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Quote# 122630

Destiny Church's Bishop Brian Tamaki has blamed earthquakes on gays, sinners, and murderers.

But an Auckland vicar says Tamaki's sermon is "completely illogical," and compared it to blaming sin for child cancer.

Quoting the Old Testament on Sunday, the day before a massive 7.5 earthquake struck the country killing two and leaving thousands stranded, with limited food, water, shelter and communication, Tamaki told churchgoers the earth "convulses under the weight of certain human sin."

A video of the sermon is pinned to the top of the Destiny Church Facebook page.

He also blamed a gay priest and the people of Christchurch for the devastating earthquakes that hit Canterbury in 2010 and 2011 which killed 185 people.

"The land actually speaks to God. Out of the soil ... Abel's blood spoke to God from a murder. The earth can speak. Leviticus says that the earth convulses under the weight of certain human sin.

"It spews itself up after a while - that's natural disasters. Because nature was never created to carry the bondage of our iniquity," Tamaki said.

"God does not send punishment on people in that kind of a way," reverend Helen Jacobi of Auckland church St Matthew-in-the-City said.

"If that was the case, if you followed that to its logical conclusion, a baby dying of cancer would be somehow sinful, and that's ridiculous. It's just completely illogical."

Comments by Brian Tamaki blaming gays, murderers and sinners for earthquakes called 'ridiculous'

She said the things people and churches should be, and were focusing on in Kaikoura and other places, was gathering and supporting rather than blaming others for the earthquake.

"They should be helping people get through this terrible time and that's where God is seen in our community - by the way people respond," Jacobi said.

She said evidence of God's presence was not in punishment, but in people doing good to help those in need after Monday's disastrous earthquake.

A Destiny Church spokeswoman said "In view of the terrifying events that have impacted the cities and families of New Zealand over the last few days, our heartfelt condolences go out to the victims affected by the earthquakes and floods over this last week."

She referred the Herald to a blog post by Tamaki, which elaborates further on his Sunday sermon.

In the post, he claims to have warned people of the quake in an "inspired moment" before his sermon began.

Tamaki says that natural disasters are side-effects of environmental pollution, abuse and sexual sins.

Referencing Leviticus, from the Old Testament, he writes: "No other sin in the whole of the bible has any connection to earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, but sexual perversions alone."

In Leviticus, God also warns men not to have sex with varying people including, but not limited to, women with their period, animals, or their sister.

Brian Tamaki, New Zealand Herald 12 Comments [11/23/2016 2:31:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122629

[Question asked is "Can I own slaves in Anarcho-Capitalism?"]

"If the "slave" decides to walk away, you think you have a "right" to use force to keep him?"

They sold away their right (In the legal sense of the term) to exit, thus giving the owner cause for damages if they violate that agreement.

"you think you have a "right" to use force to keep him?"

The whole point of private property is that you can use force to defend your ownership of it

Dr_Jawa, Reddit 31 Comments [11/22/2016 4:26:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: TheReasonator

Quote# 122628

In the Western world, today’s “conservatives” are increasingly libertarian when it comes to matters of sexual morality. Whatever good might come out of a Trump Presidency (full disclosure: I voted for the man), it seems unlikely that the nation’s appreciation for the importance of sexual morality will deepen.

Increasingly in our society, the expectation for any romantic relationship is that it must be sexual or get sexual without much delay – married or not. Going hand in hand with this, political progressives and libertarians both seem basically united on the idea that the choice of each individual is the controlling principle. As some on the Supreme Court told us in 1992, “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”[i]

This kind of thinking really does not seem all that alien from what the Trump-supporting “free speech fundamentalist” Milo Yiannopoulos has said:

Read what you want.
Watch what you want.
Play what you want.
Think what you want.
Say what you want.

That might not work in a marriage, but otherwise why the hell not? (marriage couldn’t be that important anyways, could it?) Political correctness can die the death it so richly deserves! The sky is the limit!

Yiannopoulos may say that some – by virtue of biological and psychological limitations – can’t be whatever they want to be, but with his emphasis on the individual’s rights, one is hard-pressed to argue why some, at least, shouldn’t give it a shot (please note I say all of this wanting to defend free speech to, while being concerned that not all of our speech is helpful).

And, tying this back to matters of sexual morality, why suppress human nature? Yiannopoulos regularly encourages college students to not hold back in exploring their sexuality with others. And, when asked here about Harvard’s men’s soccer team this past week – namely, about their recently revealed shared Google form treating their female counterparts as sexual objects – Yiannopoulos defended them to the hilt. One might think he could have said, at the very least, that the men’s behavior was to be strongly discouraged – even if the Harvard President had overreacted (read this and this for a balanced perspective). He didn’t say this though – he simply talked about our inability to overcome human nature: basically “men will be men”.

After all, as popular You Tuber Gavin McInnes says (language alert) all men act like this. And likewise, all men must surely know that they are incapable of waiting for sex – and they must be lying if they say they do! Guys like Tim Tebow (what has he accomplished lately?) are surely hypocrites, and evidently, most of the time, just aren’t manly enough to obtain the good things that come their way, grabbing them by the….

