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Quote# 107701

A few articles on ROK have touched upon basic biblical wisdoms and how they can apply to us here in the manosphere. What they haven’t elaborated upon is just how useful God’s biblical advice is regarding the leadership role of men and what His vision is for the interactions of men and women.

It goes without saying that God views (through his representatives) the phenomena of females controlling males aka feminism as utterly revolting. To that effect, I’m going to list just three verses for your perusal. These are from the Old Testament, so a proper temporal context is recommended.

1. Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

“…thy desire shall be to thy husband…rule over thee” is key. Here in the Old Testament, God himself is essentially saying that a woman’s natural state is to long for a husband, and a man’s natural role is to be a ruler over his wife. She can thank her actions in the Garden of Eden for this little fact (as well as the punishment suffering) which most of us are already familiar with. Paul later adapted this to mean “head” for the New Testament Christian but a leadership role is apparent in either case.

How many examples have we seen in society where females have claimed that they don’t need men, yet in magazines and even within their own bizarre behaviors the truth has shown much to the contrary?

With regard to marriage, the feminist movement (along with homosexuals and the pro-abortion supporters) has long tried to wage war on this religious institution for the purpose of marginalizing the role that heterosexual husbands and fathers have played. This is because when you divorce the natural leadership role of the husband from the relationship, you allow for the female to interpret the roles in marriage, parenting, and sexuality as she sees fit, or more appropriately, as she is told it should fit.

Most females are natural copycats, and possess conformist thinking rather than critical thinking. If this was not the case, Oprah and Dr. Oz would not hold the kind of hypnotic power over females that they financially enjoy today. Today’s elitist feminists (female and male) have learned to tap into that group-think power by indoctrinating other females into their ranks in order to get them to support this SJW cause or that one.

2. Pro 31:3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.

What the bible (King Lemuel specifically) is saying here is pretty simple: don’t waste all your energies on the pursuit of females because they will bring about your ruin. Don’t become a beta man who orbits a female like a satellite does a planet.

How many modern day kings have had their downfall financially and otherwise, because they chose to spend too much effort on chasing tail? Gary Hart could be considered an example. His presidential candidacy was torpedoed because of his infidelities. While Bill Clinton proved that venery doesn’t necessarily prevent one from obtaining the presidency, he nonetheless endured much deserved humiliation for his philandering endeavors and he is still considered a joke even today. You are more than the sum of your reproductive parts, brother.

3. Isa 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

This one from Isaiah is pretty profound, and speaks volumes about how things were even back then. It seems that females have been in the business of trying to control men (through themselves and betas) for years. In addition, the modern day interpretation of “children are their oppressors” can easily apply to millennials and how they are led astray by feminist indoctrination in media and of course in social justice schools of so called higher thought.

Regrettably, these millennials end up furthering SJW causes as they advance in age and take up positions of power and influence, perpetuating the cycle of culture rot more and more. Furthermore, allowing a woman or beta male to hold a position of influence within society allows for anti-masculine teachings to become commonplace to the detriment of society as a whole.

“Destroying the way of thy paths” is therefore prophetic with regard to academic institutions, custody cases, and gender-based affirmative action initiatives which all have the common denominator of transforming females into the ersatz dominant sex.

The modern day feminist movement recognizes the red pill wisdom of the Bible as an unacceptable threat, which is why they’ve tried their best to discredit it as misogynistic, dismiss it as irrelevant, and sabotage it through the phenomena of feminized churches. Too many beta Christian males have been molded into religious feminists as a result of that last one.

Regardless of all these circumstances, the Bible is still considered the world’s most popular book and it will withstand social justice fads until the inevitable book burnings that come with a full-scale tyrannical takeover. Even an atheist red piller who frequents ROK or other sites on the manosphere can appreciate what the Bible is talking about here.

JD Unwin, Return of Kings 24 Comments [4/9/2015 3:06:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 107700

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson went on one of his patented rants about anal sex, arguing that he will never change his mind about gay marriage until someone proves that anal sex can lead to pregnancy. Robertson told a viewer who wondered how gay people can identify as Christians that “the gays wants to control everything.”

This is part of the left-wing agenda,” he said, “to do away with Christian values and to substitute for Christian values the progressive concepts of morality.”

You tell me if anybody, if you show me one couple that conceived a child through anal — through anal intercourse — just show me one in all the world, and I will say, ‘I agree with you and you are right.’ Show me one. There are 8 billion people, 7 billion, show me one time when a child was conceived by that kind of sexual activity,” Robertson said. “It is unnatural, I’m sorry.”

Pat Robertson, Right Wing Watch 38 Comments [4/8/2015 2:56:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Raspberry

Quote# 107699

Homosexuals = 65 Percent of ALL new HIV infections.

Homosexuals = 82 Percent of ALL new HIV infections in males.

WHOPPING, considering that homosexuals just make up about 2 percent of the population. And what is not given is that other research indicates that even so-called hetero contact HIV is really homosexual in origin. It's just that infected, closeted bisexuals get the disease from other homosexuals, then sleep with unsuspecting Straight females.

