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Quote# 118516

Representatives of 195 nations reached a landmark accord that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering C02 emissions, leading to a "low carbon future."
NZ's "carbon footprint" is negligible, we're only a nation of 4 million - but we've already heard on the news tonight how it's going to hit us in the pocket.
I want to know why is carbon being treated as a pollutant?
Here's a two minute science video, showing the effects of carbon on plants; with two plants, two C02 concentrations, over 42 days …
It came from http://www.co2science.org/index.php, an organization dedicated to doing proper science.
Seeing is believing. Carbon is good for the planet.

Hitler said if you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
I guess all we can do is keep presenting the facts.

Another organisation was at the Paris talks, trying to combat the climate lies. They presented four inconvenient facts about global warming:

Jo-NZ, Rapture Ready 16 Comments [4/26/2016 4:17:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 118514

How many men are there in America whose failure with women made them “realize” they were a homosexual? Thousands, I’d estimate. These are guys too disillusioned with the American female to put the game work needed to penetrate their holes. Guys who concluded that these girls are not worth the effort, and that they rather get banged in the butt than deal with them or figure them out. I have a feeling these gay boys had gay tendencies before their conversion, but how many guys in Brazil converted to homosexuality because they couldn’t get laid? Colombia? Russia? Italy? Significantly less, I imagine.

Roosh, Roosh V 23 Comments [4/26/2016 4:16:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: David

Quote# 118510

Here is Revelation 19:13 in both the King James Bible and The Voice. Notice how Jesus is no longer called “the Word of God”; but rather, He is known as the Word of God, which means something entirely different. JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD! That's what John 1:1-3 teaches in the King James Bible!!! He is the living Word, as revealed by the written Word. The Voice completely obliterates this vital doctrine of Christ:

KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) — Revelation 19:13, “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.”

THE VOICE (VOICE) — Revelation 19:13, “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name He was known by is The Word of God.”

Any thinking person realizes that making even subtle word changes to a work can drastically change the meaning of the context. The ugly truth about Bible translations is that to obtain a legal copyright for the new work, the context (Word of God) MUST be substantially and creatively changed. No wonder the churches are all confused today! Truly the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10).

Here's one more perversion, and this one is so horrible. I could give you hundreds more. The Voice is a piece of vile trash!!! Burn it if you have one! BURN IT!!! The King James Bible says concerning born-again believers that “WE ARE SAVED.” The lousy and contaminated, The Voice, says something entirely different, teaching that believers are in the process of being saved:

KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) — “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

THE VOICE (VOICE) — “For people who are stumbling toward ruin, the message of the cross is nothing but a tall tale for fools by a fool. But for those of us who are already experiencing the reality of being rescued and made right, it is nothing short of God’s power.”

The second, spiritual, new birth is as instant and permanent as the first, physical, birth. You can literally write down the date, time and place where you got saved. Evangelists Paul Washer and Ray Comfort say that is not possible, but they are heretics. Ray Comfort says in his, The Evidence Bible, that no one is “safe just because Jesus died on the cross,” which teaching is a lie of the Devil. Mr. Comfort does not believe in the eternal security of the believer. If you have BELIEVED THE GOSPEL, you are safe in the hands of Jesus and secure in the promises of God. If saved, always saved! Being born-again is not an ongoing process, it is a new birth!

If you don't have a King James Bible, you don't have a Holy Bible!!! I'll fight, and fuss, and make a big deal out of the King James Bible until I go home to be with the Lord in Heaven. The Devil is a beautiful liar! The Devil is in the churches, and he has hundreds of different Bible versions to confuse everybody. Satan wants people to become religious, and not see the Gospel. Satan hides the cross from the unsaved! All of the new Bibles have perverted what it means to “repent” and be saved. Have you been fooled?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 17 Comments [4/26/2016 3:46:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 118509

I am sick with worry over the kids, the babies, the little ones, growing up in this world today. I shudder for my own adult children. I saw on Facebook just now that a relative is going to a gay bingo party today. I didn’t want to see that. It makes me cry inside. She has no clue what wrath she is going to endure if she is not saved. Our beautiful children, the gifts from God, need JESUS CHRIST in their lives! But it appears that nobody wants to go against the grain and stand in the gap for the lost. They all want to be “politically correct.” God pity us enough to send us a Billy Sunday or a Jack Hyles man of God to step up and defend the faith! Whom shall I send, and who will go for us, saith the LORD of hosts (Isaiah 6:8)? HERE AM I, O LORD, SEND ME.

My son calls me a “homophobe” because he knows I am against the LGBT lifestyle. Be that as it may, I will continue to be a “homophobe” because God wants me to be one. The Bible says sodomites will surely perish except they repent and believe in Jesus as their Savior. Homosexuality, like drunkenness, lying, doing drugs, disrespecting your elders, etc., is just another sin which the Blood of Jesus Christ has the power to wash away. Just because our society has praised it and encouraged it lately (and is force-feeding it to our kids) doesn’t make it any less a sin in the holy eyes of God Almighty. He said it is an ABOMINATION, and that’s that.