But even if we perhaps should respect the real power of human nature here, we also cannot overcome the consequences of human nature. Even if you, by virtue of your social capital and financial resources, appear able to rise above some of the most socially deleterious effects of sexual licentiousness, many – particularly the most vulnerable – can’t. And all of this contributes to the fracturing and weakening of the family, which one would hope any conservative would understand. This glorification of our choices when it comes to matters sexual, of course, makes the goal of marriage – and the commitment involved therein – less and less of a possibility for many (listen to Jennifer Roback Morse here).

Yiannopoulos may have once written about the dangers of pornography in the past (see here and here), but these days, he seems to have left that concern behind (a necessary casualty of his message and newfound fame?). Now, ironically, it is some on the left (some!) who are bringing up the critical importance of this issue (see here and here for example). Speaking merely from a tactical standpoint, perhaps persons like Yiannopoulos should find a creative way to address this, before being outflanked by progressives concerned about the truth of these matters?

So, what does any of this have to do with the theory of evolution – and sophisty?! Hang on… we getting there right now….

First of all, a popular meaning of the word sophistry is “the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving”. It is a simply a matter of fact that men are capable of controlling themselves (though, if I may say, we seem to live in an age that likes to play with the fire of temptation).

Second, in the theory of evolution, all is about sex (and death): everything comes down to being able to pass on one’s genes to the next generation. Supposedly, evolution “designed” us for this.

Third, and here is the meat of my point, in a recent edition of the Atlantic, an article called “The Case Against Reality” lays out the implications of the theory of evolution (spurred on by what I call the MSTM, the modern scientific and technological mindset) in a very helpful manner. An interview with cognitive science Donald D. Hoffman is featured, where he argues that “the world is nothing like the one we experience through our senses… the world presented to us by our perceptions is nothing like reality” (as the Atlantic sums him up).

In short, Hoffman believes that “evolution itself [is] to thank for this magnificent illusion, as it maximizes evolutionary fitness by driving truth to extinction” (italics mine). It is not accurate perceptions which helps us to effectively pass on our genes but “fitness functions,” i.e. “mathematical functions that describe how well a given strategy achieves the goals of survival and reproduction.” “Suppose,” he says, “there’s a blue rectangular icon on the lower right corner of your computer’s desktop — does that mean that the file itself is blue and rectangular and lives in the lower right corner of your computer? Of course not… And yet the desktop is useful.”[ii] Hoffman says that this is “conscious realism,” meaning that “Objective reality is just conscious agents, just points of view.”

And hence, evolution’s connection with classical understandings of sophistry is complete. Perhaps Christians taken with evolution should take evolutionists like Daniel Dennet more seriously when they assert that it is a “universal acid” that “eats through just about every traditional concept, and leaves in its wake a revolutionized world-view, with most of the old landmarks still recognizable, but transformed in fundamental ways” (see here).

The Sophists of the ancient world said that our base assumption should be that certain truth and goodness is unattainable. With change being the only constant and knowledge an illusion, everything is about building consensus through persuasion. The ethical sophist – assuming positing such a person is reasonable! – would persuade on the basis of arguing for things that are not true, but possible and perhaps probable…

How does this not sync perfectly with what Hoffman is saying, a “match made in heaven,” or hell, as the case may be? Can’t he – or anyone else – see the implications of this thinking for human reason itself?

Let’s break it down:

In brief, Hoffman, assuming temporal survival is what life is all about, says that it is our “fitness functions,” and not accurate perceptions, which help us to pass on our genes.
Therefore, it follows that being able to create grand, plausible sounding theories – whether they are true or not – also can be reduced to being about the survival value they have (in that they attract partners who know brains are valuable – and who can pass on genes).
Therefore, as long as one can avoid the impression one is totally disconnected from matters of concrete fact, disqualifying one’s self in other’s eyes, the sky is the limit!
As Hoffman says, our perceptions are “tuned to fitness, but not to truth”. Why would our capacity to construct narratives, our story-telling imaginations, not be as well? Why would this also not figure into the all controlling “fitness function”?
So, if this is the case, why believe the theory of evolution is true at all? It might be useful for passing on genes, but true?

And yet, of course, what Hoffman is doing in his interview – what he cannot avoid doing even if he might protest he is doing it – is putting forth a truth claim. Truth, in one sense, is “driven to extinction,” where, in another, it rises from the ashes reborn. “Believe me,” he is saying… “I am speaking with some real authority on these matters.” The ancient sophists played the same game… the truth is that we cannot not really know truth… what is important is that you listen to me, noticing how smart I am…

And so, as evolution and truth evolves, so does “our” (Not mine! Not yours I hope!) understanding of individuality, sex, and gender.

To state the obvious, given his assumptions, is that not just his “fitness function” speaking? And if he opposes me socially and politically and I fight back, evidently with my own fitness function that still falsely believes there is truth, just what hope for common ground do we now have?