Conrad, CNSnews.com 23 Comments [4/8/2015 2:56:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107696

The Illuminati sacrifice children in rituals eight times a year, "Mary Anne,"  an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, told me Sept 21, 2008 .

 I spoke to Mary Anne again last week. She described new and disturbing memories which I will covey later. 

In preparation, I am summarizing my 2008 interview here for people who don't have 45 min to listen to it. Much of what she says in both interviews is simply outrageous. I can't vouch for any of it. But it is consistent with the testimony of other defectors, Svali, Sue Ford and Cathy O'Brien. The Illuminati count on people to be incredulous. That's their protection. The more egregious their crimes, the safer they are.  

Mary Anne sounds convincing to me. Why would anyone defy the most powerful people in the world? Decide for yourself. Also, both interviews, although 14 months apart, are consistent. People who invent stories rarely can keep track of them.

On Sept. 21, 2008 was the autumnal equinox. Mary Anne said that tens of thousands of children will be sacrificed that night in Illuminati ceremonies. The children are bred for the purpose or kidnapped. Satanists believe they gain power from killing. Often they rip out the heart and eat a piece of it. They prefer it to be still beating. At Easter, they kill adults. 

There are also sexual rituals involving young children. They are believed to increase power, and create fear and solidarity in members.

Illuminati members live double lives. At night they engage in these Satanic rituals. By day they are found in all walks of life: medicine, education, psychology, therapy, banking, law, law enforcement, government,  technology, military, charities and religion. They are everywhere. The worst are in the news on a daily basis posing as leaders. 

They are the elite of Freemasonry. They are generational Satanists, which means you have to be born into it. You can't join. Their children are evaluated and trained. Mormons and "Nation of Islam" have parallel beliefs, she said. 

The world has been divided into ten regions. Different groups are in control of North America. They are related to the Crowns of Europe. Many Jews have a prominent role but the Illuminati is not predominantly Jewish. Muslim, Christian, Mormon, Wicca, Pagan and New Age groups all play a role, she said.  She said 80-90% of the House of Representatives and %100 of the Senate belong to the Illuminati. 

Mary Anne said she was sexually abused by her own family from an early age. In spite, or because of this, she was groomed to be a prominent political figure. She worked closely with many world leaders and was sexually abused by them. She was tortured when she refused to carry out assassinations. 

All religions are infiltrated and controlled by the Illuminati. The Vatican is rotten at the top. The future "Anti Christ" will be a Pope. All countries, including Russia, China and Iran, are controlled by the Illuminati.  "You don't say no."

The Illuminati is behind the homosexual agenda, AIDS, and the sexual revolution. They foster anything that is in rebellion against the Christian God. 

Henry Makow, henrymakow.com 36 Comments [4/8/2015 2:54:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 107695

Real women are self-effacing. They put their husbands and their children before themselves. This is how women show love: by self-surrender. Avoid the four-C's. Women who compete, control, criticize or complain. Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don't get hung up on unavailable women. They're aren't as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. Don't look for your female counterpart. Choose one who has skills and qualities you lack and will be a good mother.

Henry Makow, henrymakow.com 30 Comments [4/8/2015 2:54:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 107694

It is a shame that women today no longer want to be mothers and homekeepers as the Bible teaches. Communist propaganda has lured women into the workplace, and the criminal Federal Reserve has rigged our economy so that women cannot go back due to lack of finances. It's all a part of the New World Order's plan to destroy America. Don't believe it?
The picture to the left is only a dream these days for most children and husbands. It takes several hours to cook main course dinners like that. There is a woeful need for mothers in America. How sad that most families today eat microwaved and instant foods. We've lost the American dream.

The Bible teaches that a woman's place is in the home. God did not intend for women to wear a uniform, carry a gun and police men in society. God did not intend for women to wear business suits, carry briefcases and fight in court as attorneys. God did not intend for women to become shrinks, messing with other people's brains. God did not intend for women to join the army and go through boot camp, crawling under barbed wire and learning how to fire an AK47 rifle. God did not intend for women to pursue workplace careers. A woman's place is in the home. God intended for women to marry, bear children (plural), guide the house (a homemaker) and not give occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully (that means stay off the phone, stay out of trouble and stay home).

[Emphasis mine]

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 46 Comments [4/8/2015 2:52:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 107680

My main agenda as a Christian isn’t to intellectually prove to anyone that the Bible is the Word of God. Let’s say you’re a skeptic and I was able to convince you that Noah existed, that there was a worldwide catastrophic flood, and that he put all the “kinds” of animals on earth into a massive boat.

That’s just one small step in trying to convince you that the whole Book can be trusted. I may then still have to convince you that Adam was made from dirt, that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, that Jesus walked on water, and of many other Bible stories that are harder to swallow than Jonah’s whale.

