Quote# 109456

Most modern Americans are so shallow and media-struck, they can't think normally. Homosexuals don't exist, only heterosexuals who do awkward, abnormal, even abominable things with the same sex. Likewise, transgenders do not exist, only uncertain, unstable, and unwise people who mutilate their bodies in search of an elusive dream-that always becomes a nightmare.

Look, it's rather simple. A child is born. His or her attending physician holds up the new-born, slaps his or her rear, lays the child on his or her back (don't get hasty, we'll get to the gender soon) and after a quick glance writes "male" on the birth certificate. That settles it and he will be called "Bob," "Bill," or maybe even "Bruce." His parents think they have a boy but he later decides he is a she. Much later in life he enjoys wearing female clothing and identifying with females. He looks down at himself and appears to be a man but "feels" like a woman. The trouble is you can't trust your feelings. Your eyes are telling you the truth while your feelings are lying to you and will end up making a fool of you and destroying your life.


I suggest that each person keep his or her parts that they were born with and not listen to the "voice within them" since it is their body parts that will be removed, not those of the voice within.

No, transgenders do not exist.

Dr. Don Boys, Don Boys 17 Comments [6/10/2015 3:05:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 109451

Some on this board are very rude. In response they get a rabbit or a Hog pic, but I would not need to give these out if everyone would behave. I suggest people be nicer and impress me with your behavior and then maybe then you won't see anymore animals.

evangelist6589, Baptistboard 47 Comments [6/9/2015 3:43:16 AM]
Fundie Index: -39
Submitted By: PT

Quote# 109442

Good try.

Nice explanation. And thoughtful.

But ANYTHING that even SMELLS of compliance with, to or for Islam and Muslims must be avoided.

My guess is that the overwhelming majority of "Americans" who work for embassies and ambassadors, ALL POLITICAL HACK APPOINTEES and ALL devoted (in this case) to Obama, are of like mind.

So they are probably delighted to bow to Islam and comply, and I have sincere doubts that their feelings for the fourth, our nation or America are anything like a true patriot's.

My personal opinion of course.

And as far as Ramadan or any other Muslim holiday, anything we can do to NOT respect it is just fine and should be paramount.

Until they respect ours and us -- which I believe will never occur.

I know, I know, I'm a RAAACIST.

Nope. Just an American who loves his country a helluva lot more than Islam, Muslims, or Ramadan.

Ban Liberals, Disqus 26 Comments [6/9/2015 3:05:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 109437

[W]e now have discovered that when an object of a particular shape travels at a certain speed, it moves out of the influence of gravity into a higher law, the law of aerodynamics. Gravity remains, but the object supersedes it.

We have also discovered that when a person becomes a Christian, he moves out of one law into another. The law of life in Christ Jesus supersedes what the Bible calls “the law of sin and death.” The Christian lives in a higher plane: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2)

Ray Comfort, Facebook 54 Comments [6/9/2015 3:03:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 109436

The Liberal Establishment and particularly the WAPO will continue their takiyya of claiming moslems in America are a picked on and attacked group . The REALITY of course is that it is moslems, as a group, that are perpetrating religious hate crimes and savage atrocities. Americans are remembering which entities are protective of these atrocities, the WAPO is one. Lyin' Brian Williams is just one example of the perfidy of the news establishment.

sybidoc, Washington Post 19 Comments [6/9/2015 2:58:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 109435

A Virginia congressman will not apologize for writing that without immigration overhaul "there will be many more Muslims elected to office demanding the use of the Quran," his spokesman said.

Republican Rep. Virgil Goode's letter to constituents also warns that without immigration overhaul "we will have many more Muslims in the United States."

Spokesman Linwood Duncan said Goode's letter was written in response to complaints his office received about Minnesota Rep.-elect Keith Ellison's request to be sworn in using the Quran.

Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to Congress.

Goode's office released the letter to CNN Wednesday.

In it, Goode wrote, "When I raise my hand to take the oath on Swearing In Day, I will have the Bible in my other hand. I do not subscribe to using the Quran in any way.

"The Muslim representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran.

"We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy pushed hard by President Clinton and allowing many persons from the Middle East to come to this country.

