Quote# 110765

The United Church of Christ (UCC) bills itself as "the church where God is still speaking." Apparently, God's Word is falling on deaf ears of the leadership.

The UCC, which considers itself a mainline Protestant denomination—claiming over 1 million members and about 5,200 congregations in the U.S.—proudly announced it will serve as a major sponsor of the Gay Games. The UCC will now go down in Christian history as the first major denomination to sponsor the homosexual Olympics when the games roll into Cleveland, Ohio, in August.

I guess my jaw shouldn't have dropped when I read the news, considering the UCC in April filed a gay marriage rights lawsuit in North Carolina. But not only did my jaw drop, I'm shaking my head. J. Bennett Guess, one of the UCC's national officers and its first openly gay church executive, calls it a social justice issue and says the denomination prides itself on "being a bold voice for progressive Christianity."

In case you aren't familiar with what the term "progressive Christianity" really means, let's take a moment to define it. Progressive Christianity has a strong focus on social justice and environmentalism. Progressive Christianity focuses on concepts like "collective salvation"—where entire cultures and societies, rather than just individuals with faith in Christ, are redeemed—and bends toward a Marxist economic philosophy. And Progressive Christianity does not subscribe to the biblical doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture.

That last line explains a lot. For example, it explains why the UCC was the first mainline denomination to affirm equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. It explains why the UCC was the first to ordain an openly gay man. And, overall, it explains why the UCC has fallen into the deception of sponsoring events that celebrate LGBT people instead of trying to love them to Christ.

But even denominations that don't consider themselves part of the Progressive Christianity movement are falling into this deception. The Presbyterian Church (USA) last week voted to allow its ministers to perform gay weddings in states where it's legal. On Tuesday, Methodist Pastor Frank Schaefer, who was defrocked for officiating his son's gay wedding, was fully reinstated and the Moravians voted to ordain gay clergy. My research shows there's a long and growing list of gay-affirming denominations, including the Affirming Pentecostal Church International.

Saints, we're seeing 1 Timothy 4:1 playing out right before our very eyes. It's called the Great Apostasy and it's well underway. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..."

Back in 2012, I wrote an article titled, "Is the Great Falling Away Already Underway?" In it, I explained that some have indeed departed from the faith because they have engaged with deceiving spirits and embraced doctrines of demons. We've witnessed more than one man of God with a major ministry platform bow a knee to doctrines like universalism, deceiving and being deceived with this deadly heresy. Despite many in the church lifting their voice against heretical teachings, these deceived ministers hold fast to their demonic doctrine.

In the article, I show other examples. I would not have imagined that 18 months later I would have an overflowing list of new ones. That's why I am praying for a third Great Awakening. I am committed to crying out to God to see a cultural transformation—a spiritual revolution.

Although the Great Falling Away is going to happen because it's prophesied in Scripture, I am contending for a revival—a Great Awakening—that will sweep through the nation and cause people to turn back to God. I will not give up. The arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear (Is. 59:1).

Before each of the last Great Awakenings, people of God thought it was hopeless—and they didn't see the half of what we're seeing. But I am convinced God wants to turn this around—and I am convinced God can turn this around. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). A Great Awakening is our only hope for this nation. Will you join me in praying for another Great Awakening?

Jennifer LeClaire, Charisma News 16 Comments [7/14/2015 3:07:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 110763

The Learning Channel has approved the series I Am Jazz, which is about a young teenager who was born a boy and has transgendered to a girl since the age of two years old. The parents supported this decision instead of giving guidance to the confused child. Professional help would now be needed because it is a psychological issue. One Million Moms (1MM) knows God doesn't make mistakes.

Previews have already begun airing, and the show will premiere this summer on July 15 at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT. Keep in mind that the promos for this program air much earlier in the evening.

The show is attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle and make it appear OK while using a young cast member to lure a young audience. This docu-series is about the real life of a young person and that will attract young viewers to watch.

As this was not enough, Jazz and family wrote a children's book, also titled I Am Jazz. The graphics on the cover and throughout the book are of an elementary age child to appeal to young children. The book states that the child Jazz has "a girl's brain in a boy's body."

1MM thought a warning should be sent out, not only for the television program, but also for the book that is sold in bookstores and online. The proceeds of the book go to the family's foundation to promote the transgender lifestyle to children in an attempt to normalize it. The family also hopes for the book to make it into public elementary schools.

Obviously, TLC is attempting to desensitize America's youth by airing programs starring teens. This alone will entice kids to watch.

Please use the information we have provided to contact TLC (owned by Discovery Communications) concerning I Am Jazz and strongly encourage TLC to drop all plans to air this program.

Let TLC know you and your family will not be watching I Am Jazz or anything else on the network in order to avoid seeing the previews for this new show.

Let them also know you are prepared to join thousands of other voices in urging advertisers to place the program on their "do not advertise" list.

Monica Cole, Charisma News 29 Comments [7/14/2015 3:06:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 110757

As everyone knows, on June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___(2015). At issue was whether “marriages” between gay couples would be recognized legally. By a narrow majority, the Court found that homosexual marriages were in fact a “fundamental right” worthy of societal acceptance.

The concluding paragraph of the majority decision rose to a disturbing level of opaque sentimentality. Inappropriately condescending to identify emotionally with one of the litigants, the Court issued this maudlin pronunciamento:

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

And that was it. With one stroke of the pen, the Court found fit to overturn the definition of marriage (as a union between man and woman) that had attended humanity for thousands of years. The arrogance and presumption of the opinion was truly breathtaking. To understand why Obergefell was wrongly decided, we must do something the Court studiously avoided doing: we must trace the experience of history.
Historical Background

As an institution, marriage indeed appears to predate man. Biologists tell us that in certain bird species, males and females will live together for long periods. Gorillas and orangutans live together as males and females, with their offspring, in familial units.

Among humans, marriage has had a long and variable history among different cultures. Anthropologists tell us that among many primitive tribes (e.g., the Yakuts of Siberia, the Orang Sakai of Malacca, and certain Tibetan peoples) the marriage union could be freely terminated by either man or woman at any time.