I’m calling B.S. I’m calling out these new sophists for the danger to society and culture that they are. Absolute. Total. Nonsense.

Nathan Rinne, Patheos 28 Comments [11/22/2016 4:26:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 122624

Most of what the heathen unsaved world calls “love” is really lust, fondness or self-gratification. Oftentimes “love” is nothing more than a smokescreen for one's desire to have their needs met. Love seeks to give, not take. Love seeks to forgive, not remember one's sins. It is impossible to truly love someone without God, for God is love. The world needs God today as much as ever!

The Beatles sang the hit song in 1967, “All You Need Is Love.” Unfortunately, what they misunderstood for “love” is sinful compromise, ecumenism and worldliness. This is not God's unconditional love. The sinful world is taught to accept one another as they are in total ungodliness, and no one dare criticize another's heathen religious beliefs or immorality. The world will tolerate anyone except a born-again Christian. Whereas the Word of God in John 14:6 plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, the heathen world teaches that there are many paths to the light.

The world exploits the truth, hiding their tolerance for wickedness behind the disguise of “love.” When a faithful Bible-believing preacher stands up in the pulpit and proclaims the Word of God, denouncing sin and exposing false prophets by name, wicked people accuse him of “lacking love.” The world adores and praises religious phonies like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, cream puff preachers who never take a stand for anything godly. Pastor Osteen is a motivational speaker, sought by business people across the country to inspire young entrepreneurs and employees. No one preaches against sin anymore! No one warns sinners of the reality of a burning Hell, where all Christ-rejecters will spend eternity. Rick Warren has a net worth of $25,000,000 and Joel Osteen $40,000,000. Serving the Devil's New World Order pays off!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 29 Comments [11/21/2016 4:03:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 122623

What is all this fuss about a “supermoon”?? The moon is supposed to look larger and brighter than usual? So what? It still remains the same as when God created it– the lesser light to rule the night. I suppose people have nothing better to do than to worship it, since they hate God so much.

What perturbs me is that the way the media hype it up, saying the moon is closer to the earth during a supermoon, therefore we are on a ball earth with the moon orbiting around it. They’re going to show it live on space.com so we can REALLY see what’s going on, using their infamous CGI images and paintings, therefore MORE lies, MORE deception, and MORE bullcrap. Same old junk as always from the God-deniers and the God-haters. Same old story as the evolutionists and the “scientists” put it. They want to keep us in the dark so we remain clueless as to their New World Order agendas to kill, to steal, and to destroy.

Nobody wants to know we live on a FLAT EARTH, with the moon and the sun going around PARALLEL to the FIXED earth. The sun and moon do NOT rotate around us!! We do NOT live on a “globe”!! Read your Bible and you’ll say I’m right!! We flat-earthers are NUTS compared to these liars and deceivers. No, the supermoon is just another moonrise that the witches and satanists like to worship and get everybody all worked up and oohing and ahhing. Give me a break. This is all pagan garbage that makes God angry, and me also.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 42 Comments [11/21/2016 4:03:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 25


Quote# 122620

totalitarianism legitimately based on Truth and Justice would be the greatest thing ever and is one of the two futures of the human race (the other is our own extinction).

TimeToTurn, FSTDT 38 Comments [11/21/2016 4:02:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122617

Donald Trump may be the anti-Christ.

After his rise to the top of world political power Trump may end up serving 3 terms. After his first term millions of Christians will suddenly disappear. They will have been taken to heaven secretly by Christ before the start of the tribulation.

Then Trump will rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem as part of a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the rest of the world. Then after 3 1/2 Years Trump will go to the Jewish Temple and put a high tech statue of himself in that can speak. Trump will declare himself God and say that all people must worship him or they can't buy or sell. You all will have to get the mark of Trump. That mark is 666.

Then all the nations will have a falling out and world war 3 will start. All nations will meet for one final battle in Israel. During that battle Christ will return to put down Trump and the devil. Christ will judge the world.

If you don't know Jesus Christ then read the gospels. Find out who he is. If you're meant to be saved then you will respond to the truth. If not the light you received makes you worse off than most people in history who never had it. Bye.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 42 Comments [11/21/2016 4:00:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 122613

Nobody accuses a plumber of obsessing over broken pipes. Because pipes are a plumber's assignment.

Nobody accuses a dentist of obsessing over broken teeth. Because broken teeth are a dentist's assignment.

Why then do people choose to come to my page accusing me of obsessing over witchcraft, demons or the occult? Apparently that's MY assignment.

More specifically: part of my assignment is to warn and instruct the Body of Christ about the enemy's devices and machinations. And those happen to include the things that I write about frequently on my page.

I think it's suspect for folks to try to steer me away from my assignment. Who sent you to do that? It couldn't be the same God who gave me my assignment. So who or what is motivating you to try to get me to stop?

My guess would be the same forces that I'm exposing and attacking are the ones motivating people to steer me away.

