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Quote# 110070

Raping trannies?

Recent events on that sub (mostly a tranny seeking attention) got me thinking. Is it right to refuse rape to someone who would transition from male to female? After all if their desire is to experience life as a woman, people of this sub agree that getting raped should be a big part of that experience. I'm not saying we should go out of our way and rape the ones that don't pass. But if a tranny really looked like a woman, wouldn't it be some kind of discrimination not to rape it because of its transgender status? I can live with being a rapist, but I hate feeling like I'm discriminating against anyone without a good reason. Of course I'd like to hear your opinions about other issues on that subject I might have missed. For instance that a tranny still might have a bit of male strength, and since it was born male, its brain might still work better than that of a normal female (not as good as a male's because of the female hormones though), making it harder to surprise and track than a classic rape victim. Granted strength and intelligence might correlate with manliness, which means the ugliest most masculine trannies will be the ones most dangerous (diminishing the interest of interacting with them rape-wise even more).

whereismysafespace, Reddit /r/PhilosophyOfRape 31 Comments [6/27/2015 3:43:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Ultimate Paragon

Quote# 110067

Thanks to the post by Mr. Ron Reese we can see Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden, Mr. Jack Lew and other not identified persons in this carefully orchestrated picture with props that tell a very powerful message of who he believes he is and the power he has to bring this fact to bear.

The picture was taken in the Oval Office of the White House and it was meant to convey a very important message to all of Obama’s supporters and to his enemies as well.

The first message is delivered by the throne made of swords he is sitting on. I searched the internet and found the information on this throne as meant to be the swords of all his defeated enemies, so in the throne is the statement that he will destroy all who oppose him. I question those who may dismiss this as why a president of the USA is sitting on a throne that is intimidating to say the least and implies by its very nature a ruthless tyrant bent on the destruction of any who opposes him? Is this a democracy where the president is subject to the laws, constitution and the people?

Second the is a golden crown in his lap that has what it looks as serpents rising above the ring. Crowns are worn by kings, emperors or royalty not by presidents.

Most significant is the cross bow sitting on the table in front of him with no arrow in it. There are three spheres colored red, green and white that could represent the colors of Islam.

twelvebooks, Twelve Books 7 Comments [6/27/2015 3:42:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 110065

Glenn Beck opened his television program last night by previewing the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage with David Barton of WallBuilders and Kelly Shackelford of the Liberty Institute. The three Religious Right activists warned that if gay marriage bans are struck down, churches will be stripped of their tax-exempt status, average citizens will be fired from their jobs simply for attending a church that opposes gay marriage, and the government may even attempt to strip Beck of his broadcasting license because his church won't perform gay marriages ...spectacular incidents that haven't occurred in any of the 37 states that already have marriage equality.

To kick things off, Barton flalsely claimed that 2009's hate crimes law protected pedophiles, which means that if the Supreme Court now legalizes gay marriage, pedophilia will also become legally protected.

Not to be outdone, Beck later chimed in to warn that anti-gay churches will lose their tax-exempt status, people will lose their jobs for attending such a church, and ultimately the Bible will be outlawed as a "hate book."

"Maybe right away, maybe not right away, but definitely it will happen," Beck declared.

Glenn Beck and David Barton, Right Wing Watch 12 Comments [6/27/2015 3:41:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110063

Televangelist Pat Robertson warned a father this week to shun his new Wiccan neighbors or they would “destroy” his children.

During The 700 Club‘s “Bring It On” segment on Wednesday, a viewer named Nick wrote in to say that a new family in his neighborhood “claims to be Wiccan.”

“I have heard from my son some of the things their daughter told him, and it really kind of frightened me to hear about spells and other concepts I’ve never heard of in the Bible,” Nick explained. “Should I let my son be friends with their daughter? Should I try to be friends with the family? I’m so unsure. What is the Christian thing to do?”

According to Robertson, the Bible commands Christians that “you don’t intermarry with them, you don’t give your sons to their daughters or your daughters to their sons.”

