Quote# 108288

Lest you thought Satanic backward masking was a fad of years gone by... THINK AGAIN!!! I am about to shock your socks off if you thought The Jonas Brothers were an evangelical wholesome boy band. You will lose sleep tonight, guaranteed.

I didn't believe it when I heard it, but I proved it myself on my own computer. Their song, KIDS OF THE FUTURE played backwards praises Satan, saying: “I speak for Satan, Satan, Satan. My sweet forsaken Satan, Satan!!!” You are now hearing the song played backwards (download MP3).

I used Acid Loops, a musical software program, to reverse the song. You are hearing the end, a pause, and then the beginning of the song played in reverse. I took out the middle of the song to limit the size of the file. This is backward masking, and it's prevalent in the entire evil music industry.

Please, please listen to me. Your child is in danger! The human mind is incredibly intelligent, more than you can imagine. Your brain processes things that you cannot hear. The eyes work the same way. The government is now installing fluorescent lights in Minnesota that transmit internet data from office computers. It's wireless internet, but through your ceiling light bulbs. The eyes don't notice it because the frequency is so high. Music works in a similar way. Our ears cannot hear Satan being praised, but your brain does hear it, and subconsciously obeys subliminal commands.

Walt Disney has made The Jonas Brothers famous, having sold over 8,000,000 albums worldwide.[1]

In fact, the boy band from New Jersey has become a household name in America, listed in the TOP 10 TEEN IDOLS in the U.S.[2] IDOLS!!! Millions of America's teenagers are idolizing Satan worshippers, and being subliminally trained to worship Satan themselves! The Jonas Brothers aren't what they appear to be! They're subliminally leading the kids of the future to become Satan worshippers!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 29 Comments [5/3/2015 3:50:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 108287

RT is openly biased, Reuters is obviously biased. That actually makes RT a slightly more trustworthy new source.

Nathan, Yahoo! Comments 9 Comments [5/3/2015 3:48:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 108284

Hi everyone,

1. First of all....I know people usually tend to take extreme emotional stands rather than a balanced stand. So..the first and immediate argument seems to be to accuse a person of bigotry and hatred of homosexuals. That is wrong. I have no hatred of homosexuals and do not believe that they are sinners or whatever. I believe in letting them live their lives.

2. The comparison of homosexuality with left handedness is moronic at best. Is left handedness abnormal...yes... of course it is! But it is of no consequence and no one gives a damn if someone writes with his left hand instead of the right.

Similarly,is homosexuality abnormal...yes..of course it is! Problem is that it also has serious consequences. Ever heard of survival instinct, procreation instinct and survival of the species?! ::)

If more and more people become left handed nothing will happen. But if more and more people become homosexuals...the human race will be eliminated. So..would the lot of you please stop making such inane comparisons! Thanks!

So...now you know why homosexuality is abnormal. It goes against basic survival and propagation of the species. Should I repeat that?!

3. This is where the research to find reasons for homosexuality becomes relevant. Nobody does any research to find out why a person is heterosexual, by the way!! That is normal and that's the way nature has made us evolve.

If research establishes (as it seems to be doing) that epigenetics is the reason for homosexuality and they do find some treatment...it should be welcomed.....and those who choose to get the treatment should be freely allowed to.

Why the lot of you are hollering on about parents abusing their children is really beyond me!! Shocking! Propagation of the species is a fundamental instinct and parents have a right to expect that their children will procreate and take good care of the offspring.

4. Why all this is such an emotional issue is also beyond me. You people here claim to be very scientific minded (though most of you hardly know any real science, let me add).... but nothing of it is seen here. Everyone is going on and on about it as though it is a battle for dominance. LOL!

Its like some brainwashed or programmed response from most people. Almost the same words, the same examples, the same arguments, the same anger, the same accusations. Like some cult members! Some psychologists really need to do some research on this strange phenomenon.....seriously!

5. I also think perhaps atheism and homosexuality are somehow linked. I know religious people could also be homosexuals and atheists could also be heterosexuals... but someone really needs to check the connection. Maybe its the same genes/epigenes that are responsible for both.

Or maybe given the rigid Christian theology...homosexuals prefer to become atheists. That is also possible.

