Quote# 120307

Mohammed is responsible for this.
You're more likely to be attacked by a democrat.
Roswell has a museum about aliens. Christianity today is a smoothed version of the harsh texts. Islam isn't smoothed. Islam is entering a period of change Christians completed long ago.

Very obscure. Look, I get it. There's a deep investment in pretending that nothing's going on in Islam, that Islam isn't retrograde and mideavel, that it's the same as Christianity. That explains things like millions of liberals obsessing over the 20 people in westboro baptist church. The liberals desparately need them; they serve an extremely important purpose.
See, here's the thing. You can find that in Christian text, just not in Christian practice. I know that's disappointing.

There's another Lib favorite on YouTube. It shows Christians being read parts of the bible picked to be extreme. It's designed to make Christianity look equivalent to Islam. Here's the thing. The Christians don't even recognize it as part of Christianity.

Now, show a Muslim a bit about the Koran having a hand cut off or being stoned and watch them nod.

Doesn't exactly make the point you think you're making.

PathofReason, NPR 20 Comments [7/5/2016 3:01:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 120305

Christians who accept millions of years are mixing the religion of death with the religion of life — death came after sin, Jesus conquered it. Evolution requires death over millions of years, death is a 'friend' that produces life and death ends it all. The Bible describes death as an enemy that will one day be destroyed — through Christ's death and resurrection we are offered life with God. Creation is a religion of life — death is a result of sin, our Creator paid the penalty for sin and offers the free gift of salvation — it's all about life. Christianity vs. secularism is really a battle between the religion of life and the religion of death.

Ken Ham, Facebook  24 Comments [7/5/2016 2:55:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 120301

Nope. Totally disagree. If I get a woman pregnant, that child is half mine. I should have legal rights over it. I will claim legal rights over it, and if the woman aborts without my consent (I would love to have a child), and ends my child's life without consulting me, it isn't like I'm just going to walk away with an "aw shucks" attitude. Various forms of retribution come to mind...

Brian Alan, Huffington Post 31 Comments [7/4/2016 12:49:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: KittyKaboom

Quote# 120298

[About the June 27, ruling by the Supreme Court about abortion restrictions. Bold text in original]

Women deserve better than walking into an abortion facility that does not meet basic health codes like every other surgical facility.This commonsense legislation wasn’t about preventing abortion access; it was about keeping women safe. It required hallways be wide enough for a gurney in the case of an emergency, adequate lighting for an invasive surgery, admitting privileges to local hospitals, etc.

Now, every time a woman seeks an abortion, she will wonder if the facility is clean. She will wonder if the abortionist has the necessary credentials to local hospitals in case of an emergency. She will wonder if she is going into an abortion facility like Kermit Gosnell’s, which had been compared to a disgusting gas station bathroom with blood on both the floor and medical instruments.

The abortion industry cares more about their bottom line than spending the necessary money to make sure their facilities meet basic healthcare standards. Anything to protect the “sacred cow” of abortion. Justice Thomas said in his dissent, “ . . . today’s decision perpetuates the Court’s habit of applying different rules to different constitutional rights— especially the putative right to abortion.”

The Supreme Court failed us. The five Supreme Court justices who ruled against the law put their obsession with abortion ahead of the health and safety of women.

Students for Life, Students for Life 21 Comments [7/4/2016 12:49:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Echo

Quote# 120296

As for Asians, I’d be interested to see if their lack of boredom means they have entire populations that are farther out on the Asperger’s scale than Westerners. They seem to have less empathy for other people than Westerners, and can be mind-bogglingly brutal to each other in a way that’s very aspy. They also can be utterly focused on boring stuff–especially if it’s visual-spacial work–in a manner that’s not Western. That’s also an aspy trait. Some people call Aspergers’ the disorder of ‘too much male brain,’ and it makes sense in the case of Asians.

Anon, Unz 11 Comments [7/4/2016 12:48:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 120295

Retardation is a choice and sin!

Posted by Pastor Davis on July 1, 2015

When I was growing up nobody was retarded. Sure, you had dumb people. But I never met one person with down syndrome or this other modern-day nonsense we hear about daily these days.