“They’ll corrupt you,” the TV preacher opined. “There’s no such thing as a good witch. I mean, you know, it’s all demonic. And you don’t want your children involved in that stuff. I mean, they have power. Don’t think it’s not real, it is real. But it is real wrong.”

“I would just say, ‘You’re not permitted to go to their houses or have anything to do with them,'” Robertson continued. “They may seem to be very pleasant people and all that, but they’ll destroy your children.”

Pat Robertson, Raw Story 9 Comments [6/27/2015 3:41:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110062

Many right-wing politicians and pundits are still in denial that the Emmanuel AME church massacre was about racial hatred, despite the statements of witnesses and the shooter’s own manifesto.

Take, for example, Alan Keyes, who told Newsmax host Steve Malzberg yesterday that he does not believe that the shooting was racially motivated but was actually an incident of pro-gay, anti-Christian violence. Keyes, a Republican politician and conservative activist, said that he has personally experienced more animosity due to his religious beliefs than to his race, so concluded that the massacre must have been caused by religious hostility and thus is the latest example of the supposed “persecution” of Christians in America.

He said that the “storyline” focusing on the racial component of the Charleston shooting was “fabricated without much regard for the facts,” dismissing people who seek to “play the race card” and “play games with race” in wake of the shooting. Keyes then suggested that Dylann Roof, the shooter who left behind an extensive white supremacist manifesto, might actually have been committing a terrorist act on behalf of gay rights.

President Obama and people who want to “satisfy this or that sense of themselves and their sexual passions” created an anti-Christian climate which may have inspired the shooter, Keyes said, speculating that Roof may have been trying to “intimidate” people who oppose “the destruction of traditional marriage.”

Alan Keyes, Right Wing Watch 8 Comments [6/27/2015 3:41:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110061

In a radio interview on Monday, Gun Owners of America official Erich Pratt tied the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston to the transgender rights movement, saying both are products of a school system that teaches that “there is no absolute right or wrong.”

“Sadly, I think for a lot of the education that takes place in our country, the kids are being taught, ‘You decide, you decide your own morality.’” he said. “We’re being told that you decide everything from your gender to your own morality.”

This, he said, was the root of the thinking of the Charleston shooter and of Hitler: “Well, if you are in that position where you are autonomous and you decide what’s right and wrong, in this guy’s mind, as sick as it is, he might have thought he was actually doing society a favor. Certainly Hitler did, with his mass murders, he really thought he was doing society a favor. And that’s the problem, if there is no absolute right or wrong. And as we know, that’s not being taught.”

Just one day after the attack in Charleston, Pratt, publicly condemned the church’s slain pastor, Rev. Clementa Pinckney, for his “anti-gun” activism as a state senator. Erich’s father, GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt also blamed Pinckney for leaving his congregation “defenseless” against an attacker.

Erich Pratt, Right Wing Watch 6 Comments [6/27/2015 3:41:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110060

[ On the Dylann Roof shootings in South Carolina: ]

Doocy: Your thoughts this morning?

Jackson: Well, first of all, I'm pastor of the Fall Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, but....We had a prayer vigil this morning at 6am, praying for the people of Charleston, South Carolina. We are urging people, wait for the facts, don't jump to conclusions. But, I have to tell you that I am deeply concerned this gunman chose to go into a church, because there does seem to be a rising hostility against Christians across this country because of our biblical views. And, I just think it's something we have to be aware of and not create an atmosphere where people take out their violent intentions against Christians. And I would mention one other thing very quickly and that is, I would urge pastors and men in these churches to prepare to defend themselves. It's sad, but I think that we've got to arm ourselves. At least have some people in the church who are prepared to defend the church when women and children are attacked. (Fox News hosts mumbling in agreement)

Brian Kilmeade: Do you think that is something that would fly inside a church? To have a pastor with a gun? To have security with a gun?