It’s far easier for me just to share the biblical gospel and let God miraculously open blind your eyes. No one convinced me of the validity of the stories of the Bible. Rather, God supernaturally transformed me in an instant, so that I knew by experience that with Him nothing is impossible. The new birth is an undeniable personal miracle. Once that happens to you, then any other miracles are a breeze. The storm can be stopped, waves can be calmed, bread can be multiplied, and so can fish. Water can be walked on, Red Seas can be opened, lion’s mouths closed, and a stack of animals can fit into one big boat.

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 41 Comments [4/8/2015 2:45:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 107679

Well that was an awesome ride!!!! And I’m amazed that we are still here…

I’m not ready to give up on this one just yet, it’s too big; it’s too amazing!!!!

We’ve had the amazing signs that pointed to March 31st triumphant entry.
We’ve had the amazing numbers and the awesome timing and symbolism behind this third blood moon.

And I do believe that the covenant that the Beast will confirm has been made this weekend!!! Many of the worlds most powerful nations have made and agreement with Iran totally against Israel… Is this the covenant that the Beast will confirm?????

This HAS to be the time!!! It’s ALL too BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So with all of that in mind, I’m not ready to lay this down yet, and believe that Jesus may come for us on Resurrection day!!! Yes the blood moon may have been our 3 day warning!

I’ve been to look at the end of the Revelation 12 signs in September 2018, and the sign of the Jesus being lifted up to the throne is still there on Yom Kippur (19th Sept 2018); and if you count back 1260 days from then it takes us to April 8th, the 4th day of Passover, the day Jesus rose again, RESURRECTION DAY!!!

Do I dare to believe again?????? B-)

humble-horse, Rapture In The Air Now 28 Comments [4/8/2015 2:45:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 107677

Atheistic science is an approach to science that clings to atheistic views of the universe and life, at the complete exclusion of Biblical scientific foreknowledge and non-materialistic phenomena. The hallmark of atheistic science is how it clings to materialistic theories and rejects logic and experimental observations that contradict the atheistic theories.

Examples of absurd beliefs of atheistic scientists:

* that remarkable migration by butterflies and birds can somehow be explained by magnetism
* that there are many "multiple universes" that simultaneously exist
* that time travel can occur through wormholes in the universe
* that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists outside of Earth
* that massive "black holes" exist in tiny spaces, from which not even light can escape
* that unseen "dark matter" permeates the universe
* that the universe is really comprised elastic strings

Andy Schlafly, Conservapedia, Atheistic Science 57 Comments [4/7/2015 3:10:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Night Jaguar

Quote# 107672

10 symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

Symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder include, but are not limited to:

1. Feelings of intense anger, hatred, shame and humiliation associated with having one's worldview or aspects of one's worldview publicly shown to be in error. Among COCD suffers these three feelings often spiral out of control and often reinforce each other. Western atheists who have doubts about atheism and evolution are the most frequent suffers of COCD. In addition, gullible liberals who had fervently believed that Barack Obama and the "stimulus package" would bring about "hope and change" to the United States and to the world are more likely to be afflicted with COCD.

2. You fly into a fury when atheism is associated with clowns or when it is pointed out that the Richard Dawkins and the atheist community most certainly lacks machismo. In addition, you become very irate when the subjects of atheism and obesity, atheism and mass murder, atheism and suicide and atheism and deception are raised. Of course, the bitten dog yelps the loudest.

3. Spending long periods watching or meticulously pouring over the Conservapedia recent edit summary. Individuals afflicted with COCD often review Conservapedia's recent edit summary more than many Conservapedia administrators. Individuals with Severe Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder vigorously reject the heliocentrism and geocentrism astronomical models of the universe and argue that Conservapedia's recent changes log is the true center of the universe.

4. Begrudging conservative homeschoolers and conservative children at large to have a fun page provided for them that spoofs evolutionism.

5. Excessive preoccupation with discussing Conservapedia which often involves discussing the most trifling of details. Often this leads to having dreams about Conservapedia at night.

6. Obsessing over the total web page views of Conservapedia

7. Engaging in endless speculation concerning various administrators and editors of Conservapedia.

8. Repeated and frequent proclamations that Conservapedia's death is imminent or that it has died already (The reports of Conservapedia's imminent death or death are greatly exaggerated by liberal atheists. Liberal atheists can't bear for the world to see Conservapedia's atheism and evolution articles as they detail the many deceptions and foolishness associated with atheism).

9. Feelings of anger and resentment when the many medical maladies associated with homosexuality are pointed out through the medical literature.

