Quote# 109329

The time for separation or secession has arrived, to deny the right of secession is to deny the right of self determination for a people, liberty itself. The need of the hour is for governors and state legislators to interpose their authority between the federal government and the citizens of their states. I greatly suspect that when one state moves to defy anti-Christian federal encroachment, many others will follow. I highly expect that the South will stick together as Christian republics. We can no longer abide with governments and populations given over to sodomy and every evil the mind of man can conceive.

Ithamar, WND 24 Comments [6/6/2015 6:10:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109328

Weird, abomination?

The devil’s kids...like you...are highly skilled masters of confusion. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that Satan is “the author of confusion.” He doesn’t just practice and spread confusion, he is the one who comes up with the evil, crazy ideas. All the devil did was question the authority of God, and that tiny seed of doubt he planted in the heart of Eve has led us to where we are today. “Did God REALLY say…?” “Did God REALLY say homosexuals cannot be married?” is the fiery dart that the enemy is using today. But the devil never answers the questions that he asks—he merely plants the seeds of doubt. Doubt leads to confusion, confusion makes you disoriented, and disorientation causes one to get off track.

Lost in all of the arguments swirling around today is the one question that would certainly put to rest all of the debate within the Christian world regarding “same-sex” marriage: Would Jesus officiate a homosexual wedding?

Time for you to get out of the pit of ignorance and ask yourself "would Jesus officiate at a homosexual marriage?" If you answer in the affirmative, without doubt you know not Jesus.

whickerwhite, WND 24 Comments [6/6/2015 6:10:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 109327

Will a U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring “same-sex marriage” a “right” warrant secession by some state willing and eager to reclaim America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and foundation?

You know it’s inevitable, right?

The fix is in. Two members of the Supreme Court have personally officiated at same-sex “marriages.” I count three solid votes against it. The chances of reaching five are somewhere between slim and none.

I’ve heard some chatter about civil disobedience. That’s all well and good. But I don’t see much in the way of serious organization taking place.

What I do see is a lot of grass-roots concern. I know there are millions of Christians, Jews and others who would pull up stakes and move to another country that honored the institution of marriage as it was designed by God – a union between one man and one woman.

As Jesus said it: “For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.”

Is there one state in 50 that would not only defy the coming abomination, but secede in response? The rewards could be great. I would certainly consider relocating. How about you?

The founders of this country found a place of refuge in America and shaped it into the greatest self-governing nation in the history of world. Just think what one state could do if it simply stuck to the principles that made this country great? Americans wouldn’t have to cross an ocean to rediscover what brought most of our ancestors here. We could simply drive.

Are any states so inclined?

I haven’t heard this question raised by anyone else. So I’m raising it now. We don’t have much time before the nine high priests in black robes decide to follow Baal instead of the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We need a Promised Land. We need an Exodus strategy.


So here’s the question: Do you want to live in a nation that defines marriage as a union of any two people of any gender? Do you think that will be the end of the story? If it’s discrimination to maintain marriage as an institution limited to one man and one woman, why isn’t it discrimination to maintain the institution to only two people? Isn’t there even a bigger demand for polygamy than same-sex marriage? On what basis can the case be made for one and not the other? You know this is not the endgame.

And here’s the second question: Are there any governors or legislatures out there among the 50 states willing to secede to offer a refuge for the God-fearing?

Joseph Farah, WND 25 Comments [6/6/2015 5:47:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 109326

Just thought of something.

Homosexuals claimed (stole) the rainbow as their symbol in order to show their "diversity", right? Ya know, multiple colors, multiple sexualities, whatnot.

Well, wouldn't it make more sense for the rainbow to be the symbol for heterosexuality, considering there's more diversity in it? I mean, "hetero" literally means "different." And in the case of heterosexuality, it's all about the two opposite sexes coming together.

Whereas with homosexuality (homo meaning "same"), there's less diversity, because it's just the same sexes pairing up.

So yeah, not only does the homosexual movement not deserve the rainbow because it belongs to God in the first place, but they shouldn't have it because it doesn't even make sense.

ExaltGod, Deviant Art 19 Comments [6/6/2015 5:47:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 109324

This spring, when the Supreme Court hears arguments on the gay marriage cases the justices accepted Friday, it is going to be hearing much more than a case on the definition of marriage. This case could ultimately determine our very way of life moving forward as a people.

The American view of law and government is summarized in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, by these three things:

- There is a God.

- Our rights come from God, not government.

- Government's only role is to preserve and protect those God-given rights.

Should the Supreme Court decide it has the authority to essentially play god, and redefine an institution such as marriage which predates it by at least 5,000 years, they will be saying erotic liberty trumps religious liberty. In other words, the sexual revolution takes precedence over the American Revolution.

Steve Deace, Barb Wire 24 Comments [6/6/2015 5:02:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109323

According to Black Genocide, Planned Parenthood situates 78% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. It is almost as if Planned Parenthood is targeting black and brown babies.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, 36% of all abortions are done on black women. Doing some quick math (36% of 327,653) reveals that Planned Parenthood terminated the lives of 117,955 black babies that year.