E.W. Jackson: Look, I'm a pastor. (Hasselbeck voicing her approval) If someone comes into hurt my church members I have an absolute obligation to defend them, to protect them. (Doocy interrupts with "of course"). Look, 9 people dead, I think that people understand that it's sad but this is the world we live in.

Brian Kilmeade: Hey, I understand it. I'm just, from a pastor perspective, I want to know if that's something you would do.

E.W. Jackson: Well, I'm gonna, as a pastor, it's absolutely something I would do to protect the people whom God has given me charge over.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck: You protect and shepherd your flock in anyway that you can, in faith and in practicality.

E.W. Jackson: Amen.

Fox News, Daily Kos 8 Comments [6/27/2015 3:40:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: KittyKaboom

Quote# 110059

In the last few years, another compromise of biblical truth has emerged, actually from within what might be termed the ‘Young Earth Creation’ movement. This compromise is the 'Recolonisation Theory.'

It is the sad duty of AiG to point out where otherwise conservative evangelicals have compromised on the truth of Scripture beginning with Genesis. It is all too common for evangelicals to be bemused by the claims of secular, evolutionary science, and to want to re-interpret Genesis to ‘fit in’ with these claims.

In the last few years, another compromise of biblical truth has emerged, actually from within what might be termed the ‘Young Earth Creation’ movement. Advocates of this new compromise, known sometimes as the ‘Recolonisation Theory’ and sometimes as the European Flood Model, claim to hold to a biblical creationist position. The ‘moderate’ Recolonisers, defined below, stretch the age of the earth very little, or not at all, whereas the ‘strong’ Recolonisers stretch their age for the earth to as much as 18,000 years. Both views, however, start with science rather than Scripture and therefore base their interpretation of Scripture on science, rather than the other way round.

The Recolonisers believe that the fossil record is to be understood more or less in the order in which evolutionary geologists picture it, although they dispute all the timescales. They see this fossil record as indicative of life recolonising the world after the devastation caused by the Flood of Noah’s time. They assume that the Flood itself is responsible for none of the fossil record, believing that organisms killed by the Flood have been totally obliterated, and therefore are not visible in the fossil record.

This Recolonisation after the Flood often requires the Recolonisers to lengthen the age of the earth by a few thousand years

There appears to be two distinct groups of Recolonisers. The ‘moderate’ group’s views are expounded at http://www.recolonisation.org.uk, and whereas not all believe in expanding the biblical genealogies,4 others would typically expand the genealogies to span a time of about 12,000 years, to allow stability by the time of Abraham (about 2,000 BC)—after, in their view, a time of huge post-Flood geological activity. Typical papers expounding their geology are by Garton5 Tyler6 and Johnstone.7 It must be emphasised that many of this ‘moderate’ group of Recolonisers are not compromising Scripture in their interpretation of the chronogenealogies, or the age of the Earth. It is the next group that causes us great concern. Indeed, the ‘strong’ Recolonisation view, described below, should cause equal concern to the ‘moderate’ wing.

This second group of ‘strong’ Recolonisers, which includes Stephen Robinson and Anthony Bush, goes further and pushes the Flood into a much more distant past. Bush is the owner of the wonderful Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm (www.noahsarkzoofarm.co.uk), a unique UK tourist venture which the authors still recommend for people to visit, despite our reserve for the one small display about Recolonisation

Moreover, even the views of those Recolonisers who do not expand the genealogies contain possible seeds of compromise. For example, their model of continental submersion after the Flood is problematic. Because the Recolonisers accept the geological column, and because the Middle East has a great deal of what is called Cretaceous rock, it follows that the Middle East would need to be submerged after the Flood, at the very time of the Tower of Babel events in Genesis 11. This has led some of the Recolonisers to speculate that the Ark actually landed in Africa, and therefore that continent was the host to the events of Genesis 11 and 12. This would seem to be a very weak position exegetically and historically. It is such exegetical weaknesses that led Professor Andy McIntosh and his colleagues to comment: ‘Their science is driving their interpretation of Scripture, and not the other way round.’16

