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Quote# 115279

7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child

It’s common in these parts to make fun of women for having a delusional shopping list when seeking out a mate, but is it possible that our lists for finding women are also unreasonable? I asked myself this question while constructing a list of requirements I need in a woman who I think would be suitable for reproduction (and not necessarily state-sanctioned marriage). I ask you, dear reader, if my list is as deranged as that of a woman’s.

The following is what I require in a woman for a long-term relationship that involves having children:

1. She must be between 18-25 years old

In the case I want to have more than two kids, I need to find a woman who is substantially younger than myself so she is biologically able to keep popping them out. This requirement also accounts for the fact that single women over 25 are emotionally damaged in some way, are alpha widowed, or are professional daters who are incapable of making the proper relationship sacrifices.

2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin

Studies show that the more sexual partners a woman has before marriage, the more likely that marriage will fail. I also don’t want to marry a woman who has voluntarily accepted being used as a cum dumpster by other men, or who kisses my child with lips that have been previously wrapped around many other cocks. My child will not have a “reformed” slut mother.

For a woman who has had sexual partners before me, I must be the absolute best man she has ever been with in terms of appearance, personality, and resources. Otherwise, once the honeymoon is over and the relationship hits an inevitable low point, she will get a “Could I have done better?” itch and sabotage the relationship or test me to the point where I have to play “dread game” just to keep her in the kitchen. There must be no doubt within her mind that I am the best that she could possibly get.

3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range

Thanks to technology and modern cosmopolitan society, a woman who is an 8 or above in beauty has been exposed to more toxic situations and experiences where she’s achieved some level of e-fame, been validated incessantly for her appearance, and been offered money, consumer products, and trips for her vagina (and likely accepted those offers). She has also fully utilitized her beauty to get her way in life, including prime seating for manipulating men for personal gain. Not only is such a woman harder to manage, but her entitlement is far higher. For a life partner I will purposefully aim lower than what I could get for casual sex.

4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself

I would like to have kids that look like me, so I will not reproduce with a woman who is black, Asian, or Indian. Acceptable races are South American, Persian, Armenian, and European (non-Northern). The average Croatian or Romanian girl is more similar to my appearance than Spanish or Italian.

5. She must be feminine

She must be a woman who takes great pride in her appearance and the feminine abilities that nature bestowed upon her. I don’t want her to be a mindless weakling who needs me all the time, but she should look and act like a woman and not try to compete with me in terms of mental or physical strength.

6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother

Once the kids arrive, she should have no desire to pursue a pointless office career in place of taking care of our growing brood. She may have some freedom to pursue hobbies like yoga or knitting, but her place will be in the home while I tirelessly work on my internet ebook hustle to bring home the bread that gives her everything she needs.

When I come home from work (at the cafe), I expect the kids to be clean, the house to be in good order, and preparations for dinner planned. I shall not participate in more than 5% of household duties outside of home improvement. In exchange, she will never have to worry about money or work outside the home. She can live a pleasant middle-class lifestyle that can even include dog and car ownership.

7. She must believe in a god

My experience shows that a woman who doesn’t believe in god has a value system taught to her by corporations and progressive degenerates. She will certainly be addicted to internet attention, alcohol, casual sex, material possessions, or food. She has relativistic morality, and what she thinks of as morality is actually built upon her feelings. When faced with any type of stress, she will almost always follow the herd or make the wrong decision. A woman who believes in god, while still prone to making mistakes, makes less of them and at least has a mental system encouraging her to perform good.


I believe the seven things above are quite reasonable, and something that would have taken no more than a 6-month search two generations ago, but based on my last decade of intensive fornication, I’ve encountered maybe two girls who fit the bill, especially when it comes to girls being a virgin and eager to stay at home. Part of this reason is that most of my time hunting for women was spent in big cities where such values are rapidly disappearing.

The decision I have to make now is how badly I want kids. If I don’t want kids, I should live in a place like Poland where I can attain a comfortable life of easy sex with “strong and independent” sluts, but where it’s close to impossible to meet girls who meet the above requirements (in the Polish cities I have lived in). If I do want to have kids, I should immediately move, because I’m surely not getting any younger. The two countries that seem to best accomplish my list are Ukraine and Russia, though there are huge obstacles and difficulties with living there long term instead of just going for two months of adventure and fun.