Now the low-information media was aflame for a good part of 2014 with breathless and hyperbolic stories of young black men killed by white cops. The media did its best to create the impression that frenzied and racist cops were gunning down unarmed black men at an epidemic rate.

But the facts tell a different story. According to the CDC, cops killed 123 black men in 2012. And the vast majority of these involved the justifiable use of force.

When we juxtapose these numbers, a sobering picture emerges. Cops kill 123 black men in a year while Planned Parenthood performs 117,953 abortions on black women a year. Now 117,953 is nearly 1000 times larger than 123 (958.98 to be precise).

Bottom line: Planned Parenthood kills 1000 times as many blacks as cops do. If “black lives matter,” maybe doing something about Planned Parenthood is the place to start.

Bryan Fischer, Barb Wire 15 Comments [6/6/2015 4:36:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109322

[From an article titled, "An Open Response to Ellen DeGeneres who Addressed Me on National TV"]

Being 56 years old, childless and with your third "partner," you may not understand the awesome responsibility it is to shape impressionable and vulnerable children.


You obviously disagreed with the fact that I referred to your "marriage" in quotation marks. I am not trying to be offensive, yet appeal that you recognize truth can offend sensibilities of those choosing to reject it.

Ellen, a nation rises or falls on marriage. If we dismantle this pillar of society, as it has existed for over 5000 years of Western civilization and redefine it to accommodate other arrangements such as yours (or those advocating for polyamorous, polygamous or other configurations) what will be the consequences for this sacred institution and the future of our nation?


Marriage is and throughout history has always been the union of a man and a woman, regardless of what the courts say and regardless of how much you and Portia feel affection for each other. Here are just five of many reasons why gay "marriage" is morally wrong and cannot be called a righteous, authentic marital union.

1. It violates the clear and unambiguous moral teaching of the Scriptures, which serve as the basis for our Judeo-Christian laws and foundations as a nation.

2. It is contradictory to the self-evident truths of "Mother Nature" or "Nature's God" (as our Founding Fathers expressed it) wherein men and women are designed and function differently, complement and complete each other, and through the wonder of marital union are able to procreate to perpetuate the human race.

3. It is contrary to the explicit teaching of every major world religion, which upholds the integrity of marriage and family.

4. It is an injustice and unequivocably harmful arrangement wherein our most precious entrustment, our children, are denied the love and nurture of a father and a mother who complement each other in a healthy family.

5. It redefines and devalues the sacred institution of marriage exclusively between a man and a woman, opens the floodgates for other arrangements and legitimizes a lifestyle replete with dangerous, at-risk sexual behavior such as HIV/AIDS and over 30 STDs that are endangering lives, jeopardizing healthcare and impacting our economy.

Larry Tomczak, Barb Wire 18 Comments [6/6/2015 4:33:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109321

The Hostile World of Homosexual Hypocrisy

"Marriage equality" is their hypocritical rallying cry. But the cat has been out of the bag for a long time, and everyone is fast beginning to realize that this is the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard. It's nothing more than a godless demand for unrestricted debauchery. What they really want is not equality, but absolute cultural dominance. Their unmasked agenda involves the implementation of an oppressive double standard in which their "gay" Special Rights invariably squash our all-important Civil Rights. It's the "gay" way or the highway.

The institution of marriage is the inimitable edifice and social load bearing wall upon which any free nation and stable civil government must certainly be established. However, in their anti-Christ crusade to destroy, devalue and desecrate the foundational structure of the family, the homosexual juggernaut is rapidly augmenting their Leftist arsenal through a menacing cache of lawless judicial rulings and the ostensibly named anti-discrimination ordinances. Through these and other Statist strong-arm tactics, their wrecking ball strategy has succeeded by compelling silence, intimidating dissent and purging the country of every voice of reason. The very rights they claim to be fighting for are ironically the exact same legal protections that they ruthlessly strive to strip away from the people of faith and decency - or anyone else who might dare to disagree with the endorsement of their lascivious lifestyle. The Baal of homosexuality is a viscerally hateful and jealous god.

The militant homosexual efforts have alarmingly functioned as the caustic social acid that eats away and erodes every constitutionally-protected freedom we have ever held near and dear to our hearts. The pro-deviancy advocates claim to merely carry the mantle of freedom, but in their wake, they leave the republic ravaged and in ruins. If they have their way, the landscape of liberty will be left desolate. Satan's compliant foot soldiers for the cause of counterfeit marriage will never stop sadistically trampling the principles of self-governance, the First Amendment and the will of the people under their feet. The examples abound, and in the cases that follow, a clear distinction will be made between the legal clamps being put on Christians and a corresponding partiality for homosexuals in similar circumstances.


On the politically correct college campuses of America, Christians are often forbidden from expressing their faith, but an avalanche of homosexual propaganda is crammed down the throats of those with a differing viewpoint.