Sriram, Religion and Ethics 22 Comments [5/3/2015 3:48:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 108283

Just let the atheists run their little ad. Freedom is freedom. Every religion should be explored and be given equal access. God's not worried about their little bus ad!
My research into many religions helped me to realize which one represented truth, having all the answers and explaining all the rest. Similarly, we can test and measure societies and nations with Christianity and those without.

The historical record proves America was truly and richly blessed when she practiced Christianity, remained faithful to traditional marriage, and based her laws and customs on Judeo-Christian principals and values. That's just a hard fact no matter how badly atheists and LGBT groups wish it wasn't so! And we can clearly see how she's doing today, having turned her back on the God who blessed her so richly.

Bizzaro America, completely opposite to, and unrecognizable from, her former glorious self. Not surprisingly, America is the laughing stock of the world, completely coming apart at the seams financially, academically, morally, and politically. Her fall is undeniable and widely commented on across the world. Depravity and debauchery are now the norm. Americans today are more concerned about gender selection, gay marriage and sexuality, and hedonism in general. While her enemies grow bolder and stronger by the hour.

The before and after Christianity pictures are very clear. If folks want to experiment with other faiths including atheism, have at it. When you've suffered enough, the Christian God will be waiting. With open arms and nail pierced hands. And maybe when you've grown tired of longing for the good old days, you'll go back to the God that made them so good in the first place.

But I wouldn't wait very much longer. The clock is ticking. And the plan he revealed that He has for humanity is quickly winding down. In fact, there just aren't very many prophecies left to be fulfilled. Decide soon.

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 36 Comments [5/2/2015 6:03:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 108282

THESE Daily Mail photos of New York City after the hurricane remind me of just how ugly the streets of Manhattan are, with almost everyone dressed in drab, uninteresting clothes that rival the uniforms of Maoist China for their homogeneity and lifelessness. America is one of the most aesthetically impoverished nations in history. I wonder how many thousands of people are on medication because they are depressed by their own clothes and their ugly, hostile environments, surrounded as they are by impersonal denim, sneakers with tire treads, plastic-covered down jackets, billboards with oppressive smiles, and the austere, chilling cliffs of modern skyscrapers. This is the environment of a people that idolizes equality and sameness. The only way to survive amid such poverty is to possess an interior castle, a place of tapestries and mahogany where denim and sweat jackets are nowhere to be seen.

Laura Wood, The Thinking Housewife 22 Comments [5/2/2015 6:03:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 108281

This grand and holy religion, whose whole action is healthful, whose restraints are all blessings–this gracious religion, whose chief precepts are the love of God and the love of man–this same Christianity confirms the subordinate position of woman, by allotting to man the headship in plain language and by positive precept. No system of philosophy has ever yet worked out in behalf of woman the practical results for good which Christianity has conferred on her. Christianity has raised woman from slavery and made her the thoughtful companion of man; finds her the mere toy, or the victim of his passions, and it places her by his side, his truest friend, his most faithful counselor, his helpmeet in every worthy and honorable task. It protects her far more effectually than any other system. It cultivates, strengthens, elevates, purifies all her highest endowments, and holds out to her aspirations the most sublime for that future state of existence, where precious rewards are promised to every faithful discharge of duty, even the most humble. But, while conferring on her these priceless blessings, it also enjoins the submission of the wife to the husband, and allots a subordinate position to the whole sex while here on earth. No woman calling herself a Christian, acknowledging her duties as such, can, therefore, consistently deny the obligation of a limited subordination laid upon her by her Lord and His Church.

Susan Cooper, The Thinking Housewife 24 Comments [5/2/2015 6:03:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 108280

I seem to recall reading that the Catholic Church fought giving women the “right” to vote in Quebec until the ’40s. But now everything has changed. When California had a ballot referendum to end affirmative action, Cardinal Mahoney opposed it because, in part, it would deny women their opportunity to advance in the work place. Wonder why Mahoney thought children would be better off at secular day care with mommy at work having her self-esteem increased.

I think liberalism is a nightmare from which we are all trying to awake. But I think it’s going to be a long sleep.