Nope - it ain't working! ?? Those of us who work for the Light don't cave in to the darkness. Instead we destroy darkness by turning on the light. And on this page the light represents knowledge, insight and clearer understanding.

So for those who hate that I 'obsess' over demons and witches: run back to your covens and tell them it didn't work. Do YOU, and I'll stay doing me. In the meantime, get yourself some shades and prepare to witness even MORE light. Because it only gets brighter from here.

Mack Major, Facebook 19 Comments [11/21/2016 3:47:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122601

Solace is what we get every day through our prayers and rituals and faith. It is very important and without this most people will not be able to go through life at all. I agree.

However, as we advance spiritually we realize that the real truth exists within. Once we realize this and actually stabilize with this knowledge, most of our needs and wants disappear automatically. We start becoming free of animal needs and go with the flow. We will begin to see a force and a pattern in our lives that lies under the surface.

Once we recognize this pattern, we don't need any solace any more. The need for consolation disappears. Synchronicity will become common. We will know the way life is going and will just flow along.

This is what I mean by a 'solution to life'.

Sriram, Religion and Ethics 18 Comments [11/19/2016 5:40:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122598

Exactly. The WaPo actually had a writer/Mom take her kid on college tours a few years back. They visited a very "exclusive" college (most expensive US college usually). The student tour guide was asked about diversity. She replied, "There is none, In thought." The same groupthink echo chamber, but the real issue is the suppression of faculty speech, to be nearly uniformly pro-Democratic and liberal. Private colleges, as in private business, do not enjoy 1st Amendment privileges in their employment. The faculty can be as openly biased as they choose. It seems to be at a tipping point. I can't help but blame the Obama DOJ and DOE for many egregious actions to swiftly attack any dissenters in these environs. It elected Trump in part. Interesting. The current trend of judicial activism is paralleled by policy at schools. It's far easier to strike down a "ban" than it is to address the myriad of "guidelines" and speech monitors (a formal group at many campuses). It doesn't just take WikiLeaks to reveal Dem efforts to carry out social engineering through court appointments, but in claims on "safety." Trigger warnings, "safe" spaces that exclude whites, groups marching in libraries (of all places) cornering white students and forcing them to chant "Black Lives Matter." It's outrageous behavior, but safely conducted because faculty and administration do not punish the doers, and often create "sanctuaries" for them and their leaders. Of course, in the name of 'safety.'

RUreallyInclusive, The Washington Post 17 Comments [11/19/2016 12:35:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 122597

It isn't the fragility of university students that is disturbing, but rather their two-dimensional, strident adherence to the doctrines of Cultural Marxism that makes true campus intellectual debate and inquiry impossible. This is a national phenomenon. No institution calling itself a college or university can provide a quality education for undergraduates if ceases being a place where all opinions are respected and afforded a platform. How far they have strayed from that mission is illustrated by the widespread banning of speakers who are believed to promote retrograde ideas. The academy needs to wake up to the fact that "Political Correctness" is intellectual fascism.

Green Creek, The Washington Post 27 Comments [11/19/2016 12:35:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 122593

In a video that appeared to be shot on a smartphone, a group of young men and women viciously beat a 49-year-old man named David Wilcox while screaming phrases such as “You voted Trump” and “Don’t vote Trump.”

Wilcox told the Chicago Tribune that it began Wednesday about 1 p.m. at the corner of Kedzie Avenue and Roosevelt Road, when a black sedan scraped along the side of his Pontiac Bonneville, scratching it.

“I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s— out of me,” Wilcox told the paper.

In the video, several men and women threw him to the concrete and kicked him repeatedly, sometimes in the face.

The laughing group threw haymakers at the Wilcox’s head, as he desperately tried to crawl and limp back to his Bonneville. The door hung open until one of the young men climbed into the driver’s seat and slammed the door.

A subsequent video obtained by the Tribune showed Wilcox grabbing onto the open back window of the car, as the young man drove off. Wilcox hung from the window, his feet dragging along the concrete as the Bonneville picked up speed.

“The guy took off. He was doing 70 or 80 down Roosevelt, swerving. He was trying to have me fall off, and I knew if I somehow let go, I was going to die,” Wilcox told the paper. “Then he slowed down. I was looking at oncoming traffic. He probably slowed to about 45. God was watching over for me. I rolled about five or seven times into the oncoming traffic lanes.”

Wilcox said he did vote for Donald Trump, but that no one would know this just by looking at his car. He said of Trump, “He’s gonna bring back the economy. I believe he’s gonna be the one to protect the [nation]. I know he doesn’t speak politically correct sometimes, but 95 percent of the country doesn’t.”

He claimed someone at a nearby bus stop yelled, “Yeah, it’s one of them white boy Trump guys,” during the attack.


“What’s happening to America?” Wilcox asked in a recorded interview with the Tribune. “You’re supposed to be able to vote in peace. It’s supposed to be part of our democracy, and what happened is I vote for somebody, and I get beaten, robbed, and my car stolen, and I have no way of getting my wife to and from work safe anymore.”