Millions, if not billions of dollars are wasted yearly on “mental illness”. God-loving tax payers is forced to pay for these lazy people. Think about it for a second. Have you ever known someone who fakes being sick to avoid going to school? Do you know someone who fakes a cold to miss work? Retards are no different. They play being dumb to avoid military service, working and attending church.

This man can join a gym and win medals. Yet, he fakes this “down syndrome” myth to avoid working and living a Godly life. This is almost as bad as being a homosexual. At least those sodomites normally have jobs.

Again, this “down syndrome” guy lifts weights. I wonder how much welfare he gets weekly?

2 Thessalonians 3:10 -” For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

When we house and feed these sinners, we are disobeying God. Who do you follow? God or this “down syndrome” God hater?

Pastor Lance Davis, Morning View Christian Church 33 Comments [7/4/2016 12:48:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 32

Quote# 120294

Put yourself in the place of a 6th century BC Israelite. He knows he has offended the creator God by joining in with the new practice of burning incense to baal. The prophet has told him that God will come to punish them. The Babylonians are at the gates of the town and he is about to be captured or worse. The Babylonians have been sent by God to punish them. Yet this Israelite only sees this because he is humble. A Canaanite town however is about to be captured by the Israelites. But the Canaanite isn't humble and so doesn't see it as God sending the Israelites in judgement.
When it says that God did something that we perceive as evil, eg send an army to slaughter men women and children, we may believe this to be evil due to a lack of humility, which prevents us from seeing the situation from God's perspective.
Hence floo's perception of God as evil.

Spud, Religion and Ethics 17 Comments [7/4/2016 12:48:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 120291

Fyodor Dostoevsky has rightly been called a prophet of the modern age. With a depth of vision unrivalled, he saw that cultural, political, and economic disorder have their main source in a crisis of the spirit. Dostoevsky then foresaw how man’s rebellion against the Transcendent would progressively accelerate into full-blown anarchy. This idea became a central theme of The Possessed, his great counter-revolutionary novel. Within the book particular attention was drawn to the spiritual corruption of the ruling class, the so-called conservative elements of society.

Dostoevsky wrote about Russia, but he was also deeply sensitive to the West’s descent into secularism. By the 19th century “enlightened” European man had hurtled headlong into apostasy, abandoning Christ for the worship of self; his first act of regicide was the murder of God within his heart. Without sacral authority, power was said to derive from the perfect will of “We, The People,” guided by moneyed manipulators and their technocrats. Parties like the GOP and the Tories have done nothing to arrest the decline of our societies because they ultimately share the same radical, anti-traditional principles of the Left. For evidence, look no further than Britain’s rapid transformation into a crime-ridden, multicultural surveillance state, where the ruling Conservatives advance homosexual “marriage” as a matter of moral legitimacy.

The ideals of modernity, manifested in progress, equality, democracy, total individual autonomy, etc. form a counterfeit religion. So long as the self-proclaimed Right holds fast to any of these fantasies, opposition to liberalism is meaningless and purely cosmetic. Rhetorical nods to cultural consolidation, i.e. “family values,” are articulated within the corrosive framework of Enlightenment rights ideology, and only for the purpose of grabbing votes. Does anyone seriously contemplate that the Republican leadership will attempt anything meaningful against institutionalized infanticide? Lest we forget, over 50 million unborn children have been slaughtered in the United States since abortion was made legal by the Supreme Court in 1973. It is now a point of pride that American men and women fight for these storied liberties from the Hindu Kush to the Maghreb.

Mark Hackard, The Soul of the East 5 Comments [7/4/2016 12:36:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 120289

(On the Pentagon legalizing trans soldiers)

/sarcasm on

Now wait folks, this really is a good thing. Because soon the military will have to do away with all hazing. To keep people from being discriminated against.

And you know how tough the military will be without hazing and all the cruelties, right?

I just hope our enemies don't decide to be mean and call the troops mean names....they might get feelings hurt and go cry to mommy....hey, maybe we could suggest a change to the global rules of war! No name-calling.

/sarcasm off.

Firefly, Rapture Ready 21 Comments [7/4/2016 11:47:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 120288

How incredibly deceived those suicide bombers are!