Marriage vendors (florists, photographers, bakers, printers, and reception hall owners), who have sincerely-held religious or conscience objections that prevent them from participating in or endorsing faux "gay marriage" events, are targeted for personal and professional destruction. They are mercilessly saddled with hefty fines, victimized by the coordinated attacks and death threats of "tolerant" homosexual lynch mobs, forced to attend sensitivity training, demonized by the fierce backlash from an LGBT-collaborative media and coerced to violate their beliefs. Capitulation is not optional. We're told it's the profane price of doing business in a growing number of "Constitution Free Zones" popping up all across our country. These Christian business owners face serious consequences for their refusal to submit to the gross mutation and mockery of marriage. Their livelihood is literally placed in peril and some individuals may also face incarceration if they continue their defiance of the emerging homo-terrorist tyranny.


Despite an already overwhelming onslaught of pro-homosexual programming, the hypersensitive advocacy group GLAAD tracks and unrelentingly exerts pressure to increase the number of LGBT characters and themes in movies, television and the media. They promote efforts to inundate the general public with their shameless distortions of sodomy as a legitimate lifestyle choice. In my opinion, however, if someone actually wants to be exposed to such sordid behavior, they should consider serving time in the state pen.


If nothing is done to derail the greatest modern threat to democracy, the dagger of “progressivism” will ultimately extinguish the last tortured gasps of a great nation that currently finds itself in the throes of suicidal decline. Unwavering resistance of these homo-pathological thugs is imperative or America will undoubtedly become nothing more than just another cautionary footnote in the annals of history, like every other world power before us that recklessly rushed headlong into decadence.

The abandonment of God and all moral restraint invariably leads to cultural implosion.

There are no exceptions.

Jeff Allen, Barb Wire 12 Comments [6/6/2015 4:33:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 109320

The mass anti-Muslim riots after September 11 never materialized; just as they never materialized after the Sydney Siege in Australia or the latest Muslim massacres in France.


On one side are the bodies heaped across Europe and America. On the other is the occasional slice of pork on a mosque door, a little graffiti scrawled on a wall or a dirty look on public transportation.

One is genocide and the other is petty vandalism.


It is that sense of self-pitying Muslim victimization that leads easily to Muslim violence. Violence is often sanctioned by victimhood. That Muslims believe themselves to be the victims is nothing new. The Nazis also believed that they were the victims. So did the Muslim killer in a Kosher supermarket who claimed that ISIS, with its mass rapes and genocidal campaign, was the victim of French intervention.

If European Muslims really want to end atrocities like the ones that took place in Paris, instead of making themselves into the victims, they should examine the complicity of their religion, their politics and their sense of victimization in perpetrating them.

Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag 18 Comments [6/6/2015 4:31:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 109319

Teen's suicide shows tragic folly of "transgender" delusion

On Sunday, December 28th, a mentally ill Ohio teenager committed suicide by stepping in front of a semi-trailer on an interstate, selfishly forcing the driver to run him down. The driver, who was minding his own business, will now have to live with this horror the rest of his life. How do I know the kid was mentally ill? I know, because 17-year-old Joshua Alcorn believed he was a girl trapped in a boy's body and had apparently labored under this tragic, "transgender" delusion since he was a little boy. In his suicide note, he blamed his Christian parents for not supporting and encouraging him in his fantasy. Instead, they did the best they knew how in getting him psychiatric help and telling him the truth that he could never be a girl.


According to one study from 2010, over forty percent of "transgender" people have attempted suicide. Proponents of "transgenderism" explain this high figure by mistakenly blaming society's disapproval for "causing" these people to attempt suicide. That's not it. Anyone in open rebellion against God's design for human sexuality will suffer for it, and suicidal tendencies are just one of the many ill effects.

"Transgenderism" is a deeply disturbing mental and spiritual sickness. Any person who believes he is the opposite sex has serious problems, and society's rightful disapproval is the least of them. Not everyone will like to hear this, but demon possession certainly plays a part in homosexuality and "transgenderism." In the Bible, we see that demon possession was commonly understood to be prevalent, but the knowledge of it has been largely lost or buried today, as if our "modern" culture is too "smart" to give credence to the reality of spiritual forces at work in people today, just as they were then.

We often read that some who are homosexual or "transgender" have believed this since they were children. Demons do not spare children any more than adults. [...] How many of these cases today are demon-related? I don't know, but it is certainly a factor.

Gina Miller, Renew America 44 Comments [6/6/2015 4:30:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 109318

Among the more shrill allegations voiced by constituent subgroups of the political left is that the opposition (Republicans, conservatives and Christians) would gladly kill them in a great purge if only they had the practical capacity to do so. During the 2004 campaign season, iconic pop singer and self-described “fag hag” Cher (urbandictionary.com: A woman who enjoys hanging out with gay men) publicly proclaimed that George W. Bush would ship homosexuals off in cattle cars to death camps were he re-elected.

I suppose Cher reasoned (if indeed she does reason) that doing this had somehow slipped Bush’s mind during his first term.

