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Quote# 120741

I definitely think the materialism that is prevalent in Asian cultures creates a lot of strife between Asian men and women and has been at the heart of Asian feminism and low marriage and birth rates in Northeast Asia. That's the main reason why I suggested pursuing an Eastern European woman because Eastern Europe is the one area that has not been affected by feminism on a large scale and so their women are still mostly traditional and feminine.

Siberiandragon, Reddit 15 Comments [7/25/2016 5:02:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 120740

Saudi Arabia's top clerical body has banned Pokemon Go saying it is too similar to gambling and that characters are based on Darwin's evolution theory.

It also said the game carried symbols of 'deviant' religions and organisations, such as 'international Zionism' and Israel, Christian crosses, Freemasonry, and symbols from Japan's native Shinto religion.

Despite Pokemon Go not yet being officially available in ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, many have downloaded it illegally and have joined the global frenzy of hunting for virtual pocket monsters

The kingdom's Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta said in its latest announcement on its website that it has republished a 2001 edict on the game after 'receiving many questions' on it from the public.

The 15-year-old fatwa said the game was too much like gambling and that the concept of its characters appeared to be based on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which is rejected by Islam.

It also said most cards on the game carried symbols of 'deviant' religions and organisations, such as 'international Zionism' and Israel, Christian crosses, Freemasonry, and symbols from Japan's native Shinto religion.

Saudi Arabia Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta, Daily Mail 20 Comments [7/25/2016 5:01:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 120739

It does answer the question. Your problem is you don't like the answer. so to answer you again, no evil (such as the satanic temple) should be allowed to invoke satan. In fact, they should be shut down and run out of town. Their temples burned to the ground, and the space consecrated to God. They should not be allowed to give an invocation any more so than the deceived demon worshippers in Israel who threw their babies into the red hot mouth of Molech whereupon they screamed in pain and were cooked to death as a sacrifice to satan. It may have been socially acceptable, but God says 'anyone who harms one of these little ones, it would be better for them if a millstone were hung around their neck and they were dropped into the sea than what is going to happen to them in the judgment."

David Collins, Christian News Network 17 Comments [7/25/2016 5:01:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 120737

(This is the "welcome" message in the Modern Cults and Religions section of the Rapture Ready website):

Ex Catholics, Please share your testimonies of how you realized True Salvation with Jesus is not in the Church Alone of Catholicism and explain how you were rescued out of Rome by the real Jesus Christ.

I was raised a Roman Catholic and jumped through all the hoops of ccd, confirmation, confession, communion, etc....

One day I heard a man outside of Catholicism teaching God's simple salvation message.

I prayed a simple salvation prayer and internal/eternal changes took place.

I continued to attend the Catholic church for several more years but this time as an observer watching vain repetition.

I came across Campus Crusade for Christ and began learning Christian basics and the milk of the Word.

I proclaimed my Catholicism to them and they looked at me differently (I wish someone had the guts to take me aside and explain the cultism I was trapped in)

It wasn't until years later I finally discovered literature comparing and contrasting Bible Christianity with the Cult of Rome.

So now I save 'wasted time' for others who need to know truth that they can leave Rome for fellowship with our true Lord Jesus Christ.

Please share your testimonies from the cult of Rome to Jesus' true home.

(This thread is for saved catholics only!)

Rapture Ready forum admins, Rapture Ready 27 Comments [7/25/2016 5:01:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120733

Who’s smarter, people or Pokemon??