"I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."

He added, "The Ten Commandments and 'In God We Trust' are on the wall in my office. A Muslim student came by the office and asked why I did not have anything on my wall about the Quran.

"My response was clear, 'As long as I have the honor of representing the citizens of the 5th District of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives, the Quran is not going to be on the wall of my office.' "

Rep. Virgil Goode, CNN 31 Comments [6/9/2015 2:57:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Goomy pls

Quote# 109434

Matthew Vines worships and serves himself. He knows "being gay" i.e., homosexuality, is ungodly, unrighteous abomination that God condemns in no uncertain terms and in any and all contexts. He knows Romans 1 is about homosexuals including himself and the idolatry that births and fuels the sodomy/same sex carnal relations he practices and or preaches, everyone knows. He suppresses the truth in unrighteousness and he imagines his lies including this one, "the Apostle Paul...speaks only of people who are "consumed with lust and passions" provide him a loophole. He can't escape the truth of Romans 1, and when he tries, Romans 2 exposes him a self-righteous, self-condemned hypocrite who will not escape the judgment of God.

2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth [YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND HIM ONLY YOU SHALL SERVE, GOD MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE] against those who practice such things...

same sex carnal relations...sodomy...uncleanness...lusts...dishonoring their bodies among themselves...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...females exchanged the natural use for what is against nature...likewise also the males, leaving the natural use of the female, burned in their lust for one another, males with males committing what is shameful...male-male anal intercourse

3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those [people consumed with lust and passions] practicing such things, AND DOING THE SAME, that you will escape the judgment of God? Romans 2

"Grant the sinner's supposition, it bindeth the duty upon him, and so he cuts his throat with his own sword." T. Manton

beccaj, The Christian Post 27 Comments [6/9/2015 2:57:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109433

Churches are buildings, the word isn't even in the bible, then theologians and leaders are most likely unsaved and thus cannot understand scripture.
Christianity is a religion made by man for man, its not from GOD. So lets look at what GOD says about man on man, woman on woman aka homosexuality... IT IS AN ABOMINATION. You need not read volumes of fictional Christian books to become confused and deceived.
JESUS also commands us to love one another as HE loves us, therefore we would still love a 'gay' person, but however tell that person what he/she is doing is AGAINST GOD and reap the rewards.
A gay person simply is a person who has been possessed by a type of demon who causes sexual confusion and turns people against GOD. Its no rocketscience folks. Be with HIM or against Him. Amen
@ Daniel This is just another satanic weapon, just as abortion. Biblically if you abort immediately after conception then it is MURDER, and against GOD.

Minister Karl, The Christian Post 19 Comments [6/9/2015 2:55:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109432

The Bible is so clear to me that homosexuality is a sin, I don't see how anyone can argue in favor of same-sex relationships or marriages. The "gay" agenda in this world, especially America, is based on lies, distortions, changing the meaning of words, misusing words, false comparisons with other Biblical prohibitions (such as eating shellfish, which was made lawful in the New Testament), and any underhanded, devious methods possible. Same sex marriage is a Satanic counterfeit of God's plan. In fact, the father of lies has used counterfeit institutions, religion, inventions of men, philosophies, distraction, and many other methods to try to defeat Jesus Christ. That war has been won by Christ. Satan knows this, but will not give up until he has done all the damage he possibly can to try to thwart God's purposes for His creation. Keller is just a tool used by Satan for his purposes.

Joe Bulter, The Christian Post 13 Comments [6/9/2015 2:43:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 109424

[comment on another answer]

Those apes were humans who mocked and challenged God. God punished them by making then apes. The atheists of this era are not so violent and can be converted with some effort so you continue to exist In this body.

Zoraiz Hassan , Y! answers 23 Comments [6/9/2015 2:40:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 109421

I was suggesting that I dreamt what I saw happening in Dublin on the news, because I'd never seen people indulging in passionate kissing with the same sex. Perhaps it was trick photography?

Spud, Religion and Ethics 22 Comments [6/9/2015 2:40:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 109419

There are some very dangerous immigration trends taking place in Western Europe and the United States. Both regions of the world beg the question: How many third world immigrants can a nation absorb until that nation ceases to be what it once was?


