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Quote# 119875

I am in agreement with you 100%. One thing to consider is "data collection", think of it this way: When the MOB becomes reality there will surely be millions (likely) who are aware of the scriptures and (barring deception) they will recognize the system, and will opt-out. However, through the use of data collection such as palm prints, finger prints, retina scans etc.. the powers to be including the AC will have access to this data and could use it to try to track those who reject the MOB down. It would be pretty easy to take all those who registered for the MOB and their print data and compare it to databases around the globe, and in parsing the data they could determine who is unaccounted for and begin tracking. The system to do those searches would have to be on the magnitude of a "cray", but it could be done. Could be a reality coming near you... Accept Christ today and avoid the mess to come...

In Christ, Rapture Ready 7 Comments [6/19/2016 3:32:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Damned at Random

Quote# 119872

I don't care if 'Penn and Teller' are laughing.

I just wish just once I could have a group of atheists with us when we are asked to step in and help another terrorized family being attacked by poltergeist (demonic!) spirits. It would be interesting to see how long such mockers last when they are confronted with the real deal for the first time. My best photos would be seeing them running out the front door as fast as their sinful legs would carry them. Calypsis4

#1953970 (Calypsis4), FSTDT Comments 17 Comments [6/19/2016 3:31:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 119871

Last night on one of the opinion-news shows, a Muslim man was furious with the lack of response from so-called "moderate" Muslims. His opinion is to call them Islamic Extremists is correct and what should happen to differentiate himself and truly moderate Muslims from lunatics. He admitted the Koran does call for killing of gays, but when you come to America, you have to become more secular. If not, then you should not come to America or be allowed to stay in America if born here.

You could feel his seething anger through the tv when he talked about the wives of the terrorist. He said he felt badly for the first wife who was beaten, threatened, treated horribly (I think he held a knife to her throat even), but the second wife knew he was casing places and told no one. He said she is to blame in part for this and should go to jail. (I think he was also casing Disney World -- they are still learning information). He made it clear that radical Muslims will not stick to killing gays. They will kill where they can kill any American, even little kids at Disney World.

He also didn't buy it that the father didn't know that his son was going to do something bad. After all, his radical ideas are what made the son.

He felt that until the truly moderate Muslims speak out and call out radical Islamists, they cannot be trusted. He said that 90% of the mosques are radicalized. [could that be true? Seems like a high number but then when you consider how many Muslims or Muslim Americans feel we should adapt Sharia law, maybe that is right].

He said that Muslims themselves should be telling what Mosques were teaching if it was extremism. He believes that is the way to repair the relationship between Muslims and Americans. He said we (Muslims) must integrate and we (Muslims) are not doing so. We are taught it is a sin to do so. That has got to change.

He does not want "migrant" Muslims to come here without being able to become properly vetted. He said all you have to do is look at Europe. He said it would be better to have safe zones in Syria and Iraq in which are no-fly zones and protect those TRUE refugees...give them humanitarian help, give them baby blankets, diapers, food, water, whatever they need and protect them instead of bringing them here. It is going to cost $20,000, to start -- it will be more when they have food stamps, etc. But it is $20,000 per Muslim JUST to bring them here. Why not let them stay in their own areas and give them plenty of aid?

Why is it defined that we are mean people if we don't let them come here? [Note: Later on a different show, an FBI guy said it was absolutely impossible to vet these people and they have no papers, no identity -- it is chaos and ISIS is among them...absolutely no doubt about it]

The Muslim man is voting for Trump and urges all sane Muslims to do the same.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 7 Comments [6/19/2016 3:30:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 119869

Dear Jewels,

I firmly believe that painting, as well as the other arts (music, drama, dance), are a gift from God. Paintings can really bless and minister to people. Painting(s) in itself is not evil - it's what you paint. If you're painting dragons, serpents, or things that are perverse, then you may find yourself with demonic problems. However, if your painting is influenced by the true Lord Jesus Christ, which would include painting things that are lovely, admirable, and noble (etc)[Phil. 4:8], then I believe that you are in God's will and your paintings should be a blessing to yourself as well as others. I hope this helps. God bless you sister.

