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Quote# 121931

This following is a controversial subject and there are many differing points of view, but this is my opinion. You have yours as well.

There is an age of accountability. A child is old enough to make his own decisions at about age 7. He is already independently, although immaturely, functioning in the mental sense, and he can sin if he chooses to. The sin nature manifests itself at an early age. It’s when children are in elementary school that they become bullies, or have childhood crushes on another, or play hooky, etc. That’s when they literally learn to sin. That’s also when most people are saved, at that young age before they become hardened by the world. Jesus Christ can save anyone at any age, but Satan has a bid for your child!!

Up until the first grade, generally children are unable to make their own choices as they do when they get older, because their minds aren’t yet as developed. And so, if a young child, say under the age of 6, dies, they are considered “safe” in Jesus instead of “saved” BY Jesus, and they go directly to Heaven. Can you imagine little babies, or toddlers, or kindergarten-age children in Hell, because they willfully sinned? No, you cannot. That is unthinkable. God doesn’t permit that at all.

It’s also very hard to imagine a teenager there. God doesn’t permit that either. The age of accountability is 20, not 7 like I said before. That is when our brain is fully developed, and we can reason as an adult. From 20 years up is when people decide to do right or do wrong. The teen years are when physical changes are made, e.g., puberty, but the brain is matured afterward.

THAT is why we must tell the children and teach them about Jesus Christ and His love for them at as early an age as possible, because children HEAR and IMITATE EVERYTHING they are surrounded by. Their minds are like sponges, absorbing every smile, every gesture, every laugh, molding every part of their environment into their consciousness as they grow. Not like us old crusty fuddy-duddies who are so set in our ways that it takes a crane to move us. Jesus loves the little children, and He wants us to be like them when we believe.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 28 Comments [10/9/2016 9:56:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 121930

I heard in the news yesterday that Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. For unclear reasons, she has refused to eat in recent months, now withered away to just 79 pounds in weight. What good is Miss Jolie's $200,000,000 net worth now? All her money cannot give her the enjoyment of a decent meal, or a healthy body to enjoy it. She is only 41 years old! In fear of death, per her doctor's recommendation, she has had both healthy breasts surgically removed and replaced with silicone implants, because her mother died prematurely of breast cancer. Miss Jolie has also had her ovaries removed and her fallopian tubes. I feel sorry for Angelina Jolie, who grew up Roman Catholic, has made atheist comments, but now seems to be embracing a one world religious view. It is clear she is not a born-again Christian. She has also adopted several children of various ethnicities. She might as well change her name to “Miss New World Order.”


As we progress into the satanic New World Order, the different religious denominations are losing their distinctives and purity, each jumping onto the one-world bandwagon. Contrary to what most people have been taught, there will not be a One World Religion; but rather, the existing religions will share a common New World Order religious viewpoint, that will lead them under the control of the Antichrist. Here is proof of what I say... Pope Francis Preparing For Antichrist (2.7 million Lutherans now absorbed into Catholicism). All of Angelina Jolie's wealth and fame cannot save her from the judgment and fires of Hell to come.


Do you know what is really sad and tragic? I was watching a YouTube video today about Brad and Angelina divorcing. The man in the video said there was tension in the “Brangelina” marriage because of their broadening difference in “sexual market value.” Yes, as insane as that sounds, it is a very sad reality in America today, especially in Hollywood. A once beautiful sexy woman who is now withering away at only 79 pounds of body weight, who has lost her breasts and reproductive organs at age 41, has lost most of her “sexual market value” in American society. The man in the YouTube video is sadly correct. In our decadent American society, looks is everything. It is a proven fact that more attractive women, and women with larger breast size, get better jobs and careers.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 25 Comments [10/9/2016 9:56:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 121929

An Egyptian MP has called for women to be forced to undergo virginity tests before being admitted to university, it has been reported.

Parliamentary member Elhamy Agina called on the Minister of Higher Education to issue a mandate requiring him or his officials to enforce the virginity tests, Egyptian Streets reports. He has suggested that university cards could only been issued to female students on completition of a virginity test.

In an interview with local media, he said: “Any girl who enters university, we have to check her medical examination to prove that she is a Miss. Therefore, each girl must present an official document upon being admitted to university stating she’s a Miss.”

The term "Miss" in Egyptian culture is often used to refer euphemistically as to whether a woman is a virgin.

Mr Agina reportedly added: “No one should be upset by this decision. If you’re upset then that means you’re scared that your daughter is in an ‘urfi’ marriage behind your back.”