Confession time: Something that bothers me is that a cross-dresser comes every week to my church. I see him in the back, but I rarely speak to him. I feel guilty because I know I should reach out to him in Christlike love, but at the same time I know God is not pleased with the way he presents himself in God’s house. I suppose he comes to church because he wants to know the Lord, and my Pastor welcomes him just like anyone else. Not only that, but I’m sure church is the only real refuge for him away from taunting, prying eyes. Yet there is always that stumbling-block that I need to get past whenever I see him. This is something only God can handle, so after fretting over it for a time (‘Which bathroom does HE use?’ ‘How long does it take for him to put on all that girly stuff?’ ‘He looks ridiculous,’ etc.), I give it to Him and leave it alone. God knows I am still a sinner, yet saved by grace. The Lord will handle him, of that I am certain, in spite of what I think.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 18 Comments [4/26/2016 3:46:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 118504

A woman isn't mentally or emotionally designed to have multiple sexual partners.

When a woman has sex with a guy, the act of him entering her allows his life force and energy to enter her as well. That man’s life force and energy then becomes a part of that woman’s emotional and mental character.

The more of a man’s life force she takes inside of her, the more like that man she becomes. She starts to take on his ideological outlook on life, and begins to reflect the essence of who that man is. This in part is what the bible means by two becoming one flesh.

That’s why you can always tell when a woman has been with low caliber men. She’ll take on the persona and low level of energy of those men she's been with.
A woman by divine design becomes a reflection of her man. *Genesis 3:16* Whoever is sexing her on the regular, that's the person's mindset and ideology she’ll eventually become most aligned with.

And when she has multiple sex partners, she has multiple competing spiritual forces fighting inside her soul for the dominant position within her life.
This duality within her ultimately leads to confusion. I know some of you ladies think you can do what men do, but you have to put on your grown woman pants and think like an adult. It’s time out for thinking and acting like irresponsible teenagers.

You can’t do what we do. And we can’t do what you all do. Our bodies and minds were designed differently to fulfill God’s greater purpose.

This doesn't excuse men either for having loose sexual behavior. The bible makes it clear (and science corroborates) that when a man and woman join together as one: they become ONE flesh. *Mark 10:8* Think about that fellas: how many women have you become one with in your lifetime?

It's a scary thought, especially when you consider all the spiritual fall-out that can happen from allowing the energy of different women to join up with yours.

Some of you right now can't seem to get your life on track, and you can't figure out why. You have strange pains in your body, or trouble holding down a job.

You no longer sleep well at night. Your business has suddenly stagnated. Or maybe your finances never come together the way you need them to.

It's because of those unbroken ties with females from your past. Some of those women you had the pleasure of banging were filled with demons: and because of that sexual act now those demons have permission to torment your life too.

Sex is a very real, very serious act of sharing power. And we shouldn't treat it like kids playing with matches and gasoline.

So ladies, it’s time to stop lying to yourself about women being 'playas' like men. The only one who ends up being played in the end is YOU. And fellas: it's time to treat sex like it's more serious and precious than life or death itself. Because for many of you: it really is.

Many a man is suffering the torments of hell this very moment, all because he refused to gain control over his penis when he had the chance to. Now his lust has become his eternal torment.

If you don't control your penis, some woman (and the demons working through her) will destroy you THROUGH your penis. The same goes for you too ladies. Do not
allow your legs to be the open portal that allows demons into your sacred space.

I advocate a strong healthy regimen of disciplining one's life by the teachings of Jesus Christ found in holy scripture. Not to be religious: but because IT WORKS!

The very thing many of you are running from or avoiding entirely is the very thing you need most to get your life on the right track.

Stop running and give God a chance. And watch your life transform in ways you never thought possible.

Mack Major, Facebook 32 Comments [4/26/2016 3:34:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 22

Quote# 118503

Fornication. Masturbation. Adultery. Lust.

Christians are very good at telling others not to do certain things. But we often do a poor job of explaining why.

We haven't adequately explained WHY a person should not do things like sleep around or engage in unbridled sexual indulgence.

In fact, we never really delved into why sexual sins are such pernicious, dangerous and defeating sins in the lives of a believer. We haven't looked into the SPIRITUAL ramifications of those things.

Just like there are laws that govern what can legally be done to people within a country, and laws that stipulate what can happen to you for breaking the law: there are laws that also govern the operation of the spiritual realm.

When we commit sexual sins and taboos, we are giving permission for spiritual tormentors to take over certain aspects of our lives. We are opening the door and allowing ourselves to be taken captive by evil forces that operate as divine enforcers.

Everything that violates God's divine law opens the door for Satan and other demonic entities to enter our lives and wreak havoc. That's why it's so necessary and important to live a clean life.

God isn't trying to stop you from having fun. He's trying to stop you from ruining your life and aborting your purpose!

Sexual sins cause you to throw away your divine assignment and your purpose. It causes you to expend your life on things that will ultimately send you into deeper bondage, illness, depression and eventual utter destruction.

How many of you right now are feeling the cold harsh bite of the sexual sins you enjoyed just weeks, months or maybe even years ago? Do you know why you suffer? You suffer because you made yourself a captive of the tormentors.

And now you belong to them until you can be set free and delivered.

"Diva, Goddess, Queen: Breaking the Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons" is my newest and latest ebook. I literally JUST released it. And if you open your heart and heed its message, it's guaranteed to transform your life forever.

This is by far the most detailed and powerful eBook I've written yet. I could literally feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders as I wrote it. This will be a powerful tool to help many people step into divine freedom.

This ebook breaks new ground and goes where few books have ever gone before. Packed with research and plenty of photos, you will finally learn exactly why sex is such an important topic to both heaven and hell, and how to take your life back from those forces that have been successful at holding you back.

No more struggling with guilt, shame and the burden of sin.

No more suffering under demonic attacks and oppression.

Learn what you must do to finally break free from sexual soul ties, lust and demonic assignments that are keeping you away from God's higher purpose for your life.