UndertheBlood, ministering deliverence.com 7 Comments [6/19/2016 3:29:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: PETF(People eating tasty fundies)

Quote# 119867

What do I say here? So much has gone on in the last few days. First I guess is that my heart goes out to the families to those who have passed then encouragement to those who watch over those that cling to life.

Who do we blame for this act of terror; ISIS, the gun, the shooter, maybe all of the above a little? I also blame the LGBT community in general. We have had their agenda forced upon us so much here lately they may have painted targets of hate upon their backs.

Andy_USA, Starship Modeler Discussion Forums Forum 27 Comments [6/18/2016 5:46:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 18

Quote# 119866

The following is quoted from an email we received from a mother on Sunday, September 20, 1998:

"On Saturday evening I was watching television when my daughter of 2 came out of her room to tell me that her doll was moving by itself. I assumed that it probably fell off the shelf so to satisfy her I got up and went to her room . when I got there to my surprise she had a stuffed troll doll dancing in the middle of her bedroom floor to a Disney movie playing music . Being raised in church I began pleading the blood of Jesus and commanded that spirit to leave then the doll went limp and fell over on the floor. I took the doll outside my house and burned it. What would cause something like this to happen?"

unknown, DemonBuster 20 Comments [6/18/2016 5:46:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 119864


Here is the LIE..

GOD did not create a Spirit named Satan

GOD did not create a human being that was homosexual


Without Free WILL love ceases to exist.

Without KNOWING GOOD and EVIL...GOD cannot exist.

The ONLY reason GOD of all Creation allowed the Tree of Knowledge to exist in the Garden of EDEN is because Satan who had fallen with 1/3 of the Celestial Angels said...
The human beings you create will never come to LOVE you and want to follow you on their own...

Since the heavenly realm was void of 1/3 of GOD's Angels
to ensure the remaining Angels would not rebel ever again..
GOD showed them what a first class LIAR Satan was when he allowed the tree of GOOD and Evil into Paradise..

The Angels in the heavens never rebelled again as GOD showed them what a LIAR Satan was and the results of those who followed him and his lies, so that the heavenly realm would never be in chaos again, as the Angels serve GOD not out of force or fear but out of TRUTH and LOVE

So Love is not Love..

TRUTH is LOVE and that TRUTH comes from the Creator who proved it and exposed the LIE.

christian, Godlike Productions 18 Comments [6/18/2016 5:44:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 119859

Following the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, a Baptist preacher stood at his pulpit Sunday night in Northern California and delivered an impassioned sermon praising the brutal massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida.

Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento told his congregation that Christians “shouldn’t be mourning the death of 50 sodomites.”

“People say, like: Well, aren’t you sad that 50 sodomites died?” Jimenez said, referencing the initial death toll in Orlando, which authorities later clarified included 49 victims plus the gunman. “Here’s the problem with that. It’s like the equivalent of asking me — what if you asked me: ?Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’

“Um, no, I think that’s great. I think that helps society. You know, I think Orlando, Fla., is a little safer tonight.”

He added: “The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is — I’m kind of upset that he didn’t finish the job!”


Members of the LGBT community are not allowed to join Verity Baptist or attend its services, according to the church’s “What We Believe” page. It states the church believes “sodomy” — referring to homosexuality — is “a sin and an abomination before God? which God punishes with the death penalty.”

“I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out,” Jimenez said during his Sunday sermon, which Verity Baptist posted on its website under the title “the Christian response to the Orlando murders.”


Video of the sermon, uploaded to the church’s YouTube channel, was removed late Monday or early Tuesday “for violating YouTube’s policy on hate speech.” A copy of the video was later uploaded by a different YouTube user.

The sermon runs for 45 minutes and focuses on the Bible, homosexuality and the deadly rampage at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando.

Hours after a lone gunman went into the club and shot and killed 49 people, Jimenez suggested that their deaths were well-deserved.

“As Christians, we should not be taking a sympathetic approach to these types of news and saying: This was a tragedy, this is something that we’re sad about, we should be mourning these people,” he said. “The Bible teaches that they’re all predators. That’s all the Bible says about them: They’re wicked, they’re vile, they’re predators. ?And God says that they deserve the death penalty for what they do …

“I’m not saying that we should be doing that. But in God’s government, where God set up the laws and God set up the rules and God set up the people in charge, God said: When you find a sodomite, put them to death.”