I’ve heard the same charge leveled with regard to ethnic minorities, that right-wingers would just love to re-institute slavery or segregation; in their perfect world, they could simply wipe out those nasty darker-skinned people altogether. Naturally, this presupposes that all right-wingers are white.

Those on the left routinely typify their opponents as intolerant, hateful and potentially violent. This has increased in volume and frequency under the Obama administration, which codified these mischaracterizations into Department of Homeland Security policy; DHS has designated pro-lifers, patriots, constitutionalists, Christians, amnesty opponents, gun enthusiasts, military veterans and other groups as potential terrorist threats.

In keeping with their hypocrisy and incongruity, leftists conveniently omit the fact that they have carried out more terrorism, pogroms, mass murders and genocide than any political group in history. As regular readers will be aware, projection of their antisocial character defects onto opponents is a hallmark of the left’s methodology.

Their objective is to convince as much of the citizenry as possible that their warnings are at least somewhat plausible. This way, when DHS Storm Troopers arrive in the wee hours to collect their neighbors, they will accept the cover story without protest: The detainees were involved in a terrorist plot to carry out large scale “hate crimes” against illegal immigrants, homosexuals, or some species of endangered grouse.

What we are in fact seeing is the political left, through deception, incrementalism and outright violation of the Constitution, insidiously maneuvering rational, law-abiding Americans into a position so untenable that at some elusive but inevitable point, violent civil disobedience – vigilantism – may be the only practicable response.

There are a few very sobering commentaries published recently that address the de facto criminalization of Christianity in the wake of Canada having legalized “gay marriage” in 2005. One is Lea Z. Singh’s “Same-sex ‘Marriage’ and the Persecution of Christians in Canada,” written for Crisis Magazine.

Previously, I identified an analogue between the process of abortion having become legal in the U.S. and the push for legalization of same-sex-unions. It’s a bait-and-switch, with the practice bearing little resemblance to the theory.

As Singh and other commentators have explained, the same tactic was used to secure “marriage equality” for homosexuals in Canada. Opponents of legalizing same-sex unions were given frequent and impassioned assurances that their religious liberties would continue to be protected. Singh writes: “The preamble to Canada’s Civil Marriage Act states that ‘everyone has the freedom of conscience and religion,’ and ‘nothing in this Act affects the guarantee of freedom of conscience and religion. …’”

This did not hold true, however, as the Canadian government, dominated by radical leftists, took it as license to legislate social norms. It is now illegal to express opinions on gender identity or preference that deviate from the new pro-homosexual, anti-Christian orthodoxy.

According to Ms. Singh, “It is not premature to speak of open discrimination against Christians in Canada.”

Canadian homofascists – with the imprimatur of the government – have established the baseless and biologically fallacious equivalency between interracial and same-sex relationships as conventional wisdom. Thus, “Christians who believe in traditional marriage are the modern-day equivalent of racists,” says Singh, “and warrant identical exclusion.”

This means that if you’re a Christian, or do not otherwise embrace the sodomite movement, it is legal and encouraged to deny you a job, a promotion, housing and engage in your being systematically disenfranchised.

Bear in mind that all of this is taking place in a country wherein 52 percent of the population opposed the “legalization” of same-sex “marriage” to start with.

Shortly, Singh writes, all public schools in Ontario will implement a new, mandated curriculum beginning in the third grade. This course of study introduces children to the perverse, patently idiotic concept that gender itself is a matter of choice, that “transgender desires are just as perfectly normal as homosexual leanings.”

And Canadian parents dare not oppose this, because it would make them quite literally subject to prosecution. As an effect of the Civil Marriage Act, the very concept of what constitutes a “parent” changed, so many parental rights were summarily negated.

Since the passage of the law, hate-crime tribunals began prosecuting Canadian Christians for publicly articulating biblical values. Homosexual activists have spies in churches, monitoring sermons for biblical passages considered to be “hate speech.” Pastors have been jailed, businesses fined out of business and individuals driven into bankruptcy.

So, how might American Christians react to such developments here? The reason I ask is because the wheels are already in motion. The satanic minions in our government absolutely must bring about these societal transformations in order to “kill off” God and establish the State as the ultimate arbiter of morality. Rending the family unit asunder will ensure that the State becomes the individual’s sole guide, instructor and authority from cradle to grave.

I’m not inclined to think that We the People will respond as submissively as Canadians did to a similar scenario transpiring here. In fact, when otherwise rational, law-abiding Americans suddenly realize that the last of their liberties have been legislated, regulated and executive-ordered away, their response just might make the left’s accusations in the opening paragraph a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Erik Rush, WND 20 Comments [6/6/2015 4:29:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 109317

“Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter,” Palin wrote, linking to a pro-Duggar column penned by her daughter, Bristol. “I’m glad someone’s got the guts to call out these perverts… The intolerant left’s destructive personal intrusions and narrow-mindedness applied to their chosen targets are bad enough, but their double standards are beyond the pale.”

“I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics,” Palin complained. “Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham’s sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she’s rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family.”

“Such obvious double standards applied to equally relevant stories underestimate the wisdom of the public, discredit the press, and spit on the graves of every American who fought and died for the press’s freedom,” she added.