In old Tibet, we even find “mass marriages” between groups of males and females, unifying collectively at once. Polygamy has seen institutional acceptance in some Middle Eastern societies, within certain boundaries and limitations.


The modern conception of marriage, as between man and woman, apparently arose to address a number of social needs: (1) care and rearing of the young; (2) the need to regulate sexual activity within acceptable bounds, so as to prevent social disorder; and (3) the need to pass on property to one’s kin in an ordered fashion. These practices predate history. We can conclude that marriage as the union of man and woman has existed for tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of years.

Always, the union of marriage has been defined as the relationship between a man and a woman. As we survey the peoples of the globe, we cannot find one single society, primitive or modern, in which marriage was ever accepted as a union between man and man, or woman and woman. It simply has never existed. We do not find gay marriage historically among Europeans, Asians, Africans, American Indians, Polynesians, or native Australians.

Social institutions develop in response to the needs of humanity. Those institutions that stand the test of time do so for a very good reason: they have served as a net benefit for social order.

This is not to say, of course, that homosexuality has not existed since the dawn of history. Without doubt it has. Whether through environment or genetics, or a combination of both (the question is not one I am qualified to answer), some humans find satisfaction in what may be called “sexual inversion”: that is, the inverting of sexual desire from the opposite gender, to one’s own gender.


But even though homosexuality has existed in every society, it has always been confined within specific limits. It was never permitted to gain official sanction as actual “marriage” co-equal to a normal marriage between a man and woman.

Proponents of gay marriage like to toss around historical “examples” of institutionalized homosexuality in history as somehow supporting their arguments. History does not support their argument.

Homosexuality was tolerated, for example, in the classical world, as well as in ancient China, India, and Persia. It also makes its appearance in the medieval period in nearly every civilization on record. But it was permitted to go only so far, and no further. This makes all the difference.

Among the ancient Greeks, we find an acceptance of the practice in all the major city-states; it was not stigmatized, but at the same time, the thought of two men living together as “husband” and “wife” would have been unthinkable. Aristotle himself puzzled at the practice’s ubiquity; he believed it was a social defense against overpopulation.

More likely it was an outgrowth of the strict segregation of the genders in Greek society, where both men and women spent most of their time with their own genders.

In any case, the point here is that we must distinguish between homosexuality as a practice, and homosexual marriage as an officially-sanctioned institution. The former has a long lineage; the later has never existed in history. In the classical world, the attitude towards homosexuality was generally this: it was accepted as a fact of life, and as long as its practitioners did not proselytize their views or threaten the established social order, they were generally tolerated.

Again, the point needs to be made here—which was lost on the Obergefell majority—that there has not been a single society, ancient, medieval, or modern, that has extended the definition of “marriage” to mean a union between two men or two women.

This is the fact that proponents of gay marriage have no answer for. They have no answer because there is no answer. If a social institution—marriage—has been defined for countless thousands of years as between two different genders, then this fact carries authority. It cannot be brushed aside. We cannot say that we, in the past fifteen years, have suddenly gained a greater insight and wisdom into human nature than all the generations before us.

Same-sex marriage

It is characteristic of the feebleness of gay marriage proponents that they refuse to respond to this fact. When pressed on why they think gay marriage is appropriate, their answers are always a version of these arguments:

1. “It doesn’t matter anyway, because marriage itself is a ruined institution.” This is not a meaningful answer. One does not refute a flawed proposition (gay marriage) by stating that the object of that proposition (marriage) is a ruined thing. Despite all its flaws and abuses, marriage remains what it always has been: the cornerstone of social order.

2. “They have a right to be happy.” Civil unions could have given homosexual couples nearly everything they claim to have wanted. Yet it was not enough; they wanted to become co-equal with traditional marriages. One cannot get everything one wants in life; the hard reality of life is that some behaviors are socially acceptable, and some will remain only acceptable within certain boundaries.

The Court’s ruling will not be used as an invitation to further test the boundaries of acceptable conduct. The Court’s decision claims that religious institutions need not fear they will be forced to perform homosexual marriages; yet it is difficult to see exactly how this can be squared with their ruling.


The Obergefell decision undermines the status of both men and women. It denigrates the roles each of them play in a traditional marriage, and presumes to assert that two men can act as husband and “wife,” and that two women can behave as “husband” and wife. The indoctrination will now commence with greater intensity in the schools, the media, and in other spheres of social activity. Dissenters will be marginalized, and then penalized.
The Real Winners

One wonders how the collective experience of many thousands of years could be consigned to the trash bin so easily. The answers are there, but are deeply unsettling. The reality is that those who hold the levers of power do not really care about homosexuals. They care, in truth, very little about the “rights” of the gay community. Gays are being manipulated and used by the power structure, which has its own agenda.

What is this agenda? Control. The power elites want to see the traditional institutions of society neutered. They want to see the educational system shaped to serve their needs; they want the curricula dumbed down to accommodate the needs of the compliant masses. They want traditional morality (as espoused by religions) undermined, as it stands in the way of creating the perfect consumer zombies that they love so much.

When the social bonds which preserve order become frayed, the state is forced to step in and impose its own rules. In this way creeping authoritarianism moves forward, slowly but steadily, under the guise of liberation and empowerment.

And finally, they want to see the family unit, with the roles and authorities of the father and mother, neutered. They want the real mother and father to be them, the state. Marriage has now become meaningless with the Obergefell decision. By undermining marriage, they enhance their own power over their consumer-driven citizens, and replace themselves as every citizen’s surrogate parent.

They gay community thought it won a big victory with Obergefell, but they lost along with the rest of us. It will turn out to be a hollow victory. Authoritarianism is laughing. Obergefell opened the door to yet more government intrusion into the personal lives of individuals and families; for when the family unit is weakened, only the state wins.

The gay community got played. They got used. They just don’t know it yet.