He continued:

Let me say this: As Christians, we shouldn’t be advocating the killing of sodomites. I’m not standing up here tonight and saying: Let’s go get some guns, and let’s go get ’em. That’s not what I’m saying at all. People will sometimes hear people like me preach, or other pastors, and say: You guys are advocating violence. We’re not advocating violence. We’re not saying we should go do this.

But we’re just saying this: ?If we lived in a righteous nation, with a righteous government, then the government should be taking them. There’s no tragedy. I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.

If we lived in a righteous government that loved God and loved children and wanted to protect them, that’s what we’d do. I’m not saying we should do it. I’m not saying we should go, you know, blow up Planned Parenthood. I’m not saying that at all. All I’m saying is this: If God has his way, that’s what he’d do. And by the way, in the millennium, that’s what will be done. God’s laws will be reestablished.

Pastor Roger Jiminez, Washington Post 27 Comments [6/18/2016 5:44:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 27
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 119856

On his “Pass the Salt” show on Monday, Religious Right activist “Coach” Dave Daubenmire addressed this weekend’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, claiming that the gay people murdered in the massacre were sacrificed by the devil in order to advance his larger goal of implementing gun control and siccing the government after Christians.

“This shooting down in Orlando, Florida? It will soon be my fault,” Daubenmire said. “It will soon be the fault of radical, right-wing Christians.”

Daubenmire said that the massacre in Orlando showed that “the devil is willing to sacrifice some of his own team in order to get our big players” and warned that gun control will lead to the killing of conservative Christians.

“How long did it take before Obama started talking about gun control?” Daubenmire asked. “How long did it take before you saw him on CNN talking about gun control? How did they get the guns? How long did it take? Not very long, because, see, we’re losing sight of the fact that if they get their guns, our guns, there’ll be more death. There’ll be a lot more death. And when they get their guns, can anybody tell me who’s gonna be dying?”

He said that it's not "gonna be the guys in the ghetto" who are killed due to gun control because "they’re already killing each other,” but rather conservative Christians who are resisting "bowing politically correct to Islam, politically correct to abortion, politically correct to homosexuality” who will die under increased gun control. Daubenmire declared that Islam is “the new religion” and “anybody who’s against this new religion, they’re going to get it.”

Dave Daubenmire, Right Wing Watch 15 Comments [6/18/2016 5:44:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 119855

I saw something today there about the disaster in Florida being remembered with rainbow colors. (You’ll have to excuse my absent-mindedness, it only was a glance before I muted the post.) I know that it was simply another set up false flag that the elites want us to gawk at instead of us wising up and figuring out their evil schemes to wipe us all out. That’s what they do. They give the sheeple more bad news, more lies, more ugliness and sin to debate about and waste their God-given intelligence and time on. Do you realize how powerful the subconscious mind is? What a world. What a waste of God-given life. Those poor families. What will happen tomorrow, should the Lord tarry longer? God help us! Oh, I forgot– God has turned His back on America!!

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 8 Comments [6/18/2016 5:42:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 119854

I was listening to the radio station of a local independent Baptist church today. They kept singing, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I love you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I love you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” It made me nauseous, sick in my heart to hear their lukewarm hypocrisy! The reason why is because the church officially uses two Bibles: the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) and the King James Bible (KJB). (By the way, the King James is not a “version,” it is God's inspired and preserved incorruptible words.) The church published a dual Bible several years ago, featuring the two Bibles, one corruptible and the other incorruptible. They use the corruptible word to interpret the incorruptible word. TALK ABOUT MESSED UP AND CONFUSING!!!