Sarah Palin, rawstory.com 18 Comments [6/6/2015 4:21:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 109315

If you support homosexuality, you don't believe in any kind of being that could reasonably be called "God."

Tim Dukeman, Twitter 16 Comments [6/6/2015 4:18:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 109312

One major problem that people often have in looking at situations like babies dying in the Flood or being killed at God's command is that you aren’t looking at how God’s perspective differs from ours. God can see all of history, not just one moment of it at a time. He can see how every action and inaction affects everything else down through time.

Also, God is interested in eternity, not so much our time on earth. We tend to think of our life on earth as the main part of our existence. But to God, our time on earth is merely the beginning of an eternal existence. It’s a drop in the bucket, a speck, a mere second compared to the rest of our existence in eternity. And it’s eternity that really matters. God’s purpose is to have as many people as possible freely join Him in heaven for eternity.

So, considering God’s perspective, if someone dies early or dies a painful death and more people end up in heaven because of it, it is good. If a baby dies and goes to heaven rather than growing up to defy God and go to hell, that is good. If one person goes to hell and two end up in heaven because of that, it is good. We can’t see all of the effects of the things that happen here on earth, but God can. So until you can see with God’s perspective, you have no call to judge any of His actions.

Lindsay Harold, Deeper than Sound-Bites 17 Comments [6/6/2015 4:17:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 109310

The "vagina dentata". As the so-called "dissident" Feminist, Camille Paglia says: "Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female."

Some take the adoption of this way of thinking as being "afraid" of vagina, but it is more of a realization. Acceptance. I think the thing that truly keeps men from being unplugged from the matrix (which is another word for womb), is their death grip on their assigned, traditional sense of masculinity. Their identity, their ego, is very much attached to this sense of masculinity (Which is about performance/feigning strength, while femininity is about inaction/feigning weakness). Ironic, then, that it is this death grip on masculinity that keeps men falling back into the womb endlessly, where they exit as lesser men each time.

It is truly in women's best interest that men maintain this death-grip on performative masculinity, because it's how they continue to get a free ride.

I say all of the above knowing how unpopularly it's been received, even among MGTOW...

JackRayner_, /r/MGTOW/ 12 Comments [6/6/2015 3:24:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 109309

Pussy is the
Soft totalitarian's
Hole of choice.
Porta Guillotines
To cut your dick off
And pay with your life,
The lives of your children;
Right on down
The bloody line.
There are...
Steel bars
In that

ss_camaro, /r/MGTOW/ 17 Comments [6/6/2015 3:24:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 109308

As recently as three years ago I started noticing the flaws of evolution from self-examining my behavior and those of my hypersexual male peers, because you don’t pick up a book titled “Darwinian Fairytales” unless you already harbored serious doubts about the theory. I must admit that I made a mistake to use evolution as a reason to whore around with women when it was clear as day that I did not aim to reproduce. The behavior I did enact for so long can best be explained as entertainment seeking, relieving a lack of purpose in life, and wanting to feel masculine, but there was nothing evolutionary about it, and it has not at all increased my reproductive success than had I been an introverted 22-year-old and told my father to arrange a marriage for me with a girl from his Iranian hometown.

With this review I don’t aim to completely throw evolution under the bus, for it does apply quite nicely to other organisms, and natural selection has surely applied to humans during certain periods of their history, but it should not and can not be used to describe current human behavior, including your own, because any set of conditions that put humans through an evolutionary grinder are no longer present in modern civilization. Doing otherwise would be deception on a large scale, and I won’t deceive myself further by using it, even if it reduces scientific backing for some of my ideas.

Without using evolution as a tool, there is a big question that must be answered: where does traditional sex roles—and behavior—come from? Or more precisely: what are the correct sex roles for humans? The answer to the second is easier than the first. The correct sex roles are what has sustained human populations and society in the past and what will sustain human populations and society in the future. Biology need not be taken into account.

A careful study of history can clearly show what happens when men step outside of their traditional roles and what happens when women step outside of theirs, something spending ten minutes on Tumblr can verify. What are the sex roles and proper behavior of humans that allow a sustainable and mentally healthy population without ushering in the policies that would lead to a cultural collapse? The answer is the sex roles we already are familiar with, ones that have been known since Biblical times.

It’s a natural human urge to understand the “why” of how life came about, a question that was no doubt asked by the first man. The problem in answering with evolution is that—besides it being wrong—it locks your mind into a narrow perspective. Thinking that all humans act in genetic self interest clouds all your thoughts on human behavior and prevents you from seeing obvious contradictions and hidden truths. Because you have firm faith in evolution, you are not even allowing your mind to consider another viewpoint.

Say you encounter an article that says the following: “Men who go off to war have more children than men who don’t.” Evolution would describe this by saying that women want to reproduce with men who are most fit and strong and better able to defend the tribe. But let’s flip it and say “Men who don’t go off to war have more children than men who do.” Evolution can describe this too! It can say, “A superior reproductive strategy is to stay with the fertile women and reproduce with them during the time the alpha males are away.” Even the simplest of minds can find an explanation once it already knows the final result it’s aiming for.