Some of you weren't even aware that the person you slept with was an assignment from hell sent to derail your life and cause much personal destruction. But after finishing this eBook you will finally be able to walk in the absolute freedom that only Jesus Christ provides.

Mack Major, Facebook 22 Comments [4/26/2016 3:33:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 118502

Dr. Ben Carson has sold his soul to the devil. IF he really is who he says he is, he wouldn’t have.
You people need to understand – until we honor the Creator who made this country so great, we will not recover from the despot already in the WH and Mr. Trump is simply a GOP version of him.

Grace, The Political Insider 18 Comments [4/26/2016 3:33:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 118501

Monogamous relationships in a lot of ways lessened the burden of becoming the alpha. Now every man that could find a woman could become an alpha of his own family, providing he could amass some reasonable resources. To achieve this, women were conditioned to respect a man and to welcome his advances, or sometimes couples were wed based on the decisions of their families that they thought would be a good fit. Women were taught that their role was to support the man, and relationships could potentially thrive. And you would get satisfaction from love and from being the "alpha" of your family tribe, by having unlimited access to sex (it was a marital duty at some point by the wife), so it was simultaneously playing into evolutionary traits, but also relaxing the requirements on being the "alpha male". It was a sure way to make both sexes happy (betas wouldn't stress out, and women wouldn't be abandoned after they passed their prime years).

Then women's rights and feminism came along and disrupted this. From a human ethics and equality of "human beings", this was probably a good thing. From the "let's try to work with what evolution created" point of view, it would inevitably end in disaster. Essentially, now we are going back to the alpha/beta scenario, where most of the attractive women belong to the top males as women have inflated sense of worth (online dating, protection by government, feminism, take your pic). Except with one major difference in that men of our generation draw on experience of previous generations and think the old system is still in place. Then they go out, get a nice job, become decent human being, they ticked off all the boxes, and then they are faced with the grim reality that the only thing waiting for them is a beached whale (feminism promotes "big is beautiful", right?). So these men then go back to the drawing board and keep "bettering" themselves. Keep investing and investing only to realize their intellect and ability is growing, while women are degrading and becoming more complacent. Eventually these men become so intelligent that they stop blaming themselves (despite what everyone else tells them), and see things for what they are. So I can totally see how you would have BIG plans on the verge of finding out about TRP that are in dire need of motivation. I have exactly the same problem, and feel like I am about to abandon a lot of what I've worked towards because a woman and a family was at the center of that.

The reality is, there are reasonable women out there. They are very hard to find, and they are usually partially (but not fully) spoiled and influenced by their social circles anyhow. At this point I would say without too much of doubt that in North America, AWALT, with the exception of you finding a smart AWALT that instead of destroying you would want to support you to meet her own goals. You would have to manipulate this woman likewise, and basically your entire relationship would consist of a constant tug-of-war, but you could be happy and have a fulfilling life. The problem with most men is they think a woman should be caring and supportive altruistically, but evolutionarily, they have their own agenda and once in a while you need to be a strong alpha and put her in her place. So in summary, things are not as simple as MGTOW or TRP would have you believe, but in North America (or West in general), these ways of thinking are VERY smart approaches to not getting severely burned in life if you don't know how to manage a woman (it's like a bee colony, you'll get sweet honey but you will also get stung if you're not careful). In Japan society is completely broken because of blatant disregard for evolutionary biology and the relations between men and women. I am guessing the West is not too far behind. Sorry this got long, I think I wrote it more for myself to put down my thought haha, hope it's useful.

DrunkWiseman, Reddit - r/MTGOW 29 Comments [4/25/2016 2:17:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 118500

In the Arctic, we know that the polar bear species thrives. In the 1960s, polar bear numbers were down, but then stabilized, and now in fact the population enjoys great healthy growth! It's time to retire the polar bear as a global warming mascot.

On Monday May 2nd head to theatres to see "Climate Hustle" - a historic one-night movie event that will open America's eyes to the truth behind the global warming "consensus." Click http://www.climatehustlemovie.com/ to find theaters and preorder tickets. It's time to expose the climate hustle once and for all.

"Anthropomorphism" is attributing human traits to objects and animals. Polar bears are majestic creatures, but there is nothing gentle & cuddly about them. They're created to be predators. Ferociously so. Just ask our cute, cuddly seal pups if "anthropomorphism" is your thing.

On Monday, May 2nd, join me in cinemas nationwide for a special one-night presentation of the groundbreaking film “Climate Hustle.” This informative (and even humorous!) film tears the cover off global warming hype, reveals the science that Al Gore and the UN don't want you to see, and profiles renowned scientists who have re-examined evidence and become cautious - even skeptical - of climate alarmism. Following the feature, audiences will be treated to an exclusive panel discussion moderated by Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center, where I'm joined by respected climatologist Dr. David Legates, Marc Moreno, and a video appearance by Bill Nye the so-called "Science Guy.” Don't miss this special theatrical event on May 2nd. Visit www.ClimateHustle.com for information about tickets and locations.

The people using the polar bear species to hustle us are the same bunch who want to stymie America's pursuit of responsible natural resource development.

Ready to trust real science? Ready to put an end to the climate hustle? Watch the movie May 2nd to help accomplish that. Thank you!

For more on polar bears: https://polarbearscience.com/…/ten-dire-polar-bear-predict…/

Climate Hustle: Are polar bears disappearing?

Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin's Facebook page 22 Comments [4/25/2016 2:16:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 118499

The First Amendment isn't merely dead

It is outdated, irrelevant, and at this point, civilizationally destructive.