I watched a Fox news report on my app last night and they showed videos of the bombers before they blew themselves up. I'm sad for the people who were murdered by these terrorists, but I'm also sad for the suicide bombers who believed the lie of Islam. They will have a horrific time in eternity to think about it.

I pray that those affected by this, both the injured and the world who's watching, would realize that Islam is a false religion from the father of lies, Satan, who wants to steal, kill and destroy, and that they would surrender their hearts to Jesus Christ instead.

Koalie, Rapture Ready 19 Comments [7/4/2016 11:47:40 AM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 120287

Sensitive ladies may be offended by parts of this article and, likewise, it may not be suitable for innocent children unless some additional guidance is provided.

My Oxford Concise Dictionary (1975 edition) provides the following definition of the word 'gay': "Full of disposal to or indicating mirth, light hearted, sportive; airy, offhand." My Universal Dictionary of the English Language gives it as: "Filled with, expressing, inclined to, joy, and lively feeling; merry, light-hearted, cheerful." There is, as can readily be seen, nothing 'gay' about the activities of the sodomist. In straightforward terms, and with apologies to the sensitive reader, he is a person who obtains sexual gratification by inserting his member into the anal orifice of another man.

This monstrous practice is also known as buggery, and was, at one time and very understandably, illegal in most countries of the Western World. Sadly, this word, with its hideous implications, has slipped into common usage as an expletive in expressions of emotion, such as: "Well, I'm buggered!" It is, however, unlikely that those who use such words are truly conscious of their implications, any more than those who use certain four-letter words consider them to have any reference to normal sexual activity.


The term 'toyboy' has, regrettably, also become part of our language, and it is undeniable that some ladies, past their prime, hanker after an affair with a virile younger man. But, on the other hand, it is unusual to read about very young boys being abused by women. Almost always, they are the victims of homosexual perverts, being sought out by men so depraved that only violent penetration of innocence satisfies their lust. And, while we know only too well the dangers that beset our little girls, we also know that the proportion of child-abusers is much higher among sodomites than among heterosexuals. Yet these people believe that they should be allowed to raise families! Would you give the keys of your home to a burglar or put Count Dracula in charge of a blood bank?


The great fight back

When the truth is stood on its head, it is certain that men and women of integrity will notice the inversion and band together to put matters straight. They will not succeed by moaning behind closed doors. The very vocal queer lobby is led and encouraged by so-called 'personalities', including a lot of actors - names and faces familiar to many households, whose addiction to buggery confers upon it some sort of 'respectability' in the minds of more simple folk. Of course, no headway will be made by the pointless crime of 'queer-bashing'. Instead, we need to bring the discussion out into the open - into the pubs and clubs and over the garden fence. We need to quiz our would-be MPs on their views on this subject and reject soft, meaningless answers. Above all, we have to convince society of the pressing need to push these people offstage and assert the morality that made our nation great. If I may revert to my own vernacular of the 1930s, it is time to tell these nancy boys that we have had enough of them!

Colin Vernon, Spearhead 18 Comments [7/4/2016 11:47:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 120286

Commies want to cuck the taxpayers with transfer payments.

Lolbergtarian induhvidualists want to cuck Whites by prohibiting Whites from organizing collectively while letting Japan, which does act as a nation, dump radios and cars on us.

Our economic philosophy is non-cuck-ism, because nature abhors a cuck.

This is the same as our general philosophy. Our core demand is that we not be cucked by being second class citizens our own country.

We can now dispense with the glib nonsense about elites and sheeple and social classes. Intellectuals, defined as people capable of overcoming their ingrained worldview, used to see themselves as superior, but the instincts and emotions that are our inheritance must have been adaptive. The average White man probably couldn’t deal with the PDEs of modern physics, but they can instinctually and intuitively deal with biology, the history of the White race, and make the demand not to be cucked.

— The Harvard Conspiracy —

Who do the ruling bureaucrats and journalists look up to? College professors. Who do college professors look ur to? Harvard professors. Some call it the Cathedral, I call it the Harvard Conspiracy. And what has the Harvard Conspiracy been up to?