I actually heard the church's neo-evangelical associate pastor throw it in my face, that because of my fundamental beliefs it was adversely affecting my social life. He's right, and rotten to say what he did, but I love him in Christ anyhow! Truth has few friends these days! Since when should we make our decisions where to stand for God on the basis of social acceptance? Id rather have no friends, than to sinfully compromise as a sorry neo-evangelical rascal, pulling on the same rope as the Devil. You see, neo-evangelicals don't want to suffer reproach for Christ. They don't want to be outside the gate with Jesus! That's why they won't take a stand against Satan's counterfeit Bible versions. That's why Bob Jones University won't stand. That's why Moody Ministries won't stand. That's why neo-evangelical independent Baptist churches won't stand. And may I say, such bad churches are “fundamental” in name only. Genuine independent fundamental Baptist churches (in English-speaking nations at least) are KING JAMES BIBLE ONLY!!! And they expose the Devil's corrupt Alexandrian Bible revisions, based upon the heretical work of reprobates Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort.

It makes God spit neo-evangelicals out of His mouth when they sing, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I love you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I love you Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” while using, tolerating and promoting Satanic Bible revisions that belittle the only begotten Son of God!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 24 Comments [6/18/2016 5:42:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 119853

Carter is wrong; God is holy and He has condemned homosexuality and transgenderism. What Carter says should not matter to Christians; he is a Democrat. No true Christians support infanticide or Sodomy in the land.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 14 Comments [6/18/2016 5:42:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 119851

Now what makes God haters so nervous about Christians being alright with God’s wrath is that they think we’ll then use God’s wrath as an excuse to go butchering people. Of course this fear is only valid if you totally discount God’s sovereignty, because according to Him, nothing in this world happens without His approval and help. The biblical records are filled with examples of God using humans as His instruments of Divine discipline.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 6 Comments [6/18/2016 5:39:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119850

Our Creators say that it is very pleasing to Them to eternally punish those who scorn Them on earth and refuse to submit to Their Authority. They also say that no one ends up in Hell by accident—we only get there through willful rebellion. Well, the more you care about your Gods, the more important Their satisfaction will become to you. Certainly humans will never like the idea of other humans ending up in Hell, but your Creators say that the whole Hell package is a fabulous thing. So who are you going to side with? Suppose you knew that some human who you cared about ended up in Hell when they died. Would it be honoring to your Gods to go into some big depressed funk and sit around crying over that soul’s anguish like it’s some terrible thing? If you were to act that way, you would be siding with humans against your Gods. Humans say Hell is bad, the Gods who created Hell say it is good. As a Christian, you have to pick a side. You can’t straddle both camps when there is such a strong difference in opinions.

Now since you are a human, you can’t help the fact that you are personally disturbed by the notion of your Gods torturing humans forever. You don’t find such behavior easy to understand, but understanding is not what your Gods are asking of you. They want your loyalty. They want you to be choosing to side with Them over other humans whenever humans decide to oppose Them. So how do you do this when you still feel squeamish about Hell? It’s simple. You pray something like this:

“God, help me to honor You with my view of death. Help me to embrace attitudes that please You and help my devotion to You to grow so strong that I never consider siding against You for any reason.”

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 8 Comments [6/18/2016 5:39:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119849

Now of course whenever God starts talking about slamming babies against the ground and ripping open pregnant women, a whole crop of God haters start freaking out and declaring that these verses prove that the Christian God is a coldhearted Creep. Well, no, actually these verses prove that the real Gods are not boundaryless doormats who we can walk all over without consequences. You see, it’s perfectly okay if we humans draw derogatory pictures of Jesus and openly mock our Creators in public, but should those same Creators retaliate by maiming our earthsuits or slaughtering our loved ones, well then They’re the Jerks, and we’re just the innocent victims. These are the games we play, but such games don’t fly with our Gods. You won’t find Yahweh apologizing for His assault on babies and pregnant women. Instead, you’ll find Him taking full responsibility for the carnage so that the defiant Jews make no mistake about Who it is that’s tearing them apart.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 10 Comments [6/18/2016 5:39:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 119848

The really big question is this:

What is wrong with this shooting on atheism? If there is no God, then all things are permissible - there certainly will not be any objective moral justice meted out to the terrorist. Atheists generally agree with me here:

“In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, or any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference… DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.” (Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life (1995))

“Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear — and these are basically Darwin’s views. There are no gods, no purposes, and no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That’s the end of me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no free will for humans, either.” A-theist William Provine

“The position of the modern evolutionist is that humans have an awareness of morality because such an awareness of biological worth. Morality is a biological adaptation no less than are hands and feet and teeth. Considered as a rationally justifiable set of claims about an objective something, ethics is illusory. I appreciate when someone says, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ they think they are referring above and beyond themselves. Nevertheless, such reference is truly without foundation. Morality is just an aid to survival and reproduction, . . . and any deeper meaning is illusory.” (Michael Ruse, “Evolutionary Theory and Christian Ethics,” in The Darwinian Paradigm (London: Routledge, 1989), pp. 262-269).