While I can honestly state that I’m not crazy about having kids right now, I know that my desires can change and so I have to guess if I will want them within five years time. Only five years ago I was still in the middle of nonstop casual sex, thinking the party would never end, and of course the music did stop and it’s something that no longer drives me. If being a father is in my future, I must prepare for it now.

Roosh , Roosh V 66 Comments [12/14/2015 6:44:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 115277

[re: "Logic-based proof of God"]

Greatest logical minds proof

1. The greatest modern thinkers, including Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Bernhard Riemann, Alexander Hamilton, John von Neumann, and Kurt Godel, were devoted to the Bible.
2. These thinkers would not be attracted to anything that had a logical flaw.
3. The Bible must therefore be more logical than the alternative.
4. What is more logical is more likely to be true.
5. Thus God is more likely to exist than the alternative.

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, Logic-based proof of God 25 Comments [12/14/2015 6:42:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 115276

While there are dozens of corporations that are on board with the homosexual agenda, the one company that has been particularly active in spending millions of dollars to legalize homosexual marriage is Starbucks. They have been so hellbent on pushing gay marriage that shareholders have called out the company for operating like a homosexual charity that happens to sell coffee. It should not also surprise you that they are big donors to Planned Parenthood, a eugenics organization that proudly profits from the sale of dead fetuses. For these reasons, I wonder if all heterosexual men should stop spending money on the company.

The day after the Supreme Court ruling that legally endorsed gay marriage in the United States, I was at Berlin’s central station waiting for a train to Poland. With time to kill, I decided to grab an espresso at its Starbucks. This is what greeted me at the entrance:

I paused, stared at the rainbow cup, and realized that by purchasing the espresso, I would be monetarily supporting Starbucks and their pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, and anti-heterosexual agenda. I went somewhere else instead, and since then I have tapered my Starbucks visits, even going to proletariat shops like Dunkin’ Donuts and 7-11 to get my coffee fix. I have been inconvenienced numerous times in seeking out an alternative venue, especially while in the United States.

The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, is so in favor of anything homosexual that one has to wonder if he developed Starbucks as a vehicle to push this particularly sinister agenda, which began surfacing in 2011. His intentions became crystal clear in January of 2012 when he allowed a vice president to make a statement that began official support for the destruction of traditional marriage (PDF).

"We are deeply dedicated to embracing diversity and treating one another with respect and dignity, and remain committed to providing an inclusive, supportive and safe work environment for all of our partners."

This was further clarified when Starbucks backed attempts by degenerates to allow homosexual marriage in Washington State:

"Starbucks said in a statement Tuesday that it was “proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington state legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples.”

“This important legislation is aligned with Starbucks’ business practices and upholds our belief in the equal treatment of partners,” the statement read.

Last year, Starbucks was among a group of 70 businesses and organizations that filed a brief in federal court opposing the Defense of Marriage Act, which restricts the definition of marriage to that between a man and a woman."

Starbucks has not been shy to spend money on lawyers to get involved with the courts to specifically legalize homosexual marriage. Their corporate legal department was one of 379 to petition the Supreme Court to re-write the rules of traditional marriage and inevitably make it easier for two homosexual men to get married and adopt young boys.

When a prominent shareholder accused Starbucks of putting the gay agenda in front of business, Schultz told him that the gay agenda is more important than profit, and he can sell his shares if he doesn’t like it.

"Was Schultz taken aback? Not in the least. He responded, “Not every decision is an economic decision. Despite the fact that you recite statistics that are narrow in time, we did provide a 38% shareholder return over the last year. I don’t know how many things you invest in, but I would suspect not many things, companies, products, investments have returned 38% over the last 12 months. Having said that, it is not an economic decision to me. The lens in which we are making that decision is through the lens of our people. We employ over 200,000 people in this company, and we want to embrace diversity. Of all kinds.”"

