of rock and to make readers acutely aware of its danger and take a strong and energetic position against this global revolution that is affecting youth everywhere.

Let me remind my reader not to lose hope because Christ is victorious. (3)

Fr. Jean-Paul Régimbal, Tradition in Action 30 Comments [11/4/2015 3:58:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 114134

This “bodies” term is liberal dog-whistling for “raped.”

It comes straight from women’s studies jargon, which may be the ugliest form of English yet invented. Lesbians (I hesitate to use the appropriate term here) are not only aesthetically challenged when it comes to personal appearance, but language as well.

One of these days, conservatives are going to have to acknowledge that so-called “gender equality” is anathema to even the pretense of civilized society.

Bill P, Unz 22 Comments [11/3/2015 3:39:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 23

Quote# 114133

Imagine that the Lord gave you a precious son and at 5 years old you made the decision to send him off to a public “school” where he will spend the next 13 years of his life. In this school they are taught lots of things.

• They teach him that man came from apes and that life has no real meaning.
• They teach him that the mention of God was illegal.
• They teach him that there are many types of families and that they were all healthy.
• They teach him that he was to accept all types of behaviors as normal.
• They teach him not to judge other’s because there is no such thing as right and wrong.
• They teach him that every type of behavior was normal but some needed “protection.”

What if they told you your precious son was going to be included in a classroom with 20 other students, collected from around your community. Your son would spend 7 hours a day hanging out with these children yet:

• You knew very little about any of the other children.
• You didn’t know what kind of home life they came from.
• You didn’t know if any of them were on any types of “medication.”
• You knew nothing about the “behavior issues” some were dealing with.
• You knew nothing about what they did in their spare time.
• You knew nothing about their moral compass.

While they were at the school you felt confident leaving them with the “teachers” even though:

• You knew very little about the teachers’ personal beliefs.
• You knew very little about the teachers’ personal lifestyle.
• You knew very little about the personal stress the teacher was under.
• You knew very little about what was actually being taught.
• You knew very little about the condition of “others” in the teachers’ life.
• You knew very little about what the teacher viewed in his/her private time.

Imagine that:

• Everyone in town knew where there were a bunch of little kids.
• No weapons were on sight to protect them from an intruder and everyone knew it.
. You forfeited your parental rights when the child walked into the school door.
• Educational “experts” were permitted to do psychological studies on your child.
• Non-medical experts were permitted to recommend “medication” to control behavior.
• A child’s expression of religious beliefs was discouraged, and deviancy was accepted.

afchief, Christiannews.net 45 Comments [11/3/2015 3:39:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 28

Quote# 114130

if she doesnt remember if she gave consent or not, then he should not be charged with rape.

ridiculous case.

[So raping unconscious girls is OK, then, since they won't remember not saying no?]

well if you dont drink, maybe you wont become supposedly unconscious!

people really need to be responsible for their own actions!

the chances of me ending up unconscious in a bar or some strange guy's bed are nil.

this reminds me of the old lady who sued mc donalds for the hot coffee burning her!


[That's a strange parallel. Coffee is expected to be hot, are you saying unconscious girls should expect to be raped? Men who have their way with unconscious women should be prosecuted for rape, it really doesn't matter that the victim shouldn't have been unconscious -- that's a straw-man argument. Shouldn't the security guard be responsible for his actions?]

nothing strange about it at all really.

the point is this... as the article states, she doesnt remember anything.

how do you come up with a rape charge if you dont know anything?

the law works like this... innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

its the same reason why we all KNOW OJ did it, but they couldnt prove the case.

for the record, obviously rape is a disgusting crime and should have a lot worse ramifications than it does. but if she didnt say no and also if she doesnt remember then you cant go and pin a rape charge on someone. how would you like it if it happened to you?

hopefully the girl will be a bit more prudent next time with her drinking, or simply not drink at all

Project X, Web Hosting Talk 30 Comments [11/3/2015 3:03:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: tweedaz
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