Monty White and Paul S. Taylor, answers in genesis 7 Comments [6/27/2015 3:39:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 110055

The sheer stupidity in the way people are reacting to the Charleston Shooting is making me want to set myself on fire. Yeah, let’s put all the attention and focus on the Confederate flag because clearly it was the flag that caused the shooter to kill those people! No. We don’t need to get rid of the confederate flag. What we need to do is put Jesus into people’s hearts! This shooting is the perfect example of what someone can do when they don’t love Jesus! It’s exactly why Isis does what they do! And banning guns is not the answer either! Newsflash: if someone wants a gun, they will find a way to get one. Banning them does nothing to stop it. Also do you really think a person who wants to kill people is gonna stop if he can’t find a gun? No! There are a million other ways to kill people without guns! Deadly weapons existed long before guns were invented. Idiots.

Gracie, Daughter of God, Christian Soldier. 43 Comments [6/26/2015 3:29:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 110054

Research online and you'll find substantial documentation that the Biblical cities of Sodom and four other cities which God destroyed by fire and brimstone (sulphur) have been discovered. You can see where the cities once stood. The soil has been tested by a laboratory in New Zealand, found to be 95-98% pure sulphur. Ordinarily sulphur is only found in nature at 30-40% purity. Only extreme temperatures of 5,000-6,000 degrees Fahrenheit can purify sulphur. This is solid evidence that the Bible is true.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 29 Comments [6/26/2015 3:28:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 110049

Dylan Roof didn’t shoot up the church because he was white and they were black. He did it because he didn’t have Jesus in his heart and soul. It’s the same reason ISIS does what they do.

Gracie, Daughter of God, Christian Soldier. 31 Comments [6/26/2015 3:26:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 110047

Top 10 Causes of Sleep Paralysis

1.) The most common causes of sleep paralysis we have dealt with is people that have in some way been involved with various levels, even very light level occult practices. Things such as Ouiji boards, tarot cards, most types of meditation, spirit channeling, even obsessive research about the occult and/or UFO's can be an open doorway for some people.

Generally, the deeper the person goes into the occult the more doors they open, and the more authority the demons gain over them, which can lead to severe physical attacks and even abductions in some cases.

It is important to realize that the demons gain more authority over you the deeper you go, the more you "embrace" the experience. That is, they have a keen interest in a person becoming more active in the occult.

2.) Another cause is some form of a generational "doorway" that has been opened for the person, usually by a parent or grandparent. Most often when a grandfather had been involved in high level Masonic rituals. This can also happen if parents or grandparents were involved in the occult on some level. This is usually the issue with people who have had sleep paralysis since they were very young.

3.) Another, rarer possibility is that there is a highly demonized object in the room. This can be crystals, books, or statues. Really just about anything can be demonized, even if the person attaching the demonic presence thinks they are only attaching "energy" or something else. As I said it is more rare, but still is possible. Deut. 7:25-26, Joshua 7:1, 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, Deuteronomy 32:17, Leviticus 17:7

4.) Severe anger can also be a cause. Ephesians 4:26 says: In your anger do not sin, Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

5.) If a significant other or spouse has some level of demonic possession, sexual intercourse can transfer sleep paralysis from one person to another.

6.) People have reported that watching horror movies to an extreme extent can lead to SP.

7.) Sexual immorality and masturbation leads to sleep paralysis. Click the link for further info on sexual spirits http://www.demonbuster.com/incubus.html

8.) There are very rare cases where, usually Satanists, either in a group or by themselves, have reported using astral travel to enter into the room of certain people at night (usually for sexual purposes.) This can cause similar symptoms of sleep paralysis but usually this should be obvious that it is a human, and not just an evil spirit pretending to be a human.

9.) Drugs of many types can cause sleep paralysis. Especially the harder types.