“Is there a God? No.
What is the nature of reality? What physics says it is.
What is the purpose of the universe? There is none.
What is the meaning of life? Ditto.
Why am I here? Just dumb luck.
Is there a soul? Are you kidding?
Is there free will? Not a chance!
What is the difference between right/wrong, good/bad? There is no moral difference between them… So much for the meaning of history, and everything else we care about… you will have to be comfortable with a certain amount of nihilism . . . . And just in case there’s always Prozac.” -- Alex P. Rosenberg

First of all, you're way off base in terms of how you're understanding all three of those atheist statements. They don't mean what you think they mean.

This article is one you need to read, because it puts all the William Lane Craig stuff in the dumpster where it belongs:


Here's a sampling:

The entire Twitter engagement about moral ontology (which arose after being asked for evidence that God exists, recall) arose with "do you think objective morality exists?"

I answered this question the same way I answered it in
God Doesn't; We Do.
"It depends on how we define the word 'objective.'" I don't mean to play word games here--indeed, I think it's an interesting and hard question. Let me show you what I mean by showing you two ways we can interpret that term:

(1) The theist way: Objective morals are divine ethical laws that stem from a source outside of human minds (the fellow I talked with last night specifically said this, adding the words "transcendent" and "supernatural" in the mix).
(2) The science way: Objective morals are ethical guidelines that have been empirically determined to optimize values in salient metrics that gauge them.
Incidentally, while the term "supernatural" cannot apply to (2) above, the term "transcendent" can, but not in anything but the mundane "societies are bigger than individuals" sense.

So, I'm not being a jerk when I say that the term "objective morals" isn't sufficiently clear for me to answer the question of whether or not they exist.

Those statements mean exactly what they clearly say.

The fact that you do not WANT them to mean what they clearly say and mean is no warrant against their clarity. Those are just your feelings talking. :-)

There is really no shame in admitting you don't understand them :)

Let's look at Dawkins first: What do you think his statement is saying? That atheists should care nothing about killing or harming others wantonly because they don't believe they'll answer to a God?

"There is really no shame in admitting you don't understand them."

There is really no shame in admitting you DO understand them but don't like what they say. :-)

I wouldn't be ashamed of such a thing, but it's patently absurd to suggest that we need a God to be moral people. You know this, and that article I liked pretty much gives William Lane Craig the spanking he's always deserved. Did you read it?

"we need a God to be moral people"

You miss the point completely between ontology (existence) and sociology (behavior). Here is a great short video for you to watch that will distinguish between these two concepts and epistemology (how we come to know objective moral values and duties):


You're very fond of saying that to people, but I don't think you have a clue what it means yourself. Epistemology is how we come to know things, and ontology is what IS. So I know full well the difference. How do you think it relates to the discussion at hand, and what makes you say that I missed the point in what I said?

"You're very fond of saying that to people"

You're very fond of saying "You're very fond of saying." :-)

"but I don't think you have a clue what it means yourself."

Projection, after you confused the terms yourself. :-)

"Epistemology is how we come to know things, and ontology is what IS."

So, you admit that you confused sociology with ontology above when you wrote "it's patently absurd to suggest that we need a God to be moral people"?

"So I know full well the difference."

Apparently not. Well, maybe the short video taught you better. That is progress.

"How do you think it relates to the discussion at hand"

The atheist quotes are about ontology, the existence of objective moral values and duties, of objective good or evil. Your strawmen were about sociology and pin one case epistemology. Pretty simple actually.

If seems you have a fight with your fellow atheists. Just take it up with them - publish a paper that contradicts their quotes regarding ontology.