If evolution can be used to explain both sides of the coin, which is often does, it’s not a scientific theory but a rationalization theory that justifies any and all human behavior as somehow fitting the theory. In other words, the theory is like playdough that can fit in any situation, and this is even done in the red pill portion of the manopshere to take any behavior a man or woman does and somehow justify it in terms of evolution, even if it’s based on people acting on the willful mission to not reproduce. What’s convenient for evolutionists is that none of their assertions can be proven, meaning that evolution is not more than one step above astrology in terms of describing or predicting human behavior. It’s gibberish.

Darwin’s theory came at the right time of history. The monarchy was overthrown and scientific rationalism dominated the day. The missing piece to complete the Enlightenment was a way to kill god, and Darwin came forth with a brilliant theory that did the job. The only problem is that it’s not true for humans, at least not in the way for other forms of life on earth.

There must be something else motivating and driving human beings that can’t be explained by current science, and so therefore the science we have is unable to provide a definitive and consistent account of our origin story along with our behavior. This means that if you are using evolution to structure, organize, or explain your own life, you are living a falsehood—a soothing falsehood but a falsehood nonetheless.

I must state that it’s not a comfortable position for me to neither believe in god or human evolution, for I have no working model for my own existence. It’s a weird place because my brain, for some reason, craves an origin story for where it came from. It’s searching, hunting, for something that explains how it got here, but I will be patient in this search, because I find it liberating and free that I no longer have to frame every human action through the lens of “survive and reproduce” and “all humans act in self-interest to spread their genes.”

Now that I have done this, it’s much easier to see how reproduction is not an important or essential human behavior and that evolution is nothing more than a severely flawed theory for explaining human beings.

Roosh , Roosh V 14 Comments [6/6/2015 3:22:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 109306

I was lying on my bed, checking Facebook when I first heard the news about Josh Duggar inappropriately touching five young women when he was a young teenager. I was heartbroken by the news in so many ways. I was heartbroken because of the victims. I was heartbroken for the Duggar family. I was heartbroken for Josh.

Throughout the last week I've ruminated about my response to this, and as I've prayed for this family my thoughts have settled on one thing: I am FOR the Duggars. I've been FOR them for a while. Why?

I am FOR God-fearing families who try to model godly living in a confused and hurting world.

I am FOR young couples who choose to pray for their future spouses, marry with the goal of lifelong commitment, and strive to live for God.

I am FOR homeschooling and large families, for the goal of raising children to impact the world for Christ.

Every time Duggar news made headlines at people.com—beating out the self-serving lifestyles of Hollywood stars—I inwardly cheer. It shows people want to hear about wholesome living, young and pure love, and babies born IN wedlock.

Even after hearing news of these horrible acts, I am still FOR the Duggars.

I am FOR healing.

I am FOR forgiveness.

I am FOR restoration, taking what the enemy meant for evil and using it for God.
First, Healing

I haven't talked much about sexual abuse before, but it has impacted my life. Without going into detail, I dealt with inappropriateness during my growing-up years. There was much more emotional inappropriateness than physical, but it skewed my thoughts about myself, my body and my sexuality. I grew up thinking women were objects, and the only way to have a real relationship with someone was to offer myself sexually. This led to be becoming sexually active at a very young age, having an abortion at age 15 and a child at age 17.

More than that, I've seen the pain sexual abuse causes. Just last year I sat in our teen MOPS meeting room with a group of young moms. We had an open conversation about sexual abuse, and I discovered nearly every one of them had been abused sexually. I saw their tears. I witnessed their pain. I heard their heartbreak. I've seen how abuse has wounded them to their core. Sexual abuse is from the pit of hell, and I mourn as I realize how many young women silently suffer.
Second, Forgiveness

I'm praying for these young women and the pain their abuse caused. I'm praying for them to find healing, and I'm praying for them to forgive. Both will happen in layers over time, but what people don't realize is that the forgiveness isn't just for Josh. It's for them too. When we forgive others it brings healing and wholeness to our souls. Josh doesn't deserve forgiveness—none of us do. But thankfully because of Jesus we don't have to face what we DO deserve.

Tricia Goyer, Charisma News 21 Comments [6/6/2015 3:22:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 109305

Watched it. They came across well. They will get beat up by liberal media for using the term 'choice' in describing Josh's actions. It was more about immaturity and not understanding the depth of wrong and harm connected with it.
But get real. What he did was wrong, yes. It was more inappropriate curiosity, not full on pedophilia. He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel. Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far.

Scoopie, Charisma News 20 Comments [6/6/2015 3:21:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 109303

India: Man beheaded in ritual sacrifice for a better harvest

The Indian police are investigating the death of a 55-year-old man beheaded in what is thought to be a ritual sacrifice intended to conjure up a better harvest.

The headless corpse of Thepa Kharia was found in his house in a remote village in the state of Jharkhand, eastern India.