Neil, The Thinking Housewife 18 Comments [5/2/2015 5:21:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 108277

Wouldn't it be great if children were taught proper courtship before marriage? Wouldn't it be great if there were NO public (government) schools? Wouldn't it be great if there were no sexually suggestive filth or smut on television? Wouldn't it be great if all women and girls wore long dresses, had virtue, respected men and obeyed their husbands? Wouldn't it be great if men were faithful to their wives, being gentle and kind at all times, loving and respectful of women? Wouldn't it be great if there were no indecent magazines, no raunchy celebrities, no Hollywood, no Las Vegas, no Marti Gras, no Broadway, no Lifetime channel, no Walt Disney? What a beautiful world this could be!

I greatly look forward to the time when Jesus Christ sits upon the throne of David in Israel and the entire world is filled with the knowledge of the Lord (Habakkuk 2:14). I long for the world to be filled with RIGHTEOUSNESS!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 47 Comments [5/2/2015 3:38:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 108276

[...]same sex marriage won't affect you at all. I wish it would, you might learn something.

It may affect my mental state.

It might improve it.

Why do you really care this much?

I am a devout Christian who loves America and traditional values.

United Russian Soviet States, Nationstates 14 Comments [5/2/2015 3:38:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Zyr

Quote# 108275

["The people advocating for more freedom don't have to justify why more freedom is good."]

That means that your immoral side should not have to argue FOR owning black people or gassing Jews or any other behavior which allows more "freedom," by which you actually mean "autonomy."

WorldGoneCrazy, Christiannews.net 17 Comments [5/2/2015 3:37:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 108274

On gay marriage leading to legalized murder

[That's ludicrous. One party in a murder doesn't consent! Both parties to a same sex marriage do. What is so difficult about that?]

Oh, and "consent" is an arbitrary value, which has no objective basis whatsoever in secularism. You are discriminating against those people who desire to have a loving relationship with someone else who does not consent, or even a child who does! And any age limitation on consent is arbitrary under your view as well.

WorldGoneCrazy, Christiannews.net 19 Comments [5/2/2015 3:36:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 108273

Every argument used for same sex marriage applies to every other type of marriage.

Gays are arguing for the right to marry the person they love. They can already marry an opposite sex person they do not love. Is there a right to marry the object of your affection? Straights do not have that right. Here are the problems with that argument:
1 the object of your affections may not have the same feelings.
2 the object of your affections might already be married
3 the object of your affections might be a close relative.
4 the object of your affections might be a minor.
5 you may be already married to someone else.
6 the object of your affections may not be human.
7 the object of your affection my be an inanimate object.

Need I go on? This is a guise of equal rights.

paininthebuttocks, WorldNetDaily 26 Comments [5/2/2015 3:36:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 108272

You'll never find a virgin past 20 these days and that's at the absolute latest. So not only are virgin girls extremely rare, they're also unattainable for low value guys like ourselves. The cultural brainwashing has made EVERY GIRL into a slut.

Puakiller, sluthate 29 Comments [5/2/2015 3:36:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 108269

Marriage is either between one man and one woman or it's a free for all.
Any gender, any number of people. Heck, even throw in an animal or two. Why not?

Once we disregard the plan of our Creator, supported by the clear design of the male and female body, WHO then should decide? Hollywood? Yeah, right. The most hedonistic pleasure seeking, sexually immoral, drug and alcohol addicted embarrassment to humanity is going to dictate to the rest of us how to live!? Not bloody likely.

The individual states have already passed their own laws via democratically elected officials to protect the sanctity of marriage, between one man and one woman, AS IT HAS BEEN FOREVER.

The Supreme Court cannot mandate on a whim to overturn these laws without drastic consequences. This insanity is literally tearing the country apart. While our enemies are arming to the teeth and salivating over the prospect of our destruction. God help us.

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 19 Comments [5/2/2015 3:33:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 108268


Recently, feminists have been critiqued for attempting to make women-only spaces. Inclusion of “minority genders,” including transgender women, into what have been traditionally all-female colleges is now protected under Title IX and hailed as a progressive development. Restricting space to people who have been born women and continue to experience the world as women is considered discriminatory at best and biologically determinist at worst.