Here’s another video by YouTuber Thecontroversy7. The clips he shows in the beginning had me laughing at the utter gullibility and brainlessness of people who are chasing Pokemon. But this is anything but funny. I just about cried at how we’re so close to being wiped out by the elites, and yet here’s grown adults acting like kindergartners over a stupid, idiotic GAME. He’s right about pedophiles being planted in places where little kids play this trash. NOBODY CARES, they are all sheep following one another to the slaughter. I wonder what GOD thinks of all this mess. I just want to cry and throw up. We DESERVE what we get as a nation.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 27 Comments [7/25/2016 3:35:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 120732

The Bill Of Rights and U.S. Constitution only outline our God-given rights. If we disobey God, then we forfeit our right to liberty and freedom. Liberty is a gift from God, the privilege to make our own decisions. Freedom is the reward for making the right decisions. Rights Are Granted By God, Earned On The Battlefield, And Kept By Fighting To Keep Them! We have been making all the wrong decisions (i.e., banning the Bible and prayer in schools, legalizing abortion, legalizing pornography, legalizing same-sex marriage, no fault divorce, et cetera) for so long, that we are LOSING our freedoms and liberties. Why should God bless America? We murder our children in the womb. Now in 2016 children and Christians are being forced to use transgendered restrooms. As of June 26, 2015 same-sex perversion is legal in all 50 states. (In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states!) God hasn't changed, our wicked nation has! America will become a Godless communist totalitarian police state over the next 25-years. I assure you of that!!!

President John Adams saw the handwriting on the wall centuries ago. We've been hearing a lot in the newsmedia in recent years about the inadequacy of the U.S. Constitution for these changing times. It is true, because no agreement, constitution or manuscript mankind could ever put together could govern a wicked, out of control, thankless, naked, amoral, adulterous, arrogant, people!!!

Americans have lost their fear of God. No doubt this is why all Hollywood movies take the Lord's name in vain, showing utter contempt and disregard for the God of Heaven, earth and the universe!!! American society is turning further away from God each day! The consequences have been devastating! Faith in God is synonymous with freedom, liberty and God's blessings. Television incrementally becomes worse and worse. Music keeps becoming more degenerate—using foul street language, vulgarity and contempt for all authority. Our entire nation is becoming one giant crime slum. Fear of being a victim of crime is epidemic across the United States. The CIA has admitted to drug-trafficking into the U.S., which has destroyed millions of lives. The U.S. prison system is a lucrative crooked business, kept packed to capacity by the drug industry. Prisons And Profits (things they don't want you to know). The Caging Of America. The Corrections Corporation of America is Evil. Truly, morality cannot be legislated.

The Luciferians behind the subversion of America are sandwiching Americans between top and bottom. They traffic the drugs into the country, and then pass laws maximizing prison sentences for citizens convicted of drug crimes. We've become so accustomed to wickedness and perversion in America that parents are no longer phased, angered or determined to do something about it. Here's a classic example of what I'm talking about—Taylor Swift committing abominable promiscuous acts on camera in her music videos, which is leading our teens into sexual perversion, lasciviousness and premarital sex. This leads to unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock, abortion, a life of fornication, fewer people getting married, cohabitation, sexually transmitted venereal diseases, et cetera. There i absolutely no way that Taylor Swift's shameful behavior can be excused or justified. The not so obvious truth behind such filthy music videos (which has been going on in the music industry for the past 50 years), is that Luciferians are promoting satanism through the music industry. Read the preceding article about Taylor Swift to learn the ugly truth.

David J. Stewart, Love the Truth 21 Comments [7/25/2016 3:35:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 120730

Yesterday, American Family Radio host Bryan Fischer criticized the Republican National Convention for allowing Sajid Tarar of American Muslims for Trump to deliver a closing prayer on the second day of the convention.

“The Republican Party last night allowed a demonic power to be invited into its building,” he said.

Fischer said Republicans at the event “collectively committed the sin of idolatry” by observing the prayer and committed a “dangerous” act by inviting “a demon-God into its party.”

“Multiculturalism, ladies and gentlemen, is simply a six syllable words for cultural suicide,” he continued, pleading with the party to “clean up this mess” by asking a Christian preacher to pray over the event.