The challenge is how to protect some semblance of free speech while strictly limiting, if not banning outright, the exercise of all non-Christian religions in Christendom. This is theoretically possible, as history demonstrates. But as events are rapidly demonstrating, in the current circumstances the latter is going to take precedence over the former.

The age of fairplay and goodsportsmanship is over. You don't have to like it; I certainly don't. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to accept it. And if you can't bring yourself to do so now, don't worry, you will soon enough.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 32 Comments [4/25/2016 2:15:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: David

Quote# 118498

(Written to Dreams of Dunamis)

Hello im a teenager and im far from being a great Christian like yourself also im not sure how to word this so please excuse my writing structure but i do believe in god im writing this because i have been in a situation for over a year now and dont know how to deal with it my boyfriend had let a demon into his body but at the same time my boyfriend is blessed and has an amazing amount of angles looking over him. the demon takes over his body at times when my boyfriend lets him. The demon claims he loves me. I dont know how to deal with these remarks the demon had told me that in my furture i will have a child that has his power and the angles that look over my boyfriend he told my that my son will be the worlds greatest killing machine if my son came to know religion. I dont know what im looking for here other than an opinion and advice on all of this

Peyton D., Dreams of Dunamis 19 Comments [4/25/2016 2:14:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 118496

Priest beats up boy for failing Bible quiz, absconds

Mangaluru: A Catholic church priest was charged with assaulting a boy after he failed to answer questions on the Bible, during his first communion catechism class in Our Lady of Fatima Church, Mangaluru. Police said the priest is absconding.

The incident occurred on April 12 and the case registered on April 18. The parents of the 12-year-old boy said parish priest Andrew D'Costa got furious with the victim during the first communion catechism as he failed to answer some Bible-related questions. Later, he beat him black and blue with a stick.

After the boy narrated the incident to his parents, who are from a poor economic background, they filed a case against the priest. Police said the priest was booked under the Juvenile Justice Act and IPC 324.

Rev Fr William Menezes, public relations officer, Mangaluru Diocese, told TOI the accused priest confessed he had reprimanded the boy, but denied manhandling him.

Most Rev Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop of Mangaluru, also asked the priest - who is reportedly under treatment in hospital - to cooperate with the police and meet the boy's family.

Andrew D'Costa, The Times of India 10 Comments [4/25/2016 2:14:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 118495

Neil deGrasse Tyson is, supposedly, an educator and a populariser of science; it’s his job to excite people about the mysteries of the universe, communicate information, and correct popular misconceptions. This is a noble, arduous, and thankless job, which might be why he doesn’t do it. What he actually does is make the universe boring, tell people things that they already know, and dispel misconceptions that nobody actually holds. In his TV appearances, puppeted by an invisible army of scriptwriters, this tendency is barely held in check, but in his lectures or on the internet it’s torrential; a seeping flood of grey goo, paring down the world to its driest, dullest, most colourless essentials. He likes to watch scifi films, and point out all the inaccuracies. Actually, lasers wouldn’t make any sound in space; actually a light year is a unit of space rather than time; actually, none of this is real, it’s just a collection of still images projected at speed to present the illusion of movement, and all the characters are just actors who have never really been into outer space. When the rapper B.o.B. started loudly declaring that there’s a vast conspiracy to hide that fact that the world is really flat, Neil deGrasse Tyson immediately jumped in to refute him, even featuring on a eye-stabbingly awful rap song insisting that ‘B.o.B. gotta know that the planet is a sphere, G’—a passionate, useless, and embarrassing defence of the blindingly obvious. In a world that’s simply given, brute fact, any attempt to imagine it into an entirely different shape must be stamped out. Why? The subject-matter is cosmic and transcendental, the object-cause is petty and stupid. Neil deGrasse Tyson strides onto stage to say that actually the Earth orbits the sun, that actually living beings gain their traits through evolutionary processes, that actually your hand has five fingers, that actually cows go moo, that actually poo comes out your bum—and you are then supposed to think yes, I knew that, and imagine someone else, someone who didn’t know it already, some idiot, and think: I’m better than that person, I’m so much smarter than everyone else.

A decent name for this tendency, for stars and spaceships recast as the instruments of a joyless and pedantic class spite, would be I Fucking Love Science. ‘Science’ here has very little to do with the scientific method itself; it means ontological physicalism, not believing in our Lord Jesus Christ, hating the spectrally stupid, and, more than anything, pretty pictures of nebulae and tree frogs. ‘Science’ comes to metonymically refer to the natural world, the object of science; it’s like describing a crime as ‘the police,’ or the ocean as ‘drinking.’ What ‘I Fucking Love Science’ actually means is ‘I Fucking Love Existing Conditions.’ But because the word ‘science’ still pings about between the limits of a discourse that depends on the exclusion of alternate modes of knowledge, the natural world of I Fucking Love Science is presented as being essentially a series of factual statements. There are no things, there are only truths. The fact that the earth is a sphere is vast and ponderous: you stand on its grinding surface, as that fact carries you on its heavy plod around our nearest star. The fact that the forms of organic life emerge through Darwinian evolution is fractal and distributed, so that little fragments of that fact will bark at you in the street or dart chirping overhead. The fact that there is no God, being a negative statement, is invisible, but you know for certain that it’s out there.

Sam Kriss, Wired 18 Comments [4/25/2016 2:12:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Gabriel LaVedier

Quote# 118491

[ You know there are Muslims in the military, right? There are Muslims in my unit. Probably Muslims in your unit. What, is their idea of Jihad going to stop terrorists ]

Oh, you mean like MAJ Nidal Hassan?