People often fail to recognize that “woman” is not a personal identity but a political identity based upon a shared experience of oppression. The purpose of certain women-only spaces is not about excluding those with or without a particular genitalia (we didn’t decide that having vaginas and uteruses made one subordinate; men did) or excluding those with a particular gender identity. This isn’t about how strongly one identifies as a woman, whether one might subsequently be seen and treated as a woman, or whether one is marginalized and disadvantaged by gender hierarchy (for example, gay men are marginalized by patriarchy even though they are men). It is about controlling for the experience of male privilege. In my white-to-Latina example [at the top of the linked post], it would be legitimate to exclude me from certain spaces or even definitions of “Latina” not because I believe in biological determinism but because I understand the power of socialization. This doesn’t mean I identify less with being Latina than others who were “born that way,” or that I may not subsequently experience racial subordination. It means I recognize that what I am is not determined solely by what I want to be, and the fact that I’ve experienced white privilege is not and never has been up to me.

Of course there is an important dis-analogy between race and gender in my white-to-Latina story: transgendered women cannot experience all forms of subordination that women as women face. Most female-born women are capable of becoming pregnant at some point in their lives. For those who cannot, infertility is often considered a “problem” that needs to be “fixed.” Transgendered women do not experience disadvantage by virtue of their reproductive role (they don’t need abortions, for instance), and neither are they considered somehow “defective” by virtue of not being able to fulfill a particular reproductive role (although they might be considered pathological, etc. by virtue of not identifying with their imposed gender).

I’m not denying that transgendered people are subject to social, emotional, and physical violence at absurdly high rates, and that this violence is a product of sexism. I’m also not denying that transgender people feel deeply alienated from their imposed gender identity. Many of us are, because gender, and the accompanying deformation of our bodies — from pornographied genitalia to what is considered beautiful — is a profound and perverse imposition of identity. It does not reflect our individuality or even some positive notion of social relatedness. It is a function of a deeply pathological and violent social structure.

But this seems to be where some recent developments in “feminist” theory and activism have diverged from their feminist roots. The feminist struggle against heterosexism and gender conformity was not because any self-professed sexual orientation, identity, or gender should be considered equally valid: it was because the disadvantage and violence non-gender conforming and non-heterosexual people experience are the result of patriarchy in which men and the masculine are socially constructed as (sexually) dominant and women and the feminine are socially constructed as the (sexually) subordinate. Feminism does not seek to marginalize or exclude the experience of people not born as women, but to situate these within a systemic and systematic understanding of the functions, mechanisms, and structure of sexual subordination.

Imagining and advocating for a post-racial world is easier for us than advocating for a post-gender world. Perhaps because gender has been with us longer, it cuts deeper, it invades our most intimate relationships and experiences. Unlike with racial subordination, there is no “remainder”: ethnicity (identification with a particular cultural or linguistic tradition) can exist without race (the social construction of an identity based upon one’s racial subordination or privilege), but there is no gender without sexual subordination.

C.K. Egbert, Feminist Current 11 Comments [5/2/2015 3:33:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: What?

Quote# 108260

Let's imagine for a moment that we are here because of evolution. Let's take it from the top of the head and work down to the throat to see what sort of job evolution did.

There are headaches suffered by millions, brain hemorrhages, aneurysms, hair loss, dandruff, scalp itch, mental disease, panic attacks, insomnia, sleep apnea, brain cancer, pink eye, blindness, canker sores, cold sores, nearsightedness, conjunctivitis, styes, gum disorders, stuttering, nasal congestion, sinus problems, asthma, memory loss, hay fever, ringing in the ears, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, head lice, nasal sores, acne, strep throat, epilepsy, stroke, vertigo, lockjaw, shortness of breath, skin cancer, throat cancer, overcrowding of the teeth, deafness, ear ache, tooth ache, shingles, snoring, thyroid disorders, tooth grinding, head colds, and nightmares.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of diseases we can all get. We haven't even looked below the neck--at the heart, the blood, bones, muscles, liver, pancreas, lungs, etc.

Evolution didn't do a very good job did it? And what's more, evolution believers have no explanation for all these diseases. That's just how it is, and we have to deal with it, until death takes us.

Evolution leaves believers ignorant and utterly hopeless.

So let's stop imagining, and look at reality. The Bible says that we were made by God, and that in the beginning everything was "very good." There was no suffering, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, disease, and no death. But when sin came, it brought with it the Genesis curse. But even way back then God promised that He would redeem humanity by making a way to forgive our sins and grant us everlasting life.