Quintus Curtius, Return of Kings 20 Comments [7/14/2015 3:01:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 110755

Due to the fact that the 1,000+ year-long history of the Roman Empire has been purposely hidden in the collective histories of the Island of Crete, Ancient Sumer, Ancient Greece, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome, Britannia and the Vikings, the comprehensive history of the Roman Empire is far greater and far more reaching than what modern historical accounts dictate (i.e., Wikipedia's "Timeline of Ancient Rome" and "Timeline of Rome History"). Despite this historical deception, the B.C. era of Roman history appears to be generally correct in respect to major dates. It wasn't until the discovery of Greenland and the subsequent changing of the Julian calendar (B.C.) to the Gregorian calendar (A.D.) and the addition of 1,300 years (i.e., commonly referred to as the "Dark Ages" for they never saw the light of day) that major inconsistencies are detected.

The Dark Ages
The time period commonly referred to as the “Dark Ages” was literally and figuratively dark because it never existed in reality. The reason being that after the alleged Fall of the Roman Empire, a total of 1,300 years were added to the modern Gregorian calendar, representing the 13 Bloodlines of Rome. This was done in order to hide Rome’s secret move to Greenland by deceiving the world into thinking the Roman Empire was far older than it actually was, making the likelihood of its demise seem all the more plausible. Once in Greenland, the Roman Empire used Roman Britain (i.e., Britannia) and the subsequent British Empire to whitewash their military presence and domination around the world. By speaking the same language of English and wearing the same military uniforms (i.e., “red coats”), the Roman Empire was effectively able to hide their empire. This notion is evident in the war flag of the Holy Roman Empire which features the same design and color as the flag of England.

Timeline of Rome:

c. 900 B.C. — 630 B.C. Cretan Renaissance
753 B.C. RomanKingdom Formed
509 B.C. Roman Republic Formed
027 B.C. Roman Empire Formed
027 B.C. Augustus Becomes 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire
027 B.C. Praetorian Guard Formed
027 B.C. Pax Romana (Begins)
009 B.C. Switzerland Formed
000 A.D. Anno Domani (Atlantis Founded in Greenland) (New World/New Date)
056 A.D. Basel (Babel) Earthquake
180 A.D. Pax Romana (Ends)
211 A.D. Roman Emperor Severus Poisoned – Roman Balk (Fake) Completed
330 A.D. Rome Moves Capital to Constantinople
715 A.D. Current Year (2015)

*After 000 A.D., 1,300 years were added to the Gregorian calendar

David Chase Taylor, Greenland Theory 24 Comments [7/13/2015 4:44:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 110747

On June 30, 2015, a surprise blood moon appeared in the sky, that was only seen in the United States.

According to the National Weather Service, large wildfires in Canada have been burning. Due to extremely high winds, smoke from these fires have traveled into the United States.

According to NBC-Chattanooga, “the smoke should remain in the higher atmosphere and not affect air quality, it gives the moon and sun a rosy glow.

Here’s what causes the effect:

As light from the moon or sun enters the atmosphere it gets scattered by particles like water, aerosols, and in this case smoke. Green, blue, and purple colors are sent in all directions but colors with longer wavelengths like red, orange and yellow continue through the atmosphere and remain visible to the human eye.”

This ironically occurred right after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize homosexual marriage nationally.

Many Christians believe that blood moons are God’s way of warning His people of persecution, hardships or major events that have occurred or are to come. This is based upon scientific evidence that every time a blood moon has been seen universally in the sky, a major event has/will occur (in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is a negative event). You can read more about it here.

The timing of this blood moon that displayed right after the Supreme Court’s decision to redefine God’s definition of marriage is almost prophetic.

Caiden Cowger, Cowger Nation 52 Comments [7/13/2015 2:56:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110743

There are several genuine believers that I know who were led to the Lord through the ministry of Rev. Billy Graham. Should this serve as fire insurance for a man who is living a double life, and acting as the forerunner for the one world religion?

Rev. Billy Graham is a puppet of Rome, and he's a Luciferian. He has been instrumental in creating the ecumenical Emergent church, and many of the ecumenical Christian colleges and organizations functioning today. Other than his Roman Catholic and New Age beliefs, what are one his other key doctrinal beliefs? The Pretribulation Rapture - a doctrine deliberately created so Christians would believe the Scriptures say that the Lord Jesus Christ will return before Antichrist. Freemasonry, the United Nations, and the Theosophical Society have been working together to usher in the New Age/Masonic Christ - and Rev. Graham has been a willing participant. No matter what he says publicly, or the fact that he's won many to the Lord. Billy Graham is not the man he presents himself to be - and neither are the people who associate with him.

Fanatic for Jesus, Fanatic for Jesus 17 Comments [7/13/2015 2:54:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 110740

[Links in original - Bolding mine]

Authorities are seeking to extradite Malka Leifer from Israel. But she has made it clear to family and friends that she will do everything she can to avoid ever facing her accusers. And she has the support of leaders of an ultra-orthodox community harbouring her in Israel and who say she has done nothing wrong.

The mother of eight has been accused of molesting a string of girls, including three sisters, while principal at Adass Israel School in Elsternwick.

Two of them, suing Ms Leifer and the school, told the Supreme Court in May she explained the abuse as preparation for marriage.

One said she had been too fearful to complain because of Ms Leifer’s power in the ultraorthodox community.

It is understood Ms Leifer could face dozens of charges of indecent assault and rape if she ever returns to Melbourne. She fled in March 2008, with the help of school officials, hours after the school committee learned of the accusations.

Ms Leifer was arrested in September, pending extradition hearings. She was under house arrest: reportedly, at first in Migdal HaEmek (about an hour north of Emmanuel, where she had lived), and then in Bnei Brak, an ultra-orthodox city near Tel Aviv.

Emmanuel [chief] rabbi Yitzhak Meir Bar Lev said the senior rabbi had instructed locals to accept the family.

Molesting a child was no less than murder and should be reported, but his “sources” told him the charges fell short of serious misconduct, he said.

“If the allegations are true, it was only because she was trying to bring these girls in, trying to prevent them from destroying their lives (by leaving ultra-orthodoxy),” he said.

“The girls’ behaviour had passed the point where they could have been ‘saved’ with mere words,” he said.