Anonymous Chicago men, Washington Post 50 Comments [11/19/2016 9:01:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Nemo

Quote# 122592

1: What the naturalistic alternative is?
2: There is anything in it which specifically says Vlad likes this to be true.

1: Nature is either created (A supernatural event not penetrable by science) or
2: It popped up out of nothing ( a supernatural event not penetrable by science) or
3: Nature is eternal and has no cause ( a supernatural state not penetrable by science)

The Burden of Spoof, Religion and Ethics 9 Comments [11/19/2016 9:00:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122584

OK. Supernatural is that which cannot possibly be proved or demonstrated by methodological naturalism.
Therefore nature is either eternal....or it popped out of an natural nothing. Both of these things are not demonstrable by methodological materialism therefore the supernatural has been demonstrated.....without God having been mentioned.

The burden of spoof, Religion and Ethics 12 Comments [11/18/2016 2:45:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 122569

We need an objective human rating system

The world needs an objective human rating system. This way government controlled and raised brides would be fair for everyone. A 3/10 male would be married off to a 3/10 female by the government at the age of 15. Female children should be taken away at their birth and should be raised to be good wives. There are many ratios and personality tests to rate a person objectively. The golden ratio for example. All humans should be tested and married at the age of 15. The current way people rate each other is often subjective a 5/10 for me maybe a 7/10 for somebody else. This needs to be fixed and we need a definitive rating and a definitive way to rate people. This way all suffering would be prevented. Evil and Degenerate people by nature should be killed. This way a fair and morally superior world would be created. Hitler had 60% of it right. His own views of people wrong. His Ideas deep down were right. Jews should be married off to jews. Genetic scum that wants to live should be married off to genetic scum. Genetic scum has a right to live if they want too. Evil and degenerate people don’t and should be eradicated. People that are below a 4/10 should be sterilized.

[deleted], /r/IncelHeaven 73 Comments [11/18/2016 3:54:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 34
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 122564

How is it pathetic? Why should I talk to her unless she is willing to have sex with me? What would the point of this interaction be? It was random and caught me off gaurd, if I had planned talking to her and somehow getting in her pants, then I would have gone for it.

angryman411, /r/incel 87 Comments [11/18/2016 3:53:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 122559

Demon Worship

The Clinton circle ritually and collectively perform degenerate acts as a sacrament (Podesta’s Spirit Cooking). There are increasing grounds to suspect that they engaged in child sacrifice.

I don’t suppose they would think of it as demon worship, rather they think they are worshiping themselves and their own magical powers, but the connections to child traffickers reveal that it is demon worship. Hillary famously said “It takes a village”, and she has taken a few, or at least she applied State Department power to protect child traffickers that stole a few.

Meanwhile, the State Department some time ago installed Ms. Park Gyun-Hye as the President of South Korea, and was and is confident of her servile obedience, and continues to feel that were she replaced, it would be a bad thing for “the international community”.

But it was recently revealed that Ms. Park Gyun-Hye was the servile and mistreated puppet of a circle of people who claim magical powers and perform magic rituals.

So if she is the puppet of a religious leader, then the religious leader must be the puppet of the State Department, or, more likely, since cohesion usually comes from shared religion and ritual practice, the State Department is controlled by practitioners of the same religion, who meet together to do disgusting stuff like drinking the blood of children, which bonds them together.

The Cathedral is not so much a single conspiracy, as the net entropic consequence of a huge number of conspiracies. It cannot be accurately modeled as a single conscious being. Apple under Jobs was an extension of the will of Jobs, and its actions were explicable as the pursuit of profit and the pursuit of excellence. The American government cannot be modeled as the will of Obama, or the will of a small group capable of meeting around a coffee table and its actions cannot be modeled as the pursuit of anything coherent or sane. But the largest and most cohesive conspiracy will exercise the most power and gain the most privilege, and the largest and most cohesive conspiracy is apt to be the beneficiary of shared religious worship and belief.

Since the Clinton circle is clearly the most powerful conspiracy, we would expect it to be the largest and most cohesive, hence we would expect it to be held together by the glue of shared religious worship and belief – religion and belief that supplies plentiful amounts of blackmail material. It is inherent in the nature of the Cathedral that one is likely to find something like a cult of demon worshipers exercising the most power. You have inner circles, inner circles within inner circles, and natural selection for the meme system most capable of gaining and holding power.

You will notice that the pope and almost every christian authority has backed Hilton to the hilt, knowing that she engages in degenerate acts conducted as a sacrament.

Jim, Jim's blog 34 Comments [11/15/2016 7:34:59 PM]
Fundie Index: 26
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122557

Is Hillary Clinton’s Entourage Involved In A Satanic Pedophile Ring?

The latest batch of the Podesta emails shared by Wikileaks add a darker dimension (if it was even possible) to the sordid culture of corruption, lies and depravity that surrounds Hillary Clinton, explaining why the FBI has been calling her for quite some time now, the “Antichrist personified”.