So the Bible not only explains our origins, it explains why we have so much suffering, why death exists, and it offers eternal life and hope, through the gospel. Won't you please consider joining us in that glorious hope? Check out www.needGod.com

Ray Comfort, Facebook 39 Comments [5/2/2015 3:30:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 108259

Before Laura and I came in contact with John Torell, we were living what I consider to be a typical lifestyle of idolatry, listening to rock music and watching ungodly television and movies. If we happened to have an extra glass of wine and got buzzed, it was all in good fun. We had no idea how these practices impacted us spiritually because we were spiritually empty. We watched the scariest movies we could find to try and get a spiritual “fix,” and when the movies no longer filled the gap, we ended up searching for an alternative. We took a wrong turn on Netflix and viewed a documentary called Zeitgeist. While this movie raised some interesting questions, it did so with incomplete mainstream propaganda. This nudged us into the realm of the New Age and we started questioning the existence of Jesus.

Then we came upon David Icke and his reptilian theories but red flags started popping up in our minds. These New Age ideas were on the fringes of religion, insinuating an alien savior and how the Paladians were coming to evangelize us. I was intrigued but there was a subtle aftertaste of deceit because they avoided the Bible and the truth it offers. We had almost gotten to the point of throwing away our Bibles when the Holy Spirit gave us our final warning! My wife and I started hearing thoughts in our heads that were not ours. These thoughts were murderous, violent and pure evil. We ran as fast as we could back to the Bible and asked Jesus for forgiveness and repented for having ever doubted.

I turned off David Icke and found myself listening to a radio show on Blog Talk Radio called The Hagmann and Hagmann Report. One of the guests made mention of Shannon Davis on Omega Man Radio. We started poking around the chat room and listening to the archives and found that his show focused on deliverance through Jesus. We were fascinated and listened to a couple of the mass deliverances offered by some of the guest Pastors. We started off with Ivory Hopkins, John Kyle, and Jim Croft among others. When we heard Pastor John give a teaching on the curses of the Bible and the relevance of the Old Testament, we knew that this was something that we had not heard before. Laura had a reflexology and acupressure business and she emailed multiple pastors seeking advice. John Torell was the only one that responded and told us that these practices are based in the occult. We shut down the business he next day and never looked back.

We had ordered a few different books on deliverance and for the most part they were all the same. Pastor John’s book, Christian Dynamics Course 1, was completely different. It offered a more thorough introduction to the Christian faith and the dynamics of curses and bondage. As we studied and read through the book, we learned how to break the curses and remove the demonic legal grounds for us to be oppressed. We completed a fairly in-depth study of the book with Pastor John answering questions along the way. During this process we also cleansed our house of any occult items. The learning curve was pretty steep because everyday objects that we accept as simple decorations are actually doorways to demon oppression. We were financially strapped but decided nevertheless that we should see Pastor John in person. We had enough air miles to cover the flights and were able to get a discount on a room at a local B&B. It seemed that God wanted us to go!

Kristian, EAEC 13 Comments [5/2/2015 3:30:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 108258

On a more personal note, I would like to share with you my personal experience with fantasy and video games. I had a number of traumas in my youth that caused me a lot of pain. I became withdrawn and did not have a lot of friends. I was shy and meek. I had no trust of people around me and so I became withdrawn into fantasy novels written by Terry Brooks. At about the same time I discovered R.A. Salvatore and his Dark Elf trilogy. These novels are written under “Forgotten Realms, Dungeons and Dragons.” They follow along with the fantasy world created in the “Dungeons and Dragons” gaming series. I read all that I could find and completely escaped into this world. I started to believe that I was born in the wrong time and that I would have been more comfortable having been born in a different age or world altogether.

The books led me to one of the first “Forgotten Realms” video games produced by SSI (Strategic Simulations Inc.) called “Secret of The Silver Blades” in 1990. This was my first experience with a role playing computer game and I was instantly hooked. I never actually made it to the end of the game because I bought the sequel as soon as the next release came out and dropped the previous game. I remember going outside to do chores or hang out with friends and then at night I would stay up all night playing these games. I don’t think I have to tell you that my grades began to suffer. I was a sophomore in high school, as my gaming progressed, my grades crashed. My parents would not upgrade our computer, so I was pushed outside. I became an avid rock climber who smoked pot, ate psychedelic mushrooms and dropped LSD. I started smoking cigarettes and my rock climbing took a back seat to the “party” life.