Many Americans think corporations exist solely to enrich their shareholders, but when it comes to the progressive agenda, ideology trumps profit.

If you had any doubt about Starbucks’ support of homosexuals above that of heterosexual marriage and tradition, take a look at company headquarters the day after the Supreme Court ruling:

There was also a press release where Schultz bragged about how far Starbucks has bent over to support homosexuals:

Being open, inclusive and forward-thinking is at the core of what Starbucks is about. Starbucks has been a longtime advocate for the LGBT community and marriage equality. The company filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court case challenging the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 and signed onto The People’s Brief earlier this year.

The shocker of the decade is that they’ve since become leading corporate activists for transsexuals. In the next five years they may even swap out their mermaid logo for something more fitting of their value system.

The cherry on top is Starbucks’ support for Planned Parenthood, an organization that earns profits by removing fetuses from the bodies of women before chopping them up for sale.

If evil comes in beverage form, it would have a Starbucks logo on it. If you are against the platform shared by feminists, social justice warriors, and liberals, I strongly urge you not to patronize Starbucks and its associated brands (Seattle’s Best, Teavana, Evolution Fresh, and Tazo Tea). Otherwise, every purchase you make at the chain goes into the pocket of a company that has vigorously used both marketing and legal means to push an agenda that goes against the values of decency and traditional family.

It’s hard not to feel a sort of hopelessness about the direction of Western culture. Traditional layers of society are being methodically removed for a degenerate experiment that seems to have a grand goal of destroying the family unit. Homosexual marriage was just one step over the past few decades that also included women’s suffrage, feminism, abortion, and birth control.

While our power is limited to reverse this direction, there are still things that we can control. One of them is to remove financial support of corporations that go against what we believe is right, a few dollars at a time. There are many more companies that support gay marriage, some of which we simply can’t avoid, but Starbucks was especially active and so they deserve to be punished for accelerating the decline of Western morals and tradition. I will do all I can to enact that punishment.

Roosh, Roosh V 18 Comments [12/14/2015 6:42:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 115275

According to information from Stanford University, music videos are most popular with younger teens, whereas the music itself is more popular with older teens. In other words, the Illuminati are targeting younger teens with degenerate videos, so that young teens will be encouraged to seek sexual relations with older men. It is human nature to have heroes and mentors. The Devil knows this. Proverbs 13:20, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Nothing is as destructive on teenagers today as the satanic music videos on YouTube, VH1 and MTV. It is tragic that our youth are being given kooks, quacks, pedophiles and queers for their heroes nowadays. America has become a spiritual dungheap among the nations, standing idle while the Devil's crowd intentionally destroy our youth. Psalms 50:22, “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

The producers of this film should be in prison for exploiting and endangering children! I've been preaching against “Dance Moms” since that pedophile-promoting show went public in 2011. Those producers, mothers and everyone involved should be brought to justice! God will punish them! Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

The entire “Elastic Heart” video by lesbian Sia is sexually suggestive, promoting the adult-child-sex philosophies of NAMBLA. NAMBLA wants to sodomize children, and they're lobbying in the courts to change the laws to lower the age-of-consent. The Threat of Homo Pederasts to our children is disturbing. Search the internet for “Hollywood pedophiles” and you will be shocked at how much information there is. I once formed a list of 67 Hollywood movies with homosexual themes—the point being that homosexuality is synonymous with pedophilia and pederasty.

Communist Russia is now Safer for Children than America! President Vladimir Putin in Russia bans queer adoptions to protect children from being sexually molested. I am not trying to be unkind or mean, but the facts prove (as evidenced by this pedophile video “Elastic Heart” made by a lesbian, Sia) that there is a strong link between homosexuals and pedophiles. One perversion begets another!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 20 Comments [12/14/2015 6:42:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 115270

Joan of Arc has returned to save France, but this time her name is Marion Marechal le Pen.