10.) It seems that certain people have different "thresholds" as to when they get, or how severe sleep paralysis is for them when they get it. For example, almost everyone that participates in severe occult practices experience it, but there are some people who only need to read about occult practices or UFO's or some other thing before it begins with them. The same is true with certain types of immorality it seems that it is more about the persons heart rather than the severity of the offense.

unknown, sleep paralysis.org 21 Comments [6/26/2015 3:25:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 110046

The definition of godly humility is a sincere revulsion for anyone other than God to be glorified. Humility is for humans. Glory hogging, boasting, and soaking up the admiration of others are for Gods. Our Creators are all about exalting Themselves, and Jesus wasn’t shy about flaunting His flawless devotion to Yahweh or showcasing His own awesomeness as a second God. For every time we find Jesus saying that He’s acting under Yahweh’s Authority, we find plenty of other times where He leaves Yahweh out of it and just exalts Himself. When speaking of eternal judgment, Jesus often only describes Himself as the One deciding who gets to come into Heaven and who will be thrown into Hell. When Jesus rolls out the visions in Revelation to John, He is the main Star of that show and He soaks up all kinds of accolades as He dazzles John in several different supernatural forms. So let’s not buy into these ridiculous theories that Jesus was some sweet talking pushover who just sat around blessing little children. In reality there are hardly any accounts of Jesus interacting with children in the Gospels. If our artwork about Jesus was more accurate, we’d have a lot less paintings of Him holding children in His lap and a lot more paintings of Him telling off some crowd of fuming Pharisees.

Jesus was a sharp tongued Rebel who modeled for us that serving our Gods will sometimes have nothing to do with “speaking the truth in love”. It is submission that Jesus demands from us—the kind of submission that puts no limits on how we are willing to serve our Kings. Sometimes we’ll be called on to eat abuse as Jesus did in the hands of His captors. But other times we’ll be told to go in and start fights. When Isaiah and Jeremiah stood on street corners shouting out offensive messages, they were being peace destroyers, not peacemakers. Before we can properly imitate Christ, we need to take an honest look at the model that Christ gave us. He modeled unconditional obedience and total submission to Yahweh. 

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 24 Comments [6/26/2015 3:24:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 110045

In our post Voices in Your Mind, we explained that many of the thoughts in your mind don’t originate from you. We also explained that the thoughts that do actually come from you are your brain’s attempt to translate portions of what your soul has already said. Because your soul doesn’t use a verbal language to communicate, much of what it says simply can’t be put into words. For this reason, and because your soul is simply too hard to keep up with, your brain only translates a small portion of your soul’s thoughts into verbal words in your mind.

Now for those of you who want to delve deeper into this concept of sorting out soul from brain, there’s a handy little exercise we can run through to help you learn how to identify the voice of your soul. As we say continuously throughout this site, your soul and your earthsuit each have a will of their own, and those wills often conflict with each other. Your brain is part of your earthsuit, so when you listen to the thoughts in your head, it’s like you’re hearing a delayed broadcast of yourself.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 22 Comments [6/26/2015 3:24:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 110043

Why Men are Gay..?

Several years ago I wanted to figure out the answer to this question. Conservative Christians say they chose to be gay and it's an act of sin, as if the devil temps them. Gays and Liberals will say they're born that way, it's in their DNA.
Neither of those really made any sense as I thought about it more. So I decided to research.

Over the next few years I was able to befriend a few gay men. You know what I discovered from talking to them? All of them had been molested/had a sexual experience with another male as a kid. One of the gays even told me how all of his gay friends had also been molested. Now the answer became pretty obvious.

I'm sure their are some men that were molested/had a sexual experience with a male as a child and still turned out straight. I think the severity of it has a lot to do with it. But it seems that if a male has their first sexual experiences with another male they'll them associate sex as something you do with a male. I also believe that many of the really girly gays you see where severely molested as a child (treated like a women sexually).