I settled in with a decent job as a cabinet maker and built myself my first gaming computer. From that moment I played mostly fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons), and first person shooter games like “Call of Duty” and “Battlefield 2142.” I became trapped in a cycle of staying up late and all weekend playing games, drinking, and smoking pot. I was not alone and had a pseudo support group once I was able to connect to other people living online as well. They were all doing the same thing for the most part.

I was just coasting along at this point. I was not getting ahead in my career. My marriage was failing, and most importantly, I had no relationship with Jesus. It was not until I lost my marriage and job that I saw what a time commitment gaming required. I wondered where I would be today if I had spent that time on other things. Instead of amassing 1,500 hours playing “Bethesda's Oblivion,” I could have read any number of books, learned a language, who knows? That amounts to about 3 hours a night for a year and half. On weekends it was much more. It was just time thrown away! I had a good time with absolutely nothing to show for it. This is time that I will never get back. Satan stole it from me and I allowed it to happen.

I have so much more time available to me now. I hope that parents out there who have little children will come to realize that while games are used as a babysitter, these games are handicapping them. Children are actually regressing in intelligence.

I had a chance to work in a client’s house which homeschooled their children. During my time in the home I witnessed the following: The son who was about 15 had certain projects to do for school. Well, when his parents were not supervising him, he would use the “alt-tab” command to cycle between his game and school work. It was comical at first because as I would walk by and he would “alt-tab” to the school work thinking I was his mother. It was obvious that he was breaking a rule imposed by the parents but the urge to play was so strong that he could not help it. After about three weeks of this walking past him, I could see that his nerves were shot and he was exhausted from constantly thinking he might be busted. I began to feel sorry for this boy and prayed for him because I could see the bondage he was in. He could not stop playing; it was always pulling him back. I could also tell that when it came time for him to do a chore such as cutting the grass or helping grandma down the street, he was grumpy about it. He would hang his head, put on some headphones and race through the chore just to get back in the game seat. I am sure he was happy to see us finish our job so he could sneak the gaming with impunity.

I also noticed that he could not do his chores without headphones on. This is something I have seen more than once in other people, and it tells me that there are thoughts that they don't want to face. They would rather zone out in music than face their inner man. Any amount of silence and they begin to squirm.

My advice to parents is this. Educate yourself on what your children are doing and what they are listening to. The Internet is available almost everywhere these days. Learn how to use the parental controls on the TV. Limiting exposure will push them towards more worthwhile pastimes like sports and education, and of course, introduce them to Jesus!

Kristian Getting, EAEC 13 Comments [5/2/2015 3:30:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 108257

Peddling his blue jeans, underwear and fragrances, fashion designer Calvin Klein, has built a $2-billlion-a year empire.

Calvin Klein’s suggestive ads are splattered with blatant lustful, homoerotic, images. From the provocative Brook Shields ads (You know what comes between me and my Calvins?), raunchy rapper Marky Mark and underwear queen Kate Moss, Calvin Klein has pumped "youthful lusts" (see 2 Timothy 2:22) into the living room. Klein’s ads have been described as, "kiddie porn" and "teenage tantalizers".

Utilizing provocative and enticing "sex-clothing-fragrance" ads — Klein has used his "sensual" products to sell more than just clothing and sweet smells. In fact, in the book, "Obssession: The Life and Times of Calvin Klein", authors Steven Gaines and Sharon Churcher, detail a "vision" Klein received, while partying at the London, gay-drug-disco called Flamingo in 1975. As Klein watched sweaty, shirtless homosexual young men, burning with lust, while dancing sensually, to the disco beat, the "vision" — "like a revelation", came:

[Excerpt from biography]

Klein’s "vision" was to "portray men as gods" was not new. . .

It seems, someone else, had that same "vision" – Satan. . .