Urfi marriages can be entered into without the approval of a bride’s guardian and can only require two witnesses, resulting in a cultural perception among some segments of Egyptian society that they are covert or secret marriages. They are believed to be particularly common among young couples who may be unable to afford a large wedding ceremony.

Mr Agina has since defended his remarks, reportedly saying they had been misinterpreted and he was merely making a suggestion. He said: “People have been attacking me since yesterday and they’re upset and such. I’ve decided not to deal with the media.

“I did not make a demand, I made a suggestion. There’s a big difference between a demand and a suggestion.”

He added that he made the remarks as part of a discussion as to how urfi marriages could be stopped: “I said, well, it’s not the government’s right to ask a girl or a man whether they’ve had an urfi marriage. But maybe, maybe… just as a suggestion that may or may not be implemented- the government could tell university hospitals to conduct virginity tests. And then the university can tell the student’s parents.”

Elhamy Agina, The Independent 21 Comments [10/9/2016 9:56:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121927

In October, when officials were investigating lead contamination in the water supply at several public housing estates and schools, Ng asked whether lead could be good for people’s health.

“Is there evidence suggesting that consuming water with an appropriate level of lead can strengthen one’s health and extend life?” he asked.

He speculated whether the rising longevity of Hong Kong people might have something to do with the widespread presence of lead in water.

Ng Leung-sing, Hong Kong Legislative Council 23 Comments [10/9/2016 9:56:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Vampyricon

Quote# 121923

I don't want to post the link because I don't want anyone following it, but I received a large postcard in the mail with a link to a website that talks about the poles shifting in the near future and everyone in the US and Canada will be destroyed unless they put themselves in the power of the ODF (outer dimensional forces). The funny thing is, they post just enough Scripture to back up their claims that it could be deceptive if you didn't know the Bible. They present three different ways of evacuating, calling them "Time Ark Service Modules". I went to their website and just laughed. It's hard to believe that anyone would take what they have written seriously, but it also reminds me that we are so close to the rapture. I can't wait!!!!!

my2babiesmama, Rapture Ready 22 Comments [10/9/2016 9:55:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: solomongrundy

Quote# 121922


You know exactly what I mean bluehillside when I use it don't you??...many words come into common use this way so you will just have to accept it means exactly what it implies.

Just to remind you...it is Dicky Dawkin's view that Christianity should be put out of existence. He demands that science has made it obsolete, (my words), He has a better idea...sell as many books as possible...build up a faith surrounding his beliefs and to hell with the more gentle, kindlier, loving, considerate people that Jesus Christ's teaching encourages, (my words).

Now...we have a problem here...if the universe is indeed the product of universal, electric laws, the living-cell is also part of those laws and the many questions that have no answers in biology might just have solid reasoning if we consider those laws accurately. This will of course turn all science on its head because it is looking for nuclear particles when they should be looking for an invisible electric plasma...similar to the stuff defined in the Holy Bible.

Still, there is a lot of mileage in sifting, analyzing,and naming nuclear shrapnel...its just that it will all soon end when they realise they are looking in the wrong direction.

NicholasMark, Religion and Ethics 12 Comments [10/9/2016 9:34:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 121921

So easy for you to forget the advancement of science and the fact the real 'irony' is that SCIENTIST are the ones who claim they never went to the moon or landed on it. In this day and age killing off the scientist as they did the astronauts back then would make no difference because new witnesses would come along the type of witness who may have seen the moon walk but know scientifically how impossible in those days it really was.

It is basically about the witnesses... In Christ time there were witnesses but no witnesses against because after he rose there was no body in a grave or anywhere to disprove it. It even had Roman Soldiers guarding the tomb.
The witnesses say Jesus Christ rose from the dead and was seen. But no witnesses to disprove him rising from the dead; the Roman Soldiers and Governors, even the high priest would surely have sought such evidence but found none.

You cannot disprove the truth about the witnesses who saw Christ and witnessed what he did.
But scientist are the people who make the claim the moon landing and walking on the moon was impossible to do safely in the 60's. So if you believe that NASA is telling the truth how do you explain the deaths of those who could witness it or the scientist who tell us that is was impossible in the safety aspect?

Jesus Christ, his life and his rising from the dead is not in question it was witnessed in every part. But no one was eyewitness to the actual events of traveling through space and landing/walking on the moon. The scientist today say it is impossible.

So nothing hypocritcal. Both lot's of evidence are different and so both accounts not comparable.

