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Quote# 117697

My stance on Asian people in Hawaii is this: There are always been too many of them, but hey I grew up there and meh, no problem. What my sailing friend was telling me was apparently not that native-born Asians who have been there 100 years or more, but that there are tons of immigrants coming in from Asia. That just takes things from tolerable (maybe) to worse.

Muvistor, r/lostgeneration 7 Comments [3/26/2016 9:31:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 117696

The massive influx of Germans created cultural destabilization that greatly aided our descent into madness during Prohibition. Irish and Italian waves sowed the seeds for the great urban corruption we all treat as a fact of life.

It has little to do with Western values, and everything to do with immigration being a fucking traumatic experience for everyone involved. Unless a glaring, existential threat to America can only be solved by mass importation of human beings, we don't need these people.

But beside that, we still don't need American Muslims either. I'm sure that's not who you meant by kebab in this case, but really, there's little justification for our tolerating their continued existence in America.

Quaintrelle914, r/The Donald 19 Comments [3/26/2016 9:31:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 117694

Watch a minute or so of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-avakrRUaU This bitch is a straight up sociopath. You can tell because you can see how practiced she is at contorting her face and voice to manipulate men.

Have you heard of "vocal fry"? That's one of the most blatant tricks in the modern woman's arsenal. Its a tone style of speaking that sounds like after sex bedroom whispering, and a lot of modern women have shamelessly adopted it into their everyday speaking, because it gives them power.

At a young age they develop these abilities for manipulating their fathers. They learn how to act sweet and cute in order to get what they want at home.

Women have always been better at social manipulation than men. This is how they ensured their survival during the caveman days. They couldn't hunt, or make tools, so they carved out the niche of being social manipulators instead.

Modern women in the US have almost all worked customer service jobs, either as baristas, waitresses, cashiers, receptionists, ect. In these jobs they naturally hone and perfect their social manipulation skills. They have to put on a smile and make their voice sweet, hour after hour, day after day, regardless of how they feel inside. After doing that for long enough, they essentially become like sociopaths.

cactiscat, r/MGTOW 21 Comments [3/26/2016 9:30:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117693

Freedom of religion was never intended to apply to the violent pedophile cult known as Islam. #JeSuisBruxelles #Brussels #StopIslam


Freedom of religion was for CHRISTIANS only, created to spare America from Europe's Christianity wars. #JeSuisBruxelles #Brussels #StopIslam


Claiming that Islam is protected by the 1st Amendment is a perversion of the Founding Fathers' intent. #StopIslam #JeSuisBruxelles #Brussels

Matt Forney, Twitter 24 Comments [3/26/2016 9:28:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 117687

An effort to rename winter break “Christmas break” failed at Monday night’s Millard school board meeting.

Board member Paul Meyer led the effort, saying that atheists who disagreed could “crawl back into their hellhole.”

Meyer’s proposal garnered sympathy but no support from fellow board members.

He made his proposal during a discussion prior to adoption of the 2017-18 school calendar for Millard Public Schools.

He expressed disappointment that the administration had not labeled the break on the calendar — Dec. 25, 2017, through Jan. 5, 2018 — as Christmas break.
Meyer said he was getting “a little bit tired of a minute minority in this country that keeps pushing Christmas out, keep pushing God out, keep pushing Christ out, when the majority is still a Judeo-Christian country.”

“I would like to make a motion that we rename this period Christmas break, and those atheists who don’t like it can crawl back into their hellhole, because I, for one, will not put my Lord, my God, aside for a few atheists,” Meyer said. “And if they don’t like it, the ACLU doesn’t like it, the heck with them.”

None of the board members present — Mike Kennedy, Mike Pate and Pat Ricketts — seconded the motion.