10. Being upset that you have various trigger words and phrases that remind you of Conservapedia such as: machismo, autumn foliage, bunny hole, Keynesian economics, cowardice, clown, obesity, exercise science, bariatric science, kitty, nerd, summo wrestling, and Olé! Olé! Olé!.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 45 Comments [4/7/2015 3:09:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107671

Test Your Open-mindedness

1. Do you resist admitting the possibility that a conservative approach to education is far more effective for students than a liberal one?
2. If it were proven to your satisfaction that some idea you've been using to bolster a political argument was false, would you keep using that idea in your argument?
3. Do you resist admitting that something you accepted for over a decade is, in fact, completely false?
4. Do you resist the possibility that Hollywood values result in significant harm for those who believe in them, and to innocent bystanders?
5. Do you think it is impossible that increased gun ownership reduces the rate of crime?
6. When President Ronald Reagan told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, would you have thought that it was politically impossible for the Berlin Wall to be torn down?
7. Did you think, or still think, that the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") is impossible?
8. Do you think that it is impossible that the Shroud of Turin is authentic?
9. Do you think that there must be a purely material-based explanation (such as magnetism) for remarkable homing and migration behavior of birds and butterflies?
10. Do you think that it is impossible for the speed of light to have been different in the past?
11. Do you think that it is impossible to measure openmindedness?
12. Do you think that evolution must have occurred?
13. Do you think that is impossible for the power of 2 in Newtonian gravity, whereby the gravitational force is proportional to 1/r2, to be more precise with an exponent that is slightly different from 2, such as a gravitational force proportional to 1/r2.00000001?
14. Do you resist admitting that some things taught to you in school are completely false, and even known to be false by some responsible for the material?
15. Do you deny that some widely required theories of science, such as the theory of evolution, may actually impede the progress of science?
16. Do you deny that the imposition of socialism and same-sex marriage on a nation could harm its competitiveness at international events like the Olympics?
17. Do you refuse to consider the possibility that "experts" may not have all the answers, and that the best of the public may have valuable insights to which experts are blind?
18. Do you think that if you read parts of the Bible years ago as a child, you can claim to "have read the Bible" and that you have no reason to read it regularly now?
19. Do you believe that because the Earth's orbit and rotation are what they are now, they are guaranteed to remain stable for billions of years?
20. Do you refuse to consider the possibility that Hebrews might have been authored by Jesus?

The above questions can be asked, and one's closed-mindedness can be scored based on how often they answered "yes" above. Answering more than half as "yes" reflects acute closed-mindedness.

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 51 Comments [4/7/2015 3:07:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 107670

Is Barack Obama behaving as the murderous copilot Andreas Lubitz did? By locking out Congress and any sensible advisers who caution against his policies?

Conservapedia, Conservapedia 33 Comments [4/7/2015 3:06:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107669

George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903 - January 21, 1950), was a leading and open-minded English writer, essayist and journalist who became critical of his ideological allies on the left. He hated imperialism[1] and grew increasingly conservative, adopting and raising a child and becoming a member of the Church of England.[2] The tension between the conservative Orwell grew to become, and the democratic socialist he still allowed others to view him as, may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink". Because of his liberal past, Orwell's increasingly conservative writings were accepted and praised by the clueless liberal intelligentsia.

Ed Poor, Conservapedia 16 Comments [4/7/2015 3:06:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Ivurm

Quote# 107667

Anglo-American gender-relations are determined by social structure as much as Puritanism. The Anglo-Saxon nations have smaller, less influential middle-classes than most comparable western nations. This means fewer personable, attractive women, since such winning qualities are ‘middle-class’ as such. Continental countries like Sweden or Austria have rather more ‘high beta’ women than the Anglosphere (in Game ranking, 5s to 7s), while the Anglo-American power-distance between classes ensures such women are rare (lots of under-5s and a few entitled over-7s, complete with Homeric 'bitch-shields'). European countries also have traditions of exercise and good diet, further raising the average standard of their women.

That said, at first glance it seems ridiculous to claim that the contemporary anglosphere is ‘puritanical’. In virtually Anglo-American city on a Friday or Saturday night, scantily clad young women can be seen tottering about in drunken stupefaction on the hunt for thugs, sports stars or plutocrats. While the anglosphere was indisputably puritanical well into the 1950s, such a description seems laughable today.

And yet – and it is a crucial ‘and yet’ – the contemporary anglosphere retains a far-reaching animus against men as sexualized beings. Murdoch’s media demonizes men while glorifying women at every turn. For example, British girls who pass public examinations (after years of preferential treatment, of course) are celebrated in press photo-shoots (I kid you not) while young males are mocked as feral morons and pumped full of Ritalin. The ‘conservative’ politicians of the Anglosphere take women’s side at every opportunity, capitulating to every feminist demand. Women commit all manner of crimes with impunity while males are imprisoned for the most trivial offences (and no offences, in the case of divorced fathers).

Rookh Kshatriya, Anglobitch 12 Comments [4/7/2015 3:06:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 107666

Congrats to the gays that matter, white men with disposable income. You leapfrogged over women, POC especially black people.

a2nite, Daily Kos 27 Comments [4/7/2015 3:05:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 107664

In the Christian worldview, morality can be defined apart from punishment and reward. What is morally good is that of which God approves. There is nothing in that definition by itself that necessitates punishment or reward. However, God is also fundamentally just/fair. And for that reason, God will punish evil and reward good. And it is morally right for Him to do so. (And there is nothing wrong with God warning people about eternal punishment or eternal blessings in order to help induce appropriate behavior in our sinful state.)