You probably weren’t in or at Fort Hood for his “workplace violence”

Oh, do you mean like PFC Naser Abdo, whom I went through basic training with, who later went AWOL and tried to VBIED Fort Hood?

Listen, I’m fully aware that there are muslims who are bad at their faith and don’t follow it very closely. It doesn’t change the fact that islam is in fact a death cult, founded by a pedophile, under which the most peaceful people just want to rape children, marry little girls, and beat their wives savagely.

For bonus points, show me where, after said attacks, the attacks and the conspirators involved were not immediately condemned and/or disavowed by the whole of their religion.

I wish I could show you muslims condemning attacks like Charlie Hebdo, Garland, TX, or Chattanooga, but I cant because they only made excuses for those events.

Comparing Christian events from 1000 years ago to muslim events happening now is akin to comparing apples to rattle snakes.

bill-11b, tumblr 15 Comments [4/25/2016 2:10:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 118489

[ The Republican favorite for President, Donald Trump, has confirmed his plan to force all Muslims in the United States to register on a database but has refused to respond to comparisons between his policy and Nazi Germany’s laws that required Jews to register ]

For once, he’s not wrong.
Close enemy outposts and recruiting centers on our soil and keep taps on potential enemy agents. I like it.

[ I disagree. We rail on FDR for the internment camps for the Japanese, we cannot sink to his level now ]

I was going to ask why they didn’t make the comparison to FDR, but I know why:
1) Hitler is evil, FDR is good, and progressive, and therefore, everything he did was good.
2) Right or wrong, the US was attacked by the Japanese government, and the detention of former Japanese citizens is an understandable, wholly immoral and unconstitutional, but understandable reaction.
FDR went a step further and detained all persons of Japanese heritage.

Number 2 is important, because the comparison to Hitler isn’t valid, while the comparison to FDR is.
The Jewish population of Europe and Germany hadn’t perpetrated a mass attack on anyone. They hadn’t formed terror groups which the “moderate Jews” remained largely silent on, or actively supported, that attacked Germans for decades all over the globe.
However, just as the Japanese had attacked America, and the threat of insider attacks was very real, we now have an enemy that has proven they are a danger to westerners, have no interest in assimilating, and we continue to accept them at record numbers in our unending quest for “tolerance.”

At what point does a group cease to be a protected class, and become a legitimate national threat?
The bodies keep piling up.

Hey look, it’s a moderate, peaceful muslim raised in the west.

Oh look, some peaceful muslim refugees.

Oh look, a friendly moderate muslim US Army officer

We can’t trust the ones that are here. We can’t vet the ones that are coming.
Americans will die because we’re bleeding heart fools.

No right is absolute. You don’t have a right to be armed while in prison.
You don’t have a right to incite a riot.
Sorry, I’m tired of it. It’s got to end somewhere.

[ Now I will say I think taking in refugees is a dumb idea, I do not think that Muslim Americans should have their rights curbed for crimes they didn’t commit. Its literally the same argument we make for gun rights. We don’t think that because a few assholes do something wrong that we are all to blame, and we call those who think that morons. Let’s not get on their level. ]

Except in this situation, as I’ve detailed above, seemingly “vetted” or trustworthy people have committed insider attacks.
That’s exactly my point, the Japanese never did, but we have living evidence that natural born citizens as well as immigrants and refugees are susceptible to fundamentalization.
We’re not talking about 100 million gun owners, most of who are sane, rational people.
We’re talking about a few million people who subscribe to a radical-by-nature belief system.
Let’s say the “religion” of nazism is akin to islam, and the SS are to isis.
The basic philosophy is “well if we kill the SS, but leave the nazis alone, all will be well in the world, because the SS are the problem, most nazis are peaceful.”
Simply saying “oh, it’s our religion, so we’re free to preach hate and terror” is such a cop out to me.
This has little to nothing to do with civil liberties, and a lot to do with common sense, and protecting westerners first, even if it’s at the cost of freedom for a group of people who refuse to police their own.

bill-11b, Tumblr 16 Comments [4/25/2016 2:09:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 118488

Islam is a disgusting belief set that preaches violence, rape, and hatred not just towards outsiders, but towards it’s own followers as well.
Child marriage and rape, death penalties for female rape victims labeled as adulterers, death penalties for gays, sex slavery, etc are all very prevalent in modern day middle eastern islam.

I find it to be a repugnant belief system that should have been left in the pages of history hundreds of years ago.
That being said, I don’t expect to change the world, nor do I have an interest in killing 1.6 billion people across Africa, the ME, Asia, and Europe.
However, I think islam as a belief system needs to be completely eradicated and forgotten like the cancer that it is.
Here’s the part that’s unpopular:

As long as islamists either insist on carrying out attacks in the west, or not standing up to those who do, islam has no place in the western world.
We should run raze mosques and run them the fuck out of our countries, right back to their third world shitholes, where they can brutalize and rape one another to death for all I care. |

Yes, that is collectivist. No, I don’t give a fuck.
The constitution is an ideal document. We live in reality, not in utopia.
Sometimes you have to do some shit that you don’t like to protect your own way of life. If they don’t want to play ball, fuck em.