Kharia's brother told police that a group of occultists, known as Orkas, decapitated the man after breaking in his house in order to carry out a sacrifice calling for more rain and better crop yields.

The Hindustan Times quoted Khana's brother as saying: "Orkas can be anyone, from farmers to tantriks. They bury the head in the field and expect that the sacrifice will yield good harvest for the community."

Ajay Kumar Thakur, the officer investigating the murder, told news agency AFP: "The family says the occultists killed him for the ritual. His head is still missing."

Human sacrifices widespread in rural areas

Human sacrifices occur in remote villages in India, where belief in occult is widespread.

A few days prior to Kharia's death, the decapitated body of Sanatan Bag, 5, was found in an apparent child sacrifice at a temple in Rangapara village, in the state of Assam. It is believed that the boy was killed by a suspected occultist who was then lynched by angry villagers.

In 2013, toddler Akash Singh was brutally killed by a group of people who believed the sacrifice of the child could give them a better life.

In the same year, a father axed his eight-month-old son to death after claiming that Kali, the "Goddess of time, change, and destruction" asked him to do so.

Rajkumar Chaurasia killed his son in front of a temple he had built in his house in Narain Purva village, Barabanki. When he was arrested, he told police he thought the sacrifice would bring joy to childless couples "who visited the Goddess Kali temple".

In 2011, seven-year-old Lalita Tati was killed by two farmers who sacrificed her in a ritual for better harvest. It is believed that the farmers later wrote a letter to Lalita's father in which they confessed their crime.

Orka occultists, International Business Times 14 Comments [6/5/2015 5:40:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Naturalistic Worldview

Quote# 109301

[Bolding in original]

Kristiina Ojuland, a former Foreign Minister of Estonia and former member of the European Parliament, voiced her disapproval of the European Commission’s migrant quota plan on her official Facebook page, by calling for a pan-European campaign against admitting any refugees in the EU.

In a post that was more reminiscent of a far-right extremist, than a former Vice President of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ALDE), Ojuland said that the “white race is threatened” by dark-skinned immigrants (Ojuland actually used an Estonian word “neeger” which is not officially considered offensive in Estonia, but nevertheless becoming socially unacceptable).

“Today yet again I see a fully able young Negro begging for money in Italy, from people who have worked hard to earn a lunch. I think that we should start a pan-European campaign to collect signatures to ensure that not a single so-called refugee gets across the Mediterranean. Enough of this nonsense!” Ojuland, the former high-ranking politician who for years campaigned Estonia to join the EU, wrote.

Her posting has so far gathered over 2,000 “likes”, 500 shares and 300 comments. While many people pointed out her offensive remarks and some called her racist, one would have thought that the former foreign minister would back down, but it didn't turn out to be so. Instead, Ojuland chose to rigorously defend her statement and even went offensive against the moderate commentators who asked for common sense.

“Stop using a word 'racist'! As a white person, I feel that the white race is threatened today! Are Estonians also so brain-washed now that they start talking some kind of politically correct bullshit?” Ojuland said.

Another reasonable commentator was told by former liberal MEP that by being a member of the European Union does not mean “accepting people who would squeeze Estonia's social system”. “Estonia needs to say clear no to Mediterranean migrants!” exclaimed Ojuland.

MEP Kristiina Ojuland, ERR 11 Comments [6/5/2015 5:27:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 109299

So let us deal with the most common claim that they all make: There is no God.

No God, and no creation means we have no soul to be saved. Evolution denies the soul of man because evolution cannot answer the question: In the evolution process, when did man receive a soul that needed to be saved? So those of you that believe one can coexist with the other are actually believing in a oxymoron. Which makes your faith an oxymoron. So you are either a theist, atheist, or agnostic. A theistic evolutionist does not apply, it is only a justification for not wanting to believe God fully, but make everyone think that you do. Is God a fool? I think not, and that will be made clear one day.

A test for a man's soul?

Science cannot prove God either way. But can science prove the existence of a soul? This is where the subject of a life force (soul) comes in. If all that were to life was dead matter that is now living. Fixing what is wrong with that matter to sustain life would be much easier. But yet everyday in the medical field the unexplained happens.

People die, who should have lived. And people live, who should have died. The only explanation medical science has for this is one person's will to live was greater then the others. To come to this conclusion, you would also have to say that anyone who wants to live forever could do just that. But that is not what we see is it?

So we could conclude that when this life force leaves the living matter body, it turns back into dead matter and cannot be revived. Because matter can be repaired. Making the soul return to the body so that life can be sustained, is not obtainable. Therefore medical science will always have a problem explaining how some people died, and some people lived. But, is there evidence that a soul actually exists?

There were some tests conducted on terminal patients to see if the soul actually has weight that could be recorded at the exact time of death (if there was a soul that left, and had measurable weight). Doing this test, they found some interesting stuff. Regardless of how big or small the person was that died, the weight loss was always the same: 3/4 of an once. And it was always recorded right at the instant the person ceased to show any life signs.

Further tests were frowned upon because it was raising some eye-brows on being in-humane, even though consent was obtained from each person to do this.