— Sexual Mores of the White Race —

Freudianism was always a distraction from the only psychology which is evolutionary psychology and ethology, and always a battering ram against the biologically ingrained sexual mores of the White race. The fact that this obvious bullshit took so long for college professors to dispense with is proof that colleges are worthless.

(1) White women are extraordinarily beautiful, from the ages of 16 to 26 in particular, and that this must have come from extreme selective pressure to be beautiful, which implies that women who can’t get a good husband – this happens between 16 and 26 if it happens – don’t reproduce at all, which implies monogamy; while rice nigger females stay beautiful for longer – until their children are supposed to be grown up – because they need to keep their man’s attention in order to direct his resources towards their children.

(2) Post-christ christcucks, understanding that monogamy implies strict gender roles, tried to subvert gender roles by subverting monogamy, and tried both polygamy and nigger style sexuality with strong independent wywyn who don’t need no man, neither of which Whites were demonstrated to be suited for behaviorally, as demonstrated by the fact that “open relationships”, and single motherhood, left men and women and children miserable – but hey, they don’t have an intellectual perspective, right?

(3) White men, when they meet a strange young man, think the stranger could marry his daughter and pay his pension, while literally no one else would ever think this, because they don’t have the evolutionary history of, not only not being able to get more women themselves but needing to build up their community if they want their grandchildren to prosper. but also of the daughter having a nontrivial chance of missing out in the dating market entirely, not being able to reproduce at all, if there aren’t enough good men in the area.

Intellectuals should warn the other Whites that migrants will never pay pensions nor pay net taxes nor even work and marrying tbèm would be a genetic disaster, but intellectuals are gathered up and gaslighted and terrorized and bribed into treason or silence, which is why universities must be abolished.

— Timeline of Induhvidualism —

Induhvidualistic lolbergtarianism was always an anti-White hoax intended to play to Whites’ biologically ingrained individual industriousness and sense of fair play. Here’s its timeline.

In the ’30s, motivated in no way by scientific observation but by their religious shift from theistic christcuckery to some syncretic blend of that with Marxist “historical inevitability” socialism, which is popularly called liberalism, accepting and promoting the bizarre theory that race doesn’t exist.

In the ’40s, fighting WWII to save the USSR and destroy the alternative to Christo-Marxist liberalism.

In the ’50s, purging the labor movement of “White chauvinism”, as evidenced by giving a Black comrade a chipped coffee cup, and promoting the myth of the dindu Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who plagiarized his PhD and beat White prostitutes.

In the ’60s, the Civil Rights Act making it illegal to have a “hostile workplace” or a “hostile environment” for customers, with treble damages if the employer should have known the employee had a bad attitude. Of course, police and educators had already been covered by similar rules requiring them to be fired for expressing a bad attitude.

The Immigration Act of 1965, and Section 8.

The beginnings of the ethnic cleansing of Whites from the cities is probably in the ’50s as evidenced by Eldred Cleaver’s “brilliant and revealing” (NYT Review of Books) 1969 book bragging about raping White women as “a revolutionary act”.

In the ’70s, the Griggs decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that people are required to hire Blacks, even if they don’t pass the test, if the test isn’t substantially related to the work. By 2009, that substantially related fig leaf was dropped entirely in the FDNY decision.

Special treatment for minority owned businesses leads to every gas station in the entire country being owned by a sand African-American or a curry African-American.

In 1980s, police begin to be required to promote Blacks on a quota basis.

In the 1990s, massive outsourcing of industry begins. The economic impact is masked by the continuing productivity gains.

Illegal immigration accelerates following the Reagan amnesty.

In the 2000s, with the end of the dot com boom, it becomes clear that the economy is faltering with all the manufacturing done overseas.

It is decided that, since minorities do not have higher foreclosure rates than Whites, the additional scrutiny they receive from bankers trying to make profitable loans is discriminatory.

Banks are required to make loans that they know will fail. These loans are sold to some sap holding a pension, because fuck you for voting for liberals old guy.

At some point in the 2000s the famous video of a nigger pissing on the corn flakes conveyor belt, thus demonstrating why the jobs went overseas, was made by two niggers that Kelloggs was required by law to hire and possibly promote as well.