Sassy, Religion and Ethics 29 Comments [10/9/2016 4:55:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 121920

The media is disgusting. I hope Trump has every editor arrested and put on trial for being traitors to the United States if he wins. Then give them life in prison.

A good example for the one's taking over what can happen when you cease reporting on politics and try to control politics.

PullMyFinger, City-Data 38 Comments [10/9/2016 4:01:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 20
Submitted By: ScrappyB

Quote# 121913

Unprecedented Protection
There’s hardly any group in the world that has the level of public acceptance, validation, approval, and empathy now enjoyed by homosexuals. They’ve certainly got far more recognition, protection, and promotion than evangelical Christians anywhere. So why can’t they leave such Christians alone? What more do they want or need?

Only Romans 1:18-32 can explain this. In effect it says that even if gay marriage is legalized everywhere, and even if every dissenting voice is extinguished, gay consciences will still scream “Wrong!” and “Guilty!” Deep inside they will still know “the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death” (Rom. 1:32). That’s the “nagging shadow” that forever stalks gay consciousness.

Peace through the cross
The Christian message to the gay community is to give up this futile attempt to secure peace of conscience through the courts, the media, and millions of crosses on ballot papers. Far better to bring such pained consciences to the cross of Christ for full healing and permanent silencing by God Himself, through faith and repentance. That will do a far better job of removing anxiety, shadows, and fears than any amount of referenda or baker and florist bankruptcies. It will also open the way to experience the immeasurable length, depth, and height of the love of God.

And for Christians who are suffering or who will yet suffer the consequences of societal or state disapproval over this issue, take confidence from the power of a good conscience. We are mocked, disapproved, belittled, sidelined, caricatured, and rejected more than any other group in society. We are called bigots, homophobes, and haters. But having a good conscience through which God speaks His approval and acceptance of us means we can continue to stand for what is right and true no matter how many voices of intolerance and hate yell at us.

David Murray, Illinois Family Institute 25 Comments [10/8/2016 6:53:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: AJ Williams

Quote# 121912

Andy Richter Is ‘Eternally Grateful’ His Wife Aborted His Child

Andy Richter might be a comedian, with a career built around humor and making other people laugh on shows with Conan O’Brien, but abortion is no laughing matter.

Eternal gratefulness for an abortion shouldn’t be something to brag about, but that’s what Andy Richter just did at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser. The actor, who hosted the “Sexy Beast” fundraiser for the Los Angeles branch of PP, credits his girlfriend’s abortion back in 1992 with allowing them to live the lives they wanted.

These lives included eventually marrying each other, children when they decided they wanted to be parents, pets, and careers. What those lives don’t include is the realization that they will forever be missing a child.

Richter and his future wife, Sarah Thyre, lacked steady employment and were focused on building careers when they found she was pregnant. Richter explained what happened next:

Luckily for us Planned Parenthood existed. My girlfriend knew that she was not ready for motherhood, and I knew that I was in no way prepared to be a father. I drove from Chicago in my battered old Toyota pick-up to be with her when she went to Planned Parenthood to terminate her pregnancy. Her choice to get an abortion was a choice that she made with assuredness. She knew that she was doing the right thing for everyone involved. But I can’t say it was easy. She was sad, and I was sad, and it was sad. But to this day, I know that she will tell you that she made the right decision.

How Do the Kids Feel About This?

There is no possible way to explain this as the right decision for at least one person in this scenario: the older sibling of the Richters’ other children. Since they’re so open about this to strangers and made this a public issue, I’d imagine they’ve already discussed the abortion with their living children. One wonders whether they explained that if they had made different choices and had different priorities, there would be another child in their family.

As their living children grow and become adults themselves, maybe this choice will make sense to them. Maybe it won’t. It’s possible they’re distressed to know that had the timing of their conception been different, they could have been the one aborted, because that is a terrible thought.

When a family loses a member, that family is forever changed. No matter how that loss comes about, it is a loss. The lessons that we learn and the growth that can come from pain and grief might be something to be grateful for, but the opportunity to actively cause that loss should not be. That should be difficult, it should be wrenching, and it should not even need to be an option or an easy decision.

Many choices in life are not eternal, but abortion is. Once that baby is gone, it is gone, and future children don’t replace the life that was lost. Children are not interchangeable. They’re unique, each one with limitless possibilities and promise, and snuffing out one because of convenience and whims of parents ends those possibilities.

Richter Hints He’s Uneasy With This Choice

Richter doesn’t find it difficult to support Planned Parenthood after his personal history with abortion, however, and he wasn’t shy about his feelings about pro-life people: “It’s easy. Planned Parenthood helps a ton of people, and if they don’t agree with that, f— ’em. You can quote me on that. Tell them I said, ‘F— ’em.’”