Catholic Nationalist, Facebook 51 Comments [12/14/2015 3:46:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 115269

To Bigoted Obamaphiles:
Every Democrat is Pure as the driven snow
Every Republican is Evil
Republicans are More dangerous than Terrorist
Terrorists are good
America Is Bad
Every White Person is a Racist
Prudence and circumspection is another form of bigotry

How narrow minded can one be??

rudjer, Washington Post 27 Comments [12/14/2015 3:45:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 115265

Do show the data from a million years ago showing the decay rate, complete with atmospheric and other conditions, then show the records on anything from a comet, to whatever that may or may not have affected the radiation levels from day one to the present.
"Why would we need to know the 'starting amount of radioactivity'? What does that even mean? Do you think radioactivity comes in liters?" *SIGH* The radiation levels of the rock at it's creation, you know what it started with to determine how much has actually decayed.
"And then the oldy but still-not-deceased strawman of 'evolution happening by accident and random chance'. Come on Oboehner, you can do better than that. Why not use the second law of thermodynamics? Or why are there still monkeys?" Instead of this useless psychobabble, why not fill me in on what really happened from the beginning, show pictures of the observable, testable repeatable "science" at the beginning. Was there an exploding dot like it says in high school textbooks or what?

Oboehner, Christian News Network 13 Comments [12/14/2015 3:44:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 115259

Over the last century feminism has taught women “you can have it all”. You can have a career, a husband and kids. You can balance your career and your obligations to your family in the same way men do. In fact you and your husband can just split the responsibilities of caring for the kids and your home.

But this is lie.

God never meant for women to have to balance a career and family obligations as men are meant to do. A woman’s complete focus was meant to be on serving the needs of her husband, her children and her home. She would only go outside her home to the extent that it did not affect her performing her duties to her home.

But because we live in a sin cursed world sometimes a woman has no choice but to work to support herself and her family and do what God did not intend for her to have to do and balance work and family obligations. If her husband becomes disabled, abandons her or dies a woman may have no choice but to work. Some women have husbands who in their sinful greed force their wives to work when they should not be.

Another reason a woman may have to pursue a career is because by no fault of her own she has not been able to find a husband and she eventually has to work to support herself.

The push to get women out of the home and into careers

Sadly today many women are actually encouraged and taught from a young age in their schools, homes and even churches that planning to be a stay at home mom is a “waste of their full potential”. My 13 year old daughter recently experienced this in the junior high she is attending.

They had a project to do for class which had them writing out their life goals and a big part of that was what they wanted to do for a career. It was simply assumed that everyone in that class, both the young men and young women should have career ambitions.

The young teens were all comparing what they wanted to be when they grew up and some of the girls said they wanted to be a doctor, or a nurse and one said a scientist. Then it came around to my daughter and she said “stay at home mom”. She told me after she said that you could have heard a pin drop. Then one of her girlfriends asked her “don’t you want more than that?” I was so proud of her response. She said “this is what I believe God wants me to do”.

She told me they were actually offended by that and by her choice to dedicate her life fully to her future husband, her future children and her future home.

But make no mistake – the distain for the Biblical role of a wife (which is what my daughter was espousing) did not happen overnight. It took decades to accomplish.

bible gender roles, bible gender roles 41 Comments [12/13/2015 5:52:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 115258

No one seems to be able to say anything about your exploding dot (high school "science" textbook), it must be the embarrassment that keeps you and yours from explaining just how it all started.

Radiometric dating, assumptions and speculation do not equal facts, unless of course you were there bazillions of years ago and can vouch that the test is even remotely accurate.

You like quotes?

"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution." - Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University), "Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?" Paleobiology, vol. 6(1), January 1980, p. 127

"Contrary to what most scientists write, the fossil record does not suppor t the Darwinian theory of evolution because it is this theory (there are several) which we use to interpret the fossil record. By doing so we are guilty of circular reasoning if we then say the fossil record supports this theory." - Ronald R. West, PhD (paleoecology and geology) (Assistant Professor of Paleobiology at Kansas State University)

Oboehner, Christian News Network 15 Comments [12/13/2015 5:16:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 115255

This also probably explains the disproportionate prevelance of pedophilia in males. Pedophilia is just a hop and a skip away from normal male sexuality (to be attracted to barely pubescent children), and probably represents a sort of "extreme male brain" defect similar to autism. Meaning, normal male brain development went wrong, and woops, now you want to screw on 10 year olds (instead of 14 year olds, like a normal man). The reason we have such common occurances of pedophilia and not gerontophilia, is because pedophilia is a defunctional expression of an otherwise adaptive sexual drive. Gerotophilia on the other hand, is completely unrelated to any sort of normal sexual behavior. Similar to homosexuality (an abnormal expression of normal sexual behavior - preferring the same sex instead of opposite) pedophilia is an abnormal manifestation of otherwise normal male sexual drive and instinct, to go seek out virgins.