They even did some tests on some dogs to see if all life had this same weight loss upon time of death. The dogs did not experience any weight loss at the time of death. And the bible never says that animals have a soul. Or that a soul was breathed into them. Humans having a soul means that the soul has to go some where when we die. This is the part that atheist do not like to hear. And because evolution denies the existence of a soul, they will hate anything that either condirms there is a soul. Or even says there is a soul.

Issac, YEC headquarters 29 Comments [6/5/2015 3:33:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 109298

Since I was a little boy, I was taught that freedom was a quality that made America great, allowing us to say what we want and live life how we want. The merits of freedom were never up for debate, especially since the dark days of American slavery made it clear that any kind of bondage, actual or figurative, is the incarnation of evil itself. Now that I’m older and have been able to witness human beings living with their freedom, I’ve come to the conclusion that complete freedom is not a natural human state, and giving it to individuals is more harmful than not.

I examined this problem by asking myself the following: what do human beings typically do once given absolute personal freedom? I first looked at the behavior of people in America, since culturally they have the most freedoms out of any other world citizen to pursue whatever lifestyle they want.

Most Americans, if you give them freedom and a life without restrictions, will almost certainly dive head-first into a life of absolute degeneracy and vice. They will pursue fleeting pleasures of the body, including alcohol use, drug abuse, and casual sex. They will make colossal mistakes with their education that put them into debt for life. They will seek out fame, attention, and validation instead of developing genuine skill or competency. They will permanently disfigure their bodies with tattoos and ear gauges. They will experiment with homosexuality or an artificially invented gender identity. They will overindulge in food and mindless entertainment. They will not educate themselves unless there is a bag of money at the end of their efforts. They will lie, cheat, and rationalize the hurting of others. The more freedom you give to the average person, the more they will harm not only themselves but others whom they come across.


Giving a human being freedom simply gives them the ability to choose one of many available and willing slave masters, but even worse than an actual slave who has chains clamped on his wrists, the modern human seeks out chains for both his mind and body. What happens if you give a woman freedom? She enslaves herself to her feelings. She enslaves herself to entertainment, attention from men, alcohol, food, crushing student loans that she can’t possibly pay back, material possessions, and money. What happens when you give a man freedom? He enslaves himself to sex, corporate products, video games, to his own mirror image.


I’m currently living in a country that has changed greatly over the past twenty years from the days of communist repression when freedoms were limited to now nearly unlimited personal freedom for people to look, act, live, and behave in any way they want. I can see firsthand how this freedom has merely transformed citizens from being enslaved to the government to being enslaved to alcohol, vulgar sexual vices, Hollywood-style entertainment, and corporations selling them shiny products, all while enabling them to adopt lifestyles that will cause long-term harm to themselves and to their society.

Most humans are not capable of wisely using their freedom, and so they must be restrained and managed by rules or by those who know what’s best for that individual more than the individual himself. In the past this restraint took place with those who had a sincere investment in the person’s well-belling, such as the family, the tribe, the village, and the local church, but these restraints are long gone, released in the cultural chaos of the post-Enlightenment world. With a general trend of increasing personal freedom around the planet, the only logical result is a steadfast mental and behavioral decline of humanity. Unless people are limited in the personal decisions they’re able to make, they will continue to hurt themselves and others.

Roosh, Roosh V 38 Comments [6/5/2015 3:33:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 109296

A teenager in India was allegedly forced to have sex with his own mother in an effort to “cure” him of being gay, Gay Star News reports.

According to LGBT Collective, a gay rights group in Telangana, in southern India, there are more and more reports of “corrective rapes” being carried out by members of the victims’ own families.

Often families will handpick a cousin to carry out the act, but in one case, a gay teen was forced to have sex with his mother to “cure” him of his sexuality.

Vyjayanti Mogli, a member of the group, told the Times of India that at least 15 “corrective rapes” have been reported in the last five years.

“We are sure there are many more cases, but they go unreported,’ Mogli said. “We came across such cases not because they reported the rape, but because they sought help to flee their homes.”

Mogli went on to explain that in many parts of India, homosexuality is not only taboo, but expressly forbidden, punishable with life in prison.

Unnamed Indian mother, Queerty 25 Comments [6/5/2015 3:30:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 109295

sticking to religious standpoint, which is the only one that matters, says... sex outside of marriage is wrong. it's a sin and sin pushes us away from God which is obviously a bad thing as that can lead you to hell.

but us human's, given our fallen nature(which has always been that way since the fall of Adam/Eve), tend to find bad things appealing as they seem harmless to us and the sexual drive is the easiest thing to exploit since it's so appealing. but damages your eternal soul and can possibly lead you to hell.

praying often (preferably The Holy Rosary daily(i am a Catholic)) gives you strength, over a period of time, to resist your natural sexual urge (trying to resist that by yourself is not happening). just trust me on that. many people around here will likely see this and laugh though since they don't believe in God.

m-slovak79, IMDB 21 Comments [6/5/2015 3:29:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 3