If you don’t like that plan, then I implore you, please, explain to me how we determine who is a peaceful moderate, and who is a fundamentalized jihadist?
Keep in mind
All of those friendly people were peaceful moderates.
Until they weren’t.

bill-11b, tumblr 11 Comments [4/25/2016 2:09:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 118487

[ “bombing doesn’t kill an ideology, it feeds it” ]

The only way you kill an ideology is to kill all those who practice it, burn their literature, and tear down their idols.
Go be a hippie elsewhere OP.

[ I’m sorry, but I thought we in western civilization looked down upon genocide, not promoted it ]

I never advocated genocide.

But the OP is completely wrong about how you destroy an ideology. I was educating him as to the proper method.

That said, western society’s endless tolerance will be it’s downfall.

Strange, we didn’t tolerate the nazi or commie mindset, yet now even conservatives are staunchly opposed to even questioning beliefs that might maybe just possibly pose a threat to our security and liberty.

If bombing people makes them violent radicals (this is fundamental islam; radical islam is to actually be peace loving and not want to marry toddlers but that’s neither here nor there) then I would say westerners should all be anti-islam radicals.

If their belief set is already so extreme, that a couple of attacks in defense drive them into the arms of jihadi groups, maybe the the line between peaceful moderate and violent radical is pretty thin to begin with.

The kid in chattanooga was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Nadal Hasan was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Syed Farook was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.

All of these people were raised in America, all had an education and good paying jobs. They were the epitome of the American dream.
And they killed Americans because their philosophy calls for them to do so.
It calls all muslims to do so, but most ignore it, until they don’t.

bill-11b, tumblr 20 Comments [4/25/2016 2:09:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: randy

Quote# 118486

Feminism is collective bargaining for ugly cunts. Death to the union, bitches! #FeminismIsCancer #girlpower

Janet Bloomfield, Twitter 43 Comments [4/25/2016 2:01:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 118481

On his radio program yesterday, Bryan Fischer declared that officials who refuse to accept marriage equality or transgender rights will one day be recognized as heroes, just like Harriet Tubman.

Responding to the news that Tubman will replacing Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill, Fischer noted that she is hailed as a hero today for breaking an unjust law in favor of obeying a "higher law."

"Because everybody recognizes that morally her cause was right, she's a hero," Fischer stated. "And I'm suggesting the same thing when it comes to the homosexual agenda."

Fischer said that elected or school officials who defy court rulings on gay marriage or laws allowing transgender individuals to use the facilities that match their gender identity will be seen as American heroes.

"The heroes," he predicted, "are going to be those elected officials, those school board officials, those principals that say, 'No, that's not going to happen on my watch.'"

Fischer has previously said that there should be an "Underground Railroad to deliver innocent children from same-sex households."

Bryan Fischer, Right Wing Watch 19 Comments [4/25/2016 1:58:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 118480

CERN is allowing the fallen angels from inside the Earth to have sex with the daughters of man again.

I thought I understood the End of Days until I watched this video. I did not.

CERN is opening up a portal into the Earth allowing all the demons that were sealed inside by God to walk upon the Earth again.

These demons will haunt the daughters of men, and they shall have sex with them, as they did in the days of old. Women, stay strong in the Lord...protect yourselves for you are precious to the Lord.

Jesus said the heart of men shall fail, and there is good reason for this. The mythological demons of old are real...they are not from some story...they are real. Jesus sealed those demons down into the Earth to protect mankind.

But the End of Days are here, and CERN is ushering in those days by opening up the pit of literal hell inside the Earth.

CERN is being funded by the Rockefellers, and they are trying to rid the Earth of humanity. They have said to God, you did not do a good job with humanity. Therefore, we want to rid ourselves of them and become Gods ourselves. We shall live forever.

The elite are escaping by going off planet, and they shall return once humanity has been killed off. However, the Lord has stated he will protect his elite...therefore, the only way to escape this horrible fate is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord...and know you will be saved.

Please watch this video, and understand what CERN is really about...why it is revealed at this time in the history of humanity. CERN is the Beast...make no mistake about it.

Windwalker Medicine Woman, Godlike Productions 18 Comments [4/25/2016 1:58:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 118479

[ Even if a fetus is a person, a pregnant person is still a person. It doesn’t make the pregnant person not a person. It’s that now we’re weighing the personhood of two people. So you still need to explain why a fetus’ personhood matters more than mine. ]

How are we weighing the personhood of two people? Whose life is at stake here? The baby’s. How is the pregnancy threatening the life or personhood of the woman? How is saying “no you can’t have your child killed” a threat to the woman????

The fact that people think if the fetus is a person it’s still okay to kill it because the woman is a person??? That makes no sense! You can’t justify killing someone by saying well this guy is a person too, so…

Like, how is the fact that the woman is a person more important than the[b] baby’s unalienable right to LIFE???

Can you please explain to me how, when talking about a life or death situation for a baby, the fact that the woman is a person is actually an issue? Her life and personhood aren’t being threatened. She will still be alive and a person whether she has an abortion or not.

The baby, who is a person, will be DEAD. The most basic right we have is the right to life and if you are a person, you have that right no matter what stage of life you are in.

The baby’s right to life trumps the woman’s right to terminate the pregnancy. If it’s between a woman having to give birth and an innocent baby having it’s brain sucked out, the baby is more important here.

The personhood of the baby is more important in this situation because it’s the only one whose personhood is under threat.

[ What is your opinion on the delibarate killing of civillians in wars? i'm NOT talking about untintentional "collateral damage" or nonuniformed combatants either).... ]

I believe that in war, killing civilians is sometimes justified and may even be necessary to eliminate a threat. This is why people don’t like war: people die. Innocent people and people who aren’t innocent.