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Genesis 3:4-5

Klein’s "homoerotica" ads have been a player in pushing homosexuality into the mainstream. George Lois, among Madison Avenue’s top advertising executives said, Klein’s ads, "had strong homosexual ramifications" (Obsessions, p. 275). Klein’s ads pictured such perversion as; two males beginning a passionate kiss, urinating, toilet scenes and various "semi-nude" shower scenes. Klein’s blatant homosexual agenda was expanded, when Klein introduced men’s underwear for women. Masculine boxer shorts and wide waist-band briefs – which included the male "fly front". Time magazine, named the "male to female", undies, "Calvin’s New Gender Benders".

Klein’s lifestyle is a depraved mixture of intense homosexual activity and heavy drug usage. Klein’s passion, is enticing "straight" boys into homosexual activity with favors, expensive gifts and modeling careers. (Obsessions, p. 220, 307)

In 1995, one of Klein’s ad brought about a Federal investigation of child pornography. The ad featured the pictures of six to eight-year-old boys rollicking in Calvin Klein underwear. Robert Peters of Morality in Media, in a "USA Today" interview warned, "Some day, in a child porn investigation, one of these photographs will turn up in somebody's stash," Jean Kilbourne/Marketing Analyst says of Kleins’ ads, "The ads are exploiting our children. This is child pornography basically. And horrifyingly perhaps five years from now this won't be shocking either, because Calvin Klein will be having children having sex on camera in order to sell his jeans." After a massive media outcry, (and Federal probe) Klein later discontinued the "kiddie porn" ad.

In an alarming publication, Child Molesters: a Behavioral Analysis, published in 1987 by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, in conjunction with the FBI, documented cases involving pedophiles [child molesters] found with collections of "sexually-stimulating" ads such as Calvin Klein’s "kiddie" underwear ads.

Terry Watkins, EAEC 18 Comments [5/2/2015 3:15:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 108256

[Same-sex marriage should be legal because it serves no purpose to make it ILLEGAL. That's how a free country works. The people advocating for more freedom don't have to justify why more freedom is good. Freedom is the default position.]

You confuse freedom with autonomy. Based on your poor logic, I should be free to murder. Oh wait, we are free to murder: if we are having an abortion!

WorldGoneCrazy, Christiannews.net 13 Comments [5/2/2015 3:14:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 108255

[Review for John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion]

The sovereign God is hammered home by John Calvin and he did it convincingly with precise cross references from the Bible. Most cannot accept such hard truths fro God, Who has duly informed those who bother to read the Bible that in John 6:44 God will draw only those He has chosen for His kingdom to be drawn to Christ.

Jwee Chiek, Goodreads 8 Comments [5/2/2015 3:14:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 108254

Last week, Iowa Republican National Committee member Tamara Scott invited fellow RNC member Carolyn McClarty of Oklahoma on to her “Truth for Our Time” radio program to discuss an anti-marriage-equality amicus brief that a subset of conservative RNC members led by McClarty submitted to the Supreme Court.

As the two walked through the various points made in the amicus brief, Scott wandered into a digression about how the “women who are fussing on the left” about wanting to eventually see equal numbers of men and women in Congress should also oppose marriage equality, because if you ban gay marriage, there will be an equal number of men and women in each marriage.

“By 2020, they want 50/50 in the state houses and the U.S. House and Senate. They want 50 percent women and 50 percent men, they want 50/50, they want equality,” she said. “So my laugh is, why wouldn’t you want equality in a marriage? Why aren’t those same women wanting that same argument at home? Because we know children do better when they’re raised by their biological parents.”

This led McClarty to explain that “the extreme feminist movement and the gay liberation movement really is using same-sex marriage as a way to destroy marriage.”

“The feminist movement, they’ve been against marriage from the beginning, against traditional marriage, and it was up until the Massachusetts court case in 2003 where they recognized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts that they kind of changed their tune,” she said. “And now they see that this would also destroy marriage, so they’re for same-sex marriage.”

This led Scott to a discussion of civil unions, which she said she also can’t support because there is still the issue of “the act” that “God has not condoned,” and so allowing civil unions is “asking your fellow citizens to embrace something that goes against their First Amendment religious protections.”