Jason Lisle, Jason Lisle 28 Comments [4/7/2015 3:05:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Tony

Quote# 107663

Some Simple Questions show Atheistic Origin Science is false (proof 2 begins)

Atheistic origin science has a lot of explaining to do to counter the very obvious and scientific conclusion that God, the Almighty Creator, indeed created all things. A thorough investigation into the facts, the laws of nature, mathematics, and logic will prove that this alternative explanation, of an origin without God, is totally false and contradictory.

Therefore, a second irrefutable proof of the existence of God Almighty the Creator can be made. Assume indeed that atheistic origin science is correct, and all of the creation can be explained without God by the laws of nature and random chance. As will be shown, this assumed theory will prove to be false. And since the only alternative to a Creator is false, then again the fact that the Creator, God Almighty, exists will have been proven again.

Atheistic origin science claims that it can explain the origin of things without God. The claim is that most things have been explained and only the details need to be ironed out. The truth is that atheistic origin science has not been able to answer anything of importance in the origin question. If anything, new discoveries have ended all hope that it will ever be successful. So after over 150 years since Darwin, and over 50 years of an extensive effort, atheistic origin science has not answered anything. Why does anybody believe it ever will? Most of its believers have either died or will die before anything will ever be answered.

To show that atheistic origin science has failed, I will just ask for some simple answers to some very simple questions. If atheistic origin science has answers, this should be no more than to copy the answers from the verified answer book of atheistic origin science.

If there are no real answers, it proves my point.

If the answers given are not complete answers, avoids questions, dances around questions, or doesn't answer one single question, what does that say about the claims of atheistic origin science.

Please note I have some more simple questions to ask.


What was the first living thing?

Was it made of just proteins?
If so, how many amino acids did it have and what was their sequence?
What are the odds of that happening?
Please show real calculations.
How did it then make the jump to RNA and DNA?
What are the odds of that happening?
Please show real calculations.

Was it made of just RNA and proteins?
If so, how many nucleotides for the RNA and amino acids for the proteins?
What were the sequences for both?
What are the odds of that happening?
How did it then make the jump to DNA?
What are the odds of that happening?
Please show real calculations.

Did it actually use DNA?
If so, how many nucleotides for the DNA?
What was the DNA code sequence?
What are the odds of that happening?
Please show real calculations.

What was the 2nd living creature?
The 3rd, 4th ... up the actual first cell?
What are the odds of each of those jumps?
Please show real calculations.

Upward evolution

Could man have evolved from an apelike creature in just 5 million years?
What are the odds based on the fact that there would be about 30 million base code differences in a 3 billion base code DNA between the 2 creatures, only 500,000 generations in that time, and only at most several million individuals for each of most of those generations?
What are the odds?
Please show real calculations.
How did that happen since higher-level creatures use sexual reproduction?
Please show real calculations.

Now repeat that feat for the over 100 million species that have been supposedly on the Earth. What are the odds of that?
Please show real calculations.

Given the fact that mutations in general corrupt the DNA code, why is the DNA code of all species not completely corrupted after the long line of progression over hundreds of millions of years?

The fossil record

Why does the fossil record show distinct species fully formed throughout?

Why has not a single chain of missing links of one disparate species becoming another ever been found in the entire fossil record?
There are millions of chains of missing links still missing. None have been found.

Provide one set of dates for one supposed intermediate species. Give the dates of the ancestor, the intermediate and the descendent species for one intermediate species.

SavedByGraceThruFaith, AtheistForums.org 28 Comments [4/7/2015 3:05:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 107660

When Two Boys Kissed on Primetime TV

It has been called "The History-Making Gay Kiss," as "The Fosters" TV show, which airs during prime time on the ABC Family network, featured the "Youngest Same-Sex TV Kiss Ever." Yes, on a so-called "family friendly" network, two 13-year-old boys locked lips, and gay activists and their allies are celebrating the moment.


Personally, I find this is heartbreaking, not heartwarming, tragic, not terrific.

First, there is the power of example, either for good or bad.

Young people in particular are influenced by what they see on TV and in the movies, with little boys dressing up like Superman or Spiderman and little girls mimicking the looks of the latest starlet. [...] Is it any coincidence, then, that girl-on-girl kissing and sex scenes have become the Hollywood rage for some years and that bisexual experimentation among girls as young as 12 has become increasingly common? (Numerous teachers, social workers, and students have told me about the epidemic of bisexual experimentation among schoolgirls today.)


Second, these kissing and sex scenes are impacting children at a volatile stage in their sexual and emotional development, potentially leading to even greater confusion, not to mention sexual experimentation.

Remember, we're talking about developing children here, about kids who have not yet come into puberty (or, who have just come into puberty), and now some of their favorite TV characters are acting out their homosexual desires, making for a whole new kind of role model.


Add to all this the influence of "Gay Straight Alliances" in middle schools and high schools, where kids are encouraged to "come out" to peers and faculty without their parents even knowing it, coupled with the influence of Hollywood, the Internet, and aggressive pro-gay school curricula, and it's all too easy for kids in these formative years to become even more confused about their sexuality.

