Quote# 122824
And so, don't be an idiot and think that Donald Trump as U.S. President is going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It won't happen. My friend, America will NEVER be great again until we turn back to a holy God...
America will NEVER be great again until we once again believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
America will NEVER be great again until we repent and turn back to the God of the Holy Bible.
America will NEVER be great again until we burn Hollywood's cesspool of iniquity to the ground.
America will NEVER be great again until we dismantle Las Vegas (aka, “SIN CITY”) completely.
America will NEVER be great again until we eliminate the filth and covetousness on the internet.
America will NEVER be great again until we get rid of all the illicit gambling casinos and strip clubs.
America will NEVER be great again until we spend more time with God and family than the television.
America will NEVER be great again until we do away with the Federal Reserve Banks and fiat money.
America will NEVER be great again until we bring the King James Bible back into America's classrooms.
America will NEVER be great again until we bring the King James Bible back into America's churches.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop indoctrinating children with the satanic lies of Evolution.
America will NEVER be great again until we burn all the counterfeit Bible revisions in our churches.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop voting for the lesser of two evils, and not vote for evil at all.
America will NEVER be great again until we prosecute the CIA for trafficking drugs into the United States.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop allowing people to get divorced for any reason at all.
America will NEVER be great again until we bring back the tens-of-millions of lost jobs from foreign slave labor.
America will NEVER be great again until we drain the swamp in Washington DC and elect honest leaders.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop the sexual exploitation of youth through the music industry.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop supporting manmade Illuminati Israel since 1948.
America will NEVER be great again until we America's women forsake feminism and start obeying their husbands.
America will NEVER be great again until men forsake Hooters, Playboy and internet porn and start thinking pure.
America will NEVER be great again until we start moving toward rural living instead of big city urbanization.
America will NEVER be great again until we make same-sex abominations illegal, and stop gays from adopting children.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop letting Globalists exploit the U.S. toward World Government.
America will NEVER be great again until we stop lawyers and judges from raping citizens, bilking them financially.
America will NEVER be great again until we get away from big government and big cities, which promote indifference.
America will NEVER be great again until we enforce border security and ship millions of illegal aliens back home.
America will NEVER be great again until we start rehabilitating prison inmates instead of locking them away.
America will NEVER be great again until we run the ungodly manure-spreading newsmedia out of the country.
America will NEVER be great again until we restore state's rights and limit the power of federal government.
America will NEVER be great again until we get back to little league and recreation, instead of kids parked in front of TV.
America will NEVER be great again until we return to the Christian principles upon which our nation was built.
I could list a thousand more things wrong in the U.S. today. We've lost so much in America! I think our country is doomed, because once sin infests a nation, only one of two things can turn it back to righteousness: 1) Bible-preaching, or 2) God's judgment. Since pastors don't preach anymore, and counterfeit Bible revisions have flooded into the churches, and
“the simplicity that is in Christ” (the Gospel,
2nd Corinthians 11:3) has been replaced with false repentance, and churches are supporting manmade Illuminati Israel (thus consequently supporting the New World Order), it appears that all hope is gone, and only God's judgment can save us now!
Boy Scouts allow homosexual scout leaders. That is sickening! If you go fishing, officers and park rangers can confiscate everything you own if you don't know that you are required to pay for a fishing permit. I think that ruins America! Due to liability, many organizations are reluctant to host little league games and other fun activities for children. And now with the pedophile problem—which is a direct consequence of removing the Bible from the schools, Playboy magazine, sensual rock music, feminism, dying churches, homosexuality, the lies of Evolution, the evil influences on television, divorce (no father in the home), Hollywood and the general moral downfall of America—everyone is paranoid about their neighbours these days! How could America ever be great again in such a wicked climate? Everything is deteriorating quickly with a domino effect. We haven't seen anything yet. The daily news already cannot keep up with the abundance of heinous crimes being committed across America. Americans have become extremely covetous and materialistic.
Psalms 135:15, “The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.”David J. Stewart,
Jesus is Precious 40 Comments [12/2/2016 6:52:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Chris