Bryan Fischer, Right Wing Watch 28 Comments [7/25/2016 3:34:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Ibuki Mioda

Quote# 120728

Despite your stupidity :Banghead: in judging what you don't know the question is rather interesting.
Why the energy escape in some elements and not in others?
Easy reply son.
According to yoga the creation is continuous.
It never stop.
That means that the one who pop up first is at the top of the line and the one who pop up later is behind.
Like when you get in a taxi queue.
All elements that compose the universe are of different nature although they spring up from the same source.
Some elements are older than other that is why their latent stage is coming to an end while for other it
will come later.
Elements like uranium and other are older than many other that is why their time to awake has come.
Got it? :Lightbulb:

Little Rik, AtheistForums.org 14 Comments [7/25/2016 3:31:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Stimbo

Quote# 120727

Angry Harry, though universally admired as the father of MRA (men’s rights activism), would not be allowed to comment in most modern father’s rights MRA sites, like avoiceformen or r/mensrights. It reminds me of the joke where the bishop calls police to arrest Jesus who dared to show up in a church.

We expect it will be only a matter of time, until A Voice For Men disavows any links and relations to Angry Harry. We also would not be surprised if they support increasing the age of consent to 21 and then ban anyone who would support impunity for sex with 20 year old women.

Human-Stupidity certainly fully agrees with AngryHarry on these issues. We bemoan the fact that modern men’s rights has sold out many of men’s rights issues to feminists. Especially the child sex trauma myth has been totally accepted and assimilated by most MRA, has become the unassailable bedrock foundation of all feminist sex hysteria.

Human-Stupidy, Human-Stupidity.com 17 Comments [7/25/2016 3:31:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 120726

To justify our moral judgments, we invent victims even if there are none

1.first comes a moral judgment, like "promiscuity is bad", "creeps who possess child porn photos need to be punished", "having sex with adolescents is disgusting" (or "smoking marijuana is bad"). Some of these judgments stem from evolutionary mental modules hard-wired into our minds. Or course, our culture plays a role here too, especially in how we justify our moralistic feelings
2.After the fact, after we already decided that sex with nubile adolescent women is heinous, our mental "press secretary" has to come up with socially acceptable justifications for punishing people for apparently victimless crime. So our mind is made in ways that it finds justifications for our moral judgments. It comes up with logical reasons. It invents victims that need to be protected

Human-Stupidity, Human-Stupidity.com 15 Comments [7/25/2016 3:31:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 120725

Evo psych is confirmed every day in our lives. Particularly when it comes to sex differences in sexual mentality -- these differences are some of the most robust findings in all of science as well as obvious personal experience -- and nothing else can explain them. If these sex differences were culturally constructed, there would be exceptions, but there has not been a single society where sex were perceived as a male resource rather than a female one in all of history. Among all cultures everywhere, men want to be promiscuous and women want to be picky and no reasonable person acts as if women can be sex offenders. That entire charade is a feminist lie that no one actually behaves according to in their personal lives, but since feminists control the police and the courts, it is sometimes enforced. And this enforcement is always seen as bizarre and unfair, because once again, humans instinctively know that females can't commit real sex offenses, only victimless ones constructed by odious feminist ideology

Eivind Berge, Eivind Berge`s blog 18 Comments [7/25/2016 3:21:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 120724

Supposing we could exclude this risk. For example, we can say that collectively, the gospels are a "statement against interest", since multiple documents report that first century Christians were persecuted by Jews. It is quite certain that the authors believed what they said to be true. So that's the risk of lies excluded.
We also know that numerous documents corroborate the central claim that Jesus worked miracles and was raised from the dead. Letters by the church fathers, for example. Thus it is certain that what the four evangelists report cannot be described easily as "mistakes", since it is evident that many people believed they witnessed the events described.
So really the only credible argument left for the unbeliever is that Jesus himself was the most skillful magician ever, and tricked people into thinking he had healed people and himself been raised.
Yet if this was true, then he would also be deceitful in the extreme, and we would not expect to find the things we read about his character and morality, and that of his followers.
So believing the gospels does not seem unreasonable.