“Well, it doesn’t make sense to me, because the whole point of our concern with the same-sex marriage is that the act, that God has not condoned it,” she explained. “I can’t condone what he’s condemned. I just can’t go there. So to ask or to force American citizens to condone something that’s against their deeply held religious convictions is wrong. So whether you call it marriage or you call it a civil union, you’re still asking your fellow citizens to embrace something that goes against their First Amendment religious protections.

Tamara Scott, Right Wing Watch 11 Comments [5/2/2015 3:13:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Giveitaday

Quote# 108253

The comments by Éric Zemmour, who has previously been convicted of inciting racial hatred, prompted outrage and led to him being dropped from an 11-year stint on a chat show.

But many sprang to the best-selling author's defence including the far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen, who declared the move 'loathsome censorship'.

Mr Zemmour's interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera went largely unnoticed on the other side of the Alps for more than a month after it appeared in October.

It sparked a public debate, however, after the comments were picked up by former French education minister Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Although the original interview has been deleted from Corriere della Sera's website, it was copied and translated several times by people on both sides of France's political divide.

In the interview Mr Zemmour said Muslims 'live among themselves' in suburbs which French people have been forced to leave, according to one of his supporters.

The interviewer then asked: 'Then what are you suggesting? To deport 5million French Muslims?'

Mr Zemmour is said to have replied: 'I know it's unrealistic, but history is often surprising.

'Who would have thought in 1940 that a million pieds-noirs [Europeans living in North Africa], twenty years later, would have left Algeria to return to France?

'Or that after the war five or six million Germans would leave Central-Eastern Europe where they had lived for centuries?'

The interviewer protested that Mr Zemmour was 'speaking of exoduses triggered by immense tragedies', to which he replied: 'I think we are heading for chaos.

'This situation of a people inside a people, of Muslims inside French people, will lead us to civil war.

'Millions of people live here in France and refuse to live in the French manner.'

Éric Zemmour, Daily Mail 13 Comments [5/2/2015 3:13:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 108248

I would not be surprised if Vlad Dracula III who was a 15th century christian warlord in Wallachia was falsely called a vampire by the real vampires of the world AKA Jews.

Steven, My Name is Joe Cortina 40 Comments [5/1/2015 3:19:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 29

Quote# 108244

Zionist Jew-controlled ABC News and blond Shiksa, Diane Sawyer, made an obscenely huge media blitz last week over an interview with one time olympic hero and reality TV show star Bruce Jenner. They made it out like he was such a nice, lovable guy who just simply wanted to "live as a woman." I watched most of the interview and let me tell you: The guy is a FREAK!


And it's not only "the bathroom issue" in high schools, either. I don't want to be wildly French kissing some babe I thought was hot, and then find out said babe has a big old nasty unit, once I get south of the Mason Dixon line with my "ministrations." Now that would really gross me the hell out! Go ahead, call me a big hater boy for being this way over things.

Now your stinking freelance social engineers and libtards would say "oh, you're just a latent homo, INCOG man, for even thinking that could happen." Total BS. It thrills homos to no end to fake out us straights, or whom they call "breeders." Faking one of us out, gives them proof positive of looking oh-so-hot.

And no, I've never had that happen to me before.


I remember one time walking in a city, when I turned a corner and found myself face-to-face with these two absolutely trippy-looking Negro cross-dressing homosexual prostitutes. [...] I might have talked a little with them. Sure, they were certainly scoping me out as a potential customer, but I assure you I wanted nothing to do with them, other than making my usual zoological observations to later fuel my hate-filled ravings here at INCOG MAN.


Another time, I was drunk as a skunk, pulling up to my city apartment [...] There was a tranny street walker taking a shortcut down this alleyway behind my building. It was a White guy (or Jew) dressed to the nines in a tight-fitting sequined dress and an honest-to-god purple beehive hairdo.

I rolled down my window to do a little jive-talking (I enjoy getting subtly confrontational with wackos for my own personal amusement). When "IT" leaned down, I could see a big as hell adam's apple in the glow of the street lights and also noticed black beard stubble starting to poke out through the heavy makeup base. Sexy. [...] I really was just a clean-cut young Whitey boy [...] way, way out of his league in the world of sin.

Phillip Marlowe, INCOG MAN 32 Comments [5/1/2015 3:18:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
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