And once they begin to experiment, especially at such tender ages, there's no telling what practices and behavior and desires might become a long term part of their lives.


Third, not to sound prudish, but I'd be perfectly happy if there weren't any TV kissing scenes with 13-year-olds, even if the kids were as heterosexual as they come.

"Leave it to Beaver" and "Lassie" may seems a little cheesy today, especially to young viewers, and they certainly had their flaws, but I'll take the moral values instilled on those kinds of shows over "Glee" or the latest reality show on MTV - unless, of course, you think "Leave it to Beaver" would have been better had 13-year-old Wally, Beaver's older brother, cuddled up to another boy and kissed him.

The very thought of it is repulsive.

Dr. Michael Brown, Barb Wire 32 Comments [4/7/2015 3:03:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 107658

Why you can Believe in Jesus Christ - Backed up with REAL Facts.

Reality - The Way things actually are, NOT the way you think them or want them to be.
Most people today go through life believing in a World that
is made up of many big lies, this results in them making bad decisions.
This work will attempt to prove what is actual and real using both Logic and verifiable evidence to establish Facts from Fictions.

Fact #1: The God of Christianity is Real

1A) Creation of Life in all it's complexity, dependencies and interactive relationships witness to a God who Designed
the Material Elements in Precise amounts with a specific environment that allows life to exist.

1B) Preserved History, Only the Jewish people and Christianity have a preserved history that explains the Universe, Creation, Man, Animals, Plants and the relationship God has with his creation. This History is preserved in the Authorized King James Bible, and Earlier translations and manuscripts that agree with each other and validate ONE cohesive, unified Book of Books called the Bible.

1C) Prophesy fulfilled validates the credibility of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that witness to the Power of God to know the Future and witness to His past deeds and future actions that people may have faith and believe in Him. Unfulfilled Prophesy remain to give faith to those
who yet live and witness their coming to pass, to help them believe.

1D) Miracles, God by himself and in answer to his peoples prayers has shown his ability to do things that only a REAL Living God could do.
Two main things made those who wished to Rule over man Jealous, His actions and Who he claimed to be.
Jesus performed many miracles and forgave sins made against God.
and who Jesus Claimed to be (the Only Begotton Son of God)
*** John3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ***

1E) Persecution of both Christians and the Real Word of God by Cults. There are Three main types of Cults that mount these attacks.

E1)Those who claim to be Christian but are NOT. They follow False Doctrines that are supported only by taking specific scriptures out of context and Never comparing them with the rest of scripture.
*** Acts17:10-11 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. ***
Often these cults will use New Age Bibles full of alterations, missing words and added notes that create doubt in the credibility of Scripture. Sometimes this type of Cult will even include Books and Publications that claim Godly Authority with New Doctrines that put members under the Authority of Men and the Anti-Christ while trying to make them feel special, important, set apart from the rest of the world.
The REAL Word of God is found in the King James Bible and is supported by Earlier Translations and Manuscripts that are vast in number and overwhelming in
their agreement to each other. New Age Bibles that have been "translated" after the King James Bible are significantly different from the King James Bible and
Each other. The Copyright of modern New Age Bibles requires them to be different!
Promoters and Defenders of New Age Bibles Have Attacked the King James Bible as being to hard to understand, Authorized by an immoral king, and being defended by Christians who are not Educated enough. To these attacks I answer with the following.
Study of the Word leads to understanding, Judas betrayed Jesus allowing him to be sacrificed for the Sin of the World saving all who believe in him. God uses believers
to do his will, even if they have not been to Schools and suffered Indoctrinated into the Truth this world want's them to believe.

E2)Those who Worship Fake Gods such as Deamons (Fallen Angels like Satan) or Idols.
Those who submit themselves to Deamons or Men who rule over them may be given Signs(not Miracles) , Praise and Privilege to make them believe they are receiving Power as a result of their blind Obedience to Deamons or Men.
Their Blind Devotion to these Deamons and Men lack the following.
1)A credible historical record that Explains the Creation of Life and all things.
2)The chronological explanation of the world they live in and the Relationship between God and Man that goes back to the Beginning.
3)Prophecy validating the power of God to know and tell of the Future in detail.
4)Miracles, things done by God that no man could ever do.

E3)Those who worship Science, the Cult of Disbelief called Atheism
The Religion of Science uses made up facts to support doctrines that match the beliefs of Atheists, making it convenient to allow or justify Sin.
Theories Taught as Law to promote their Lawlessness include:
1) The Big Bang - All Stars and matter exploding from a singularity some REALLY long time ago.
2) Evolution - Life taking over Billions of Years to happen as an accident.
3) Fornication - Humans are just another Animal, therefore anything goes.
4) Dinosaurs - Destroyed by a Meteor Millions of Years Ago.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can lead a unbeliever to the Truth, but you can't make them think.

Christian, Godlike Productions 17 Comments [4/7/2015 3:03:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 107656

Hit Muslim Terrorists Where it Hurts - Their Religion!