This doesn’t mean I’m okay with a military person just shooting some innocent civilian in the name of war, but if a city where there is a threat is attacked, then I wouldn’t scream bloody murder.

I take no pleasure in the thought of innocent civilians being killed in war, and I’m sure no one else does either, but in order to defend your country, sometimes steps like this need to be taken.

In war, casualties like this are unavoidable.

lvinglifeontheright, tumblr 12 Comments [4/25/2016 1:58:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: randy

Quote# 118478

I have to 'go there' for a moment...

Christian women need to stop taking their relationship advice from whorish pseudo-Christians and non-Christian women. I was going to try and clean that up to make it sound more appealing - but it's time out for sugar coating. It's time to hear the straight up ugly truth.

Too many women who would easily be classified as the decent type are taking their relationship cues from two of the WORST type of women they can get advice from:

1. The whorish ones who hate men, despise masculinity and who see men as the enemy to be seduced, used and conquered. These are many of your friends, aunties, sisters, fellow church-goers and co-workers. For some of you it's even your own mothers.

They obviously like the company of men - which is why women like this usually have several kids by now. But they never seem to be able to seal the deal and get a decent man to walk them down the aisle in genuine commitment ending in matrimony.

You'll see them making comments like "Marriage isn't for everyone...singleness is a gift...I'm happily single...marriage is highly overrated...you can't trust men...all men are the same...never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...I'll never submit to any man..."

Underneath all that slick talk and false bravado is one lonely, frustrated woman who will flirt with and take your man from you - just as soon as she helps you run him off by listening to her flawed relationship advice.

2. The women who ARE married - but they're far from happily so. They may APPEAR to be happy on the surface: but deep down within they married the guy who basically 'saved' them from looking bad to the rest of their family and friends.

They married guys who admire them and practically worship the grown they walk on - but the feeling is definitely not mutual. They basically settled for the guy they are with, cashing out of a life of promiscuity since they knew their window of opportunity was closing soon for them to be able to find someone to marry them.

These are the 2 types of women on my page trying to do the most damage, by pretending to offer sage advice to the unmarried women, as if they have become the doctor Phil of marriage simply because they found some poor sap to rescue them from looking like the whorish woman many of them really were/ are.

But the advice these women offer is tainted. Because they really have NO intentions on seeing other ladies within their circle happily married.

So they purposely give out bad advice that will ensure other women around them remain single longer. That way they themselves get to be the center of attention in their little circle of influence longer.

Be on the lookout for these 2 types. Just by reading this many of you know exactly who they are right now!

Ladies - stop taking your relationship advice from women with flawed logic and bad scriptural misunderstandings!

This is precisely why I wrote the ebook SAVED SEXY AND STILL SINGLE: WHY CHRISTIAN WOMEN CAN'T GET MARRIED EVEN THOUGH THEY LOVE GOD. Consider this ebook to be that wise male relative or platonic guy-friend who's advice is rarely ever wrong when it comes to your relationships.

God has gifted me amazing insight when it comes to relationship advice; coming from experience and having the gift (curse) of being born into a family with lots and LOTS of women.

Over the years I've honed my skills to near perfection by offering wise godly advice to different women in my own family going through personal relationship issues.

And time and time again I've been able to steer them down the right path towards help and success. They don't always listen to me - just like I'm sure some of you are hardheaded too. But they always admit later that I gave the right advice - even if they didn't follow it.

I now offer this advice to YOU. So consider yourself my honorary sister, auntie or cousin.

If you listen to the words written in this ebook (and yes it's an EBOOK - so please don't keep asking if it's a hardback or paper copy) I can virtually guarantee that if you WANT to be married some day soon you CAN be.

But you have to follow my advice TO THE LETTER. Failure to do so and - well, you'll end up with more of what you're already getting.

So download the ebook by clicking the link below - and please be patient enough to wait for me to send it. My support team and I are getting these out as fast as we can, but sometimes it takes a few minutes longer due to the high volume of women who are placing their order.

My goal is to get a million of these into the hands of every woman who wants one in the fastest time possible.

It's my pleasure to serve you in this capacity. Now let's get you ladies in position to get happily and richly married. I'm pulling for your success. God bless.

Mack Major, Facebook 15 Comments [4/25/2016 1:57:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 118477

in response to this post where bill-11b says he would happily kill every last middle eastern person

[ If you're going to say you would 'spill every drop of middle eastern blood' then you gotta admit you would be killing perfectly innocent people. You do realize there are middle-eastern pregnant people, middle eastern children and middle eastern infants right? But I mean, those don't matter since they aren't AMERICAN children, infants, and fetuses to you I guess. Also the USA is the one exporting violence globally, y'all invade more countries than any other country on the planet. ]

Bill-11b: : I said that isn’t what I wanted, please learn to read.
2) I said that if it’s that or defeat, I choose that.
3) They’re not as important as American and western lives to me, no.
Do you think American soldiers saw Japanese or German civilians as just as important as American civilians?
We killed an ass load of German and Japanese civilians in the process of winning WW2, and it was precisely because we value ourselves over our enemy, just as they value themselves over us.

low-key-lyesmith: Why people don’t see that as a conflict, as it is. It’s not a matter of ‘killing innocent’. Our enemy is perfectly fine with killing innocent. Hell none of the targets in Europe were military personnel/structures. Sure we are the bigger person, and yes we should try to defend the innocent, but the life of the people I love to me is way more valuable to the life of people there. It’s brutal but it;s true. If for example bombing the shit out of entire city means my family and friends can go in the underground or on a plane without the fear of being blown, well bomb the shit out of it.

bill-11b:This is exactly my point, but they’re using willful ignorance to attempt to subvert what I’m saying.
We should try not to kill anyone we don’t have to, but if we’re forced into a corner, if the so called peaceful moderates refuse to fight off their own fundamentalists, and OUR safety is predicated on absolute and total destruction of anyone who isn’t us, then we should fucking do it.