People who are at peace and confident in their decisions don’t need to attack others. They can tolerate disagreement without rage. Pro-life people don’t seek to leave families without help and support, they desire the opposite: for all members of a family to be present and able to help. We want for all babies to have the chance to pursue their dreams, not just those lucky enough to be wanted.

Richter might be a comedian, with a career built around humor and making other people laugh on shows with Conan O’Brien, but abortion is no laughing matter. That sadness he and his wife felt was for a good reason. They were looking at temporary circumstances and making permanent decisions. That baby wouldn’t have ruined their future, but abortion ruined the chance for that child to ever have an opportunity at life. That’s something nobody can be eternally grateful for.

Holly Scheer, The Federalist 14 Comments [10/8/2016 6:53:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 121911

Harry Potter vs. Jesus Christ

The above picture shows a recent Satanic attack on the Christian church.

This has actually been going on for a while, but Occultists have been ramping up their rituals lately; due to all the backsliding and lukewarmness in the church - yup, your love of sin powers evil.

Now back to the picture: Pay close attention. The Satanists placed occultic runes (witch spells) on the doors of the church. AND they spray-painted an idle threat about the 'wealth' of the church! All to place demonic barriers on the church and to stop it from prospering.

Satanists want to hinder Christian prosperity because wealthy Christians hold earthly power over them. Wealth is the manifestation of a Christian's 'spiritual wealth.' When Christians have the majority of the wealth, wickedness can't grow.


Satanists, witches, voodooists, and all those in between, are doing poverty (money binding) rituals to hinder the monetary prosperity of the church and Christians.

And many of these people disguise themselves as Christians. You can see them online saying things like: 'The gospel is free, why do you charge for your books? The pastor is a pimp. The pastor steals money. You don't have to tithe. You are a false prophet. Christ didn't charge for the gospel. I'm going to pray for your prosperity and blessings!'

There are even ministries that use their pulpit to slander the wealth and prosperity of other believers: Churches like this are either headed by undercover Satanists or they have given their ears over to deceiving spirits.

Be warned. If you notice that your finances have been stagnant, or it seems like your monetary growth is being squeezed like how a snake wraps itself around its prey... know that someone is trying to use witchcraft on you.

Here at Eden Decoded we say 'Satan, the Lord rebuke you. Lord release your heavenly angels of war to destroy all the works of the Devil. Bind, blind and destroy all those who want to work against the Kingdom of God. In Jesus' name Amen.'

Saints, now is NOT the time to be jealous of someone else's prosperity; the Satanists and witches are using your covetousness, envy and greed to empower the darkness. You have been warned Saints, unless you fall by the wayside too.

Overcome the Devil!

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore WISE AS SERPENTS, and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16)

Now is the time for us to be wise saints. NOT more loving... we've loved the Satanists right into having power over most of our churches and lives.

Nya Nya Jo, Eden Decoded 45 Comments [10/8/2016 6:53:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 121910

Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines president, appears to have compared himself to Hitler, saying he would be “happy to slaughter” millions of drug addicts in his bloody war on crime.

During a press conference in his home city of Davao, the former prosecutor told reporters that he had been compared to a “cousin of Hitler” by his critics.

“If Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have...,” he said, pausing and pointing to himself.

“Hitler massacred three million Jews ... there’s three million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”

More than six million Jews were killed by the Nazis and their collaborators before and during the second world war, according to historians.

Duterte has spent his first three months in office running a campaign to kill all involved in the rampant drugs trade, including alleged addicts, causing outrage from rights groups and foreign governments.

More than 3,500 alleged drug dealers and addicts have been killed, about a third of them in police operations but the majority by armed vigilante militias. Duterte has publicly encouraged civilians to kill addicts and said he will not prosecute police for extrajudicial executions.

“You know my victims. I would like (them) to be all criminals to finish the problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition,” he said during the press conference early on Friday.

Rodrigo Duterte, The Guardian 34 Comments [10/8/2016 6:52:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 121908

Snopes? Really!? You lost any and all credibility when you brought up that joke. It's run out of the basement of a Liberal family's home, and they don't even have the qualifications to be reporters for the tabloids! Face-fact is, they work for George Soros, one of the largest US political donors, and he donates exclusively to the Democrat party, the party of treason. They may be good for celebrity gossip, but not much else. They have a thick track record of being insanely biased, often reporting blatant, obvious lies to save face for Barry Soetero (Barrack Obama) and Hillary Clinton. I hate fact-checkers. "That mathematically-proven statistic you've just shown me is deemed false by Snopes." What, is the crazy hobo down the street too occupied to be a better source? If I may be so blunt, you are better off with MSNBC, and that's saying something.