And today, as illegal immigration accelerates, new jobs created matches newly employed immigrants.

peppermint, peppermintfrosted 22 Comments [7/4/2016 11:47:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 120285

Church Gave Away Two Semi-Automatic Rifles To Entice ‘More People To Follow Jesus’

BY IGOR VOLSKY JUN 22, 2014 1:07 PM

A church in Joplin, Missouri is facing criticism for raffling off two AR-15s during last week’s Father’s Day celebration in order to increase attendance and “get more people to follow Jesus.”

“Want to win a Black Rain AR-15?” a Facebook posting on the Ignite Church Facebook page asked. “Dads, you earn an entry for yourself, each child you have and if you bring your dad to church. Those that registered last week get to register again!!! Don’t miss this.”

In a YouTube video advertising the promotion, Pastor Heath Mooneyham promised that “you can kill a weak zombie with that thing” or “double tap a zombie” with another gun, “the “Lamborghini of AR-15s.” Mooneyham added: “So get your butts to church, if you’re late don’t cry to me that you’re a pansy and you cannot set your alarm, alright? You’re a big boy. You got big balls between your legs, you’re a dad right?”

The lead pastor told the Joplin Globe “We’re just dudes,” adding, “If we can get more people to follow Jesus, I’ll give away 1,000 guns. I don’t care.”

However, the contest sparked controversy, as some residents accused the church of promoting violence. “God Does NOT Condone GUNS, VIOLENCE or WAR!” one Facebook commenter said. Steve Urie, a pastor at another local church called the raffle “careless and reckless.”

Mooneyham pushed back, arguing that “People are crazy, period. Murder has been going on since the beginning of time.” Ignite isn’t the first church to raffle off weapons. In March, the Kentucky Baptist Convention announced that it would “point people to Christ” by giving away guns at Second Amendment Celebrations hosted across the state.

Heath Mooneyham, ThinkProgress 21 Comments [7/4/2016 11:47:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Rachel

Quote# 120284

The past week I have received countless hateful emails. Most are from the parents of so-called “retards”. Retardation is a sin and nothing more. Studies have clearly shown more and more children are being born with “autism” and this myth known as “down syndrome” now days. This is due to the fact more and more people are rejecting Jesus Christ.

I was born in 1936. I am the oldest of eight children. I am the uncle of 19. I’m the father of six and the grandfather of 13. Not one single child had a “learning disability,” was born with autism or Down Syndrome. That’s because we were raised to obey the Bible and God. Studies show less and less people are attending church regularly or consider themselves Christians. No wonder God is cursing us with retards.

Pastor Lance Davis, Morning View Christian Church 15 Comments [7/4/2016 11:41:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: The Raygun Dude

Quote# 120283

NO, but I lack the belief that magical mutations and mindless Nature can change animal thinking into Human reasoning. Tell us HOW Adam's superior intelligence, which is like God's Gen 3:22 got inside an Ape, Apeman.

Answer: It didn't. Noah's grandsons, having NO other Humans (descendants of Adam) to marry, married and produced today's Humans with the prehistoric people who had been on Planet Earth for Millions of years BEFORE the Ark arrived. Read Gen 10:10 and notice that Cush, Noah's grandson, produced Nimrod and the ONLY woman available to have the child, was a prehistoric woman.

The SAME thing happened on Adam's Earth since Cain married a prehistoric woman and had Enoch. Gen 6:4 Amen?

Ben West, Amazon Evolution Forum 7 Comments [7/4/2016 11:41:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Rachel

Quote# 120282

Don't you find it strange since this Lake is the SAME Lake in which the 450 ft. Ark arrived on our Earth? Perhaps you don't understand the story of the Flood. As Adam's solid firmament filled with water and sank in Lake Van 11k years ago, it released the Ark from the Flat Earth of Adam into Lake Van, Turkey, in the mountains of Ararat. Here is what is interesting:

Adam's Earth (Heb-ground) was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isa 24:19 BUT what happened to the SOLID Hollow firmament which protected Adam's Earth from the water into which the firmament was placed? Gen 1:6-8How thick were the walls of the firmament? Thick enough to preserve Adam's world for Billions years.