Millard School Board member Paul Meyer, omaha.com 28 Comments [3/26/2016 9:26:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: emau99

Quote# 117686

Not true. Many Christians simply don't watch TV or entertainment because of rampant violence and immorality. Hollywood thinks all Westerners( or all mankind) of both the past and present have been sick and immoral as they are, but that's not true. There were and are many normal people. Hollywood can neither comprehend the Biblical truth or their Christian ancestors because excessive immorality causes brain defects. Or they are simply demon-possessed. Stay away from Hollywood as much as possible. Even if they make Christian movies, they contain blasphemies.Television is one of the most mind numbing drugs invented, & the biggest threat to the democratic process of this once great republic.

The "fix" would be to require passing a test on federal & state constitutional content & intent to become "licensed" to vote, this would leave the "easily led" to their Oprah, Springer, & homosexual-centric Hollyweird So Californicate slothful lifestyle warming their couch potato impression... So they won't be "driving US into ditches"... Running stop-signs, & letting their friends drive the economy off the cliff.

Here we have one redeeming satellite TV channel called "C-SPAN", which carries live events in congress.. I can tell you that these clowns in DC would behave/speak much different if they knew that "only" licensed voters were listening!O_o!

Seriously, we license drivers of automobiles so they can be held accountable to the rules of the road. .. In the USA, the constitution is the "rules of the road", and there is nothing in that document that allows for the "business as usual" of passing Obama-Nation-Bills, without reading them, or handing out free stuff in exchange for votes, printing money out of thin air, or allowing guys in dresses define marriage!O_o!
Yes. Reading the Holy Bible and Christian literature gives Christians discernment what to watch and what not to by discovering the will of God.

Grace Kim Kwon, The Christian Post 19 Comments [3/26/2016 9:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 117685

[How interchangeably you use the words “kids” and “teens”… The world is full of far worse things than anything in Fox’s or any other network’s programming, and if your kids can’t sanely process “edgy” content from the television by the time they’re teenagers, they’re pretty much doomed for handling real life. Maybe if you weren’t so concerned with sheltering your offspring from offensive content in media you wouldn’t have to worry about them being exposed to it. You think exposing them to it is harmful? They’ll be exposed to it as adults, and it may indeed be harmful if that happens all at once rather than gradually as they grow up, with a parent there to discuss it with and put it in the proper context.]

This is an “argument” the PTC hears all the time. “There are worse things in the world than TV! Your kids will experience it when they’re adults! Therefore, you shouldn’t shelter them from it now!”

However, the logic in this “argument” is more than a little shaky. Agreed, there are worse things in life than what’s on TV. But the fact that children may be exposed to something in adulthood in no way justifies exposing them to it before that time.

By this logic, because some people are mugged and suffer from physical assault as adults, should parents stand by and allow bullies to beat their children? Because some adults may be raped, should parents allow their kids to be sexually molested? And certainly, many children will choose on their own to have sex as adults. So why not allow – even encourage — kids to have sex? (This certainly seems to be the view of entertainment industry writers, judging by much of the programming aimed at teens, and which is routinely watched by even younger kids.) Why not hand kids tobacco products, liquor, meth, and cocaine? After all, many children may choose to do drugs as adults. Isn’t preventing your children from beinig sexually or physically assaulted, or smoking, drinking, or using drugs, the height of irresponsible parenting? Aren’t you unrealistically “sheltering” your kids from the “real world”?

These examples may seem ridiculous; but in reality, they only make clear how ridiculous our culture’s double-standard about television and other forms of media really is. Like tobacco companies, the entertainment industry is a vast, multi-billion dollar conglomerate which reaps lavish profits from exploiting children, and getting them hooked on unhealthy patterns and products at a young age. When Big Tobacco pushed Joe Camel at children, people howled in outrage; but somehow, when it’s Big Media, many of the same people shrug, or even vociferously defend the “right” of entertainment companies to corrupt children.

And this ties into another argument we hear frequently: “it’s the parent’s responsibility to control what their kids see.” Especially in an age of smartphones and Internet access nearly everywhere (including schools), saying “Parents should control what their kids are doing every second of every minute of every day” is grossly unrealistic. In previous decades – as today – parents weren’t able to prevent kids from sneaking a cigarette or a drink. How are they supposed to control or even know what media their kids are consuming every second?