Oh, goody. Another Liberal site with obvious biases. I've noticed a good number of sites labeled as 'fact-checkers' do more manu-fact-uring than actual fact-checking, meaning they like to manipulate the truth for their own gains. This includes, but is not limited to, Snopes, MSNBC, and politifact.


It's funny because Snopes and Politifact are also accused of being right wing propaganda funded by megacorps.]

Meanwhile, those of us with actual common sense see them as nothing more than incompetent tools. The Koch Bros. They identify as Libertarian, constantly berated for funding the Republican Party (although they give donations across the board), but are the 59th largest political donor. All the ones above them donate exclusively to Democrats, and over 50 are unions. I had never heard of any of those sites, don't care to look at them, don't care for them. I prefer to get my news from actually reputable sites like BreitBart.


Try doing a little reading

Neutral-Death, DeviantArt Comments 21 Comments [10/8/2016 6:18:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 121906

Now for one helpful last point about how to deal with claims about how cruel it was to kill all the Midianites including the boy children. Just ask them again if they believe in a woman’s rights over her own body, then move on to the right to abortion on demand, then subtly bring up how many children they have put to death in the last decade…and the answer is millions. Then politely tell them they are gross hypocrites!

john mackay, askjohnmackay.com 27 Comments [10/6/2016 6:24:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: PETF

Quote# 121899

(In response to gay websites and apps being blocked in Indonesia)

GOOD!! LGBT leads to the destruction of societies. Morally and Spiritually. IT's also a tool for the left. Looks like it's a backwards thing with the Right! The LGBT is using the RIGHT as a tool to weasel their way in to society. Christians are going to be out in the cold standing on their own. I will be right their with them! Hear that MILO? You are living in sin!!!

Smorfnimda, Breitbart 31 Comments [10/6/2016 6:24:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 121898

A 19-year-old gay man named Braxton Taylor tragically took his own life this week, and many people in his community have posted messages on social media mourning his loss.

But Jason Christensen, a Republican candidate for state senate in Utah, thought it was appropriate to react to one mourner’s grief by lecturing them about the sins of homosexuality and suicide. And unfortunately for Christensen, his “condolences” for the young man’s life are now going viral on Reddit.

It all started when a woman who lived near Taylor posted a eulogy on her Facebook page expressing her grief.

“This beautiful boy lived in Kaysville and shared the same zip code as I do,” she wrote. “He attended the same jr. high school as my children, and was just nineteen years old.”

Chistensen posted a response to her that acknowledged that Taylor’s death was “sad,” but added that he may still have to answer for his sinful way of life.

“Yes this is sad, and hopefully God will have mercy on both sins that this boy committed,” Christensen wrote. “The sins of homosexuality and the sins of murder.”

The woman who wrote the original tribute to Taylor was apoplectic in response.

“Jason Christensen get off my thread now,” she said. “Not able to block you now but will asap. How dare you! Get the hell off!”

Christensen, however, was undeterred.

“Read the scriptures, stop denying the scriptures,” he replied. “I do feel bad for him and his sins. But one must recognize what’s sins and what is not sin. One must live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not the Gospel of the Devil.”

Shortly afterward on his own Facebook page, Christensen wrote, “Don’t you love how intolerant the left actually is?”

Jason Christensen, Raw Story 33 Comments [10/6/2016 6:24:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 121894

WHENEVER YOU SEE A WOMAN TWERKING: butt hiked up in the air, gyrating sensually to the sounds of music - you're not really watching that woman. Yu're most likely watching something IN her dancing THROUGH her. Let me explain.

Twerking is a ritual dance designed to conjure up or invoke demonic spirits called Gede. These spirits are fertility (sexual) demons directly associated with voodoo, sex and death.

When a person is twerking, whether they know it or not they are actually calling up demons to enter into their body. These demons, called Gede, are part of a family or grouping of demonic spirits. So when you're twerking you're basically asking a voodoo sex demon to possess you.

The reason why twerking appeals so much to men is for obvious reasons: men get to watch a free peepshow. Or so they think. They're really partaking in a ritual demonic possession ceremony - whether they meant to or not.