Come now, I've seen it over and over. You say to people "You are confusing moral epistemology with moral ontology" to try to flummox them with your highfalutin language. Well, I am not intimidated by it, I know what it means, and you know as well as I do that you can't possibly know moral ontology when it comes to God because God is not knowable. And by assuming you know God you're not going to win any arguments. Tell me please what I have "confused" here. I know it perfectly.

"So, you admit that you confused sociology with ontology above when you
wrote "it's patently absurd to suggest that we need a God to be moral

No, because it IS patently absurd. Did you or did you not read the article I linked? It talks at length about the ridiculousness of making the statement that we need God to make moral statements.

The atheist quotes are no such thing. You are making the Dawkins quote in particular to be about behavior, and it's NOT about behavior. Dawkins is simply making the statement that DNA doesn't have a conscience, it just is. How can he be talking about moral ontology when he's discussing DNA? He isn't suggesting that we go out and kill people because of it. And that's how you're interpreting it, which is wrong. Pretty simple actually.

I'm on board with everything those atheists said, and guess what? We don't need God to know good behavior from bad. What a shame you think you do.

"Tell me please what I have "confused" here."

Already did. Not only told you but proved it to you. The fact that your feeewings were hurt is not warrant against the truth.

"Dawkins is simply making the statement that DNA doesn't have a conscience"

False. No one defends that it does. Morality is always discussed inseparably from humans. No one goes around saying "rocks aren't good or bad." That's silly. Dawkins meant what Dawkins said.

"I'm on board with everything those atheists said"

I know you are. :-)

"We don't need God to know good behavior from bad. What a shame you think you do."

What a shame that you once again confused epistemology (how we know right from wrong) with ontology (the existence of right or wrong). You are the gift that keeps on giving! :-)

No, you have proven nothing. What you did was insist by stamping your little feet that I don't know the difference between moral ontology and moral epistemology, and I proved to you that I did. Furthermore, my original statement still stands strong: We don't require a God to be moral people.
"Dawkins is simply making the statement that DNA doesn't have a conscience"
"No one defends that it does. Morality is always discussed inseparably from humans. No one goes around saying "rocks aren't good or bad." That's silly. Dawkins meant what Dawkins said."

All right, well, in that case, may I ask you if you know what DNA is? Deoxyribonucleic acid?

It seems pretty obvious to me that Dawkins was saying that bad stuff happens in the world. The universe doesn't have a conscience because the universe doesn't have morals. That's all Dawkins was saying. Somehow you find that shocking and horrible. Why? It's true. What did you infer from Dawkins' statement that had him saying there was nothing stopping us from murdering little old ladies? You sure like to post his quote a lot. It would help if you knew what he meant, I think.

"What a shame that you once again confused epistemology (how we know right from wrong) with ontology (the existence of right or wrong)."

I did no such thing. Your arrogance in this matter is your stumbling block. You think you know moral ontology, that you know the existence of right and wrong and that you know God. You don't. That's nothing more than faith. You keep making God a foregone conclusion and argue from that standpoint. What you need to do is take a step back from that position and say "IF God exists..." Because that's the crux of the matter here. We need a level playing ground. And we're never going to have a level playing ground if you keep assuming God before the debate even starts. Moral ontology, which you keep talking about, isn't yours to claim.

WorldGoneCrazy, Christian News Network 7 Comments [6/18/2016 5:38:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta McFucken

Quote# 119847

Ted Cruz forcefully blasted Democrats in a strong Sunday statement on the deadly terrorist attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, earlier Sunday morning.

"The next few days will be sadly predictable," the Texas senator said in the statement. "Democrats will try to use this attack to change the subject. As a matter of rigid ideology, far too many Democrats - from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton - will refuse to utter the words 'radical Islamic terrorism.'"

"They will claim this attack, like they claimed every previous attack, was isolated and had nothing to do with the vicious Islamist theology that is daily waging war on us across the globe," the Republican, who made an unsuccessful bid at his party's presidential nomination, continued. "And they will try to exploit this terror attack to undermine the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms of law-abiding Americans."

Cruz said "enough is enough" and called for Democrats and Republicans to join forces, "abandon political correctness," and defeat jihadists.

He later addressed Democrats who are pro-LGBT rights:

For all the Democrats who are loud champions of the gay and lesbian community whenever there is a culture battle waging, now is the opportunity to speak out against an ideology that calls for the murder of gays and lesbians.