“Perhaps that wasn’t the right method to choose; there is a very thin line between ‘kosher’ and ‘non-kosher’ educational methods.

"But I can tell you her actions were only motivated by a positive educational precept.

“She was right to try to bring them in — they’d crossed a lot of borders in the other direction. She had only the best intentions,”
the rabbi said.

Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Bar Lev, Failed Messiah 28 Comments [7/13/2015 2:51:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 110739

Does the US Need a Nationwide Exorcism?

In light of the spiritual housecleaning in Mexico in May, clergy weigh the efficacy of exorcising an entire geographic area.

Can — or should — an exorcism be done for the United States, as was done in Mexico this past May?

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, performed the rite, together with priests from across Mexico, at the Cathedral of San Luis Potosí in a closed-door ceremony. The purpose: to drive away the evil responsible for skyrocketing violence, abortion and drugs in that predominantly-Catholic nation.

Such “exorcisms … have helped bring awareness that there is such a thing as sin influenced by Satan,” said Msgr. John Esseff, a priest for 62 years in the Diocese of Scranton, Pa., and an exorcist for more than 35 years.

“The devil has much to do with [influencing people in] breaking the law of God,” he said.

But an exorcism over the United States is unlikely, according to Msgr. Esseff.

Instead, he said such action can be done diocese by diocese, and he encourages each bishop to do so. “Every bishop is the chief exorcist of his own diocese,” Msgr. Esseff said. “Anytime anyone with the authority uses his power against Satan, that is powerful. Every priest and bishop has that power.”

During the exorcism of a diocese, Msgr. Esseff explained that the bishop calls on the power of Jesus over every court, every single institution, every individual and every family. “The whole country would have such
power if bishops would exorcise their dioceses.”

In 2013, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., performed a minor exorcism at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield in response to the governor’s signing same-sex “marriage” into law on that day.

The bishop explained that the minor exorcism, which takes place at every baptism and confirmation, is a ceremony to renounce Satan. (A major exorcism is directed at the expulsion of demons or to the liberation of a possessed person.) He said the prayer service was “not meant to demonize anyone,” but was “intended to call attention to the diabolical influences of the devil that have penetrated our culture.”

‘As Faith Diminishes, Superstition Increases’

Father Gary Thomas, pastor at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Saratoga, Calif., and the exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, said he has seen notable improvements after exorcising homes and when he re-dedicated a church.

However, he is cautious about the idea of exorcising an entire country.

“I’m not really sure about the efficaciousness of that,” he said. “I think there are too many implications we cannot back up if we start saying we are going to exorcise a country.” He also cautioned against making a public announcement when exorcising a geographic area because there is usually backlash in the form of skepticism and ridicule.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad idea — just that, if it’s done, it should be done quietly.”

According to Father Thomas, demonic activity has been increasing in the United States because people are choosing to be dissuaded away from God and opening portals such as New Age and witchcraft that are gateways to the demonic. “When faith becomes thin and Satan and agents of Satan move in, there are going to be effects,” he said.

“It was Pope Benedict XVI who said that as faith diminishes, superstition increases.”

Father Mike Driscoll, chaplain of St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Ottawa, Ill., and author of the new book Demons, Deliverance, and Discernment, explained that, in addition to possession, demons can infest a place or thing.

“The average Joe reading this might think, ‘Oh, there must be a bunch of people possessed who need to be exorcised,’” said Father Driscoll, who is a licensed counselor.

“But part of the exorcism ritual is casting out evil spirits, and it includes a blessing for protection of a place.” He said that when demons are driven out, it may not have obvious results to everyone, but it gives God more authority, and priests and laypeople are fortified.

Territorial Battlefield

Father Patrick (not his real name) is a parish priest and also an exorcist for his U.S. diocese. He said that there are differences when exorcising a place rather than a person.

“With a person, an exorcist investigates to identify the true nature of the problems,” he said. “With a place, the exorcist looks at a territorial battlefield where good angels have lost their authority because power has been given over to demons through rejection of God’s authority.”

According to him, exorcising a place is done to re-establish God’s authority. “We want to shift superiority over an area to the angels, but there is still the ground level [response] that needs all the priests to engage in battle too.”

Father Patrick said that he has seen holy priests turn their parishes around when the angels were called upon and God was given authority.

Ultimately, Father Thomas said the battle is fought in each person, since God doesn’t interfere in free will. “If people are not invoking the angelic, they fall away from the faith and live secular lives,” Father Thomas said. “Then what is the optic they [use to] judge how they act?”

Msgr. Esseff also stressed the power of prayer to discern and lead holy lives among laypeople.

“In families, there’s nothing like a parent in prayer. The mother and father should claim their children for Jesus, and they will not lose them.”

He also said people should remember that Jesus said that if two on three agree in prayer, it will be done in heaven (Matthew 8:16): “People do not need to fear, but to trust and respond to God’s love.”

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Msgr John Esseff, Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Father Gary Thomas, Father Mike Driscoll, & Father Patrick, National Catholic Register 22 Comments [7/13/2015 2:51:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 110737

When tracing ancestry, whoever you stop at is usually the person you want to emphasize your relationship with. Matthew stops his list with Abraham, who is often called “the father of the Jews”. Luke stops his list with God Himself. But no matter how far back these men go, they are only proving biological facts about Joseph, not his illegitimate Son. Yet because no one in the Jewish community was about to take the miraculous conception story seriously, everyone assumed Jesus was Joseph’s blood relation. And based on this erroneous assumption, Jesus was considered a descendant of Judah because that’s what Joseph was. Therefore the prophecies of Jesus’ bloodlines were fulfilled…from a certain point of view. From another point of view, they were a bunch of baloney, for Jesus had no biological human father, therefore His only earthly bloodlines were through Mary, and we get the strong feeling that she wasn’t from Judah. So if we’re going to be technically correct, Jesus was probably the Lion of some other tribe.  But no one likes that idea so our Gospel writers conspicuously avoid the topic of Jesus’ maternal bloodlines and at the same time say, “Wow, look how Yahweh fulfilled His prophecies.”  And Yahweh smiles and says, “Yep, I sure did.”  Such is the wildness of our God.