Spud, Religion and Ethics 12 Comments [7/25/2016 3:21:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 120723

Bill Nye and Bananas

Recently, I walked with Bill Nye “the Science Guy” through the three decks of our life-size Ark in Northern Kentucky. It turned out to be our second debate; the first one was 2014 in the Creation Museum. This latest debate lasted about two hours. (For the background, see “Bill Nye Visits the Ark Encounter.”)

After his Ark tour, Bill made many public statements about his visit. He reportedly said that the Ark was “much more troubling or disturbing than I thought it would be.” NBC News reported, “Nye said the exhibit encourages visitors to trust faith over science and thereby undercuts their ability to engage in critical thinking.”

But here’s what is really disturbing and troubling. Nye wants to convince all children to believe that they are just animals who arose by natural processes—and that there’s no God! The implications of this belief on the question of the meaning and purpose of life are beyond serious!

Nye also claims that the exhibits inside the Ark encourage visitors to “trust faith over science.” Actually, our exhibits show quite conclusively that observational science in the fields of geology, genetics, and anthropology confirm biblical history concerning man, animals, and the Flood of Noah’s day. In reality, it’s Bill Nye who has the blind faith to believe that somehow life arose by natural processes. And his evidence? That DNA, including its information and language system, arising by natural processes, came about to the fact that “we’re here.”

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis 23 Comments [7/25/2016 3:21:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 120719

I would even suggest that cracka rice chasers should be taxed when marrying in the sellout’s home country. A marriage tax and a departure tax. Hell if the cunt wants to leave the country, their rice chaser saviour’s should pay for it.

Elagabalus, Longing for death 16 Comments [7/24/2016 6:07:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 120712

Have you ever felt the urge to put a spoonful of mash potatoes in your ear instead of your mouth? If we were eating at a restaurant and I proceeded to do this I would hope you would stop and educate me that the ear was not made for this purpose.

Every one of us has a choice in every part of life. I used to be an alcoholic, adulterer, womanizer, among other wonderful practices and desires I was born with but I learned that they were leading me to an early death. It was killing me slowly and softly. I learned that I do not have to practice what I desire.

We had one of our junior high grand kids ask my wife, "why do so many kids at school think it is cool to be gay or bi?" Trust me, even if there are legitimate desires for same sex in a minority, because of the constant glorifying of this practice there will be many that will be curious and follow the crowd that would have not normally done so.

D Sims, Christian News Network 24 Comments [7/24/2016 4:41:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120711

(responding to story "California Board of Education votes to include homosexuality in lessons second grade and up"):

What will the California Board of Education do to the rebellious children that already think critically about these matters? How will they prevent their protected pagans from persecuting pupils? Will they allow them freedom of speech and freedom of conscience, or are these new sanctimonious sermons superior to the wellbeing of actual flesh and blood children? I believe that the answer to all of this is that they do not care a single bit about the damage that their policy will do to children. Horrible nasty children especially, which wickedly persist in holding contrary views to that which they are taught.

Martin Smit, Christian News Network 18 Comments [7/24/2016 4:38:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120710

God has many aspects, so it's very hard to put Him into the little box of a "definition." But here are some of His key traits:

- He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He was never born and He can never die. He is eternal.

- He is Male and He has a Holy Righteous Penis. darwinists/atheists generally find this fact to be the most hilarious thing ever. Apparently they think that their own worshiping of a she-god and/or eunuch god - which is what they expect the real God to be rather than the Male that He is - is somehow less hilarious! I have no idea how darwinists/atheists came to believe in the whacky bizarre-o idea that God is a she-god and/or eunuch god. The most likely explanation is feminism must have rotted their brains.

- He created man in His image, meaning He must somewhat look like the most perfect and glorified man who ever existed...except that is not quite an accurate way to describe Him because He also looks infinitely superior to any man who ever existed...but there is no better way to describe Him than I've done in this paragraph, since words are insufficient to do that job.