Perhaps the shape of the firmament caused the sediment to build up in a strange pattern over the past 11k years. The Lake is more than 20 miles wide where the Spirals exist. Adam's firmament was one big container (Biosphere) and this gives us an idea of just how big his world actually was. Amen?

Ben West, Amazon Evolution Forum 7 Comments [7/4/2016 11:40:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Rachel

Quote# 120281

Asian bros, please don't support any form of multiculturalization of Asia. This is nothing more than western ideology intended to be used by western people. It is what they feel is appropriate for them after going around raping and enslaving people based on racist ideologies. It is a product of their own unique history and has nothing to do with ours.

Nations who supposedly tout and embrace multiculturalism are the most vehemently violent and treacherous against their minorities as can be observed throughout history and current affairs. These nations are also evidently failing miserably.

Successful countries like Switzerland adamantly snuff out multicultural ideals. They fucking voted against a surplus of income for everyone due to fears of mass immigration.

Name me one multicultural nation that is thriving and maybe I'll rethink my position. Canada doesn't count because the non-white race being used to give credit to multiculturalism is ASIANS, who are, as you guys know, the most docile and nice guy race of cucks who take it in the ass without complaining and keeps quiet about unjust treatment. Throw in more black people, muslims, and Latinos into Canada, and Canuck whitey will start looking very familiar LOL

Fuccboi888, Reddit 11 Comments [7/4/2016 11:27:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 120280

Teach them the (scientific) principle that we can judge the usefulness and accuracy of a theory by the predictions it makes, and how reality either behaves in accordance with those predictions or not. IOW, by experimentation we discover whether the theory should be retained or not.

Then start collecting examples of failed predictions (Darwin's ideas about the fossil "record", and infinite series of tiny changes between generations joining one species to another, just isn't there, for example) and successful predictions (God said Babylon would never again be inhabited, for example) ...

The math is quite simple and unavoidable on this basis.

ScuzzaMan, Vox Popoli 10 Comments [7/4/2016 11:26:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: David

Quote# 120278

Aliens, like angels, are not descendants of Adam. They thus share neither his nature nor guilt. Hence Christ's sacrifice is of no avail to them. Man is the only creature to be thereby saved from the consequences of his sinfulness. Thus, if aliens exist, either they have not fallen from grace or, less happily, like the fallen angels, they cannot be redeemed.

Man has a special relation to God. Man alone was created in the image of God and appointed to rule over creation. Even stars were created primarily to serve as lights and signs for man. Finally, at the end of times, Christ returns to the earth, the abode of man, to judge living and dead. Man is to judge the angels (I Cor.6:3). The New Jerusalem comes down from heaven to earth. All this reinforces the special place of man in God's creation.

Unknown author, bylogos 10 Comments [7/4/2016 11:26:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 120276

The only moral principle taught to the eager yet impressionable youths is that ‘slut-shaming’ is wrong (‘Slut-shaming’ an Orwellian term used to refer to what was once called prudence, temperance, wisdom and chastity).

The only moral principle taught to young women is that it is wrong, inexcusably wrong, to admire moral principle.

John C. Wright, John C. Wright's Journal 11 Comments [7/4/2016 11:14:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: David

Quote# 120275

If you have unprotected sex with strangers without disclosing your status would you then tell your sexual health doctor?

This happened today, and upon revealing that I hadn't used condoms with the people that I'd had sex with most recently, the doctor went into 'stern' mode. I told him that people were having sex with of their own volition and that if they wanted the sex to be unprotected then it was their choice. His response was that they only had a 'real' choice if I told them I was positive. Hmmm...

I didn't wish to continue this line of conversation so asked that we move on.

I know that doctors see it as their job to 'educate' about safer sex, but it irks me that they're peddling the view that it's the one (diagnosed) with HIV that has to take responsibility. And it did make me think I'd probably just lie in future to avoid being lectured.

So, when asked by doctors/nurses, are you inclined to tell them the truth about your condomless encounters, or not?

Zohar, POZ Community Forums 21 Comments [7/4/2016 5:57:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 120274

It's always the neg person's responsibility to protect themselves, "period, fuck you" (as Lilly Tomlin said)

If you start blaming people who lie, it's gonna be your own fault after you catch HIV.