However, we recognize that society has a vested interest in keeping tobacco and liquor out of the hands of minors. We don’t allow cigarettes or liquor to be sold to people under 18. We even have banned cigarette advertising on television, because of the unhealthy influence it can have on viewers. Why then is it acceptable for television to bombard kids with adult sex and violence?

Frequently, one of PTC’s opponents will say, “Parents are being unrealistic by sheltering their kids — they’ll be exposed to it as adults anyway,” then in the very next sentence and with no sense of irony, say “It’s the parent’s responsibility to control what their kids watch”…thus simultaneously arguing that parents both SHOULD and SHOULD NOT regulate their children’s media consumption. Generally, though, those making such arguments don’t see that they are contradicting themselves…because the real crux of their argument is, “I should be able to watch anything *I* want! To h*** with the well-being of OTHER PEOPLE’S kids!”

And all teens ARE “kids.” They are all children, under the legal age of majority. Yes, it is their parents’ job to protect them – and one way of doing so is to advocate for measures which will help them do so. But, as with tobacco, liquor, and assault, society has an interest – and should take a role — in protecting children, as well.

Christopher Gildemeister, Parents Television Council 10 Comments [3/26/2016 9:25:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 117684

[Just one question: Is it not the responsibility of the parent when it comes to these kids having access to phones and mobile devices in the first place? There was a time when kids didn’t even have cell phones in the first place, and it requires all sorts of data plans and circles to run around to get it. The point is that you want to blame it on anything other than what it truly is: Bad parenting. It’s all about how parents want someone else to do their job for them and not taking responsibility for their own failures at being a parent. I know it’s harsh to say, but that’s what I believe to be the truth.]

I can’t believe that anyone who is a parent would talk about parents the way you do.

Parents DO take responsibility for their children. Parents recognize how much responsibility they have; but they also quickly realize how little power they also have.

I’m curious: do you believe parents are to blame for all the school children murdered at Newtown, too? By your logic, surely the killer was not to blame for the massacre: “The parents should’ve been more responsible, and kept their kids away from danger!”

The sad fact of the matter is, we live in a world filled with malign influences, and it is impossible for parents to guard their children against every threat every second of every minute of every day…particularly when they’re up against a vastly powerful industry which controls access to information, and which spends literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year specifically trying to seduce children and teens.

Christopher Gildemeister, Parents Television Council 1 Comments [3/26/2016 9:25:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 117683

(Reference to Ted Cruz wanting to ban refugees)

Yeah, like a good politician he will change his policies based on what's politically expedient in the moment rather than silly principles or values.

I honestly think Cruz, more than even Hillary, will do or say whatever it takes to get elected.

Poolooloo, r/The Donald 9 Comments [3/26/2016 9:22:38 AM]
Fundie Index: -10

Quote# 117682

More “female logic.” “You men are threatened, nyah nyah nyah.” I know you live in a dream world where every man is too whipped to tell you what an imbecile you sound like, so I’ll tell you now: this has nothing to do with patriarchy or any of your other man-hating feminazi tripe. Yes, lots of women want successful men, just like successful men want hot women who like sex and don’t speak when they’re not spoken to. What makes this woman an abomination is the painful contrast between her monstrous appearance and deluded demands. She’s not a role model for “women’s progress” or whatever else your ruined mind has been taught to parrot.

Jv, Ministry of Tofu 9 Comments [3/26/2016 9:22:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 117681

Why Does Nearly Every Culture Have a Tradition of a Global Flood?
by John D. Morris, Ph.D.
Evidence for Creation › Evidence from Science › Evidence from the Earth Sciences › The Global Flood Is the Key to the Past › Geological Evidence Indicates Rapid Formation

"Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" (I Corinthians 1:20)

One of the strongest evidences for the global flood which annihilated all people on Earth except for Noah and his family, has been the ubiquitous presence of flood legends in the folklore of people groups from around the world. And the stories are all so similar. Local geography and cultural aspects may be present but they all seem to be telling the same story.