This obviously has many neg. physiological effects on the male child. Notice how most gay men had emotional issues, most suffer from depression.

I personally don't hate gays. I feel kinda bad for them. They obviously had mental and emotional trauma as a child a child and most need a lot of physiological help.

If we were able to create a White nation I would have no problem with gays having their own city away from the main population. They can be gay as long as they don't promote their lifestyle or raise children. They could also visit other cities and travel freely as long as they don't make it obvious they're gay.

They way I see it is gays would also benefit a lot from a White nationalist society. Look how gays are treated in none White countries like the Middle East or Africa? They're killed.

AmericaFree, Stormfront.com 33 Comments [6/26/2015 3:24:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 110041

It`s the same-sex marriage crowd that wants to pretend the sexes of individuals in a sexual relationship are incidental and irrelevant.

This is not the case as the sex part of a sexual relationship is a biological function that requires one penis and one vagina.

It is no coincidence that our marriage laws reflect that same one penis and one vagina requirement.

When marriage laws were written, no consideration was given to any relationships except the sort that lead to the creation of biologically related family units.

The states wanted to make sure married individuals used their respective penises ands vaginas responsibly.

The laws associated with marriage require the man`s penis only be inserted into his wife`s vagina and the woman have no other penises except her husband`s inserted into her vagina.

This was done so that the family created by normal sex between a man and a woman would have a legal identity and the innocent parties within the family would be protected from an unfaithful marriage partner.

Now comes the same-sex marriage crowd claiming they have been left out of something that was never intended for any partnerships except those involving one man and one woman.

Yes, you have been left out because there is no reason to include you in something that doesn`t in any way pertain to you.

momonkey, City Data 29 Comments [6/26/2015 3:24:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: ScrappyB

Quote# 110040

On the Fourth of July in 2012 I was arrested, jailed and charged with criminal incitement because of my no-nonsense approach to men's rights. I have stated bluntly that cops are our enemies and I hate their guts. I have said in no uncertain terms that I wish them the worst, making it clear that I morally support violent activism against cops, for revenge and more importantly with the aim of influencing legislators to reverse feminist sex law reforms. Make no mistake, the gender war is a civil war where it all comes down to sex laws such as the definition of rape, age of consent, child porn laws, sexual harassment laws, grooming laws, criminalization of the purchase of sex and so on, and law enforcement is our actual enemy in the real world.

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge's Blog 47 Comments [6/25/2015 2:56:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 33

Quote# 110033

When you think of the Care Bears, do you think of them as nothing more than annoying characters in an overly preachy children’s cartoon? Or do you find them vaguely unsettling, perhaps because your inner eye can sense some of the truth behind these chubby brightly colored ‘friends’ – the truth of Voodoo masquerading as children’s entertainment.

dave nalle, blog cricts 38 Comments [6/25/2015 2:52:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 27

Quote# 110029

Why so hot?
In the PNW (Pacific NorthWest) it is going to heat up this weekend. 100 on Saturday and 95 on Sunday. June used to be still rainy with the occasional sunny and 75 degree day. Not the scorcher it is going to be this weekend!

I really think as the time draws closer to the Lord's return, and the birth pangs get closer and closer together, the earths climate will change. We have already seen it. With massive snowfall in the east, devastating flooding in the midwest & south. And a drought in California and neighboring states.

cjbo12332, Rapture Ready 34 Comments [6/25/2015 2:51:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: documentingtehcrazy

Quote# 110028

The Only Comment On The Accused Church Shooter’s Facebook Page Is Astonishing.[1]

Dylann Storm killed 9 people in a church. Like many atheists, he was a loner. Was he an atheist?

Conservative, Conservapedia 33 Comments [6/25/2015 2:43:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 110022

Charity is splendid, but what does it profit a man if you feed and cloth him back to health and then allow that soul to perish into Hell for all eternity??? No meal should ever be served without a gospel presentation. No charity should ever be given to any organization that does not focus primarily on preaching the gospel.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 30 Comments [6/25/2015 2:39:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 110021

The Islamic State has announced a Quran memorising competition this Ramadan, and is reportedly offering a sex slave as the top prize for the winner.