ISIS and the theocracy in Iran (supported with American taxpayer dollars) regularly murder homosexuals, throwing them from buildings and burying them under rocks. This is wrong, it is evil, and we must all stand against it. Every human being has a right to live according to his or her faith and conscience, and nobody has a right to murder someone who doesn't share their faith or sexual orientation.

If you're a Democratic politician and you really want to stand for LGBT, show real courage and stand up against the vicious ideology that has targeted our fellow Americans for murder.

Fifty people were killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando after a gunman, identified by law-enforcement as 29-year-old Omar Saddiqui Mateen, opened fire inside the club during the early-morning hours on Sunday.

Ted Cruz, Business Insider 14 Comments [6/18/2016 3:42:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: KittyKaboom

Quote# 119846

After describing the Orlando massacre as a false flag attack, Alex Jones said that the LGBT community is to blame for the deadly terrorist attack at the gay nightclub.

Jones, a close ally of Donald Trump, was particularly angry that President Obama addressed the fact that the assault was directed at LGBT people, claiming that the community frequently hypes the threat of anti-LGBT violence in order to take control of the education system “so you can sexualize my children and indoctrinate them into your cult.”

LGBT leaders, he said, have backed liberal policies that led to the Orlando attack: “I charge the left and I charge Obama and I charge the LGBT community in general with endangering America and with the blood of these fifty-plus innocent men and women who did not deserve to die, who did not deserve to have bullets fired into them and all the other hundreds of thousands of other liberals and gays and others in the Middle East that have been murdered in the last five years under the Al Qaeda/ISIS onslaught that our government and CNN has pushed and said is a good thing.”

Alex Jones, right wing watch 6 Comments [6/18/2016 3:31:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 119845

As God promises us...

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
So anyone who sets themselves against me shall not prosper.  I personally, feel Christ shows us that God loves us in all circumstances. Not in just the good times but the bad as well. When my correction is finished then he will deal with those he used to teach me..

I remember when in my early 20's I went strawberry picking on a farm with my family.
The farmer has left barbwire amongst his crop of strawberries. It tore my skirt a few inches closer and it would have been my legs. When I pointed this out to him, I at least expected an apology and the cost of my skirt. He was smarmy and not nice the people present just walked off and did not buy their strawberries. I told him straight it will cost him more in the long run because vengeance is mine saith the LORD. The following year his whole crop of strawberries were destroyed and he never grew them again.

Sassy, Religion and Ethics 6 Comments [6/18/2016 3:31:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 119843

This is the first type of meme thing I’ve ever made and I felt compelled to create it while I was praying for our country following the horrific terrorist attack that occurred in Orlando yesterday. A lot of people want to cry “gun reform!” and I can understand that sentiment. But America… one of these is responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year in the United States. Can you guess which one? … it’s not guns. Guns are not the problem in this country. The problem is, our culture no longer values human life. And it begins with our most innocent of citizens. We need to build a culture of LIFE again because every life matters… regardless of race, gender, orientation, age (or gestation age), or faith.

crystalrenaud, Tumblr 15 Comments [6/18/2016 3:29:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 119842

I'm so glad you people are fighting for the freedom of speech of 12 dead racists who depict girls kidnapped into sexual slavery as welfare queens. I'm so glad you're making their efforts seem noble and heroic. Because you're revealing that you're pretty damn reactionary, falling into the same damn sort of trappings that Bill Donohue here falls into.

Someone said that Charlie Hebdo has harmed nobody. That is a falsehood. Charlie Hebdo has been encouraging and perpetuating bigotry and racism in France. Their propaganda (let's not honor it by calling it "satire") is no different from the same kind of bullshit produced by the KKK.

It is this same mindset that has led to freedom of expression being revoked in France when the right to wear whatever you want was revoked just to antagonize the Muslims.
It is this same mindset that has led to Muslims being assaulted, having their houses burned or grenaded, by the people of France.
It is this same mindset that has led to the persecution of Jews in France.

Oh. But 12 white racists were murdered. And that's WAY more important than the rights of marginalized brown people.