Over the years I have collected more than 200 of these stories, originally reported by various missionaries, anthropologists, and ethnologists.

While the differences are not always trivial, the common essence of the stories is instructive as compiled below:

Is there a favored family? 88%
Were they forewarned? 66%
Is flood due to wickedness of man? 66%
Is catastrophe only a flood? 95%
Was flood global? 95%
Is survival due to a boat? 70%
Were animals also saved? 67%
Did animals play any part? 73%
Did survivors land on a mountain? 57%
Was the geography local? 82%
Were birds sent out? 35%
Was the rainbow mentioned? 7%
Did survivors offer a sacrifice? 13%
Were specifically eight persons saved? 9%
Putting them all back together, the story would read something like this:

Once there was a worldwide flood, sent by God to judge the wickedness of man. But there was one righteous family which was forewarned of the coming flood. They built a boat on which they survived the flood along with the animals. As the flood ended, their boat landed on a high mountain from which they descended and repopulated the whole earth.

Of course the story sounds much like the Biblical story of the great flood of Noah's day. The most similar accounts are typically from middle eastern cultures, but surprisingly similar legends are found in South America and the Pacific Islands and elsewhere. None of these stories contains the beauty, clarity, and believable detail given in the Bible, but each is meaningful to their own culture.

Anthropologists will tell you that a myth is often the faded memory of a real event. Details may have been added, lost, or obscured in the telling and retelling, but the kernel of truth remains. When two separate cultures have the same "myth" in their body of folklore, their ancestors must have either experienced the same event, or they both descended from a common ancestral source which itself experienced the event.

The only credible way to understand the widespread, similar flood legends is to recognize that all people living today, even though separated geographically, linguistically, and culturally, have descended from the few real people who survived a real global flood, on a real boat which eventually landed on a real mountain. Their descendants now fill the globe, never to forget the real event.

But, of course, this is not the view of most modern scholars. They prefer to believe that something in our commonly evolved psyche forces each culture to invent the same imaginary flood legend with no basis in real history. Instead of scholarship, this is "willful ignorance" of the fact that "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished"

John D. Morris, Ph.D., Institute for Creation Research 20 Comments [3/26/2016 9:21:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 117675

A longtime employee of Boulder's Parks and Recreations Department says that a new supervisor targeted her after learning that she was a lesbian and that the city's human resources department did not protect her.

In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court earlier this month, Sally Dieterich, who served from 2007 to 2014 as assistant to the director of Parks and Recreation and secretary to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, said that positive performance reviews and a warm personal relationship with her supervisor turned sour after she served on a panel during LGBT ally training and after she shared that she had recently married her partner of 25 years.

Dieterich is alleging the city discriminated against her on the basis of sex and retaliated against her when she sought redress, in violation of federal civil rights law. The lawsuit also alleges violations of the Colorado Antidiscrimination Act. She is seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress, inconvenience and loss of enjoyment of life, as well as attorneys' fees.

Boulder spokeswoman Sarah Huntley said the city could not comment on litigation.

"The city values inclusivity and diversity but cannot comment on specific litigation involving employment matters," she said. "We will respond to these allegations through the legal process."was the assistant to previous director Kirk Kincannon from 2009 to 2014 and then served as the assistant to interim director Jeff Dillon, the parks superintendent, and to Yvette Bowden, who was hired as deputy director in 2014 and eventually chosen as the new director.

"In the first months of working together, Ms. Bowden frequently told Ms. Dieterich that they 'made a great team' and gave her high fives to express her appreciation," the lawsuit said. "Ms. Bowden even suggested that she and Ms. Dieterich open the shade covering the window between their offices so they could 'better connect.'"

That changed, the lawsuit alleges, in October 2014 when Ms. Dieterich was invited to serve on a panel during a training for department directors on being an ally to gay, lesbian and transgender employees.