If the European Union and the United States do not act now to stem the tide of Sharia Law-inspired immigration, there will cease to be a Western Europe, and possibly a United States, as we know it and the transformation will reach the tipping point in a few short years.


If this omnipresent threat was reversed, Christians by the thousands would be rounded up and led away to prison. Americans are allowing political correctness to pave the way for the imposition of Sharia Law inside the United States because we are too intimidated to name the threat for what it is, an invasion of the very tenets of Christian based society. Sharia Law is synonymous and is tantamount to espousing an overthrow of the existing legal and social order in both Western Europe and the United States

Dave Hodges, Barb Wire 38 Comments [6/8/2015 3:28:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109416

HRC Targets Little Kids with Homosexual Indoctrination

It's bad enough that radical homosexualists are targeting Christian businesses, state laws protecting marriage and other "grown up" institutions, but what's worse is that this evil movement has in its twisted cross-hairs your little children in public schools, children who are too young to be introduced to sex lessons, much less the perverse, abominable concept of homosexual behavior.


Major corporations are donating massive amounts of money to the despicable HRC and its aggressive efforts to warp the minds of our nation's children, as well as spread the tyrannical homosexualist program all across America. [...] To see corporate America paying tribute to the diabolical homosexualist movement is gut-wrenching. I wonder how many leaders of these companies understand that HRC perverts are targeting little kids with their evil lies that bury the truth about the dangerous, immoral homosexual lifestyle. These people are working like devils to commandeer the minds of young children in the United States, to infuse support and a positive view of homosexual behavior, to regard it as "normal." That's what this public school program of the HRC is all about, to capture the affinity of the next generation in order to squash moral objection to the infamous crime against nature.


We must remember that the very freedoms of American citizens are targets of the radical homosexualists, and specifically, Christianity and its free expression. As I have said before, the outlawing of Christianity is one of the chief goals of this movement, because Christians are among the very few who are willing to stand in moral opposition to the wicked agenda of the homosexualists. Because of that pesky Constitution, they can't yet come right out and outlaw the following of Jesus in the public square, so they are working to accomplish the same thing by using homosexual activists as tools to push for "non-discrimination" laws and to abolish the meaning of marriage. When they destroy marriage, it will ultimately become illegal to refuse to accommodate the grotesque homosexual parody of marriage in any way. Between that and "non-discrmination" laws that will make it illegal to, say, take a pass on hiring a man who insists on dressing like a woman, they will effectively outlaw any act of conscientious objection to all aspects of in-your-face sexual perversion. There goes your freedom of conscience and your freedom to live your Christianity openly.

These are serious dangers to our free Republic, and while we must resist this hell-born movement, we must also do what we can to shield our children in the public schools from the diabolical indoctrination of these agents of darkness. We can also let the corporate dupes who fund the devilry of the HRC know what we think of their complicity in pumping homosexualist poison into the minds and hearts of our nation's kids.

Gina Miller, Barb Wire 21 Comments [6/8/2015 3:26:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 109415

You've heard it said that "We are all God's children." This rings flowery and nice.

It's an insidious lie.


Don't believe? Don't accept? You have no right to become a child of God.

And that's unholy hell.


Unconvinced? You don't have to believe to quietly pray this simple prayer to yourself:

"Jesus, if you're out there, please reveal yourself to me. If you're real, help thou my unbelief."

If I'm right - if Jesus is not a liar and He is who He says He is - then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by inquiring futher.

If you don't inquire further, you have everything to lose.

Matt Barber, Barb Wire 27 Comments [6/8/2015 3:26:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109414

The lack of moral backbone on the part of our lawmakers is what has allowed sinful vices to take over our nation. For years, I watched gambling spread across the land. First, it was confined to specially designated areas like Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Next, gambling moved to Indian reservations and river boats, and then finally it became all pervasive with lotteries and scratch off cards.

Now that marijuana is sweeping over the country in record time, I wouldn't be surprised to see prostitution soon become the next expanded wave of moral decay.