As uncomfortable as these observations make us, the day comes when we need to stop avoiding the subject of how squirrely God can be. Whenever He predicts that something specific is going to happen in the future, there’s no way to know what form that fulfillment will take unless He provides extra clarification. Many is the time some Christian has heard God promise, “I will be with you,” only to end up devastated when that promise wasn’t fulfilled the way they expected. Sometimes God fulfills His promises to us in technical truths only—He doesn’t physically abandon us, therefore He can say “I was with you.” But while He was technically by our side, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically, He left us feeling like He was a million miles away. Other times, God will make a promise that He never technically fulfills—He only seems to fulfill it based on false assumptions that people make, like this business of the Messiah being a blood descendant of David. God is wild.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 19 Comments [7/13/2015 2:51:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 110733

It was Karl Marx (1818-1883) himself, who authored the Communist Manifesto, that called for a central banking system, a heavy progressive tax and public schools as part of the Communist subversion of the United States. If Marx were alive today, he'd be delighted to see the extent to which the U.S. has become a Communist nation. The diligent student of history knows that Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was a virtual reprint of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt's blueprint for world domination. The prized American piece of literature titled, “THE CITIZEN'S RULEBOOK,” contrasts Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto to the Lord's Ten Commandments. The 10 Commandments Verses Communism.

Satan is a master deceiver. Mankind has three enemies: the flesh, the world and the Devil. I've been shocked as I study history. It is so horrifying. I watched a History channel video today about the Mexican drug cartels, and the most brutal gang in the world, known as the Mexican Mafia since the 1950's. They pride themselves in murdering anybody that crosses them or stands in their way. The country of Mexico is controlled by thug druglords. It's not uncommon to see concerned citizens hanging dead from the town's city gates, even pregnant women, murdered by the drug gangs to frighten anyone who dares to fight against them. Beheadings, poverty, drugs, rapes and torture are a way of life in Mexico. Now all that crime is coming to the United States!

Then I read last week about the Bosnian War (1992-1996). A shocking 200,000 Serbs, Muslims and Albanians were savagely murdered by each other, mostly murdered by Serbian soldiers seeking revenge. Tens-of-thousands of women, even little children, were systematically raped by Serbian soldiers day-and-night, forced to give birth to rape children. The United nations did nothing. America did nothing. In 1998 both sides of the conflict sued each other in court, which after 15 years of sifting through the horrible atrocities committed against each other, the whole matter was dismissed. They raped each other's women, murdered their neighbours and acted like complete savages.

I read a long time ago, and was shocked, about the World War II Unit 731 labs in Japan, where tens-of-thousands of Chinese were put into cages, tortured, experimented on, raped, impregnated and murdered. The Japanese did unthinkable things to their Asian neighbours. Similar insane and inhumane experiments were carried out by the Germans on prisoners during World War II.

Why do people stoop so low to treat their neighbours worse than animals? The Holy Bible tells us...

Galatians 5:19-21, “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

The answer is Christianity, the new birth through faith in Christ Jesus, which brings the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (literally, the Godhead living inside us), Who produces the fruit of the Spirit if we yield to His leading in the Word of God...

Galatians 5:22-26, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.”

It is not surprising that the heathen, Christ-rejecting, insane world, continually descends into the abyss of monstrosity and commit heinous and unfathomable crimes against each other.

I've mentioned all this to make a connection between the gay rights agenda, the indoctrination of American children with the lies of evolution, and the monstrous things that people historically have done to each other. A Nation without God is capable of anything evil. These are Communist agendas, aimed at removing every bit of faith in God from the next generation, so that the government can easily claim lordship over them. It is happening already in the United States. Every 4-years, Americans insanely look to Washington D.C. for a miracle, which never comes.

The answer is not in The White House. The answer is not in politics. The answer is not in the secularization and removal of Christianity from our society. The Communist left has succeeded in blaming fundamental Christianity for all the hatred in society today, but it's all a lie. God-haters like comedian Sarah Silverman, actress Kathy Griffin, and television host Bill Maher, blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ, instigating hatred against Christians. It is born-again Christians who help the poor, keep genuine churches going, and offer a helping hand to the homeless and suffering; while wealthy Hollywood trash give their donations to liberal organizations to keep abortion legal, fund feminist programs and disarm American citizens against a rising police state. What do Hollywood celebrities do to genuinely help others? Virtually nothing! They fund Communist United Nation's food and vaccination programs, which are laced with sterilization agents.

While Christians are busy preaching the Gospel message which brings new spiritual life through being born-again, the Devil's crowd are killing off the planet through war, genocide, abortion, sterilization, one child policies and career women! While the Holy Bible emphasizes life, the newsmedia and Hollywood emphasize death. America can never be spiritually salvaged as long as our children's lives are devoid of God's Holy Word. Godless Communism has always brought death, poverty and unhappiness. The sad history of Russia, Cambodia, Cuba and China bear witness to this horrible fact.

Without God's Holy Spirit living within the soul of a man, he is capable of any evil. Even Christians, who refuse to walk in the Spirit indwelling them, sometimes commit unthinkable crimes. We are all individuals and we each must choose to either reject or receive Christ as our personal Savior; and then we must decide as believers, whether or not to allow Jesus Christ live through us (Galatians 2:20). The world needs Jesus Christ! The problem is not that God fails to love the world (John 3:16), but that the world fails to love God (John 15:19; 7:7). END

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 15 Comments [7/13/2015 2:44:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 110730

The problem lies elsewhere, mainly in what is known as feminism. It is this, I believe, that mainly explains collapsing white birthrates. For several decades, white women have been reared in an unprecedented manner: They have been encouraged to do almost anything but marry and have children. It is extremely difficult for any society to make its young women unattractive to its own young men, but the West now appears close to succeeding (an achievement attributable, no doubt, to our high IQs).


Feminism has encouraged the erosion of traditional Christian and European standards of conduct and has replaced them with a polygamous mating pattern in which women compete for the most attractive men. This is something we see in primate packs, but even among humans, polygamous societies are nothing new, and a great deal is known about how they operate. It so happens that the most polygamous part of the world is West Africa, the ancestral homeland of America’s own black population. A look at these societies may shed light on what is happening in the West today under the influence of “women’s liberation.”