Neither Dillon nor Bowden attended the training, the lawsuit said, and when Dieterich returned to the office and told Bowden it had gone well, Bowden responded with a "flat 'that's nice' and promptly left the office."

Excited about the success of the training, Dieterich told Bowden later that day that she had recently married her long-time female partner. According to the lawsuit, Bowden said nothing and quickly turned and walked away.

"From this point forward, Ms. Bowden and Ms. Dieterich's working relationship changed drastically," the lawsuit said. "Ms. Bowden was no longer warm towards Ms. Dieterich and began treating her differently from other city employees."

According to the lawsuit, Bowden asked Dieterich to stop assisting her and avoided eye contact.

Dieterich's difficulties soon extended beyond a chilly work environment. Within a month, she was accused of conspiring to steal gasoline from Fleet Services and placed on paid administrative leave. The lawsuit said that Bowden personally escorted Dieterich out of the office past her co-workers, causing unnecessary humiliation.

According a Boulder Police Department report about the alleged gas theft, Dieterich had inadvertently used an incorrect code to get gasoline and did not even know the Transportation Department employee with whom she was accused of conspiring. The charges were determined to be unfounded.

But when Dieterich returned to work in January 2015, she was moved to the front desk of the Iris Center instead of the private office she had used in the director's suite for the previous eight years.

The lawsuit said that Dieterich was berated about her posture, stripped of her purchasing duties and most of the duties related to being secretary of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. She was told to stop calling herself the assistant to the director, and at one point, she found her nameplate in her mailbox.

A sexual orientation discrimination complaint that Dieterich filed with the city's Human Resources department was determined to be unfounded, though in the lawsuit, Dieterich says no one was interviewed except Bowden.

When Dieterich took medical leave after being diagnosed with breast cancer, she received a termination letter, allegedly for failing to turn in the appropriate forms, though she said she had turned in the forms and provided evidence of having done so.

Dieterich's attorney, Charlotte Sweeney, could not be reached Monday.

Yvette Bowden, Daily Camera 51 Comments [3/25/2016 3:31:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117674

A self-described former lesbian and feminist said on Wednesday that the Supreme Court’s decision in theObergefell v. Hodges case declaring states’ ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, created the “nation’s reigning idol.”

“When five unelected Supreme Court judges appended sexual orientation to the 14th Amendment in the 2015 Obergefell decision declaring state bans on gay marriage unconstitutional, sexual orientation metastasized from a description of perceived sexual desires to our nation’s reigning idol,” Rosaria Butterfield said in a lecture at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.

“Idols seduce,” Butterfield said. “Idols demand allegiance.

“Idols steal worship from God, and idols destroy faith in God,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield, a former tenured professor at Syracuse University, converted to Christianity in 1999 and has written several books, including “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert” and “Openness Unhindered, Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Covert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ.”

“The Obergefell decision established into law the idea that our sexuality is inseparable from our spirit; that it captures the truth about who we really are and that to deny its expression violates the core of our identity,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield said she now believes God created male and female as “image bearers” and homosexual desires are outcroppings of original sin and all of its manifestations of sin suffered by all mankind.

She also said she regrets the role she played in advancing the homosexual agenda.

“Who am I, and how dare I say these things?” Butterfield said. “You see, this is not an easy conversation for me.

“You see, we live in the world now that I helped create,” Butterfield said. “The blood is on these hands.

“I spent 10 years of my life – between the ages of 26 and 36 – in serial monogamous lesbian relationships and working to advance LGBT rights,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield now lives in North Carolina with her husband and their four adopted children. She describes herself today as a “full-time mother and pastor’s wife, part-time author and occasional speaker.”

Rosaria Butterfield, CNS News 19 Comments [3/25/2016 3:09:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 117673

Open minded people can believe in evolution. The really open minded believe in both evolution AND creation.