I've pretty much given up on both the Democrats and the Republicans. Since they have obviously lost sight of the biblical guidelines that made America a great nation, I don't have any hope that someone from these two parties can get us back on the straight and narrow. Unless a secular leader understands spiritual forces that cause trouble in this world, their best carnal efforts will likely end in failure (Ephesians 6:12).

Todd Strandberg, Rapture Forums 30 Comments [6/8/2015 3:25:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 109413

Christians, Stand Your Ground Against Homofascism

Defense of God's design for natural marriage - along with the God-given, constitutional freedom of conscience to decline participation in and, thereby, endorsement of, its unnatural and sin-based counterfeit, so-called "gay marriage" - is now among America's premier civil-rights struggles. I know from whence I speak, as 10 years ago I was fired from a major fortune 100 company for writing, on my own time and on my home computer, an op-ed acknowledging the requisite binary male-female nature of authentic marriage and human sexuality.

Rather than rolling over and accepting this injustice, I sued in federal court. God used that situation not only to bless me and my family with a significant monetary settlement, but to place me on the front lines in the fast-escalating war against religious liberty. I share this not to boast, but, rather, to encourage you - to illustrate God's marvelous faithfulness in my own life.


It's getting ugly out there, and it will only get worse. The cases are piling up. We've now seen dozens of bakers, photographers, florists, inn keepers, magistrates, county clerks and other people involved in various vocations surrounding marriage suffer persecution for merely declining to become complicit in sin. Christians are being financially ruined and even facing jail time for refusing to lend their time, talents, gifts and abilities to sanction unnatural marriage rituals.


There have been a number of good and well-intentioned individuals who, rather than participating in these pagan "gay marriage" rituals, have either resigned employment or, if business owners, closed their doors altogether. While this is admirable, I submit that, if and when you, dear Christian, are placed in a situation that compels you to choose between obedience to God's just laws or man's unjust laws, that you not only refuse to obey the unjust laws, but refuse to quit.

Stand your ground.

I suggest that when any Christian business owner, magistrate or county clerk is told that he must participate in a sinful "gay marriage" ceremony, that he not only refuse to do so, but that he refuse to step down. Do not resign your post. Force the government to overtly persecute you - to take punitive action against you for your righteous stand. Even if you face chains.

Matt Barber, Barb Wire 20 Comments [6/8/2015 3:25:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109411

Homosexuals Breeding Hate - Making Way for Foreign Law in America

"The [homosexuals] are being used in an attempt to overthrow God's moral law in hopes of upending the United States Constitution. They are doing this by playing the victims when they are the perpetrators. Inadvertently or purposefully they are being used as a political battering ram to make way for foreign law and its implementation through totalitarian methods. There is no question about it."


We have even found that recently the radical Muslims who have been taking lessons from their predecessors, the homosexuals, have taken it a step further. The radical Muslims have now been exposed for creating their own self-inflicted "Hate crimes."


First, the radical homosexuals labeled the righteous as "haters." Then, when the people were awakening to the fact that they were the one's acting out of hate, they then re-labeled their righteous opposition as "homophobic." Of course, when that was getting worn out, they began to go to the extreme by creating their own "hate crimes" inflicting crimes upon themselves. They did this in hopes that someone would believe that they were the victims. Americans have now learned that the opposite is true.

The homosexuals hold the shield while perpetuating the crime with the spear!


Oh, that Americans would take heed to God's Words so that they would not have to suffer the abuses that are taking place in America today.

Close behind the homosexuals are the Muslims that are attempting to take advantage of the lessons that the homosexuals are teaching.

The lessons that these two groups of criminals now need to be taught is that the American people will no longer concede, tolerate or succumb to their crimes (Jeremiah 6:16)!

Bradlee Dean, Barb Wire 15 Comments [6/8/2015 3:25:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 109408

That's atheists for you. Deathly afraid of freedom of speech and thought.
Hey, I thought it was supposed to be the "religious" who were the control freaks, squashing freedoms and limiting the scope and exchange of ideas?
Oh wait. I forgot. Atheism IS a religion.
Huh. Makes perfect sense now.