The incredible genetic benefit to male genetic spread via mating with virgins also explains why throughout human history in every single culture, female virginity is protected prized and bought and sold like commodity.

This of course is all very much common sense to anyone with a brain, but brains are apparently verboten if you want to be a successful social sciencey bullshitter such as Allen Frances, MD, prominent duke psychiartist.

heres reality , the last psychiatrist 20 Comments [12/13/2015 5:16:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 115254

As a result of this, we see an agregation of traits where many, if not most males prefer children for sexual partners (13-17) over women in their mid 20s, even though women in their mid 20s are far more fertile and have healthier babies. The reason why is males genetically benefit from virginal (but minimally fertile) partners, even though very young females are not very fertile the odds are so much better that if she does get pregnant it will be your offspring because 13 year olds only have sex when they are bought/sold/traded off by parents/raped.

heres reality , the last psychiatrist 31 Comments [12/13/2015 9:00:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 115249

In response to an article from 1915 demonizing Catholics immigrating to the US much in the same way Muslim immigrants are vilified today:

If this was published today it would get a round of applause from the left. There would be no social justice warriors running to our defense. There would no celebrities mentioning all the great things the Catholic Church did for the world.

SeanF1989, Catholic Answers Forums 34 Comments [12/13/2015 8:21:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 115247

"there are myths all around the world of various gods creating the universe and people."

False! None of those mythical gods share the characteristics I expounded above that arise from scientific cosmology: spaceless, timeless, non-material, immensely powerful, personal free will, self-existing. Are you anti-science?

"Secondly ideas of multiverse use "it did not come into existence, but is self-existing. So you can't prove if it was an entity or the multiverse that created the universe"

False. The unobserved (and probably unobservable) multiverse is still subject to the BGV Theorem, which merely backs the argument up one step. (The multiverse cannot be past eternal according to this theorem.) As a Christian theist, I hope the multiverse theory is true, because it makes God that much bigger and more powerful and smarter. But, right now, it is "multiverse of the gaps" thinking by atheists. I thought atheists were the rational, science-y ones?!?

WorldGoneCrazy, LifeSiteNews 26 Comments [12/13/2015 4:34:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 115246

In a speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Monday, Trump referenced the use by ISIS of social media as a recruitment tool. He recommended a discussion with Bill Gates to shut off parts of the Internet.

"We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

Donald Trump, CNN.com 72 Comments [12/13/2015 4:30:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 115242

I think humans are flawed beings, and are still animals. We are only 1.5% away from being a chimp. So while we try to rationalize our opinions and decisions, a lot of it is driven by our instincts and biology. The basic goal of biology is self-preservation and procreation. Males’ role in the ancient nomadic life-style was that of hunters and gatherers – so men’s biology leans towards self-preservation a little more. As humans started organizing into small groups and then into societies, the definition of ‘self’ in self-preservation expanded to include everyone else that belong to the same group as them. Being self-preservation-oriented thus came to mean to guard those of their own and to destroy any threats. So men became more comfortable being in violent situations, and engaging in life-risking behaviors. The negative side of male nature, if there is one, is this: being open to violence, that we’d let a confrontation escalate to fists being thrown, because we really don’t find much of a problem with punching our differences out. The primary victims of male nature, thus, are not the other gender. It is those who’ll stand in our way to securing a safe future.

However, it is a different case when it comes to women. The primary victims of female nature ARE men. Women’s nature is procreation oriented, because it is their bodies that carry the wombs to gestate and deliver the next generation. It seeks to secure a stable inflow of resources while being incapacitated in the process of child-rearing. This makes men,the resource-procurers, the primary targets of female nature. In this paradigm of things, there is no incentive for the women to actually give a damn about the well-being of the man/men providing for her; in fact, it is in her best interest to not be attached to a single man in particular, but keep monkey-branching to a stronger, better provider.