Haylee Eide, IFL Science 23 Comments [3/25/2016 3:07:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 117672

Preaching the Gospel correctly is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times more important then feeding, clothing and medicating every homeless person in the world for the rest of their life!!!!!!! If you're wrong on repentance, then you're wrong on salvation, and if you're wrong on salvation then you're going to Hell.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 44 Comments [3/25/2016 3:07:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 24

Quote# 117669

Kelly: With a pair of bolt cutters and sense of indignation, custodian cuts down what flies in church

A Mary Poppins mannequin hung from the ceiling at St. Cecilia Cathedral for its 31st annual flower festival, but a custodian used bolt cutters to send it crashing to the floor on the first morning of the event. The custodian said he hopes the incident sparks “conversation” about what types of displays are appropriate in a church.

On the first morning of the 31st annual Cathedral Flower Festival, with its theme of “A Night at the Movies,” an agitated church custodian made a bold move.

Mark Kenney, 59, who grew up in the parish, had worked at St. Cecilia Cathedral for three years. Around 8 a.m. on Jan. 29, he went to a work shed, picked up a pair of heavy-duty bolt cutters and ascended to a catwalk high above the mostly empty nave, or main sanctuary.

He looked through a peephole, he said, to make sure he wouldn’t hurt any people. And then he cut a steel cable, which sent a suspended, umbrella-carrying, hat-wearing Mary Poppins figure crashing to the floor.

Kenney then went downstairs and removed a cardboard Buddha figure from the Nash Chapel, which also featured costumed mannequins from “The King and I.” He threw the Buddha out one door and proceeded to toss costumed mannequins out two other doors.

Someone alerted the pastor, the Rev. Michael Gutgsell, who ran from the rectory next door to the church and saw Kenney.

“Mark,” he called out, “did you see who did this?”

“Father, it was me. You need to call the police.”

Gutgsell had known that his custodian had misgivings about secular displays in the church but says he was dumbfounded and didn’t understand why Kenney would take such drastic action. In a brief meeting that week, the pastor said, he had asked for Kenney’s promise not to be disruptive.

Now the priest was shocked, saying, “You promised!”

In response, Kenney said, he lashed out. “I started screaming, ‘Father, this is bullshit! We can’t have this in the church. This isn’t culture, it’s Disney crap!’?”

Kenney — who has served three terms of up to six months in federal prisons for crossing security lines at military bases in protest of nuclear weapons — then knelt at the communion rail and prayed until officers arrived and handcuffed him.

He spent a night in jail before he was bailed out and pleaded no contest. He said he is scheduled for sentencing “on Holy Thursday,” March 24.

Damaging items at the flower festival was wrong, and Kenney said in an interview this week that he will make restitution. But he says secular items such as movie characters are inappropriate in the sacred space of the cathedral and amount to sacrilege and idolatry.

Gutgsell, a former chancellor of the Omaha Archdiocese and a Catholic University-licensed “canon lawyer,” an expert in church laws and rules, disagrees.

“Obviously, context is everything,” the priest said, noting that the cathedral also is home to about six concerts a year. No sacrilege or disrespect is conveyed, he said, in the concerts or the dozens of exhibits at the flower festival.

“Cathedrals,” he said, “are kind of the epicenter for culture presentation and development.”

Eileen Burke-Sullivan, a theologian and vice provost for mission and ministry at Creighton University, said she sees no problem. The cathedral and the archdiocese, she said, have supported the arts in Omaha for many years.

“In mixing thematic popular culture with the beauty of God’s creation in flowers,” she said, “I don’t think there’s any inherent idolatry.”


Mark Kenny, Fr. Z's Blog (Originally reported on Omaha news) 24 Comments [3/25/2016 3:06:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117668

(On an event in which a church janitor angrily tossed Buddha and Mary Poppins statues out of the church)


I quite agree BigBunny. After all he was just doing his job, cleaning the garbage (a flying witch) out of the belfries. In Mathew 21: 12 & 13, Jesus chased out the money changers selling in the temple area. One cannot always sit on the sidelines. There comes a time when Jesus says we cannot be lukewarm, we have to make a decision, and Mr. Kenney did that. Pray for him, Jesus loves him.