- He Created the Universe and everything in it, along with Heaven and Hell. One caveat: the Universe is and has been in a fallen state since the fall of Man, so what we have now is in no way representative of the perfection that God initially created.

. . .

- God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth, to mitigate Adam & Eve's destruction of mankind, by letting Jesus die in the stead of mankind, so that those who accept Jesus' shed blood as proxy payment for their sin debts may be cleansed and allowed to enter Heaven instead of spending eternity in Hell. This was accomplished by Jesus' miraculous Virgin Birth, which allowed Jesus to be the only post-Eve human - ever - who was not born in sin.

. . .

If you want to know more about God, OP, then you should read the Bible and join a Bible-believing church...but you have to be very careful, because most churches that exists nowadays are apostate churches that deny rather than believe in the Bible (even though apostate churches often lyingly claim to believe in the Bible).

Navaros, IMDb 30 Comments [7/24/2016 4:33:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 20

Quote# 120708

A New Hampshire state representative who advises Donald Trump on veterans’ issues called Tuesday for Hillary Clinton to be “put in the firing line and shot for treason” for her handling of the Benghazi terror attack.

Appearing on WRKO radio from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, state Representative Al Baldasaro, a Londonderry Republican, called the presumptive Democratic nominee “a piece of garbage.”

Baldasaro likened Clinton to Jane Fonda, the actress who famously visited Hanoi as part of her opposition to the Vietnam War.

“She is a disgrace . . . for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi,” Baldasaro said of Clinton. “She dropped the ball on over 400 e-mails requesting backup security. Something’s wrong there.”

“This whole thing disgusts me,” Baldasaro said. “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

The retired Marine first sergeant, who has scolded the political media for what he called unfair coverage of Trump, has been an outspoken supporter of the GOP nominee since before his home state’s first-in-the-nation primary in February.

Asked Wednesday in a telephone interview if he stood by his comments, Baldasaro replied, “Without a doubt.”

“When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, Special Forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s information for the enemy. In the military, shot, firing squad. So I stand by what I said.”

In the Constitution, treason is defined as “levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Baldasaro added, “Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing. I spoke my mind about how I feel. She’s not above the law. Any other State Department employee or veteran did the same thing, they’d be in jail.”

Al Baldasaro, The Boston Globe 14 Comments [7/24/2016 4:10:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 120707

HAM: Now you said something in my office this morning — you nearly got thrown out — when you used the word “evolve”… What did you tell me about Pokémon and evolve?

STAFFER: Pokémon evolve.

HAM: What is that?

STAFFER: Apparently, you give them candy and they become stronger.

HAM: So they evolve.


HAM: … That’s no good for the Creation Museum.

STAFFER (laughing): It doesn’t take millions of years, though.

HAM: It happens immediately?

STAFFER: Pretty much!

HAM: So is that evidence against evolution or…? So Pokémon evolves…


STAFFER: You want to try to evolve one?

HAM: I don’t believe in evolution… Okay, so what do you do?

STAFFER: Press “evolve.”

HAM: Press “evolve.”

STAFFER: Press “Yes.”

HAM: Yeah… now what?

STAFFER: The bird is evolving.

HAM: Let’s see what happens. Okay…

STAFFER: It has evolved into a bigger, better bird, apparently.

HAM: But it’s still a bird! It’s still a bird! That’s not evolution! It should have evolved into something else!… It definitely shows that birds remain birds.

Ken Ham, Patheos 28 Comments [7/24/2016 3:00:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: KZN02

Quote# 120706

I'm not an expert on the minutiae of how exactly Noah built his ark...but I'm not sure what you keep harping on about. You seem to be implying that Noah didn't use steel or support plates or bolts. How do you know those things?

Navaros, IMDb 23 Comments [7/24/2016 3:00:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 120705

Now the church and the state are separate entities and they have separate functions, and separate jurisdictions. For example, Hillary Clinton has no authority to administer the Sacraments; and a pastor has no authority to raise a federal army and declare war. But since God institutes both of these entities, neither is separate from Him.
So, you see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a State official acknowledging the authority and the Word of God in the civil affairs of men.