Note that if you're gonna tell me I'm wrong, make sure that it involves counter-arguments that actually prove me wrong. Trying to defend what is happening is actually proving me right.

And believe me. Bill Donohue can go fuck himself. So can most of you, likewise.

Zachski, FSTDT 37 Comments [6/18/2016 3:26:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 119841

God Sent The Orlando Nightclub Shooter And Your “Gay Pride” And Prayers Only Make It Worse

The below is a transcript of Westboro’s latest video news, which you can watch here: https://youtu.be/jbkanARGVMc

Earlier today, the worst mass shooting in American history occurred at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, whose owner describes it as the “hottest gay nightclub in Orlando.” The main entertainment for the night was to be performances by “The Princess”, a drag queen from Chicago, and cheap alcohol served by “Orlando’s hottest shot boys.” Instead, a deranged man, with an allegiance to ISIS, showed up with an assault rifle, killing 50 and sending 53 more to the hospital. And the number of dead is likely to increase.

Everyone from Barak Obama on down is taking the myopic view that this has something to do with gun control, or Islam, or homophobia, or fill in the blank. Here is reality, and make no mistake about this: God sent the shooter. He is the source. He is the fountainhead. He appointed this thing. He is sending you a message.

“The LORD’S voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it.” Micah 6:9.

“Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” Amos 3:6.

And what, pray tell, is the message? The message is Christ’s message from Luke 13: Suppose ye that these people from Orlando were sinners above all americans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Westboro Baptist Church, WBC blogs 8 Comments [6/18/2016 3:24:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 119840

Yeah Tony, yer right. A lot of people get privileges and move through life easily. Look at the president of the U.S. an affirmative action victim all the way. Make him white and he doesn’t even get into college given his crappy upbringing. And the victims of affirmative action are in the millions by now. Who wants a black surgeon to operate on his child? The parent will always have doubts about how that surgeon got his education.

LGBTQ – yeah, they are privileged to live in a society that rewards people who have mental disorders; witness the clown act of Bruce Jenner getting a the Arthur Ash award for courage when he really needs serious couch time.

Maybe if blacks would stop shooting each other so much (black lives matter you know) and maybe if black women would force the biological fathers of their children to marry them and become real fathers there would not be the need for some much black privilege and affirmative action.

Boo hoo!!! cry me a river! Oh so we are responsible for all the people that are born into poverty and unfortunate situations? We all must do what we can do with the cards that were dealt to us. Stop this class warfare b******t !!! I am so sick of the political correctness!

abbie smith, deadstate 9 Comments [6/18/2016 3:24:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 119838

Instead of complementing us, the mocking liberal Jew Sam, Seder, says that we, not the Muslim “should be under watch”.

This is how the system from media to government repays Christian converts from Islam.

Who is laughing now Mr. Seder? Boy you are dumb and I can’t feel sorry for dumb Jews.

Even when we point a stupid Jew to Evangelical Christians, they too get angry since in their view a Jew can do no evil.

The whole culture is dumber than a nail.

Liberals and gays should all screw each other. Finally I could watch TV and could care less.


The only ones moaning over fifty gays slaughtered are liberals, idiots and gay lovers.


The U.S. supports Muslim terrorists in Syria so long they get at Russia and Bashar Al-Assad and kill Syrian soldiers. And now I am supposed to only care when gays are killed and I am supposed to jump up and down?

I don’t care about gays who are Muslim loving anti-gun liberals. Stupid people who hate life die. Stupid people who hate life always die.

The haters of God love death.


The FBI doesn’t care since the system is impossible to fix unless of course to be “Muslim” should be illegal and to be “Gay” should also be illegal since gays are disgusting and are Muslim-loving anti guns.

Agents have their hands tied by politicians and the system will never make this politically incorrect change, so all I can say is “enjoy the death toll”.

Walid Shoebat, Right Wing Watch 13 Comments [6/18/2016 3:23:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 119837

wow...do you really believe that nonsense or is this just what you were indoctrinated to believe? People choose to live this miserable lifestyle much as Democrats choose to live their miserable lifestyle. Come out of the dark, people...you soul will be all the happier for it.... :)

Scott Davenport, Christian News Network 30 Comments [6/17/2016 2:55:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
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