It is a possibility that Hellary’s clique attends and organizes Satanic rituals, involving mock-up scenes of cannibalism and sexual abuse involving children.

One of the emails directed at Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother) contains the following sentence:

“I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place.

Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

This really does not sounds like much until you discover the author of this invitation.

She, who walks in the footsteps of the Beast

This is the woman who sent the email, Marina Abramovic.

(image of Marina Abramovic dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat)

Dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat, a clear reference to the occult character Baphomet

There is proof that the Clinton Foundation directly transferred Abramovic ten thousand dollars in at least one instance for her “services.”

A self-proclaimed artist, Abramovic hails from Serbia and regularly organizes “performances” and events using what she calls “Spirit Cooking”.

This “spirit cooking” includes mixing semen, breast milk, urine or fresh blood before consuming it or splattering it over various things such as life-sized representations of young children, like shown below:


This performance included spelling with the body fluids, the following stanza:

With a sharp

knife cut deeply into the

middle finger of your

left hand

eat the pain.

Other examples of her “art” (nowadays any revolting expression of bad taste if sporting the correct pair of problem glasses) include public dinners, where politicians, Hollywood stars, singers and decision makers gather to eat cakes that depict a naked human corpse or feast on the fake (I hope by all that is sacred) blood contained in a coffin where swims another human body.

Celebrities that use demonic symbols in their persona such as Lady Gaga rush to participate to Abramovic’s events

Another heavy user of the occult symbols, Jay-Z, is a big fan of Marina

These codes are all directly copied from rituals such as black masses or Sabat night reunions and popularized by figures such as Aleister Crowley from whom Abramovic draws direct inspiration.

It is part of this growing phenomenon where the elites and celebrities close to power get caught, intentionally or not, showing symbols celebrating the ancient Babylonian rites or the worship of the Devil.

On November the 4th, Clinton chose Jay-Z in a last bid to draw crowds to her empty rallies. Coincidence?

Innocent children involved in that mess

There is hard evidence that Bill Clinton traveled at least 26 times (sometimes without his bodyguards, it is all in the pilot logs) to billionaire and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Island on board his plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” as it is in this plane that the guests could allegedly have sex with minors.

With this in mind, it is disturbing to notice that other Podesta emails refer to children as being the “entertainment” at pool parties almost entirely attended by middle-aged men involved in politics.

Other emails involve strange references to food such as “pizza”, “cheese”, $65,000 worth of “hot dogs” for a party that attendees “dream of” and “recipes” that many sources suggest are code words for orgies involving minors and extremely young children. You can read more about it here.

The Whole Clinton Bag of Crooks reeks of unnatural sexual behaviour and reproachable acts and we will certainly know much more in the days to come, as Hillary Clinton is still under FBI investigation as we speak. This follows the scandal surrounding Huma Abedin (Clinton’s right hand and confidant) and her estranged husband, sex offender and champion one-handed texter, Anthony Weiner.
It will take some time before they go through Weiner’s 650,000 emails and decide of a course of action regarding these dark revelations and other atrocities of the Clinton crime family.

La plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas

These heavy accusations of Satanism remind us of the sexual blackmail practices said to take place among the popular hip-hop and Hollywood communities, as Roosh described in his related article, or other rumours linked to suspicious reunions involving the secret ceremonies of the elite such as the ones of the Bohemian Grove or the Rothschilds’ parties of the 70s.

If those recent speculations turn out to be true, it could have the effect of a bomb and mean a revolution.

Observe the symbols of cannibalism, eerily similar in the three following pictures. Those are respectively: a scene of the Rothschild’s “surrealistic bal,” a painting hanging in John Podesta’s office and one of Abramovic’s dinners:

(images of a scene of the Rothschild’s “surrealistic bal,” a painting hanging in John Podesta’s office and one of Abramovic’s dinners)

I will let you be the own judge of the conclusions inspired by those images. My father is a very Cartesian fellow and a saying of his comes to mind:

Just like Saint Thomas,

I only believe in what I see.

And what I see unsettles me.

Jean-Batave Poqueliche, Return of Kings 26 Comments [11/15/2016 7:34:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 122555

Lutheran officials are joining Senior Roman Catholics to make October 31, 2017 the end of their Protestant “protesting.” That date marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his “95 Theses” on the door of a Wittenberg church. That event is considered as the beginning of the split from Rome’s counterfeit “church,” that released the true gospel to “all nations.”

In the joint announcement, they claim that: “The awareness is dawning on Lutherans and Catholics that the struggle of the 16th century is over. The reasons for mutually condemning each other’s faith have fallen by the wayside.”

This can only be explained by the descendants of Luther abandoning the Bible. The biblical “reasons” have not changed. That means that either they gave up the Bible or have twisted the meaning —or both.