This is not a universal human pattern. On average, Africans appear to make the tradeoff between mating effort and parenting effort differently, with the result that sex assumes greater importance over a longer period of time. White writers of earlier days frequently noted the prominence of sex in the black man’s thoughts; when recalled now, these observations are cited with horror. In fact, early observers were reporting what they found, and what is still noted by professional anthropologists today.

As monogamy decays in the West, our mating system increasingly comes to resemble the more competitive African model, and with similar results. Young women devote more effort to maximizing their allure in order to snag high-status men, and men compete for status in order to attract these women. This comes at the expense of childrearing and family life.

At the same time, the feminist program of cajoling women into the workplace means they become self-supporting, as are the female farmers of West Africa. The Dilbert world of work cubicles may not resemble the farming plots of Africa, but both stand in marked contrast to the male-breadwinner tradition of the West, in which childrearing was a woman’s most important duty. Indeed, the modern workplace, optimized for risk-free, repetitious, sedentary work is probably the best environment for eliminating women’s economic dependence upon men. By the same token, it discourages the moderately large families of well-brought-up children that are the indispensable preconditions of Western Civilization. If enough women fail or refuse to marry and become mothers of such families, our way of life cannot be sustained.


The most important effect of economic autonomy upon women is that it reduces the benefits to them of monogamous marriage. They can mate as they please, in competition for the most attractive men. That is what the college “hook-up” scene is really about — it is not callous men preying upon wide-eyed virgins. Later, women use affluent men for their resources (either not marrying or marrying and then divorcing them). In any case, economic independence means they do not need a man in the same way previous generations of women did.

A second economic factor influencing female family behavior is easy consumer credit. Using a credit card is a little like providing for African children through fosterage. It shields young, present-oriented women from the need for frugality.

The American economy is fueled to a great extent by massive consumer debt. How much of this spending is by married men with children to support? Feminists complain that men continue to earn more than women, but they say little about which sex spends more. And, of course, the more time and effort women devote to careers and personal consumption, the less they have for the children they do manage to bear. The problem of “latchkey children,” raised by television sets and peer groups, was a predictable result of feminism.

To summarize, the contemporary West resembles traditional West African society in:

female economic self-support;
polygamous and unstable mating patterns;
absence of long-term planning;
low-investment parenting.


Sociobiologists speak of high-investment versus high-fertility reproductive strategies, but it is clear the contemporary West does not fall into either category. We are practicing both low fertility and low parental investment. It is uncanny how many of the “progressive” causes being pushed among us involve thwarting procreation: female careerism, unrestricted abortion, so-called safe sex, and special political protections for homosexuality. A society that makes these things its priorities can only have a death wish.


In contrast to European nationalists, American race realists have not yet had political success. When we do gain influence, we will have many more important things to worry about than mixed-race marriages or men who seek Venezuelan brides: things such as how to dismantle 50 years of “civil rights” legislation, the repatriation of millions of aliens, and ending anti-white indoctrination in our schools.

Many racially conscious whites worry about the absence of women in our ranks, but I believe they have it backwards. We do not need women on our side to succeed politically; we need to succeed politically to have women on our side. As soon as we start winning, the ladies will find our arguments plausible, our faces handsome, and our jokes witty. Direct political action by women is not part of the European tradition; respect for the vital female role in the family is. When we have done our work, they will gladly do theirs: bear our race’s children.

F. Roger Devlin, American Renaissance 20 Comments [7/12/2015 5:11:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 110726

The Bible is filled with fascinating facts, that show that God’s fingerprint is all over His Word. For example, in speaking of the sun, the psalmist says that “his going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.” For many years critics scoffed at these verses, claiming that they taught the old false doctrine of geocentricity (i.e., the sun revolves around the earth).

Scientists thought the sun was stationary. Then it was discovered in recent years that the sun is in fact moving through space at approximately 600,000 miles per hour. It is traveling through the heavens and has a “circuit” just as the Bible says. Its circuit is so large that it would take approximately 200 million years to complete one orbit. Another reason to believe… from "The Evidence Bible"

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 33 Comments [7/12/2015 5:09:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 110721

Christians never smell neutral. We can’t. Then we’re using the wrong deodorant! The we suppress the life-giving fragrance of the heavenly perfume that God poured out over us. Jesus’ smell sticks to us forever. We can’t follow Him without smelling like Him. Our Jesus-scent is our identity. But Jesus is also busy spreading this fragrance world-wide. We’re full-time spreaders of his life-giving heavenly aromas. That’s why we need to smell Jesus in those people around is who need Him. And we need to deliver his scent there. We need to pass it on. And spread it further. That’s how the good fragrance of the gospel spreads.”

Joubert, discerning the world 39 Comments [7/12/2015 5:04:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 110720

The owl is a bird that symbolises wisdom, and is associated with knowledge and the occult. It is also associated with the moon. The owl is a bird of the night and a bird of prey that is very stealth like because of it’s short feathers and has strong sharp talons used to catch it’s prey. Owls can patiently wait for the when the time is right to catch their prey. The nocturnal owl can see in the dark and can see things we can’t see. The same can be said of secret societies and it’s member; Satanists aka Illuminati are doing things in the dark and know information that is hidden from the public eye.

The demon goddess Lilith is symbolized as an owl throughout history. Few satanic orders exist today that are dedicated to serving Lilith the ‘first Mother’. There are 2 reputable organizations that use incantations and do initiations associated with Lilith, they are: the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati and the Order of Phosphorus.

Deborah, discerning the world 24 Comments [7/12/2015 5:04:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 110717

I live among muslims. I never heard muslim charity as a real charity. All charity of muslim is full of dicrimination and racism. Islamic charity means just for them, the member of islamic gengster mafia. All islamic help and charity is a fake. Smelly with full of islamic things, just for muslim. So be sure when islamic community or organization donate their money to non muslim, especially to Christians and Jews, there are some thing behind. Pretty sure It won't be a flower or smiley face with pure heart.