Lionesses don’t particularly care when the male of the pride is killed by a new, younger male and then kills the cubs. They go on about like nothing’s changed. most women are not evil, they are un-empathetic to men’s plight, and heartlessly oblivious to our suffering.

So, naturally we have the odds against us, but the gynocentric westerns society turns it up several notches. Every harmful aspect of male nature are restrained and kept well-checked by the law. That’s why most men are not murderers, though many men are perfectly capable of murder. Any and every aspect of male nature that’s unsuitable for the modern civilized life have been outlawed, with severe repercussions if engaged-in.
But no such social or legal protection exists against harmful aspects of female nature- women’s tendency to take advantage of men, their actions that drive men to harm themselves and others, and the systems built over men’s corpses for the exclusive benefit of women. Combine this with the fact that women are unsympathetic towards men, and we have the perfect recipe for disaster. Women are oblivious to the harms they cause, and any voice trying to educate them are muffled and marginalized, and women are encouraged to engage in their careless ways by the society, of course, at the expense of men. So, no, I don’t hate women…. they are just completely, and irredeemably unlovable.

The only logical thing for men to do is to educate themselves and each other, and stay away from women as much as possible. Find ways to discipline one’s sexual neediness- through practices like martial arts, meditation or things like working out that’ll leave you too tired to be horny. But what ever you do- do not touch a female with a (your) ten-foot pole.

LonelyDalek, r/MGTOW 25 Comments [12/13/2015 4:28:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 115241

"I’m not seeing a valid equivalence between the Holocaust and terminating an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, or between slavery and terminating a pregnancy. "

That's because you are the king of euphemisms. "Terminating a pregnancy" is completely disingenuous. All pregnancies terminate: some with live babies, some with dead. The relationship between the 3 is obvious when one considers that in all three cases a human is being de-humanized, and always with language and euphemisms. Here is a chilling link on the comparison with the Holocaust (just take the spaces out):

http://www .abortionfacts .com/literature/abortion-the-hidden-holocaust

"a zygote, embryo or fetus represents a human being."

You don't know the basic biological fact that human life begins at human conception? Really?!? What is the point in discussing with you when you are so anti-science?

WorldGoneCrazy, Christian News Network 26 Comments [12/13/2015 4:28:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 115238

Showing gay characters is one thing, but glorifying the openly gay lifestyle is another, especially when they convey casual sex encounters as common. If this is shown enough on TV shows, commercials, movies, the more people will become used to the idea and eventually it wont be taboo at all...this 'tactic' can also be used for agendas, not just LGBT lifestyles, at some point, it will probably be used in attempt to 'normalize' pedophilia' to some degree, it really is already happening, Ive seen quite a few shows/ movies that depict a middle aged man having a sexual encounter (or desiring such a thing), with a 16-17 yr old female, this isnt really pedophilia, but it 'breaks the ice' and paves the way later on for acceptable 'trysts' with younger people. A common theme is "whats age got to do with anything, we are just out to have a good time".

I think Hollywood tries to convey what they think a 'normal' lifestyle should be, it is accomplished by showing character reactions to such things, their emotions, etc, they know how to spin it, so people come to think its all normal, in the 90s, they tried the same thing, but in attempts to depict strong single women, in otherwise normally male jobs, like cops, detectives, judges, etc, but if you looked at real life, there were not many females like this out there...its just something Hollywood (or someone above them) wanted to become normal

mikekle , catholic answer forum 21 Comments [12/13/2015 4:23:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Mary

Quote# 115236

A former Ukip candidate has linked the devastation wreaked by Storm Desmond with the arrival of Syrian refugees in Britain.

Stephen Poulter, who claims to be one of the Eurosceptic party’s first members and unsuccessfully stood in this year’s local elections in Basingstoke, Hampshire, has a photo with Nigel Farage as his Facebook profile picture.