Those “reasons” included (and still include) worship of a wafer god and the Virgin Mary goddess, and bowing to a pontiff who claims to be Christ’s vice president in charge of all religion on the earth. The indulgences that Luther objected to are still being handed out as get-out-of-purgatory cards. Alternate mediators are still being installed with Mother Teresa being the latest example.

The article announcing this event cites “ecumenism, globalization and the secularization of Western societies” as the cause for this “celebration.” If we understand biblical prophecy, these terms illustrate how we got here and where we are going.

The “secularized” societies have decided they can build heaven on earth without God. Through science and reason they will conquer disease, poverty and even aging and death.

Then, through “ecumenism,” all religions will agree on a common teaching and values supported by common literature including a gutted Bible. Thus “globalization” will unite all economies, political systems, and religions, which they hope to merge into a harmonious “global” community. All “fundamentalists” will be charged with extremism and marked for elimination.

Piece by piece, this utopian fantasy of heaven on earth is being assembled. But the preserved Bible that we have today says that it won’t happen. It speaks of the spirit of anti-Christ that is behind all this humanistic maneuvering. Then, at last, the incarnation of that spirit will emerge as the beast out of the bottomless pit.

But how do we know that? Because we have the KJV, a complete Bible, one with a solid history of God’s promised protection of His word. The creeping confusion of modern Bibles is well along toward producing the gutted one world Bible that will support that one world religion. But the PR campaign against the Classic English King James has almost succeeded in the minds of even the “Protestants.”

So, should Bible believers join the 70 million Lutherans who belong to the Lutheran World Federation in calling for the end of Protestantism? Is there really nothing to “protest” any longer, as Paul Crouch declared several years ago on TBN?

The celebration statement claimed that “belief in Jesus” was enough for unity. But is the Roman wafer Jesus the same as the Biblical Christ? Should we repoint our prayers to the Mary goddess and hundreds of “patron saints”? Shall we give up the assurance of salvation through Christ’s finished work on the cross for a hope-so eventual exit from purgatory?

Sorry, Rome hasn’t changed. These “sheeple” Protestants have abandoned the Biblical Jesus for sweet ecumenical wine. God commands us to come out of this counterfeit, prostitute “church,” to avoid suffering her plagues on judgment day.

The chick.com web site has many books and tracts exposing this winsome whore who drank the blood of all the martyrs in history. See also Rev. 17 and 18.

Chick Publications, Chick.com 24 Comments [11/15/2016 7:34:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 122554

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have just pledged 3 billion dollars to “cure, prevent or manage all diseases” by the end of the century. Chan, a pediatrician, is hoping to spare the pain she sees when she delivers bad news to parents. Few people would argue with this noble goal.

But it is one example of an impossible dream held by so many of the leaders in the “world.” It is a place opposed to God’s plan of salvation, redemption and true abundant life.

The dream sits squarely on the lie of evolution. This generation, baptized in technology, believes that they can speed up evolution by altering DNA and create a super race, freed of disease, aging, poverty and hatred. Robots, bright with artificial intelligence, will be willing servants to bring a utopia of abundance and harmony.

This counterfeit heaven on earth will be funded by the mountainous fortunes amassed by such as Zuckerberg and his techno-cohorts. Sadly, many who claim to believe the Bible are buying into this fantasy instead of discerning the “signs of the [end] times” that describe the increasing chaos until Christ comes to rule in righteousness.

Daniel is told in chapter 12 that “…many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” This certainly describes our freeways and internet. But he was also told that: “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

We still see multitudes around the world, coming into Christ’s Kingdom and being “purified, and made white.” But also many are “tried,” with persecution rising in much of the world. Instead of being on the threshold of a new, man-made era of harmony and abundance, those who “do wickedly” will torpedo the dreams of those who refuse to include God in their plans.

America’s prosperity is the direct result of including God and honoring His word. That abundance has financed the spread of the gospel to all nations, just as Christ promised in Matt. 24:14. After that, though, He said that the end would come, not some man-made utopia.

Only righteousness can exalt a nation (Prov. 14:34.) As long as the hearts of sinful men are unchanged, sin will bring reproach: poverty, war, hatred, by those who “do wickedly.” The enemy of men’s souls, the trinity of “world, flesh and the devil” will not permit man to get his dream, no matter how much money they spend.

Daniel was told that the wise will understand. And Solomon declared that “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30). Never before in history has temptation of the “world” been more subtle for the Bible believer.

Church leaders and future leaders are told that using tracts is old fashioned and doesn’t work. Evangelism must be done through the long process of building a relationship to get permission to share the gospel.

But random sowing of the gospel seed does work. Thousands have written or called Chick Publications, testifying of changed lives from the message in a single tract —or a series of tracts found at random times.