It should be the poz person's responsibility, but we don't live in fantasy land. Plus there are people who don't know they have HIV and they are a much more dangerous group than the undetectable ones that lie.

and bottoms bent over for raw cocks in sex clubs know what they are getting into, and any poz top that sees them can assume they already are poz too.

Try living in the real world instead of a shell.

LiveWithIt, POZ Community Forums 16 Comments [7/4/2016 5:57:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 120270

The Euro is not connected to Britannia, but it will directly affect everyone once it fails on its own. The Euro is affecting every country in a negative way. The Euro will not affect Britannia directly, but it will affect every currency.

You do not force different countries that are different in every single aspect onto a common currency. Especially not on a country with an unstable country. Not on a country that does not meet the requirements. Numerous bailouts because the EU forced currencies on unstable countries. I believe the next and last bailout will bankrupt the EU.

And if you force a common currency onto a country with an unstable economy both the Euro and the country will suffer, but the country will suffer a whole lote more. The Euro does not allow for the currency's value to fluctuate, to allow the economy to adjust for the fluctuations to prevent problems, and to make sure the economy is going in the right direction: Up and positive.

Once Britannia leaves the EU, the Euro will take a massive hit, as Britannia is around 10-12% of total trade, if there were to be no trade deals, Britannia would only lose £25 billion. The EU would lose £42 billion. In trade. Not to mention on tariffs, regulations, etc. The EU will lose a lot more. The Euro would take a much larger hit, as there are countries that have pretty much stagnant economical growth. Affect the Euro, affect the countries. It's all a huge domino effect.

However, this is only if the EU decide to be morons instead of sensible adults and negotiate much better deals with Britannia. Norway have trade with the EU as well, however these is rotten and needs to be fixed. Same as Switzerland, but theirs are actually better.

Britannia also pays tens of billions in Pounds to the EU. Simply for being a member. This will also hit the EU once Britannia leaves. Once it does, I would recommend watching the Euro closely.


^ 2008 Irish vote. The Irish people, Prime Minister of Ireland and the VAST majority of the EU Parliament were against forcing Ireland into the Lisbon Treaty. The non-elected beaurocrats just used the backdoor, causing an economical shitstorm.

Whoever say the EU is democratic have no idea on how it actually work. How all the different factions and Presidents work. Who the Presidents and members of the EU Parliament are.

The EU is not answering to anyone. There is no way to politically influence their voting and law processes. Hell, most of the laws are made behind closed doors. Netherlands, France, Denmark, etc have on several occasions had majority vote on opting out of the EU. They were all ignored. Several times.

The Lisbon Treaty is practically a constitution but made to sound nice. "The European Constitution" does not exactly sound good, does it? And if you are in it, you WILL follow laws, legislations and policies or there will be consequences. A lot of them. If you are an EU member, you will most likely be forced into it regardless of popular vote.

This is the kind of crap Nigel Farage have had to deal with for 17 years. Non-elected beaurocrats who force laws, legislations and rules regardless of the majority vote and against the people's wishes.

I believe it was the 2005 Lisbon Treaty when it was made that Nigel Farage stopped being nice guy and decided to call the EU out on their anti-democratic bullshit every time he had the chance, and boy did he. Every week.

Some may call Nigel Farage rude, but he is right every time, and so have all his predictions. I would recommend watching him take the EU on their stupid shit. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, to name a few.

Whoever say that Nigel is a fascist, racist, etc are all morons. They do not even know the crap that Nigel deals with on a daily basis. In the EU fucking Parliament.

Up until now the EU have forced upon EU members 72 legislations that pretty much everyone in the EU Parliament voted AGAINST. Nigel and the UK voted against all of them. 90% of them were forced through regardless of vote. And this will continue unless the EU are stopped.

At this rate the EU will turn into Russia, basically.

Yakamaru, satwcomic.com 10 Comments [7/4/2016 5:55:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120264

Generally speaking, we are a drug-oriented society. We are always looking for a single drug or a pill that will cure or control the condition. This is also true in regard to cancer. Although drugs may be effective in controlling the symptoms, no drug or pill will be found to cure cancer.