Twerking appeals to women because they get to be the center of attention for a few moments while their dancing transfixes both men and women with seductive gyrations. But that too is a deception, because the woman is really partaking in a ritual designed to summon demons from the spirit world to occupy her body, possess her mind and speak through her. Her false and fleeting sense of empowerment actually comes from a demon that is now on the inside of her.

The bible speaks of seducing spirits: "Now the Spirit expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." (1 Timothy 4:1)

A seducing spirit is an evil spiritual entity whose sole purpose and operation is to seduce the children of God away from the Light of Christ - and make them servants to sin. Fellas, this is why you find those twerk videos so attractive when you should turn away and find them appalling. And if you're a female who's been involved in twerk dancing, you've participated in allowing demonic seducing spirits to use your body to seduce God's children into sexual sin.

The goal of this sort of stuff isn't to get sinners to sin. They're already in sin under the penalty of eternal judgment - unless they repent and start living appropriately. The goal is to turn believers away from Christ.

It always seems to go back to sexual sin, doesn't it? That's because sex has been the Achilles heel of humankind from ancient times. Long ago, Satan along with other sinful angels have used the power and allure of erotic sensuality mixed with erroneous spirituality to lead mankind deeper into sin and further away from God.

Jesus was sent to the Earth for the purpose of undoing these evil works. "The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.' (1 John 3:8)

But we have to turn away from our desire to commit sin and embrace holy and righteous living according to God's will. When we do this God places His own spirit inside of us so that we'll have the power to live right.

"Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God's seed abides him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this the children of God and the children of the devil can be distinguished: Anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is anyone who does not love his brother." (1 John 3: 9-10)

You might be thinking you're having so much fun being seductive or from being seduced: but beneath it all is the subtle yet powerful working of ancient demonic entities seeking for any chance, excuse, reason or cause to enter into people and take over their lives. This included people who classify themselves as Believers. You cannot get saved out of sin, and yet still wallow in it.

"It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and turned away from the holy commandment passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit," and "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud." (2 Peter 2:21-22)

A demon operates a lot like a virus. Its only goal is to get in. Once that happens it goes about the process of disrupting and destroying the normal flow of a person's life, productivity and spirituality; and opens the door so that even more destructive demonic entities can come in.

The ultimate goal is for the spirit to feed off a person's life and energy while leading them further away from God.

Demons associated with twerking are ancient. Remember: the bible told us that there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) This applies to things such as twerking too.

It's time for you to close the door on seducing spirits and voodoo demons! If you've ever participated in twerking, whipping, or doing the Nae-Nae and other hidden voodoo rituals that substitute as popular dances, but are really part of summoning ceremonies: you need deliverance! You need the barbed thorns of lust removed from your flesh, so you can offer your body to Christ as a living sacrifice. Christ wants you to live for Him - not demons.

**There is so much more to this topic that an article like this one could never do it proper justice. You need to download my ebook HEDONISM: DESTROYING DEMONIC SEXUAL STRONGHOLDS. That way you'll get greater details and will know much more. The things talked about in this ebook you won't find anywhere else. This is because God has given me unique insights regarding the nature of demons and more importantly: how to defeat them in your life. Knowledge is your secret to victory. And this ebook is packed with unique information that's only available to the searching mind.

Mack Major, Eden Decoded 32 Comments [10/6/2016 6:18:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 121893

Donald Trump has been courting the LGBTQ vote throughout this presidential election, claiming he would be the better choice for the community than opponent Hillary Clinton and promising to protect us from terrorism in his Republican National Convention speech.

That argument gets harder to believe by the week, as he gives speeches at anti-LGBTQ events, sticks up for homophobic and transphobic legislation and surrounds himself with bigoted politicians and advisers. Now we have a new offense to add to the list.

Trump has pledged to sign the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), if passed by congress. It was first introduced in the House on June 17, 2015 and would effectively legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination across the board, including among employers, businesses, landlords and healthcare providers, as long as they claim to be motivated by a firmly held religious beliefs.

It would act to overturn the executive order signed in 2014 by President Obama prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination among federal contractors.

The statement, added to Trump’s website on Thursday under the title “Issues Of Importance To Catholics” and the subtitle “Religious Liberty,” reads:

"Religious liberty is enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution. It is our first liberty and provides the most important protection in that it protects our right of conscience. Activist judges and executive orders issued by Presidents who have no regard for the Constitution have put these protections in jeopardy. If I am elected president and Congress passes the First Amendment Defense Act, I will sign it to protect the deeply held religious beliefs of Catholics and the beliefs of Americans of all faiths. The Little Sisters of the Poor, or any religious order for that matter, will always have their religious liberty protected on my watch and will not have to face bullying from the government because of their religious beliefs."