He had called for support for affected families on the social networking site before musing on the possible cause of flooding in northern England and Scotland.

“Now, I am not religious in any way. But it seems funny that the so called refugees have been sent up north from the Syrian Camps,” Mr Poulter wrote on Facebook.

“Is’nt it funny that as soon as they do. The floods start up that way. I wonder????? (sic)”

Stephen Poulter, The Independent 14 Comments [12/13/2015 4:23:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 115234

Mystery:What Percentage Go To Hell?

There is no doubt that Hell exists - Jesus talked about Hell more than Heaven. But what percentage go to Hell? It is certainly more than 0% and less than 100%, but where in between?

95% High enough such that it was impossible for Jesus to pick 12 Apostles without one of them eventually betraying Him.
90% Jesus emphasized how few would make it to Heaven, and personally set a very high standard.
80-90% Not everybody who goes to church or professes belief in Christ will go to Heaven, adding onto by the number of people who are overtly not Christian at all. Jesus's parable about not recognizing some who use his name reinforces this.
70% A high enough percentage to prevent conservative insights from being adopted more quickly by governments, and to allow injustices like abortion to continue.
66% The parable of the wheat and the chaff suggests that there is too much chaff (people headed for Hell) to pull up before harvest without displacing some of the wheat.
50% Many important issues split about 50/50, such as evolution, abortion and global warming.
34% Dante devotes 34% of his Divine Comedy to Hell, which seems about equally populated to Purgatory and Heaven. However, Dante only admits notable people to any of the three - "the futile" are not remembered and stay on the banks of Acheron.
0% The position held by the false doctrine of Universalism and technically by Annihilationism

Andrew Schlafly , Conservapedia 35 Comments [12/13/2015 3:43:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 115233

Mystery:Why Do Non-Conservatives Exist?

Conservative principles are based on reason. So why do non-conservatives still exist? Here are some reasons:

Statistical Analysis

20%: did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
10%: genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
10%: refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image
10%: believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.
10%: fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background
10%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior
10%: feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers, university professors and scientists, and refuse to rise above self-interest
10%: harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity
5%: like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas (Due to the tendency of non-conservatives to refuse to admit this even to themselves, this number could be much higher)
5%: are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.

What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?

What triggers reconsideration of liberal beliefs? Here are some estimates:

25%: raising or teaching children, and realizing how destructive liberal values are to many of them
15%: a religious conversion followed by taking the Bible to heart
10%: a loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc.
10%: a new friendship with someone who is conservative, and realizing how much good flows from the conservative values[1]
10%: simply by maturing and seeing liberalism's impact around them, and realizing what they were taught as youth was wrong
5%: a desire to learn the truth, and a dislike for those who mislead
5%: a genuine divine experience that can not be explained.
5%: using conservative values to overcome an addiction, and then realizing the benefits of conservative values in many other ways
5%: taking a truthful course in economics, or learning it in the workforce[2]
10%: other.

Andrew Schlafly , Conservapedia  25 Comments [12/13/2015 3:43:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 115232

As traditional religions (or some of them) die, we are not left with no religion we are left with the state-imposed cultural Marxism (and its attendant political correctness) that already dominates our society.

The Frankfurt School, a group of Jewish thinkers that dreamed up this system with the purpose of creating global governance under a single central bank, studiously applied the principle of divide-and-rule to every aspect of human affairs. They recommended, amongst other things:

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Anything familiar here?

ThereisaGod , Daily Telegraph  28 Comments [12/12/2015 7:15:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 115230

These children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed. Homosexual activists will try to blame conservatives for the sadness children raised by homosexuals will feel when their friends cannot play at their homes. But the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of homosexual adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children. No responsible parent ought to allow their young children to spend time in a home in which homoeroticism is affirmed. Prohibiting young children from being exposed to such wickedness is not hateful even though, tragically, other young children will feel sad. Homosexuals intuitively know that young children and even teens have a limited capacity for moral reasoning. Homosexuals know that if children perceive someone as kind, they are predisposed to think of everything they do as good. Through their relationships with other people’s children (including in public schools), homosexuals seek to transform their moral views of homoerotic relationships.