The Last Trump, Christian News Network 27 Comments [6/8/2015 3:23:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 109402

There is something MORE DEEPLY DEMONIC about this that Christians MUST BE COME AWARE OF.

satan LOST the right to his former name " lucifer" when he was thrown out of heaven through spiritual treason. AND no one should be referring anymore to " lucifer" when GOD CHANGED his name to satan, devil, murderer, accuser, slanderer , etc.


Lucifer was called the " SON of the morning" NOT MORNINGSTAR.

This was made apparent on another thread on charisma when Catholics were posting that Lucifer was the Morningstar and were silent when the Word of God was posted OPPOSING THEIR words....I am wondering if the Catholic bible has , along with OTHER verses, MISTRANSLATED these passages?

Also , there was a Video of a catholic Pope ALSO USING THE TERMS WRONG.

also, remember, the Vatican has a huge observatory in the USA called the Lucifer project telescope.

Fox News has NEW competition, There is a new News Network called ONE America News that has much more factual news and commentators that are not afraid to speak truth to power. The commentators , such as The Ledger Report also have EXCELLENT guests.

Ax2root, Charisma News 25 Comments [6/8/2015 3:20:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 109400

(in response to an article about the "relaxion" theory to explain the Higgs mass)

Higgs was appropriately labeled the 'God particle' but I fail to see divine energy explored e.g. speed of light (years) v. God's light - instantly, and constantly. Quantum Theology (D. O'Murchu)

Jim Zatlukal, Wired 18 Comments [6/8/2015 3:20:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: crazya02

Quote# 109399

A different sort of female genital mutilation
Gc contributor: Mór Rígan
About thirty years ago, there was an informal secret society in the city of Cork. Perhaps a loose net of those with a shared interest might be more accurate. This group passed the names of certain professionals around – who could be trusted, previous experiences, and religious beliefs. The information was gathered from many sources. It was shared among women of childbearing age because none wanted a fervently Catholic gynecologist.

A fervently Catholic gynecologist might put his beliefs into practice on the delivery table. He might choose to save the life of the child over the mother, or regardless of consequences make sure the woman would conceive again, or choose to mutilate a woman’s body rather than allow the idea that the woman might choose contraception in the future.

In the grand tradition of submission to the catholic church, Irish doctors used the surgical technique of symphysiotomy, long after the rest of the developed world had discredited its practice. Symphysiotomy was developed in 1597 and was routinely used to widen the pelvis during childbirth. By dividing the cartilage of the symphysis pubis, the pelvis can be widened by up to two centimetres.

Known complications include haemorrhage, injury to the urethra or bladder, vesicovaginal or urethrovaginal fistula, stress incontinence, sepsis, and pelvic osteoarthropathy. In some cases women experienced difficulty in walking and an unstable pelvis.

The technique was largely abandoned in the late nineteenth century after improvements in the hygiene and clinical practice of Caesarean section. It is still practiced in developing countries when Caesarean section is too risky and it can save the life of the mother and/or that of the child.

However, in Ireland, women were subjected to symphysiotomy without consent for religious reasons, even though Caesarean sections were relatively safe. It was thought that women subjected to repeated Caesareans might be tempted to use contraception and that could not be allowed to happen.

[Dr] Alex Spain was the champion of symphysiotomy at the National Maternity Hospital. In 1944, he revived the technique because Caesarean sections might lead to “contraception, the mutilating operation of sterilisation, and marital difficulty.” At that time Caesarean sections were perfectly safe and symphysiotomy had fallen into disrepute. Spain admitted his decision went against the weight of the entire English-speaking obstetrical world’.

From 1944 to 1983, 1,500 women underwent this unnecessary and traumatic surgical procedure leaving many in pain for the rest of their lives because of the religious beliefs of a few men. Many survivors have spoken of feeling the saw cut through the public bone and seeing horrific injuries on their newborns. These are just two stories:

“I’ve been in pain ever since. I’ve still attending hospitals with back pain and kidney problems. I’d go to bed one night and would be ok but the next day I would not be able to get out of the bed, I wouldn’t be able to put my feet to the ground, all because of the operation, and I didn’t know at the time. I had x-rays taken of my legs to see what was wrong but they couldn’t find anything wrong.”
They gave me hardly any information, whatsoever, until I got to the theatre. The only thing I remember is the nurses saying I had lovely red hair. They showed me the saw. It was an ordinary hand saw, they showed me where they were going to open the pelvic bone. They didn’t explain — they said: “You are going to have your baby now.” It was such agony, a terrible severe pain.”