FADA’s text reads:

"Prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.

Defines “discriminatory action” as any federal government action to discriminate against a person with such beliefs or convictions, including a federal government action to:

alter the federal tax treatment of, cause any tax, penalty, or payment to be assessed against, or deny, delay, or revoke certain tax exemptions of any such person;

disallow a deduction of any charitable contribution made to or by such person;

withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any federal grant, contract, subcontract, cooperative agreement, loan, license, certification, accreditation, employment, or similar position or status from or to such person; or

withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any benefit under a federal benefit program.

Requires the federal government to consider to be accredited, licensed, or certified for purposes of federal law any person who would be accredited, licensed, or certified for such purposes but for a determination that the person believes or acts in accordance with such a religious belief or moral conviction.

Permits a person to assert an actual or threatened violation of this Act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and to obtain compensatory damages or other appropriate relief against the federal government.

Authorizes the Attorney General to bring an action to enforce this Act against the Government Accountability Office or an establishment in the executive branch, other than the U.S. Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, that is not an executive department, military department, or government corporation.

Defines “person” as any person regardless of religious affiliation, including corporations and other entities regardless of for-profit or nonprofit status."

Donald Trump, LGBTQ Nation 76 Comments [10/6/2016 6:18:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121891

It didn't occur to me until I was out cutting the lawns...but this expanding universe on a bed of static universe is part of this whole science bluehillside and alluded to right towards the beginning of this thread...but I will remind you and all dissenters, and all those searching for solid proof in the faith, and even those who just accept Jesus Christ, by faith.

Before the high-speed expanding universe there must have been a static universe standing on the same space, but by power of eruption...previously described...all mass-less galaxy clouds, and there were many, were all sent hurtling outwards...from wherever they were prev iously standing, shock-waves...you see...sent out from a massive eruption of dynamic forces.

I wont repeat what has already been said but like a high-speed train, when someone opens the carriage door...there is a terrific imploding between the two separate environments. Now don't tell me this doesn't happen bluehillside because there are many dead bodies that can substantiate this fact. That disturbance is all that is required between to opposing states of universal existance which built all the stars and atoms, in the formation and structure we see today, because imploding forces can work on the macro scale as well as the micro scale.

If we believe in the Holy Bible we have a ready superabundant source of this dynamic energy to do it with.

Now...let me finish my lawns.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 26 Comments [10/6/2016 3:47:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 21
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 121890

I know it's not what you want to hear...but is still best answer on this Biblical mystery. It has points of evidence from experiences of a number of people alive today and is certainly within the capability of those who made Adam & Eve in their own image.

It needs to be said because many of the all powerful statements made by your omnipotent God are brought to universal accuracy when we build it into our understanding. I am of course talking about Joseph's linage being associated directly with Jesus Christ.

Best answer states rhat Joseph was taken from this planeet as an abductee by righteous forces and his genetic material extracted...cleaned up a bit, before being implanted in Mary via a similar route. This is why there were no arguments with the angels...both Joseph and Mary knew they were both dealing with very superior beings.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [10/6/2016 3:47:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 121889

For the left, to destroy the nuclear family in the black community is to beat a dead horse. It is already a pile of rubble at the foot of the proverbial cliff we drove off of 50 years ago. I could speak at length about the wholesale infiltration and takeover of the black community by Marxists and the disastrous results of chasing after their false God of equality. This is the short version.

The Gay Agenda is one of many methods of assault on the institutions that produce and maintain civilization as we know it. If you ask an honest Marxist, they will tell you that the agenda is to erase all distinction. As long as there is distinction and difference, there is no equality and equality is the path to salvation in the cult of sameness. It is important to realize that nothing in this Universe is, has ever been, nor will ever be equal. Once you come to that realization, you will see clearly that the deliberate destruction of society, as it exists; in order to build a utopian society that can never exist will only result in destruction. See, you are already halfway Hotep.

Sexual deviance has existed in some form as long as there has been sexual norms to deviate from. However, the normalization of deviant behavior is the beginning of the end for any civilization. The agenda we oppose as Hoteps is bad for everyone.

However, this post is focused on what is happening to men. The social norm is transforming for the worse. Take a look at popular culture. The image of the black man is becoming increasingly deviant, submissive, and irrational. Abdication of responsibilities and duties as a man is rampant. As this image changes, the standard changes. The bar is lowered. Society is unsustainable under these conditions.

