Quote# 109143

[On the "Charlie Charlie" game.]

At my high school, I have heard people talking about the game in multiple classes. I saw it done once today. They set up the paper and pencils and asked if "Charlie" was there. No one touched the pencils and no one, that I could tell, blew on the pencils but one pencil moved and pointed to "yes" but they could not get a response again. I plan on talking to some of the people who participate in this game.

I was praying frantically the entire time they were doing this.

If "Charlie" continued to respond, I was going to get up and rebuke the demon out loud. That would have gotten me a lot of strange looks from everyone else, but I know that would have been the right thing to do.

Zelda2927, Rapture Ready 25 Comments [6/1/2015 3:23:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 109137

(Seemed to fit both RSTDT and FSTDT, flipped a coin)

[cassiterides says evolution is a fairytale, that GOD created each of the "races" separately about 6000 years ago ]

I claimed Aryans (Indo-Europeans) are around 6,000-7,000 years old and they are the Adamites of the Bible. Aryan = ploughman and Genesis states Adam was a 'tiller' or plougher of the ground. The etymology of Adam is also 'ruddy, to show blood in the face' - only people with pale white skin show blood in the face.

Science estimates the Australian aborigines around 60,000 years old, East Asians 20,000-30,000 years, and the Bushmen up to 100,000.

I only ever claimed Aryans are 6,000 years old. The non-white races are far older pre-adamite creations.

But yes all races have seperate origins and evolution is a fairytale.

Only a crank would believe a negro morphed into a white man or a white man into a negro. Yet there are afrocentrics on the forum who think this happened. Time to take their medication.

the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides), Egypt Search 25 Comments [6/1/2015 3:13:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 109134

Oh please. Who are you to sit in judgment of God's historical protection of the USA? No wonder the various TV and movie "zombies" are not known for their smarts.

Abe Lincoln understood a lot more about what could have happened -- indeed what ALMOST happened -- during the Civil War than you or I ever will, and that's why he openly proclaimed a national day of prayer and fasting in March of 1863.

That didn't mean America was sinless. Nope. Native Americans and African-Americans could easily list America's sins. Even the cruel Southerners could point to big hypocrisy on the part of the Northerners. But at least the broken nation and its President had enough sense to realize that they needed God badly, and needed Him quickly.

But today's America? Nope. Tragic 9-11 hits, everybody suddenly woke up and went to church for two weeks, and then it's all "back to business", far worse than ever before (like that gay marriage mess). And now this nation has gone wacko. (Some of them even start judging God, saying He's done a poor job. That's daffy-duck mess!).

So yeah, please continue spitting in God's face, America. Keep on dissing Him so you can figure out what happens NEXT !!!!!

floydlee, Charisma News 15 Comments [6/1/2015 3:11:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 109131

In two previous posts in this series I addressed these key issues:

In “Christian Husbands – You don’t pay for the milk when you own the cow!” we established this Biblical principle:

Neither the husband, nor the wife have to earn sex in marriage.

A wife cannot flatly refuse her husband, she may only ask for a delay (a raincheck) and then she needs to make good on that raincheck as soon as possible.

A husband has the right to confront his wife’s sexual refusal as a sin not only against him, but also against God.

Biblical Gender Roles, Biblical Gender Roles 28 Comments [6/1/2015 3:01:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Elie

Quote# 109124

I am most frustrated with Sundays. I study the Word all week, listen to different sermons from good Bible teaching pastors, and then I come to church on Sunday, and all I hear from my pastor is fluff. We are going through the book "Soul Shift" and today we heard about the chapter "from slave to child." The focus of the message was on changing our thinking about our approaching God from being a "slave" to being a child. We need to change how we approach God, we need to throw off the shackles of slavehood. There were so many opportunities for my pastor to preach the Gospel, to tell us how to become children of God, but he said nothing about that, nothing about repentance and the forgiveness of sins, nothing about the death and resurrection of Jesus. He said that God's ultimate goal is to bring us into relationship with Him. NO! God's ultimate goal is to bring people to salvation! No one who was unsaved in that congregation would really know how to be saved from this sermon.

The entire time I sit in church I cringe and want to crawl out of my skin. The tension builds up inside me, and I have no way to let it out. My husband is there with me, so I "complain" to him, but even though I know he is saved, he is functionally Biblically illiterate, and he has no idea what I am saying. He gets frustrated when I complain, so he says that we should go to the church that he grew up in. But that church is no better. I so much want to find a true Bible preaching church, but I don't know where to look. I have discussed this with my Sunday School teacher, but he has told me that I am being too hard on my pastor. But am I? Shouldn't the pastor know that he needs to preach the Gospel? I honestly only remember one sermon that truly presented the Gospel in the whole 2 years that he has been in our church.

Sorry for the rant. I feel this way every Sunday after church, and I don't know what to do. I have tried to bring up my concerns to my pastor before, but I have been dismissed. As I am learning more, the more dissatisfied I am with my church. But I don't know of anywhere else to go.

my2babysmama, Rapture Ready 20 Comments [6/1/2015 2:58:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: LDM

Quote# 109123

On a Christian beheading an ISIS prisoner:

I must confess now that the old fleshy man in me thinks (dancing smiley)

Andy C, Rapture Ready 32 Comments [6/1/2015 2:58:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 109117

On his most recent "Pray In Jesus Name" program, Gordon Klingenschmitt reacted to the recent vote by the citizens of Ireland to legalize gay marriage by declaring that the country needs a modern-day St. Patrick to rise up and rid the nation of the demonic "snakes" that are encouraging people to embrace sin.

"There was a time when it was said that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland," Klingenschmitt said, "and now I'm concerned that the snakes have returned to Ireland. And when I say snakes, I'm not talking about physical snakes, I'm talking about the demonic spirits inside of some of the people you see parading their sin in pride around the country, rejecting not just the Catholic Church but rejecting Jesus Christ himself."

"Jesus Christ defined marriage between one man and one woman," he continued, "and maybe it's time for another St. Patrick to go back into Ireland and preach the good news that Jesus can make you free from sin and drive out the snakes once again."

Gordon Klingenschmitt, Right Wing Watch 17 Comments [6/1/2015 2:55:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda
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