Laurie Higgins, BarbWire  24 Comments [12/12/2015 5:54:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 115227

Why We Should Reinstitute The Dowry

Marriage rates are declining, and some sociologists fear that an entire generation is choosing to opt out of marriage. While there are many causes, from the financial and personal risk of divorce, to the fact that men can today receive any benefits a woman could offer him without marrying her, to the simple fact that virgin brides are in such scarce supply, one step that would go towards reinforcing a patriarchal family unit is to reinstitute the Dowry.


Practical reasons for the dowry

What are some reasons to bring back the dowry?

1. Recognition of the true costs of marriage

Dowry recognizes that the groom is taking on a financial (not to mention emotional) burden by taking a bride, and dowry attempts to level the playing field a bit.

2. A wiser use of dad’s money

The new family could start out with a nice nest egg, land to build a house on, assets, and cash, or they could just blow 20 grand on a crappy DJ and some overpriced dresses.

3. Reinforces the value of virginity

A dowry is a significant financial commitment, and a father would not risk the loss of this investment because his daughter was impure.

4. Clearly states the value of marriage

While this was more obvious in the past, when a woman would be more of a burden on her father or husband, a dowry recognizes that marriage is the end goal, because the father will have to keep supporting the daughter financially until she finds a husband.

5. Protects women in case of neglect, abandonment, or divorce

A dowry is an insurance policy for women who are in a truly bad marriage.

6. Discourages divorce

Women today can financially *benefit* from divorcing a husband, and there is no test of love or neglect required. A woman can divorce “Cause feelings” and find herself receiving a free income for life. In the case of dowry, a woman would forfeit her dowry, and have to pay again to a second husband if she attempted to divorce and remarry.

7. Feminists hate dowry

Finally, if feminists hate it, it must be good. Social media is full of anti-dowry propaganda. Considering that dowry was originally instituted as a protection for women who upheld their end of the marriage contract, one must be very suspicious of this opposition.

Indeed in several countries, men are threatened with imprisonment for taking part in this institution that is fundamentally a part of marriage itself. It’s a shame we don’t see any of the “defense of marriage” types rally to support dowry.

Max Roscoe, Return of Kings 25 Comments [12/12/2015 2:54:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 115222

I can spot a transvestite most of the time. They have a certain distinct look about them. They resemble the Rocky Horror Show. It's quite easy to spot a shem (she, him). I tell you, transvestites are some of the most miserable people in the world. I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt and loneliness in her (really a him) soul. Jesus is the last name they want to hear.

Only in so-called civilized societies do people seek sex-change surgery. You'll never find such insanity in poorer, primitive cultures where men and women still mate and live together as husband and wife. Sadly, Colorado has become the sex-change capital of the United States, of all places.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 29 Comments [12/12/2015 2:53:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 115220

The Good Dinosaur -Pixar / Disney Promoting Evolution, Humanizing Dinosaurs, Animializing Humans

In this latest Pro Evolution Movie (The Good Dinosaur)

The Dinosaurs:
Farm, Hunt, Herd Buffalo, (flyers take advantage of the weak)
Live in a House
Store up food in a Silo for winter
Leave a Mark on the Silo signifying accomplishment
Have Strong Family Relationships
Show Ernest Love and Respect for each other

The Humans:
- Do NOT Talk
(the main human is a young boy,
who answers to the name SPOT.
- Sniff, Track and Forage for food.
Walk on all fours, and act like dogs.
- at the end of the movie the Orphan(Spot)
is parted with his friend the good Dinosaur, and
adopted by a Man and Woman with two other young
Children, Not a Single Word is used in this
adoption and parting sequence.
(guess it would have seemed weird if the Dinosaur
said goodbye to his young friend in English, and
all the Humans could do is Howl and Grunt like

Ge1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

When God became a Man(Jesus in Human Flesh) he looked like a Normal Human Male, because WE are made in HIS image.

John1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
John1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
John1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
John1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John1:15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
John1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
John1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Truth Teller, Godlike Productions 20 Comments [12/12/2015 2:53:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
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