If we are going to have any sense of security in a world dominated by fools, fanatics, and fascists then we must crawl into the minds of Muslim fanatics and try to "work their system." I think I have succeeded in doing that and might be able to suggest a plan that could assure a length, mutual, but unsteady peace. [...] Let's do what other national leaders have done to defeat Muslim fanatics.

Just before the September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorist attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania, Deputy Israeli Police Minister Gideon Esra suggested in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot that Palestinian suicide bombers be buried in pig skin! That is reminiscent of General "Black Jack" Sherman's alleged execution of six Muslim rebels in the Philippines in the early 1900s following the end of the Spanish American War. It is said, although without authentication, that he killed six Muslim rebels with bullets dipped in hog fat, wrapped the bodies in pig skins, dumped pig entrails over them and buried them face down so they could not face Mecca. That ended the insurrection.


While there is no guarantee of anything except God's salvation, taking advantage of the Muslims' superstitions could save many lives and maybe the destruction of American cities.

The President should speak to the United Nations in a message to Muslims everywhere: "We don't hate Muslims and we want to live in peace with them at home and abroad; however, we will no longer permit innocent Americans to be butchered anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will not permit any further terrorist actions against our nation.

"Therefore, hear this warning from the Oval Office, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the U.S. Congress. The next time an American hostage is killed by Muslim terrorists or after the next attack on our nation, excepting a lone wolf attack, the U.S. will bomb the sacred Kaaba in Mecca. At that time we will also bomb the holy cities of Mecca and Medina with pig poop from Iowa - the hog capital of the nation. There will be no warning other than this one."

Don Boys, Don Boys: Common Sense for Today 33 Comments [4/7/2015 3:00:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 107655

Obama Places USA in Submission to Iran... and Islam Itself

While all to many of the American sheeple continue to sleep, Obama continues to destroy their country. Every day, his treasonous acts grow and every day our elected federal officials try to find new dark corners in which to hide. Even Republican State executives - aka governors - are now bending and caving to the new ObamaGov that is quickly rising from the ashes of the now deceased USA. As quickly as Indiana and Arkansas passed freedom of private religious (think Christian only) businesses to sue in court for not having to do business with the "gay" community, they caved to said community - when its members said 'bad things' about them - and virtually nullified the original bill. Question: How much estrogen have these so-called men been taking? But, let's get back to the Obama situation now and save the Republican wimps and Obama-collaborators for another column.


Dictator-in-Chief Obama's latest tactic is not to even write the laws don but, the simply speak them into existence as might a Pharaoh...or an Imam. This is what he and his lackey team have done with the treasonous anti-Israel/anti-USA Iran deal. In making this lunatic and suicidal-for-the-US "deal" with Iran, what Obama has effectively done is say to Iran "I now submit my country to your commands and to Islam." North American Islamic Republic anyone? This is and has been Obama's intent all along. He plans - as Van Jones once told a group of high school students - to be President of the World.


Christians are being subjected to a worldwide genocide and Obama does nothing. Instead, he goes golfing. In the USA, more and more Christians are being arrested for their beliefs and being disallowed their God-given (and US Constitutional) right to free speech. There are too many to list here, but Google "Christians arrested for free speech" and you'll find over 21,000,000 entries

And Obama's submitting to the will of Iran - and delivering what may very well prove to be the Coup de gras to the USA - as well as bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the USA (see the ongoing figures by going go the Center for Immigration Studies site) he is now beginning the establishment of an Islamic country in what was once the light and engine to the world. It is no more

Sher Zieve, Barb Wire 18 Comments [4/7/2015 3:00:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 107654

[Original ad featured in the source page]

Last week, two local haredi newspapers in the Israeli town of Beit Shemesh refused to publish an ad for a stocking shop that showed the shod feet and clothed ankles and shins of a two-year-old girl.

"I've decided not to give in and not to publish any ads in the two newspapers which insisted that we remove the picture," the LiLi Sock Shop's owner, Henny Spiegler, told Ynet. "There is no halakhic [Orthodox Jewish law] problem with the ad, and I have no intention of being their puppet," she added.

Spiegler, herself haredi, said she did not know that the two newspapers now have a new extremist haredi ad mashgiach (supervisor) and are now following the rules of a very extreme haredi group which bans all pictures of females – even pictures of fully clothed very young girls, even picture of their fully socked feet in shoes.young girls.

She refused to change the ad and reportedly published it in other local newspapers. But those papers are not distributed in all of the haredi neighborhoods in the city.

The most extremist haredi groups in Beit Shemesh have been rapidly growing stronger as more and more young members of their group’s move to the town from the overcrowded neighborhoods of Jerusalem like Mea Shearim.

Two unnamed Beit Shemesh Haredi newspapers and their Mashgiach, Failed Messiah 14 Comments [4/7/2015 3:00:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 107651

First of all, Garbarino’s subtle implication that the reaction from pastors might be different if the mayor were not a “lesbian Democrat” is absurd, unfair and more than a tad manipulative. It also seems strange given that he admits that the request is “disturbing” and “a violation” of church-state relations. Is he implicating himself here?