Benny Chen, WND 17 Comments [7/12/2015 5:04:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110714

Right-wing radio host Michael Savage yesterday blasted Oregon for a recent change in its Medicaid policy to allow coverage for transgender people who have reached the age of medical consent.

Savage, who has frequently railed against transgender individuals like Caitlyn Jenner (and apparently President Obama), said that the move was part of a broader left-wing effort to “eliminate” men.

“I bet more boys will become girls than vice versa and eventually we could become a whole country of girls and then girls will finally get equal pay,” Savage said. “That could be the whole reason behind it. It’s a ‘compassionate’ thing that the maniacs in Oregon are doing, because if they can eliminate males and the nation is all girls in let’s say 50 years, than everything will be perfect, won’t it? Because as you all know, women are better than men, minorities are better than whites. Isn’t that the liberal mantra? All minorities are better than whites. All girls are better than men.”

Michael Savage, Right Wing Watch 33 Comments [7/12/2015 3:57:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110710

Demonic spirits appear in many forms, sometimes working through false prophets, sometimes through corrupt bibles, and oftentimes through adulterous and violent scenes on TV. Every TV program has a spirit to it. Fox News is saturated with a demonic spirit of lying and misinformation. Oprah Winfrey's show is saturated with a demonic spirit of New Age and occultism. Desperate Housewives is saturated with a demonic spirit of adultery and lasciviousness. And on and on.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 25 Comments [7/12/2015 3:56:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 110703


The reason why the two holy angels went to Sodom and Gomorrah was to bring into full manifestation the spiritual depravity of those two cities! These two angels represented the holiness of the Almighty God and their very presence in Sodom triggered the homosexual impulses in the men who lived there. That's why they wanted to rape them! This is what brought swift Judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Day of Judgement is on the 17th of July 2015 - the correct Day of Pentecost! I believe that even demons know this now! That's why they're frantically inciting many Apostate Churches and Governments of Nations to vote in favour of homosexuality before that Date!

These Churches and Governments don't realize they're being set-up by the Devil to be completely destroyed in God's wrath, just like Sodom and Gomorrah!

The Countdown to Judgement Day has truly begun!!!

[link to www.timeanddate.com]

It's important we understand just how the Lord's power works. For the Lord, in His mercy, has not completely kept us in the dark on how He operates.

"...the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints..." [2 Thess.1:7-10]

What is this "flaming fire" being spoken of in the above verse?

It's the fire of the Holy Spirit that radiate out from the glorified body of the Lord Jesus Christ. All those who are filled with the Holy Spirit have this very same fire flowing into them from the Lord, through His Holy Spirit!

"He [that is, the Lord] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." [Matt.3:11]

This heavenly fire produces righteousness, peace and the joy of the marriage covenant, in all those who are receiving it!

"...the kingdom of God is...righteousness and peace and [marriage covenant] joy in the Holy Spirit." [Rom.14:17]

On the other hand, all those who reject the Lord, receive from the Devil, unrighteousness, violence [ISIS] and the joy of practicing fornication, adultery and homosexuality [LGBT]!

It becomes clear why we are now seeing extreme violence through ISIS. And why the same-sex marriage vote was passed in the US, on the 26th of June 2015!

The Lord's glorious power is going to continue to be poured out throughout the earth until Pentecost, which correctly falls on the 17th of July 2015, when He will translate the bodies of all those who love righteousness, peace and the marriage covenant, and will raise them up into heaven to dwell with Him forever!

Unfortunately, all those who love unrighteousness, violence and sexual corruption, on the 17th of July 2015, which is also the Last Day of Ramadan, will be left on earth to be punished, and will eventually die in their sins, if they don't repent and start living right!

INTHELORDSNAME, Godlike Productions 48 Comments [7/12/2015 4:04:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 110702

I cannot and will not explain who I am. I can tell you that what I have to say should be examined, remembered, and passed along to everyone God gives you the opportunity to interact with, awake and asleep alike. This information was hard won.

I see people still believe this "planet x" disinformation story put out by tptb.

Let me help.

There is no such thing as planet x, or "Nibiru".

When it does show up in the sky, it will be a hologram. The accompanying global disasters will be both man made and sent by God, as his judgements throughout the tribulation period.

TPTB are going to play these judgements off to the people as the "gravitational effects" of the annunaki homeworld, just "arrived", upon the earth, when in fact we will be looking at a hologram.

The "annunaki" are not who you think they are. Neither are the other "aliens" our satanic government has been working with for decades. It is Satan and his fallen ones, and yes the bible also explains why they are giants, so don't let that freak you out either.

TPTB have been brainwashing the world with the "aliens" meme since the fallen ones finished their 70 generation prison sentence in the earth, about 1905, and once again began to interact with mankind upon the earth.

After a tentative period of gaining the trust of the earth's elite and powerful men, the fallen began, once again, to teach forbidden arts and technologies to mankind, just as in the days of Enoch and Noah.

All our advanced technologies along with dark occult wisdom and many other fixtures of society are all the product of information exchange between humans and fallen angels.

The coming trans-humanist movement, Gene splicing, mixing one species with another, this has all happened before. The new twist is the melding of man and machine. The fallen ones have been planning this for a long, long time. Since the beginning, actually. It's the great deception of the end times. Don't be fooled or you are lost.

The book of Enoch, and The book of Jasher, among others, document all this quite well. It was these sins of the fallen and their offspring, amongst other things, that so provoked God to flood the Earth in antiquity and destroy all the genetic mutations that had taken place. Remember, Noah was chosen because he was "perfect in his generations". His DNA was clean.

The future was written in scripture long ago. Many things are known to me. If any among you lack wisdom, let him ask it of God, and He will help you see. If you seek, you shall find. Ask, and you will receive.

Jesus said "Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be."

I'd say those days are here.