Chick Publications, Chick.com 22 Comments [11/15/2016 7:34:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 122550

I won’t call myself a “pagan” because the word is now tarnished and destroyed by idiots who think paganism was really about worshipping a man with a hammer to give you power in battle. Thousands of homosexuals, non-whites, cowards, idiots etc etc thinking that they worship Freyja and completely misunderstanding what paganism is/was about and what the deities actually meant for pagans on a day-to-day basis. The term “pagan” has been ruined by ‘Wiccans’ and PC idiots on the internet who think they are pagan because they like to collect stones and walk barefoot through the woods, or that paganism is essentially 'hippie culture’. Disgusting. Nothing can be protected from degeneracy in the modern world.

athalawulfaz, Tumblr 30 Comments [11/15/2016 7:32:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 122546

I am not going to answer any of your question because we both know you don't care about the answers, let me tell you instead why you will fail:

Before non-whites become a voting block strong enough to render white votes irrelevant in the US general elections, they will render white leftists irrelevant in the decision making of the democratic party, in fact, with the utter failure of the overwhelmingly white leftist "Bernie movement" you might say this already happened.

This will transform the parties into explicit vehicles of racial politics, the GOP will become the white party, the Democrats, the non-white party, as i understand this was the plan of people like you all along but here is the problem: This was supposed to happen after white people became a plurality yet its happening now while they are still a majority able to secure some of the elections for the next decade even if they numbers diminish at the current rate.

The new White nationalist GOP will begin to win and put policies in place that reverse the march towards white minority status, closing the borders, mass non-white deportation, rendering the Democrats politically irrelevant.

This transformation is underway as we speak and it is unstoppable, the "POC" you so dearly recruited from the third world is just not interested in a "Joe Biden progressive", they want a brown face, just like them.

As for white people, they learned in this election to vote like a racial block, they in turn, want a white face, just like them.

You will never again be able to please both.

Avizvitoria, moviebob 20 Comments [11/15/2016 7:32:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 122544

Supporters of the Islamic State (Isis) have reportedly hailed Donald Trump's historic victory in the 2016 US presidential race, saying it marks the beginning of the fall of the country.

While several political leaders from across the globe joined in welcoming the Republican to the White House, the jihadists too cheered for the new president-elect.

They took to social media at the prospect of a Trump presidency, with one user writing: "9/11 was the beginning of the renaissance of the Muslim nation. 11/9 will be the beginning of the fall of the Satan (America) of this age". A screenshot of the message was shared by Rukmini Callimachi, a New York Times journalist focusing on IS (Daesh) and al-Qaeda.

"The real winner in the American elections is the policy of Sheikh Usama Bin Laadin," the user added.

Pointing out how Trump had won despite being "openly racist" towards Muslims and other minority groups, a user named Khorasani said the majority of the Americans had similar views and "mindset".

"This shows the true colours of the Americans and how corrupt they all are with no moral values whatsoever," Khorasani said.

"Trump's victory is a hard slap to those promoting the efficiency of democratic systems," The Independent cited Hamza al-Karibi, a spokesperson for the al-Qaeda affiliated Syrian jihadist group Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, as saying to his Twitter followers. "Starting today, we won't need media releases clarifying the West's machinations. All we need to do is retweet what Trump says".

Pro-al-Qaeda supporters too cheered Trump's victory as signalling a decline of the US. The al-Maqalaat Twitter account said Trump would "make the US Enemy No. 1 again" in the Middle East.

"Trump will serve as the perfect straw man for the next four years, like Bush did before him," Washington Post quoted it as saying.

Another al-Qaeda-linked ideologue, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who has over 56,000 followers on Twitter, declared that Trump's term "may be the beginning of America's disintegration and the era of its breakup".

"Rejoice with support from Allah, and find glad tidings in the imminent demise of America at the hands of Trump," said the IS-affiliated al-Minbar Jihadi Media network. It was one of several jihadi forums to post its comments soon after the results of the US elections were declared.

Islamists, International Business Times 37 Comments [11/15/2016 7:16:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 122543

Watching the news—and for the second night—protesters will NOT say the real reason why they're out there. Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but there are plenty of LGBT flags in the crowd. That's who's behind this! And that's why they are doing this.

The LGBT protesters are 'hiding' behind other groups like blacks, immigrants etc. But don't be deceived, they are out there strictly for their LGBT desires.

Don't forget what's been going on: (1) Perverted men, who are a part of the LGBT, have been 'legally' and boldly entering women's restrooms in search of young girls; (2) Children are being bombarded with homosexual propaganda in schools; (3) Christian businesses are being forced to close because homosexuals are targeting their businesses.

Democratic political commentators and protesters are calling those who voted for Trump as 'divisive.'

We say the country was already divisive when the LGBT were trying to pervert us with their sexual deviancy. And when Christians publicly speak on such topics, they get physically attacked in many cases by these 'loving' LGBT people.

Thank God this spirit has been halted. Love does NOT win. TRUTH WINS!

Eden Decoded, Facebook 32 Comments [11/15/2016 3:41:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 122530

The reality is that the boy's manners and upbringing doesn't mean anything, because he is not a Muslim. So, you can basically overlook his "goodness" because his disbelief far outweighs any goodness that he has.

.mirror., ummah.com 26 Comments [11/15/2016 3:46:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Deadly Vomit
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