Isis has brutalised hundreds of Yazidi women, who have been sold as sex slaves among the jihadists, and this comes as yet another instance of Isis' savage treatment of these women.

The poster for the Quran competition being held in Syria appeared on social media, in which the terror group has listed 'Sabaya', which means female sex slaves as a prize for the winner.

Rita Katz, head of the SITE Intel group, a watchdog of online jihadist activities, tweeted a picture of the Isis poster announcing the Quran competition.

The Islamic State has also promised cash prizes of up to 100 000 Syrian currency for other winners of the Quran competition, Daily Mail reported.

Islamic State, International Business Times 21 Comments [6/25/2015 2:37:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 110020

(referring to evolution as a "religion")

Too bad your religion is based on faith and not true science as you wish it to be.
"how do we know the age of the geologic layer? By the fossils in it. How do we know the age of the fossils? Duh, by what layer they're in!"

Oboehner, Christian News Network 17 Comments [6/25/2015 2:37:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 110018

The new born conceived through the product of rape is not at fault for that rape, and killing him/her will not change or lessen the pain a woman feels after being raped

[[How many rape victims have you conversed with to acquire this statement? I just want to know where you're getting your information, you know, besides your own heavily religious influenced opinions.]]

Absolutely no where and with minimal religious influence. Maybe I'm wrong. In which case, the mother would have serious mental health issues if killing her baby makes her feel better about herself after being raped. She lost all her power during the incident, and now wants to gain it back. Extreme I know, but it's one potential example of why a mother wouldn't want to conceive a child through rape. The idea that a mother would look down at her belly and call it "a dirty little c***" or something is rather sick too(another extreme example, because quite frankly I couldn't think of any other scenerio where a mother would want this.)

Enlighten me? After all, that's why I'm here.

p.s. I'm completely against rape, so I'm not trying to come off as insensitive about the issue.

EDIT: Well, it's a memory I guess. A constant reminder... In which case, it's still sick. If someone would rather their kid dead then to be reminded of a single bad occasion...

With that in mind, I don't need to get my information first hand off a rape victim to know what I said is true. It's either true or there are some extremely selfish/confused women in the world. Of course, that's a matter of perspective (almost certainly a minority opinion.)

I just think of it this way. Let's say a mother finds out her 5 year old was actually conceived from the rape that occured 5 years ago rather than the partner she originally thought it belonged to. Would she love him/her any less? Would it be okay to kill that child? Would it make her feel better? Short and simple answer, no! If this is true, then surely the same applies to unborn babies.

F4LL3N, The Escapist 19 Comments [6/25/2015 2:35:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 110016

Will Female hypergamy lead to the extinction of the Liberal gene?

The media (Jews and queers) constantly promote the message that White males should be sensitive, effeminate, meterosexual, etc. if they want beautiful women. But in reality, women desire masculine driven alpha males. This is a biological drive. An alpha male will give them alpha male sons who will then go out and spread their genes.

The result of these mixed messages (men emasculating themselves to fit cultural ideals and women desiring the total opposite) is that many White males - especially of this emasculated type, are now involuntary celibate, therefore, they have little chance to procreate.

Compounding this mating pressure is that due to the mechanization of society women no longer need men for security or wealth. This means that they have all the choice in terms of mates and who they procreate with and they will always choose an alpha male.

So, the White population will dwindle, but R selection and sexual selection is taking place. The weak and defective (males) are not procreating and the weak women are misceginating. The White people of the future will be marginally superior to the Whites today. The point being, we need a generation of DaVinci's, Tesla's, Newton's, etc. if we hope to survive and nature may just be working in our favor.


Europaeus, Stormfront.com 25 Comments [6/25/2015 2:34:46 AM]
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