Bill-11b,low-key-lyesmith, tumblr 8 Comments [4/25/2016 1:56:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: randy

Quote# 118474

I abhor Earth Day. Abundant, cheap electricity has been the greatest source of human liberation in the 20th century. Every material social advance in the 20th century depended on the proliferation of inexpensive and reliable electricity. Giving women the freedom to work outside the home depended on the availability of electrical appliances that free up time from domestic

chores. Getting children out of menial labor and into schools depended on the same thing, as well as the ability to provide safe indoor lighting for reading. Development and provision of modern health care without electricity is absolutely impossible. The expansion of our food supply, and the promotion of hygiene and nutrition, depended on being able to irrigate fields, cook and refrigerate foods, and have a steady indoor supply of hot water. Many of the world’s poor suffer brutal environmental conditions in their own homes because of the necessity of cooking over indoor fires that burn twigs and dung. This causes local deforestation and the proliferation of smoke- and parasite-related lung diseases. Anyone who wants to see local conditions improve in the third world should realize the importance of access to cheap electricity from fossil-fuel based power generating stations. After all, that’s how the west developed. The whole mentality around Earth Hour demonizes electricity. I cannot do that, instead I celebrate it and all that it has provided for humanity. Earth Day celebrates ignorance, poverty and backwardness. By repudiating the greatest engine of liberation it becomes an hour devoted to anti-humanism. It encourages the sanctimonious gesture of turning off trivial appliances for a trivial amount of time, in deference to some ill-defined abstraction called “the Earth,” all the while hypocritically retaining the real benefits of continuous, reliable electricity. People who see virtue in doing without electricity should shut off their fridge, stove, microwave, computer, water heater, lights, TV and all other appliances for a month, not an hour. And pop down to the cardiac unit at the hospital and shut the power off there too.

I don’t want to go back to nature. Travel to a zone hit by earthquakes, floods and hurricanes to see what it’s like to go back to

nature. For humans, living in “nature” meant a short life span marked by violence, disease and ignorance. People who work for the end of poverty and relief from disease are fighting against nature. I hope they leave their lights on. Through the use of pollution control technology and advanced engineering, our air quality has dramatically improved since the 1960s, despite the expansion of industry and the power supply. If, after all this, we are going to take the view that the remaining air emissions outweigh all the benefits of electricity, and that we ought to be shamed into sitting in darkness for an hour, like naughty children who have been caught doing something bad, then we are setting up unspoiled nature as an absolute, transcendent ideal that obliterates all other ethical and humane obligations. No thanks.

--------------------------------------------- and then there is this:

I like visiting nature but I don’t want to live there, and I refuse to accept the idea that civilization with all its trade-offs is something to be ashamed of.

Prof. Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph

Marv fromBrooklyn, Media Matters 10 Comments [4/25/2016 1:54:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 118471

OK-Let's go with "common sense restrictions" on a constitutional right. Makes sense, right? Who could be against "common sense"? No commonsensical person could object to "common sense" restrictions on personal liberty, could they? Nope - unless it is a sacred "right" that the left, the liberals, the democrats, and martxists and the communists say is, drum roll please, ABSOLUTE. And the written 2nd Amendment personal right o bear arms is NOT an Absolute right. But for the liberals, democrats, etc, there is an ABSOLUTE right-the court-created "right" to abortion. Common sense for everything else, but no common sense re efforts to common sensically protect women undegoing abortions. Oh, yes, the Gun Ban Set, want to "make sense": they simply want "common sense" restrictions on a fundamental right expressly listed in the Bill Of Rights from the founding of the country - a right that makes it possible for individuals to get together and get rid of a tyrant [it is NOT the right to hunt and protect one's home, although that is included]. And it was this 2nd Amendment right to bear arms that made it possible in the south post-civil war for blacks to have guns to protect them from the KKK. But what happens when we ask for commons sense restrictions on the court-created "right to abortion?" Oh no, that right is sacrosanct and absolute-tell parents that their 14 year old daughter is being taken by a Planned Parenthood thug for a secret abortion via "judicial bypass" - No way! Have the usual laws and regulations in place which common sense demands for the protection of a mother during an abortion just like any other surgical procedure? No way! Have all statutory rapes reported, including those of which Planned Parenthood becomes aware every day? No way, my body, my self. Have Planned Parenthood businesses save the evidence of the statutory rapes-the DNA of the babies-DNA which could later lead to the fathers rather than the state having to pay for the abortions and/or for child support if there are further rapes? No way! And the Democrat party - which tugs at our heartstrings for "common sense" re guns? Their platform makes it clear - they will "oppose" any and all restrictions on the absolute right to abortion. Common sense for the goose is not common sense for the gander. The KKK has morphed into the DDD [democrat death dealers] and Margaret Sanger is laughing in hell that there have been only about 4500 lynchings in all US history, but Planned Parenthood and its cohorts are killing about 12,000 minority babies a week in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And Hillary who celebrates abortion says under her regime there will be no restrictions of this ABSOLUTE right. Guy McClung, San Antonio

Guy McClung, Media Matters 22 Comments [4/25/2016 3:33:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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