Quote# 116100
Hey, if he can do the job and pay the rent . . .
Almost no one would condone a law which would force landlords to rent to those who engage in bestiality or a statute which would require employers to hire drug addicts. In fact, it is considered to be good judgment to discriminate by refusing to employ or rent to such individuals, even though the acts in question are committed by consenting partners in private. Currently, society as a whole still realizes that such activity is immoral and unacceptable regardless of any other redeeming qualities the person in question may have. Persons engaged in all manner of immoral behavior in their spare time are often still able to perform satisfactorily on the job and may not directly hurt the persons living immediately around them. For instance, the infamous mass murderer and homosexual Jeffrey Dahmer held down a day job; and New York City's Son of Sam murderer was thought to be a "nice guy" by his neighbors until they found out what he did away from his neighborhood. Character does count, and persons who engage in sodomy and other perverted homosexual practices are obviously of very low moral character regardless of maintaining in public a veneer of niceness. Decent citizens should not be prohibited from exercising good judgment by refusing to hire, rent to, or associate with homosexuals.
But that's discrimination!
Of course it is! Almost everyone believes in and exercises some sort of discrimination. The legitimate question is, What behavior is proper to discriminate against? Homosexuals are sexual outlaws. When society's laws do not uphold that truth, the weak and the innocent suffer and even the most basic of liberties are put at risk.
Until 1982, Wisconsin's state statutes allowed citizens to practice good judgment when it came to dealing with individuals engaged in homosexual acts. Wisconsin is currently one of a handful of states which forbids discrimination against the perversion of homosexuality. Ask Ann Hacklander what happens to those who attempt to discriminate against homosexuality in the Badger State. As a college student living in Madison in the 1980s, Miss Hacklander refused to share her apartment with an open lesbian who answered her advertisement for a roommate. That exercise of good judgment cost Ann a fine, thousands of dollars in legal fees and court costs, as well as the humiliating experience of being ordered to undergo sensitivity training conducted by a homosexual rights group. Such are the results of state protection of the sexually perverted acts which every state in the Union held to be criminal until 1961.
For the past several decades, the homosexual movement has engaged in a massive public relations campaign aimed at demonizing anyone who dares to suggest that American citizens should have a right to discriminate--to use good judgment--when dealing with persons involved in homosexual activity. That campaign has borne bitter fruit. Open homosexuals, bisexuals, cross-dressers, and transgenders now serve as legislators, judges, policemen, medical technicians, food service workers, teachers, and adopters of children. This is a tragic situation given the fact that the homosexual community is the source of a greatly disproportionate amount of violence, sexual assault, and disease; and it brings the judgment of God upon our land.
A Shameless Exploitation of Real Victims
In their determination to mainstream their sexual deviancy, homosexual activists have no qualms about equating discrimination against homosexual activity to hate and violence directed against bona fide ethnic groups. This is a campaign in which truth, decency, and history are deemed irrelevant. For instance, in recent years, homosexual strategists have launched a well-constructed campaign to exploit the suffering of Hitler's holocaust victims by claiming that tens of thousands of homosexuals were exterminated in Nazi death camps. Well-heeled "gay" groups have lobbied vigorously and committed a vast amount of resources to securing a spot, literally buying a place, in holocaust museums around the nation in order to perpetuate the hoax of a "gay holocaust." The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada has publicly protested these shameful, dishonest tactics, as has the Rabbinical Alliance of America.
While it is true that several thousand "fem" homosexuals may have died in labor camps (not death camps), just as did other criminals and political prisoners, "butch" homosexuals were at the very center of the Nazi power structure; in some cases they even served as concentration camp guards. One of the most notorious, Auschwitz executioner Ludwig Tiene, sodomized hundreds of boys and young men even as he strangled and gnawed them to death.
To this day, homosexual influence in the German neo-Nazi movement remains strong. Michael Kuhnen, a major German neo-Nazi leader who recently died of AIDS, was openly homosexual. The militant homosexual movement in America also has its roots in the Nazi Party. The National Socialist League is a homosexual branch of the American Nazi Party. The infamous American Nazi leader Frank Collin was a homosexual. The homosexual aspect of Hitler's Nazi Party has been documented by a number of historians, including the well-respected William Shirer in his famous volume The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams in their book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party.
For homosexuals to exploit the suffering and death of millions of people in an attempt to shame the American people into accepting non-discrimination policies inclusive of gross sexual perversion is despicable.
The Choice: Good Judgment or Utter Destruction
No nation can long survive whose people do not have the moral fiber and good sense to support discrimination against and even criminal penalties for those who commit certain acts of violence and perversion. Civil law and societal pressure should both send a clear message to the homosexual movement: "Your perverted actions are unacceptable; thousands of former homosexuals are living proof that you can change your ways. If you insist on practicing sexual perversion, those acts will be seen as just cause for others to discriminate against you in employment, housing, and association! If you continue your destructive, immoral behavior, decent people will use good judgment when dealing with you." It is time Wisconsin rejoined the overwhelming majority of other states in the Union by removing "sexual orientation" from our non-discrimination statutes. History is clear - those nations who refuse to maintain a righteous moral standard are eventually destroyed. When it comes to the perversion of same-sex relations, the choice for Wisconsin and America is clear - once more use good judgment or suffer destruction!
Ralph Ovadal,
Pilgrim's Covenant Church 18 Comments [1/17/2016 5:30:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yakob