Actually, quite the opposite is true. No State action or law is valid unless it conforms to God’s law and His Will. This is precisely why the primary document of America’s political view begins with the acknowledgment of God’s authority as expressed in the phrase, “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.

God is the authority over both the jurisdiction of the Church and the jurisdiction of the State. They are therefore, separate from each other, in terms of their function, but they are NOT separate from Him, for He is their Source of Authority.
Therefore, prayer, Bible reading, and biblical influence in civil government are entirely American and perfectly legal. As a matter of fact, our Founders encouraged it!

Jake Macaulay, Barbwire 12 Comments [7/24/2016 3:00:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: genius13

Quote# 120703

Mussolini's fascist regime was praised by progressives (you know, the left). Hitler's regime was the National *Socialist* party, and in fact was quite socialist.

Fascism is a left wing idea - it is all about the government making the economy work well through micromanagement. Of course, to do that, it needs strong leaders, and the result was Mussolini. Hitler was an admirer of Mussolini and copied his ideas.

mesoness, The Washington Post 18 Comments [7/24/2016 2:58:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 120702

She may support first-trimester abortion but"

OK, now substitute any other human rights atrocity in that sentence and see how it sounds, DJ.

Try "slavery" or "Jew gassing," and see if the rest of your sentence seems reasonable.

WorldGoneCrazy, Live Action News 10 Comments [7/24/2016 2:58:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120695

A recent TV episode of Untold Stories Of The ER (Emergency room) told the true account of a big, burly, tough, man who came into the emergency room with a 4" vibrator unit stuck up his rectum. The batteries were still going. The man was so embarrassed that he refused to sign anything or provide insurance information to the hospital. So he paid around $12,000 cash for medical help. What is the world becoming? There is something perverted and wrong about sex toys. God didn't intend for married couples to get into that kind of junk in my opinion. One perversion usually leads to another.

Another man in the news, a homosexual, had a so-called gay-lover shove a plastic male organ up his rectum (I'm trying to be discreet here). The man's intestines ruptured and he needed surgery to repair the damage. Unfortunately for the man, the fecal contaminating in his body required extensive care and prolonged medical treatment, delaying his surgery for a month. It's no coincidence that along with the fraudulent and perverted sex education program in public schools, that adults today are sex-perverts. Just like the fraudulent War On Drugs, intended as a means of increasing drug trafficking and protecting the evil racket; so also was sex-education started as a means of perverting children's lives, removing all innocence from youth and even handing them free condemns in full expectation of them committing fornication. Philadelphia Schools Install 22 Condom Dispensers To Combat Epidemic of Teens With STD's. Instead of teaching proper courtship, they teach immoral dating (whoring around).

Do you think it is mere coincidence that all these immoral agendas are being pushed on our children? Not on your life. It was Communist monster Vladimir Lenin who said that the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. And so it is today in America. Youth who are devoid of morals don't oppose criminals in government, they support them. Joseph Stalin was a murderous killer, a monster, who from 1920-1950 murdered an estimated 60,000,000 innocent people. And yet the Russian people loved Stalin up until the very end of his life. All the lying propaganda worked. It's the same in America today. In a frightening repeat of history, present Barack Obama shares striking similarities with Joseph Stalin, primarily that of LYING CONTINUALLY TO THE PEOPLE.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 20 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 120694

And what if I disagree with you on evolution and the age of the earth? Would that make me a fundamentalist?

Yes, because you are ignoring science.

And there we have it...
Fundamentalist = Anyone that DARES to have an opinion that [XXXX] disagrees with.
You are dismissed, Fundie!

That is established fact, not something to have an opinion about. Do you have an opinion about gravity, too? You lose.

The age of the earth is NOT established fact and it changes as we learn more. Neither of us knows how old the earth is. You continue to prove what an intolerant fundie you truly are.

StanW, Live Action News 11 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jocasta
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