I personally have zero objection to Mary Poppins. Fantastic film. Julie Andrews at her height. Plus, good lessons for children about manners, cleanliness and a reminder to parents that they shouldn't be forsaking their responsibility by dumping everything onto a nanny. I went to a Christian elementary school and I'm pretty sure we watched Mary Poppins a few times over the years on rainy days when recess wasn't an option outside. I object to it no more than Aesop's fables or other literature that provides children a good sense of right and wrong.

But Mary Poppins has no place in church.

The Buddha is another matter entirely, but also has zero place in a church. Burn it.

Juniper & pianoknight, Rapture Ready 15 Comments [3/25/2016 3:06:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117667

Christians want your soul to spend eternity in paradise a.k.a. Heaven.

atheists, on the other hand, couldn't care less about your soul, nor if you instead spend eternity in Hell.

So how does that not make the Christians the good guys and the atheists the bad guys?

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

Navaros, IMDb  17 Comments [3/25/2016 2:57:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117666

No, I'm not kidding.

Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are among the very few high profile Bible-believing Christians in the world. That makes it all the more the shame to see one of them ruin his great work for no good reason with an unnecessary & nefarious endorsement.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman

Navaros, IMDb  17 Comments [3/25/2016 2:56:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 117664

[Anonymous threatens to expose Ted Cruz's alleged prostitution activity if he doesn't leave the race]

["Cruz is a complete sleaze, but have we really reached the level of spreading this kind of completely unsubstantiated rumor?"]

Whatever works, as long as it’s not violent and not illegal, or at most only slightly and peacefully illegal such as a sit-in.

["So you seriously think it’s OK to spread complete lies about your opponents, as long as it works?"]

So you think your grandchildren are going to give a flying fuck about rectitude and righteousness when climate change crashes global agricultural productivity and the new national health crisis isn’t overweight but overt hunger?

Get real.

The longer we wait, the fewer the options available, and the uglier are the options that remain.

Thankfully we can still vote our way out of the dystopic hellscape that climate scientists tell us is a certainty if we don’t pull out of the current willful nosedive.

In another decade or at most two, that will not be possible.

So hell yeah!, whatever it takes.

G2geek, Daily Kos 36 Comments [3/24/2016 10:45:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 117663

[Comment on article entitled "Justice Delayed for Green Beret Who Defended Afghan Boy From Rapist"]

If the child would have been transgender, gay, liberal, nuts, have AIDS, been a deserter, a traitor, or something that Obama's military could recognize that's worth saving, the Sergeant would have been given a medal and sent on his way. But no, this was a normal child held as a slave and being raped by a gay man.

If Obama prosecutes the Green Beret, he's essentially telling the Army that gay rape is acceptable behavior and should not be interfered with or you'll be court martialled. If Obama doesn't prosecute the Sergeant, he's saying that gay child rape is unacceptable and should be interfered with and stopped.

Whatever will Obama do? His gay constituency is awaiting the answer!! The NAMBLA vote is at risk. Lastly, this will certainly be an election issue. I can't wait for Trump or Cruz to hear the news that the Sergeant is prosecuted...one of them will hang Hillary and the liberals with it. If part of the Obama/liberal platform is to approve of slavery and child rape, then what is the difference between liberals and ISIS? Well, if I were Trump or Cruz, that's how I'd phrase it.

bigcrawfish, Military.com 15 Comments [3/24/2016 10:44:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 117662

They know homosexuality is a learned behavior and if they get to vulnerable kids early enough through sexual abuse and mental abuse they want to increase their ranks. They tried to normalize pedophilia at the same time as homosexuality but they realized it didn't work. They realized they had to do it in steps.