Secondly, I don’t buy the “evangelism at any cost” argument. Yes, pastors should want government officials to hear the Gospel. Yes, the pastors of Jesus’s flocks should be preaching gospel-centered hope.

But a group of city attorneys’ scanning sermon manuscripts for the words “homosexual,” “gay,” and “sin” hardly constitutes an evangelistic encounter. Evangelism is not merely any in-your-face occurence of Bible + person; otherwise we should be encouraging Christians to–as the mayor’s office is doing–subvert law and order to get the message out, perhaps by trashing an abortion clinic and leaving tracts or by picketing a mosque. When Christians are careful to explain why such behavior is not acceptable, they emphasize that the how of Gospel ministry matters just as much as the what. The how of turning in sermon manuscripts to the city government would be an endorsement of injustice in the name of evangelism.

Third, the phrase “inflammatory untruths” is one that needs authoritative definition. The trick is deciding who has that authority. Does Mayor Parker? Does the Texas legislature? Does each congregation decide? Garbarino?

Arguing that pastors should have nothing to hide is the right response to the wrong issue. If this case involved a local pastor’s running for public office, then we could naturally expect his and his church’s teachings to come under scrutiny. In that case I too would say that pastors ought have nothing shameful to hide. But this subpoena concerns local pastors who aren’t even named in the civil suit against the government. The possibility of embarrassing or unbiblical teaching is as irrelevant here as the possibility that Michael Brown would have grown up to be a criminal. It’s a mistake of sequence: The mayor’s office is unjust and unlawful in demanding these sermons, therefore, the pastors should not have to justify themselves to it.

I understand Garbarino’s concern that Christians maintain primary citizenship in the kingdom of God and not conflate that with citizenship in America. That’s a message that needs to be heard. But it’s not the point here. The point is that submitting to this gross act of bullying would be disastrous not just for religious folk but for citizens of Houston in general. Government transgression of civil liberty doesn’t just happen to one particular group; when it happens, it is a violation of everybody’s civil liberty. Pastoral resistance to Mayor Parker’s demands is crucial for the upholding of law on behalf of everyone in Houston, straight or gay, black or white, pastor or layperson.

Samuel James, Inklinations 5 Comments [4/7/2015 2:50:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107642

But secular progressives don’t think of religion this way. If pressed on the issue of why progressive Christianity has failed and is currently failing, most will either mutter something about “fundamentalism” and pretend to get a phone call, or they will throw their hands up and admit that religion just exists outside of rational life. By definition, secular progressives don’t attribute this kind of gravitas to religious life. It’s the John’s baptism trap: If religion comes from above, why don’t you believe, and if it comes from below, how dare you?

So then, writers like Bruni carry on the hopeful vision of a progressive religious life, one that is continually in flux and adaptable to the demands of modernity. They disbelieve that the same evangelicals who carry iPhone 6 in their pockets can actually have their epistemological and social lives constrained by tales from 4th century Palestine. The real culprit is homophobia, and evangelicals’ “obeisance” is offered not to God but to oppressive traditions built on power.

So how should evangelicals respond to this? Well, there is both good news and bad news on that front.

The bad news is this: There really isn’t a good way to argue against bad faith. When Bruni and others rage against RFRA, they are not raging against the protection of beliefs, they are raging against the protection of hypocritical ones. RFFA MUST be coverage for homophobia, because Christians are no more constrained to believe antiquarian homilies on marriage than they are constrained to conquer Jericho and enslave its inhabitants.

If Bruni will not grant good faith to evangelicals and admit that in 2015 millions of Americans can love LGBT neighbors while believing they were created for something different, then there’s no logical riposte possible. Bruni quotes a “gay philanthropist” as saying “church leaders must be made ‘to take homosexuality off the sin list.’” Is that a threat? Yes. Is it anti-pluralism? Yes. But if the whole thing is just a hoax anyway, who cares?

But there is good news. When Christians see public, outright rejection of the basic precepts of religious faith, we know the field is ripe unto harvest. Debate, argumentation, and policy have their place. But a post-Christian culture needs Christian churches more urgently than it needs Christian influence. If it takes the shriveling of the margins of civic life–until evangelical conscience is deemed an enemy of the state–to rekindle the flame of the Great Commission in American evangelical congregations, then so be it. Let the epic collapse of demythologized and de-Christianized American religion signal again the showdown between the only two worldviews possible for society: Jesus, or nothing.

Samuel James, Inklinations 9 Comments [4/7/2015 2:48:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 107636

It is because we are sinners, and because God so often showers us with grace, that we lose sight of the justice of God, and the blackness of sin. When we read about the execution of the Canaanites we ought not to ask, “How could God do this?” but “Why does He not kill us all?” The shocking part of the story of the conquest of Canaan is God’s love for His rebellious people, not His just wrath toward other rebels. From the moment of our conception we are all under God’s just death sentence.

R.C. Sproul Jr., Ligonier Ministries 16 Comments [4/7/2015 2:40:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: the_ignored
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