In fact, the outward symptoms of any health problem is nothing but the body’s manifestation of its own defense and remedial effort to correct the adverse condition and restore health. A tumor is nothing but the body’s effort to isolate the affected cells in order to protect the rest of the organism and extend life. Therefore, the effective cure for any health problem can be accomplished by the body’s own extensive healing mechanism. We are equipped with a marvelous healing system, more effective than any healing system devised by man. This built-in healing system is capable of correcting any condition of ill health if given the proper conditions. Consequently, the first principle of biological medicine is to create conditions most conducive to stimulate and activate the body’s immune system.

But we should also realize that there can be divine intervention for healing in our lives. The age of miracles and healing is not past. God can heal and does still heal today. “Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases,” (Psalm 103:2, 3). It is difficult to enjoy life if we are in constant pain and God would like us to be healthy. The apostle John was inspired to write, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (III John 2). God does expect us to do what we can for ourselves. Also, God has given us a variety of principles for healthful living — not the least of which is the list of clean and unclean foods recorded in Leviticus 11.

Physical healing should be distinguished from divine, miraculous, supernatural healing. If a sick person asks for healing, then God will make his decision regarding whether, when, why, and how to heal. God may heal now to show mercy, to express love, to encourage the spiritually weak, to reinforce faith, or as a witness of the gospel. To get the big picture, we must keep in mind that this physical life is temporary and we are going to die sooner or later. Therefore, it is vitally important to remember that one’s ultimate reward is neither determined nor affected by whether he was or was not healed during his physical lifetime.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 13 Comments [7/4/2016 5:24:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 120263

I was watching “Troy”. And for the first hour it was totally great. The mother of Achilles, who has the power of prophesy, and is believed to be a goddess or something similar, prophesies that if he goes to war with Troy, he will die in that war, but his name will live for a thousand years.

This is actually conservative, for Achilles was part of the collapse of Bronze age civilization, three thousand years ago, and his name still lives.

And Achilles, being warlord, a king, and a hero, and the greatest warrior ever, and a living legend, and incredibly brave and manly, naturally decides to go to Troy.

He goes to Troy, and after the first battle, orders his men to loot the temple of Apollo. So his men dump a kingly share of the temple loot in his tent, part of that loot being a dazzlingly beautiful girl, a virgin dedicated to Apollo tied up in his tent.

And then he just … he … he just totally fails to act like a man. In addition to being famous, and a hero, and the greatest warrior ever, and a living legend, he is also unbelievably handsome. But I swear, that there is no way that girl would voluntarily bed him in real life, if he acts like that.

Now I am old, and fat, and no one terribly important, and I look like Jabba the Hut, but if I had had a few hours with that girl in my tent, she and I would have been going at it like weasels in heat. (Voltaire said all he needed was ten minutes, but I think he was lying, and in any case, I am not as good as Voltaire.)

Everything Achilles does prior to going into that tent is totally, unbelievably, impossibly manly. Everything he does in the first hour of the movie is totally, unbelievably, impossibly manly. And then he goes into that tent and he is just …

You know why boys are no damn good with girls these days. Because they watch movies like that. They are taught to respect women. But women do not really want to be respected. And what is this girl that Achilles should respect her? We see him disrespect King Agamemnon. Until this scene we only see him respecting mighty warriors who have earned it by their courage and their prowess, or King Odysseus, whom he respects for his cunning. What has this chick done to earn respect?

After that scene, I just could not watch the film any more, because I just could not see Achilles as a man. Just some kind of cuck. Real men just don’t treat women like that. It is not just that it will not get you laid. It is unmanly. It is wrong. It is gay. It is effeminate.

OK. In the workplace I have to treat women like that or be fired, but it burns. OK, I bend to power and grit my teeth and suffer the humiliation, but the whole Achilles story is that he does not bend to power. Show him acting like a cuck, then there is no story any more.

Achilles does not respect King Agamemnon. He does not respect the King of Thessaly. He does not respect the champion of Thessaly. He does not respect the troops of Thessaly. He does not respect the ambassadors of King Odysseus. Why is he so damn respectful to some speaking temple loot?

Jim, Jim's Blog 20 Comments [7/4/2016 5:24:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
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