When the barbarians are storming against your borderless, intersectional, role neutral “Black Lives Matter Village” who are you going to call? If you never want to answer this question, thank a Hotep and join the fight.

Jordan, Hotep Nation 68 Comments [10/5/2016 3:19:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 121884

I'm just wondering if the pro-gay marriage side has really any idea of the implications legal marriage has, not just in the US but in the other 200 something countries as well.

Marriage comes with various benefits that the governments provides the couple. So in order to justify gay marriage you would need to:

a. prove that the union of two men or two women provides any tangible benefit for society (I don't believe there is any, as the judge correctly pointed out, it's just entertainment between two people. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't wanna either discourage or encourage that decision.)

b. make it merely a formal recognition solely for the purposes of maybe having an easier time to notify next-of-kin in case one of them dies... or default inheritance

Why on Earth should they have housing benefits, health benefits, tax benefits or whatever else is beyond me. Stand on your own ground. What's next? Are we gonna give 2 non-romantic friends special rights as well? Just because they're friends? That's their business, but they're not entitled to other poeple's taxes.

And no two gays parenting is not equal to natural reproduction between a man a woman. It's better than being an orphan or being raised by a single person, but it's idiotic to pretend that a natural mother and father are completely interchangeable with any set of 2 (or more) strangers. There are so many extra issues involved when one or none of the parents is actually the biological parent, they're less likely to bond well for example step fathers are far more likely to abuse children than natural fathers. They rarely have the same investment as deep down they know it's not really their child. Not having a male or female role model can also pose problems for the child's identity development. Young men with no father figures are disproportionately more criminal and badly adjusted than those with one.

The most idiotic and dangerous aspect of all of this is that now one man and one woman marrying and having children is seen as no better in any way than a surrogate impregnating herself and then deliberately giving her own son away to two men, getting some money and having no further involvement in that child's life. Normally we would call that a bad deadbeat mother. It's bad to abandon your kids... unless you're giving them away to two men.

I'm not anti-gay, I don't find anal sex between two men immoral (doubt I'd have to be lying to you if I told you that it's not a super high risk behavior that can get you a lot of infections if you're not careful) but I'm also not anti-traditional family and the LGBT movement has proven that it doesn't respect it.

Churches should not have to be forced to marry them either if it goes against their theology. Bakeries should be free to refuse service if they oppose gay marriage on moral or religious or whatever grounds.

#1980253, FSTDT 63 Comments [10/5/2016 3:16:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 121881

[Again.. I am not having trouble understanding you. You made the claim that god is infinite and solid like an ocean! My questions are legitimate.]

Like an ocean of pure quark matter, it's a Fermi liquid that is trillions of time more dense than uranium, more "solid" than a neutron star. The closest thing we have on earth of that state other than the ocean is magma which is liquid stone, still composed of atoms only 0.0000000001% matter taking up space

"God" as the state of existence prior to inflation would be an infinite ocean of pure matter taking up all available space. That is the absolute.

Arkilogue, AtheistForums.org 17 Comments [10/5/2016 3:15:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 121879

Okay, I'll break it down real simple.

GOD is an infinite solid unified (one) state (like an ocean). This vibrationally self cavitates into infinite ones that are finite relative void spaces (bubbles in the ocean) and these act like the void bodies of string instruments and the new flows of the original "solid" (Fermi liquid quagma) around them act as vibrating strings and bows, cymatically ordering the air space within. The increase of form order in the universe (DNA evolution) is a quantum cymatic process.

Like this:


and this:


Funnily enough, the arising forms gained enough coherency and energy to jump out of the vibrational container, that's quite the leap of faith. :hehe:

Arkilogue, AtheistForums.org 13 Comments [10/5/2016 3:15:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 121878

Now we have introduced cancerous groups and societies into the equation we can start answering serious questions...like...how could Jimmy Savile walk around various branches of our caring institutions for so long...or indeed...other people in similar situations...doing the things he was doing...it is because of this cancerous effect on society if we abandon upright righteous principles.

There is no need to labour the point too much...it's all so obvious. Jesus Christ taught us to cancel cancerous behaviour by first canceling it within ourselves and it is all extremely beneficial because the Holy Bible teaches us that it will put an end to wars, pain, suffering, ill health and eventually death...but it is down to whether we believe the author of that Holy book, which includes Jesus Christ and which tells us about the true, electric/spiritual nature, of the universe.

NicholasMark, Religion and Ethics 21 Comments [10/4/2016 2:30:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Nearly Sane
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