Shamanz, Godlike Productions 25 Comments [7/12/2015 4:03:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 110699

All space exploration and documentation of earth is from The Government. THese days the government is so full fo corruption and it is logical even Nasa could be corrupted. THe space programs are taking lots of tapayer money. it makes sense that all those information from nasa are lies used to generate money. I dont knwo fi the world is flat or round but i know there is really no valid source to prove either concept.

Axel Ulrich, Faith in the News 39 Comments [7/12/2015 4:03:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Orlor

Quote# 110698

(attempting to prove God exists)

Kalam Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God:

Premise 1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2. The universe began to exist.
Conclusion: Therefore, the universe had a Cause.

God is the (first uncaused) Cause. We know that since space, time, and matter had a beginning at the Big Bang, this Cause MUST transcend space, time, and matter. In other words, the Cause must be spaceless, timeless, and non-material. We also know that this Cause MUST be immensely powerful, right, in order to create 100 billion galaxies out of (literally) nothing?!? We can also surmise that this Cause must be personal, in some sense, as It has chosen to create, and only personal agents can create, to our knowledge. Moreover, this Cause has chosen to create (or allow the creation of) persons (that's us!) - indicating strongly that It is personal.

This Cause is also self-existing, right? We know that either the universe (or multiverses, if they exist) are self-existing OR the Cause of same is self-existing. (Those are really the 2 options we have.) But, since the secular data points toward the universe having a beginning (and overwhelmingly so), then we must conclude that the First Uncaused Cause is self-existing.
There is also a way to argue that this Cause is immutable or changeless. Let's not get into that too much, but it's worth thinking about on your own, OK?

So, we have: spaceless, timeless, non-material, immensely powerful, personal free will, self-existing, changeless. That sounds a LOT like Yahweh, no? All we are really missing is omnispresent, omniscient, and holy. There are arguments there as well, particularly for the first two. In summary, we have e stablished, through metaphysical analysis only, many of the prime characteristics of the Judeo-Christian God (the Father in Christian theology) Yahweh. So, He was there in the Kalam argument all along.

Moral Argument for the Existence of God:

Premise 1: If there is no God, then objective moral values do not exist.
Premise 2: Objective evil exists.
Conclusion 1: Therefore, objective moral values DO exist.
Conclusion 2: Therefore, God exists.

Here are 3 more reasons to back up Premise 1:

1. Under naturalism, the only things that exist are those things described by and measured with science. Objective moral values do not apply. You cannot locate moral values in a test tube.

2. Why would human beings, under Darwinism, have any objective moral value? We are, in that view, just byproducts of macro-evolution and social conditioning - no objective moral values there. In fact, rewind the clock and play evolution over again, and you will, based on the randomness involved, get something entirely different:

“If … men were reared under precisely the same conditions as hive-bees, there can hardly be any doubt that our unmarried females would, like the worker-bees, think it a sacred duty to kill their brothers, and mothers would strive to kill their fertile daughters; and no one would think of interfering.” Charles Darwin, “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,” p. 100.

3. As for moral duties, we would have no more basis for them than any other animal. That means that, as in the animal kingdom, we can kill or rape for any reason whatsoever - animals are not restricted by some sort of "traffic cop" in doing so. There is no one saying "OK, Mr. Lion, you can take out that gazelle, but only if you eat all of him." :-)

Conclusion 1 is based on identity with Premise 2. If objective evil exists, then at least one objective moral value (evil) must exist. So, it is a restatement of Premise 2 based on the identity function of logic, perfectly acceptable. All we have to show Conclusion 1 is to find just one objective mor al value, and we did - objective evil.

Once we have Premise 1 and Conclusion 1, then by Modus Tollens, we necessarily have Conclusion 2. That's the second proof for God's existence.

Fine-Tuning Argument for the Existence of God:

Premise 1: The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design.
Premise 2: It is not due to physical necessity or chance.
Conclusion: Therefore, it is due to design.

Now, it must be noted that both Dawkins and Sir Martin Rees reject the possibility that it is due to physical necessity because the fine-tuning constants are independent of the physical laws of the universe. That is a key point: the G in the universal gravitational formula could, in theory, be anything - but if it were much different, no life whatsoever could exist - not just life as we know it, but no life.

Additionally, we would be forced, if what you say is true, to conclude that a life-prohibiting universe is a physical impossibility. That just seems to be a fantastic conclusion that would require some evidence. Why couldn't there exist a universe with no life whatsoever? Huge parts of our universe cannot support any kind of life. You would have to share some burden here yourself to provide a line of thought for why this might be true.

Even under M-theory, or superstring theory, the overwhelming number of possible universes are life-prohibiting. So, such a theory would seem to compound the need for showing physical necessity. It is an interesting line you are taking here, but I would like to see a little bit of evidence to support why that is true. I have provided several arguments against it, but I am open to your views in support of it.

WorldGoneCrazy, Christian News Network 31 Comments [7/12/2015 4:01:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 110695

If it’s not male-female, it’s not marriage. Common sense.

AskDrBrown, Facebook 52 Comments [7/12/2015 3:58:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 110687

you are very confused ---- he admits he is a muslim, wears a islamic ring, mocks Gods Word , supports gay marriage , but when is to his advantage example gets votes he claims christain , iam not judging him just stating facts ----- i do pray that he does receive Jesus as Lord and Savior-----may i add swore in office hand on quran which yes was on top of bible , to say he swore on bible

Robert Lee Ellis, Christian News Headlines 27 Comments [7/12/2015 3:56:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 110686

Proverbs 29:2 should be considered when making a statement that being a Christian isn't the best choice. This nation was founded on the God of the Bible. Read Christopher Columbus notes! He said it wasn't compass that guided his vessel, but the hand of God! We are reaping the effects of a generation of illiterate people in history and Bible.

Patsy Beckham Weiss, Christian News Headlines 25 Comments [7/12/2015 3:55:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 110683

Homoatheists leading the charge against God and His people. However, no matter what courts say or laws imply nothing changes the truth of His word. It's actually a fantastic time to be a Christian. You find out who truly believes, who is in the reprobate camp and who is too fearful to stand up for the name of Jesus. Glorious times indeed!

Dwight Daniels, Christian News Network 19 Comments [7/12/2015 3:55:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
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