Their also sexual deviants in nature so they don't have many boundaries when it comes to sex. If every city was as "enlighten" as San Fran we would have homo's walking the streets naked, libs would be going after all the kids, and the city would have to bleach the streets every morning. Where's all the libs going after Lena Dunham oh their aren't any.

mills84, LiveLeak 15 Comments [3/24/2016 10:43:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 117661

The west is in a crisis of faith christianity nad catholicism is being attacked on all sides the faith is in massive decline... we are essentially a post christian society and now the pope is requesting we flood the west with muslims... it beggers belief

mea kulpa, Christian Forums 25 Comments [3/24/2016 10:43:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 117660

If Jesus had sex with me, it would show Him as a being who has needs, that is why He will give His semen to Brent in the millennium, but He himself, will not participate in the sexual act ever. I may sense His spirit in His semen coming to me through Brent during the millennial sexual act, but all the yearnings and longings for me during the sexual act will all be from Brent. I believe that during the millennium, His spirit will be in His semen and will cause Brent to love me with the vastness that Jesus feels for the universe. So the millennial sexual experience will be a vast experience, because of the semen of Jesus. But, make no mistake about it, there will be sexual feelings there at all, except from Brent. Basically, Jesus will give me His semen during the millennium as His way of expressing pleasure about me, with no sexual longings in the semen at all. It will be a totally giving semen, He will feel or take in from me only a spiritual love with no fleshly desires in Jesus’ semen AT ALL.

Because He is God, my guess is that the semen will enhance Brent’s lovemaking and make it seem as if Brent and I are making spiritual love to the universe, but not to God. Jesus will enhance our sexual experience by giving us a bit of His great spiritual love for everyone during our millennial sexual experience, making the experience vast and awesome. But make no mistake about it, it won’t be God making love to me. It will be God putting His frosting on my sexual experience with Brent. The cake, the actual sexual experience, will be with Brent alone. The frosting, the enhancing of the sexual experience will come from God with His semen. He will enhance the sexual experience, making it seem an act of worship, but will not participate in it. Jesus has no sexual feelings for me. This is what I sense with His Spirit. This is not an insult. He’s deity. It would violate His character as God, to make sexual love with any human. He won’t do it. He has no desire to do it. Instead, to show His love for me, He lets me feel His spirit, with no sexual overtones AT ALL. I suspect that His semen in the millennium will just be His Spirit enhancing my lovemaking with Brent, like frosting on a cake. Because Jesus’ spirit is so awesome, that is why I say His spirit to spirit communion is better than sex. But make no mistake about it, there is no sexual desire in His spirit towards me at all.

Gail Chord Schuler, Empress Gail Chord Offical Website 32 Comments [3/24/2016 10:41:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 35
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 117659

I'm all for hapas if their dad is the Asian one. Supporting hapas who have non-Asian dads just makes you a masochist. Let's put this into analogy okay, no one likes the other team scoring on their own net, but they do like it when you score on theirs. That's the same thing.

I'm not going to murder hapas just because their dad isn't Asian. But I'm not going to support them either because it doesn't benefit Asian men since we don't gain anything from it. In matter in fact, I prefer if Asian men where more ethnocentric and protective of their women like Arabs are with theirs. It's bigoted but so what, it's tribalism in it's finest and it controls Asian women from shortening Asian males sexual access.

In society Asian men have emasculating stereotypes to deal with. It's not inspiring to support relationships that perpetuate that even more. Simply put it's not pro-Asian male. Also when a rival tribe conquered a tribe, they killed off the males and mated with the women. It's the same thing with how Asian men are in the west, due to them being neutered and being perceived as beta. Supporting hapas of non-Asian fathers makes the Asian race be perceived as cucks.

Here is my reasoning for you simpletons out there. Just look at the African American community. Most of the mixed black males they put in their media have a black father. The current president is from that type of relationship. For white people when there is a mixed Asian for example, the father is white. It's fucking backwards though in Asian media. It's provides more value for Asian women and devalues Asian men with the amount of hapas who have a non-Asian dad.

AsianSesame, Reddit - r/aznidentity 16 Comments [3/24/2016 10:40:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
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