Women were subject to this outdated practice because Catholic doctors believed that women would not choose to undergo multiple Caesarean sections. Such women might turn to contraception, the idea of which was unacceptable to those doctors at the time. These doctors saw themselves as upholding the laws of the Catholic church and those who are still alive show no remorse. They deny the damage they inflicted.

Records show that in 2001, the issue of symphysiotomy was being discussed in Government Buildings

It now appears that hundreds of Irish women, over at least a 20 year period, had to undergo this brutal, experimental operation. It has left many of them suffering permanent health problems. The operation, known as symphysiotomy, was carried out – as far as we can determine – in Dublin maternity hospitals between 1944 and 1964, and it could have gone on as late as 1975. Evidence is emerging which suggests it was also carried out in a number of Cork hospitals.

The operation – and the details are not for the squeamish – involved sawing through the woman’s pelvis so that it opened like a hinge. International medical experts repeatedly criticised this practice. They stated that caesarean section should have been the preferred option for difficult pregnancies. Some Irish doctors persisted with symphysiotomy, because they apparently believed that women who underwent Caesarean section would use contraception to avoid pregnancy. The use of contraception, of course, conflicted with the prevailing Catholic ethos.

Survivors of symphysiotomy have called for a review of the cases but Minister for health Mary Harney has said that reviews are carried out for improved care of patients and since symphysiotomy is no longer in use, a review would serve no purpose.

Exposing the extent of religious control in Ireland does not seem to be on the agenda. Religious dogma has no place in an operating room, any more than it does in government or export. The Catholic Church talks of forgiveness and individual acts of evil but subjecting women to urethral and bladder injury, infection, pain and long-term walking difficulties is an example of the institutional harm done to women in theocratic Ireland.

Dr. Alex Spain and unnamed Irish gynecologists, Global Comment 20 Comments [6/8/2015 3:20:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: nazani

Quote# 109398

“There is no evidence for absolute morality.” John Williams

Actually, there are two immutable evidences. God wrote His Law (The Ten Commandments) in stone for a reason. It’s not going away. It will judge humanity on Judgment Day (see Romans 2:12, James 2:12). And it is written on your heart via your God-given, society-shaped conscience. You are therefore without excuse.

Ray Comfort, Facebook 32 Comments [6/8/2015 3:19:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 109395

(after being told that AIDS sufferers do/did not deliberately spread their disease)

Really? You didn't listen very much to the comments being made by the homosexuals back in the '80's either or you are just a typical truthaphobe bigot.. I personally heard they state on live TV that they fully intended on giving blood so they can kill others off with AIDS. This is what brought on the testing for AIDS To this day, "no one" has ever been brought up on charges for murder, using the AIDS virus as a deadly weapon, manslaughter or attempted murder. The only differences between shooting someone with a .45 and trying to kill someone with AIDS is the time it takes itself. Because giving someone AIDS is treated as an act of "love" and shooting someone is not, they are treated differently. Next thing you will be telling us that the homosexuals didn't even bring the AIDS virus to America.

SupportMcCarthyism, Christian News Network 18 Comments [6/8/2015 3:18:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 109394

Evolutionists ignore other interpretations of the data. Unlike a forensic scientist who tries to look at all different angles for how the crime may have been committed and by whom, evolutionists are committed to their interpretation of the evidence. Few stop to question the assumptions of millions of years or evolution. Biblical creation—even if it provides a far more consistent and better explanation of the evidence—is automatically rejected because it doesn’t match with the starting assumptions of secular scientists.

Ken Ham, Facebook 36 Comments [6/8/2015 3:17:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 109390

When I was a kid at school, we were taught about the birds and the bees. Not the birds and the birds or the bees and the bees. Just saying…

Jan from Traralgon, Melbourne Herald Sun 28 Comments [6/8/2015 3:15:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: solomongrundy